An Integrated Approach for a Technology-oriented Business Benefit Analysis
Marcel Scheibmayer, Ali Imtiaz and Martin Bleider
Research Institute for Operations Management (FIR), RWTH Aachen, Pontdriesch 14/16, Aachen, Germany
Keywords: Knowledge management, Information sharing, Business benefit, Business model, Knowledge processes.
Abstract: Within the last decade a plethora of different technologies emerged claiming to support knowledge worker
in their everyday working life. Based on these technologies many different solutions for knowledge process
support in enterprise environments have been developed. However the impact of these solutions is mostly
considered intangible due to the fact that the overall costs and benefits are not clearly traceable. Traditional
approaches for the evaluation of the costs and benefits often cover only a part of the overall scope, leading
to an imminent need for a fitting assessment methodology. This paper presents a research approach to
develop an integrated cost-benefit-framework, which integrates traditional aspects and related
methodologies with emerging, knowledge process based aspects.
Due to increasing competition in global markets,
enterprises are constantly facing the need not only to
revisit their products and services, but also their
processes. While great enhancements in productivity
have been achieved by formalizing business
processes (Hill, Yates, Jones, Kogan, 2006),
Knowledge experts, who primarily deal with
informal knowledge processes, are weakly supported
on the enterprise level (Brown, 2007). They often
depend on tacit knowledge and undocumented,
unformalized knowledge processes. To enhance the
productivity of knowledge worker it is essential to
make important information easily accessible.
Therefore, the fields of Knowledge Management and
Information sharing are constantly gaining
importance for knowledge process support.
From a system perspective, users often had to
rely on personal communication and ad hoc
collaboration to receive the information needed.
Those situations were leading to context switching
and a loss of time and productivity for involved
people. With the appearance of web 2.0, a plethora
of different technologies arose that offer new
possibilities to support knowledge processes. Instant
messengers, wikis, weblogs, social networking tools
and podcasts are common tools which are also
available for knowledge workers in enterprise
environments. However recent reports show that an
extension of numbers of tools does not necessarily
enhance the productivity (Forrester Big Idea, 2006).
Current research approaches focus on simpler,
yet richer integrated workspace solutions on the one
hand and formalizing knowledge on the other hand
(Active, 2008). New developments in the fields of
collaborative technologies, context aware
technologies and ontologies enable new possibilities
of knowledge process support.
Prior to invest into these arising technologies or
during the evaluation of the existing IT support,
organisations need to assess the impact on their own
processes and evaluate the related cost and benefits
coming along. However existing tools and
methodologies often cover only a small part of the
relevant aspects, especially regarding knowledge
process related aspects coming along with these
emerging technologies and concepts. This fact is
quite problematic and companies are often left with
an estimated guess as a basis for decision.
This paper embraces a new approach to assess
the impact of knowledge process supporting
technologies, focusing on knowledge process related
aspects that are hardly covered by existing
Scheibmayer M., Imtiaz A. and Bleider M..
Technology-oriented Business Benefit Analysis.
DOI: 10.5220/0003116702530259
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2010), pages 253-259
ISBN: 978-989-8425-30-0
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Determining the impact of technologies on
knowledge process support in form of costs and
benefits is a highly complex task that includes
various aspects from different areas of expertise.
According to Ramirez and Nembhard there are no
effective methodologies to measure the productivity
of knowledge worker (Ramirez, Nembhard, 2004).
Thus leading to the situation that organizations
dealing with knowledge processes either not
measure them (Ahmed et al., 1999) or use
established cost and benefit models, that have
proven themselves in the field of manufacturing, to
evaluate their investments in information and
communication technology (Pietsch, 2003). The
most frequently used traditional methodologies are
introduced in the following section.
One of the earlier methodologies for cost benefit
analysis is Return-on-Investment (ROI), which
analyses the net benefits and divides them by the
overall costs. Using this profitability equation ROI
can identify past performance or future expectations
(Schachner, 1973). The methodology Total Cost of
Ownership (TCO) has the aim to identify every cost
driver generated by using information and
communication technology during their complete
lifecycle and evaluate them in a financial manner. It
considers direct and indirect costs. While direct
costs are easily to asses, for the assessment of
indirect costs the Gartner Group recommends using
interviews and surveys (Pietsch, 2003). The Hedonic
Wage Model analyses shifts in each job profile
towards more value creating activities, thus
determining the benefit in a monetary manner
(Pietsch, 2003). As a more process-oriented model,
Activity Based Costing splits the direct costs into
several parts and allocates each part to the process
that determines the costs (Pietsch, 2003). In doing
so, processes costs become more transparent as their
sources can be traced back to the respective sources.
To determine the potential benefits and hence
evaluate investments in fields of knowledge
management, organization need more than the
traditional financial measurements. An exclusive
technological perspective leads to a neglect of the
true potential benefits of knowledge management
(Ahmed et al., 1999). According to Ahmed, Lim and
Zairi, characteristics of a good knowledge
measurement system are:
performance is reflected at various levels of
organisational systems. It is measured at the
strategic, tactical and operational levels;
performance measurement is a distributed
activity reflecting various levels of ownership
and control;
performance measurement reflects a blend of
measures for individual tasks/activities to
manage processes;
performance measurement highlights
opportunities for improvement in all areas with
leverage points.
Therefore a series of approaches have been
developed. Ahmed, Lim and Zairi developed a
matrix-system that considers a lot more than the
financial ratios. Their approach regards four
different perspectives on knowledge management,
the customer, organization, supplier and technology
perspective. Within these perspectives the fields
capture, share, measuring and learning shall be
measured by various key data, thus giving managers
a more transparent illustration of used knowledge
management systems than a traditional financial
approach (Ahmed et al., 1999).
The approach of Haas and Hansen differentiates
between two types of knowledge sharing: electronic
documents and personal advice. The knowledge
sharing dimensions are separated in content - level
of quality and process - level of rework for
electronic documents and content - level of
experience and process - lack of effort for personal
advice. As measurable benefits Haas and Hansen
identified time saved on task within the type of
electronic documents and quality of work and signal
of competence within the type of personal advice
(Haas, Hansen, 2007).
The three steps model of Eschenbach and
Schauer aims at identifying potentials for improved
knowledge work productivity. In step one the
knowledge intensity of the organisation is identified
by measuring information intensity,
interdependencies, variability, innovation rate and
qualification requirements. In step two the current
level of knowledge work productivity is detected by
interviews regarding information processing,
communication, decision making and the adaptation
of an organisation to changing circumstances. In
conclusion step three analyses fields for
improvement (e.g. knowledge exchange, double
loop learning) (Eschenbach, Schauer, 2008).
Even though there are specific knowledge
management measuring approaches, often they are
not able to quantify their conclusions and are not
able to explicitly implicate potential benefits of
evolving technologies in the fields of collaborative
technologies, context aware technologies and
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Altogether existing models alone cover only
fragments of the full scope of knowledge process
support. There is an imminent need for a fully
integrated methodology which goes beyond
traditional approaches and combines traditional cost
and benefit aspects with as yet neglected aspects
coming along with emerging technologies,
knowledge management and information sharing.
The related research questions are:
How can the impact of emerging collaborative
technologies for knowledge process support be
What are the relevant cost driver and benefits
that have to be considered and how can they be
Which existing methodologies can be integrated
in this approach?
The next section introduces the research
environment as well as the research approach on this
The ACTIVE project aims to support knowledge
worker by leveraging tacit and unshared knowledge,
the “hidden intelligence of enterprises”, and convert
it into transferable and actionable knowledge
(Active, 2008). Therefore, concepts and tools from
the fields of social software and Web 2.0, Semantic
Technologies, Context Mining, Context Modelling,
and Context Sensitive Task Management, as well as
Knowledge Process Mining, Knowledge Process
Modelling and Pro-Active Knowledge Process
Support are integrated into highly innovative
application systems. Key results of the project are
dedicated software systems, which target the specific
needs of the case study partner, coming from
consulting, telecommunication and manufacturing
To determine the impact of the developed
software systems, a business benefit analysis is
currently conducted and based on the results,
respective business models will be developed
accordingly. Vague requirements for the approach
have been formulized at the beginning of the project,
which include
the instantiation of a cost benefit matrix for
multilateral business benefits concepts,
scenario and trend-based estimations of the eco-
nomic costs and benefits as well as
the development of business cases which
compare the costs and benefits and provide an
assessment of the ACTIVE project results in the
context of the case study environments.
Against this background a reference framework
has been developed, which acts as a basis for the
approach on the business benefit analysis and
business model generation for the results of the
ACTIVE project and is illustrated in figure 1.
Business Benefit Analysis
Business Model
Tools and
Case Study
Task 4.1 &
Task 4.2
Involvement of
case study partner
Figure 1: Reference framework for the business benefit
The framework describes the overall structure of
the analysis, including the involvement of the case
study partner and the considered existing tools and
methodologies. On a content level the foundation of
the framework are the elaborated case study
processes as well as the component ACTIVE model
and results from previously finished tasks, which
looked into costs and benefits of existing web 2.0
technologies. Process descriptions and component
model specify the developed solutions on a detailed
level and therefore allow a detailed business benefit
analysis which looks into the three pillars that cover
the whole area of influence of the developed
solutions within the case study partner:
impact on technology,
impact on processes,
impact on community.
In addition to the reference framework, a course
of action has been agreed on which is based on the
three in figure 2.
During use cases and consists of three different
phases with, two sub-steps each. The course of
action is visualized the first phase, a cost-benefit-
framework is developed which aims to evaluate all
three pillars of the reference framework. The
Integrated Approach for a Technology-oriented Business Benefit Analysis
development includes the identification of related
key aspects, covering the full scope of the pillars, as
well as the allocation of respective costs and benefit
factors to these key aspects and the definition of
qualified assessment methodologies. Ultimately the
cost-benefit framework should be highly scalable, so
that it can be dynamically adopted for the specific
business cases of the three case study partners.
Additionally, the framework is developed in a way
that it can easily be adopted for the evaluation of
other collaborative technologies.
the results
Proposal Writing
Bid Creation
Design Project
Data on costs
and benefits
•Expert Interview
•Profit Center
Cost Driver and
•Key aspects
Business Model
• Key Activities
• Costs/Revenue
Data on organ.
• Expert Estimations
Benefit Analysis
a b
a b
Figure 2: Selected course of action.
Consequently three distinctive and
complementing sub-categories have been identified
for each of the pillars, which are illustrated in figure
3 and represent the key aspects of ACTIVE
solutions. To measure the impact from a technology
perspective, IT-related costs and benefit factors have
to be considered. This is a rather traditional field
which includes the key aspects of IT investments, IT
adoption and IT administration. Evaluation of the
impact of collaborative technologies on company
processes can be achieved by looking into the key
aspects of business process support and training,
which are also kind of traditional, as well as
knowledge process support. The impact on
community is the most difficult of the three pillars.
It includes the key aspects knowledge management
with 2.0 technologies, information sharing with 2.0
technologies and use of context, which are difficult
to measure due to their supportive and therefore
more qualitative nature.
In a next step, relevant cost driver and benefits
which are considered relevant for the ACTIVE
solutions have been identified. The cost-benefit-
framework looks into these factors from three
different viewpoints: economic perspective, private
perspective and social perspective (Plum, 2008).
Additionally it differentiates between fixed and
variable (O’Sullivan and Sheffrin, 2007)(Garrison,
Noreen and Brewer, 2009) as well as direct and
indirect factors (Pietersz 2007)(Scott, 2003). The
underlying schema is displayed in figure 4.
Key Aspects
Impact on
Management with
2.0 Technologies
Process Support
Use of Context
Impact on
Impact on
Sharing with 2.0
Process Support
Figure 3: Cost-benefit framework.
Subsequently the identified cost and benefit
factors have been categorized into this schema and
integrated into the cost-benefit framework. Each
factor is allocated to at least one key aspect. As an
example, training costs is a fixed and direct
economic factor which can be allocated to the key
aspect training, while personal time saving is a
variable and indirect private factor which fits into
the key aspects knowledge process support and
business process support. Naturally economic
factors are more direct and quantitative while private
and social factors are more indirect and qualitative.
For the purpose of evaluating the factors of the
different key aspects, different methodologies have
been examined. For the traditional aspects IT
investment, IT adoption, IT administration, training
and business process support exist a plethora of
different tools and methodologies which can be
utilized to assess the economic impact (Pietsch,
2003). Relevant existing tools and methodologies
have been identified and will be adopted to match
the respective factors. Finally they will be integrated
into the framework to measure the traditional aspects
where possible.
However the impact of the four remaining, more
knowledge process related aspects, is difficult to
determine due to their qualitative and supportive
nature. Existing methodologies are not able to cover
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
the full scope of these key aspects and can only be
partially integrated. Therefore the framework will be
complemented by dedicated, innovative
methodologies to assess these knowledge related
factors. For this purpose, approaches from other
fields will be examined and adopted, e.g. models
from the area of network theory will be used to
explain the influence of context on corporate
Cost Driver and Benefits
• Investments
• Time-related
• Quantitative
• Measurable
• Process-oriented
• Volume-related
• Qualitative
Quality Characteristic
• Accountable
• more
•Focus on
• mostly
qualitative factors
•company equals
• mostly
qualitative factors
Figure 4: Classification of costs and benefits.
The first phase is completed by a first iteration
regarding the business models which will be
conducted together with the case study partners. The
business model canvas will be used, a tool that
allows to generate a high-level description of
business models in a workshop manner (Osterwalder
and Pigneur, 2009). The first iteration will look into
the key activities and resources, the cost structure
and the revenue streams of future business models,
which go along with the developed cost-benefit-
framework. The results of the workshop will
complement the framework and also be used for its
validation. Furthermore the relevance of the
different key aspects for each use case will be
determined in cooperation with the case study
partners and the respective factors will be adjusted
to their respective situation to generate three case
study specific cost-benefit-models. This especially
includes the assignment of the variable costs to the
respective process steps they are relevant for.
The second phase (Valuation Basis) is focused
on gathering the required data regarding the case
study specific cost-benefit-models and the overall
impact on the organization. Therefore expert
interview will be conducted and the gathered data
will be used as a basis for the following cost benefit
analysis. Where applicable the data-basis will be
complemented by adequate estimations on
respective, non-determinable factors.
Finally in the third phase (Analysis) a scenario-
and trend-based business benefit analysis will be
conducted for each case study use case using all
gathered data and pointing out the specific cost and
benefits not only from an economic, but also from a
personal and social perspective. On top of this,
business models will be finalized in workshops with
the case study partner. Again the business model
canvas will be used, utilizing the business benefit
analysis as value proposition.
In the scope of the ACTIVE project, different use
cases for the application of the developed
technologies have been identified for each of the
three case study partners coming from consulting,
telecommunication and manufacturing industries.
For the business benefit analysis, one use case for
each case study partner will be considered. The
selected use cases differ in their utilization of the
developed framework, setting a different focus on
the key aspects.
The consulting use incorporates collaborative
technologies for context-sensitive search and
browsing, therefore linking experts that work within
similar contexts and making common documents
accessible for each other. Based on this, a
collaborative proposal writing process has been
developed which targets the consultant’s ability to
react on incoming requests for proposals and quickly
mobilize the relevant resources. Easy and dynamic
access to relevant information is the deciding factor
for the success of the proposal, therefore a
collaborative proposal workspace is utilized which
provides swift access to knowledge and people. The
focus of the use case lies on the key factors IT
investments, IT adoption, IT administration,
training, business process support, information
sharing with 2.0 technologies and use of context
The manufacturing use case targets the planning
and execution of chip design projects and with
special focus on the reusability of existing work as
well as the sharing of experience between the
company’s design teams. The planning process is
supported by the semantic media wiki, which is an
advanced form of a media wiki allowing semantic
queries. It has been extended to visualize knowledge
processes, which is a necessary feature to share
information between teams. The design process
itself is a very complex procedure, consisting of a
Integrated Approach for a Technology-oriented Business Benefit Analysis
series of formal, semi-formal and informal tasks
which are not predetermined. There is a strong
connection between the experience of a team and the
result of the process; therefore it is most valuable to
share knowledge between the design teams to get
optimal results. ACTIVE technology is utilized for
task mining, i.e. recording the series of steps from
each team, formalizing them into knowledge
structures and sharing them with other teams. The
use case doesn’t focus on the business processes
itself, but more on the results as well as the
formalization of the process. Therefore the important
key aspects are IT investments, IT adoption, IT
administration, knowledge management with 2.0
technologies, information sharing with 2.0
technologies and knowledge process support.
The telecommunication use case utilizes
collaborative technologies for collaborative bid
creation, i.e. to support their sales department in
dealing with incoming requests for bids. Time is a
critical factor within this use case; therefore it is
essential that sales people are able to access relevant
information, documents and people. The case study
partner utilizes so called activated applications,
which are frontend-tools like word or excel that have
been enabled by a plug-in to interact with the
ACTIVE knowledge workspace in the backend.
Information, knowledge processes and contacts are
gathered, processed and shared within the sales
team, therefore making best use of the collective
wisdom of the group. This use case covers the full
scope of the developed technologies; therefore all
key aspects have to be considered and assessed.
This paper presents an integrated approach to
evaluate the impact of knowledge process
supporting technologies. A reference framework is
introduced which defines the scope of the approach
and a respective course of action has been
introduced. Three areas of influence have been
identified and a cost-benefit-framework has been
developed, which describes these areas with nine
different key aspects. Cost drivers and benefits from
different fields have been integrated into this
framework and assessment methodologies for each
of them have been described.
Due to its high scalability and covered scope, the
introduced cost-benefit-framework seems to be very
promising. Additionally the framework seems to be
adoptable beyond the scope of the ACTIVE project.
However research is still ongoing and some open
questions still need to be answered. On the one hand,
the cost-benefit-framework has to be finalized,
gathering all relevant factors and categorizing them
into the existing schema. On the other hand,
methodologies for the evaluation of knowledge
process related aspects have to be finalized.
Therefore, existing methodologies from other areas
are currently examined regarding their relevance and
eventually need to be adopted for this specific case.
Finally the quality of this schema has to be validated
with real world data from the case study partner.
This work has been partly funded by the European
Commission through ICT Project ACTIVE:
“Advanced Context Technologies for collaboraTIVe
Enterprise” (No. ICT-FP7-215040). The authors wish
to acknowledge the Commission for their support. We
also wish to acknowledge our gratitude and
appreciation to all the ACTIVE project partners for
their contribution during the development of various
ideas and concepts presented in this paper.
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Integrated Approach for a Technology-oriented Business Benefit Analysis