Information Extraction and Technique Transitions Detection
Håvard Myklebust
Research Centre for Training and Performance, Norwegian School of Sports Sciences, Oslo, Norway
Neuza Nunes
Physics Department, FCT-UNL, Lisbon, Portugal
Jostein Hallén
Research Centre for Training and Performance, Norwegian School of Sports Sciences, Oslo, Norway
Hugo Gamboa
Physics Department, FCT-UNL, Lisbon, Portugal
PLUX – Wireless Biosignals, Lisbon, Portugal
Keywords: Cross-country skiing, Accelerometers, Expert-based classification, Biosignals, Signal-processing.
Abstract: Aims: Experience morphology of acceleration signals, extract useful information and classify time periods
into defined techniques during cross-country skiing. Method: Three Norwegian cross-country skiers ski
skated one lap in the 2011 world championship sprint track as fast as possible with 5 accelerometers
attached to their body and equipment. Algorithms for detecting ski/pole hits and leaves and computing
specific ski parameters like cycle times (CT), poling/pushing times (PT), recovery times (RT), symmetry
between left and right side and technique transition times were developed based on thresholds and validated
against video. Results: In stable and repeated techniques, pole hits/leaves and ski leaves were detected 99%
correctly, while ski hits were more difficult to detect (77%). From these hit and leave values CT, PT, RT,
symmetry and technique transitions were successfully calculated. Conclusion: Accelerometers can
definitely contribute to biomechanical research in cross-country skiing and studies combining force,
position and accelerometer data will probably be seen more frequently in the future.
The increased numbers and decreased sizes of
electronic devices is a major cause to the
development of biomechanical research in real
sports situations the last 15 years. In cross-country
(XC) skiing research, different research groups have
mounted small strain gauges into the poles and used
commercial insoles for measuring forces from arms
and legs of the skiers in addition to video recordings
for quite some years (Millet et al. 1998, Holmberg et
al. 2005, Stöggl et al. 2010). In addition to forces
they often present parameters like cycle time (CT),
poling/pushing time (PT), recovery time (RT) and
figures showing timing of arms and legs (Lindinger
et al. 2009). The strain gauges used, still have some
limitations though. The weight and size of the
equipment and the fact that skiers can not use their
own poles makes data collection from competitions
more difficult.
Skiers change between different types of
techniques many times during a XC-skiing
competition. It can be speculated if one technique is
better than another in special types of terrain. We
Myklebust H., Nunes N., Hallén J. and Gamboa H..
DOI: 10.5220/0003170605100517
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS-2011), pages 510-517
ISBN: 978-989-8425-35-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
know there have been some coaches and researchers
systematically looking at video and split times in
different terrains, trying to understand what
techniques are most efficient. Recently Anderson et
al. (2010) presented a work in XC-skiing where a
GPS were synchronised to video to get position and
speed when the skiers changed technique.
In alpine skiing, Supej (2010) validated a system
combining a suit with inertial sensors
(accelerometers) and GPS for detecting body
trajectory and segment movements. To our
knowledge, accelerometers have not been used in
The aims of this study were therefore to use
accelerometers to extract cycle time (CT),
poling/pushing time (PT), recovery time (RT) and
symmetry between right and left side during XC-
skiing using video recordings for validation. We also
intended to develop an expert-based classification
system which classifies the techniques used and
detects the moments of technique transitions. This
can help coaches and researchers in analysing the
effect of different techniques in different tracks more
The following sections will describe our study
and expose the results achieved. In section 2 we
describe the acquisition scenario, the participants
and apparatus used. In section 3 we expose the data
analysis and processing, and how we acquire the
necessary information from the accelerometers.
Section 4 describes the procedure used to classify
the cycles into techniques. Section 5, 6 and 7
presents the results, discussion and conclusion of our
work, respectively.
2.1 Overall Study Procedure
In this study, three XC-skiers finished the World
Championship 2011 sprint event track (1480m) as
fast as possible. They had accelerometers attached to
their body and equipment, while two hand held
cameras videotaped most of the track for validation.
The acquired data were analysed for the
initiation (hit) and finalization (leave) events of skis
and poles ground contact. The exact times when
these events occurred were computed and validated
against the video.
With these time points we were able to calculate
CT, PT, RT and symmetry between right and left
ski/pole. We also developed an expert-based system
which classified the cycles of the accelerometer
signals into defined skiing techniques, by fitting in
the thresholds defined after signal analysis.
Because the World Cup was held this day, the
snow conditions were optimal and we could get top
level athletes to participate, but we could not
standardize the start and end point of the track
2.2 Subjects
Three Norwegian male XC skiers, two 17 year old
juniors and a 21 year old senior volunteered to
participate in this study. The juniors (FP2 and FP3)
are among the best in their age in Norway and the
senior (FP1) were participating in the World Cup the
day of testing. He volunteered to take a run with the
accelerometers about one hour after he failed to
qualify for the finals.
2.3 Techniques
The track used is designed in accordance to
international regulations and made the skiers change
between all normal skating techniques. We choose
to name the techniques V1, V2, V3 and V0.
V1 is generally considered as an uphill technique
and uses an asymmetrical and asynchronous pole
push on one leg (strong side) but not on the other leg
(weak side). This technique is also called
“paddling”, “offset”, “gear 2” and other names in the
literature. If the strong side is simultaneously with
the right ski push we call the technique V1r and if
the strong side is simultaneously with the left ski
push we call the technique V1l.
V2 is usually viewed as a high speed technique
used on flat terrain or moderate uphill. With this
technique propulsive forces are symmetrically and
synchronously applied during the ground contact of
the poles for each skating push (both sides). Other
names are “double dance”, “one skate” and gear 3.
V3 is used at even higher speeds on flat terrain.
The technique is similar to V2 but the poles are only
used on one side. Other names are “single dance”
and gear 4.
V0 is here used for all other techniques including
downhill, freeskate (just legs working) and turning
2.4 Apparatus
and Experimental Design
To collect the acceleration data necessary for this
study, five triaxial accelerometers, xyzPLUX (bio
PLUX Research Manual, 2010), were used.
Extraction and Technique Transitions Detection
One accelerometer (ACG) was placed at the
subject’s lower back on the lumbar region, near the
centre of gravity. The default x axis of the
accelerometer was orientated with positive values
from left to the right, the default y axis were on the
vertical direction, being positive from inferior-
superior direction and the default z axis had positive
values from posterior to anterior orientation. One
accelerometer was attached to each pole just below
the handgrip, and one accelerometer was attached at
the heel of each ski-boot. The last four
accelerometers were used as uniaxial
accelerometers, as only one axis of the
accelerometers (the one pointing upward in a neutral
position) was connected to the acquiring system
To acquire and convert acceleration signals to
digital data, a wireless acquisition system, bioPLUX
research, was used. The system has a 12bit ADC
with a sampling frequency of 1000Hz and the
information is transmitted by Bluetooth at real-time.
In this particular test a HTC mobile phone with
Windows Mobile 6.1 received and stored the
collected data for post processing, using an
application, loggerPLUX, created for that purpose.
(bioPLUX Research Manual, 2010).
Figure 1: Schematics of the procedure.
The data collected with the accelerometers was
processed offline using Python with the numpy (T.
Oliphant, 2006) and scipy (T. Oliphant, 2007)
packages. Algorithms were developed to
automatically perceive the initiation (hit) and
finalization (leave) time of each ski and pole ground
contact. For checking these time points against the
video, Dartfish Connect (
website, 2010) was used. Also, with this
information, it was possible to compute CT, PT, RT,
symmetry between right and left side, technique
used and time points for technique transitions.
Figure 1 summarizes the data analysis procedure that
is minutely described foremost in this section.
3.1 Preliminary Processing
The primary procedure was to apply a low-pass filter
with a cutting frequency of 30Hz to all signals.
We then converted the accelerometer data to G-
units using calibration constants from each
accelerometer. To get the calibration constants we
acquired the rotation signal of the sensors through
the 3 axes, so that acceleration on each axis ranged
from -1g to +1g. The calibration constants are the
maximum and minimum values on each axis. We get
the mean value of these constants and with that
information we can finally convert our acceleration
data to G-units, applying the following formula:
s_cal = (s – mean_cal) / (max_cal –
with s being our acceleration signal, max_cal the
maximum calibration constant, mean_cal the mean
of the two calibration constants and s_cal our signal
after the conversion.
For ACG we calculated the total acceleration
from the following formula:
a_total = sqrt ((a_x)^2+(a_y)^2+(a_z)^2) (2)
where a_x, a_y and a_z is the acceleration in the
three directions.
3.2 Poles
The first data analysed were the signals from the
right and left poles accelerometers. In order to get
the moments when the pole hits and leaves the
ground, we needed to exhaustively analyse the
signal’s behaviour and also its jerk and span signals
and 2
derivative), so we could get the optimal
thresholds for all the subjects.
In the next sections we will describe the
procedure to differentiate the pole hits from the pole
BIOSIGNALS 2011 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
3.2.1 Pole Hits
By video and signal analysis we concluded that the
pole hits happens near an inflexion point just after a
minimum peak of the signal.
We took all the maximums of the jerk signal that
were bigger than 0.035G/s and all the maximums of
the span signal that were bigger than 0.0025G/s
(optimal values we estimated after some analysis)
and the pole hits were considered to be the samples
giving the maximum jerk values that were close to
(less than 50 samples apart) the maximum span
signal. To eliminate some undesirable points, the
events should correspond to a low signal value (less
than -0.38G).
After this procedure there were still some extra
poling hits mistakenly calculated, so we eliminate all
the events that were less than 300 ms apart from
each other. We also knew that left and right pole hits
should be almost at the same time and eliminated the
ones with a distance value bigger than 75ms.
3.2.2 Pole Leaves
Analysing the video data synchronized with our
signal, we concluded that the pole leaves happens
near an inflexion point just before a maximum peak
of the signal.
We therefore defined the pole leaves as the
points were the maximums of the jerk signal were
bigger than 0.04G/s, if that corresponded to a high
signal value (more than 0.29G).
To eliminate some extra poling leaves
mistakenly calculated, we eliminate all the events
that were less than 300 ms apart from each other.
We also knew that the left and right pole hits should
be almost at the same time so we erased the ones
with a distance value bigger than 100ms.
3.3 Skis
As the skis acceleration signals were very distinct
from the poles acceleration signals, the processing
used with the skis was somewhat different to the one
used with the poles. For this part of the processing it
was also necessary to analyse the signals with detail
to get the optimal thresholds.
The procedure to get the ski hits and leaves will
be described below.
3.3.1 Ski Leaves
We began this part of the processing finding the
maximum points of the ski signal that had a value
bigger than 2.0G. However, with this approach some
ski hit points were mistakenly confused as leave
points. We then low pass filtered the acceleration
signal with a smoothing average window of 500
samples and found the maximum peaks again but
with a threshold of 1.323G. With this big smoothing
window not all the peaks computed before met the
required threshold value.
After that we compared the two peak results and
we eliminated all the events that were more than
100ms apart, in other words, we erased some of the
peaks encountered with the 2.0G threshold because
they don’t reach the 1.323G with a smoothing factor
To eliminate some extra ski leave points, we
eliminate all the events that were less than 200ms
apart from each other.
3.3.2 Ski Hits
For the ski hit events we only used the span signal of
the left and right skis. We detect the minimum peaks
that had a value lower than -0.0045G/s
, and
eliminate all the peaks that were less than 200 ms
apart. To erase the downhill parts (undesirable
because the skis don’t leave the ground) we
compared the skis leaves computed before with the
skis hits and erased all the events that were more
than 1300ms apart. We still had too many hit values
compared with the leave ones, so we erased all the
hits that were too close of the next leave (less than
3.4 Skiing Parameters
3.4.1 Cycle Time, Poling/Pushing Time
and Recovery Time
From the hits/leaves for poles/skis we could
calculate CT, PT and RT using these definitions:
(1) The cycle time (CT) is the time spent in each
cycle. We consider that the beginning and ending of
the cycle is a hit point. So, to compute the cycle
times we get the distance values between all the hit
= hit
– hit
Remark that calculating CT in V2 technique using
pole hits require to use time between every other
pole hit.
(2) Poling/pushing time (PT) is defined as the time
spent with the ski or pole on the ground, the time
between a hit and a leave. To compute these values,
we subtract the hits events to the corresponding
leaves points.
Extraction and Technique Transitions Detection
= leaves
– hits
(3) The recovery time (RT) is the time which the
subject spends takes to begin another cycle, after
getting the ski or pole off the ground. That way this
value can be defined as the cycle time minus the
pulling time.
= CT
- PT
3.4.2 Symmetry between Right
and Left Side
Another interesting variable is the symmetry
between right and left side and if pole hits/leaves are
synchronic or not. This was checked by subtracting
hit, leave, CT, PT and RT calculated from right pole
from the values calculated from the left pole. For
example, for the poling/pushing times we did:
= PTleft_pole
– PTright_pole
The information gathered about the hitting and
leaving timepoints from the ski and pole
accelerometers were used also to classify the data
into techniques.
For each pole hit we calculated two variables,
one giving the time distance to the closest right ski
leave (“overlap_right”) and one giving the time
distance to the closest left ski leave (“overlap_left”).
Since this distances vary between techniques we
could detect which technique each pole hit
represented and from this also calculate the time
points of the technique transitions.
Again, we had to analyse the overlap results for
all the subjects in detail, to get the correct thresholds
that separates and classifies our cycles correctly. The
optimal thresholds were:
V1 right technique
250 < overlap_right < 500
-50 < overlap_left < 200
V1 left technique
-150 < overlap_right < 130
290 < overlap_left < 575
For V1 and V3 (see later) techniques it’s also
necessary that the previous or next cycle presents the
same values for overlap_right and overlap_left.
V2 technique
As the V2 technique has a poling action for each ski
push, there are two classifications possible with
different thresholds.
300 < overlap_right < 600
-570 < overlap_left < -250.
And the previous or next cycle must be:
-530 < overlap_right < -250
300 < overlap_left < 655.
Or (switched around):
-530 < overlap_right < -250
300 < overlap_left < 655
and the previous or next cycle must be:
300 < overlap_right < 600
-570 < overlap_left < -250.
V3 right technique
-530 < overlap_right < -250
300 < overlap_left < 655
V3 left technique
300 < overlap_right < 600
-570 < overlap_left < -250
As for V1 technique, it is necessary that the previous
or next cycle presents the same values for
overlap_right and overlap_left.
Other techniques
All the other values that don’t fit on any of the
situations referenced above were classified as “other
techniques” (V0).
5.1 Quality of Our Subjects
The junior skiers skied at a speed corresponding to
88% and 91% of the senior skier (FP1), respectively.
When the senior skier skied for us he held a speed
corresponding to 98% of the pace he used during the
world cup event, which again corresponds to 97% of
speed required to qualify for the finals in the world
cup (less than 3 minutes).
5.2 Validity of Hits and Leaves
Our algorithm detected 99% of the pole hits and lea-
BIOSIGNALS 2011 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
Table 1: Number of hits and leaves from poles and skis detected from video and % of correct detection from our algorithm.
ST meaning stable techniques held over several cycles where in this case is only V1 and V2 techniques.
Pole hits Pole leaves Ski leaves
N video Correct (%) N video Correct (%) N video Correct (%) Correct ST (%)
FPH 224 100.0% 224 100.0% 154 97.4% 99.4%
FPL 300 100.0% 296 100.0% 250 93.2% 98.8%
FPS 316 99.7% 282 99.6% 242 95.0% 99.2%
Total 840 99.9% 802 99.9% 646 95.2% 99.1%
Table 2: Number of ski hits analyzed from video (n) and correct detection from our code (%) subdivided into "all" (all
techniques), "ST" ("stable techniques" held over several cycles, where in this case only V1 and V2 techniques), V1 and V2.
Two hits per cycle were sometimes found in V2. The table shows how many of this 2.hit we found and how many % of
correct detection our code gets if we assume that the 2.hit is wrong or correct.
Ski hits
Correct Correct V2
N video All (%) ST (%) V1 (%) N video 2 hit = wrong 2 hit = correct
FPH 172 67.0% 77% 97.0% 27 48.0% 85.0%
FPL 264 74.0% 86% 96.0% 14 71.0% 88.0%
FPS 251 59.0% 69% 95.0% 33 16.0% 63.0%
Total 687 67.0% 77% 96.0% 74 47.0% 57.0%
ves correctly. For the ski leaves, 95-99% were
detected correctly (Table 1), depending on if you
look at all leaves in the track or only at parts of the
track with stable technique (ST) over some time
(only V1 or V2 in this samples).
For ski hits our code detected 77% correctly for
ST. The problems of detecting hits were clearly
greater in the V2 than in the V1 technique (Table 2).
5.3 Skiing Parameters
5.3.1 Technique Changes and % of Time
Out of totally 67 technique transitions, our code
made 8 mistakes, in other words 88% correct
detection. The mistakes were 6 false transitions, 1
transition with wrong technique and 1 transition
missing. Figure 2 shows the % of time in each
technique based on the calculated technique time
21 % 20 %
25 %
24 %
20 %
20 %
40 %
39 %
36 % 38 %
36 %
35 %
37 %
40 %
34 %
36 %
43 %
45 %
0 %
20 %
40 %
60 %
80 %
100 %
video acc video acc video acc
Time (%)
Figure 2: Relative time in each technique for each FP
based on video analysis and accelerometer data (acc).
V1 V2 V3 V1 V2 V3 V1 V2 V3
Time (ms)
Figure 3: Mean CT, PT and RT for each technique and
each FP based on right pole. Remark that CT, PT and RT
for V2 will be twice as big for a complete cycle.
5.3.2 Cycle Time, Poling/Pushing Time,
Recovery Time and Timing of Events
Differences between techniques were seen for CT,
PT and RT (Figure 3). Figure 4 shows differences in
timing of events between skiers in V1 technique and
this can also be seen as differences between when
poles and skis hits/leaves ground compared to centre
of gravity total acceleration in the different skiers
(Figure 5).
Extraction and Technique Transitions Detection
0 % 10 % 20 % 30 % 40 % 50 % 60 % 70 % 80 % 90 % 100 %
right pole
right ski
left ski
left pole
0 % 10 % 20 % 30 % 40 % 50 % 60 % 70 % 80 % 90 % 100 %
right pole
right ski
left ski
left p ole
0 % 10 % 20 % 30 % 40 % 50 % 60 % 70 % 80 % 90 % 100 %
right pole
right ski
left ski
left p ole
Figure 4: Cycle phase structure in V1 for the different
Figure 5: Average total acceleration from ACG during V1
technique. Time points for hits (solid lines) and leaves
(dashed lines) of poles (orange = right, red = left) and skis
(blue = right, purple = left), for FP1, FP2 and FP3 subjects
(Figure 5 a), b) and c) respectively).
5.3.3 Symmetry between Right
and Left Side
FP1 had clear differences in symmetry between left
and right pole in V1 compared to V2. This was not
found in the other subjects, at least not in FP2
(Figure 6). Remark that FP1 used V1r (pole push
simultaneous with right ski push) while FP2 and FP3
used V1l (pole push simultaneous with left ski
push). FP1 did not ski the end of the track where
there was a typically V1 uphill and the uphill he
(and the others) skied was in a slightly right curve.
Even though this might influence the data a bit, we
also see that FP1 has less variation (smaller standard
deviation) than the others indicating a more stable
technique (Figure 6).
diff hit diff
diff pt diff hit diff
diff pt diff hit diff
diff pt
Time (ms)
Figure 6: Time differences (Mean (SD)) in pole hit, pole
leave and PT between left and right poles. Negative values
for FP1 V1 mean that left pole hits the ground first, leaves
the ground first and right pole has most time in the ground.
Our approach gave good results in the detection of
pole hits/leaves and ski leaves. In addition to
calculate CT, PT and RT previously only calculated
when measuring forces (Stöggl 2010, Lindinger
2009), we were able to detect technique transitions.
Ski hits were more difficult to detect, especially
in V2 because two hits sometimes showed up. This
second hit results from a re-direction of the ski
before the push off. Some skiers clearly use this
newly developed “double-push” technique
described by Stöggl (2008), and others (like our
subjects) change technique over time using
something in between of “double-push” and
traditional V2. As the signals sometimes shows the
second hit and other times doesn’t, and we are
unsure if and when the second hit should be there
and not, the worst results we get from the ski hits
could be understood. This was also the reason why
we did not present CT, PT and RT from the skis. We
clearly have to either find a better approach or use
strain gauges or pressure sensors for detecting ski
BIOSIGNALS 2011 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
hits. One approach might be to create a separate
algorithm when the technique is classified as V2.
In addition to forces, strain gauges and force
sensors can give the same timing parameters of hits
and leaves as we have found with accelerometers,
but we will point that the weight of equipment used
for measuring forces are 3-5 times as high as our
accelerometer equipment (1,5 kg vs. 300-500g.
Stöggl 2010). We also think our equipment is easier
to put on the skiers and the skiers can use their own
poles. Even though we used accelerometers with
cables into the wireless acquisition system in this
study, there will shortly be devices available without
need of cables. This will make the preparation even
Combining different technologies like Supej
(2010) have done in alpine skiing will probably be
the future of biomechanical research. Accelerometer
data from the area around centre of gravity or
different limbs of the body in addition to force and
positioning data will probably be useful during XC-
skiing research.
Accelerometers were shown to be useful tools in XC
skiing research. Accelerometers will probably be
used more frequently in the future, in combination
with force and positioning systems. Working with
accelerometers can give insight in biological
movement patterns and can give both solutions and
ideas for more advanced biomechanical questions in
the future.
The thresholds used were fitted for these subjects
and situation. Shortly, we will test the procedure on
more data and different situations. We will try to
improve our methods by finding the thresholds
automatically and we will also check what
information we can get from fewer accelerometers.
The problems of finding ski hits obviously need
more effort and we will continuously give feedback
to the producers for developing even better
Thanks to the organising committee of the Holmen-
kollen 2010 World Cup for allowing our testing
between the arrangement, and the subjects for
participating on such short notice!
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Extraction and Technique Transitions Detection