Joaquim Filipe
Escola Superior de Tecnologia de Setúbal, Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal
Rua Vale de Chaves, Estefanilha, 2910-761 Setúbal, Portugal
Keywords: Multi-agent Systems, Theoretical Agent Models, Organisational Semiotics, Social Contexts.
Abstract: This paper describes an agent model based on social psychology and also on the concept of organisational
semiotics information fields to provide a conceptual infrastructure for designing multi-agent systems in
intelligent pervasive spaces. Since ‘information’ is an ill-defined word we prefer to adopt the semiotics
framework, which uses the ‘sign’ as the elementary concept. Information as a composition of signs is then
analyzed at different levels, including syntax, semantics, pragmatics and the social level. Based on different
properties of signs, found at different semiotic levels, we adopt the EDA agent model (an acronym for its
three component modules: Epistemic-Deontic-Axiological). Intelligent pervasive spaces are ICT-enhanced
physical and social spaces, differing from traditional pervasive computing on the focus, which in pervasive
spaces is essentially social instead of technological (Liu et al., 2010). Agents are often described in terms of
their internal structure, emphasizing their autonomy even in social settings involving communication and
coordination. In this paper we suggest that agents can be seen both as individual and social entities,
simultaneously. The norm-based multi-agent social architecture defined in this paper is flexible enough to
accommodate changes in social structure, including changes in role specification, and representation of
inter-subjective social objects.
Social groups can be seen as multi-agent systems,
possibly including both human and artificial agents.
If there is a strong social cohesiveness, then we may
be in the presence of organisations, which can be
modeled as multilayered Information Systems (IS),
composed of an informal subsystem, a formal
subsystem and a technical system as shown in figure
1. this structure is typical of the organisational
semiotics perspective on information systems.
Organisational Semiotics is a particular branch of
Semiotics, the formal doctrine of signs (Peirce,
1931-1935), concerned with analyzing
and modeling organisations as information systems.
Core concepts such as information and
communication are very complex and ill-defined
concepts, which should be analysed in terms of more
elementary notions such as semiotic ‘signs’.
Business processes would then be seen as processes
involving the creation, exchange and use of signs.
Since organisational activity is an information
process based on the notion of responsible co-
operative agents, we propose a model that
accommodates both the social dimension in
organisational agents behavior and the relative
autonomy that individual agents exhibit in real
organisations. The proposed model is an intentional
model, based on three main components, each of
them trying to capture particular relevant agent
attitudes. Agents are seen as intelligent units of a
larger distributed system, in the sense that each unit
has an autonomous capacity to infer and act, based
on a knowledge-based infrastructure (Filipe, 2002).
In our research work intelligent agents are placed
in social information fields, or spaces, where they
interact with other artificial agents or humans, on
behalf of human users or human organisations, who
must ultimately take responsible for the behavior of
each artificial agent.
Organisational Semiotics, however, is not
sufficiently developed to provide an analytical
Filipe J.
DOI: 10.5220/0003258800090016
In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-8425-26-3
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Three main layers of the real information system (Stamper 1996).
model for designing each agent in the organisational
social system. This paper extends the work that has
been done in semantic analysis, providing a way to
clearly define the specification of individual agents
at a pragmatic level, keeping a social and normative
In this paper we approach the problem of
constructing multi-agent systems in pervasive spaces
using the Organisational Semiotics stance (Stamper,
1973; Liu, 2000), to provide adequate system
requirements and a solid conceptual basis.
Semiotics, traditionally divided into three areas –
syntax, semantics and pragmatics – has been
extended by Stamper in order to incorporate three
other levels, including a social world level. A
detailed and formal account of these levels may be
found in (Stamper, 1996).
