More Trustworthy or False Trail?
Tim French, Marc Conrad
Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Bedfordshire, Luton LU1 3JU, England
Raymond Brown
Keywords: Identity, user authentication, e-banking, template free biometrics.
Abstract: Identity management is an area that has proved challenging for many e-service providers such as e-banks.
The problem is how to authenticate on-line consumers at the initial point of registration and also how to re-
authenticate on-line customers each time they wish to access e-banking services. Hitherto, e-banks have
adopted several different technological approaches to user authentication. These include traditional user
passwords, as well as one-time passwords that necessitate the user operating a specialist device. In order to
more fully conceptualise the area it is proposed that e-banks should classify the available and emerging
using that we call a "Sign Based Identity Management" approach. One emergent solution is considered in
more detail: namely template free biometric authentication. Our contribution suggests that the hitherto
neglected area of biometric user authentication for e-banking may not only be more robust than existing
whilst also meeting many of the requirements (security, usability, strong trust model, less vulnerable to
replay attacks) of existing methods.
E-banking providers have deployed a range of
techniques to handle on-line user authentication. The
use of user passwords being ubiquitous and chip-
and-pin cards (with passwords) is commonplace.
Biometric techniques have hitherto tended to have
been dismissed too often by the banking industry as
a whole as being inherently too vulnerable to replay
attacks or loss of identity templates leading to an
unacceptable risk of loss of identity (Venkatraman
and Delpachitra, 2008). There may also deeper
organisational cultural reasons for the lack of
adoption of biometrics within banking more
generally to due to a risk aversion culture and
technological conservatism (Constanzo 2006). For
example the guidance issued by relevant authorities
such as the Federal Finance Examinations Council
(http://www.ffiec.gov) tends to stress the importance of
risk management and the increasing dangers of
identity theft in relation to tried and tested methods,
rather than promoting the adoption of novel
methods. This has led to a culture of conservativism
in terms of adopting new technologies, despite the
rise in criminal abuse. For example, the FSA
(Financial Services Authority) recently identify a
worrying rise in online banking fraud losses totalling
some £21.4m during the six month to June 2008, a
185% rise compared to 2007 (Financial Crime
Newsletter, 2007). Similarly, a recent IBM report
(IBM Internet Security Systems X-Force®, 2008)
identifies USA and UK based e-banking fraud as
one of the fastest growing area of on-line crime.
Phishing attacks for example are targeted mainly at
USA and UK based e-banks (88%), with a further
8% targeted at financial payment sites. This is due to
the high economic return of investment for
criminals. Traditional well tried and trusted methods
of operating secure e-banking predominate.
However the rise of e-crime may force e-banking
providers to consider new approaches. Later, we
identify a novel variant template free (voice based)
biometric as offering an alternative for e-bank
authentication both at the initial customer e-banking
enrolment stage and also beyond enrolment for users
on a regular day-to-day basis. The main potential
French T., Brown R. and Conrad M.
DOI: 10.5220/0003267801110116
In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-8425-26-3
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
advantage is that (unlike traditional biometric
methods) there is no need to generate a client
template from a presented biometric. The method is
still emerging from the research literature and has
not been specifically tailored for e-banking use.
Rather, limited trials and test-beds have
demonstrated proof-of-concept results using voice
speech samples (Wisse, 2006). The semiotic
paradigm has offered little support for identity
management. Only Wisse (Athan and Howells,
2009) has offered a theoretical extension to Peirce's
triadic model of semiosis to take into account the
additional complexities of mapping a biological
identity to virtual identities. We go on to ground our
contribution within a semiotic analytic approach to
trusted authentication. This can be seen as a natural
extension to a generic semiotic account of an E-trust
framework most recently articulated within French
(French, 2009).
Previously one of us has suggested that a novel trust
ladder a novel and tailored variant of Stamper's well
known semiotic ladder (Stamper, 1973) can prove to
be invaluable conceptual tool to clarify matters of
trust and security issues in the context of e-bank
web-site design as well as in the context of SSL/TLS
client-server exchanges (Bacharach and Gambetta,
Semiotic trust ladder
Social world, organisational trust:
Beliefs and reputation. Trust as expectations
Organisational trust, social capital
Pragmatics of trust:
Goals, intentions, trusted negotiations, trusted
e-service consumption & provision
Semantics of trust:
Meanings, truth/falsehood, validity
e.g. deception and mimicry on a web-site home-
Syntactics of trust:
Formalisms, tangible security, trusted access to
data, files, software
e.g. PKI, X.509 certificates
Empiric trust:
Cryptographic ciphers, entropy, channel
capacity, e.g. RSA
Figure 1: A “Universal” e-service semiotic trust ladder.
For each of the layers of the semiotic trust ladder (a
close variant of Stamper’s famous ladder) an
exemplar security/trust aspect is indicated. Clearly
the development of a semiotics of security and trust
forms a much larger research agenda. This task lies
outside the scope of the present paper, though this
paper forms a minor contribution to this research
agenda. Indeed, that the ladder may prove to be
useful in the analysis and classification of e-banking
user authentication methods and hence establish a
kind of taxonomy of identity management that we
coin as Sign Based Identity Management (SBIM).
SBIM is intended to reveal the inherent
characteristics and vulnerabilities of well known
user authentication methods used by e-banks and
seek to map these to the various layers of the
semiotic trust ladder. The trust ladder is reproduced
as Figure 1 above.
We suggest that the ladder may prove to be useful in
the analysis and classification of e-banking user
authentication methods and hence establish a kind of
taxonomy of identity management. SBIM is
intended to reveal the inherent characteristics and
vulnerabilities of well known user authentication
methods used by e-banks and seek to map these to
the various layers of the semiotic trust ladder.
Tables 1 and 2 that follow present a tentative
mapping of key user authentication methods to signs
and signal exchanges and known vulnerabilities.
This mapping effectively re-factors authentication in
terms of the signs and signals being exchanged. It
can be seen in Table 1 below that traditional
methods suffer from well known weaknesses of
social engineering whilst the low adoption of one-
time passwords suggests user resistance to adoption.
Credentials such as smart cards and chip-and-pin
cards suffer from problems of 'cloning' and also
offer the possibility of a user presenting such
credentials under duress. It has recently been
suggested that the optimal (future) method of initial
registration identity verification in an EU context
may be the use of EU ID cards (Naumann, 2009).
Such credentials may be relatively easy to clone.
Table 1, contains an entry marked 'template free'
biometrics. We later seek to demonstrate
applicability to e-banking user registration and site
usage through the use of a use case based overview,
with supportive mathematical underpinning. SBIM's
"added value" is to seek to reveal clearly that every
method has known weaknesses and that these are
related to the nature of the signs being exchanged at
various levels of the trust ladder.
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
Table 1: User authentication methods compared.
Method Signs presented Vulnerabilities UK adoption by e-banks?
Passwords Alphanumeric strings
(PIN codes)
Shoulder surfing; social
Password generated token
as part of 2 factor
User password (as above) +
Key fob generates unique
numeric codes every 30 secs.
Counteracts M-in-M attacks but
user adoption requires use of
specialist devices. Shelf-life
typically < 3 yrs
Barclays UK
Visual passwords
ser clicks on hot-spots within
images / or clicks on one or
more arrays of images
Shoulder surfing; poor
scalability for e-banking
Smart card Stored encrypted
public/private keys
Card cloning Commonplace
USB Token (as initial part of
two factor password based
Stored user signed digital certs.
as part of PKI
Tamper resistant but needs
USB port; can be lost by user
leading to loss of service
Used in USA but not
adopted in UK
EU ID Card As above plus potential for
stored biometrics
No ID card available yet across
EU. Loss of card. Card cloning.
Biometrics Extract of salient features
e.g from voice (template)
Loss of template leads to loss
of identity! Specialist devices
needed at client end
None (methods are
relatively mature and
scale well)
Template free biometrics Salient features generate keys
from e.g. voice biometric
May not be scalable? None still emergent stage
Table 2: Mapping of password user authentication to the trust ladder.
Password Trust ladder layer Risk of compromise?
Password selection and
Social level determines password strength /
social engineering leads to weaknesses /shoulder
surfing in internet café etc
Active attacks Pragmatic level
Brute force attack, DDNOS attacks
Phishing attacks
(fake web-site)
Semantic level
Consumers log on to fake site and re-enter
password due to lure of fake surface level signs.
IBM report
Key space Syntactic level
Can be re-issued
Reissuance involves manual interaction
with e-banking human agent to re-
establish security. Some possibility for
interception and/or abuse.
Ciphers/crypto Empiric level
Very low
Private key only. Mathematically secure
through use of hash functions
Table 3: Mapping of voice template free biometric user authentication to the trust ladder.
Voice template free
Trust ladder layer Risk of compromise?
Voice presented
by phone
Social level
Replay via social engineering
Active Attacks Pragmatic
Goals of system re-directed by
inherent vulnerability exploits
Semantic level
Biometric could be stolen
ut cannot be
matched to key pairs unless the secret
proprietary algorithm is compromised.
IBM report
Key space Syntactic level
Cannot be reissued if compromised
Template free mechanism guarantees that the
map from biometric feature to key space can
be adapted if necessary.
Ciphers/crypto Empiric level
Digital signal exchange and
V. Low
Private / public keys generated dynamically and
not stored at client end. Unbreakable.
Figure 2: Novel registration method a schematic diagram.
Tables 2 and 3 show how passwords present a
relatively high risk of compromise as compared to
template free biometrics, when examined in terms of
their vulnerabilities. This is because any adversary
would typically need to mimic genuine signs at
multiple layers of system and user abstraction,
making the task potentially harder. Passwords offer
more vulnerable layers (higher risk) than biometrics.
In the context of e-banking the system dynamics
are: large scalability, high-volume, high accuracy
and reliability. The analysis presented earlier
suggests that e-banks should consider
supplementing their use of passwords and/or
smart cards with a template free biometric
approach. Organizations are using or actively
considering multi-factor authentication
techniques, despite increased management
overheads (Chiasson, 2008).
3.1 Overview
The traditional procedure for opening an on-line
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
bank account (enrolment) typically involves the
customer entering a high-street branch and
presenting evidence of ID, a copy of their signature
and evidence of domicile.
The bank often checks the credit score of the
customer, and after these checks are made the
customer is mapped to one or more accounts. Later,
the customer receives bank credentials (e.g. card,
passwords etc.) that enable transactions to be made
on-line. A variation of the above process involves
the initial capture of information from an on-line
customer, followed by verification of identity (off-
line) and issuance of credentials to the customer so
that the account can be activates and operated on-
Atah and Howells (Athan and Howells, 2009)
claim to have developed a so called template free
authentication system. Here the encryption key is
devised directly from the measured features. It
should be noted that a simple hash algorithm would
not be appropriate in this situation as even a small
change in the recorded features would imply a
completely different hashed value. The algorithm
uses voice features, normalizes them and produces
data which is discretised. The use of voice based
template free biometric would typically involve an
initial visit to a branch followed by seamless on-line
usage. Thus the initial workload of enrolment would
be somewhat higher than the traditional method.
This (recording) would need to be accompanied by
manual ID document presentation as in the
traditional method for additional security reasons.
The e-banking customer presents a voice biometric,
by means of any voice enabled IP connected device.
To avoid replay attacks a daily 'passphrase' could be
embedded within their free voice text entry.
3.3 Empiric Level: A Novel Centred
Discretisation Approach
In an e-banking context it is always the case that an
e-bank needs to verify that the presented credential
matches the stored credential. The most vulnerable
situation is that of an e-bank storing the clear text
voice sample (as shown in Figure 2). In this case if
the sample is stolen a person's identity is also stolen.
A better case is when the e-bank stores only a
hashed value of a voice sample. In this case loss
would not result in a loss of identity due to the
difficulty of reversing such hash functions. The
difficulty of generating a unique hash value from
differing presented voice samples generated by the
customer remains problematic. Our solution is based
upon centred discretisation techniques. These
techniques retain the advantages of template free
Table 4: a risk analysis of the template free method.
Semiotic trust ladder Vulnerabilities of
template free method
Social world,
organisational trust:
Beliefs and
reputation. Trust as
trust, social capital
Adoption may be
limited by consumer
fears concerning
possible misuse of
presented voice
matics of
Goals, intentions,
trusted negotiations,
trusted communications
consumption &
Customers are
adverse to adopting
biometric methods in
general for e-finance
in the UK. Past track
record of introduction
(for ATM's) failed
due to user (over
Semantics of trust:
e.g. deception and
mimicry on a web-site
Robust algorithms
needed to ensure
robustness to replay
attacks, user forced
under duress to
submit biometric by
adversary etc.
ntactics of trust:
tangible security,
trusted access to data,
files, software
e.g. PKI, X.509
o trusted
standard (yet)
developed unlike
other systems that are
ANSI certified.
Empiric trust:
ciphers, entropy,
channel capacity
Template free
discretisation of
continuous data may
constitute a problem
of matching stability.
biometric method (no potential loss of identity if the
discretised samples are stolen) whilst enhancing the
practicability of an e-bank correctly matching the
hashed values of the presented credential to the
stored credential. We suggest that centred
discretisation provides a potentially more stable
approach, as depicted schematically in Figure 3
Figure 3: Continuous line (0..) divided into segments of
length 2r (adapted from (14).
The centred discretisation algorithm is discussed in
(Chiasson, 2008), in the context of graphical
passwords. We have adapted the method so as to
match the needs of e-banking voice verification.
The adoption of novel user authentication
technologies by e-banks is a complex affair. From a
semiotic analytic viewpoint barriers and
vulnerabilities exist at several layers of the trust
ladder not only at the tangible security layer. Whilst
the template free approach offers the future prospect
of a generally more robust solution to e-banking user
authentication, concerns remain, particularly as to
the reaction of on-line customers and with respect to
the ease with which unique bit strings can be
generated within a fault free context from presented
samples. Future work includes an e-banking
provider survey and initial exploratory partnerships
with one or more UK e-banks, so as to seek active
support for the adoption of voice based template free
biometrics. Before adoption, enhancements such as
the centred discretisation method will be needed and
scaled to meet the demands of security, trust and
user acceptance of such novel technologies. Existing
technologies are weak and liable to abuse by
criminals. To simply maintain the status quo may
not prove viable.
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ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations