Adrian Benfell and Kecheng Liu
Informatics Research Centre, University of Reading, Ground Floor
Building 42, Whiteknights, Reading RG6 6WB, U.K.
Keywords: Semiotics, Web Services, Affordance.
Abstract: The discovery of suitable web services is a demanding challenge for organisations that plan to benefit from
this technology. Strategic objectives, organisational structures, business processes and technology placed
in a climate of constant change impact the normative behavioural patterns of people working in all kinds of
organisations. Such dynamic conditions can have a profound influence over the discovery of appropriate
web services. Advocated in this paper is a semiotic approach to web service description that configures a
solution to take into account the dynamic conditions affecting web service discovery. The semiotic
approach merges the articulation of dynamic conditions with web service description whilst facilitating the
engagement of service providers and consumers in joint actions. Framed by affordance, joint actions capture
the changeable normative behavioural patterns of people so that web service utilisation can be harmonised
with organisational contexts.
Based upon the principle of building software made
accessible across organisational boundaries, web
service technology is an approach to leveraging
existing software to fulfil business objectives
(Berkem, 2008; Carey 2008; Li et al, 2007). Web
service technology is also a development of the
‘software engineering’ paradigm aligned to object
oriented programming. Encapsulation is a concept
found within web service utilisation, as a key aim is
to present to a service consumer a highly cohesive
data type parameter based interface whilst adhering
to a notion of low coupling. Web services are
particularly amenable to such a situation; a web
service is a functioning software unit that is located
on the internet and responds to incoming messages
using web technology. Web services are therefore
an instalment of software that can be reused by a
multitude of participants as service consumers. A
significant challenge emerges when service provider
organisations attempt to describe web services
effectively so that service consumer organisations
can use those descriptions to achieve the fusing of
web services with their own specialised
organisational contexts. Organisations encompass
contextualised social parameters established by
strategic objectives, organisational structures,
business processes and technology in a flux of
constant change resulting in normative behavioural
patterns that are only understood by people
(Berkem, 2008, BMM, 2008, OASIS, 2008). To
overcome the challenge of matching web services to
organisational contexts, the purpose of this paper is
to highlight the limitations of current approaches to
web service description, show how semiotic theory
can be used to enhance web service description, and
propose a concept that draws semiotics and web
service description and discovery into a unifying
Web Service Description Language (WSDL 1.1)
files are based upon the Extensible Mark-up
Language (XML) and are constructed to list data
type definitions, message types, port types
(operations) and bindings (WSDL, 2001) whilst
focusing upon the communication protocols that
enable packets of data as Simple Object Access
Protocol (SOAP) messages to traverse a network
architecture (SOAP, 2007). Conventionally, a
service provider publishes web service(s) in a
service registry to a standard such as Universal
Liu K. and Benfell A.
DOI: 10.5220/0003270000680076
In Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-8425-26-3
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Description Discovery and Integration (UDDI)
(Atkinson et al, 2007; UDDI, 2004). The service
registry provides the references to the web services
available and the links to description files. The bind
details of the web service enable a service provider
and consumer to have some form of interaction
where messages structured by the SOAP protocol
are exchanged (Erl, 2008; Huang et al, 2008;
Pastore, 2008). The syntactic nature of WSDL 1.1
files that facilitate the discovery of web services
limit the identification of appropriate web services,
as the connection properties of a web service are the
only properties made visible. Implementation logic
encapsulated within a web service is hidden from a
web service consumer precluding the possibility of
detailed examination. To overcome this limitation,
the concept of Semantic Web Services, a branch of
the Semantic Web, provides a way for service
providers to describe web services more effectively
using XML based ontology mark-up, and for service
consumers to assess web services more accurately
(Il-Woong et al, 2007; OWL-S, 2004; Papazoglou et
al, 2007; Shadbolt et al, 2006).
The Semantic Web, Berners-Lee et al (2001), is
founded on the idea that meaning can be obtained
from data using standardised mark-up to represent
ontologies. Prime examples of ontology languages
particular to web service description are WSDL-S
(2005), WSML (2008) and OWL-S (2004). These
ontology languages describe web services from a
data orientated perspective, and align web services
to orchestrate business processes based upon clearly
defined interfaces and the calling of various web
service operations. However, these types of
ontologies have restrictions when considering the
dynamic conditions belonging to organisations
(deMoor, 2005; Schoop et al 2006). While the
description of data in a static structure is necessary
when navigating organisational boundaries of all
kinds to ensure consistency, data that are uniformly
described may be applied uniquely under dynamic
conditions. Rule based descriptions such as the
Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) (2004) can
be added to ontology languages like OWL-S to
elucidate further the orchestration of business
processes. For example, each OWL-S process
(OWL-S, 2004) is based upon an Input Output
Process Result (IOPR) model (Redavid et al, 2007).
The inputs represent the information required to
execute a process and the outputs are the result.
Preconditions are imposed upon the inputs to invoke
the process successfully. An OWL-S process may
have several results with corresponding outputs
whilst the result entity of the IOPR model provides a
means to specify this situation. However, with
SWRL, inferences made are based upon Modus
Ponens and Modus Tollens, but according to Beller
(2003, 2008) people are able to draw inferences
based upon Denial of the Antecedent and
Affirmation of the Consequent under ‘exhaustive’
conditions (where people consider all causally
relevant factors to the situation) and a ‘closed-world
principle (where people believe they have
considered all causality until evidence proves
contrary). A dynamic condition is the chronological
representation of people’s ability to draw inferences
exhaustively and in ‘closed-world’ normative
behavioural patterns that influence organisational
activities (Liu and Benfell. 2009).
2.1 Problem Definition and Solution
The syntactic nature of WSDL 1.1 and the extended
semantic web service descriptions offer different
ways to describe web services but are not effective
when considering ‘pragmatic web service
description’. Pragmatic is defined here as the
dynamic conditions affected by contextualised social
parameters set by strategic objectives, organisational
structures, business processes and technology in a
climate of constant change that influence the
normative behavioural patterns of people. The
chance of meeting the needs of service consumers
without any form of communication, questions
current methods of web service description (Crasso
et al, 2008; Il-Woong et al, 2007; Papazoglou et al
2007; Singh, 2002). The challenges addressed using
pragmatic web service description in this paper are:
1. Organisational context: organisations
encompass complexities and fine distinctions
that must be catered for when documenting web
services prior to consumption. People
belonging to organisations have a deep
understanding of the normative behavioural
patterns they operate in and are therefore
ultimately responsible for the web service
descriptions they provide and consume.
2. Consumers before providers: the emphasis of
pragmatic web service descriptions must focus
upon the effect of information about web
services on service consumers, rather than on
the intended meanings supplied by service
providers defined in static object type
3. An abundance of signs: many different types
are available within web service description and
the promotion of them to ensure an accurate
description of web services may be
accomplished by placing web service
description into a semiotic framework. The
signs inherent in various web service
descriptions and their meanings must be
communicable by any number of people
‘verbally and nonverbally’ and ‘horizontally
and vertically’ across organisational boundaries.
4. Dynamic conditions: the execution of a web
service in a dynamic condition is important as
such a context will determine the meanings held
in various ontologies that are time dependent.
Sign meaning is dynamic so all people (as
participants) must share in normative
behavioural patterns. Changes made to the
meaning of signs must be accounted for by
developing a temporal vocabulary that can be
pooled and understood by all participants
engaging with a web service that support
exhaustive and closed-world principles.
5. Interaction is vital: the dynamic interpretation
of web services affects communication as the
meanings generated in the process of interaction
between service providers and consumers
cannot be dependent on post deployment
semantic and syntactic descriptions only.
To address the first three challenges listed
above, semiotic theory by Peirce (1931-1958)
positions a solution in this paper to add pragmatic
descriptions to web services. Taking this approach,
a unifying paradigm is specified to draw service
providers and consumers into joint actions. To
achieve this objective, Stamper’s work on ontology
and affordance is used. Stamper (1985) recognises
three different types of ontology, whereby the first
relates to the recognition of symbols typically found
in any standard presentation format, and the second
identifies distinct objects and object type
classification. To satisfy the last two challenges in
this paper, the third type of ontology is particularly
relevant to web service description as it is based
upon the view that the world known to a person
consists of only the actions a person can carry out in
their environment – called affordance. Web services
are deployed in activity orientated situations, and
people carry out activities commensurate with their
expected duties, defined as normative behavioural
patterns. People invoke web services to complete a
specific activity; the description of web services
therefore should follow this pattern to enable web
service providers and consumers to fully appreciate
the normative behavioural patterns that affect web
service consumption.
Peirce’s particular semiotic theory of signs is
applicable to web service description due to its
triadic grounding. According to Everaert-Desmedt
(2010) Peirce’s version of semiotics is general (it
accounts for the emotional, practical and intellectual
experience of sign users), triadic (owing to the three
foundational philosophical categories that Peirce
created namely, firstness, secondness and thirdness),
and pragmatic (in that it takes into consideration the
dynamic context in which signs are produced and
consumed). Peirce’s version of semiotics also draws
together three terms that constitute a sign:
representamen; object; and interpretant. Firstness,
secondness and thirdness are used to illuminate
further each of these sign constituents. Peirce
developed three semiotic accounts, ‘early’, ‘interim’
and ‘final’. The early account includes some
fundamental concepts that also appear in the interim
and final accounts: representamen, object and
interpretant, and also illustrates how Peirce
establishes semiosis. Peirce uses different terms that
relate to the triadic nature of signs, for instance often
used is the term sign in place of representamen as
one of the three components of a sign. For lucidity
here, the term representamen is used in place of sign
(to help clearly define the triadic relationship), and
sign refers to the collective purpose of all three
parts. The following texts describing Peircean
semiotic theory are used (Atkin, 2006; Chandler,
2002; Commens, 2010; Short, 2007; Sowa, 2000) to
place web service technology into a semiotic
3.1 Early Account and Web Service
Peirce formulates the triadic nature of semiosis
based upon three elements of a sign: representamen,
object and interpretant. Peirce suggests that a
representamen generates an interpretant in three
different ways, as an icon, an index and a symbol. A
sign is an icon when a quality is shared between a
representamen and its object, for example a portrait.
When a representamen is causally linked to its
object in some way it is an indexical sign. If a sign
user applies convention to understand a sign, such as
the rules of some language, a sign is symbolic. In
line with this account, web service description
includes two types of signs, indexical and symbolic.
For example, the word operation is an indexical sign
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
as it points to an actual web service operation, and
the word operation has a symbolic meaning in web
service description. These two types of signs are an
important classification for web service description,
but for a complete analysis they fall short when
considering the role of interpretant signs for web
service description. The process of semiosis Peirce
describes in this account is used to structure ‘shared
semiosis’ between service providers and consumers.
3.2 Interim Account and Web Service
Building on his early account, Peirce devised a
phenomenological theory based upon three
categories: firstness as the conception of being
independent of something else, that is a
representamen distinguished by its own
phenomenological category; secondness as the
concept of a representamen being linked to or
having a reaction with its object; and thirdness as a
concept of mediation, where a first and second are
brought in relation in which an interpretant is
assigned to the way a representamen denotes its
object. Peirce’s phenomenological theory sets the
format for describing web services as the
representamen, object and interpretant are each
divided into these three phenomenological
categories. Following Peirce’s principle of
hierarchy amongst categories, a representamen
(firstness) cannot belong to a higher category than
its object (secondness) and in thirdness, an
interpretant cannot be in a higher category than its
object. Peirce yields ten mechanisms of sign
meaning that can be used to understand phenomenon
of all kinds that can equally be applied to web
service description.
The Representamen
For the successful signification by a representamen
of its object, qualisigns, sinsigns and legisigns are
used by Peirce to divide the representamen based
upon the three phenomenological categories.
Qualisign – firstness (material quality) is a
representamen that does not appear in web service
descriptions. Sinsign –secondness (material index) is
a representamen that relies upon an existential
connective with its object. These types of signs are
present within web service description, for example
they would constitute the actual existence of all
kinds of web service description files. Legisign –
thirdness, (material convention), is a representamen
based upon a law or habit, and in terms of web
service description, these signs are the expected
conventions, the syntax, of any web service
description file.
The Object
The object is the notion of the representamen
interacting with its object. In terms of web service
description, the object provides the meaning
associated with the syntax contained in a description
file. Iconic signs – firstness (relational quality), are
interpreted by some shared quality – a likeness to
something as an interpretation by a sign user, for
example the ‘file icon’ on a computer operating
system. Indexical signs – secondness (relational
index), are signs interpreted by causal connections.
Example indexical signs in terms of web services
include the actual existence of operations identified
by their names and the endpoints that can be
connected to. Indexical signs are found within the
semantic descriptions made possible by ontology
languages. Symbolic signs – thirdness (relational
mediation), are linked to their representamen by
knowing the conventional or habitual rules
applicable to the representamen. For example, by
practice a software programmer would accept that
‘double’, ‘decimal’ or ‘float’ would give a data type
for floating point arithmetic.
The Interpretant
The interpretant represents the concept of mediation,
where the representamen and object are brought into
a relation in which the representamen’s interpretant
is linked to the way a representamen denotes its
object. In essence, the interpretant is the reaction of
someone’s mind when a connection is made between
a representamen and an object and the resultant sign
meanings are expressed in a natural or artificial
language (Sowa, 2000). Rheme – firstness (formal
quality), the interpretant focuses a person’s
understanding of a sign based upon its (quality) in
that a representamen determines its object by its
quality only – for example a classifier for a set of
objects. Dicent – secondness, (formal index) the
interpretant focuses a person’s understanding on the
existential features of an object through proposition,
for example an operation name to index an actual
operation whilst the operation name used suggests
its purpose. Argument – thirdness, (formal
mediation) the interpretant focuses a person’s mind
on a rule of inference to derive an argument by
applying some kind of convention or law. Current
web service description does make use of such signs
but may entail web service descriptions to indicate
applicability under certain dynamic conditions.
Table 1: Sign Mechanisms and Web Services.
Firstness Secondness Thirdness
(A quality)
(An existent thing)
1. A WSDL file, an
OWL-S file
(A convention or law)
2. Description file
(A similarity)
(Causal connection)
1. A web service.
2. An actual
2. An actual data type.
2. Proper noun – an
(refers to its object by
convention or law)
2. Operation naming
2. Data type
(Quality only – a
common noun)
2. Class names.
2. Data type
variables : age for
(An sign of actual
existence – a
1. The web service
used for a general
2. An actual operation
invoked for a sub task
(An inference from
dicent signs in context)
The interpretant (table 1) provides a semiotic
frame that can be used to address the limitations of
matching web services to the dynamic conditions of
organisational contexts. For example, rhematic-
index-legisigns provide the classification of things
belonging to a web service that would normally be
found in a WSDL file (labelled as ‘2’ in table 1).
Dicent-index-sinsigns are available within WSDL
(denoted by ‘1’ in the table 1) and are also present if
web services are described using semantic mark-up
(denoted by ‘2’ in table 1). For example, a web
service operation exists (legisign as a firstness), an
actual operation by a name (secondness as an index),
and that a named operation can be called upon to
carry out a task, such as a process descriptor or
workflow in OWL-S for example (dicent as a
thirdness). Evidently missing from the framework in
table 1 is the sign classification argument-symbol-
legisign. This particular sign classification
synchronises the full mechanism of the interpretant
for all signs and therefore for pragmatic web service
description. To specify how pragmatic web service
description can work using argument-symbol-
legisigns for web service description, Peirce’s final
account is referred to.
3.3 Final Account and Web Service
In this version Peirce divides the object and
interpretant to take into account a chronological
process of inquiry. This approach is applicable to
web service description when the dynamic
conditions of organisational contexts affect accurate
web service description and discovery. Peirce
introduces two important considerations with regard
to dividing an object and dividing an interpretant.
The terms Peirce uses are the ‘immediate’ and
‘dynamic’ object. The immediate object is the
object as a person would know it to be an object at
any instance in time. The dynamic object is the
object as it is known to be at the end of ‘exhaustive’
inquiry. The static representations within WSDL 1.1
and semantic ontology languages must be validated
against a process of inquiry to ensure that a web
service fits a changeable organisational context –
achievable as a dynamic object. However, to
explain fully what a web service realises, the
mechanism Peirce uses to divide the interpretant into
three, ‘immediate’, ‘dynamic’ and ‘final’ is also
particularly important. The dynamic interpretant is
an understanding of the relation between a
representamen and a dynamic object at any stage,
and the immediate interpretant is a generalised
understanding of the relationship between a
representamen and a dynamic object. The final
interpretant is the complete understanding of a
dynamic object that all people would agree to. In
the case of web service description, the final
interpretant is the agreement reached between
service providers and consumers about the
pragmatic nature of using web services in
organisational contexts. For instance, the reaction of
the dynamic object with the final interpretant
determines how an argument-symbol-legisign is
arrived at and requires a service provider and
consumer to join forcefully in a process of inquiry.
The argument-symbol-legisign is a norm or standard
that can be derived from a line of inquiry into the
applicability of a web service in various dynamic
conditions. Peirce’s ‘pragmatic maxim’ - three
grades of clarity Peirce (1931-1958) is applied to
arrive at argument-symbol-legisigns for the web
service description and discovery process. The first
grade of clarity is to have an unreflective grasp of
the structure of textual web service description –
immediate interpretant. The second grade of clarity
is being able to define the generalised concepts
within textual descriptions agreed dynamically
between a service provider and consumer – dynamic
interpretant. The final grade of clarity determines
what effects that are held in relation to the concepts
of study that are considered to be true, for example a
list dynamic conditions that both the service
provider and consumer agree to be true – the final
interpretant. The pragmatic maxim ensures that the
effects of web service information on consumers are
understood by service providers. The pragmatic
conditionals (as dynamic conditions) for web service
description aligned to texts, is linked to Peirce’s
account of modality. Possibility and necessity are
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
based upon the epistemological facts in relation to
the meaning of signs within a text. To say
something is necessary is to confirm that something
must be the case by a service provider or consumer.
To say it is possible is to say that under varied
dynamic conditions a service provider and consumer
know something to be the case. This reduces the
signs, made by an author of a textual web service
description explicable and translatable by a
consumer using modal representations. For
example, from the perspective of a service provider,
alethic modal operators to explain what may happen
in certain dynamic conditions, and for the service
consumer deontic modal operators to intimate the
normative behavioural patterns that must be adhered
to when activating and calling various components
of a web service under the same set of dynamic
Returning to Stamper’s (1985) overview of
ontologies, attaining interpretant signs such as
argument-symbol-legisigns, requires that all
participants understand the dynamic conditions in a
domain that a web service belongs to, referred to by
Stamper as affordance. The theory of affordances
originates from Gibson (1977) and can be extended
to the study of the real world for understanding
normative patterns of human behaviour (Liu, 2000),
additionally aligning itself to the ontology
specification provided by Stamper (1985). Society
as an environment makes many patterns of
behaviour possible; should a person (participant) be
separated from its environment, the repertoire of
behaviour the participant owns would cease to exist.
The purpose of identifying ‘affordance’ (see figure
1) is to provide the contextual setting for web
service description for all interpretant signs. At an
abstract level an affordance, for web service
description, shares some characteristics similar to
business capability modelling, Ulrich (2006).
Affordance is also applied similarly in other
situations such as Customer Relationship
Management, Finnegan and Currie (2010), and on-
line communities, Welser et al (2009). The purpose
of affordance is to place shared semiosis into a
framework. For example, semiosis for a service
provider starts when authoring syntactic or semantic
description files by soliciting description from other
existing texts – called intertextuality, Chandler
(2002). Semiosis for a service consumer occurs
when examining preliminary description files to
assess the functional properties and capabilities of a
web service. These two activities comply with
Peirce’s first grade of clarity, as they initiate shared
semiosis to form the representamen that is required
for joint actions to be effective:
1. The representamen – the elements (composition
of web service description) designating the codes
as dynamic objects in a shared vocabulary (first
grade of clarity);
2. The dynamic objects as they relate to the
semantics describing the codes contained in a
shared vocabulary. Dynamic objects also
correspond to the data structures and processing
capabilities of a web service (second grade of
3. The final interpretant signs that describe all
features and capabilities of a web service in
dynamic conditions using high-level descriptions
based upon various modalities (third grade of
With reference to figure 1 below, shared
semiosis profiles the representamen between a
service provider and consumer to understand the
various codes related to web service description
whilst working as the starting point in a
chronological series of joint actions. Codes hold the
syntactic and semantic meanings that describe web
service elements. Arrow 1 in figure 1 illustrates that
syntactic documentation such as computer program
source code, analysis and design specifications and
any other suitable text (also shown later in table 3)
can be used to describe an existing web service.
Intertextuality (relationship to other texts) and
encoding work together to create the codes, hence
codes are generated, as a first grade of clarity, that
encompass various elements of a web service.
Figure 1: Shared Semiosis.
The codes produce an initial shared vocabulary
as part of shared semiosis (formalised in table 2
(no rm s)
Intertextuality and encoding -
negotiated code and reading
Textual documents
related to description
or specification
Determine the codes
used for description
and discovery
1.Encoding (Denotative)
below). Shared semiosis then moves onto
‘negotiated code and reading’ (Chandler, 2002) to
agree the pragmatic meanings, between service
providers and consumers, of the codes contained in a
shared vocabulary. The shared vocabulary is an
XML mark-up file structured by an XML Schema
(XSD) that a service provider and consumer have
access to. The codes have dependencies of different
kinds, first, with the elements of a web service, and
second with normative behavioural patterns. Norms
(Boella, 2006; Stamper, 1996; Young, 2008) (as
normative behavioural patterns) are dependent upon
affordances (figure 2 below), thus final interpretant
signs (table 1) are contingent upon the codes that
describe a web service linked to the norms contained
within affordances. The dependencies between the
codes, norms and the affordances facilitate the
matching of web services with dynamic
organisational contexts captured by modal
descriptors. For example, a service provider may
submit a description based upon some dynamic
conditions, specified as affordance qualifiers, to
suggest a ‘possible’ mode of interaction. A service
consumer, who has a set dynamic conditionals for
that particular affordance may have some related
‘obligatory actions’, the matching of obligations to
affordance qualifiers that may be deemed as
‘possible’ harmonises web service description and
discovery. Affordance qualifiers are part of the
semantic description as codes, for example a
workflow (refer to figure 2 for code) that is
structured in accord with a qualifier but could over
time change according to the organisational context.
The implication of this approach is that qualifiers do
not need to relate purely to the calling of web
service operations; they illustrate a complete
affordance context. Affordance qualifiers are also
captured and represented in a chronological format,
thus allowing the representation of normative
behavioural patterns to evolve. The valid-time of a
norm in the ‘real-world’ and any transaction-times
Liu (2000) and Stamper (1996) when a ‘temporal
web service description is updated configures the
time dependent character of affordances. To
summarise, the semiotic branches advocated by
Morris (1938) are used in table 2 to show that web
service description is based upon the process of
shared semiosis and informed by affordance (also
refer to figure 2 below).
Table 2: Formalising Shared Semiosis.
Intent and Real World
Capture through existing
texts the elements to form
codes that structure the
syntactic and semantic
features of a web service
description file.
Representamen – Textual code
(intertextuality and encoding)
Source code, analysis and design
specifications – narrative and
diagrammatic models.
e sign).
Comprehension by
consensus (dynamic objects)
the web service elements
symbolised as codes in
relation to their functions
and capabilities that belong
to an affordance.
Dynamic object – Connotative
sign (negotiated code and
reading) Ontological
dependencies linked to the
contextualised interpretation by
an Interpreter (Participant).
Linking the interpretations
of the codes with potential
contexts and effects on all
participants and specifying a
meaning of all codes
congruent with all
Final interpretant –
Connotative signs (argument-
symbol-legisigns) linked to the
social parameters of a business
organisation defined as
affordances and structured using
norms and amplified using modal
Affordances convey intent as participant
behaviour in order to have an effect within the real-
world and are tempered further by antecedents like
an organisation, the social structures within an
organisation, and society, Stamper (1996). In order
to model the constancy of affordances that represent
the social parameters of organisations, real-world
effects influence the creation and modification of the
shared vocabulary, evidenced by the communicative
actions of participants. A Multi-responsive
communication framework Benfell and Liu (2009)
based upon communicative act theory by Austin
(1962) and Searle (1969) underpins the
communication segment of affordances.
Referring to figure 2, ‘WebService’ and ‘Code’ is a
mixture of syntactic and semantic web service
description. WebService is the syntactic
representation of the properties of web services and
the semantic meanings of those properties are
structured by codes during encoding. ‘Norm’ and
‘Affordance’ are the pragmatic element (interpretant
signs) of web service description. Not until
argument-symbol-legisigns are created can web
service description be fully achieved. Furthermore,
such signs are time dependent and owned by the
people who represent an organisation. The model in
figure 2 demonstrates the fulfilment of all challenges
initially outlined in this paper.
ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations
Figure 2: Affordance Structure.
Proposed in this paper is an alternative approach
to web service description. It promotes the idea of
‘affordance’ as a route to achieve the description and
therefore discovery of web services within the
dynamical conditions of different organisations
whilst enabling service providers and consumers,
through shared semiosis, to forcefully join. The
Peircean triadic viewpoint of a sign as
representamen, object and interpretant and the
different Peircean accounts of semiotic theory prove
in this case the applicability of such theory to
address the challenges outlined in this paper. The
dynamic organisational parameters are captured as
affordances to inform the composition of the final
interpretant as argument- symbol-legisigns, and to
structure joint actions. The work contained in this
paper is a supplement and not a replacement of
syntactic and semantic description files. However,
the limitations of syntactic and semantic description
files were shown. For implementation, a WSDL file
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«XSDcomplexT ype»
- normModalType: string [1..unbounded]
- normSpecification: string [1..unbounded]
«XSDcompl exT ype»
- codeID: int
- codeName: string
- codeProcessModel: workflow
- codeSpecification: workflow
- dataType: string [1..unbounded]
- object: class [1..unbounded]
- operation: string [1..unbounded]
- finishTime: string [1..unbounded]
- startTime: string [1..unbounded]
- finishTime: string [1..unbounded]
- startTime: string [1..unbounded]
- communicati onID: int
- communicati onType: string
«XSDcomplexT ype»
- email: string
- jobTitle: string
- name: string
- organisation: string
- telephone: string
Affordanc e
- affordanceID: int
- affordanceQualifiers: qualifier
st ru ct ure s
must have
will belong to
must have
must have
will be involved in
will create
contributes to
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ICISO 2010 - International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations