Miguel Ballesteros
Departamento de Ingenier
ıa del Software e Inteligencia Artificial, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
C/ Profesor Jos
e Garc
ıa Santesmases, s/n, E-28040 Madrid, Spain
Susana Bautista, Pablo Gerv
Instituto de Ingenier
ıa del Conocimiento, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
C/ Profesor Jos
e Garc
ıa Santesmases, s/n, E-28040 Madrid, Spain
Text simplification, Dependency parsing, Spanish.
In this paper we investigate the task of text simplification for Spanish. Our purpose is a system to simplified
text based on rules using dependency parsing. Our main motivation is the need for text simplification to
facilitate accessibility to information by poor readers and by people with cognitive disabilities. This study
consists of the first step towards building Spanish text simplification systems helping to create easy-to-read
Text simplification aims at providing human readers
with a better understanding of a written text through
its simplification. Our goal is to build a system to
promote access to Spanish texts for people at the rudi-
mentary and basic literacy levels, as well as for those
with cognitive disabilities.
In Spain a vast number of people belong to the so
called rudimentary and basic literacy levels. These
people are only able to find explicit infomation in
short texts or process slightly longer texts and make
simple inferences. According to some studies
measure the literacy level of the population, 30% of
the population have difficulty understanding texts be-
yond a certain complexity.
Reading comprehension entails three elements:
the reader who is meant to comprehend; the text that
is to be comprehended and the activity in which com-
prehension is a part of (Snow et al., 2002). In addition
to the content presented in the text, the vocabulary
load of the text and its linguistic structure, discourse
style, and genre interact with the reader’s knowledge.
When these factors do not match the reader’s knowl-
edge and experience, the text becomes too complex
for comprehension to occur. In this paper we will fo-
cus on the syntactic structure of a text to maximize the
comprehension of written texts through the simplifi-
cation of their linguistic structure. This may involve
simplifying lexical and syntactic phenomena, by sub-
stituting words that are more usual, and by breaking
down and changing the syntactic structure of the sen-
tence. As a result, it is expected that the text can
be more easily understood (Siddharthan, 2003)(Max,
2006). Text simplification may also involve dropping
parts or full sentences and adding some extra material
to explain a difficult point (Petersen and Ostendorf,
It has already been shown that long sentences,
conjoined sentences, embedded clauses, passives,
non-canonical word order, and use of low-frecuency
words, among other things, increase text com-
plexity for language-impaired readers (Siddharthan,
2002),(Klebanov et al., 2004),(Devlin and Unthank,
2006),(Bautista et al., 2009),(Caseli et al., 2009).
There are different initiatives that make available
guidelines to make text easier to comprehend: the
Plain Language
or “European Guidelines for the
Production of Easy-to-Read Information”
or “Web
Ballesteros M., Bautista S. and Gervás P..
DOI: 10.5220/0003115803300335
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2010), pages 330-335
ISBN: 978-989-8425-28-7
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Content Accessibility Guidelines”
. In principle,
these recommendations can be applied to any lan-
In this paper we present the results of the early
steps in the study of syntactic simplification for Span-
ish and a rule-based syntactic simplification system
for this language. We follow a subset of the whole set
of guidelines to define our rules: use short sentences
mostly, include one main idea per sentence and do not
try to express more of an idea or theme in each sen-
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2
we describe related approaches for text simplification.
Section 3 presents our proposal and the evaluation
measures. In Section 4 we show our results. Section
5 presents the conclusions and some future work.
In this section we present related approaches for text
simplification, state of the art about multilingual de-
pendency parsing, and the corpus that we used for our
2.1 Text Simplification
Existing text simplification systems can be compared
along three axes: the type of system- rule-based or
corpus-based-, the type of knowledge used to identify
the need for simplification, and the goals of the sys-
A few rule-based systems have been developed for
text simplification (Chandrasekar et al., 1996),(Sid-
dharthan, 2003),(Bautista et al., 2009), focusing on
different readers (poor literate, aphasic, etc). These
systems contain a set of manually created simplifica-
tion rules that are applied to each sentence. These are
usually based on parser structures and limited to cer-
tain simplification operations. Siddharthan proposes
a syntactic simplification architecture that relies on
shallow text analysis and favors time performance.
The general goal of the architecture is to make texts
more accessible to a broader audience. Max (Max,
2006) applies text simplification in the writing pro-
cess by embedding an interactive text simplification
system into a word processor. At the user’s request, an
automatic parser analyzes an individual sentence and
the system applies handcrafted rewriting rules. This
system requires human intervention at every step.
Guidelines for ETR publications (2).pdf
Corpus-based systems, on the other hand, can
learn from corpus the relevant simplification opera-
tions and also the necessary degree of the simplifica-
tion for a given task (Petersen and Ostendorf, 2007).
Petersen addresses the task of text simplification in
the context of second-language learning. A data-
driven approach to simplification is proposed using a
corpus of paired articles in which each original sen-
tence does not necessarily have a corresponding sim-
plified sentence, making it possible to learn where
writers have dropped or simplified sentences. A clas-
sifier is used to select the sentences to simplify, and
Siddharthan’s syntactic simplification system is used
to split the selected sentences. Inui et al. (Inui et al.,
2003) proposes a rule-based system for text simplifi-
cation aimed at deaf people.
Some language technology systems attempt to
simplify documents for various purposes. A variety of
simplification techniques have been used, for exam-
ple substituting common words for uncommon words
(Devlin and Tait, 1998), activising passive sentences
and resolving references (Canning, 2000), reducing
multiple-clause sentences to single-clause sentences
(Chandrasekar and Srinivas, 1997; Canning, 2000;
Siddharthan, 2002) and making appropriate choices
at the discourse level (Williams et al., 2003).
There also commercial systems like Simplus
, which aim to support Plain English
2.2 Dependency Parsing
A dependency is a binary syntactic asymmetrical re-
lation between the words of a sentence that is relevant
to the structure of the sentence (K
ubler et al., 2009).
Based on this main idea, we can define what would be
the dependency parsing. The words in a sentence de-
pend on each other, so that the direct object of a verb
depends directly on the verb and an adjective depends
on a name. Finally, the purpose of dependency analy-
sis is to build a tree where leaves represent each of the
words comprising the phrase and the edges represent
the dependencies between them, this tree is called the
dependency tree.
There is a lot of work done in dependency parsers,
and some shared tasks had as main theme Multilin-
gual dependency parsing like the CoNLL-X Shared
Task(Buchholz and Marsi, 2006). Each year the Con-
ference of Computational Natural Language Learn-
ing(CoNLL) features a shared task, the 10th CoNLL
Shared task was Multilingual dependency parsing.
Figure 1: A tagged sentence from AnCora.
There were a lot of research groups, each group im-
plemented a parser and there were a lot of languages
to parse. The Corpus that they used for Spanish pars-
ing is AnCora (Palomar et al., 2004), (Taul
e et al.,
2008) and we used it too for our experiment. The aim
of this task was to extend the state of the art avail-
able at that time in dependency parsing. In 2007,
another shared task about multilingual dependency
parsing was accomplished: The CoNLL-XI Shared
Task(Mcdonald et al., 2007), but in this case Spanish
was not present as a language for parsing.
2.3 AnCora Corpus
We used the AnCora (Palomar et al., 2004), (Taul
et al., 2008) treebank, a corpus of 95,028 word-
forms and 3,512 sentences that contains open-domain
texts annotated with their dependency analyses. The
ConLL X Shared Task (Buchholz and Marsi, 2006)
used AnCora as treebank for the Spanish parsing and
better scores were around 80% LAS(Labelled Attach-
ment Score). AnCora was tagged automatically with
morphosyntactic information (PoS tags) and manu-
ally checked. It has been used as a training corpus
for learning based systems.
AnCora is in CoNLL Data Format
, as shown in
the Figure 1. A sentence given in that format has all
the information about the dependency tree and some
other lexical information. AnCora has a dependency
tag set of 20 different tags, but the frequency of most
of the labels is very low. We saw that the ’CD’(Direct
Object) tag, the ’CI’(Indirect Object) tag, and the
’CC’(Adjunct) tag appear in all the sentences with
more than 15 wordforms.
http://nextens.uvt.nl/ conll/
We propose a rule-based syntactic simplification sys-
tem. It uses a dependency parsed tree and it is lim-
ited to a simplification operation applied to the de-
pendency trees, prunning the tree focusing on the de-
pendency labels. The operation is applied sentence by
sentence of the corpus, producing simplified versions
of the sentences.
3.1 Dependency Tree Pruning
We were wondering which tag is the most appropriate
to be removed, and we focused on the small subset of
3 tags (“CC”, “CD”, and “CI”) that appears in most
of the sentences. The only tag that could be deleted
without losing the main information of the sentence
is the “CC” tag. It expresses complementary infor-
mation about an action, like when, where, how, and
why. But “CC” tag never reports about who or what.
Removing “CC” tag, we are not always loosing the in-
formation about i.e. when or where because this kind
of information not always depends on a verb.
In the following section we present our algorithm
that removes the “CC” tag from sentences tagged as a
dependency tree and produces a simplified version of
the sentence. The simplified version would be gram-
matically correct and easier to read and understand.
3.2 Pruning Algorithm
We implemented an algorithm that takes the depen-
dency tree in the CONLL Data Format and returns a
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
plain text with the simplified sentence. If the depen-
dency tree is well-formed, with 100.0% label and de-
pendency tag accuracy, or at least it is correctly tagged
for the tags that our algorithm takes into account, the
resulting sentence will be grammatically correct.
The algorithm runs through the dependency tree
and it makes the following steps.
1. The algorithm removes all the nodes that have as
dependency tag the “CC” tag.
2. The algorithm removes all the nodes that have as
parent the node removed in 1. The algorithm iter-
ates in 2 while there are more nodes that have had
a parent removed.
3. It generates a plain text sentence by removing all
the semantic and syntactic information of the de-
pendency tree.
Figure 2: A tagged sentence from AnCora.
Figure 2 shows a very easy example of a sen-
tence: Toc
o el familiar bulto con cuidado, (in English,
He/She touched the familiar shape carefully). The re-
sulting sentence must be: Toc
o el familiar bulto, (in
English, He/She touched the familiar shape). Our al-
gorithm removes the information about how he/she
touched it.
In section 4 we present the evaluation design of
our system with two measures of evaluation.
3.3 Evaluation Design
In this section we present, two measures of evalua-
tion, the first one is not a group objective evaluation,
it consists in a group of people, they all have univer-
sity studies. The second evaluation measure consists
in a group of children between ten to eleven years old.
3.3.1 Questionnaire for Adults
As a evaluation measure, we surveyed a group of
people (20 persons), about how good is the text
simplification made by our algorithm. They all have
university studies and they all have as their mother
tongue Spanish. None know how the simplification
algorithm works. We selected 20 sentences from the
Ancora corpus. We showed them the whole sentence
and the simplified sentence, then we asked them the
following questions, they had to answer “yes” or
Q1: Is the main idea of the sentence retained?
Q2: Was all the removed information unneces-
Q3: Have only details without importance been
Q4: Do you understand better the simplified sen-
tence than the normal sentence?
The results of the survey, are presented in Section 4.1.
3.3.2 Questionnaire for Children
As a second evaluation measure, we decided to do a
group objective evaluation, carried out with a group of
children between ten to eleven years old. There were
24 children, and they had a questionnaire for each pair
of children. We selected 20 sentences from the An-
Cora corpus, we showed them the simplified version
and the original version, they had to answer ’yes’ or
’no’ to the following question for each sentence: Do
you understand better the simplified sentence than the
normal sentence?
The results of the survey, are presented in Section
In this section we present the global results of our ex-
periment, Showing the results of the two measures of
evaluation, and some global statistical results on cor-
4.1 Results Adult Questionnaire
Table 1 shows the results of the evaluation made by
the group of people. In the table we show the answers
’yes’ or ’no’ for each question.
The first question, Q1: Is the main idea of the sen-
tence kept?, is the most important one. The survey
give us 67.58% of people that say “yes” for any sen-
tence in question Q1. But it is important to notice that
in 50% of the sentences people answer “yes” in 86%
or more. We can conclude that most of the people
thought that in most of the sentences the main idea,
and the meaning, of the sentence is preserved.
Table 1: Results obtained by the survey.
Question YES NO
Q1 67.58% 32.42%
Q2 27.66% 72.34%
Q3 46.72% 53.28%
Q4 60.76% 39.24%
If we focus on question Q2: Was all the removed
information unnecessary?, people thought that not all
information was dispensable. It is probably because
our algorithm made very aggressive simplifications in
many cases. Looking at questions Q1 and Q2, we can
see that most people feel that we are loosing some
information but they think that the overall meaning is
Seeing the third question Q3: Have been only
deleted details without importance?, it is important to
notice the differences between Q2 and Q3. The neg-
ative answer to this question indicates lower quality
of the compressed sentence, but Q2 is more general
about the idea that we loose some data but maybe it is
not highly important. If we look at the results we can
conclude that in some of the phrases where we loose
some data, we are not loosing the most important in-
If we focus on the last question Q4: Do you un-
derstand better the simplified sentence than the nor-
mal sentence?. This question asks about how well the
people understand the simplified version compared to
the normal sentence. Most of the people think that the
simplified sentences are easier to read. It is important
to notice that some of the sentences are not really dif-
ficult to read in the original version and because of
that, some people answer “no” to this question.
Finally, as a conclusion of the experiment, we see
that most of the people think that the main idea of the
sentences is preserved, which is one of our goals, and
they also think that the simplified version is easier to
read and understand than the original version which
is our second goal.
4.2 Results Children Questionnaire
The results of the survey on children are presented on
Table 2. We had 240 answers, 20 answers for each
sentence by each pair of children. The children an-
swered “yes” in 125 of the 240 cases. Therefore, we
have 52.08% of children who believed that the sim-
plified sentence was easier to read than the original
We can see the differences between the 4th ques-
tion Q4 in the first evaluation measure, and the results
Table 2: Results obtained by the survey.
Children YES NO
24 52.08% 47.92%
given by the survey in this evaluation measure. In
question Q4 people are not in the group objective, so
they can not say that they understand better the sen-
tences because they understand at the same level. In
this second evaluation measure the children may have
some problems to understand the sentences fluently,
so our system can help them to understand the infor-
mation better. In fact children may have difficulty in
understanding even the simplified sentence because
they are not able to read some difficult concepts that
are presented in the original version and the simplified
We can conclude that our system helps the group
of children to understand the sentences better, which
is our main goal.
4.3 Overall Statistics in Corpus
In this subsection we show the results obtained af-
ter simplifying the whole corpus, using our algorithm
sentence by sentence. The AnCora corpus has 3,512
sentences, and the algorithm makes simplification in
2,737 sentences, that is 77.93% of the total. The al-
gorithm did not simplify the whole corpus, because
sentences that do not have a “CC” tag are not simpli-
fied. The results of the experiment are given in Table
3 which shows the number of wordforms, the average
sentence length and the longest sentence length of the
original corpus and the simplified corpus.
Table 3: Results on Sentence Length (SL).
Original Simplified
Total Wordforms 95,028 58,415
Average SL 27.06 wf 16.63 wf
Longest SL 143 wf 94 wf
The potentialities of text simplification systems for
education, for example, are evident. For students, it
is a first step for more effective learning. For people
with poor literacy, we see text simplification as a first
step towards social inclusion, facilitating and devel-
oping reading and writing skills to interact in society.
The social impact of text simplification is undeniable.
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Our system is a first approximation to an auto-
matic system that runs through dependency trees and
returns a simplified version of the sentence parsed.
We can conclude that it is possible to simplify cor-
rectly texts using dependency parsing, in the particu-
lar case of Spanish. The simplified sentence is gram-
matically correct. But on the other hand, choosing any
label, using dependency parsing the algorithms make
aggressive simplifications.
We made a simple version of the algorithm and we
only focused on the dependency tree. We are work-
ing to increase the number of simplification opera-
tions and some future work might be oriented towards
defining lexical simplification operations like to swap
the “difficult” words with a simple synonym using a
version of WordNet (Fellbaum, 1998) for Spanish like
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