This approach is different from mainstream
computer science because instead of adopting an
objectivist stance – where it is assumed the existence
of a single observable reality, external to the agent,
which some modeling methods try to capture with
the help of some software engineering approach – it
adopts a social subjectivist stance. This means that
for all practical purposes nothing exists without a
perceiving agent nor without an agent engaging in
action (Stamper, 2000). Invariant behaviors
available to an agent are called affordances. This
philosophical stance ties every item of knowledge to
an agent who is, in a sense, responsible for it.
The recent paradigm shift from centralized data
processing architectures to heterogeneous distributed
computing architectures, emerging especially since
the 1990’s, placed social concerns in the agenda of
much research activity in Computing, particularly in
the Distributed Artificial Intelligence field (DAI). In
DAI, organisations are modeled as multi-agent
systems composed by autonomous agents acting in
order to achieve social goals, in a cooperative
manner (Wooldridge and Jennings, 1995; Singh,
1996; Filipe, 2000). Social goals can be seen as
norms therefore we hypothesize that the
conceptualization and development of these
intelligent pervasive systems require normative
Social psychology provides a well-known
classification of norms, partitioning them into
perceptual, evaluative, cognitive and behavioral
norms. These four types of norms are associated
with four distinct attitudes, respectively (Stamper et
al., 2000):
Ontological – to acknowledge the existence
of something (related to perception);
Axiological – to be disposed in favor or
against something in value terms;
Epistemic – to adopt a degree of belief or
Deontic – to be disposed to act in some way.
Our agent model is based on these attitudes and the
associated norms, which we characterize in more
detail below:
Perceptual norms, guided by evaluative
norms, determine what signs the agent
chooses to perceive. Then, when a sign is
perceived, a pragmatic function will update
the agent EDA model components
Cognitive norms define entity structures,
semantic values and cause-effect
relationships, including both beliefs about the
INFORMAL IS: a sub-culture where meanings are established, intentions are understood,
beliefs are formed and commitments with responsibilities are made, altered and discharged
FORMAL IS: bureaucracy where form and rule replace meaning and intention
TECHNICAL IS: Mechanisms to automate part of the formal
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
present state and expectations for the future.
Conditional beliefs are typically represented
by rules, which being normative allow for the
existence of exceptions.
Behavioral norms define what an agent is
expected to do. These norms prescribe ideal
behaviors as abstract plans to bring about
ideal states of affairs, thus determining what
an agent ought to do. Deontic logic is a
modal logic that studies the formal properties
of normative behaviors and states.
Evaluative norms are required for an agent to
choose its actions based on both epistemic
and deontic attitudes. If we consider a
rational agent, then the choice should be such
that the agent will maximize some utility
function, implicitly defined as the integral of
the agent’s axiological attitudes.
Figure 2: The EDA agent model.
Using this taxonomy of norms, and based on the
assumption that an organisational agent behavior is
determined by the evaluation of deontic norms given
the agent epistemic state
, we propose an intentional
agent model, which is decomposed into three
components: the epistemic, the deontic and the
axiological (Figure 2).
Together, these components incorporate all the
agent informational contents, where it is shown that
information is a complex concept, and requires
different viewpoints to be completely analyzed. The
description and detailed analysis of each of the
aforementioned components is provided in (Filipe
and Liu, 2000).
Although inspired mainly in the semiotics stance,
and the norms-attitudes relationships at different
psycho-sociological levels, related to organisational
modeling, the EDA agent model is related to several
von Wright (1968) suggests that the study of deontic
concepts and the study of the notions of agency and
activity are intertwined.
other models previously proposed, mainly in the
DAI literature.
One of these is the BDI model (Belief, Desire,
Intention) proposed by Rao and Georgeff (1991).
This model is based on a theory of intentions,
developed by Bratman (1987). The BDI perspective
is more concerned with capturing the properties of
human intentions, and their functions in human
reasoning and decision making, whereas the EDA
model is a norm-based representation of beliefs,
goals and values, based on a semiotics view of
information and oriented towards understanding and
modeling social cooperation. BDI agents can easily
abstract from any social environment because they
are not specifically made for multi-agent systems
Singh (1996) also provides a social perspective to
multi-agent systems. He adopts a notion of
commitment that bears some similarity with our
goals, in the sense that it relates a proposition to
several agents, defining the concept of ‘sphere of
Jennings (1994) proposes a social coordination
mechanism based on commitments and conventions,
supported by the notions of joint beliefs and joint
Yu and Mylopoulos (1997) also recognized the
importance of explicitly representing and dealing
with goals, in terms of means-ends reasoning, and
they have proposed the i* modeling framework, in
which organisations and business process models are
based on dependency relationships among agents.
Based on this agent model, we can create social
structures composed of many interacting agents. The
multi-agent system metaphor that we have adopted
for modelling organisations implies that
organisations are seen as goal-governed collective
agents, which are composed of individual agents.
This perspective comes in line with the principles of
normative agents proposed in (Castelfranchi, 1993).
The social normative structure is essentially
defined by agent roles and relationships. Roles can
then be instantiated by one or more agents.
Conceptually, a role is a set of Services and Policies,
and a Policy is a set of Obligations and
Authorizations. At the implementation level, agents
are represented by objects and services are defined
by the object interface. Policies are sets of rules
related to one or more EDA components, each of
which includes at least one knowledge base (KB).
When an agent is selected to perform a role, each of
its EDA components downloads the adequate KB
from an organisational role server.
Obligations are represented as particular goals
whereas authorizations are represented using the
same syntax as goals but in a pattern format, and are
Figure 3: Social and Individual goals parallelism in the
EDA model.
interpreted as potential action enabling/blocking
Figure 3 describes the parallelism between mental
and social constructs that lead to setting a goal in the
agent's agenda, and which justifies the adoption of
an obligation. Here, p represents a proposition
(world state).
represents p as one of agent
’s beliefs. ()Op
represents the obligation that
must see to it that p is true for
. ( )Op
represents the interest that
has on seeing to it that
p is true for itself – a kind of self-imposed
obligation. In this diagram
intuitively, that proposition p is one of the goals on
’s agenda.
Interest is one of the key notions that are
represented in the EDA model, based on the
combination of the deontic operator ‘ought-to-be’
(von Wright, 1951) and the agentive ‘see-to-it-that’
stit operator (Belnap, 1991).
Interests and Desires are manifestations of
Individual Goals. The differences between them are
the following:
Interests are individual goals of which the agent
is not necessarily aware, typically at a high
abstraction level, which would contribute to
improve its overall utility. Interests may be
originated externally, by other agents’
suggestions, or internally, by inference:
deductively (means-end analysis), inductively or
abductively. One of the most difficult tasks for
an agent is to become aware of its interest areas
because there are too many potentially
advantageous world states, making the full utility
evaluation of each potential interest impossible,
given the limited reasoning capacity of any
Desires are interests that the agent is aware of.
However, they may not be achievable and may
even conflict with other agent goals; the logical
translation indicated in the figure,
() ( ())Op BOp
, means that desires are
goals that agent
ought to pursue for itself and
that it is aware of. However, the agent has not yet
decided to commit to it, in a global perspective,
i.e. considering all other possibilities. In other
words, desires become intentions only if they are
part of the preferred extension of the normative
agent EDA model (Filipe, 2000).
It is important to point out the strong connection
between these deontic concepts and the axiologic
component. All notions indicated in the figure
should be interpreted from the agent perspective, i.e.
values assigned to interests are determined by the
agent. Eventually, external agents may consider
some goal (interest) as having a positive value for
the agent and yet the agent himself may decide
otherwise. That is why interests are considered here
to be the set of all goals to which the agent would
assign a positive utility, but which it may not be
aware of. In that case the responsibility for the
interest remains on the external agent.
Not all interests become desires but all desires are
agent interests. This may seem contradictory with a
situation commonly seen in human societies of
agents acting in others’ best interests, sometimes
even against their desires: that’s what parents do for
their children. However, this does not mean that the
agent desires are not seen as positive by the agent; it
only shows that the agent may have a deficient
axiologic system (by its information field standards)
and in that case the social group may give other
-Other agents
-Social roles
() ())(Op BOp
() ())(Op BOp
External Internal(inEDA)
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
agents the right to override that agent. In the case of
artificial agents such a discrepancy would typically
cause the agent to be banned from the information
field (no access to social resources) and eventually
repaired or discontinued by human supervisors, due
to social pressure (e.g. software viruses).
In parallel with Interests and Desires, there are
also social driving forces converging to influence
individual achievement goals, but through a different
path, based on the general notion of social
obligation. Social obligations are the goals that the
social group where the agent is situated require the
agent to attain. These can also have different
flavours in parallel to what we have described for
individual goals.
Duties are social goals that are attached to the
particular roles that the agent is assigned to,
whether the agent is aware that they exist or not.
The statement
means that agent
ought to do p on behalf of another agent
may be another individual agent or a
collective agent, such as the society to which
belongs. Besides the obligations that are
explicitly indicated in social roles, there are
additional implicit obligations. These are inferred
from conditional social norms and typically
depend on circumstances. Additionally, all
specific commitments that the agent may agree
to enter also become duties; however, in this
case, the agent is necessarily aware of them.
Demands are duties that the agent is aware of
This notion is formalised by the following
logical statement:
() ( ())Op BOp
. Social
demands motivate the agent to act but they may
not be achievable and may even conflict with
other agent duties; being autonomous, the agent
may also decide that, according to circumstances,
it is better not to fulfill a social demand and
rather accept the corresponding sanction.
Demands become intentions only if they are part
of the preferred extension of the normative agent
EDA model – see (Filipe, 2000 section 5.7) for
Intentions: Whatever their origin (individual or
social) intentions constitute a non-conflicting set
of goals that are believed to offer the highest
possible value for the concerned agent.
Intentions are designated by some authors
According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, demand is
an insistent and peremptory request, made as of right”.
We believe this is the English word with the closest
semantics to what we need.
(Singh, 1990) as psychological commitments (to
act). However, intentions may eventually
(despite the agent sincerity) not actually be
placed in the agenda, for several reasons:
o They may be too abstract to become directly
executed, thus requiring further means-end
analysis and planning.
o They may need to wait for their appropriate time
of execution.
o They may be overridden by higher priority
o Required resources may not be ready.
Following Habermas (1984) we postulate the
existence of a shared ontology or inter-subjective
reality that defines the social context (information
field) where agents are situated (Filipe, 2003). This
kind of social shared knowledge is not reducible to
individual mental objects (Conte and Castelfranchi,
1995). For example, in the case of a commitment
violation, sanction enforcement is explicitly or
tacitly supported by the social group to which the
agents belong, otherwise the stronger agent would
have no reason to accept the sanction. This
demonstrates the inadequacy of the reductionist
Once again, we look at human organisational
models for designing multi-agent systems; for
example, contracts in human societies are often
written and publicly registered in order to ensure the
existence of socially accepted, and trusted, witnesses
that would enable the control of possible violations
at a social level. Non-registered contracts and
commitments are often dealt with at a bilateral level
only and each concerned agent has its internal
contract copy. This observation suggests two
representational models:
A distributed model: Every agent keeps track of
social objects in which that agent is involved
and may also be a witness of some social
objects involving other agents.
A centralised model: There is an Information
Field Server (IFS) that has a social objects
database, including shared beliefs, norms, agent
roles, social commitments, and institutions.
The distributed model is more robust to failure,
given the implicit redundancy. For example, a
Figure 4: Social objects representation at inter-subjective level and their usage.
contract where a number of parties are involved is
kept in all concerned agents’ knowledge bases,
therefore if an agent collapses the others can still
provide copies of the contract. It is also more
efficient assuming that all agents are honest and
sincere; for example, commitment creation and
termination involved in business transactions would
not need to be officially recorded – a simple
representation of a social commitment at the
concerned agents EDA model would suffice.
However, since these assumptions are often
unrealistic, the distributed model cannot completely
replace the role of certified agents, trusted by society
to keep record of shared beliefs and social
commitments. We assume here that these social
notions are part of the ontology that is shared by all
members of an information field; that’s why we call
these trusted repositories of the shared ontology
“Information Field Servers”. These servers have the
following characteristics:
Different information fields must have different
IFS because the shared ontology may differ
among specific information fields.
Each information field may have several non-
redundant IFS, each representing a small part of
the shared ontology.
The robustness problems of IFS are minimized
by reliable backup (redundant) agents.
Considering the empirical semiotics level,
communication bandwidth is another relevant factor
to consider: if all social objects were placed in
central IFS agents these might become system
A conceptual problem that exists but is not in the
scope of this paper is related to the representation of
social objects resulting from the interaction of agents
belonging to different information fields. Possible
solutions range from the unification of the different
conceptual frameworks to the creation of new
information fields where the ontology is constructed
from a continuous meaning negotiation process via
the interaction of the concerned agents.
In figure 4 the architecture of the inter-subjective
level is depicted with respect to the localisation of
social objects in addition to an example showing
how social objects are used at the subjective level.
Commitments are first class objects, which can be
represented either in the agents’ EDA models (which
we designate as the agents’ space) or in the IFS’
EDA model (which we designate as the Information
Field Server’s space). In the example above, agents
A1 and A2 have only an internal representation (in
each EDA model) of a shared commitment C1,
whereas Agents A2 and A3 do not have an internal
representation of commitment C2 because this
commitment is represented in IFS1. All agents A2
and A3 need is a reference (i.e. a pointer) to that
shared commitment, although for implementation
reasons related to communication bandwidth and
efficiency copies may be kept internally.
The EDA model described here is based on the
organisational semiotics stance, where normative
knowledge and norm-based coordination is
emphasized. The main model components
(Epistemic, Deontic and Axiological) reflect a social
Regularagents’space InformationFieldServers’space
CommitmentC1 CommitmentC2
AgentA1 AgentA2 AgentA3
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
psychology classification of norms, therefore
provide a principled norm-based structure for the
agent internal architecture that is also oriented
toward a norm-based social interaction in
The EDA architecture integrates a number of
ideas gathered from the DAI field and from deontic
logic. Some of the most important ones were
described in the previous section. We recognize the
need for a semantics to underpin the proposed model
but, at the present, we have focused mainly on
conceptual issues.
Particularly important for social modeling is the
notion of ‘commitment’. Although we didn’t
formally define our notion of commitment, we do
see commitments in terms of goals, emerging as a
pragmatic result of social interaction. We believe
that multi-agent commitments can be modeled as
related sets of deontic-action statements, distributed
across the intervening agents, based on the notion of
unified goals as proposed in the deontic component
of our model.
An axiological component seems to be a
necessary part of any intelligent agent, both to
establish preferred sets of agent beliefs and to
prioritize conflicting goals. Since we adopt a unified
normative perspective both towards epistemic issues
and deontic issues, both being based on the notion of
norm as a default or defeasible rule, the axiological
component is conceptualized as a meta-level
Prioritized Default Logic (Brewka, 1994).
In a multi-agent environment the mutual update
of agents’ EDA models is essential as a result of
perceptual events, such as message exchange. There
is also the possibility of using shared spaces such as
the information fields mentioned in section 6, which
exist at an inter-subjective level. However, the
specification of the EDA update using a pragmatic
function is still the subject of current research, and
will be reported in the near future. A related line of
research that is being pursued at the moment
involves the software simulation of EDA models,
which raises some software engineering questions,
related to the implementation of heterogeneous
multi-agent systems implementation, where
interaction aspects become a key issue, requiring a
pragmatic interpretation of the exchanged messages.
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ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations