Geoffray Bonnin, Armelle Brun and Anne Boyer
LORIA – KIWI Team, B.P. 239, 54506 Vandœuvre-L`es-Nancy Cedex, France
Parallel browsing, Web recommendation, Predictive modeling.
Present-day web browsers possess several features that facilitate browsing tasks. Among these features, one of
the most useful is the possibility of using tabs. Nowadays, it is very common for web users to use several tabs
and to switch from one to another while navigating. Taking into account parallel browsing is thus becoming
very important in the frame of web usage mining. Although many studies about web users’ navigational
behavior have been conducted, few of these studies deal with parallel browsing. This paper is dedicated
to such a study. Taking into account parallel browsing involves to have some information about when tab
switches are performed in user sessions. However, navigation logs usually do not contain such informations
and parallel sessions appear in a mixed fashion. Therefore, we propose to get this information in an implicit
way. We thus propose the TABAKO model, which is able to detect tab switches in raw navigation logs and to
benefit from such a knowledge in order to improve the quality of web recommendations.
Predicting web users’ future paths is one of the most
important tasks in Web Usage Mining (WUM). WUM
can be defined as “the process of applying data min-
ing techniques to the discovery of usage patterns from
web data (Srivastava et al., 2000). Web predictive
modeling is useful for many purposes such as web
page research (Tan and Kumar, 2002), latency re-
duction (Schechter et al., 1998), arrangement of the
links in a website (Chi et al., 1998), web recommen-
dation (Nakagawa and Mobasher, 2003), etc. The
most popular techniques used in this domain are as-
sociation rules (Agrawal et al., 1993), sequential pat-
terns (Agrawal and Srikant, 1995) and Markov mod-
els (Pitkow and Pirolli, 1999). These techniques mod-
elize users’ sessions by exploiting a training corpus,
processed from navigation logs. These logs usually
consist in sequences of resources along with times-
tamps and users’ IP addresses, or ids. The usual
challenge is to provide a model that is a tradeoff be-
tween predictive accuracy, coverage, space and time
complexity (Pitkow and Pirolli, 1999; Deshpande and
Karypis, 2004).
Although widely studied, this domain is con-
stantly evolving, and is perpetually challenging. In-
deed, the technology used to surf on the web be-
comes more ergonomic and sophisticated everyday,
which involves changes in the usual users’ behaviors.
In particular, present-day browsers provide interfaces
called tabs that allow several pages to be contained
in the same window and to switch from one to an-
other, which is commonly referred to as tabbing. Al-
though this phenomenon is very common in current
web users’ behavior, very few approaches have dealt
with it. In several works, it is assumed that user ses-
sions include several tasks that can be characterized
(Jin et al., 2005; G¨und¨uz and
Ozsu, 2003). In one
session, a user can perform several tasks by tabbing,
which is referred to as parallel browsing. Tabbing ac-
tions are not stored in the navigation logs, only the
time-ordered actions are stored, and when parallel
browsing is performed the resulting session consists
in a mixed sequence of resources (mixed tasks). On
the client side, tabbing can be categorized into two
categories: inter-site and intra-site tabbing. On the
server side, only intra-site tabbing can occur. Regard-
ing inter-site tabbing, it is easy to detect which pages
correspond to which task, as one can simply consider
the url associated with the resources. In the case of
intra-site navigation, it is more difficult to detect tab-
bing. For instance, the typical way to perform such an
activity is to click on a link using the middle button of
the mouse, or to hold down the CTRL key while click-
ing on a link. As neither this action nor tab switch-
ing are indicated in the navigation logs, determining
Bonnin G., Brun A. and Boyer A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003115905040509
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR-2010), pages 504-509
ISBN: 978-989-8425-28-7
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
which resource within a session corresponds to which
task is a difficult problem. State-of-the-art predictive
models do not take into account tabbing, they usu-
ally simply assume that one session is made up of one
single task. We assume that the prediction ability of
these models should be increased if the tasks were ex-
tracted from the sessions and considered for predic-
tion. In this paper we aim at discriminating between
the different tasks mixed within a session. We pro-
pose to tackle this issue by using sequence alignment
algorithms. We first propose an algorithm to extract
tasks from sessions. We then propose a model that ex-
ploits the extracted tasks in order to perform resource
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. We
are first interested in works related to parallel brows-
ing and task-level modeling. We then present our
proposition to extract linear sessions from raw logs
in which sessions are mixed. Then, we introduce the
model we propose to perform recommendation. Con-
clusion and perspectives are put forward in the last
Web predictive modeling has been widely studied in
the past decade. In this section, we first present a brief
overview of the most usual models. We then turn to
the works related to parallel browsing and multi-task
2.1 Web Predictive Modeling Overview
Association Rules and Sequential Patterns. One
way of exploiting past actions to predict future ones,
is the use of association rules. Association rules
have been initially used for mining supermarket bas-
ket (Agrawal et al., 1993) to extract information about
purchased items dependencies. An association rule is
an expression of the form X Y, where X and Y are
sets of items. X is called the antecedent and Y the
consequent. An association rule means that, in one
transaction, when users have purchased all resources
in X then there is a high probability that they will pur-
chase Y. Using association rules in the frame of web
usage modeling thus enables to take into account non-
ordered sets of resources in the history. Sequential
patterns (Agrawal and Srikant, 1995; Lu et al., 2005)
are the sequential form of association rules, and are
thus more constrained than association rules.
In both approaches, statistical models are built us-
ing a training corpus by counting the sets of resources
or sequences of resources. Then, during the predic-
tion step, all possible antecedents in current user’s
navigation history are compared to the antecedents in
the model. If some antecedents match, then the corre-
sponding consequents are recommended.
Sequential patterns can be contiguous (Jianyong
et al., 2007) or non contiguous (Ayres et al., 2002).
Looking for non contiguous sequences of unlimited
sizes induces a huge amount of combinations. So the
step of pattern discovery has to limit the size of the
patterns to discover. A sliding window with a fixed
size is usually used during the pattern discovery step
as well as during the recommendation step. However,
the time complexity induced is still high. As they in-
duce less combinations, the time complexity of con-
tiguous sequential patterns is lower.
Markov Models. In the frame of web naviga-
tion Markov chains are used to predict the next re-
source according to the present state (the k previously
browsed resources), which is referred to as Markov
models of order k or k
-order Markov models.
Markov models are built in the same way associa-
tion rules and sequential patterns are, i.e. by browsing
a training corpusand counting sequences of size k+1.
The prediction step is similar to the one of sequen-
tial patterns too: the previous actions are compared
to the states in the model, and if some state matches,
then the most probable corresponding resource is pre-
The performance of Markov models can be eval-
uated in terms of coverage, accuracy and state per-
plexity. Coverage is the percentage of cases where a
state of the model matches the current history. When
a large enough training data is available, higher or-
der Markov models provide a higher accuracy; how-
ever moving to higher ordersusually involves a higher
state complexity and a lower coverage, as no large
enough training data can be found in order to set val-
ues to each possible states. Thus, the use of Markov
models involves a tradeoff between accuracy, state
complexity and coverage (Pitkow and Pirolli, 1999).
One way to provide both high accuracy and high cov-
erage is to use several Markov models having various
orders. For example, one can try to provide a rec-
ommendation using a Markov model of order 3 (high
accuracy), and if no matching can be performed, try a
Markov model of order 2 (lower accuracy but higher
coverage), and so on, until a recommendation can be
provided. In the worst case, a Markov model of order
0 is used, which corresponds to the overall probability
of one single resource, without considering previous
resources. Using such a scheme, a full coverage can
be reached, while providing a good accuracy in the
recommendations. This scheme is called the all-k
order Markov model, and is one of the best perform-
ing predictive models of the state-of-the-art (Desh-
pande and Karypis, 2004). Notice that under the same
pruning conditions, it is similar to sequential patterns
in which patterns are contiguous.
One of the major drawback of the all-k
Markov model is its low robustness to navigation mis-
takes and parallel browsing. Indeed, it takes into
account only strictly contiguous sequences, and if a
given user makes parallel navigations or goes to an
unwanted resource, the model will not be able to cap-
ture the real path and will reduce the size of the his-
tory considered. Moreover, when the model does not
match the complete history, the farthest resources are
discarded, and the closest resources are always con-
sidered while some of them may be navigation mis-
takes and should be discarded.
2.2 Parallel Browsing and Multi-task
To the best of our knowledge, parallel browsing has
not yet been directly studied in the frame of web pre-
dictive modeling. However some works have dealt
with related interests.
In (Weinreich et al., 2006), a 195 days study of
user browsing behavior is presented. The authors
compare their study to two other user browsing be-
havior studies, that date back to 1995 and 1997 (no
other similar study has been performed during the
nine previous years). The results show important
changes in users’ behavior within these nine years,
such as a decreased use of the back button from 30%
in the mid-nineties to less than 15% currently. The use
of multiple browsing windows
has increased from
less than 1% to more than 10%. Related to our pur-
pose, in this study the action of opening a new win-
dow is only registered when it is done from the menu
item. Moreover, this study also mentions that tabs
are used by participants, but no figure about their
frequency is provided. In (Viermetz et al., 2006), a
clicktree model is proposed, in which all the possible
tabbed paths of user logs are stored into a tree. Using
this model, they found that tabbing is performed by
users from 4% to 85% of the time, which is a quite
large range. Moreover, handling such clicktrees in-
volves huge time and space complexities and is not
appropriate for common web usage mining applica-
tions such as web recommendation.
(Jin et al., 2005) propose a web recommenda-
tion system able to discover task-level patterns. The
From the point of view of parallel browsing, opening a
new window can be considered as being similar to opening
a new tab.
authors use probabilistic latent semantic analysis to
characterize users’ navigational tasks. They then use
a bayesian updating to compute the probability of
each task being performed according to a given active
session. Then recommendations are computed using
a maximum entropy model in which one of the fea-
tures uses a first-order Markov model. So, the result-
ing model can detect task changes within one session
and may be considered as a viable model for parallel
browsing data, as it implicitly recognizes the differ-
ent tasks. In the same spirit, (Bonnin et al., 2009)
propose a skipping-based recommender that implic-
itly takes into account parallel browsing. This model
is based on a discontiguous version of Markov models
and computes recommendations based on a weighted
combination of subhistories, i.e. small subsequences
of user’s current session. In this paper we go a step
farther and identify more explicitly which resources
in a user session correspond to which tasks.
We now focus on the detection of tasks within ses-
sions. We first define several concepts:
We call a task a typical sequence of resources that
can have several slight variations;
We call linear session a session in which only
one task is performed. Several different linear
sessions may correspond to the same task while
one linear session cannot correspond to different
We call nonlinear session a session in which sev-
eral tasks are mixed;
Given two observed sessions X and Y, we say that
X is a subsession of Y if X is included in Y;
We define an interrupted session as a linear ses-
sion that was abruptly stopped.
We now propose a new algorithm to extract linear
sessions. A first solution would be to make the as-
sumption that if a session X is a subsession of another
session Y, then Y is not a linear session. However,
this way to do is not sufficient as X may simply corre-
spond to an interrupted session. Thus, the assumption
on which is based our proposition for the extraction of
linear sessions is the following: if two sessions X and
Y do not correspond to the same task, and are both
subsessions of a third session Z, then Z is not a linear
To extract linear sessions, a comparison of all the
sessions is performed, and the corresponding non-
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
linear sessions are suppressed whenever the afore-
mentioned situation is encountered. The correspond-
ing algorithm is detailed in Algorithm 1. This ex-
traction algorithm lies on two additional algorithms:
sameTask(X,Y) that indicates whether two sessions
X and Y are similar enough to be considered as be-
longing to the same task, and isSubsession(X,Y) that
indicates whether X is a subsession of Y. These algo-
rithms are defined in the following sections.
Algorithm 1: Extraction of the linear sessions.
Data: a list S of sessions
Result: A sublist of S with only linear sessions
for each session X in S do
for each session Y after X in the list S do
if NOT sameTask(X,Y) then
for each session Z in S, Z 6= X and Z 6= Y do
if isSubsession(X, Z) and isSubsession(Y, Z)
then remove Z from S;
3.1 Discriminating between Tasks
We propose to use a global alignment algorithm, as
used for instance in (G¨und¨uz and
Ozsu, 2003). The
algorithm used by Gnduz and zsu, the FastLSA algo-
rithm, is an enhancement in terms of storage space
of the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm, which is one
of the standard global alignment algorithms. How-
ever, the time complexity of the FastLSA algorithm
is higher than the standard Needleman-Wunsch algo-
rithm. Storage space is not problematic when com-
puting the best alignment of two sessions, as the size
of a session is usually small. We thus used the stan-
dard Needleman-Wunsch algorithm. Further details
on this algorithm can be obtained in (Needleman and
Wunsch, 1970).
Then, X is considered as belonging to same task
as Y if their global alignment score value is close to
the size of X (or equivalently Y).
3.2 Identifying Subsessions
Another element of our linear session extraction algo-
rithm is how to determine whether a givensession X is
a subsession of a given session Y. A first way to deter-
mine this would be to simply check whether each ele-
ment of X can be found in Y in the same order. How-
ever, as mentioned in the previous section, the ses-
sions associated with one given task may show slight
differences, and using such a strategy would be too
restrictive. We thus propose to use an adapted local
alignment algorithm, based on the Smith-Waterman
algorithm (Smith and Waterman, 1981). We chose
the Smith-Waterman algorithm because it is one of
the standard local alignment algorithms.
The classical local alignment problem aims at
finding the best alignment between two arbitrary sub-
sequences of the input sequences X and Y. Our aim
in this paper is a little bit different. Indeed, our goal
is to detect overlapping of subsessions. The problem
is thus to determine whether X can be aligned with
a discontiguous subsequence of Y in such a way that
any number of insertions can be applied between the
elements of X without penalizing the final alignment
score. We propose to apply a simple modification to
the Smith-Waterman algorithm by penalizing only the
insertions between the elements of Y, while not de-
creasing the score when insertions are performed be-
tween the elements of X. The resulting algorithm, de-
tailed in Algorithm 2, is asymmetric. As a result, X
can be considered as being a subsession of Y if the
local alignment score value is close to the size of X.
Algorithm 2: Modified version of the Smith-Waterman al-
Data: two sequences X and Y of sizes m and n
Result: score β of the optimal alignment
set F(i, 0) = 0 for all i = 0, 1, ..., m;
set F(0, j) = 0 for all j = 1, 2, ..., n;
β 0;
for i = 1 to m do
for j = i to n do
F(i, j) max
F(i 1, j 1) + s(x
, y
F(i 1, j) d
F(i, j 1)
if F(i, j) > β then β F(i, j)
We propose the match function and mismatch
penalties to have to following values: d = 1 and
, y
) = 1 if x
= y
, and 2 else. In this fashion,
if an insertion is performed on X and then another is
performed on Y, the penalty is the same as for a mis-
match (substitution).
We now present our Tabbing-based recommender.
As mentioned in section 2, the all-k
-order Markov
model is one of the best performing model of the
state-of-the-art. However, one of its major draw-
back is that it only takes into account contiguous se-
quences, and cannot handle efficiently parallel brows-
ing and navigation mistakes. Nevertheless, when ap-
plied to linear sessions, itis the most appropriatealgo-
rithm. Indeed, it provides a good accuracy addition-
ally to a full coverage, and a lower time complexity
compared to the other state-of-the art models, espe-
cially open sequential patterns. So, we assume that if
we are able to detect the tasks that have been mixed
within a session and ignore navigation mistakes, then
the all-k
-order Markov model will still be applied to
linear sessions, and thus will provide a good accuracy.
We propose to exploit the algorithms presented in
the previous section in order to extract the tasks that
have been mixed, and then apply the traditional all-
-order Markov model on these tasks. The resulting
recommendation model is the TAbbing-Based All-
-Order Markov model (TABAKO model). Com-
pared to the classical all-k
-order Markov model, two
major enhancements are provided:
During the Training Step. The linear sessions of the
training corpus are first extracted and stored in order
to be used during the recommendation step (section
3). Second, the model is built exactly as an all-k
order Markov model. Thus, instead of using all the
training data, only the linear sessions are used. In this
fashion, only useful sequences are used to train the
During the Recommendation Step. Before look-
ing for a matching between the active user session
and one of the states stored in the Markov model, the
best overlapping of linear subsessions in the session
is computed. In this way, the resources of the ses-
sion that correspond to the same task are put together
and theses tasks can be matched to the all-k
Markov model.
The recommendation process is performed in two
steps: (1) the extraction of the best overlapping and
the extraction of the corresponding linear sessions,
and (2) the creation of the recommendation lists by
applying the all-k
-order Markov model on the re-
trieved linear subsessions. The overall recommenda-
tion algorithm is presented in Algorithm 3.
Once the best overlapping has been computed, it
is possible that some resources in the active session
remain unlinked to any of the linear sessions. We then
consider that these resources correspondto navigation
mistakes and we propose to discard them. In this way,
both parallel browsing and noise are handled.
4.1 Extracting the Best Overlapping
In the following, the list of resources that the user has
previously browsed in the session will be referred to
as the history h = hr
, ..., r
i. The extraction of the
Algorithm 3: Recommendation process.
Data: Current user history h
An all-k
-order Markov model M
A list of linear sessions L
Result: A recommendation list R
c bestSubsession(h,L);
while khk 6= 0 and c 6=
0 do
add c to subhistories;
h h c;
c bestSubsession(h,L);
for each subhistory c in subhistories do
R merge(R, buildList(c, M));
best overlapping is performed according to an itera-
tive process:
1. Find the best subsession c of current user history;
2. Remove the matching elements of c in the history;
3. Reiterate on the remaining history, until no re-
source remains or no additional subsession can be
The search of the best subsession of a given user’s
history h is performed using the Smith-Waterman al-
gorithm. For each linear session l extracted and
stored during the training step, all the prefixes of l
of size varying from max(klk 1, khk) to 1 are first
extracted. Indeed, as the current user session is still
open, it cannot be compared to the entire linear ses-
sions. For instance, a user may have browsed 4 re-
sources of a given task with a usual length of 10. Last,
the subsession with the highest score is returned and
added to the set of sub-histories. This process is de-
tailed in Algorithm 4.
Algorithm 4: Determining the best subsession.
Data: Current user history h
A list of linear sessions L
Result: The subsession that matches h the best
for each linear session l in L do
for i max(klk 1, khk) downto 1 do
substring(l, i);
(c, β) Smith-Waterman(l
, h);
add (c, β) to L;
return arg max L
4.2 Building the Recommendation Lists
After the determination of the best overlapping, the
corresponding list of subsessions is extracted from the
KDIR 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
user’s active session. Then, for each subsession, a rec-
ommendation list is computed using the all-k
Markov model. The resulting sublists are then merged
according to the following policy: the resources is-
sued from the subsession that has the best alignment
score are put on the top of the list. The other recom-
mendations are then appended to the end of the list,
except when they are already in the list.
This paper focused on parallel browsing in the frame
of web predictive models in order to improve rec-
ommendation accuracy. We proposed algorithms to
discriminate between linear and nonlinear sessions.
These algorithms exploit sequence alignment: global
and local alignments. We then proposed a new rec-
ommendation model called TABAKO. This model is
based on an all-k
-order Markov model and exploits
the sequence alignment algorithms to extract linear
sessions from the active user’s session.
In a future work, we plan to validate this position
paper through experiments on a browsing dataset in
which tab switching is performed. Such a study can
include analysis of the amount of linear sessions ob-
tained when using different parameters on our model,
and a comparison to state-the-art models, such as the
-order Markov model and the approaches for
obtaining more granularity presented in section 2.
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