Daniela C. Terra
Depto Ciˆencias Exatas, Instituto Federal de Educac¸˜ao, Ciˆencia e Tecnologia de Minas Gerais
Faz. Varginha, LMG 827 - Km 05, Bambu´ı, Brazil
nrique E. Borges, Paulo E. M. Almeida
Laborat´orio de Sistemas Inteligentes, Centro Federal de Educac¸˜ao Tecnol´ogica de Minas Gerais
Avenida Amazonas 7675, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Emotional-based agents, Bio-inspired systems, Cognitive agents, Situated cognition, Software agents
The observations that the emotional phenomenon is an essencial component to the living beings cognition
has influenced the conception of artificial intelligent mechanisms. This influence has lead to the discussion
whether it is possible to elaborate an inteligent system without including into it the emotions’s role. The
proposed model implements an affective mechanism inside an architecture to build cognitive software agents,
called ARTIFICE. Its conception was inspired in a biological bottom-up approach for classifying affections
considering ideas and neuroscientific concepts about emotions and their influence on learning. Also it is consi-
dered that the attention, motivation and emotion are interdependent aspects that need to be considered together
by an affective mechanism. The main objective of this work is to reproduce the adaptive functions of survival
value in software. Moreover this study also aims to presents how the autonomy in artificial organisms can be
acquired inserting appropriate synthetic emotions. The experiments suggest that the model is appropriate to
allow agents to adapt themselves in generic environments, according to their incorporated affective structures.
Their learning was accomplished solely from live interaction experiences with environment and other existing
entities. No previous information about the artificial world were built-in into these agents.
There were many frustrated attempts by engineers to
apply artificial intelligence (AI) following that tra-
ditional and non biological approachs (Terra et al.,
2004). According to (Varela et al., 2003), the field of
cognitive sciences has finally yielded to openings in
alternative approaches to cognition. AI mechanisms
have been built without including environmental rep-
resentations (Clancey, 1997). Some agree that emo-
tions perform an essential role to the living systems,
so emotions need to be abstracted to constitute a bio-
inspired model (Edelman, 1987).
The affective mechanism proposed here is part of
an architecture of building cognitive situated software
agents (CSSA), named ARTIFICE (Santos, 2003).
CSSA are agents biologically inspired, built without
representations of the external environment, with
sensory-motor capacities to interact and adapt to the
unpredictability involved in their ontogeny. The AR-
TIFICE model is based in a view of ”intelligence”
under the perspective of situated cognition (Maturana
and Varela, 2002; Varela et al., 2003; Edelman, 1987;
Bateson, 1972).
The affective mechanism model was conceived to
integrate the nervous system (NS) of a CSSA. It seeks
to reproduce in the agents some basic adaptive capa-
cities assigned to emotions. The model considers that
emotion, motivation and attention are all intrinsic as-
pects of the affective process. It is due to this in-
terdependent perspectives the nomitation ”emotional-
motivational-attentional” (AME) mechanism.
Some concepts, ideas and theories that based the
AME mechanism conception are cited in the follow-
ing section. The AME model is explained in sec-
tion 3, section 4 describes the environment and the
CSSA instantiated for the computational experiments
and the conclusions follows.
C. Terra D., E. Borges H. and E. M. Almeida P..
DOI: 10.5220/0003179304260429
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2011), pages 426-429
ISBN: 978-989-8425-41-6
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
This study tried to recontextualize some concepts and
ideas from a biological affects typology (Buck, 1999)
and from other theories and researches in neuro-
science (Edelman, 1987; LeDoux, 2003; Varela et al.,
2003) for a software model.
2.1 The Motivational-emotional System
The (Buck, 1999) typology of biological affects de-
fines motivation as a potential to the behavior due the
dynamic induced by the cerebral neurochemical sys-
tems. Emotion is seen as the expression of this moti-
vational potential when the individual faces a challen-
ging stimulus. Motivation and emotion are like two
sides of the coin, aspects of a motivational-emotional
phenomenon. This is a bottom-up approach where
emotions are seen as based in biological systems,
structured by evolution. (Buck, 1999) named primary
motivational-emotional system (primes) the affective
systems wich signal to the organism the perception of
its internal environment for auto-regulation.
The primes can be hierarchically classified accor-
ding to an increasing degree of interaction with the
general proposed systems. This hierarchy classifies:
a)reflexes which involve completely inflexible reac-
tions (e.g., the patellar reflex); b)instincts like fixed
patterns of innate behavior (e.g., the migratory beha-
vior of birds); c)drives of primary needs that re-
quire specific consumatory learning: hunger, thirst,
pain, etc.; d)primary affects that motivate the auto-
regulation of fear, rage, etc. The higher the hierarchy
of primes more influenced by learning.
2.2 Learning, Forgetting and Attention
Another essential concept of the (Buck, 1999) typo-
logy is the expectancy system. The operation of this
non-specific affective system is connected to the ope-
ration of some primes such as drivers, among others.
The expectancy system associates to reward (activa-
tion) and punishment (inhibition) behaviors. It is a
flexible mechanism of instrumental learning through
which the behavior is directed towards environmental
stimulus and against existing threats.
It may be said that attention is an implicit concept
of motivational-emotional phenomenon. For (Dama-
sio, 2003), attention is a mechanism that allows the
maintenanceof a mental image in the consciencewith
relative exclusion of others. The inuence of emo-
tional states in attention is recognized. For (Edel-
man, 1987), attention seems to comprehend multiple
mechanisms operating in many levels which involve
large brain portions, including emotional areas.
The cognitive process also includes a phe-
nomenon that can seem as an embarrassment to lear-
ning: the forgetfulness. Using the (Edelman, 1987)
TNGS terms, forgetting implies the decay population
process subjacent to maintenance of neural group se-
lection due the absence of neural activity.
2.3 From Biology to Modeling of
Intelligent Systems
These ideas and conceptssubstantiate the modelingof
AME mechanism. The primes as specialized and in-
nate systems suggest the creation of specialized affec-
tive circuits. So, artificial primes need to be integrated
to the NS of the CSSA. These primes are specialized
according to the complexity of their operation. The
reflections/instincts, drives and primary affects must
be incorporated to support the automatic reactions,
the survival basic needs and other important affec-
tive needs, respectively. A CSSA will only have the
primes needed to a given application. In other words,
a phylogeny or a lineage of agents will have similar
lowHunger normalHunger highHunger
-10 -2
Figure 1: The primes structure.
The permanent operation of artificial primes influ-
ences all the behaviors of the CSSA. The perception-
action (PA) dynamic of agents must express a motiva-
tion of primes’ auto-regulation. This auto-regulation
tends to establish a primes’ redout level (RL) found in
the limits of what is considered a great equilibrium.
Attention should focus in the direction of satisfaction
of the unregulated affective necessities at a certain in-
The agents’ learning occurs according to what is
suggested by the expectative system. There must be a
mechanism responsible to reinforce and inhibit beha-
vior conducive or not conducive to regulation of em-
bedded primes. According to the suggestion made by
(Buck, 1999), the developmental primes dimension
needs a kind of attenuation to the acquired conditio-
nings, over time. For such, a selection of the most
executable behaviors must at same time reproduce
the acquired learning extinction effect associated with
learning of behavioral repulsion or reward.
The AME model consists of the artificial primes,
of an aggregating component of these primes called
AME container, of a mechanism of behavioral re-
ward/inhibition (RI) and of the attentional mechanism
(Terra et al., 2006). The primes are divided into three
categories: innate contextual reaction for the reflexes
and instincts; primary needs for the drives and com-
pelling state for the primary affection.
All primes are aggregated by the AME container
its operation defines a global emotional state (AME
state) that will influence the CSSA PA at every in-
stant. Based on the AME state, the RI and atten-
tional mechanisms operate to select an environmen-
tal stimuli and a viable behavior, considering the in-
nate tendencies and the experiences acquired by the
agent throughout its ontogeny. The internal dynamic
of the primes occur via alterations of its activation
level (RL) within the pre-established maximum and
minimum limits. The specification of the activation
states for the CSSA hunger drive used in the exper-
iments performed is illustrated in Figure 1. The dy-
namic of the AME container consists of considering
all active primes and defining the AME state.
Based on the dynamic of each NS structure, the
PA cycle should select a sensory-motor (SM) corre-
lation for the agent representing its emergent global
state. The SM correlations are the elements to be
considered by the RI mechanism for application of
the coefficients of learning and forgetting. Learning
occurs when a performed SM correlation corresponds
to a behavior that promotes the re-establishment of
the equilibrium or increases the disequilibrium of any
primes. When this occurs, a learning coefficient pro-
portional to the degree of affective regulation/non-
regulation is calculated. This coefficient will be ap-
plied to update the motivational potential (MP) of the
respectiveprimes in the SM correlationsinvolved (see
Figure 1). Thus, the MP refers to the influence that a
specific primes possesses for the establishment of a
certain SM correlation in the CSSA.
The selected action reflects the influence of not
only one but potentially all the affective necessities of
the agent. This is one of the aspects of the proposed
attentional mechanism. The other is that the AME
state also modulates the selection of the environmen-
Attentional Atributeto“High”state:
Figure 2: Attencinal mechanism: peripheral atributes.
tal stimuli percieved by the peripheric sensory-motor
components of the CSSA. An example of an atten-
tional attribute sent to a visual sensor by the agent’s
hunger drive is illustrated in Figure 2.
The operation of the AME mechanism assures a
CSSA auto-regulation (an homeostasis maintanence)
based on its AME state. It should be emphasized that
this emotional permanent influence is essential for the
incorporation of the experiences in accordance to the
situated cognition approach.
The experiments for the validation of the AME me-
chanism were made in a two dimension artificial life
environment. In it is possible to insert different types
of nutrients (green, blue and red apples) and a non-
edible object (brick). The walls that limit the ”ar-
tificial world” were also inserted during the initial-
ization. All these are software components (non-
cognitive beings) that the CSSA will interact through
the exchange of stimuli by the sensory-motor compo-
nents of its peripheral system (Figure 3).
The CSSA instanciated included the following NS
structures: a) Vision Sensor; b) Mouth Touch Sensor;
c) ME Primary Temporal Need Hunger; d) Hit And
Turn Reflex; e) Mouth Moviment Effector; f) Trans-
lation Effector; g) Rotation Effector. The are two
primes: (i) a ”Hit and Turn” reflex to make a right
turn after CSSA hit a wall and (ii)a drive for ”hunger”
as a temporal primary need whose RL evolves from a
unit at each time.
It should be considered that among the possible
SM correlations some should be defined as innate ten-
dencies. It is so to motivate the CSSA behavior of
approximation and ingestion of the entities detected
in its visual field. These are seen by the agent as
a nutrient if a positive nutritional coefficient (NC) is
perceived by it. For example, imagine a CSSA with
hunger drive in a high state. After the ingestion of a
blue apple (NC = 4 kcal) the hunger drive signals sat-
isfaction and generates a positive (proportional)affec-
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 3: Non-cognitive components of the CSSA artificial
tive regulation index that should be applied to rein-
force the MP of all SM correlations associated with
that behavior. The MP scale ranges from -5 to 5, the
same is true for all CSSAs primes (Figure 1).
With respect to the learning extinction, as the SM
correlations arent being selected their MP is adjusted
gradually in direction of a neutral MP (0). This neu-
tral MP is the one at the beginning of CSSA ontogeny
for all primes except innate contextual reaction.
The proposed model presents some advantages in re-
lation to other affective mechanism proposals (see
(Terra, 2007) for details). It is possible to make im-
portant configurations to the AME mechanism spec-
ifying: (i) the internal specific dynamic of each
primes; (ii) the attentional attributes to the peripher-
ical system; (iii) a strategy to generate the AME state.
Second, behavior can be influenced by more than one
emotion. The resolution of the affective need will be
limited only by the sensori-motor skills.
Third, it is considered that the outcomes that were
obtained are satisfactory. The model is coherent to the
non-representationalist view and with the cognitive-
emotional process as stated. The AME mechanism is
appropriate to tally with autonomy (auto-regulation)
of a CSSA. One aspect to be explored is the insertion
of high order emotions in the AME model. Finally,
it is necessary to clarify what are the applications of
the model proposed. If the behavior of the software
system must be determined by the received external
stimulus, the proposed model is not applied. Intel-
ligent systems that have these characteristics are not
applications of cognitive and situated agents.
The authors would like to thankFAPEMIG and CNPq
agencies for their financial support.
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