Bill Karakostas
Centre for HCI Design, School of Informatics, City University, London, U.K.
Takis Katsoulakos
Inlecom Ltd., Sussex, U.K.
Keywords: e-Freight, Transport co-modality, e-Collaboration, Cloud architecture.
Abstract: The term freight refers to goods transported using different transport modes (truck, rail, ship), while inter-
modality refers to the ability for seamless transfer of freight and information across the different transport
modes. Because of the nature of the freight business (large number of small players, geographical
distribution, complex regulatory regime, multiple standards, and IT heterogeneity) we propose that cloud
computing presents an ideal platform for e-collaboration in the inter-modal transport networks (e-freight).
This paper identifies Cloud based collaboration scenarios in e-freight, proposes a Cloud architecture for
e-freight and analyses its business and technical benefits.
According to (European Commission, 2001) “Co-
modality” is the optimal use of all modes (land, sea,
air) of transport singly and in combination.
Many current governmental, EU and industry led
initiatives focus on quality and efficiency for the
movement of goods, as well as on ensuring that
freight-related information travels easily between
modes. Such objectives require collaboration
between all stakeholders involved in freight
transport chains. Although such collaboration must
be enabled by legal and organisational frameworks
being in place, it is largely underpinned by IT. IT
system interoperability and integration can enable
stakeholders such as transport operators, shippers/
freight forwarders, customs and other government
administrations, to seamlessly exchange information
in order to improve the efficiency and quality of
freight transport logistics.
To achieve efficient use of the different transport
modes on their own and in combination (co-
modality), stakeholders need improved means to
strategically manage networks, plan shipments and
to control the implementation of such strategies and
In centrally managed transportation networks,
coordination is achieved through centralised
mechanisms such as portals and exchanges, under a
single control, typically that of a large organisation
such as a large freight integrator/freight forwarder,
who carries out administration, marketing, pricing,
billing and so on.
However, inter-modality/co-modality will
gradually encourage in the future decentralised
organisations to get together to form transportation
networks without any prior arrangements and
centralised control. Therefore, open collaboration
approaches, decentralised network and
communication structures, and dynamic flexibility in
forming and dissolving transportation networks will
become increasingly important in setting and
managing co-modal transport networks in years to
Cloud computing has recently been receiving
interest from businesses due to its inherent and
attractive properties of per-use pricing and elastic
scalability of computing resources. The effect has
been a shift to outsourcing of not only the hardware
and software IT infrastructure, but also of its
administration, (open Grid , 2009). In this paper we
go beyond the discussion of the obvious advantages
of Cloud technologies for the freight sector, which
mainly relate to the virtualisation of its IT
Karakostas B. and Katsoulakos T..
DOI: 10.5220/0003143502670272
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS-2010), pages 267-272
ISBN: 978-989-8425-30-0
2010 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
infrastructure with the resulting technical and
economic benefits.
Instead, this paper focuses on the analysis of how
Cloud can enable the e-collaboration between
transportation network participants and support the
goals of co-modality.
In the remaining of the paper we discuss the
patterns for collaboration that occur in a freight
transportation chain, and we define Cloud
architectural characteristics that enable such
collaboration. Next, we identify the business and
technical benefits from the proposed Cloud
architecture. Finally, we identify different business
models (for example private versus public cloud and
cloud federation approaches) for deploying the
proposed solution to the freight sector.
2.1 Types of Freight Organisations
There are several types of organisations involved in
freight /logistic chains falling under the following
categories (Freightwise, 2009):
1. Transport users: These are organisations that
procure transportation services, (this includes
exporters & importers and freight forwarders acting
on behalf of shippers);
2. Transport service providers. These are
organisations that provide transportation services,
and include hauliers, operators of trains, ships, port
terminals, and other logistics services;
3. Transport infrastructure providers responsible for
managing the transport infrastructure such as ports,
roads and rail lines;
4. Transport Regulators: these are regulatory
authorities, specifically customs, safety & security
agencies, police (immigration) and animal welfare
and associated organisations.
Consequently, there is a wide variety of IT systems
used by the above organisations including
internal systems used for procuring, planning and
managing transport related activities (e.g. booking
community systems (e.g. commerce exchanges
for bidding on transport services);
authority systems such as port systems used for
monitoring and controlling movement of ships and
and, finally, information services systems
offering for example weather, traffic and other
safety related information.
2.2 Collaboration in Freight Industry
Collaboration in the freight business is driven
amongst others by the need to optimise the
utilisation of transportation resources and to better
balance risks. Collaboration requires interoperability
amongst the above types of systems. However, the
interoperability problem is not a static but a dynamic
one, because of the following two types of
collaboration that occur in the freight industry:
Type A collaboration across partners who have
worked together before and have established
agreements and long term alliances;
Type B collaboration which is a more loose
cooperative network between organisations (that
includes authorities too) and therefore form a more
dynamic (on-demand) freight logistics network.
We expect that transportation networks will
adopt a layered model for business networking,
comprising of an inner layer representing long term
alliances linked to value strategies (Type A
collaboration), a number of intermediate layers of
progressively looser relationships, and an outer layer
comprising of 'on demand' services linked to
responsiveness strategies (Type B collaboration).
Each layer may be characterised by different quality
of relations and strategic convergence requirements,
and would therefore require different interoperability
strategies from an IT point of view. Therefore, in
practice, both Type A and Type B collaborations
need to be supported.
Type A collaboration can be supported by fairly
fixed system integration/interoperability solutions,
such as point to point connections using web
services or other middleware architecture. This is
possible, because the collaborating systems and their
interfaces/APIs are known in advance, and therefore
interfaces can be designed and implemented. These
are essentially static and long term interoperability
Type B collaboration, however, is between
systems that have to discover each other and agree
the rules for interoperability at runtime.
Thus, the second type of collaboration requires
more loose coupling between the participants
systems and is the main focus of this paper.
Of course, type A collaboration can also be
improved with the use of Cloud technologies, by
moving part or whole of the integration middleware
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
on the Cloud, and by utilising Cloud based
integration services. This will result in typical Cloud
derived benefits such as efficient utilisation of
computing resources and reduction in IT costs.
Type B collaboration leads more naturally to a
service oriented (SOA) solution. Dynamic
collaboration and coordination of transport chain
participants requires a service architecture,
comprising service registries and a service discovery
facility, to allow respectively the publication and
discovery of transport related services.
Service matchmakers are required to match
transport service supply with demand. A service
matchmaker must be able to understand concepts in
the service description, such as price and location,
i.e. the start point and destination of the requested or
offered service). Such capabilities go beyond the
abilities of conventional web services (i.e. WSDL
service descriptions) and into the realm of semantic
web services.
Ontologies are essential in service match making
and interoperability, as they serve to integrate the
different standards and formats that are used in the
freight sector and to achieve semantic
A Cloud architecture needs therefore to address
the problem of standard heterogeneity. For example,
there are several data and document standards
employed in the transport sector such as GS1, CEN,
UN/CEFACT, UBL/OASIS and others.
Finally, a Cloud architecture needs to address the
problem of dynamic interoperability of
heterogeneous systems such as port systems, internal
transport planning and operation systems, safety and
information systems for sea transport and others.
In the next section we explain how the
coordination and interoperability is manifested in
transport planning, execution and monitoring
2.3 Collaborative Transport Chain
In transport network planning, collaboration
involves all participants exposing their internal
resource availability, plans and other
requirements/constraints to other participants in the
transportation network, in order for a transportation
plan to be established, that contains an accurate and
mutually agreed plan of responsibilities, deadlines
and actions for transporting the cargo from origin to
final destination. A transport plan can undergo
several iterations during which it is usually
optimised in terms of duration and resources. At this
stage, costs and payments are also established and
negotiated. A Cloud approach to transport chain
planning needs to leverage service oriented concepts
to expose internal databases and systems of the
participants in a controlled manner. Internal booking
systems of shippers need for example to interoperate
with pricing systems of service providers. Such
operations need to be carried out according to the
security and other controls of the different
participants, as confidential data about the cargo
may not be revealed until the time is appropriate. In
some cases, even the identities of the participating
organisations may be kept confidential until
contracts are exchanged.
2.4 Collaborative Transport Chain
During this stage, information generated at any point
of the transportation chain must be easily accessible
by all interested parties. A Cloud infrastructure can
allow such information to be replicated across cloud
storage systems, and its existence to be notified to al
interested parties, through reliable event based
notification mechanisms. In this approach, the Cloud
can become a high performance message relay that
transcends the communication and other networks
used by the transport chain participants. A typical
Cloud application for transport chain execution is
meeting the mandatory reporting requirements as the
cargo carrying vessels arrives at different ports and
terminals. Cloud, for example, can be used to
implement the concept of Single Windows
(UN/CEFACT, 2005) which refers to the
streamlining of cargo and traffic information
exchange between authorities and between
authorities and other stakeholders. Services can be
deployed on the Cloud for 'one stop reporting',
allowing operators to submit a single report, which
is then relayed to all relevant authorities.
Based on the requirements for collaboration and
system interoperability in e-freight identified in the
previous sections, in Figure 1 we provide a
conceptual architecture for Cloud based freight
collaboration. Such architecture can be utilised by
the combination of several commercial and open
source Cloud technologies. Our aim is to define an
collaboration architecture for e-freight using Cloud
concepts that remain stable even when the
implementation technologies change. The
architecture diagram of Figure 1 shows the major
subsystems and components that comprise a
collaborative Cloud for e-freight. According to the
architecture, transport chain participants are granted
access to the Cloud by a set of
authentication/authorisation services. After been
authorised by the Cloud, they can advertise their
transport services (offerings) or transport service
requests, and participate in transport chains.
Exchanges are mechanisms for forming virtual
transportation networks within the Cloud, in which
participants can securely collaborate via message
based communications and document sharing.
Exchanges contain message queues, i.e. high
performance message Cloud middleware that allows
the store and forwarding of large volumes of
messages under defined QoS rules. Organisations
can subscribe to existing queues for publishing and
receiving messages (notifications) or they can create
their own queues. Queue subscription can be by
topic (e.g. for receiving notifications for requests for
a particular type of cargo or for a particular
destination point). Message queues are the
mechanisms for members of an established
transportation chain to communicate safely and
reliably with each other. As all queues are entirely
Cloud based, participants do not need to own any
middleware system as part of their internal IT.
The Process Choreographer allows the execution
of transportation processes such as plan, execute and
monitor. The Process Choreographer knows the
sequence in which messages must be exchanged in a
particular transport chain and enforces their
sending/receiving in a correct sequence. To enable
loose coupling, the Process Choreographer controls
only the interactions between the partners processes
rather than their internal processes. Thus, internally
the partners can implement any process management
system such as an ERP system, a process
orchestration (BPEL based) or other type of
Business Process Management (BPM) system. The
Process Choreographer service can operate as an
event machine or state based machine that interprets
notifications (messages) received by the message
queue during the execution stage of the transport
chain, or by updates to documents (for example an
update to freight delivery status). The Process
Choreographer responds to such updates by sending
new messages/notifications to the transport chain
participants, using the message queue mechanism
discussed above.
To disambiguate the content of messages, the
Process Choreographer utilises ontologies for
freight. Thus, with the use of ontologies, messages
are automatically converted to the format suitable
for the intended recipient. This ability supports the
goal of interoperability, by not forcing participants
to use the same document standard.
Finally, Document Storage in the architectural
diagram, refers to a distributed Cloud storage service
that allows simultaneous publishing editing and
accessing of documents pertaining to a
transportation chain planning execution. The storage
of such documents is distributed over the Cloud.
Access to a document's contents is through the use
of view mechanisms that allow controlled access and
modifications to a document's contents. This
approach also simplifies the task of interoperability
as it allows many participants to share and
collaboratively update the same document.
Figure 1: e-Freight Cloud collaboration architecture.
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Table 1: Business Advantages.
User needs and
How Cloud meets them
Customer satisfaction
A collaborative Cloud solution
should contribute towards
lowering the transportation
costs , service reliability and
performance, and therefore
ultimately towards improving
customer satisfaction
Improved operational
efficiency (e.g.
number of deliveries
per day)
The Cloud approach allows the
execution of a larger number of
transactions (higher throughput/
performance) compared to
architectures with fixed
numbers of servers.
Distribution of risks
amongst participants
A collaborative Cloud
architecture distributes
decisions and business risks,
rather than aggregating and
centralising them.
More accurate
payments to transport
service providers
The Cloud approach provides
reliable information about
actual service performance
during transport chain
Reducing the cost of
non-compliance (e.g.
avoiding fines for
The Cloud approach automates
the compliance procedures (for
example reporting to
authorities) thus making it more
Optimal utilisation of
transport resources
through the network
The Cloud approach allows
pooling of transport resources
(e.g. vehicles, containers,..)
and better sharing them
throughout the transportation
Transport network
optimisation due to
better horizontal
between users and
The Cloud approach can
optimise the network both
statically and in real time, due
to improved information
sharing and availability.
Reduction in lost
sales due to bidding
failures, e.g.
inaccurate bidding
The Cloud allows faster
notifications for bidding
opportunities to transport
service requests.
Based on the collaboration requirements and the
proposed Cloud architecture for e-freight, below we
identify potential business and technical benefits.
Some of these benefits (mainly regarding IT costs)
are fairly easy to quantify, while the impact of
business benefits is harder to assess and require a
case by case analysis using 'what if' scenarios and
simulations. We expect however that the business
benefits of the proposed Cloud collaboration will
typically outweigh the more obvious IT cost savings.
This paper has argued that Cloud computing
represents a suitable platform for e-collaboration in
the freight business. Cloud computing is currently a
rapidly changing area with many emerging standards
and business models (Vigfusson and Chockler, 2010).
Table 2: Technical (IT) Advantages.
IT requirements
and constraints
How a Cloud Solution
Meets them
Reduce operational IT
cost reduction
software license &
By migrating to the Cloud
part of the IT infrastructure
costs such as
purchase, licensing and
maintenance are reduced
Improve and simplified
between shippers,
carriers and customers'
By using integration
services provided by the
Dynamic pricing
algorithms based on
real time demand,
availability etc.
By improved availability
of real time information
throughout the
transportation network.
Balance system
performance during peak
By using the Cloud's
elastic resources, demand
peaks (e.g. in bookings)
can be handled more
Reduce incompatibility
information systems
used by members of
the transportation chain
Through the use of SOA
principles, loose coupling
(message queues) and
event based notifications.
There are many open questions as to the ideal shape
of a Cloud for e-freight, namely:
The question of whether this should be a public
(open) or a private Cloud;
What Cloud standards to use for its
What kind of interoperability with other systems
including other Cloud systems is required;
The business model used for the Cloud, such as
who owns the Cloud.
The freight sector is characterised by a
community of private companies and government/
intergovernmental agencies covering wide
geographical regions and transport modes.
It is likely that under such conditions more than
one Cloud approaches will emerge. Cloud ownership
and control could mirror the current structures of the
freight industry, i.e. the centrally coordinated
networks, cooperative networks and more loose
cooperative associations that currently exist in the
industry. One or more of such Clouds could be
concerned with legal and compliance aspects of the
freight sector (i.e. to enforce standardisation and
compliance across the industry). Other Clouds could
be more commercial in nature, i.e. they would
represent the migration of the current e-freight
networks and alliances to a Cloud environment.
Thus, ownership and membership of the Cloud
could vary depending on the purpose of the Cloud.
Some of such Clouds could be owned and managed
by a single organisation such as a large freight
integrator/forwarder, or a governmental or
intergovernmental entity. It is possible also that non
freight companies such as IT service providers could
become responsible for managing some of these
It is reasonable to expect therefore, that Cloud
interoperability standards such as OCCI (OpenGrid
Forum, 2009) promoted by consortia such as Open
Cloud Manifesto, DTMF Open Cloud Standards
Incubator, Open Group’s Cloud Work Group) and
others, will become very important for the success of
the approach proposed in this paper.
Work reported in this paper was supported in part by
the Project e-Freight (European e-Freight
capabilities for Co-modal transport) under Grant
agreement no.: 233758, as part of the Seventh
Framework Programme SST–2008–TREN–1
(SST.2008. 2.1.5)
European Commission, 2001. White paper – ‘European
transport policy for 2010: time to decide’. Available
FREIGHTWISE 2009. Management Framework for
Intelligent Intermodal Transport Deliverable D13.2 –
WP13 FREIGHTWISE framework architecture,
release 2, 2009.
Open Grid Forum, 2009. Cloud Storage for Cloud.
September 2009.
UN/CEFACT 2005. Recommendation and Guidelines on
establishing a Single Window to enhance the efficient
exchange of information between trade and
government. Recommendation No. 33. Available from
Vigfusson, Y and Chockler, G, 2010. Clouds at the
Crossroads. Research Perspectives Spring 2010/Vol.
16, No. 3
KMIS 2010 - International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing