David Thomson and Antonija Mitrovic
Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
Keywords: Opponent modeling, Adaptive AI, Machine learning, Student modeling, Video games, Quake 3.
Abstract: Video games are quickly becoming a significant part of society with a growing industry that employs a wide
range of talent, from programmers to graphic artists. Video games are also becoming an interesting and
useful testbed for Artificial Intelligence research. Complex, realistic environmental constraints, as well as
performance considerations demand highly efficient AI techniques. At the same time, the AI component of
a video game may define the ongoing commercial success, or failure, of a particular game or game engine.
This research details an approach to opponent modeling in a first person shooter game, and evaluates
proficiency gains facilitated by such a technique. Information about the user is recorded and used by the
existing Artificial Intelligence component to select tactics for any given opponent. The evaluation results
show that when computer characters use such modeling they are more effective than when they do not
model their opponent.
For better or for worse, video games are becoming a
significant part of our society. While once little more
than a curiosity, the video game industry has grown
rapidly, to the point where it generated about
USD$9.5 billion in the US in 2007, and USD$11.7
billion in 2008 (Entertainment Software Association,
2010). Video games are an interesting environment
for developing new techniques for writing software,
with complicated settings, efficiency demands, and
often very realistic physics engines. In particular,
games are useful testbeds for evaluating new
Artificial Intelligence techniques.
This research uses the video game Quake 3 to
evaluate an implementation of user modeling. User
modeling is a general term used for collecting and
processing data about each user (Kobsa, 2001).
This research takes methods from student
modeling (modeling students to help teach them),
and adapts them to a First Person Shooter (FPS)
game. Student modeling, used in Intelligent Tutoring
Systems (ITSs), has been shown to be effective at
increasing both cognitive (Mitrovic, Martin,
Suraweera, 2007) and meta-cognitive (Mitrovic &
Martin, 2007) ability. When used in ITSs, student
modeling allows adaptive problem and feedback
selection, with the aim of keeping the student at an
appropriate difficulty level; not too hard, but not too
easy. This level is called the Zone of Proximal
Development (L. Vygotsky, 1978).
Opponent modeling has been incorporated into a
number of games. Opponent modeling refers to the
technique of using user modeling for the opponents
in a video game. Some such games that have been
used to evaluate opponent modeling include Poker
(Billings et al., 1998) Racing games (Togelius et al
2006) and Real-Time Strategy Games (Schadd et al.,
2007). Machine Learning techniques have also been
incorporated into Quake 3 (Zanetti & Rhalibi, 2004),
with mixed results. A detailed description of all
these systems has not been included due to space
In this paper, we use Quake 3 as the context of
our research. Quake 3 (full name Quake 3 Arena) is
a death-match style FPS game. Quake 3 was
released on December 2
1999 by id software. It
focuses on multi-player action, and has no story line.
In single player mode, the player competes in a
series of matches against computer-controlled
characters. The most common form of play is the
death-match. In a death-match, all players compete
Thomson D..
DOI: 10.5220/0003178905910594
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2011), pages 591-594
ISBN: 978-989-8425-40-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
against each other, on a single map. The winner is
the player who scores the most points (points are
achieved by killing other players) in the time limit,
or the player who reaches the score limit first.
When a character shoots at and hits an opponent,
the opponent loses some of its health. How much
health it loses depends on the weapon that was used.
If this causes the characters health to reduce below
zero, the character dies. After a brief pause, the
character re-spawns (comes back to life) at a
different location and with only basic weapons. This
ensures players continuous game-play, even if they
get killed a lot. There are a number of different
weapons in the game that can be found scattered
around a map. A player can pick up such weapons
and use them against their enemies.
Although the computer-controlled characters in
Quake 3, or bots, as they are known, are already
capable of playing the game in an effective manner,
we wanted to examine whether modeling opponents
would make a measurable difference to the bots
skill. We believe an aspect of Artificial Intelligence
(AI) has been overlooked in many computer games,
namely, adaptation. Being able to adapt is a vital
skill humans have, and must be a key goal if we
wish to reach the pinnacle of artificially intelligent
We believe adaptive AI will be increasingly
useful for developers to differentiate their games.
While some work is surely occurring in industry, we
believe this is an exciting field for research.
Adaption in computer games is also crucial to the
effectiveness of educational computer games, a field
that is rapidly growing in both size and importance.
In humans, the ability to adapt comes from our
ability to remember. When faced with a decision, we
recall, either sub-consciously or consciously,
previous situations where we had to make similar
decisions. We examine the decision we made on that
occasion, and whether the result was desirable, or
not. If our previous decision led to a desirable
outcome, we are likely to make a similar decision.
If, on the other hand, the previous decision led to
undesirable outcomes, we are likely to make a
different decision. In essence, we are remembering
what worked well in the past, and what did not. An
important aspect of this skill is in identifying
previous situations that are relevant to the current
Our research in student modeling has taught us
that there is no point modeling what you cannot use,
and you cannot use what you cannot model. Once
we know what is desirable, we can identify decisions
in situations that lead to desirable outcomes. If a
decision does not at all influence the outcome, there
is little point modeling it. If we cannot change a
decision that influences the outcome, even with
perfect information, then there is also no point
modeling that decision.
This research has added opponent modeling to
Quake 3. Bots model opponents in real time, as they
compete in a match.
During the match, every bot is constantly
evaluating and deciding what they want to do. One
aspect of this is what weapon to hold. Other aspects
are concerned with goals such as seek weapon, seek
health etc. Opponent models are now used in three
specific aspects of decision making: choosing a
weapon to hold, choosing which weapons to seek,
and deciding whether to chase or flee an opponent.
These decisions were chosen because they are
related to opponents and weapons. The information
in the model is limited to the success of different
weapons, so is therefore only helpful when making
decisions regarding opponents or weapons.
Figure 1: An opponent model for a Quake 3 bot.
Figure 1 shows a section of the opponent models
for the bot Lucy, showing the model for the
opponent Ranger. Each bot will have a similar
model for every opponent they have ever fought.
For each opponent, a history of interactions
between the opponent and the bot is recorded. An
interaction is defined as a kill or a death. During a
match other interactions may occur, such as a hit
that does not kill the target, or a shot that misses. It
is however hard to define the meaning to the result
models lucy
opponent ranger
GAUNTLET 0 0 0 *0.73*
SHOTGUN 1 *1.10*
ROCKETLAUNCHER 1 1 0 1 *1.2*
LIGHTNING 0 0 1 *0.89*
RAILGUN 1 *1.1*
PLASMAGUN 1 0 0 0 *0.8*
BFG10K 1 *1.1*
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
of such interactions, so they are not recorded. For
each weapon, a history of kills and deaths is
Following the history of interactions is the
success value for the current weapon. The success
value is calculated by multiplying the current value
as the history is parsed, by 1.10 for each “1”, and 0.9
for “0” observed, starting with a value of one. A
second method of calculating the success value has
been investigated, but is not detailed here due to
space constraints.
The purpose of the success value is to improve
the performance. As bots are constantly evaluating
what they wish to do, the opponent models will be
read very often. Maintaining a success value for
each weapon means the whole history for each
weapon does not need to be read every time the bot
makes a decision. The history only needs to be read
when re-calculating the success value, which is only
necessary after a kill or a death.
With our opponent modeling implementation,
bots select weapons based on a combination of the
success value for every weapon against the current
opponent, and the bots own preference for each
weapon. This means the bots still act differently
(they each have different preferences), but combine
that with knowledge about the opponent
The opponent model is also used when the bot
must decide if they want to chase a fleeing
opponent, and if they themselves want to flee an
opponent, or keep fighting. The bots are now more
likely to flee from a string opponent, and more likely
to chase a weak opponent, than when opponent
modeling was not used.
The purpose of this research is to make the bots in
Quake 3 Arena smarter. This is achieved by
effectively giving the bots memory. The bots
remember what worked well in the past, and use this
information to influence their strategy. The result is
that a bot who uses opponent modeling should score
more points, by killing more opponents, than if they
were not using opponent modeling. The bots scores
can then be used to measure the benefit realised
from opponent modeling.
Although opponent modeling is intended to be
used against human players, the bots in Quake 3
have been specifically designed to play like a human
player. Evaluation can thus be performed between
computer characters, without the need for human
participants. The information modeled by the
computer characters is also low-level enough that
the same information can be extracted from
modeling computer characters, as would be from a
human player. Computer players also must choose a
weapon from the selection of available weapons, and
kills and deaths occur in the same manner. Computer
players competing in matches against one another
are therefore used to evaluate the effectiveness of
opponent modeling in this project.
Ten matches were played between two bots,
Mynx and Orbb, with a score limit of 100; the first
bot to score 100 kills is the winner. Neither bot was
using opponent modeling in the first ten matches. In
these matches Mynx is the superior player, winning
every game. Orbbs score fluctuates around 40.
Orbb was then given opponent modeling, but no
existing model. Orbb would have to build the model
while competing in the next ten matches. The same
model was used and built upon in all ten matches for
the second set. Orbbs performance on both sets of
matches is summarised in Table 1 and Figure 2.
Table 1: Average score and Standard Deviation for Orbb.
Average(n=10) Std. Dev.
No modeling 37.7 6.75
Modeling 73.3 13.43
Figure 2: Orbbs scores with modeling (red diamonds) and
without modelling (blue squares).
The scores for Orbb in the second set of matches
are significantly higher (t=-7.5, p=0.000002) than in
the first set. The only difference between the two
sets of matches in that opponent modeling was
enabled for Orbb in the second set. These results
show that this opponent modeling technique does
improve the bots performance. Although Mynx still
wins every match, Orbb is much more competitive,
and very nearly wins in match seven. It appears that
after two matches the model is sufficiently accurate,
although even in the first match Orbbs score is much
better than in any of the matches from the first set.
There is a general upwards trend, with the highest
score being in match seven. Importantly, in every
match in the second set, Orbb gets a better score
than any match from the first set.
Table 1 shows the average score and standard
deviation from the two sets of matches. Mynx's
score are not included as she scored 100 in every
match. The average score when Orbb uses opponent
modeling is twice that of when no modeling is used.
The standard deviation is also much higher, showing
that Orbb's scores are more variable when opponent
modeling is used.
Further tests were performed with more than two
competitors, however the results were excluded due
to space constraints. When more players compete in
a match the effect of opponent modeling was less
clear, but a small increase in performance was
regularly observed. There are many potential reasons
for only a small increase, such as more game time
needed to build models (more models need to be
built as there are more opponents), and less time
available to collect weapons and implement
In addition to recording scores, we have
performed analysis on the generated models. This
analysis showed that a bot will fairly reliably
produce the same model for the same opponent, if
many games are played, each game starting with an
empty model. Analysis also showed that a bot will
produce different models for different opponents.
This is important as it shows the opponent models
do contain information derived from the particular
These results show that opponent modeling, based
on techniques from student modeling, can provide
useful models of opponents in Quake 3. Now that
we have shown that useful information can be
obtained from such a model, more research can be
performed on how best to use such information. In
particular, the success value calculation could be
further refined. Future research will show us how to
best utilise model information, with the potential to
develop similar systems for other games.
The most practical benefit of this method of
opponent modeling seen in Quake 3 was in the
extreme cases. An opponent who was significantly
weaker than another player gained the most from
this enhancement. The models are useful for
highlighting very bad and very good decisions; if
this knowledge about the outcomes of decisions
against particular opponents is used to influence
each decision, the overall ability of the player is
improved. Although the models may not suggest the
best decision on every occasion, on average it can
improve the computer players’ performance, as
shown by the evaluation results.
This research has two aspects of significance.
One is the scale of the video games industry; this is
definitely big business, in terms of dollars and
influence. Additionally, the next generation of
educational games could benefit from utilising
similar opponent modeling techniques, to make the
game component of an educational game more
stimulating and challenging.
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Opponent modeling in poker. Proceedings of the
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Kobsa, A. 2001. Generic User Modeling Systems, User
Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, p.49-63.
Mitrovic, A., Martin, B., 2007. Evaluating the Effect of
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Mitrovic, A., Martin, B., Suraweera, P., 2007. Intelligent
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methodology, systems and authoring. IEEE Intelligent
Systems, special issue on Intelligent Educational
Systems, p. 38-45.
Schadd, F., Bakkes, S., & Spronck, P., 2007. Opponent
modeling in real-time strategy games. In 8th
International Conference on Intelligent Games and
Simulation (GAME-ON 2007), M. Roccetti, Ed., p.
Togelius, J., De Nardi, R., & Lucas, S. M., 2006. Making
racing fun through player modeling and track
evolution. Proceedings of the SAB Workshop on
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Zanetti, S, Rhalibi, A., 2004. “Machine Learning
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International Conference on Advances in Computer
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Vygotsky, L., 1978. Mind in Society: The Development of
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ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence