A. Jara, R. Mart´ınez, D. Vigueras, G. S´anchez and F. Jim´enez
Department of Communications and Information Engineering, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain
Attribute selection, Evolutionary computation, Multiobjective optimisation, Data mining.
The problem of selecting variables in data-mining can be modelled as an optimisation problem involving
multiple objectives which must be simultaneously optimised. This contribution proposes a multiple objec-
tive optimisation model for the problem of selecting variables applicable to the classification of mortality in
patients from a hospital burns unit. The evolutionary multiobjective algorithm NSGA-II was adapted to re-
solve the proposed multiobjective optimisation model proposed and the results obtained were compared with
those obtained with a battery of algorithms intended for selecting variables included in the Weka data-mining
platform. The comparison underlines the efficacy and suitability of the proposed model and of the use of
multiobjective evolutionary computation in this type of problem.
The infection-related mortality rate in Intensive Care
Units (in Spanish, UCI) exceeds 15,000 patients per
year, while infection is the most common cause of re-
ality in burns units. A rapid classification system is
therefore of great interest for determining the most
suitable treatment for ensuring recover. Studies car-
ried out by the Spanish Society of Intensive, Criti-
cal and Coronary Medicine Units (in Spanish, SEMY-
CYUC) at national level (Society, 2007) and the Cor-
nell Hospital Medical Center of New York in a study
of 937 patients in their burns unit (Curreri et al., 1980)
underline this interest.
Consequently, the ultimate aim was to implement
and evaluate an easy to use system for classifying pa-
tients in a burns unit, to obtain the highest possible
percentage of correct decisions (Jim´enez et al., 2009)
and to reduce the number of variables, thus making
the system easier to understand by staff and restrict-
ing the number of clinical tests necessary to perform.
This article will focus on the second of these objec-
tives, using a multiobjective optimisation model to se-
lect the variables.
Evolutionary computation (Goldberg, 1989) has
been successfully applied to optimise multiobjective
problems (Deb, 2001),(Coello et al., 2002) and, par-
ticularly, to generate models for classifying patients
such as those suffering leukaemia (Kumar et al., 2007)
and for selecting variables (Pappa et al., 2002).
In this article is proposedan evolutionaryfocus for
muliobjective optimisation to select variables in the
context of mortality through infection among burns
patients. A set of solutions denominated Pareto solu-
tions are obtained in order to enable the user to choose
the non-dominated solution that best suits, depending
on the decision environment. The well knownNSGA-
II algorithm (Deb et al., 2002) is used to solve the
optimisation problem for attribute selection. This al-
gorithm is elitist and based on Pareto’s concept, in
which all the objectives are optimised simultaneously
in the search for non-dominated solutions using, ad-
ditionally, an explicit diversity mechanism.
To assess whether muliobjective evolutionary
computation is suitable for the nature of the problem
in hand, the results obtained with the multiobjective
optimisation model proposed and solved by NSGA-
II are compared with the results obtained using six-
teen different techniques for attribute selection incor-
porated in the Weka platform of data mining (Hall
et al., 2009).
The paper is structured as follows. Section 2 pro-
poses a multiobjective optimisation model for select-
ing the attributes. Section 3 describes the basic com-
ponents of the evolutionary NSGA-II multiobjective
optimisation algorithm proposed. Section 4 describes
Jara A., Martínez R., Vigueras D., Sánchez G. and Jiménez F..
DOI: 10.5220/0003126904670471
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2011), pages 467-471
ISBN: 978-989-8425-34-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
the experiments carried out to validate the model, the
results and a comparison with other techniques for at-
tribute selection. Finally, Section 5 presents the con-
clusions and suggests possible future work.
The selection of variables concerns finding the small-
est subset of variables in a data base to obtain the most
accurate classification possible (Pappa et al., 2002).
Described more formally, with X being the number
of variables in an initial set T, the algorithm finds a
subset P of Y variables from the set T, where Y X,
with the aim of removing the irrelevant or redundant
variables, and obtaining good accuracy in the classifi-
cation (Aguilera et al., 2007). Therefore, the problem
of attribute selection can be approached as a multiob-
jective optimisation problem (Deb, 2001), the solu-
tion of which comprise as set of solutions called non-
dominated solutions (or Pareto solutions). Solution x
dominates another solution y if (Deb, 2001):
Solution x is not worse than y for any of the pur-
poses in mind;
Solution x is strictly better than y for at least one
of the objectives.
For the variables selection problem in mind, two
optimisation criteria have been considered: accuracy
and compactness. To formulate these criteria the fol-
lowing quantitative measures have been defined .
Given a solution x = { x
| x
Accuracy. Based on the classification ratio
CR(x) =
, where Φ(x) is the number of data
correctly classified for a set of variables, x, by a
given classification algorithm, and N are the total
number of data.
Compactness. By cardinality the card(x) of the
set x is established, that is, the number of variables
used to construct the model.
In this way, the optimisation model proposed with
the criteria defined is the following:
Maximize CR(x)
Minimize card(x)
The objectives were to increase the accuracy of
the model and to reduce the number of variable to the
greatest extent possible. In some cases, such as will
be presented, it was interesting to sacrifice accuracy
slightly, when the number of variables were reduced
significantly, in order to, simplify the model . Such
as can be appreciated, the objectives in the optimiza-
tion model 1 are contradictory since a lower number
of significant variables means a lower classification
rate and vice versa, that is the greater the number of
variables the greater the classification rate. The so-
lution to model 1 is a set of m X non-dominated
solutions C = {x
, k S}, S = {1, . . . , X}, where each
solution x
of C represents the best collection of sig-
nificant k variables. For example, for X = 5 (5 vari-
ables to be selected), a set of non-dominatedsolutions
C = {x
, x
} means that the Pareto front is composed
of non-dominated solutions of 3 and 5 variables, re-
spectively. The solutions with 1, 2 and 4 significant
variables are not on the Pareto front and will there-
fore be dominated.
Three elements can be distinguished in a variables se-
lection algorithm (Aguilera et al., 2007).
A search algorithm, which explores the space of
the variables available.
An evaluation function, which provides a measure
of the fitness of the variables chosen. According
to how this function is designed, the selection al-
gorithms can be classified as filter models or em-
bedded models. The former use measures that
take into account the separation of classes based
on information distance metrics, dependency met-
rics, etc., wile the latter use an estimate of the ac-
curacy attained by a classification algorithm using
selected variables.
A fitness function that validates the subset of vari-
ables, which are finally chosen.
Evolutionary Computation has been used both for
filter and embedded models. The work described here
falls into the latter category since the accuracy and
the simplicity of the cklassification obtained id one
of the fundamental objectives. The NSGA-II (Deb
et al., 2002) algorithm, the principal components of
which are briefly described below, is used to resolve
the problem described in 1.
Representation of Solutions. A binary codification
of fixed length equal to the number of variables in the
problem is used. In this way, a gene of value 1 in the
HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics
locus i of the chromosome means that the variable x
has been selected, while 0 means that variable x
not been selected.
Initial Population. The initial population is gener-
ated randomly using a uniform distribution in the do-
Suitability Function. The NSGA-II algorithm
minimises the following two evaluation functions.
(x) = CR(x)
(x) = Φ(x)
where CR(x) is the classification rate obtained us-
ing the algorithm C4.5 (Kotsiantis, 2007), and Φ(x)
is the number of genes with a value 1 of the chromo-
some x. Specifically, classification rate CR(x) is ob-
tained from the classification ratio carried out for 25%
of the cases of the knowledge base in a decision tree
generated with the algorithm C4.5 constructed with
75% of the cases, that is, the rest of the knowledge
Genetic Operators. It is based on the uniformcross
and the uniform mutation operators.
This work is based on data from the Hospital Infor-
mation System of an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) since
1999 to 2002, using the data (assessed by hospital
staff) of 99 patients with different complications. The
specialists consulted consider that the parameters de-
scribed in Table 1, from the Electronic Health Record,
are relevant for establishing the survival of patients
with infections in an ICU.
For this study we selected the records of 99 pa-
tients to form part of the knowledge base (in the for-
mat used for the Weka platform in Table 1). As can be
seen, the problem consists of 5 real entries, 12 discrete
Boolean type entries and a Boolean output (prognosis
of death). The NSGA-II algorithm was run 100 times
with the parameters shown in Table 2
To evaluate the results is used the hypervolume
(Deb, 2001) metric, which calculates the fraction of
the space that is not dominated by any of the solu-
tions obtained by the algorithm. This metric therefore
estimates the distance of the solutions from the real
Pareto front as the diversity of the same. So that it
gives an objective measurement that permits the re-
sults obtained to be compared with those obtained by
other algorithms. Table 3 shows the best, worst and
mean values obtained with the 100 runs.
Table 1: Parameters of patients considered: Type T may be
real (R) or Boolean (B).
Name Description T
Total Area burnt % R
Deep Area of deep burns R
SAPS II General indicator of seriousness R
Weight Patient’s weight R
Age Patient’s age R
Pneumonia Pulmonary infection B
Sex Patient’s sex B
Inh Use of inhibitors B
Infect-Wound Surgical infection B
AIDS-Drugs Drug consumption and HIV B
Hepa-Co Previous hepatic problems B
Bacteremia Presence of bacteria in blood B
Cardiac-Co Previous cardiopathies B
Resp-Co Respiratory problems B
HBP High blood pressure B
Diabetes Diabetic patient B
Renal-Co Renal problems B
Death Prognosis of death B
Table 2: Parameters of NSGA-II algorithm.
Parameters of NSGA-II algorithm
Size of population 200
Number of populations 500
Probability of uniform crossover P
Probability of uniform mutation P
Table 3: Best, mean and worst hypervolume values.
Best Mean Worst
Hypervolume (ν) 0.986 0.911 0.869
Results were also contrasted with other algorithms
for attribute selection, available on the Weka data
mining platform. Such as presented in Table 4, the
best solution contains non-dominated solutions of 1
and 6 variables, the classification rate with 6 variables
being 100%.
Table 4: Set of non-dominated solutions obtained.
Variables M % Correct
Pulmonary infection 1 95.4 %
Burnt area, Weight,
Pulmonary infection , HBP,
Diabetes, Renal Problems 6 100 %
The attributes were first filtered with the method
indicated in Table 5 to carry out the evaluation with
Weka. The attributes selected by Weka were used to
build a model with the algorithm C4.5, at the same
way that has been carried out for the attributes se-
lected with the NSGA-II solution. Thereby, the same
conditions are defined during all the evaluation. The
evaluation has been made with 75% of the cases for
training, and the remaining 25% of cases for test.
Table 5: Experiments using the algorithms from Weka.
Evaluator/method %Hit N Var
BestFirst 74.62 % 5
ExhaustiveSearch 74.62 % 5
GeneticSearch 74.62% 5
GreedyStepwise 74.62 % 4
BestFirst 80.59 % 9
ExhaustiveSearch 76.11 % 7
GeneticSearch 71.64 % 5
GreedyStepwise 74.62 % 5
BestFirst 74.62 % 10
ExhaustiveSearch 74.62 % 9
GeneticSearch 65.67 % 10
GreedyStepwise 74.62 % 3
BestFirst 74.62 % 4
ExhaustiveSearch 74.62 % 4
GeneticSearch 74.62 % 4
GreedyStepwise 74.62 % 2
Such as presented in Table 5, the best result ob-
tained was 80.595 with 9 variables using the selector
“BestFirst”, the solutions obtained with our proposed
method showed a better correctness rate and lower
number of variables.
In this paper has been proposed an optimization mul-
tiobjetive model for attribute selection, particularly
those related with mortality in burns unit patients suf-
fering infections. The attributes selected are used to
build a model, which classify the patients. This opti-
mization multiobjetive model for attribute selection is
based on NSGA-II algorithm, which has been adapted
to the particularities of the problem. The results ob-
tained present a clear improvement with respect to
the 16 algorithms included in the Weka data mining
platform. The results point to a 100% correct clas-
sification using only 6 of the 17 variables contained
in the knowledge base, while the best case obtained
with the algorithms included in the Weka platform
was 80.59% using 9 variables. In other words we ob-
tain a better classification rate with fewer variables.
Future work will be focused on compare the re-
sults obtained with the NSGA-II algorithm with other
multiobjetive evolutionary models PAES, SPEA and
ENORA. Use other standard data bases reported in
the literature to validate the proposal, and estab-
lish a decision-making system for selecting the non-
dominated solution, which best satisfies the decision
maker requirements.
This work has been carried out in frames of: Pro-
grama de Ayuda a los Grupos de Excelencia de la
Fundacin Sneca 04552/GERM/06, and the project
MEC/FEDER TIN2009-14372-C03-01. Finally, the
authors would like to thank Dr. Francisco Palacios
Ortega for his collaboration.
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