Wei Qi
School of Electronics and Information Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China
Xiaomin Zhu
School of Mechanical, Electronic and Control Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China
Keyword: Cognitive Network, QoS, Resource Reservation, Adaptive Borrowing.
Abstract: As an effective measure to ensure an end to end QoS, RSVP mechanism has been widely used in the QoS
demanding applications. However, owing to the higher bandwidth requirements and the more complex
circumstance in the networks, the current RSVP Mechanisms cannot satisfy the user's increasing
requirements for Internet’s QoS. The Cognitive Network has been proposed as a solution for building
improved network architecture. On the basis of analyzing the existing resource reservation mechanisms and
the features of cognitive network, this paper combines RVSP mechanism and the features of cognitive
networks, and accordingly proposes one Improved RSVP Mechanism named RSVP-Cognition Network
(RSVP-CN) to optimize the end-to-end QoS. Comprehensive simulations show that the proposed RSVP-CN
mechanism efficiently improves the end-to-end QoS in the networks.
With a rapid development of Internet technologies
and the increasing requirements on communication,
the new network services are emerging continually.
And Internet traffic is growing at an exponential
rate. Also, it has been driven by the increasing
number of users and the introduction of new
demanding applications. Clearly, the traditional
network architecture that has been built in the past
few years cannot offer an acceptable level of QoS to
this type of applications. To address this problem,
the concept of Cognitive Networks (Thomas R.W.,
2005 and Fortuna Carolina, 2009) was proposed as a
solution for providing end-to-end QoS guarantees
over the Internet. But At present, the research
involved with issues of mechanisms adapted to
cognition network is still in its infancy. As
the previous situation, the RSVP mechanism
* This work is partially supported by the grants of National
Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) with contract
number 60773033, and National High Technology
Research and Development Program Plan of China (863
Plan) with contract number 2009AA01Z211.
(Ahmad Belhoul, 2009), which is one of the most
commonly applicable resource reservation
mechanisms, has difficulties to cope with the
growing of Internet traffic Aforementioned. The
current RSVP mechanism uses the Resource
Reservation to guarantee some important network
services’ level of QoS. And based on RSVP
mechanism, Differentiated Services (DiffServ)
(Spiridon Bakiras, 2004) was proposed for achieving
a more suitable Resource Reservation for different
types of network services. However, resource of
network which has been reserved in both RSVP and
DiffServ cannot be used by other network services
or changed dynamically according to the Internet
circumstance changing all the time. The current
RSVP mechanism wastes the limited resource and
cannot satisfy the user's increasing requirements for
the end-to-end QoS. Furthermore, it cannot use the
features of Cognition Networks, such as automatic
learning, intelligence and dynamical adaptation.
To solve the above problems, this paper
introduces an improved RSVP mechanism adapted
to cognitive networks named RSVP-Cognition
Network (RSVP-CN). In this mechanism, to make
Qi W. and Zhu X.
DOI: 10.5220/0003268902570262
In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-8425-26-3
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
fully use of the advantages in cognitive network, the
features of Cognitive Network (e.g. automatic
learning, intelligence and dynamical adaptation) are
introduced into the traditional RSVP mechanism.
The RSVP-CN mentioned in this article is adapted
to Cognition Networks and can increase the
utilization of Network Resource. Thus, the
RSVP-CN mechanism provides the higher level of
The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
The Literature Review is given in the section2. The
related knowledge is introduced in the section 3. The
detail of RSVP-CN and the reasons why this paper
introduces RSVP-CN are given in section 4. Section
5 reports a set of simulation experiments. Section 6
draws some conclusions.
Many Reservation Resource mechanisms have been
proposed to solve the problems caused by the rapid
development of internet and the increasing
requirements from users. Nowadays some of them
have been mature enough.
In BGRP (border gateway reservation protocol,
(Ping P. Pan, 2000 and, Mohit Chamania, 2009)),
the network is divided into multiple domains, and
each domain can run their different resource
reservation protocols. And then, all kinds of
resources, status and information are stored in the
domain tree structure in accordance with the core
node. At finally, the router in backbone network set
aside information from each domain as a whole to
grasp the resource usage of entire network. Similar
to the former, DARIS (dynamic aggregation of
reservations for internet services, (R.Bless, 2004))
minimizes the resulting overhead, while gathering
the information of resource reservation in network.
The studies on resource reservation mechanisms
in wireless network also exist much. In the All-IP
wireless network, the cell-based switching controller
resource reservation mechanism (Bongkyo Moon,
2004) can ensure that QoS wouldn’t debase while
the mobile terminals move. Besides, Jiongkuan Hou,
Yuguang Fang (2000) proposed a mechanism named
Mobility-based channel reservation scheme for
wireless mobile networks. The mechanism uses
Impact Curves to describe the interference in the
adjacent cell caused by a new service, and design a
forecast and resource reservation algorithms based
on the interference, finally solve the problem that
service outages caused by the switch between cells.
Moreover, Task dividable based reservation for
grid computing mechanism (PU Jing, 2008) divided
resource in network into multiple sub-sets aside to
improve system throughout. A Pre-Reservation
Technology Based on RSVP (Guo Meng, 2004),
which applied to distance learning,
video-on-demand or other real-time multimedia
services, gets right to use the resources in advance
reservation. So from the reservation to the real
beginning, this mechanism allows to set aside
resources to be adjusted or canceled. Such measures
improve the flexibility for the use of network
resources, but they are still complex.
Although all the mechanisms above have a
significant effect on improving network resource
utilization and reducing rejection rate, the current
studies rarely pay attention on borrowing and
deployment the resources that have been set aside.
This paper introduces the feature of cognition
networks into RSVP, and then proposes the
RSVP-CN that provides QoS differentiated services
for the heterogeneous users and allows services with
a higher QoS level take up temporary operations in
the idle reservation resource for other services.
3.1 Cognition Networks
Cognitive networks (Thomas R.W., 2005 and
Fortuna Carolina, 2009) has been an important issue
in the field of future communications, Cognitive
behavioural model (Thomas R.W., 2005 and Fortuna
Carolina, 2009) is shown in Figure 1: in a cognitive
process that can perceive current network
conditions, and then plan, decide and act on those
conditions and can learn from these adaptations and
use them to make future decisions, all while taking
into account end-to-end goals. Cognitive technology
endows communication entities with an ability of
being cognitive for the surrounding environment and
makes them change dynamically, intellectively and
self-adaptively according to the surrounding
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
Figure 1: Cognitive behavioral model.
So, benefited from the features of Cognitive
Networks, RSVP-CN can perceive the occupied
reservation resources, and then decide to borrow the
idle reservation resources. After acting, the change
that services with a higher class of QoS take up
temporary operations in the idle reservation resource
for other services feedbacks to the environment. And
then, a new circuit begins again.
3.2 RSVP Mechanism
RSVP (Ahmad Belhoul, 2009) can guarantee
end-to-end QoS by exchanging PATH and RESV
messages to reserve bandwidth of the routes. In
RSVP, a source node sends PATH message to keep
the state of reservation and route. Then, when the
terminal which needs to reserve resources receives
the PATH message, it feedbacks the RESV message.
If reservation fails, the router returns RESVERR
message in order to inform terminals and source
nodes for processing. And in RSVP, reservation
successes if the path satisfies the bandwidth request.
But when idle resources don’t exist, the router
returns error message, the process is shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Reservation Process in RSVP.
While implementing QoS differentiated services,
the PATH messages can carry the information that
identifies the class of services’ QoS. And this paper
adds one module to identify the classes of QoS and
decide whether to borrow the resource that has been
reserved to other services.
4.1 Basic Ideas
The current RSVP mechanism cannot satisfy the
requirement of the acceptable level of QoS from
users and isn’t adapted to Cognition Networks.
Hence, to solve the problems(e.g. resource wasting,
low level of QoS), this paper proposed RSVP-CN
which has a cognitive process that can perceive
current network conditions, and then plan, decide
and act on those conditions and can learn from these
adaptations and use them to make future decisions,
all while taking into account end-to-end goals. And
in cognition networks, RSVP-CN uses the features
(e.g. automatic learning, intelligence and dynamical
adaptation) to identify the class of services’ QoS and
discovers occupied reservation. With the accurate
judgment toward the circumstance of Internet,
services with a higher QoS class can take up
temporary operations in the idle reservation resource
for other services. And the classes of QoS are
differentiated according to the variety services’
classes. As an improved RVSP mechanism, the
advance compared with RSVP reflects in two
aspects below:
1) RSVP-CN provides QoS differentiated
services for the heterogeneous users.
2) RSVP-CN adds a module in the process of the
RSVP, which achieves the aim of identifying
the classes of the QoS and borrowing the
reservation resource to the services with higher
QoS class.
4.2 QoS Differentiated in RSVP-CN
In the network, heterogeneous services exist.
Referring to their different importance, the services
can be differentiated to several classes. In contrast to
the traditional RSVP, the DiffServ (Spiridon
Bakiras, 2004) whose benefit is scalability adopts
this method. In RSVP-CN, as the balance between
efficiency and accuracy is taken into account, QoS is
divided to three classes, which are identified as high,
middle and low. And this mechanism marks them
with 1, 2 and 3. Thus, the mapping between services
and classes of their QoS is shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Mapping between services and classes of their
QoS Class Services Class
1 Low
2 Middle
3 High
RSVP-CN allows services with a higher QoS
class take up temporary operations in the idle
reservation resource for other services.
4.3 Cognition Module
In RSVP-CN, when a new service requests for
reservation resource, RSVP mechanism judges
whether build the reservation according to the
bandwidth. Of course, while the route satisfies the
reservation’s requirement for bandwidth, it can be
allocated bandwidth for reservation. But in
Cognition Networks, the communication entities can
perceive current network conditions. Hence, the
source nodes, routers and terminals can search the
idle reservation resources, and then decide that
whether to borrow them or not. So this paper
proposed one improved mechanism named
RSVP-CN that adds a cognition module in the
process of RSVP. And the module is shown in
Figure 3.
Compared with the RSVP mechanism,
RSVP-CN adds a process named Cognition Module
which has two functions below:
3) Identifying the classes of QoS differentiated
4) Judging whether to borrow the reservation
resource to the services with high QoS class.
The added module collects the information
perceived by source nodes, terminals and routers,
and then implements the process that allocating the
idle reservation resource requested by services
whose QoS class is lower than new reservation
request. Besides, new service that has the same QoS
Figure 3: Reservation Process in RSVP-CN.
class with previous one would be refused. And after
the new service finishes occupation, it returns the
resource to previous reservation. Moreover, if some
services are so important that reservation can’t be
borrowed their classes of QoS would be identified as
the highest. So, RVSP-CN would be little possible to
have a bad effect on the communication of important
services (e.g. military communication).
RVSP-CN mentioned in this paper was simulated
with the well-known OPNET network simulator.
This paper chooses the simulated network with a
typical topology shown in Figure 4 below.
Figure 4: Simulated topology.
The widths of access links from the sender and to
the receivers were set to 100Mb/s. The time that
simulation takes is 150s. Additionally, a simulation
for comparison is made with RSVP [10], which is
the original mechanism optimized in this paper. And
in the topology that this paper chooses, Source node
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
A and Source node B send reservation requests for
services with different QoS level in a certain rate.
And this paper measured number of successful
requests, which reflects resource utilization and
network efficiency. The simulation result is shown
in Figure 5 below.
Figure 5: Number of successful requests.
In Figure 5, blue line shows the number of
successful requests when topology used RSVP-CN.
And the other line reflects the number of successful
requests while using RSVP. Through comparison we
can conclude that the improved mechanism has a
significant increase in the number of requests for
accept services’ reservation resource. Hence,
RSVP-CN can provide higher network resource
utilization, reducing rejection rate and network
Additionally, in order to reflect the change in
QoS, this paper measured end-to-end delay between
Router A and Router B, which is an important index
for QoS. The simulation result is shown in Figure 6
Figure 6: Delay (seconds).
In Figure 6, blue line shows end-to-end delay
when topology used RSVP-CN. And the other line
reflects end-to-end delay while using RSVP.
Through comparison we can conclude that although
the blue line generally is over the red line, the
difference is not large. Hence, RSVP-CN don’t
recede QoS, but it has increased the number of
According to cognitive networks being capacity of
perceiving the state parameters of internet’s
environment self-learning and adaptively. This paper
proposed one improved RSVP mechanism adapted
to cognitive networks – RVSP-CN. The proposed
mechanism combined with features of cognition
networks is an effective way to provide reservation
resource in the internet.
Today introducing the concept of cognition
networks to current mechanisms is still in its
infancy. But in the future there will be more relevant
studies in the field. And the mechanisms adapted to
cognition networks will involve with more aspects in
the network, such as server load balance, the
existing prediction algorithms, even for the
re-classification and definition for QoS indicators.
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ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations