Applying Linked Data to Web Page Screen Scraping
e Ignacio Fern
andez-Villamor, Jacobo Blasco-Garc
ıa, Carlos
A. Iglesias and Mercedes Garijo
Departamento de Ingnier
ıa de Sistemas Telem
aticos, Universidad Polit
ecnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Information extraction, Linked data, Screen scraping.
In spite of the increasing presence of Semantic Web Facilities, only a limited amount of the available resources
in the Internet provide a semantic access. Recent initiatives such as the emerging Linked Data Web are
providing semantic access to available data by porting existing resources to the semantic web using different
technologies, such as database-semantic mapping and scraping. Nevertheless, existing scraping solutions are
based on ad-hoc solutions complemented with graphical interfaces for speeding up the scraper development.
This article proposes a generic framework for web scraping based on semantic technologies. This framework
is structured in three levels: scraping services, semantic scraping model and syntactic scraping. The first
level provides an interface to generic applications or intelligent agents for gathering information from the
web at a high level. The second level defines a semantic RDF model of the scraping process, in order to
provide a declarative approach to the scraping task. Finally, the third level provides an implementation of the
RDF scraping model for specific technologies. The work has been validated in a scenario that illustrates its
application to mashup technologies.
A growing amount of data is available to users in the
web. Web users can enjoy plenty of services and in-
formation in e-commerce web sites, electronic news-
papers, blogs and social networks. Although this data
is available for its consumption by users, its format
is not suited for automated agents and computer pro-
grams. This has favoured the research in several fields
such as web content mining (Kosala and Blockeel,
2000) or Semantic Web (Berners-Lee et al., 2001),
that seek manners to build linked interoperable data
that can be automatically processed by software sys-
Several approaches such as Linked Data initiative
(Bizer et al., 2009) are favouring the publication of
annotated data in web resources, so that automatic
processes can actually consume this data and perform
other operations. Similarly, other research fields at-
tempt to take advantage of this amount of available
information, such as mashup applications. However,
ontologies and applications that expose their data are
not widespread, constraining the Linked Data initia-
tive, mashups and service composition.
The field of Web Content Mining applies data
mining techniques to the discovery and extraction of
information available on the Web. Web Content Min-
ing comprises several research fields such as Infor-
mation Extraction or Natural Language Processing,
which research related techniques that are used to ex-
tract data from web documents (Chang et al., 2006).
Approaches to the problem of extracting informa-
tion out of HTML documents considers processing ei-
ther the DOM tree or the resulting rendering informa-
tion. The first approach involves defining an extractor
or wrapper (Kushmerick, 1997) (Kushmerick, 2000)
that selects the relevant information out of the DOM
tree. The latter is a vision-based approach that at-
tempts to provide a more general solution to the prob-
lem by assuming that similar content types have simi-
lar visual features (Wei et al., 2006) (Cai et al., 2003).
In this paper, we define a framework for web
scraping for the extraction of RDF graphs that rep-
resent content in HTML documents. This framework
allows defining services based on screen scraping by
linking data from RDF graphs with contents defined
in HTML documents. We have used this model to
build a semantic scraper that uses RDF-based extrac-
tors to select fragments and data from web documents
and build RDF graphs out of unstructured informa-
tion. The model enables to generate graphs in differ-
ent representations by keeping the original sources in
Ignacio Fernández-Villamor J., Blasco-García J., Á. Iglesias C. and Garijo M..
A SEMANTIC SCRAPING MODEL FOR WEB RESOURCES - Applying Linked Data to Web Page Screen Scraping.
DOI: 10.5220/0003185704510456
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2011), pages 451-456
ISBN: 978-989-8425-41-6
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Semantic scraping framework.
the resulting graph.
The paper is organized as follows. First, the
framework for scraping of web resources is defined
in section 2. The development of a scenario with se-
mantic scrapers that uses the model is described in
section 3. Finally, related work is compared with the
one presented in this paper, and the main conclusions
and future research lines are presented.
In this paper, a framework for using semantic ex-
tracted data from the web is defined, which is shown
in figure 1. The model considers three levels of ab-
straction in order to provide an integrated model for
semantic scraping:
Scraping service level. This level comprises ser-
vices that make use of semantic data extracted
from unannotated web resources. Possible ser-
vices that benefit from using this kind of data can
be opinion miners, recommenders, mashups that
index and filter pieces of news, etc.
Semantic scraping level. This level defines a
model that maps HTML fragments to semantic
web resources. By using this model to define the
mapping of a set of web resources, the data from
the web is made available as knowledge base to
scraping services. This level provides semantics
to the syntactic scraping capabilities of the level
Syntactic scraping level. This level gives sup-
port to the interpretation to the semantic scraping
model. Wrapping and Extraction techniques such
as DOM selectors are defined at this level for their
use by the semantic scraping level.
The framework is stacked on top of the REST archi-
tectural style (Fielding, 2000). This architectural style
is the one the World Wide Web is based on, and de-
fines a hypermedia distributed system. The additional
semantics and data mappings that are necessary to al-
low information scraping on a RESTful architecture
are defined by the upper levels of our framework.
In this section, the levels defined in the framework
are described in further detail.
2.1 Scraping Service Level
This level comprises all services and applications that
make use of the semantic scraping level by provid-
ing value to an end user. Services such as opinion
miners, recommenders, mashups, data mining appli-
cations or any agent-based service benefit from an in-
creased level of knowledge. Other approaches that
make use of the semantic scraping facilities can be au-
tomatic service composition for automatic generation
of new applications out of existing services. Scraping
technologies allow getting wider access to data from
the web for these kinds of services.
The paradigm behind scraping services has sub-
tle differences from that behind traditional Seman-
tic Web applications or knowledge-based systems.
While annotated data in the Semantic Web allows au-
tomatic knowledge extraction and retrieval by auto-
matic agents, data in unstructured web documents re-
quire prior supervision of some kind to allow infor-
mation extraction. This implies that when designing
a scraping service some of the following steps might
be required:
Scraping data identification. Data that wants to be
scraped and merged with other knowledge is iden-
tified in this task. Target web sites and resources
are identified for fragment extraction.
Data modelling. A model to represent the ex-
tracted data is defined in this task. Either existing
ontologies might be available or new ones should
be defined. The result from this step is an ontol-
ogy that fits the data that needs to be extracted. A
bounded context, i.e. a conceptual context where
a domain model has a non-ambiguous meaning,
should be identified in order to separate domain
models of similar fields. Methodologies for the
definition of ontologies can be useful for this task.
Extractor generalization. In order to perform mas-
sive extractions, enough samples need to be col-
lected to generalize an appropriate extractor. This
collection of samples needs to be provided to a
human administrator or an automated or semi-
automated module. Using this data set, one or
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
more extractors are defined at the semantic scrap-
ing level and serve to provide additional knowl-
edge to the scraping service.
Consider a movie recommender that requires ex-
tracting data from the Internet Movie Database. Data
about reviews are added to the recommender’s knowl-
edge in order to enable collaborative filtering of
movies. Reviews and user reviewers are therefore
the identified data to scrape. As long as an exist-
ing movie ontology is defined, no new modelling
would be needed for this task. Also, in case extrac-
tors are built automatically using a machine learning
approach, data samples should belong to the bounded
context of cinema and movies. Therefore, considering
our framework, the movie recommender is a scraping
service that makes use of additional knowledge avail-
able in unstructured resources from the web.
2.2 Semantic Scraping Level
This level defines the mapping between web data and
semantic web resources. An RDF model that allows
formalizing this mapping has been defined.
Applying the model to the definition of extractors
of web resources allows separating the declarative
from the procedural model in the web content extrac-
tion process. This enables implementing technology-
independent extractors or automating certain tasks
such as focused and personalized scraping, as will be
described in section 3.
The proposed model allows to reference HTML
fragments in RDF and define web content extractors,
being a basis for the programmatic definition of ex-
tractors for screen scraping. This requires bridging
the gap between both RDF and HTMLs data models.
HTML is a markup language for documents with a
tree-structured data model. On the other hand, RDF’s
data model is a collection of node triples, defined by
a subject, a predicate, and an object. Each node can
be a text literal, a resource (identified by a URI) or a
blank node.
A model comprisen of a vocabulary of RDF terms
has been defined to represent HTML fragments and
their mapping to RDF resources. This serves as a
model for the semantic scraping level. A summary
of the model is shown in figure 2. The basic classes
of the model are described next:
Scraper. A scraper is an automatic agent that is able
to extract particular fragments out of the web.
Fragment. Any element of an HTML document. It
serves to represent and traverse a whole subtree
of a document.
Figure 2: Semantic scraping RDF model.
Selector. A condition that indicates which this ele-
ment is. Different selector terms are defined for
each selector type. Selectors can be XPath expres-
sions, CSS selectors, URI selectors, etc. Selectors
are means to identify a web document fragment.
Mapping. The mapping between a fragment and an
RDF resource or blank node. An identifier is de-
fined to map the fragment to a URI. A predicate
between the parent’s mapped fragment and this is
defined to produce an RDF triple. Also, an RDF
class can be assigned to the mapped resource of
this fragment.
Presentation. The representation of a fragment. This
includes HTML attributes as well as visual param-
eters such as color, size or font.
The proposed vocabulary serves as link between
HTML document’s data and RDF data by defining a
model for scraping agents. With this RDF model, it
is possible to build an RDF graph of HTML nodes
given an HTML document, and connects the top and
lowest levels in the scraping framework to the seman-
tic scraping level.
2.3 Syntactic Scraping Level
This level defines the required technologies to extract
data from web resources. It provides a basis for a
interpretation of the semantics defined in the semantic
scraper level’s RDF model. Some of the considered
scraping techniques in this level are the following:
Content Style Sheet selectors. Content Style
Sheets define the visual properties of HTML el-
ements. These visual properties are mapped to el-
ements through the use of CSS selectors, defined
through a specific language. Therefore, CSS is
one technology that serves to select and extract
XPath selectors. Similarly to CSS selectors, the
XML Path Language
is a different language for
HTML node selection.
A SEMANTIC SCRAPING MODEL FOR WEB RESOURCES - Applying Linked Data to Web Page Screen Scraping
URI patterns. URI patterns allow to select web
resources according to a regular expression that
is applied on the resource’s URI. While XPath or
CSS selectors are able to select an element at doc-
ument level, URI patterns allow selecting docu-
ments, i.e. resources representations, according
to the resource’s URI.
Visual selectors. Visual information can be used
to select nodes. HTML nodes are rendered with a
set of visual properties given by the used browser.
It is common that human users prefer uniform
web designs. Web designers thus make elements
of a same kind to be rendered with similar visual
properties to help identification. A visual selector
is a condition that combines several visual proper-
ties of an element to identify the element’s class.
Other kinds of selectors that process HTMLs inner
text are available as well and fit into the model. This
way, extractions from natural language parsing or text
tokenization are possible.
Selectors at the syntactic scraping level allow to
identify HTML nodes. Either a generic element or
an unambiguously identified element can be selected
using these techniques. Their semantics are defined
in the upper semantic scraping level, allowing to map
data in HTML fragments to RDF resources.
An example of the usage of selectors for a news
scraper is shown in figure 3. In this case, a scraper is
defined that is able to scrape a set of posts (by using
the SIOC ontology (Breslin et al., 2006)) from a spe-
cific URI. A sample mapped RDF graph is shown in
the figure, too.
The scraper can be retrieved by using the follow-
query at a scraper store:
SELECT ?scraper
WHERE { ?scraper rdf:type sc:Scraper
?scraper sc:extracts ?fragment
?fragment sc:mapping ?mapping
?mapping sc:type sioc:Post
With that, all the stored scrapers that extracts posts
will be retrieved, allowing further queries to them to
obtain the desired information.
A semantic scraper that follows the defined frame-
work has been developed
. The defined RDF model is
used at the semantic scraping level. Open Source We-
bkit library
has been used to implement the scraper at
the syntactic scraping level. Both a scraping API and
an HTTP proxy pattern interface are supported by the
The considered scenario points out some of the
benefits of using a semantic scraper. The scenario has
the goal of showing the most commented sports news
on a map, according to the place they were taken. The
main techonological challenges behind this scenario
are (i) the lack of semantic annotations in the sports
news web sites, (ii) the potential semantic mismatch
among these sites and (iii) the potential structural mis-
match among these sites.
The rationale to use semantic scraping resides in
that many of the available sport news web sites do not
provide semantic annotations nor microformats, and
do not include some relevant information in their RSS
feeds, such as location, users’ comments or ratings.
The general approach to realise this scenario
would consist of (i) defining the data schema to be ex-
tracted from selected sports news web sites, (ii) defin-
ing and implementing these extractors and (iii) defin-
ing the mashup by specifying the sources, mashup op-
erators and renderers. This paper is focused on the
first two steps. First, the extracted data is modelled
using an ontology derived from SportsML
, a model
for representing sports data.
Then, the scraping rules are defined. Our frame-
work allows the definition of these rules based on
structural or visual properties, according to the model
presented previously. In order to avoid massive scrap-
ing, semantic properties are used for defining this
task. For example, scrape only web resources of this
news category which is obtained from the newspa-
pers’ home page. Some examples of the expressivity
of this approach are: identify the news title are the one
with big font and a link to a detail page, or select only
news with an associated image. Also, other types of
rules are possible, such as the ones shown in figure 3.
Also, when considering scraping, recursive access
to resources needs to be performed. For instance, a
piece of news may show up as a title and a brief sum-
mary in a newspaper’s homepage, but offers the whole
content (including location, authors, and more) in its
own URL. This can make scraping a time consuming
task. Our model allows focused scraping, i.e., scrap-
ing only the required resources, considering a given,
high-level goal.
In this scenario, focused scraping is performed by
limiting the scraping to sports news. Category infor-
mation in newspapers’ home pages is used to reduce
the number of recursive steps that need to be per-
formed in order to retrieve all the information.
Following this approach, the data is extracted and
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Figure 3: Example of semantic scraper.
the news are placed on a map. This shows how the de-
fined framework can be applied and how this research
work can be integrated with mashup technologies.
The related work in web scraping technology can be
classified attending to the targeted user, the end user
or the programmer.
In the first category, we can point out the systems
Piggy Bank (Huynh et al., 2007), Reform (Toomim
et al., 2009), Thresher (Hogue, 2005) and Mar-
mite (Wong and Hong, 2007). Piggy Bank (Huynh
et al., 2007) provides also a web scraper that ex-
tracts RDF out of web pages. Nevertheless, their
approach is based on a browser plugin that provides
a visual interface for programming the scraper and
produces JavaScript as a result. Reform (Toomim
et al., 2009) proposes that scrapers can be attached
to web pages by non programmers. The system is
also integrated in Firefox web browser and allows
users to annotate which parts of the web page contains
a predefined pattern, and includes machine learning
techniques for generalisating these annotations in the
scraper. Thresher (Hogue, 2005) provides an interface
where users can specify examples of semantic pat-
terns by highlighting and assigning relevant features
in the semantic web browser Haystack. The fact that
these tools cannot be compatible, since their scrapers
are based on JavaScript code, points out some of the
benefits of our proposal. First, the definition of a gen-
eral model for scrapers allows separating its program-
ming model for its interface. In addition, our proposal
defines scraping task goals at the knowledge level in
RDF. In this way, scraping task goals can be queried,
analysed and composed in RDF, which is not feasible
if we specify these goals in an implementation lan-
guage such as JavaScript.
In the second category, we can point out Chicken-
foot (Bolin et al., 2005), Denodo (Pan et al., 2002).
Both define JavaScript libraries for scraping. This
work fits in the implementation level of our frame-
work for implementing the scraping of a given RDF
scraping specification, which enables interoperability
across scraping implementation libraries.
el-Massieux and Connolly, 2004)
is the standard technology for extracting RDF out
of HTML or XML documents. In order to ex-
tract the RDF semantic information, a GRDDL-aware
agent should read the GRDDL annotations of the
HTML/XML resources, which are usually provided
as XSLT annotations. Our approach goes one step
further than GRDDL, even though it is compatible
with it. Our approach can address both GRDDL-
annotated resources as well as non-annotated re-
sources. GRDDL proposes a syntactic approach that
can benefit from the reuse of scrapers among web
sites. However, GRDDL specifies an unidirectional
mapping between the implementation (XSLT scraper)
and the web resource. In contrast, our approach pro-
vides a semantic framework which enables to deref-
erence scraped data and reason about the scraping
process. This enables enhacements in the scraping
process, such as reasoning on visual aspects of the
web resource, distributed scraping using multiagent
systems, or focused scraping and reasoning on the
scraped resources (for example, search a piece of
sports news about Rafael Nadal taken in China).
In this paper, the problem behind web information ex-
A SEMANTIC SCRAPING MODEL FOR WEB RESOURCES - Applying Linked Data to Web Page Screen Scraping
traction and screen scraping has been outlined, while
the main approaches to it have been summarized. The
lack of an integrated framework for scraping data
from the web has been identified as a problem, and
this paper presents a framework that tries to fill this
An RDF model for web scraping has been de-
fined at the semantic scraping level. The objective of
this RDF model should not be confused with that of
RDFa. RDFa defines a format for marking up HTML
elements to extract an RDF graph. Our model com-
plements RDFa by allowing RDF graphs to refer to
data that is present in HTML fragments in an unanno-
tated HTML document. This enables an open frame-
work for web scraping. The tasks of building an RDF
graph out of a web document has been shown. With
this, a semantic screen scraper has been developed.
The semantic screen scraper produces RDF graphs
out of web documents and RDF-defined extractors,
that offer interoperable scraping information.
Future works involve experimenting with the au-
tomatic construction of mappings out of incomplete
ones or unstructured HTML resources. While some
of the approaches to information extraction deal with
wrapper induction or vision-based approaches, the
modelling of web page fragments as web resources
changes the paradigm behind this task. Approaches
such as machine learning or graph analysis can be
combined and applied to this different scenario.
This research project is funded by the European Com-
mission under the R&D project OMELETTE (FP7-
ICT-2009-5), and by the Spanish Government un-
der the R&D projects Contenidos a la Carta (TSI-
020501-2008-114) and T2C2 (TIN2008-06739-C04-
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ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence