Michael Wand and Tanja Schultz
Cognitive Systems Lab, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Adenauerring 4, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Electromyography, Silent Speech Interfaces, EMG-based Speech Recognition.
This paper reports on our recent research in speech recognition by surface electromyography (EMG), which
is the technology of recording the electric activation potentials of the human articulatory muscles by surface
electrodes in order to recognize speech. This method can be used to create Silent Speech Interfaces, since
the EMG signal is available even when no audible signal is transmitted or captured. Several past studies have
shown that EMG signals may vary greatly between different recording sessions, even of one and the same
speaker. This paper shows that session-independent training methods may be used to obtain robust EMG-
based speech recognizers which cope well with unseen recording sessions as well as with speaking mode
variations. Our best session-independent recognition system, trained on 280 utterances of 7 different sessions,
achieves an average 21.93% Word Error Rate (WER) on a testing vocabulary of 108 words. The overall
best session-adaptive recognition system, based on a session-independent system and adapted towards the test
session with 40 adaptation sentences, achieves an average WER of 15.66%, which is a relative improvement
of 21% compared to the baseline average WER of 19.96% of a session-dependent recognition system trained
only on a single session of 40 sentences.
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) has now
reached a level of precision and robustness which
allows its use in a variety of practical applications.
Notwithstanding, speech recognition suffers of sev-
eral drawbacks which arise from the fact that ordi-
nary speech is required to be clearly audible and can-
not easily be masked: on the one hand, recognition
performance degrades significantly in the presence of
noise. On the other hand, confidential and private
communication in public places is difficult if not im-
possible. Even when privacy is not an issue, audi-
ble speech communication in public places frequently
disturbs bystanders.
Both of these challenges may be alleviated by
Silent Speech Interfaces (SSI). A Silent Speech In-
terface is a system enabling speech communication to
take place without the necessity of emitting an audi-
ble acoustic signal, or when an acoustic signal is un-
available (Denby et al., 2010). Our approach to cap-
ture silent speech relies on surface ElectroMyoGra-
phy (EMG), which is the process of recording elec-
trical muscle activity using surface electrodes. Since
speech is produced by the activity of the human artic-
ulatory muscles, the EMG signal measured in a per-
son’s face may be used to retrace the corresponding
speech, even when this speech is produced silently,
i. e. articulated without any vocal effort. Application
areas for EMG-based Silent Speech Interfaces include
robust, confidential, non-disturbing speech recogni-
tion for human-machine interfaces and transmission
of articulatory parameters for example by a mobile
telephone for silent human-human communication.
Previous EMG-based speech recognition systems
were usually limited to very small tasks and vocab-
ularies. A main reason for this limitation was that
those systems were usually session-dependent, i. e.
they used training and test data from only one speaker
and only one recording session. Here, the term
recording session means that during the recording,
the EMG electrodes were not removed or reattached.
This paper presents our first session-independent and
session-adaptive systems: We show that a system
trained on multiple recording sessions of one and the
same speaker yields a reasonable performance, and
that a session-independent system recognizes test data
from unseen sessions more robustly than a similarly
large recognizer trained on data from just one ses-
sion. We additionally prove that the increased robust-
ness of a session-independent system also helps to
cope with the difference between normal and silently
articulated speech. Finally, we investigate how the
system copes with increasing recognition vocabulary
Wand M. and Schultz T..
DOI: 10.5220/0003169702950300
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS-2011), pages 295-300
ISBN: 978-989-8425-35-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
sizes and present results on an EMG-based speech
recognition system with a vocabulary of more than
2000 words, which to the best of our knowledge is
the largest vocabulary which has ever been used for
recognizing speech based on EMG signals.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: In section 2, we give an overview of previous
related works. Section 3 presents our data corpus,
and section 4 describes the setup of our EMG-based
speech recognizer. In section 5, we present our exper-
iments and results, and section 6 concludes the paper
and outlines possible future work.
The use of EMG for speech recognition dates back to
the mid 1980s, however competitive performance was
first reported by (Chan et al., 2001), who achieved an
average word accuracy of 93% on a 10-word vocab-
ulary of English digits. Good performance could be
achieved even when words were spoken silently (Jor-
gensen et al., 2003), suggesting this technology could
be used for Silent Speech Interfaces.
Jou et al. (Jou et al., 2007) successfully demon-
strated that phonemes can be used as modeling units
for EMG-based speech recognition, thus allowing
recognition of continuous speech. Phoneme models
can be improved by using a clustering scheme on pho-
netic features, which represent properties of a given
phoneme, such as the place or the manner of articula-
tion (Schultz and Wand, 2010); this modeling scheme
has also been also employed for this study.
There exist some studies on speaker adaptation
for EMG-based speech recognition tasks (Maier-Hein
et al., 2005; Wand and Schultz, 2009). Gener-
ally speaking, these experiments show that when
data of different speakers is combined, the recogni-
tion performance degrades severely. In this paper
we instead propose session-independent EMG-based
speech recognition systems as a goal which is both
tractable and practically relevant.
Our corpus is based on a subset of the EMG-UKA cor-
pus (Janke et al., 2010a) of EMG signals of speech.
This subset consists of 32 recording sessions of those
two speakers who had recorded a large number of
sessions. Each of these 32 sessions consists of 40
training utterances and 10 test utterances, as de-
scribed below. We call these sessions small sessions.
Additionally, each speaker recorded a large session
Figure 1: Overview of electrode positioning and captured
facial muscles (muscle chart adapted from (Sch
unke et al.,
with 500 training utterances.
For EMG recording, we used a computer-
controlled 6-channel EMG data acquisition system
(Varioport, Becker-Meditec, Germany). All EMG
signals were sampled at 600 Hz and filtered with an
analog high-pass filter with a cut-off frequency at
60 Hz. We adopted the electrode positioning from
(Maier-Hein et al., 2005) which yielded optimal re-
sults, using five channels and capturing signals from
the levator angulis oris (channels 2 and 3), the zygo-
maticus major (channels 2 and 3), the platysma (chan-
nel 4), the anterior belly of the digastric (channel 1)
and the tongue (channels 1 and 6). In the audible
and whispered parts, we parallely recorded the audio
signal with a standard close-talking microphone con-
nected to a USB soundcard.
The recording protocol for each “small” session
of the EMG-UKA corpus was as follows: In a quiet
room, the speaker read a series of 50 English sen-
tences. These sentences were recorded either only
once, in normal (audible) speaking style, or three
times: first audibly, then in whispered speech, and
at last silently mouthed. As an abbreviation, we call
the EMG signals from these parts audible EMG, whis-
pered EMG, and silent EMG, respectively.
In each part we recorded one batch of 10 BASE
sentences which were identical for all speakers and all
sessions, and one batch of 40 SPEC sentences, which
varied across sessions. The sentence sets were identi-
cal for all parts of a session, so that the database cov-
ers all three speaking modes with parallel utterances.
The total of 50 BASE and SPEC utterances in each
part were recorded in random order.
The two additional “large” sessions followed the
same protocol, with the only difference that the set of
SPEC sentences was enlarged to 500 sentences. The
two large sessions only contain audible EMG record-
ings. In all cases, the SPEC sentences (or a subset of
them) were used as training respectively adaptation
data, and the BASE sentences were used as test data.
BIOSIGNALS 2011 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
Table 1: Statistics of the data corpus.
Speaker 1 2
Total # of Sessions 24 1 8 1
Sessions with a
Silent EMG part
11 0 2 0
Audible EMG
Training Sentences
per Session
40 500 40 500
Audible EMG Test
Sentences per
10 10 10 10
Silent EMG Test
Sentences per
Session (where
10 - 10 -
Average Duration
of Audible
Training Data per
149s 1641s 146s 1625s
Average Duration
of Audible Test
Data per Session
42s 40s 40s 38s
Average Duration
of Silent Test Data
per Session (where
45s - 45s -
Note that we did not use the whispered EMG record-
ings for this study, and that from the silent EMG parts,
we only used the test set. The final corpus which we
used for this study is summarized in table 1.
In this section we give a brief overview of our EMG-
based speech recognizer.
The feature extraction is based on time-domain
features (Jou et al., 2006). Here, for any given fea-
ture f,
f is its frame-based time-domain mean, P
its frame-based power, and z
is its frame-based zero-
crossing rate. S(f, n) is the stacking of adjacent frames
of feature f in the size of 2n + 1 (n to n) frames.
For an EMG signal with normalized mean x[n], the
nine-point double-averaged signal w[n] is defined as
w[n] =
v[n + k], where v[n] =
x[n + k].
The rectified high-frequency signal is r[n] = |x[n]
w[n]|. The final feature TD15 is defined as follows
(Schultz and Wand, 2010):
TD15 = S(f2, 15), where f2 = [
w, P
, P
, z
Frame size and frame shift are set to 27 ms respec-
tive 10 ms. In all cases, we apply LDA on the TD15
feature to reduce it to 32 dimensions.
The recognizer is based on three-state left-to-right
fully continuous Hidden-Markov-Models. All exper-
iments used bundled phonetic features (BDPFs) for
training and decoding, see (Schultz and Wand, 2010)
for a detailed description.
For decoding, we used the trained acoustic model
together with a trigram Broadcast News language
model giving a perplexity on the test set of 24.24.
The decoding vocabulary was restricted to the words
appearing in the test set, which resulted in a test vo-
cabulary of 108 words, with the exception of the fi-
nal experiment, where we extended the decoding vo-
cabulary to 2102 words (the entire vocabulary of the
full EMG-UKA corpus). We applied lattice rescoring
to obtain the best weighting of language model and
acoustic model parameters.
This section is structured as follows: First, we show
how a session-independent system performs in com-
parison to large session-dependent systems. Second,
we prove that these encouraging results can be im-
proved even further by means of MLLR adaptation.
Third, we present recognition results on silent EMG,
showing that a session-independent system may cope
with the difference between audible and silent EMG.
Fourth, we outfit our best systems with an extended
vocabulary and show that even then, EMG-based
speech recognition is still possible.
5.1 Session-Independent EMG-based
Speech Recognition
We compared the following three kinds of systems:
A session-dependent (SD) system is trained and
tested on data from one single session, during
which the recording electrodes were not removed.
A multi-session (MS) system uses training data
from multiple sessions. The session on which
such a system is tested is always part of the train-
ing sessions. Note that as described in section 3,
the training data set and the test data set are dis-
A session-independent (SI) system uses training
data from one or more sessions. No data from the
session on which the system is tested may form
part of the training corpus.
The multi-session system may be considered an inter-
mediate step towards a session-independent system.
We expect that when the amount of training data is
the same, a multi-session system should perform bet-
ter than a session-independent system, and this is in-
deed the case.
For our first experiment, we subdivided the 32
“small” sessions of the data corpus into blocks of 2, 4,
or 8 sessions. Each session forms part of exactly one
block of each size. On each block of n sessions, we
trained n session-independent systems, each of which
was characterized by testing on the test data of one
particular session, and training on the training data of
the remaining n 1 sessions. Thus e. g. from the 24
sessions of speaker 1, we obtain 24 SI systems which
were trained on 1 session (different from the test ses-
sion), 24 SI systems which were trained on 3 sessions,
and 24 SI systems which were trained on 7 sessions.
Consequently, we have got SI systems trained on 40,
120, and 280 training sentences.
In order to obtain comparable results, we trained
multi-session systems in the same way, using the
same amount of training sentences. This means that
from a block of e. g. 8 sessions, we left out one ses-
sion (either the first one or the last one) and trained
a multi-session system on the remaining 7 sessions.
This system is then tested on the test data of one of
the sessions included in the training set. Finally, we
obtain as many MS systems as SI systems.
For comparison, we used the two “large” sessions
of our corpus to train and test session-dependent sys-
tems with 40, 120, or 280 training sentences.
Figure 2: Average system performances (Word Error Rates)
for session-dependent, session-independent, and multi-
session systems.
Figure 2 shows the Word Error Rates (WERs)
of the systems described above, averaged over all
sessions of both speakers. It can be seen that a
small session-independent system with 40 training
sentences performs quite badly, with 66.93% WER
versus 28.43% WER for the session-dependent sys-
tem of the same size. However when the number
of training sessions increases, the performance of the
session-independent system also increases and ap-
proaches the performance of the session-dependent
system. The average word error rate of our largest SI
systems with 280 training sentences is 21.94%, com-
pared to a WER of 11.28% for the speaker-dependent
system of the same size. The multi-session systems
unsurprisingly perform best, with a WER of 10.45%
for 280 training sentences.
A session-independent (SI) system is a system
where the sets of training sessions and test sessions
are disjoint. However, by definition such an SI sys-
tem can be trained on data from many sessions, or just
on data from one large session. From similar obser-
vations in acoustic speech recognition, it can be hy-
pothesized that when multiple sessions are used, the
system “sees” more different data “shapes” and there-
fore becomes more robust than a system trained on
only one session.
Figure 3: Average performance of single-session and multi-
session systems when tested on data from unseen sessions.
Figure 3 shows that this is indeed the case: We
trained session-dependent recognizers on the two
“large” sessions, using 40, 120, or 280 training sen-
tences, and tested these recognizers on the test sets of
the “small” sessions of the respective speakers. We
compared these results to the performance of the SI
systems trained on data from several “small” sessions.
On 40 training sentences, the recognizers have quite
similar performance, with a word error rate of 66.93%
respectively 72.91%. On 280 training sentences, how-
ever, the average WER of the single-session SI rec-
ognizer is 51.04%, whereas the average WER of the
multi-session SI recognizer drops to 21.93%! Even
though there is some variation between different ses-
sions, the result shows that a recognizer trained on
multiple sessions is much better than a similarly-sized
recognizer trained on one session. Moreover, the
performance difference increases with the number of
training sessions, supporting our claim that increas-
ing the number of training sessions indeed increases
the robustness of the recognizer.
5.2 Session-adaptive Recognition
In this section we investigate whether the session-
independent systems may be improved by using lim-
BIOSIGNALS 2011 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
ited amounts of training data from the sessions on
which the respective systems are to be tested. The
classical method is to adapt the trained models of the
SI system towards the training data from the test ses-
sion. Due to its ability to deal with varying amounts of
adaptation data, we used Maximum Likelihood Linear
Regression (Leggetter and Woodland, 1995), a stan-
dard method in acoustic speech recognition.
Figure 4: Average performance of session-adaptive systems
with various numbers of adaptation sentences. The perfor-
mance of a speaker-dependent system with 40 training sen-
tences is given as a baseline.
Figure 4 shows the results of our experiments in
session adaptation. We started with our largest SI sys-
tem, trained on 280 utterances, and used 10, 20, 30,
or 40 training utterances to adapt the system towards
the data of the respective test session. The testing was
performed on the full test set of the respective sess-
For 10 adaptation sentences, the performance of
the system actually degrades, probably due to under-
training artifacts. However for 30 or 40 sentences,
MLLR adaptation has a beneficial effect, yielding bet-
ter systems than the original SD system trained on 40
sentences of training data. The best session-adaptive
system gives a WER of 15.66%, which is significantly
better than the 19.96% WER of the SD system.
5.3 Robust Recognition of Silent Speech
The next experiment answers the question whether
the increased robustness of a session-independent rec-
ognizer may also help in recognizing speech with dif-
ferent speaking modes. With speaking mode, we refer
to audible and silent speech, as described in section 3.
The variation between these two speaking modes has
been shown to have a very large impact in EMG-based
speech recognition (Janke et al., 2010a; Janke et al.,
For this experiment, we used the multi-session and
session-independent systems with 40, 120, and 280
training sentences which are described above. We
took the acoustic models from these systems, which
had been trained on audible EMG, and applied them
to the available silent EMG test sets. This implies that
these experiments were limited to the 13 sessions for
which silent EMG data is available (see section 3).
According to (Janke et al., 2010a), we call this setup
Cross-Modal Testing.
Figure 5: Average performance of different systems on
silent EMG. The performance of a speaker-dependent sys-
tem with 40 training sentences is given as a baseline.
The recognition results are presented in figure 5
and show a very encouraging picture: While our base-
line cross-modal recognition performance on SD sys-
tems is at 36.21% WER, the multi-session systems
perform significantly better, with the best system with
280 training sentences yielding 19.04% WER. Fur-
thermore, even the session-independent system with
280 training sentences performs better than the SD
system, yielding a WER of 28.45% on silent EMG.
5.4 Performance on Large Vocabularies
As a final experiment, we extended our recognition
vocabulary to 2102 words, which is the whole set of
words which occurs in the complete EMG-UKA cor-
pus. We used the best speaker-dependent and speaker-
independent systems with 280 training sentences and
tested these models on the same test set as before, but
with a testing vocabulary of 2102 words.
Figure 6 shows the results of this experiment.
Clearly, there is a decay in system performance when
the vocabulary is increased. This decay appears to
be similar for both the SD and the SI systems. The
session-dependent system still performs best, with a
WER of 33% on the large vocabulary. The session-
independent system yields a WER of 50.48%.
In this paper we presented an EMG-based
speech recognition system which works session-
independently: It uses training data from multiple
Figure 6: Average performance of systems on extended test-
ing vocabulary.
EMG recording sessions, between which the EMG
electrodes have been removed and reattached. We
demonstrated that session-independent EMG-based
speech recognition yields a suitable performance,
and that in particular, when testing is performed
on unseen sessions, the session-independent system
performs significantly better than a similarly large
session-dependent system, which shows that the
session-independent training approach indeed in-
creases the robustness of the system. We also showed
that adapting a session-independent system towards
a specific test session further improves the system
This technology allows us to create larger EMG-
based speech recognition systems than the ones pre-
viously investigated. We have shown that our current
best system can deal with vocabulary sizes ranging
up to 2.100 words, which brings EMG-based speech
recognition within a performance range which makes
spontaneous conversation possible.
Further steps in the field of EMG-based speech
processing may include a systematic study of the
discrepancies between different recording sessions,
which could not only improve the systems presented
in this paper, but also give further insight in what
causes these discrepancies. Second, transiting to true
speaker-independent systems is another major goal
for the future. In order to achieve it, however, fur-
ther studies on the behavior of the EMG signals of
the articulatory muscles are needed.
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BIOSIGNALS 2011 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing