Jorge Filipe Ribeiro
and Pedro Pereira Rodrigues
Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto, Al. Prof. Hernâni Monteiro, 4200-319 Porto, Portugal
Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre, s/n, 4169-007 Porto, Portugal
LIAAD - INESC Porto, L.A. & CINTESIS - Center for Research in Health Technologies and Information Systems
University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Keywords: Periodontology, Periodontal disease, Decision support systems.
Abstract: The use of computer systems to aid clinical decision making is growing. Besides clinical practice, computer
applications, decision support systems or technologies can be used during dentistry and periodontology
learning. A research was made using 30 searching expressions, based on MeSH Terms. A total of 17 articles
were selected from the initial 249. Dental Students’ Ability to Assess Gingival Health Status Software
(DAAGS) and Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) are two examples of computer programs used in
Priodontology learning. 3D technologies, electronic devices and image analysis systems are tools used
during periodontal diagnosis. Dental informatics and periodontology are extremely connected, because,
many systems, technologies or electronic devices could be used during diagnose, treatment or pre-operative
phase. Computer applications could also be used to improve learning skills during pre-clinical and clinical
stages, and at same time other technologies as 3D can present more detailed data to clinician, leading to a
correct decision.
Clinical dentistry has seen a slew of informatics and
Information Technologies innovations, such as
computerized charting, digital radiology, the Florida
Probe (electronic periodontal probing system), Oral
CDX (computer-assisted, brush biopsy, test for
detection of oral cancer), computer-based shade
matching, and CEREC (a modular computer-aided
design/manufacturing system for creating ceramic
restorations) (Schleyer, T.K., 2003). Besides clinical
practice, computer programs are also used during
dentistry learning (Wenzel, A., 2002). Periodontal
disease can be defined as the presence of gingival
inflammation at sites where there has been a
pathological detachment of collagen fibres from the
cementum and the junctional epithelium has
migrated apically, that would lead to the resorption
of coronal portions of tooth supporting alveolar
bone. (Savage, A., et al., 2009) Evaluation of
patient’s periodontal status requires obtaining a
relevant medical and dental history and conducting a
thorough clinical and radiographic examination with
evaluation of extraoral and intraoral (AAP, 2000),
and a sequence of interrelated steps is inherent to
effective periodontal treatment: early and accurate
diagnosis, comprehensive treatment, and continued
periodontal maintenance and monitoring. The
treatment of patients with periodontal disease is best
accomplished within the structure of a uniform and
consistent Periodontal Treatment Protocol. Such a
protocol would reinforce accurate and timely
diagnosis, treatment needs based on a specific
diagnosis, and continual assessment and monitoring
of outcomes. All effective treatment protocols begin
with a thorough and timely diagnosis Although
advancements in periodontal therapy, periodontal
diseases remain the most common cause of adult
tooth loss (Sweeting, L., et al., 2008). Diagnosis and
treatment of periodontitis continue to present
significant challenges to all practitioners regardless
of experience level (Sweeting, L., et al., 2008). The
aim of this paper is to know how decision support
systems can help dentists and periodontologists
during diagnosis and clinical practice, and at same
time evaluate the relationship between dental
informatics and periodontology, identify in
published bibliography Decision Support Systems
Ribeiro J. and Pereira Rodrigues P..
DOI: 10.5220/0003124704590462
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2011), pages 459-462
ISBN: 978-989-8425-34-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
for diagnosis in Periodontology, know if Decision
Support Systems are frequently used in
periodontology practice and describe computer
examples of computer-based learning in
A research was performed between October’ 2009
an December’ 2009 in two databases – PubMed and
European Federation of Periodontology – Journal of
Clinical Periodontology, using 30 searching
expressions based on MeSH Terms. All used articles
were selected using title, abstract and full reading
filtering. They must have been published after
January 1st, 2000, and have the full text available.
From the 249 articles initially selected, 230 were
excluded based on title and abstract, and after full
text analysis 17 were selected to use in the review.
A total of 17 articles were selected and included in
this investigation. Health Informatics and Dental
Informatics are the Investigation Areas with more
articles, (n=4) each one. The geographically
distribution shows that USA (n=7) and Europe (n=8)
(UK, Switzerland and Germany with n=2, Sweden
and Denmark with n=1).
Decision Support Systems, software applications
and technologies are used in to help during
periodontology learning stage and during clinical
3.1 Decision Support
used during Learning Stage
On learning stage those applications help students
during their pre-clinical or clinical training, Dental
Students’ Ability to Assess Gingival Health Status
Software (DAAGS) and Virtual Learning
Environment are two examples of computer
programs used in Priodontology learning. DAAGS
was used to improve dentists’, dental students’ at
different levels of education (Basic, Preclinic and
Clinic), and dental hygienists’ ability to assess the
gingival health level while using the Oral Rating
Index (ORI). The study was carried out at Ankara
University in Turkey in 2003. and was made by this
way, after explained to the students the ORI scoring
and criteria (the gold standard), a set of standard
color photos was presented using an LCD projector
set automatically (15 seconds per photo) at the
beginning of each test. Then, the students were
asked to judge each photo according to ORI criteria.
Three tests were made, test 1 and 2 same day and
test 3 after two weeks. The study performed using
DAAGS had a positive outcome, results revealed
that, without any training, there was an increase in
the number of correct answers and reproducibility
and a decrease in irrelevant answers with the
students’ increasing clinical experience, after three
application Tests. Also important is the fact that
Basic group showed a significant improvement
which indicates that the DAAGS software can be
considered an instructive tool for education. Authors
concluded that DAAGS would be useful to dental
students before clinical training and also an helpful
tool for calibration of dental employees (Camgoz,
M., et al., 2008).
Other application used on periodontoly learning
stage is the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), a
web-based database application, divided into 6
sections (history taking, clinical examination, Xrays,
diagnosis, treatment planning and prognosis, and
log) where the learner uses free text communication
on the screen to interact with patient data. After
reviewing the patient information, the student
proposes therapy and makes prognostic evaluations
of the case in free text with simple design. Study had
positive results. Students were randomly assigned to
two groups. The experimental group (E) worked
with the virtual patient for 1 week prior to their first
patient contact whilst the control group (C) was first
allowed to use the virtual patient after their first
patient contact. Results indicated that students who
practiced with the virtual patient prior to their first
patient encounter behave more knowledgeably and
professionally compared with C group. Authors also
concluded that the use of the virtual patient and the
process of writing questions in working with the
virtual patient stimulate students to organize their
knowledge and result in more confident behavior
towards the patient (Janda, M.S., et al., 2004).
3.2 Decision Support
used during Clinical Stage
On clinical stage, those technologies can help
clinician during diagnosis and treatment phases,
before intervention phase or after treatment or
invasive involvement. Nowadays 3D tools are useful
in Periodontology.
HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics
3.2.1 3D Technologies
Walter et al in 2009, demonstrated that findings
from a 3D Cone Beam Computed Tomography
(CBCT) add substantial information about the root
form and proximity, furcation involvement (FI) and
the presence of mineralized connective tissue at
maxillary molar teeth. This study compared CBCT
data with x-ray (periapical) in 12 patients with
generalized chronic periodontitis, and showed that
application of dental CBCT enables a distinct and
more detailed assessment of FI in maxillary molars
compared with conventional clinical measurements
and periapical x-rays. The main conclusion of this
study is that CBCT images of maxillary molars may
provide detailed information of FI and a reliable
basis for treatment decision. CBCT was also used by
Park et al in 2007, where concluded that CBCT
provide effective 3-D visualization and image
analysis of the bone–tooth interface that complement
periodontal. This information is also present in a
study made by Grimard et al published in 2009,
where authors used same technology to compare the
measurements of bone defects from digital intraoral
radiographs (IR) and CBVT images with direct
surgical measurements for the evaluation of
regenerative treatment outcomes, like CBVT is an
equivalent substitution for direct surgical
measurements of bony changes occurring after bone
replacement graft procedures, especially defect fill
and defect resolution and help clinicians to measure
the volume changes of interdental papila region after
surgical and non-surgical treatment in
CAD/CAM 3D are an easy-to-use chair-side
method to document changes in soft tissues.
CAD/CAM method can adequately measure at
chair-side soft tissue changes of the interdental
papilla region under clinical conditions. With this
procedure it is possible to assess different surgical
and non-surgical treatments in terms of interdental
soft tissue preservation during active and
maintenance periodontal therapy or implantology
procedures in the esthetic zone.( Strebel et al, 2009).
These technologies was also used by Park et al in
2007, in a study where they concluded that 3D
Micro-Computed Tomography provide effective 3-D
visualization and image analysis of the bone–tooth
interface that complement periodontal.
3.2.2 Image Analysis System
Other example used in Periodontology is a method
based on image analysis that aims to quantify dental
plaque, published in 2001 by Smith et al. It measures
the plaque quantity using digital images taken in a
standardized illumination, head and camera
positioning. After plaque disclosure with
erythrosine, a picture was taken, then image were
analyzed and plaque area was selected, and copy to a
new image which was converted to grey levels, all
those phases were made in Adobe Photoshop. Then
with Image Pro Plus measure to real scale size of
plaque area was made. Authors concluded that the
system provides an improved method of quantifying
both simple and complex dental plaque areas with
increased accuracy without the need for a clinician.
3.2.3 Electronic Devices
Clinical practice is helped by electronic devices,
such as electronic probes, instrument that
automating the recording method and controlling the
probing pressure (Silva-Boghossian, C.M., et al.,
2008). Another example of electronic devices is an
instrument that combines a fuzzy set with an
ultrasonic scaler, which automatic recognize tooth
surfaces using a piezoceramic dental ultrasonic
scaler as an oscillatory excitation and sensor system,
combined with special pattern recognition software
based on a fuzzy classifying algorithm. Calculus,
cementum and tooth surface are automatic
recognized, which reduce the amount of tooth
substance removed and consequently decrease
dentin hypersensitivity after periodontal treatment
(Kocher et al, 2000). Other example is one based on
a conventional piezoceramic ultrasonic scaler which
detects automatically subgengival calculus based on
surface stimulation to oscillate the instruments tip.
The frequency is dependent on the substrate
characteristics, cementum or calculus. The detection
device may reduce the risk to overtreat cementum
with adhering biofilm and without calculus, because
the power setting should only be high if the insert
encounters calculus and low if there is only biofilm
(Meissner et al 2008).
This investigation shows that decision Support
Systems/Technologies in Periodontology are used in
two different ways: learning and clinical stage which
help students during their pre-clinical or clinical
training. DAAGS Software and VLE are two
examples of computer programs used in
Priodontology learning. On clinical practice help
clinician during diagnosis and treatment phases.
3D technologies are important partners in perio-
dontology treatment, diagnosis or treatment planning
phases. Imaging analysis systems allows
identification of dental plaque. Electronic probes,
help probing during diagnosis, and ultrasonic
devices, identify hard dental tissues or subgengival
calculus help clinicians during treatment and
diagnosis phases improving diagnosis accuracy and
Also showed that decision support systems and
technologies in periodontology are useful to make
correct decisions and select better treatment based
on a correct diagnose. This work also summarized
data and showed it in a simplest way, useful
technologies, computer applications and software
used in periodontology and demonstrated that
informatics is an important helper and valuable
partner in periodontology practice. The data offered
on this review presents a few of systems or
electronic devices used actually.
More research must be done in this area, because
this review was based on 30 searching expressions
and free full text papers, that means that many other
articles with important information couldn‘t be used.
This review showed how diagnosis moment is
important in Periodontology and how new
technologies could can help clinicians during these
stage. A correct and timely diagnose leads to a
correct and benefic treatment approach or option to
patient periodontal pathology. Dental informatics is
a new research area which is helping
periodontology, because many systems, technologies
or electronic devices could be used during diagnose,
treatment or pre-operative phases. Computer
applications in periodontology could also be used to
improve learning skills during pre-clinical and
clinical stages, and lead to a correct decision. More
research must be done, however this investigation
confirm that implementation of dental informatics
into Periodontology is a reality and with these small
steps a huge walking is being done.
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Camgoz, M., et al., Dental Students' Ability to Assess
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Grimard, B. A., et al., Comparison of Clinical, Periapical
Radiograph, and Cone-Beam Volume Tomography
Measurement Techniques for Assessing Bone Level
Changes Following Regenerative Periodontal Therapy.
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Janda, M. S., et al., Simulation of patient encounters using
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Kocher, T., J. Strackeljan, and D. Behr, Feasibility of
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Silva-Boghossian, C.M., et al., Manual and electronic
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HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics