Part V - A Response to Comments and Suggestions
Egon L. van den Broek
Human-Media Interaction (HMI), Faculty of EEMCS, University of Twente
P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands
Karakter University Center, Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen
P.O. Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Joris H. Janssen
Human Technology Interaction, Eindhoven University of Technoloy, Den Dolech 2, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Body, Brain & Behaviour Group, Philips Research, High Tech Campus 34, 5656 AE Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Marjolein D. van der Zwaag, Joyce H. D. M. Westerink
Body, Brain & Behaviour Group, Philips Research, High Tech Campus 34, 5656 AE Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Jennifer A. Healey
Future Technology Research, Intel Labs Santa Clara, Juliette Lane SC12-319, Santa Clara CA 95054, U.S.A.
Affective signal processing, Emotion, Review, Temporal aspects, Prerequisites, Guidelines.
In four papers, a set of eleven prerequisites for affective signal processing (ASP) were identified (van den
Broek et al., 2010): validation, triangulation, a physiology-driven approach, contributions of the signal pro-
cessing community, identification of users, theoretical specification, integration of biosignals, physical charac-
teristics, historical perspective, temporal construction, and real-world baselines. Additionally, a review (in two
parts) of affective computing was provided. Initiated by the reactions on these four papers, we now present: i)
an extension of the review, ii) a post-hoc analysis based on the eleven prerequisites of Picard et al.(2001), and
iii) a more detailed discussion and illustrations of temporal aspects with ASP.
To align research on affective signal processing
(ASP), a set of eleven prerequisites for ASP were pro-
posed (van den Broek et al., 2010): validity, triangu-
lation, a physiology-driven approach, signal process-
ing contributions, physical characteristics, baselines,
historical perspective, integration of biosignals, user
identification, temporal construction, and theoretical
specification. Since the publication of these papers,
the authors have received many suggestions and com-
ments following these papers. This article provides
a response to the three most prominent reactions: i)
an extension of the review on ASP, ii) the use of the
prerequisites in practice, and iii) concerns on various
temporal aspects of ASP.
The problem with a reviewis that it is impossible to
be complete. However, one can always aim to achieve
this goal as closely as possible. Therefore, this pa-
per presents a review on ASP and affective comput-
ing (AC), complementary to the previous two (van
den Broek et al., 2010); see Table 1. In addition, to
show the use of the prerequisites in practice, we apply
the prerequisites to post-hoc analyze the seminal work
of (Picard et al., 2001); see Table 3. In Section 3,
we elaborate more on temporal aspects of ASP and,
more in general, of biosignals. Finally, we draw con-
clusions and denote the prerequisites’ implications for
applications on ASP.
L. van den Broek E., H. Janssen J., D. van der Zwaag M., H. D. M. Westerink J. and A. Healey J..
PREREQUISITES FOR AFFECTIVE SIGNAL PROCESSING (ASP) - Part V - A Response to Comments and Suggestions.
DOI: 10.5220/0003170703010306
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS-2011), pages 301-306
ISBN: 978-989-8425-35-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Table 1: An overview of 18 studies on automatic classification of emotions, using biosignals / physiological signals.
information source year signals parti- number ofselection / classifiers target classification
cipantsfeatures reduction result
Fernandez & Picard 1997 C ,E 24 5 B-W HMM,Viterbi frustration / not 63%
Healey & Picard 1998 C ,E ,R ,M 1 11 Fisher QuadC,LinC 3 emotions 87%-75%
anger / peacefulness 99%
2 arousal levels 84%
2 valence levels 66%
Healey & Picard 2000 C ,E ,R ,M 1 12 SFS kNN 4 stress levels 87%
Takahashi & Tsukaguchi2003 C ,B 10 12 NN,SVM 2 valence levels 62%
Rani et al. 2003 C ,E ,M ,S 1 18 FL, RT 3 anxiety levels 59%-91%
Herbelin et al. 2004 C ,E ,R ,M ,S 1 30 reg,LDA kNN 5 emotions 24%
Takahashi 2004 C ,E ,B 12 18 SVM 5 emotions 42%
12 18 SVM 3 emotions 67%
Zhou & Wang 2005 C ,E ,S , and oth-
32 ? kNN,NN 2 fear levels 92%
Rainville et al. 2006 C ,R 15 18 ANOVA,PCA LDA 4 emotions 65%
15 18 ANOVA,PCA LDA 2 emotions 72%-83%
Liu et al. 2007 C ,E ,M 3 54 SVM 3× 2 levels 85%/80%/84%
Villon et al. 2007 C ,E 40 28 regression model 5 emotions 63%-64%
Rani et al. 2007 C ,E ,M ,S 5 18 FL, RT anxiety scale? 57%-95%
H¨onig et al. 2007 C ,E ,R ,M ,S 24 4×50 LDA,GMM 2 levels of stress 94%-89%
Kreibig et al. 2007 C ,E ,R ,M ,O 34 23 ANOVA PDA fear, sadness, neutral 69%-85%
Liu et al. 2008 C ,E ,M 6 54 SVM 3×2 levels 81%
C ,E ,M 6 54 SVM 3 levels 72%
Conn et al. 2008 C ,E ,M ,S 6 ? SVM,QV-learning3× 2 levels 83%
6 ? SVM 3 behaviors 81%
Cheng et al. 2008 M 1 12 DWT NN,TM 4 emotions 75%
Benovoy et al. 2008 C ,E ,R ,S 1 225 SFS,Fisher LDA,kNN,NN 4 emotions 90%
Signals: C : cardiovascular activity; E : electrodermal activity; R : respiration; M : electromyogram; S : skin temperature; O : Expiratory pCO
Classifiers: HMM: Hidden Markov Model; RT: Regression Tree; NN: Artificial Neural Network; SVM: Support Vector Machine; LDA: (Fisher) Linear Discrim-
inant Analysis; kNN: k-Nearest Neighbors; FL: Fuzzy Logic System; TM: Template Matching classifier; QuadC: Quadratic classifier; LinC; Linear classifier;
Viterbi: Viterbi decoder
Selection: B-W: Baum-Welch re-estimation algorithm; PCA: Principal Component Analysis; SFS: Sequential Forward Selection; ANOVA: Analysis of Variance;
DWT: Discrete Wavelet Transform; Fisher: Fisher projection; PDA: Predictive Discriminant Analysis.
ASP is mainly employed in four specialized areas
of signal processing: movement analysis, computer
vision techniques, speech processing, and biosignal
processing (van den Broek et al., 2010). This article
focusses on the last category, which has received very
little attention compared to the other three.
Although studies on AC are sometimes claimed to
be successful, their results are hardly brought to the
market (cf. van den Broek, 2010b). The burden on
ASP no longer lies in the recording and processing of
biosignals. Nowadays, high fidelity, cheap, and unob-
trusive biosignal recordings are easy to obtain and can
even be easily integrated into various products. The
problem lies in the lack of in depth understanding of
the relation between biosignals and our emotions (Pi-
card, 2010; van den Broek, 2010a; van den Broek,
2010b).(Picard, 2010; van den Broek, 2010a; van den
Broek, 2010b).
The review in Table 1 illustrates both the differ-
ences and the similarities between studies on AC. As
this table shows, most studies recorded people’s car-
diovascular and electrodermal activity. However, dif-
ferences between the studies prevail over the simi-
larities. The number of participants varies from 1
to 40, with studies including > 15 participants being
rare, see Table 1. The number of features extracted
from the biosignals also varies considerably: from 5
to 225. Only half of the studies applied feature selec-
tion/reduction, where this would be advisable in gen-
For AC, a plethora of classifiers are used. The
characteristics of the categories among which has to
be discriminated is different from those in most other
classification problems. The emotion classes used are
BIOSIGNALS 2011 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
Table 2: Physiological processes and delay in recording
them through biosignals.
Physiological process delay
Cardiovascular activity (except HR) 30 sec.
Heart Rate (HR) 1 sec.
Electrodermal Activity (EDA) > 2-4 sec.
Skin temperature (ST) > 10 sec.
Respiration 5 sec.
Muscle activity through EMG instantly
Movements / Posture instantly
typically ill defined, which makes it hard to compare
studies. Also, the number of emotion categories (i.e.,
the classes) to be discriminated is small: from 2 to 5
(see Table 1) up to (sometimes) 8 (Picard et al., 2001;
Picard, 2010). Although these are small numbers in
terms of pattern recognition and machine learning, the
results lie behind those of other classification prob-
lems. Moreover, it is unlikely that human’s affect can
be described via discrete states. With AC, a large va-
riety of recognition rates is present: 42%–94%; see
also Table 1. In other pattern recognition problems,
only recognition rates of > 90% are reported. Taken
together, this all illustrates the complex nature of AC
and the need to consider prerequisites for ASP.
To bring the prerequisites from theory to practice,
we conducted a post-hoc analysis of the most influ-
ential article on affective computing, and with that on
ASP, so far: (Picard et al., 2001). As is shown in Ta-
ble 3, this revealed pros and cons of this study and
provides valuable directives for future research.
Among the questions the authors received on their
prerequisites for ASP, a significant body concerned
temporal aspects in ASP. In processing biosignals,
temporal aspects are (indeed) of crucial importance.
This importance exceeds the domain of affective com-
puting and holds, in general, for biosignal processing.
Therefore, in this section, we will elaborate on tem-
poral aspects in biosignals and explain and illustrate
why they should be taken into account with ASP.
First of all, people habituate; this is something
ASP has to deal with. For this, it is necessary to track
the number of stimuli that could trigger changes in
emotional state. However,outside controlled (lab) en-
vironments, this requires a true understanding of both
context and user, which is beyond science’s current
state-of-the art (vanden Broek, 2010a; van den Broek,
2010b). An initial approach could be to add a variable
to current models that represents the time or amount
of stimuli that the participants have received so far.
This should help to model a part of the habituation
Second, another issue is the use of different time
windows. For instance, we can look at parts of > 30
minutes but also at 5, 10, or 60 seconds, see also Fig-
ure 1. Figure 1a provides an EDA signal under in-
vestigation. On the right, Figure 1 presents three time
windows of this signal that surround the event indi-
cated in Figure 1 on the right. The distinct shapes of
the signal within these three time windows perfectly
illustrates the significant impact window length has
on calculating a signal’s features, which is confirmed
by their statistics as shown in Table 4. The challenge
lies in the fact that we must estimate when the ac-
tual emotional event occurred and how long it per-
sisted. This is problematic because there is always
a lag between the changes in biosignals and user re-
sponses on the onset of the event; see also Table 2.
In practice, time window selection can be done em-
pirically; either manually or automatically; for exam-
ple, by finding the nearest significant local minima or
making assumptions about the start time and duration
of the emotion.
Third, different psychological processes develop
over different time scales. So, the time window to
be used should depend on the psychological construct
studied. Furthermore, the lag between the occurrence
of an emotion and the accompanying physiological
change differs per signal. For example, heart rate
changes almost immediately, skin conductance takes
2 5 seconds, and skin temperature can take even
longer to change; see Table 2. Hence, time windows
should depend on the used signal.
Finally, physiological activity tends to move to a
stable neutral state. So, the more extreme a physiolog-
ical state is, the smaller reactions towards this extreme
become given the same stimulus. Therefore, the pre-
stimulus physiological level should always be taken
into account. This is also known as the principle of
initial values (van den Broek et al., 2010). The prin-
ciple of initial values has shown to be a linear rela-
tionship; hence, it can be conveniently modeled (e.g.,
using linear regression).
This paper provides a response to the three main com-
ments the authors received on their four prerequisites
papers (van den Broek et al., 2010). First, follow-
ing the comments that our review was limited, a re-
view on ASP, complementaryto the previous two (van
den Broek et al., 2010), has been presented; see Ta-
Table 3: Post-hoc analysis of (Picard et al., 2001), using the complete set of eleven prerequisites (van den Broek et al., 2010).
Introduction One of the first cases of the application of ASP to the extended monitoring of an individual’s emotional patterns
was (Picard et al., 2001). This was a laboratory study in which a single subject used method acting (i.e., acting and feeling)
to portray eight emotions every morning for approximately one month.
Validity The Clynes (1977) protocol for emotion generation of was adopted. This provided a detailed specification of eight
emotions. The subjects kept a record describing the particular aspects of each emotion during each day’s session. However,
only an aggregate label was used to analyze each of the emotions as a group, which decreased the construct validity of the
data, because the actual signal for each day is less accurately described. The construct validity of the expressed emotions
would have been increased if there had been sufficient data to analyze different types of expression of each emotion. The
construct validity is limited by the fact that the emotions were always expressed in the same order and that the length of each
expression was three minutes. Because of this it is unclear to what extent steady state anger is being measured as opposed to
the transition between “no emotion and “anger”. Ecological validity for this study is confined to lab conditions with seated
subjects. Moreover, there was no automatic way to capture context that was not part of the experiment.
Triangulation Multiple biosignals as well as observation and introspection were used to measure the construct under inves-
tigation. This enabled a rich set of data.
Physiology driven approach The goal of this project was to develop a physiological self-monitoring system that was tailored
to the individual. This paper shows how unique patterns can develop for each of the emotion states. However, these patterns
may be individual-specific and as such can potentially achieve a higher degree of specificity than is generally the case.
Signal Processing Contributions This paper puts forward several unique signal processing contributions, including the idea
of using features of the spectrum of respiration for identifying individual emotion patterns and exhaustively combining sets
of features to find the optimal differentiating set for this individual. The Sequential Floating Forward Search (SFFS) method
used in the paper is a standard feature selection method and could be applied to the same data set for a different individual,
perhaps allowing the creation of different optimal subsets of sensors for different individuals.
Identification of Users This study used data from only one person. So, the models fit very well for this person but are
probably over fitted with respect to other people. Moreover, the authors did not record any specifics about this user so no
generalization to groups can be made. Therefore, it is impossible to determine which of the features are valid for only this
user as opposed to which might be valid for all users or a group of users. Thus, this study poorly fulfills this prerequisite and
would definitely have benefited from including more users.
Theoretical specification The theoretical specification of this study is limited. Although there are references to literature
specifying the theoretical relationship between the signals chosen and various emotions, there is neither discussion on the
reason for choosing particular features, nor an explanation for the success of certain subsets of features in differentiating
between these emotional states, where other subsets fail.
Integration of biosignals Although this study uses advanced signal processing techniques to find patterns and evaluate them
across multiple physiological features, it fails to take advantage of known relationships between biosignals and integrate
them at the feature level. The models used had generic feature selection algorithms and do not represent a framework that
theorizes a relationship between multiple biosignals, an appropriate model, data gathering, and model training. Instead,
data was first gathered with no particular hypothesis about the relationship between features and an exhaustive search was
conducted, using randomly selected groups of features to nd the best result. Incorporating features combining respiration
and heart rate variability, or accelerometer and EDA data might have resulted in a higher performance.
Physical characteristics Equipment and materials used are summarized. However, information on the type of electrodes
used (wet or dry), the size of the EMG electrodes, and the position of the location of the EDA electrodes are omitted. In
addition, the temperature and humidity of the environment are not reported, although it must be noted that the authors deal
with this by normalization of the data per session per participant. This makes it hard to judge whether or not these results
can be generalized to different situations, and how the models would work with small wearable sensor devices.
Historical perspective Previous work on signal processing and pattern recognition is discussed, in particular that in relation
to affective computing. In contrast, little attention was given to the rich history of both psychophysiology and emotion
research. However, in more recent work, (Picard, 2010) stresses the importance of this prerequisite.
Temporal Construction The subject was trained in acting and visualization techniques and could probably continue to
evoke the emotion consistently for the three minute period. Considering the fact that emotions are generally much shorter
than three minutes, the actor had to re-express each emotion several times within the three minutes. This will definitely
have led to habituation and created noise in the biosignals. Moreover, there was no gap to allow the subject to fully recover
between emotion states. With the analysis, the authors tried to minimize this effect by taking only the later part of each
emotion period, but EDA recovery times can be quite long (>15 minutes); so, this may still represent a temporal transition.
Instead, adjusting for the initial value with regression would probably have been a more successful solution.
Baselining Because this work studied only one user, baselining over different users was not necessary. However, they did
find large inter-day differences and used baselining to normalize for those. Specifically, they tried two approaches that were
both successful, which shows how important baselining is for ASP.
Conclusion By applying the prerequisites to a post-hoc analysis of the seminal work of Picard et al. (2001), we have
illustrated their use. Some of the prerequisites were already applied successfully by the authors, while others were neglected.
By taking into account all of the prerequisites, we are sure that, even post-hoc, the results can be improved.
BIOSIGNALS 2011 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing
3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5
Event in a 30 Minute Window
0 10 20
5 Seconds
0 20 40
10 Seconds
Looking Through Different Windows
0 100 200
1 Minute
Figure 1: A 30 minutes time window of an EDA signal with three close-ups surrounding an ‘event’ (denoted as such).
ble 1. Second, a post-hoc analysis was conducted
of the seminal work of (Picard et al., 2001), as pro-
vided in Table 3. This analysis illustrated the use of
all eleven prerequisites in practice. Third, a more de-
tailed discussion on temporal aspects of ASP was ini-
tiated, since the authors received many comments on
this prerequisite. This extended elaboration on this
prerequisite includes a concise overview of the lag of
biosignals; see Table 2. In addition, the impact of
choosing the time window was illustrated both by Fig-
ure 1 and by the accompanying statistics as provided
in Table 4.
The additional review, the post-hoc analysis of Pi-
card et al. (2001), and the additional discussion on
temporal aspects of ASP all illustrate both the com-
plexity and lack of success of AC. This makes one
wonder whether or not affective computing can pay
off its promises. The bottleneck is not the technique
but our lack of understanding of affective signals (Pi-
card, 2010; van den Broek, 2010a; van den Broek,
2010b). We hope that these prerequisites can initiate
a first step towards rethinking ASP.
Table 4: Standard statistics on the three time windows of an
EDA signal, as presented in Figure 1 (right).
Statistic Time window
5 sec. 10 sec. 60 sec.
mean 3314 3312 3083
standard deviation 19 23 217
slope 43 -69 697
Egon L. van den Broek acknowledges the support of
the BrainGain Smart Mix Programme of the Nether-
lands Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Nether-
lands Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.
Further, we thank the three reviewers for their con-
structive suggestions on and Lynn Packwood for
proof reading of a previous version of this article.
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BIOSIGNALS 2011 - International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing