Vânia Paula de Almeida Neris and M. Cecília C. Baranauskas
Institute of Computing, University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Av. Albert Einstein, 1251 Campinas, SP, Brazil
Keywords: Human-Computer Interaction, User interface design, Organizational Semiotics, Semantic Analysis, Norm
Abstract: Human interaction with Information and Communication Technologies relies on the manipulation of signs
represented in different interface elements. While designing interfaces, several decisions may be taken as
which interface elements will be added, where, which size, shape or color must have. More than context
knowledge (as who is the user, devices’ characteristics and environmental conditions), information from the
system domain should be used to support interface design. This paper presents preliminary results of an
exploratory study about how affordances and norms may inform user interface design decisions. The results
suggest that some categories of affordances are represented in the interface by similar types of signs and are
placed in specific positions. Moreover, MONA, a tool to help designers to structure user interfaces and
determine the behavior of each element using norms, is presented.
The pervasiveness of Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT) in our daily
lives emphasizes the necessity of technical systems
aligned with people’s intention, beliefs and social
commitments. Therefore, the design of these
systems demands a deep understanding about the
complex interaction process between humans and
ICT. This understanding is only possible with a
socio-technical perspective that considers ICT as
part of reality, which is socially constructed.
Semiotics has been effectively used as a
theoretical framework for supporting the interaction
design (e.g. Nadin, 1988; Andersen, 1990; deSouza,
2005). Interaction between users and the technical
system can be considered a sharing-sign
phenomenon influenced by several factors as
familiarity with devices, intention of use, affective
issues, devices’ characteristics and environmental
conditions. Such phenomenon, analyzed only
according to the perspective of engineering, has
been interpreted as purely syntactic. The analysis
using Semiotics reveals the primary function of
computer systems as vehicles of signs and supplies
an adequate vocabulary that makes possible the
understanding of computer systems in terms of other
types of sign systems (Nadin, 1988).
Organizational Semiotics (OS), in particular, is a
discipline that explores the use of signs and their
effects on social practices (Stamper et al., 1988; Liu,
2000). OS provides a background that embodies
knowledge and support collaboration and reflection
among people from the different disciplines
involved in interaction design (Baranauskas and
Bonacin, 2008). In addition, OS supplies methods
and artifacts that have been successfully used to
clarify the design problem, extend context
knowledge, formalize requirements and evaluate the
design solution (cf. Liu et al., 1998; Bonacin et al.,
2006; Rambo et al., 2009; Neris et al., 2010).
The human interaction with ICT relies on
interfaces that allow the manipulation of signs which
may be represented in different forms as text,
pictures, sound and video, to name the currently
popular ones. While designing interfaces, several
decisions may be taken as which interface elements
will be created to enable some type of interaction,
where, which size, shape or color must have, among
other characteristics. These decisions are generally
left on the designers’ hands or on user interface
patterns detached from the application domain. Neris
et al. (2008) have shown that the users’ knowledge
about the domain and their digital literacy highly
influences the interaction. When users know about
the system domain and the system design reflects the
de Almeida Neris V. and Baranauskas M.
DOI: 10.5220/0003269701330140
In Proceedings of the Twelfth Inter national Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-8425-26-3
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
domain characteristics, the interaction process is
facilitated. Therefore, we argue that more than
context knowledge (as who is the user, devices’
characteristics and environmental conditions),
information about the system domain are influential
for interface design decisions.
This paper presents an exploratory study to
investigate how the concepts of affordances and
norms may inform user interface design (UID). 17
designers were involved in a case study and 7 web
design proposals were analyzed. The domain was
modeled based on two methods from OS, Semantic
Analysis Method (SAM) and Norm Analysis
Method (NAM). Affordances and norms from the
domain modeling were compared to those direct or
indirectly present in the final UID. The preliminary
results suggest a relation between some specific
affordances and the place and presentation format of
related elements in the user interface. Finally, a tool
to structure interfaces is proposed and the interface
elements characteristics are formalized by norms.
The text is organized as follows: Section 2 presents
the background concepts; Section 3 presents results
of the case study to explore the relation of
affordances and norms with UID; Section 4 presents
a norm modeler tool as part of the process of
constructing UID based on the concepts of
affordances and norms; Section 5 concludes.
The concept of affordance was initially created by
the perceptual psychologist J. J. Gibson (1977,
1979) as a word for the behavior of an organism
made available that “implies the complementarities
of the organism and its environment”. As Gibson
defined it, “the affordances of the environment are
what it offers the animal, what it provides or
furnishes, either for good or ill”. For Norman (1988,
2008), Gibson invented the word affordance “to
refer to a relationship: the actions possible by a
specific agent on a specific environment”.
According to Stamper (1988, 1996), the word
affordance in Gibson’s theory is related to the
invariants we perceive that are significant for
physical and biological reasons.
The term affordance started to be widely used in
design after Norman’s book (1988), in which he
proposes the use of perceived affordances and the
“thing” actual properties. According to him,
affordances provide strong clues about how the thing
could be possibly used, e.g. “plates are for pushing”
or “slots are for inserting things”. He argues that in
graphical, screen-based interfaces, all that the
designer has available is control over perceived
affordances. The computer system, with its
keyboard, display screen, pointing device and
selection buttons affords pointing, touching, looking,
and clicking on every pixel of the display screen.
However, Norman clarifies later on (2004), even if
users can click anytime and everywhere on an
interface, it is strong to state that a graphical object
on the screen “affords clicking”. He emphasizes that
the question is: “Does the user perceive that clicking
on that location is a meaningful, useful action to
Stamper’s (1988) extension to the concept of
affordances better helps us to answer this question.
According to Stamper et al. (2004): “All organisms,
including human agents construct their perceptions
of the only world they can know through their
actions; they have to discover (or be taught, or
inherit by instinct) what invariant repertoires of
behavior the world affords them (= the affordances);
then they populate their reality with those
affordances that help them to survive”. This
perspective considers that the reality is socially
constructed and relates affordances with patterns of
behavior arisen from social interactions. Therefore,
every affordance presupposes meaning and
intention, what guides for example the click on an
interface element.
OS proposes a method to support domain
modeling by its affordances. SAM supports the
analysis, specification and representation of a social
system and is divided into four phases: problem
definition, candidate affordance generation,
candidate grouping and ontology charting (Liu,
2000). Considering a statement that defines the
(design) problem, the main affordances in the
domain are elicited. SAM also considers the
concepts of agents and ontological dependencies.
Agents are a special type of affordance which refers
to those who are capable of assuming
responsibilities. Ontological dependencies are links
between affordances or agents representing that the
element in the right can only exist during the
existence of the element in the left. After identifying
the affordances and agents and grouping them (if
they have the same meaning), the ontology chart is
OS approach rescues the original sense of
ontology as part of the philosophy that studies the
nature of reality. It adopts a social-subjectivism
stance and an agent-in-action perspective for
ontology; i.e. each word or expression used is a
name for patterns of behavior in the set of actions
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
and events which agents experience. Therefore, the
ontology chart is like a “snapshot” of the reality
regarding that specific domain in which the
prospective (software) system will be included.
Moreover, the dynamic behavior in that reality can
be modeled using norms.
Norms are the rules which determine how social
organisms interact and control affordances (Stamper
1993; Stamper et al., 2000). They are related to how
people behave, think, make judgments and perceive
the world. Every norm can be written as IF
<condition> THEN <consequence>. Behavioral
norms, in particular, can be expressed in an extended
format: WHENEVER <state> IF <condition> THEN
<agent> IS <deontic operator: must, may, must not>
TO <action>. With this last structure, it is possible
to complement an ontology chart by specifying how
agents deal with affordances. Indeed, affordances by
themselves express perceptual norms. They concern
the ways in which we divide up the world into the
phenomena to which we attach names. We can only
represent norms explicitly when we have words to
represent the perceptions underlying them (Stamper
et al., 2000). Moreover, evaluative and cognitive
norms also compose a social psychological
taxonomy of norms.
NAM consists of 4 steps for eliciting and
formalizing norms: responsibility analysis, proto-
norm analysis, trigger analysis and detailed norm
specification (cf. Liu, 2000). Each step assists the
identification of parts of the norm. In special, the
responsibility analysis aims at assigning the agents
in charge for each action. The trigger analysis focus
on the conditions that should happen thus the action
will be performed.
Both, affordances and norms, are powerful
concepts to describe a domain and have been used to
support the design of interactive systems (Bonacin,
2005; Neris and Baranauskas, 2009). Nevertheless, it
is still necessary to investigate whether these
concepts may support interface design decisions.
The next section presents an exploratory study in
this direction.
An exploratory study analyzed 7 user interfaces
from prototypes developed by 17 (prospective)
designers from the postgraduate course in Computer
Science at UNICAMP-Brazil. The prototypes were
developed following PLuRaL - a framework for the
design of tailorable user interfaces based on
Organizational Semiotic concepts (Neris and
Baranauskas, 2010). PLuRaL is organized in 3
pillars: the 1st one brings out the signs of interest in
the domain (being them related to users, devices or
environment) and formalizes non-functional
requirements that the tailorable system should cope
with. The 2
pillar benefits from SAM and NAM
and allows a consistent view about the domain,
including the norms that govern the agents’
behavior, and assist the formalization of functional
requirements. In the 3rd pillar, the tailorable design
solution is build up and a norm-based structure
formalizes the system tailorable behavior.
Designers worked in 7 groups (4 with 3
participants each, 2 with 2 participants each and 1
participant worked alone) and were free to propose a
system design within the context of service
applications for the Brazilian user. The systems
chosen consider different domains: public drugstore,
Portuguese learning support, social network about
books, poll system for digital TV, traffic awareness,
job guide and interaction monitoring system.
In this study, the ontology charts generated in
PLuRaL’s 2
pillar were compared to the final user
interfaces as described in section 3.1. The results
observed and some preliminary conclusions are
presented in section 3.2.
3.1 Method
The analysis aimed at evaluating if (and how)
affordances and norms that represent the domain
were expressed in the final user interfaces.
Therefore, the adopted method considered the
following steps: (1) the affordances represented in
each ontology chart (an example is shown in Figure
1a) were divided into 4 categories: people
(considering the roles derived from the affordance
“person”), institutions (agents which are not person
or person’s roles), actions (affordances expressed by
verbs) and substantives (affordances expressed by
nouns); (2) Each final user interface was inspected
and the main affordances expressed in the different
interaction areas were elicited; (3) The affordances
expressed in the interfaces were compared to those
from the ontology charts, considering position in the
interface and representation (which interface
element was used: icons, links, buttons etc), as
illustrated in Figure 1b.
Figure 1: (a) Ontology chart for a job guide domain. (b) Final user interface with main reflected affordances.
3.2 Preliminary Results
From the analysis of the ontology charts and user
interfaces, some quantitative data were obtained as
summarized in Table 1. Each line in the table
represents one of the seven prototypes analyzed. The
affordances in the ontology charts and user
interfaces were counted considering the criteria
expressed in section 3.1.
The first fact that can be observed (and was
already expected) is that the quantity of affordances
related to the domain in the user interface is smaller
than in the ontology chart. As the ontology chart
represents a domain, fraction of a reality, the
technical system can support only part of the actions
that the agents perform. However, in the user
interfaces other affordances, not related to the
domain, but related to the interface itself, emerge.
Figure 1b shows on the right some affordances that
were added in the interface to support the interaction
itself. They represent actions such as increase the
font size, change contrast or play a supportive video
or sound. Table 1 considers only affordances related
to the domain.
The affordances regarding people are essential to
clarify the responsibilities in the domain and support
the elicitation of the possible users. Though, they did
not appear explicitly in the interface. In most cases,
they represent the implicit agent interacting with the
system. The only 2 people (traffic agent guide and a
clinic attendant) that appear in the interfaces (as
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
Table 1: Quantity of affordances related to the domain from the ontology chart vs. in the user interface.
Ontology chart User interface
people institutions actions substantives people institutions actions substantives
2 3 5 2 0 1 3 1
2 0 5 3 0 0 3 3
4 2 11 3 1 0 2 3
2 5 6 4 0 0 2 1
4 2 5 4 0 1 4 1
4 4 4 5 1 1 1 2
2 1 6 4 0 1 1 1
Figure 2: Mock-up of MONA.
pictures) were added to assist the users as elements
to activate help options or provide affective support.
Institutions, on the other hand, were represented
in the user interface; mostly by their logos and on
the left upper position or in the footer. However, the
number of institutions represented in the interfaces
could have been greater. Some representations for
institutions (as the traffic regulatory body or the
healthy ministry) were not added by the designers;
maybe because it was an academic exercise. In a real
life situation, as the services are supported by
governmental agencies, their logos should have been
The actions from the domain supported by the
system were mostly represented by links and buttons
(as look for, announce or comment). Moreover, they
were placed on the left hand side or in the middle
area (in the case of the main functionality), while the
actions related to the interface itself or affective
support were mainly placed on the right side. The
substantives were generally presented with the
actions; therefore on the left hand side or in the
middle. While on the left, they were represented by
text; but when in the middle, different types of signs
were used as icons and symbols, or more specifically
diagrams and emblems.
Regarding norms, two main types were specified
by designers: perceptual and behavioral norms. The
perceptual norms appear directly when thinking
about affordances. Each word chosen to form the
ontology chart represents how the domain is
perceived and in most cases, the same words
adopted in the chart were adopted in the interface.
However, sometimes designers selected other terms
(or even new terms show up), what suggests the
need of refining the chart. Thus, UID, supported by
information from the domain, not only benefits from
the use of significant terms but also helps in the
model refinement. This is an observation which
corroborates with an incremental process of building
the ontology diagram.
Deliberately, designers specified behavioral
norms, expressing the conditions and consequences
related to the actions presented in the ontology chart.
According to the designers, these norms were very
supportive to clarify the system functions and
assisted the specification of use cases. They
commented: “the use cases generation was really
immediate, as the two methods [SAM and NAM]
helped a lot to understand the problem and the
system” and “the ontology chart with norms really
helped to specify the use cases, e.g. actions and pre
and post-conditions”. However, this study did not
provide evidences that behavioral norms directly
supported decisions in the user interfaces. In
addition, further studies may aggregate evaluative
and cognitive norms to the investigation.
The preliminary observations suggest that some
categories of affordances are represented in the
interface by similar types of signs and are grouped in
specific areas (e.g. institutions by their logos in the
left upper side or in the footer; actions by textual
links or buttons in the left side or substantives in the
middle by different signs). Moreover, perceptual
norms supported design decisions regarding the
terms added to the interface. The next section
presents a tool to help designers to structure
interfaces and to define the behavior of each element
using norms. This tool added to an ontology chart
builder and NBIC (Bonacin and Baranauskas, 2005)
to support the construction of tailorable systems
from SAM and NAM.
MONA (Portuguese acronym for norm modeler for
tailorable interfaces) is a tool that helps designers to
structure user interfaces based on the concept of
wireframes. It allows the representation of
interaction areas and support design consistency
through several interfaces. Figure 2 shows a mock-
up from MONA’s main interface. Designers can
specify the system being developed (e.g. Vila na
Rede - an inclusive social network system that
allows users to share products, services and ideas - and the functionalities
being represented (e.g. comment_post). Some
interaction areas as well as some interaction
elements are available to compose the interface in a
drag and drop style. The different interfaces for each
functionality are drawn in individual tabs (e.g.
However, only drawings are not enough to
represent the diversity of facets a tailorable system
may have, hence a more formal approach needs to
be adopted. Once more, OS founded the solution and
the norm concept was applied. As norms express
how agents behave in society, the same structure
was adopted to model the behavior of tailorable
systems. An instance of the format proposed for
behavioral norms is suggested considering context,
functionality and interface elements, as follows:
WHENEVER (d, e, u) IF (f, r) THEN <system>
IS <deontic operator> TO show (i, m)
d: device, e: environment, u: user
f: functionality, r: representation
i: interface element, m: mode (position, size,
shape, color, type, instance)
The context is defined by a tuple formed by
device, environment and user characteristics. When
the condition is satisfied, i.e. the system starts a
specific functionality in a specific representation (as
the same functionality may have more than one user
interface), then the tailorable system must, may or
may not show a group of interface elements in a
certain mode. The proposed format allows modeling
a great variability of changes and designers can
specify since simple situations as “every time the
application is running on a cell phone, contrast
option should be on” to more complex ones
involving specific behavior of different interface
elements (whenever (Computer, in the office,
attendant) if (check appointment, appointment
report) then drugstore_system should show
[(language style, “formal_semantics.txt”); (logo,
Healthy ministry)]. With MONA, designers can
specify the behavior of each element by clicking on
the interface element and specifying the norm.
It is important to mention that, in OS, the
original concept of norms is related to the
organization behavior and the structure of behavioral
norms requires an agent (affordance with
responsibility) as the responsible for the action. The
same norm structure was adopted in MONA
intending to represent a certain behavior; in this
case, the system behavior. The software system is as
an agent that will display a set of interface elements
in a certain mode. This view considers the system as
an active artifact capable of doing tasks in different
contexts. However, it is known that the system
software is not an agent in the sense OS proposes,
since the responsibilities are always associated to the
human agents behind the system.
Using MONA, designers start structuring the
user interface from scratch. i.e. with no previous
support. However, considering the results presented
in section 3.2, MONA could support designers
considering information from the domain. Figure 3
shows a process which considers 2 other tools as
infra-structure: SONAR (Bonacin et al., 2004) and
NBIC/ICE (Bonacin and Baranauskas, 2005).
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
Figure 3: Modules to help designers to consider information from the domain in UID.
SONAR is an ontology chart drawing tool. It allows
the specification of affordances, agents, roles,
ontological dependencies and the norms related to
them. In a drag and drop style, designers can
rearrange the elements and may evolve the chart.
SONAR also generates initial versions of UML class
diagrams from the ontology chart (Bonacin et al.,
2004). Adding a syntactic parser to MONA, which
may base the affordances classification as verbs and
substantives; it could suggest a first structuring for
the interface. People and institutions could be
directly obtained from the ontology chart.
MONA can export the interface structure and
norms expressing the elements behavior in a XML
format that can be read by the webservices offered
by the NBIC/ICE infra-structure. The NBIC (Norm
Based Interface Configurator) receives the norm
specification in Deontic logic, manages the norms
persistence, and also transforms them into a platform
specific language that can be interpreted by an
inference machine on ICE (Interface Configuration
Environment). Then, the ICE receives context
information from the application, evaluates the
norms related to context by using the inference
machine (JESS – JAVA rule engine) and returns to
the tailorable application an action plan with the
changes to be done.
As suggested by Figure 3, information from the
domain (modeled through SAM and NAM) supports
the interface structuring (suggesting interface
elements and position and also terms to be used)
directly influencing the technical system behavior.
This paper presented preliminary results from an
exploratory study about affordances and norms
representing the application domain and user
interface design decisions. The results suggest that
some categories of affordances are represented in the
interface by similar types of signs and are placed in
specific positions. Moreover, perceptual norms
support design decisions regarding which terms may
be added to the interface. MONA, a tool to help
designers to structure user interfaces and determine
the behavior of each element using norms, was
presented. Moreover, the interface structuring of a
tailorable system was proposed based on
information from affordances and norms.
MONA mainly supports interaction designers in
their task of representing which are the interface
areas and respective interaction elements for a
tailorable design solution. MONA allows the
interaction designer to specify also the shape of
some interface elements when it is already known
(e.g. the logo of the site), although this is a task of
graphical designers.
As OS artifacts have been successfully used to
help several UID activities such as clarifying the
design problem, extending the context knowledge,
formalizing requirements and evaluating the design
solution, this paper advocates a possible support to
user interface structuring. Once it was a first
approach to investigate how affordances and norms
may inform UID, the study does not make any
assumption about the quality of the interfaces, which
can be assessed in future investigations. Moreover,
other types of norms may be studied specially
aiming at the elicitation of non-functional
requirements and their reflection on the user
This work is funded by FAPESP (#2006/54747-6)
and by Microsoft Research - FAPESP Institute for
IT Research (#2007/54564-1). The authors specially
thank the participants involved in the experimental
study (in the role of designers) and also the
colleagues from NIED, InterHAD, CenPRA, IC-
UNICAMP and IRC-University of Reading for
insightful discussion.
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ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations