Lynette van Zijl and Wessel Venter
Department of Computer Science, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa
Autism, Assistive technologies, Computerised therapy tools, Embodied conversational agent, Virtual environ-
We discuss the development of an embodied conversational agent with Asperger-like communication skills.
The agent was developed for use in educational software in a virtual environment specifically aimed at autism
spectrum disorder software. We describe the design and implementation of the agent, and pay particular
attention to the interaction between emotion, personality and social context. A 3D demonstration shows the
typical output to conform to Asperger-like answers, with corresponding emotional responses.
The prevalence of reported cases of autism spectrum
disorders worldwide has increased dramatically over
the past two decades. The latest CDC report puts the
number of people with autism at 1 in every 110 (Cen-
ter for Disease Control, 2009). Autism spectrum dis-
orders (ASDs) display as a moderate to severe lack in
language, communication and social skills. As lan-
guage and communication are the essential compo-
nents of conversational agents, this clearly has a ma-
jor impact on the way that such agents communicate
in educational software developed for children with
There is clear evidence that children with autism
find benefit in computer supported education and ther-
apy (Parsons et al., 2006; Tartaro and Cassell, 2007).
Likewise, the advantages of embodied conversational
agents (ECAs) in educational software are also well-
known (see for example (L
ıa et al., 2010)).
However, it is important to note that such agents actu-
ally perform a social role (Doyle, 1999), and we argue
that an ECA could be distracting rather than helpful
to a person with autism. Weighing the advantages of
an ECA in educational software versus the potential
problems it could cause for persons with autism, we
decided to implement both a standard ECA and an
ECA with autistic traits. We believe that children on
the autism spectrum would find better rapport with an
ECA with autistic traits.
This work describes our design and development
of an ECA with autistic traits, and its social affect.
The reader may note that the aim of the article is to de-
scribe the technical design, rather than the educational
or psychological evaluation of the ECA. We describe
some related work in Section 2, followed by our de-
sign is given in Section 3. We discuss results in Sec-
tion 4, and future work in Section 5. We conclude in
Section 6.
An ECA encompasses all aspects involved in a con-
versation from speech to facial expressions and
body language, to communication and interaction.
People with ASDs, however, have huge difficulties
following the unspoken parts of communication such
as body language and facial expressions. As our aim
is to build an ECA to assist people with ASDs, we in-
tentionally ignored these graphical aspects of ECAs,
and rather concentrated on the conversational lan-
guage structure of the ECA. Note that the results of
using an ECA with autistic traits versus using a neu-
rotypical ECA is to be compared in the final stages of
our project. We do take note of the work of Fabri et
al in this regard (Fabri et al., 2007).
The idea of an ECA with emotion and personality
is not new (Allbeck and Badler, 2002), and the sem-
inal works on this topic are those of Badler (Allbeck
and Badler, 2002; Cassell et al., 1994). Badler pro-
posed parameterised action representations (PARs)
to describe the interaction of an agent with its en-
vironment, and his EMOTE system combines PARs
van Zijl L. and Venter W..
DOI: 10.5220/0003274101530158
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 153-158
ISBN: 978-989-8425-49-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
with movement analysis and psychological theory
to represent emotion and personality in the agent.
The standard five factor model for personalities (also
known as the OCEAN model (John and Srivastava,
1999)) is used to describe personalities, while emo-
tions are based on the Ortony-Clore-Collings (OCC)
model (Ortony et al., 1988).
Gebhard extended this work by combining emo-
tion and personality with mood (Gebhard, 2005),
in the ALMA (A Layered Model of Affect) sys-
tem. ALMA also uses OCEAN and OCC for
personality and emotions, respectively, while mood
is based on the pleasure-arousal-dominance (PAD)
model (Mehrabian, 1996). Data files for each agent
record how moods and emotions change over time
and with external stimuli.
In order to conduct a conversation, an ECA
can follow a set of rules, or use a artificial intelli-
gence reasoning engine to calculate reasonable re-
sponses. Rule-based systems can produce surpris-
ingly convincing conversations, as the well-known
Eliza proved (Weizenbaum, 1966). Nowadays, there
are a myriad of conversational agents (also known
as chatterbots) available (for example, see (L’Abbate
et al., 2005; Bass, 2005)), each with their own advan-
tages and disadvantages. We based our work on the
well-known A.L.I.C.E. (Bush and Wallace, 2005), as
it serves as an international standard on chatterbots.
It also provides an open standard (called AIML) for
In the next section, we highlight the interaction
of the different components of our system, and show
how it links to external systems.
In the design of any ECA, one has to design both the
agent itself, as well as its supporting graphical and
language processing environments. We first consider
the design of our ECA in isolation, and then describe
its supporting underlying graphical and language pro-
cessing environments.
Our agent is intended to be an ECA with autis-
tic communication behaviour. The reader should note
that ASDs are on a continious spectrum, from individ-
uals who are totally isolated and non-communicative,
to individuals who are high-functioning, participa-
tive members of society, and just have some degree
of communication and social difficulties. Since our
ECA is intended to communicate, we modeled his
behaviour on that of a person with high-functioning
autism (also called Asperger’s syndrome).
Personality is generally accepted to be indepen-
dent of autism (Austin, 2005), and our first step was
to build a background character profile and person-
ality for our ECA. This was necessary to improve
the believability of the ECA (Dryer, 1999). We also
consulted a clinical expert in Asperger’s syndrome
(AS) to verify our final character profile and person-
ality (Forrester, 2010).
Our ECA is an 11 year old boy with AS. He is
almost exclusively interested in dinosaurs and Star
Trek. He converses at length about these topics. His
other conversation skills are low, particularly in non-
factual topics. Physically, he does not like to be
touch unexpectedly, and has a distinctly large per-
sonal space. He dislikes crowds, loud noises, and
sharp smells. He shows little interest in competitive
sport, although he does like swimming and horserid-
ing. He spends many hours on the computer, brows-
ing the internet on his special topics of interest. He
attends a mainstream school, but has few friends. He
struggles socially, but does well in some academic
subjects. He has two siblings an older brother and
a younger sister. He has a typical relationship with
both, although his brother is quite protective, whereas
his sister has little patience with him. He loves ani-
mals, especially the family Labrador.
Given the character profile, we could develop the
OCEAN values of his personality. Note that, although
there is no evidence for an ‘autistic personality’, some
OCEAN values seem typical of a person with a high
autistic quotient (Wakabayashi et al., 2006). There-
fore, in this character design, we tried to follow the
common correlation identified by (Austin, 2005) and
(Wakabayashi et al., 2006). They found that people
with autism typically have low scores for extraver-
sion and high scores for neuroticism. The former also
identified low agreeableness, while the latter identi-
fied low conscientiousness as being typical of people
with autism. We now look at how we can derive our
ECAs OCEAN values from the above profile
While our character’s ability to absorb and vigour
for seeking out information about his special in-
terests may be thought to be an indication of a
high score for “openness”, it actually is not. A
more careful examination will show that he actu-
ally greatly lacks in active imagination, has little
regard for aesthetics and he has difficulty iden-
tifying his own inner feelings, let alone phrase
them for other people. This is an indication of
a medium-negative “openness” value. We select a
Note that, in reality, OCEAN values aren’t “guessed”
based on brief personality descriptions, but rather are ob-
tained from reputable tests, such as the NEO Personality In-
ventory (NEO PI-R) or NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-
FFI) test (Costa and McCrae, 1992).
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
value of 0.6.
Like many people who have AS, our agent is dili-
gent in his work (which he comprehends). But
for him, working on something which he under-
stands is more than a pleasant escape from a mis-
understanding world. He feels pride and satisfac-
tion in a job well done. This is an indication of a
medium-positive “conscientiousness” value. We
select a value of 0.5.
Although our agent likes having friends—
sometimes actively seeking new friends out—and
can be talkative at times, one might assume that he
is fairly extraverted for someone with AS. The ba-
sic human need for social interaction is, however,
virtually universal. Upon closer examination, one
sees that he typically prefers to be alone for a few
hours a day, although he is not totally reclusive.
This is an indication of a low to medium negative
“extraversion” value. We select a value of 0.4.
Our agent has difficulty to be accommodating of
others. Although he recognises the necessity of
being accommodating, he struggles with a natural
tendency not to be so. This is an indication of a
low-negative “agreeableness” value. We select a
value of 0.2.
While our agent is often angry and feels isolated,
this in itself is not necessarily an indication of
neuroticism, but are side-effects of his AS: feeling
unable to communicate his feelings in a “proper”
way and having constant strain to understand and
decipher a world built around people who are
neurotypical are taxing on him. However, he is
more susceptible to these negative feelings than
the norm (regardless of the measure), but is re-
silient to long periods of anger and depression.
This is an indication of a low-positive “neuroti-
cism” value. We select a value of 0.3.
Following the formula given in (Gebhard, 2005),
we are now able to calculate the agent’s base mood
traits as
Pleasure = 0.21 × E + 0.59 ×A + 0.19 × N
= 0.09
Agreeableness = 0.15 × O + 0.30 × A 0.57 × N
= 0.32
Dominance = 0.25 × O + 0.17 ×C + 0.60
×E 0.23 × A
= 0.35
The score of +PAD indicates that the agent
has a default mood of being docile, as described in
(Gebhard, 2005).
Given the background profile, personality and
mood indicators for the agent, we now consider our
conversation data set. For our first prototype demon-
stration program, we fixed two conversation top-
ics (dinosaurs and Star Trek). Our expert AS psy-
chologist worked with a 15 year old boy with AS
to construct several representative prototype conver-
sations which demonstrate different emotional re-
sponses. These were then used to build the neces-
sary AIML template matching response files. We are
currently in the process of extending our conversation
data set. Our current demonstration program there-
fore restricts the types of questions, and the content
of the questions rather severely. This will clearly be
remedied as the data set grows.
Now, given an agent and its accompanying con-
versation data sets, we need to let the agent interact
with its environment. This interaction is quite sim-
ple in a typical conversation, the user can type in a
question. If the question is a factual specialized ques-
tion from the knowledge base of the ECA (in our case,
dinosaurs or Star Trek), the answer can be extracted
from the knowledge base. Here, no emotion or per-
sonality is involved. Otherwise, if the user question
is a generalized question not involving the knowledge
base, it needs to be answered in a chatterbot fashion,
but with personality, emotion and mood taken into
account. Hence, our system in essence provides a
connection between various external modules, as il-
lustrated in Figure 1. Of interest here is the use of
the Natural Language ToolKit (NLTK) (Bird et al.,
2009), the ALMA system (Gebhard, 2005), and the
use of an SQL database. Note that the virtual envi-
ronment we use is the Myoushu engine (Chamberlain,
2009; Van Zijl and Chamberlain, 2010). Myoushu is
a language-independent quick-development platform
for 3D ASD educational and therapy tools.
Figure 1: Design overview.
In a typical scenario, the system receives some
question from the virtual environment (VE). This
question is then sent to the cognitive task module,
which parses the question and decides whether it is
a factual specialized question or not. If it is a special-
ized question, the question is sent to the query builder
task which transforms it into an SQL query. The
answer to the query is returned from the knowledge
base. This answer is used to construct a response,
which is sent back to the virtual environment. On the
other hand, if the original question was not a special-
ized question, it is sent to the AIML task, which uses
pattern template matching to produce an answer code.
This answer code is then sent to the AffectTask mod-
ule, which produces different responses based on the
code, personality, current emotion and current mood.
The more interesting part of the system is of
course the AffectTask module, which enables the
autistic traits to be incorporated into the answer gen-
erated by the AIML chatterbot. Based on our conver-
sational dataset, we constructed the AIML patterns in
the AIML XML files. For the personality, emotion
and mood files, we constructed an XML-like data file,
which specifies the conditions and their influence on
the resultant answer.
To demonstrate the working of our ECA system, we
developed a prototype 3D demonstration, which we
describe below.
4.1 3D Demonstration
In our demonstration, the user takes on the role of a
person who is about to conduct a short, informal in-
terview with a boy who has AS. As the demonstration
starts, the user finds him-/herself in a waiting room
outside a therapist’s office. The user sees the child’s
“therapist”, who effectively provides the user with a
brief tutorial of how the demonstration works. When
she is finished speaking, she leaves the waiting area.
The user must now open the door which leads into
the office and speak with the agent. The user can dis-
cuss different topics with the agent. Two of these top-
ics will influence the agent’s demeanour in a positive
way, two topics will influence it in a negative way and
one topic is neutral, having no dramatic effect on the
demeanour of the agent. When the user is finished
with the conversation, he/she can exit the demonstra-
tion by leaving through the same door through which
the therapist left.
To illustrate one of the sensory integration prob-
lems which people with AS normally have, a cou-
ple of scenarios were built into the demonstration.
The first one is a radio inside the office which plays
Figure 2: Demonstration program screenshots.
baroque music. While the radio is on, the agent’s
mood will deteriorate steadily. This demonstrates
the fact that most, if not all, people with AS have
to strain to distinguish between competing sensory
sources (Attwood, 2006) (in our example, the mu-
sic and the conversation with the user). If the user
switches the radio off, then the agent’s mood will im-
prove. At some point, a dog will start barking in the
background. This second scenario will have the same
negative effect on the agent as the first one, but this
time the user can do nothing to stop the source of the
problem. If both the radio and dog are audible, then
agent’s mood will deteriorate rapidly.
4.2 Results from 3D Demonstration
As representative examples of the working of our sys-
tem, we follow three different inputs to the system via
the demonstration program. We discuss the data flow
as the inputs are processed, and show the output to the
questions. In all the examples below, we assume that
the ECA is in a neutral emotional state when the ques-
tion is posed. The reader should note the appropriate
Asperger-like” answers, depending on the mood and
emotion of the ECA.
Example 1. Input: “What are your parents’
names?” This is a general statement rather than one
from the knowledge base on dinosaurs or Star Trek.
Hence, the cognitive task identifies it as such, and this
input is sent to the AIMLTask.
The pattern template in AIML matches against
“WHAT * YOUR PARENTS NAMES” (with inter-
nal code ID A008) and sends the code to AffectTask
to evaluate against emotion and mood. No specific
conditions match in this neutral case, so the default
response is sent to the OutputTask.
The OutputTask formats “Robert and Alison. as
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
the response with no animations and sends no up-
date signal to the affect engine (this is a neutral ques-
tion/response). The output is sent to the VE.
For another example, we consider a factual ques-
tion to illustrate another data flow through the system.
Example 2. Input: “Where did Triceratops live?”
The cognitive task, recognizing this question as a spe-
cial interest topic, sends the question to the Query-
BuilderTask. Here, the input is matched against
the Dinosaurs feature based grammar, and the query
“SELECT ‘location’ FROM ‘DinoSpecies’ WHERE
‘name’ = ’Triceratops’ is constructed via NLTK.
The query is executed, the result retrieved from the
database, and set to the OutputTask. The OutputTask
sends “Triceratops lived in North America. to the
As the last example, we consider an emotional
question of the kind that is typically difficult to handle
for a person with AS.
Example 3. Input: “How do you feel when your
sister is nasty to you?” Again, the cognitive task
recognizes the question as a general statement, and
sends it to the AIMLTask. AIML matches the ques-
tion against “HOW DO YOU FEEL WHEN * IS *
TO YOU” (with internal code ID C005) and sends it
to the AffectTask. The AffectTask checks the ECA
affect state and matches the condition where the dom-
inant emotion is “disliking”. The associated response
is sent to the OutputTask. The OutputTask formats
“I don’t know!” as the response. While the re-
sponse is being given, a slight rocking animation is
played, indicating a high level of distress in the ECA.
The “NastyThing” signal is sent to the affect engine,
which negatively influences the agent’s affect state.
The output is sent to the VE.
In the previous sections, we described the design and
implementation of an ECA with autistic communica-
tion traits. This is interesting in itself, but we want
to investigate the use of such an ECA in educational
software for children with AS.
We are currently in the process of implementing
the ECA in an educational game. This is a simple
game reinforcing arithmetic and grammar skills. It
is currently in use in a local school for children with
learning disabilities, but without any ECA. In previ-
ous experiments, we noted that children with AS pre-
fer not to have any help from human teaching assis-
tants when playing the game. However, this some-
times caused frustration, when they could not find a
Figure 3: Educational game screenshot.
correct answer. The role of the ECA would be to alle-
viate such frustrations in an autism-friendly manner.
The evaluation of the reaction of children with AS
versus children without AS will be assessed, with re-
gards to our ECA, in future work.
In this paper we presented the motivation for and the
design and implementation of an ECA with autistic
traits. At the heart of the implemented system lies a
collection of hand-constructed, Asperger-like conver-
sations. These conversations were used to build pat-
tern templates for Asperger-like chatterbot answers.
A 3D demonstration prototype illustrates the influ-
ence of emotion on expected answers. We are cur-
rently building our ECA into an educational game for
children with AS. We intend to evaluate the effective-
ness of using the ECA with autistic traits in such soft-
ware, as opposed to a standard ECA or human assis-
The financial assistance of the National Research
Foundation under research grant number 65856 to-
wards this research is hereby acknowledged. Opin-
ions expressed in this paper and conclusions arrived
at are those of the authors and not necessarily to be
attributed to the National Research Foundation.
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