Ileana Hamburg
Institute for Work and Technology, FH Gelsenkirchen, Munscheidstraße 14, 45886 Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Keywords: Autism disorder ASD, ICT, Social skills, Virtual communities of practice VCoP.
Abstract: Autism is a disorder that affects human skills and behaviour essentially. The use of ICT can support educa-
tion and rehabilitation of people with autism and also teachers, parents and social workers benefit from us-
ing ICT. ICT and particularly the Internet support the creation of Virtual Communities of Practice (VCoPs)
as a promising approach for learning, housing reviews of research evidence and engaging persons working
in the ASD field to share practical knowledge and to make practical innovations. In this paper we present
aspects of training and cooperation for people with autism particularly by using ICT and VCoPs and give an
example of a successful project.
In Germany as in many other European countries
and in Turkey, the number of young people with
autism disorder (ASD) and the autism awareness has
increased considerably within the last two decades.
Autism is a disorder that affects human behaviour
and skills essentially (e.g. social interactions, ability
to express ideas and feelings, to communicate and to
establish relations with others). The way children
learn, as social beings, to take care of
and to participate in the community generally has
life-long effects. Therefore, training approaches
which make use of new information and communi-
cation technologies (ICT) and methods to cooperate
are necessary.
The use of ICT can support the education and re-
habilitation of people with autism. It could enable
learners to communicate easier and this is helpful
particularly for children with autism, which are the
main target group of one of our projects to partici-
pate in lessons and learn more specifically. Learners
with autism are able to accomplish tasks while
working at their own pace. Increased ICT confi-
dence among students motivates them to use the
internet at home for schoolwork and leisure. It is
important to find ways of engaging this group be-
cause pupils with autism or Asperger syndrome are
20 or more times more likely to be excluded from
school than their classmates (Barnard, Prior and Pot-
ter, 2000).
But engaging pupils with autism in learning and
using interactive ICT media (i.e. white boards)
which have a positive effect on teaching and learn-
ing is difficult, taking into consideration the sensory
disruption of these pupils, atypical learning styles,
environmental needs and lack of social skills (Hersh
and Hamburg, 2004; Myles, et al., 2004).
In this context, the teachers and social workers
benefit from the use of ICT enabling them to com-
municate electronically with colleagues, thereby
reducing their isolation, improving their skills, as
well as accessing and using best practices and online
resources for their work.
ICT and particularly the internet also support co-
operation e.g. the creation of Virtual Communities
of Practice (VCoPs) as a promising approach for
learning, housing reviews of research evidence and
engaging persons to share practical knowledge and
to make practical innovations.
Communities of Practice (CoPs) (Wenger, 1998)
are social-oriented cooperations where practitioners
(i.e. trainers, social workers, doctors, parents, person
with autism) are held together in a CoP by a com-
mon interest in a body of knowledge. CoPs are
driven by a desire and by the need to learn through
practice and social participation, to share problems,
experiences, insights, templates, tools. CoPs address
not only the acquisition of technical skills for a de-
termined practice but also social and informal as-
pects of sharing and developing knowledge.
In this paper we present aspects of training for
people with autism particularly by using ICT (part
2), VCoPs (part 3) and give as an example our EU-
Hamburg I..
DOI: 10.5220/0003135905120516
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2011), pages 512-516
ISBN: 978-989-8425-34-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Learning partnership Bringing New Approaches to
Education of Autistic Children in Turkey and Euro-
pean Countries http://www.autism-newapproach.org
(part 4). Another on-going project is also shortly
Social skills training can be illustrated by the phrase
“teaching a person how to navigate social reality”
ns) which is a very complex and multifaceted field.
Generally, there exists limited knowledge in the
field of social development and, as a consequence,
also referring to autistic children. A starting point in
this direction could be a list with issues of social
impairments of ASD pupils like a lack of interest in
initiating social interactions, a lack of understanding
of emotions and how they are expressed, poor eye
contact, which could be improved by social training.
Pupils with ASD need social skills training be-
ginning from childhood with basic social skills and
continuing in adulthood turning into complex social
skills required for living and working in a commu-
nity. Social skills are necessary also for the individ-
ual success of pupils, for their social acceptance and
integration in schools, workplaces and society
(Myles and Simpson, 2001).
Computers and other ICT media like video,
software or virtual-reality programmes teaching
complex social skills such as recognition of emo-
tions in facial expressions and tone of voice can
support social skills training (Hagiwara and Myles
1999; Hamburg, et al., 2007).
We use videos in our project e.g. having a child
watch him- or herself performing a social task or
role-playing a social situation and then analyzing
what is well done and what not. The videos can help
pupils to interpret body language, to learn greeting
Virtual rehabilitation (Hamburg and Ionescu,
2009) with new graphics technologies and tele-
rehabilitation supporting more efficient services fa-
cilitate the treatment of more people are important
developments particularly for ASD. It is expected
that this area which combines multidisciplinary
technological fields like virtual reality, bio-
electronics, and natural human-computer interfaces
will “revolutionize” many special treatment units in
the coming years.
In trainings using virtual reality, socially interac-
tive robots can be used to set up practice “social in-
teractions” for individuals with autism.
As another ICT tool we consider interactive
white boards as best practice for children with au-
tism. Unfortunately teacher skills and strategies in
this context are missing. So in our project we will
start first with some research work about advantages
and disadvantages of white boards and then develop
one-day training for Initial Teaching students.
Referring to the ICT based learning methods, E-
Learning combined with traditional instructor-led
training offers more efficiency for learning social
skills providing flexibility in terms of time, place,
adaptation of the learning material, audience and
individualized (customized) content (Hamburg,
There are also disadvantages of ICT based train-
ing particularly by using the internet like bandwidth
limitations for certain media types and assistive
technologies necessary for people also having other
disabilities, initial development costs which can be
more expensive than development costs for print-
based or instructor led training and longer develop-
ment time. In order to be efficient, the learners must
be self-directed learners and comfortable using the
One barrier that hinders the learning of social
skills could be the poor range and quality of provi-
sion in some areas which means that many disabled
adults are still not given the opportunities they need
to learn basic social skills. It seems that these oppor-
tunities depend on the commitment and initiative of
individuals rather than on a clearly defined right of
A second problem is that ASD requires good
specialist teaching, which is not available to many
learners because of the shortage of skilled and quali-
fied teachers. Some learners require specialized
equipment, but many teachers are unfamiliar with
the range of special available software or with the
technology used (e.g. white boards). Other learners
require transport to the place of learning, more ac-
cessible accommodation, timetabling which avoids
fatigue, or a personal assistant who is sometimes
Also the curriculum for social skills is insuffi-
ciently flexible to enable all learners to build new
skills which are required in connection with many
economic and technical changes for example to
teach them how to use the Web and how to commu-
nicate through media. Many learners need continu-
ous learning opportunities in a community; it could
be realised by a combination of formal and informal
education methods (including different evenings,
activities of social and health services, etc).
The teaching of social skills should be (if possi-
ble) integrated with the rest of people’s lives. There
is little Web-based learning material for adults that
is age-appropriate and sufficiently challenging. It is
important that each student is involved in deciding
which skills to develop and has an individualised
learning plan, built on previous learning experiences
and experience with the ICT.
3 VCoPs
A Community of Practice (CoP) may provide a use-
ful perspective on learning, information, knowledge
sharing and creation. In a CoP, a group of people
come together who share a concern, a set of prob-
lems, expertise and/or a passion for a topic. “Com-
munities of practice are formed by people who en-
gage in a process of collective learning in a shared
domain of human endeavour”. Some research
pointed out that knowledge developed in Communi-
ties of Practice is important for understanding differ-
ent types of knowledge and how knowledge devel-
ops in different contexts. These distinctions are im-
portant when processes of learning and knowledge
development in SMEs are analysed.
The design of CoPs also is important. Some
principles of “designing for aliveness” which can
guide organizations wishing to start a CoP are ex-
plained here. These we have followed in our current
projects (see part 4):
Design for evolution e.g. design elements should
be combined in a way that they may act as catalysts
for a natural evolution to a life-long learning ori-
ented CoP,
Keep an open dialog between inside and outside
perspectives of the CoP because the latter can help
community members to see new possibilities and act
Consider different levels of participation for the
members of the CoP (leadership roles, core active
group, rare participants, etc.)
Develop public and private community spaces
Create a rhythm and rules for the community
Internet technologies extend the interactions within
Communities of Practice beyond geographical limi-
tations and enable the building of virtual CoPs
(VCoPs). These communities free their members
from constraints of time and space.
Sometimes a transition takes place from a face-
to-face to a Virtual CoP, in order to reach more con-
tinuous levels of information sharing. In this case it
is important to choose adequate software to support
the VCoP.
The current generation of web-based technology
(Web 2.0) which is not mainly a technical revolution
but first of all a social one, has a vast potential to
create prospering environments for emerging Com-
munities of Practice.
The lack of face-to-face contact within a Com-
munity of Practice can often be an advantage be-
cause it helps to suppress traditional group norm
behaviour. On the other hand, it remains an open
question whether a community of practice where
face-to-face contact is entirely excluded can be sus-
tained over a long period. In our project we are go-
ing to support both virtual and face-to-face contacts
in the community of practice under development.
Despite the great potential, there are also limita-
tions of current technologies in relation to Virtual
Communities of Practice: because virtual commu-
nity infrastructure can be set up across cultures via
www, cultural and language differences can hinder
the desired fluidity of activities in communities of
Some positive aspects referring to people with
ASD, which could be influenced by CoPs, are the
following (Engert, et al., 2008):
Improving the learning curve of new staff
Supporting new ideas for products and services
Reducing rework and preventing “reinventions
of the wheel”
Responding more rapidly to people with autism
needs and inquiries
Development of friendly repositories of knowl-
edge and good practices
There exist some initiatives in building VCoPs to fill
the gaps in rehabilitation and training in the field of
ASD. For example, for many social problems there
is a gap in the availability of proven evidence-based
strategies (Rosen, et al., 1999). A good solution for
social workers who need advice and also for sharing
knowledge and inventing new practical solutions are
VCoPs (Cook-Craig, 2008).
After having gained experience in the
GRUNDTVIG project BASKI aimed at the devel-
opment of a model of social basic skills for people
with learning disabilities, we continued our work in
the EU-Learning partnership Bringing New Ap-
proaches to Education of Autistic Children in Tur-
HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics
key and European Countries. The target groups of
the project are teachers and students of vocational
education, trainers working in special education cen-
tres, social workers, parents of autistic children and
last but not least children with autism. The partners
come from Austria, Germany, Spain and Turkey.
The main tasks of the project are:
Surveys about autism and existing education
approaches in partner countries
Discussions with experts in this context
Research of successful methods and new ap-
proaches in training of autistic children, trainers and
Structured interviews with trainers, students,
Development of a common approach for the
training of target groups
Development of a Community of Practice with
virtual activities (VCoP) involving autistic citizens,
trainers, doctors, parents, social workers supported
by a Moodle platform to develop training resources
Pilot runs in Turkey.
Some of the questions for the structured interviews
with trainers are the following:
Have you ever heard of “Autism” before starting
to work in this organization?
Have you ever interacted with an autistic child
before working in this organization? If so, could you
explain the level of your interaction?
Do you have any difficulty in training autistic
Who puts you under stress the most while train-
ing autistic children?
To what extent can you solve the problem you
have faced?
What are your attitudes towards people?
Your opinions about your job
Do you know the ICT supported methods and
techniques used in the education of autistic children?
Do you know supportive therapy methods used
in the education of autistic children?
Can you easily obtain the written sources and
materials about autism?
Do you think the autistic children should be led
to the vocational training?
In your opinion, what kind of occupations can
autistic children be led to?
We started now the development of a VCoP with
trainers, social workers and autistic children recom-
mended by trainers, doctors not only from partner
countries but also from other European countries.
The access to documents, discussions and training
modules for achieving social skills is supported by a
Moodle-based platform (Dougiamas, 2006) because
of the accessibility and flexibility of this tool. The
choice of Moodle was based, firstly, on an analysis
of some open source virtual learning environments
(VLEs) on the criteria of sustainability and viability
(that influence the costs for adoption and mainte-
nance of the system) and the pedagogical rationale
of the environment. Secondly, we decided to use
Moodle because some of the partners already had
good experience and competence with this environ-
Another European VCoP and some cultural
learning sequences addressed to people with com-
munication disabilities particularly ASD, will be
created within the European Grundtvig Learning
partnership CLINTEV, starting in these months.
In our research work and projects we advocate the
help ICT can give to persons with autism particu-
larly to overcome their communication difficulties
and to achieve social skills so this person can be
included in lessons, in social and working environ-
ments. We are confident that learning in CoPs will
make a positive contribution to spreading best prac-
tices in ASD and find new innovative solutions, but
creating sustainable CoPs is a difficult and complex
task. In our future work we will create a frame for
disseminating existing VCoPs in Europe and abroad
and for creating new ones to fulfil existing gaps in
research evidence and training not only in the field
of ASD but also other disorders.
This paper describes some work within the Learning
partnership Bringing New Approaches to Education
of Autistic Children in Turkey and European Coun-
tries supported by the EU within the Leonardo da
Vinci sub-programme and promotes the Grundtvig
Learning partnership CLINTEV.
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HEALTHINF 2011 - International Conference on Health Informatics