In Case of e-WeddingThailand
Kunyanuth Kularbphettong
Science and Technology Faculty, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, Dusit Bangkok, Thailand
Phayung Meesad, Gareth Clayton
Information Technology Faculty, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand
Keywords: Collaborative filtering, Multi-agent system, e-WeddingThailand, Web services, Ontology, Data imputation,
Data preprocessing techniques.
Abstract: Multi-agent system is rapidly emerging as a new paradigm to develop complex and intelligent commerce
application systems in e-Business. In this paper, we present the findings on the techniques used for data
imputation techniques in Collaborative filtering based on multi-agent systems (MAS) of the on-going
project, e-WeddingThailand. The aim of our project is to implement MAS combined with various
techniques, like Web Services, Ontology, Web Semantic and Data Mining techniques. However, the present
paper focuses on the data imputation technique in collaborative filtering utilized in order to treat missing
values of customer behavioral patterns for Wedding business. As a result, a model obtained is therefore used
as a benchmark for testing potential patterns so that they are used to strengthen the derived model in
enhancing the overall system performance.
Collaborative Filtering is a well known technique
used in recommendation systems to suggest products
and services for customers on e-Commerce systems
because it is highly rated by some other customers
with similar tastes. This technique generally
analyzes relationships between users and products or
services to identify the user product/service
associations (Yifan, et al., 2008). However, the
collaborative filtering technique has some
disadvantages, like the inaccuracy of prediction and
the lack of the transparency in the predictions
(Janusz, 2006), when the number of similar users is
small and the collected data from customers contain
many missing values.
Generally, missing values can generate a bias
impacting on the quality of the performance of data
mining/machine learning techniques. The more
incorrect and irrelevant data presented, the more
unreliable the results. Especially in collaborative
filtering technique, missing data impacts on the
difficulties in estimation and inference (Schafer,
1997). Therefore, Missing Data Imputation is one of
the challenging issues that impacts on improving the
performance of Data Mining and Machine Learning
Also, with the growth and success of the Internet,
there are tremendous numbers of customers using
recommendation systems to rapidly perform
adequate and reliable results in order to meet the
demands of customers. With widely developed
advanced mechanisms, Multi-agent System is one of
the promising approaches utilized to enhance the
performance of the recommendation systems. A
multi agent system is a computational system, or a
loosely coupled network in which two or more
agents interact or work together to perform a set of
tasks or to satisfy a set of goals. Each agent is
considered as a locus of a problem-solving activity
which operates asynchronously with respect to the
other agents (Sandholm and Lesser, 1996). Although
there has been an enormous amount of research done
recently applied MAS in a wide range of problem in
Data Mining and Machine Learning techniques,
Kularbphettong K., Meesad P. and Clayton G..
DOI: 10.5220/0003186304570461
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2011), pages 457-461
ISBN: 978-989-8425-41-6
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
there is little of research focused on using MAS in
the data preprocessing step. Therefore, in this paper
we propose and implement the MAS framework of
an on-going project, called e-WeddingThailand,
which merely emphasizes using MAS to handle the
problems of missing values in Collaborative filtering
The remainder of this paper is organized as
follows. Section 2 reviews related literature and
research works. Section 3 presents the experimental
results based on the purposed framework based on
multi-agent systems. This prototype demonstrates
how to succeed in adapting multi-agent systems in
data imputation in collaborative filtering techniques.
Finally, we conclude the paper with future research
issues in section 4g.
A literature search shows that most of the related
research has been deployed multi-agent to develop
e-Commerce in collaborative filtering techniques
and the data imputation techniques by following
According to Wei et al, 2003, they present a
market –based recommendation system based on
MAS where an agent acts on behalf of its users and
sells the recommended slide bar space. Also, Gulden
Uchyigit and Keith Clark, 2003, applied an agent
based approach to collaborative filtering and used a
process of pre-clustering to form shared interest
based on their interest profiles. MANET (Collins et
al, 2002) a mobile agent based system, enables users
to compare products from different sellers.
However, it has a problem of system performance
when the number of sellers increases. Furthermore,
according to Zili Zhang and research group
, 2003,
they applied agent technology to collect and
integrate data distributed over various computing
platforms to facilitate statistical data analysis in
replacing the missing values by using either
Approximate Bayesian Bootstrap (ABB) or Ratio
Imputation and using MAS improves the execution
time by focusing on spatial knowledge in order to
extract knowledge in Predictive Modeling Markup
Language (PMML) format (Baazaou et al, 2005).
Moreover, other research works show that agent
technologies representing in various ways that are
related with data mining techniques (Huang et al,
2007), (Zili et al, 2003) and (Chien et al, 2009).
Hence, from previous literature, it presents that there
are many research studies exploiting multi-agent
technology in collaborative filtering and data mining
techniques blended together. Consequently, in order
to succeed on their frameworks, agents should have
abilities to perform as a behalf of user to handle with
given tasks such as planning, reasoning and learning.
Also, data mining techniques are an important way
to make a reason for agent under uncertainty and in
incomplete information situations. Notwithstanding,
data imputation technique acts as a crucial task in
enhancing performance of the system when mining
incomplete data.
This section displayed the experimental results in
data imputation of collaborative filtering of the
e-WeddingThailand project and also compares the
results between the original data set and the imputed
data set.
3.1 The Proposed Framework
For illustration of framework as figure 1 (Kobkul,
2007), and (Kobkul et al, 2010), we select the
wedding businesses and its environment. Nowadays,
the wedding business is increasingly becoming
growth. Booming wedding businesses affect other
businesses like Hotels, wedding studios, car hiring
companies, flower shops, music shops, travel
agencies, and even media businesses. Due to the
explosion of internet, couples use the wedding portal
sites as a medium to search for needed information.
However, it takes timing because of the
overwhelming information available on the internet.
Couples must take time to looking for wedding
packages and related services, and rely on
information of wedding business agencies. Further,
couples make their decision based on comparing
various wedding packages. The wedding package is
composed of hotel wedding package, wedding studio
package, music, floral decoration, card & gift
agencies and etc.
Also, the proposed architecture of the e-
WeddingThailand, this framework is concerned
about four main aspects: multi-agent system, Web
services, ontology and data mining techniques. In
the multi-agent system, each agent is autonomous to
be able to make decisions and act proactively.
Agents can communicate, exchange knowledge,
collaborate or negotiate with each other, to
efficiently achieve the common goal. They receive
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
and process users' requirements, make use of user’s
preference, perform as a mediator of services
business. They select and contact with appropriate
wedding business agencies like hotels, wedding
studio, and so on through Web services and give
couples the optimal result. Web services define,
provide related services, and interact with negotiator
agents and ontology is the meaningful data which
can be directly accessed by agents or people through
the Web.
Figure 1: The purposed architecture of the
e-WeddingThailand system.
Figure 2: The rating score web page in e-
WeddingThailand System.
Figure 2 shows the rating score web page of e-
WeddingThailand and figure 3 presents the
operation of JADE in this project. However, in this
paper we present merely a multi-agent system
dealing with data imputation of collaborative
filtering techniques.
Figure 3: The operation of JADE in e-WeddingThailand
3.2 The Experimental Result
We worked on the expected customer data set from
this project where users entry and rated the relevant
wedding products and services and we were able to
collect data on about 315 users. All data was
collected in accordance with appropriate end user
agreements and privacy policies. The analysis was
done with fully anonymous data. It means no
personally identifiable
information collected in
connection with this research. We collected some
relevant wedding products and services. The training
data contains R
values, for each user u and item i,
which represent how user u rated, item i. In addition,
we use a similarly constructed test set. Our system is
trained in order to generate predictions of what users
will prefer the related wedding products and services
and we evaluate the quality of the different
algorithms for computing the predictions using the
mean absolute error (MAE). It is commonly used to
measure the performance of prediction.
where p
is the user-specified score
and q
is the calculated score from the system
In our experiment, we filled missing data in the
rating table by implementing two different
algorithms KNN Imputation and the composite
imputation method between hot deck and nearest
neighbour methods based on mean substitution as
described in section 3 and we tested them on our
data sets.
Table 1: MAE Performance of CF without imputed and
CF algorithms with KNN Imputations.
MAE of CF with KNN Imputation
n=10 n=20 n=30 n=40 n=50
0.768 0.763 0.761 0.758 0.755 0.753
0.776 0.773 0.771 0.769 0.763 0.759
0.753 0.751 0.749 0.743 0.741 0.738
0.759 0.754 0.751 0.748 0.744 0.741
0.761 0.759 0.756 0.753 0.749 0.747
Figure 4: MAE Performance of CF algorithms with KNN
Table 2: MAE Performance of CF without imputed and
CF algorithms with the composite imputation method
between hot deck and nearest neighbour methods.
MAE of CF with the composite imputation
method between hot deck and nearest
neighbor methods
n=10 n=20 n=30 n=40 n=50
0.768 0.761 0.758 0.753 0.751 0.747
0.776 0.767 0.763 0.759 0.753 0.749
0.753 0.750 0.747 0.744 0.741 0.738
0.759 0.755 0.751 0.747 0.742 0.739
0.761 0.758 0.755 0.751 0.748 0.745
Figure 5: MAE Performance of CF algorithms with the
composite imputation method between hot deck and
nearest neighbour methods.
After computing for each imputation algorithm,
we performed them with the collaborative filtering
algorithm with the neighbourhood and used weight
to generate the prediction and tested these
experiments with MAE. Table 1 and 2 show the
experimental results. There are five data sets used in
this experimental in which 80 % of data set was of
the training and 20% was of the tested set. And
figure 4 and 5 present the MAE performance of CF
algorithm with KNN Imputations and with the
composite imputation method between hot deck and
nearest neighbour methods.
Nevertheless, from the experiment, we found that
the value of MAE performance of CF algorithms
with the composite imputation method between hot
deck and nearest neighbour methods was lower than
the value of MAE with other approaches. It is clear
that using imputation approaches helps to reduce the
error of the prediction results. However, it takes time
consuming to run the experiment which is shown in
figure 6.
Figure 6: Recommendation Time to user.
In this paper we presented our preliminary ideas of
building multi-agent systems in data imputation of
collaborative filtering based on e-WeddingThailand
system. In the part of MAS, we have implemented
this prototype by using JADE platform. JADE is
quite easy to learn and use. Moreover, it supports
many agent approaches such as agent
communication, protocol, behaviour and ontology.
As for the future work, we need to explore more
reasonable data mining technologies.
The authors would like to thank Suan Sunandha
Rajabhat University for scholarship support this
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
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