A Web-based Lesson Planning System
Aslina Saad
, P. W. H. Chung
and C. W. Dawson
Department of Computer Science, Loughborough University, Leicestershire, U.K.
Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Tanjung Malim, Malaysia
Keywords: Knowledge modelling, Case representation, Case adaptation.
Abstract: Lesson plans help teachers to organize content, materials and methods for their teaching. Appropriate lesson
plans are crucial to accommodate student differences in various aspects. Currently there are limited
mechanisms to support decision making in constructing lesson plans based on the constraints teachers have.
Since lesson plans have a standard format, they can potentially be shared. SmartLP, a web-based lesson
planning system, was developed to assist teachers in preparing suitable lesson plans based on various
constraints; students’ profile, curriculum and facilities. In SmartLP, teachers can make modification to the
retrieved plans according to their constraints, as opposed to generating new ones from scratch.
Implementation of such systems insists on a proper case representation as it facilitates case retrieval and
subsequently case adaptation to handle differences in hand. An ontology for the lesson plan domain has
been built in the form of a taxonomy. This is followed by case definition that consists of problem
description and solution. Cases are represented as attributes - value representation in a case base.
Transformation, a kind of case adaptation, is implemented in the system to facilitate teachers in adding,
deleting or editing the contents of the retrieved lesson plans. The adaptation can be derived from one case or
several cases.
Lesson plans are written documents produced by
teachers using a standard format and based on the
same curriculum.
Such plans help teachers to
organize content, materials and methods for their
teaching and these items need to be prepared to meet
the diverse constraints and factors each teacher has.
The constraints might be different from one teacher
to another depending on numerous factors such as
experience, students’ ability, facilities available and
many more.
Currently there are few mechanisms to support
decision making as well as determining suitable
elements in a lesson plan based on constraints
teachers have.
These limitations could be improved through the
implementation of a web-based lesson planning
system whereby best practices in preparing lesson
plans can be shared among teachers. The sharing of
experiences might be useful for teachers to create
new plans or to make modification and improvement
to existing plans according to their own constraints
and students’ profile. It is often more efficient to
customise existing lesson plans as opposed to
generating new ones from scratch.
However, to simply use other teachers’ lesson
plans is often not practicable because of the various
factors and constraints that need to be considered.
Therefore, it is advisable to make some adaptations
to the solution given by the system. Solving a
problem in this system involves obtaining a problem
description, measuring the similarity of the current
problem to previous problems stored in a database,
retrieving one or more similar cases and attempting
to reuse the solution of one of the retrieved cases,
possibly after adapting it to account for differences
in problem descriptions. This process is similar to
Case-based reasoning (CBR) which offers a
potential solution to lesson plan construction by
retrieving relevant cases that solved similar
problems. Teachers can reuse the retrieved lesson
plans after customising the lesson plans according to
their constraints. The adaptation process of the
previous solutions in CBR will fit the current
problem context which subsequently brings in new
Saad A., Chung P. and Dawson C..
DOI: 10.5220/0003190404400445
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2011), pages 440-445
ISBN: 978-989-8425-40-9
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
solution to the problem.
While the implementation techniques may vary,
most CBR systems include the following five steps
in some form or other (Raman, 1995; Watson and
Marir, 1994):
representation where problem storage is handled;
retrieval where the closest-matching precedent is
adaptation where a solution is generated from the
retrieved problem;
validation where the accuracy of the solution is
verified; and finally;
update, where the database is modified or
updated with the information gained from this
problem solving process.
According to Craw et al. (2006) in design tasks, it is
common for the retrieved solution, to be regarded as
an initial solution that should be refined to reflect the
differences between the new and retrieved problems.
This adaptation is done in SmartLP via a
customisation function. Here, users can edit, add or
delete elements in the retrieved lesson plans.
Hence, to develop a comprehensive web-based
lesson planning system (SmartLP) a good
knowledge representation is crucial as it contributes
to case representation and facilitates case retrieval
and subsequently case adaptation.
Although much previous research indicates the
role played by knowledge representation, very little
research has focussed on knowledge representation
in the educational area, particularly in lesson
This paper will discuss knowledge modelling,
case representation and case adaptation that was
implemented in the SmartLP system. The modelled
knowledge is presented as cases that are stored in a
case base for retrieval. Adaptation to the retrieved
cases can be executed by a customisation function in
the system, followed by a verification process.
Sun et al. (2003) reported that the organization of
elements in knowledge representation must facilitate
the retrieval of useful information from the case
base. Two criteria that can facilitate retrieval are
problem classification and the expected target. This
is aligning with case representation that consists of
problem descriptions and solution. In addition,
Urosevic et al. (2006) point out that one problem in
knowledge representation is how to store and
manipulate knowledge in an information system in a
formal way, so that it may be used by a mechanism
to accomplish a given task.
Ontology is a formal representation of the
knowledge by a set of concepts within a domain and
the relationships between those concepts. Ontologies
are specific, high-level models of knowledge
underlying all objects, concepts, and phenomena in a
domain. Generally, an ontology is a metamodel
describing how to build models. The good thing
about using such metamodelling is that we never
sacrifice the usefulness of any specific model.
Ontologies do the same for knowledge models
(Sormo et al., 2007).
According to Mizoguchi (2004), ontology
provides us with a guideline for modelling the
world. To do this, it consists of carefully chosen top-
level categories which are reliable enough to explain
lower concepts.
An ontology of the lesson plan domain was built
in the form of a taxonomy. In SmartLP, a taxonomy
of the general lesson plan domain was produced
based on a semantic net that was constructed first, to
see how all elements and concepts in a lesson plan
relate to each other. This type of representation was
chosen due to its acceptability as a standard
modelling mechanism. The structure of a semantic
net is shown graphically in terms of nodes and the
arcs connecting them. Nodes are often referred to as
objects and the arcs as links or edges. Two types of
commonly used links are IS-A and A-KIND-OF
(AKO). The semantic net is an example of a shallow
knowledge structure because all the knowledge is
contained in the links and nodes.
Matching ontologies from their relational (or
external) structure is very powerful because it allows
all the relationships between entities to be taken into
account. This must be grounded on other tangible
properties, which is why it is often used in
combination with internal structural methods and
terminological methods (Euzenat and Shvaiko,
2007). In addition they claim that the most
commonly used structure is the taxonomy. It is the
backbone of ontologies and has received a lot of
attention from designers.
Ontologies are now central to many applications
such as scientific knowledge portals, information
management and integration systems, electronic
commerce, and semantic web services. Noy and
McGuinness (2000) in (Abdollahi, 2007) state that
an ontology is needed to:
CASE REPRESENTATION AND ADAPTATION IN SmartLP - A Web-based Lesson Planning System
share common understanding of the structure of
reuse domain knowledge;
make domain assumptions explicit;
analyse domain knowledge
A taxonomy consists of carefully chosen top-level
categories which are reliable enough to explain
lower concepts. A taxonomy for lesson planning
domain has been built and shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Lesson Plan taxonomy.
Lesson plans consist of four main nodes which
are curriculum, students, facilities and content. Each
node is then divided into detailed nodes. The
ontology introduced above is mapped to a case of
SmartLP system as can be viewed in Table 1.
Representation is the issue of deciding what to store
and how the memory should be organized in order to
retrieve and reuse old plans effectively and
efficiently. Cases can be represented using a variety
of notations. In SmartLP, the combination of
hierarchical and attribute – value representation is
used. According to Liqing and Kumar (2005), case
representation is generally regarded as one of the
most important issues and is crucial to the success of
case-based reasoning systems.
This is supported by Spalzzi (2001) who insisted
that the efficiency and effectiveness of a case-based
planner heavily depends on its plan representation
and memory organization. This is a natural
consequence of the fact that its problem solver is
primarily based on retrieving and adapting previous
plans. Bergmann et al. (2005) suggest that object
oriented case representation has an expressiveness
similar to frame representations, but have a different
origin. They make use of the data modelling
approach of the object-oriented paradigm, including
is-a and part-of relationships as well as the
inheritance principle. Cases are represented as
collections of objects, each of which is described by
a set of attribute-value pairs. The structure of an
object is described by an object class. They suggest
that object-oriented representations are particularly
suitable for complex domains in which cases with
different structures occur. It seems similar to what
has been discussed by Giarratano (1998) as object-
attribute-value triples (OAV) or triplet.
It is convenient to list knowledge in the form of a
table, and thus translate the table into computer code
by rule induction. If inheritance is not required and
only a single object is to be represented, attribute –
value pairs (AV) may suffice. Many types of real
world knowledge cannot be represented by the
simple structure of a semantic net (Giarratano and
Riley, 1998:66).
According to Abdollahi (2007), the first step in
building a CBR model is the “Representation of
Cases” as well as knowledge. This means how to
define and describe the cases in the model in order
to recall and reuse them for reasoning. He
highlighted four main challenges for case
representation as the following:
Case searching and matching;
Integrating new cases into the existing memory
Qualitatively and quantitatively data types to
store in cases;
Organizing and indexing cases for effective
retrieval and reuse.
Components of a case in CBR consist of problem
description and solution. Problems in a lesson plan
context are the various constraints that teachers face
in constructing lesson plans. This is shown in Table
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
Table 1: A case of SmartLP.
Problem Node Elements
Students Ability, knowledge, motivation, No of
student per class
Facilities Resources, material, venue
Curriculum Year, subject, learning area, topic,
learning objectives, learning outcome,
skills, suggested activities.
Solution Lesson Plans Appropriate teaching aid, skills,
learning outcome, short description,
introduction, explanation, activity,
timing of each activity, enrichment,
assessment, extension, closure.
In SmartLP, case searching can be done via five
types of search; basic search, weighted search,
terms, expansion search and browsing. As justified
by other researchers, matching and ranking are
applied in these types of search in order to select the
most appropriate lesson plans to the constraints users
Reyes and Sison (2002) state that matching and
ranking is a procedure in case retrieval that selects
which cases are appropriate among the cases in the
case library. As the process of searching the library
is done, the search process asks the matching
function to compute the degree of match among
indexes. Based on the result of the matches, the
search function collects a set of cases that partially
match the new situation. The matching cases are
then ranked to identify which best address the
requirements of the new situation.
The hybrid approach, which combines
computational and representational approach, was
used for the case retrieval and matching process in
the system. Hierarchical representation together with
linear representation, based upon measures of
similarity, was used together with a computational
approach, in terms of weighting. In addition, query
expansion and query weighting are used in this
system to give flexibility for users and to produce a
better search result. Query expansion gives
flexibility for users to choose related terms to the
searched keywords by expanding the query using
words or phrases with a similar name. Searched
keywords may have different importance for
different users. Therefore, query weighting facilitate
users to indicate the importance of their searched
keywords. The weights are taken into account in
calculating the similarity of the searched keywords
and attributes in cases in the case base.
SmartLP used attribute-value representations for
its case which is a lesson plan itself. This is shown
in Table 2.
Table 2: Table lesson.
Attributes Types
LessonID Auto increment
ParentID Int
Date Varchar
Form Int
Subject Varchar
Learning area Varchar
Topic Text
Learning outcome Text
Objectives Text
Ability Varchar
No of Students Int
Minutes Int
Skills Mediumtext
Resources Varchar
Value Varchar
Prerequisite Mediumtext
Introduction Text
Step1 Longtext
Step2 Longtext
Step3 Longtext
Step4 Longtext
Step5 Longtext
Assessment Longtext
Extension Longtext
Closure Text
Reflection Longtext
Verified Varchar
Indexing is applied in the case base to allow the
database server to look up rows more quickly, thus
speed up the retrieval. Several attributes which are
used for indexing the cases, are year, subject,
learning area, topic, learning outcomes, skills,
values, time period, no of student, and ability. Each
of these attributes has their similarity value in
comparison to the searched keywords. Some are
using hierarchical similarity measure and some use
linear similarity measure. The structure of the
similarity table is shown in Table 3.
Table 3: Attribute- value representation for similarity
Field Type
Id Int
Query Varchar
Case Varchar
similarity Float
The adaptation process is crucial in SmartLP as it is
CASE REPRESENTATION AND ADAPTATION IN SmartLP - A Web-based Lesson Planning System
the process whereby users can change the elements
of the retrieved lesson plans to tailor to their own
constraints. As discussed before, users might have
different constraints in constructing lesson plans in
students’ profile such as ability, previous knowledge
and many more. This is achieved by a customisation
function in the system.
Hanney et al. (1995) review a large number of
CBR systems to determine when and what sort of
adaptation is currently used. Their initial taxonomies
show that CBR systems using adaptation are
predominantly used when prediction and design are
Kolodner (1993) cited by Craw et al. (2006)
identify three types of adaptation:
Substitution - replaces values in the retrieved
solution with new values appropriate for the new
problem (e.g. changing a house price);
Transformation - alters the retrieved solution by
adding, deleting or replacing parts of the retrieved
solution to suit the new problem (e.g. altering steps
in a plan);
Special methods apply specialised heuristic
knowledge to repair the retrieved solution, or replay
the method used to derive the retrieved solution for
the new problem.
For adaptation, the task is to recognise when an
adaptation should be applied because the new and
retrieved problems are sufficiently different in some
relevant way, and to perform some changes to the
retrieved solution. An adaptation can be considered
as a situation (problem description)/action (solution)
pair. The situation contains the differences between
the new and retrieved problems. In SmartLP,
transformation was used. The retrieved cases can be
modified by users to suit their constraints in hand.
Although the adaptation process is done manually,
the system makes the process easier via the smart
interfaces it offers.
This adaptation can be made based on one case
or several cases. If just one case is selected to be
modified, users just need to view the details and
click a customise button. All fields will become
editable. Users can modify the elements in this
lesson plan and this plan will be saved as new lesson
plans. The author of this customised lesson plan is
identified by user session.
A new lesson plan can be generated from several
customised cases. Here, two or more lesson plans
can be chosen to be compared. Elements from these
different lesson plans can be chose to be included in
the customised plan. The selected lesson plans will
be compared in a table as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Selected lesson plans to be compared.
Here users can select whatever fields they want
to have in their customised lesson plans. The
selected value will be combined into their particular
elements and can be edited by the user. If users
prefer most elements in a particular lesson plan they
can check a select all button at the bottom of that
lesson plan.
Here, all fields are editable and attachment files
can also be added or deleted. Users can modify the
elements in this lesson plan and they will be saved
as a new generated lesson plan. The author of this
customised lesson plan is identified by user session.
Figure 3: The generated new lesson plan.
The implementation of SmartLP system based on
CBR should solve teachers’ problems in deciding
appropriate elements in lesson plan construction by
customising their own lesson plans. This can be
done by retrieving previous lesson plans, reusing
ICAART 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
and revising those lesson plans and subsequently
retaining them in the same system.
The knowledge modelling discussed in this paper
transforms detailed requirements into complete,
detailed case representations that will be used in the
retrieval phase. While the system-based view is
concerned with efficient search techniques to match
query and document representations, the user-based
view must account for the cognitive state of the
searcher and the problem solving context. These two
views were taken into account during the retrieval
process. The flexible adaptation process based on
one or several cases helps teachers to generate their
own new lesson plans. These new lesson plans will
be verified and subsequently retrieved by other
users. By having this dynamic process, the system
will expand dynamically.
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CASE REPRESENTATION AND ADAPTATION IN SmartLP - A Web-based Lesson Planning System