Application on the Virtual Campus VCIel
Karim Sehaba
Université de Lyon, CNRS, Université Lyon 2, LIRIS, UMR5205, F-69676, Lyon, France
Stéphanie Mailles-Viard Metz
Université de Montpellier, CNRS, Université Montpellier 3, PRAXILING, UMR5267, F-34000 Montpellier, France
Keywords: e-Learning, Interaction traces, User-centered design, Evolutionary design.
Abstract: This article addresses evolutionary design in the context of e-learning devices. It proposes a design
approach that takes into account the changing behaviours and needs of different actors (tutors, authors and
learners) in order to evolve and adapt a training device to real practices. For this, our approach is to consider
traces of interaction as knowledge sources that the designer can exploit in the design process. The principle
technique of our proposal is to observe the quantitative and qualitative actions of actors on the learning
platform and to represent them in modelled traces, to transform these traces in order to extract high level
information on the actors activities, and finally, to propose visualisation tools of this information. We have
applied our work in virtual campus VCIEL, where data for this study were obtained via participation of 2
designers, 13 tutors and 68 students from four classes that have been trained since 2006.
In most methods of device design of online training,
tasks and resources of actors are usually predefined
by the designer according to a number of scenarios
"presupposed", and do not take into account
changing needs and behaviours of users. These
methods suffer from many disadvantages because
they cannot adapt themselves to different situations
encountered in practice. Moreover, designing a
system with a complete representation of user
requirements with which he/she interacts is not
always easy for the designer.
To address these problems, we propose an
approach to control the design by analysis and
visualization of interaction traces. The traces
mentioned here are defined as a history of user
actions collected in real time from their interaction
with the system. Formally, a trace is a set of
observed elements temporally located (Clauzel,
Sehaba & Prié, 2009). Each observed element
represents the user action on platform tools such as
opening a file, clicking on a hyperlink, posting a
message on the forum, etc. These traces, called
quantitative traces, allow us to represent the user
activity (designers, authors, tutors and learners) as
computer data elements that we can transform,
visualize, or share; in order to extract knowledge
about the user activities. To analyze better and
interpret these activities, we also define qualitative
traces. These can represent the user’s point of view
of his/her own activities. Our approach is to consider
these two types of traces as knowledge sources that
the designer can use in order to evolve and adapt the
training device. Traces can also be beneficial to
learners in their learning process through reflexive
The principle method of our approach is, during
a rst phase, the collection phase, to observe and to
store the user’s actions in the form of modelled
traces. At a second phase, the transformation phase,
traces of meaningful high-level representations to
the user are calculated. At the third phase, the
visualisation phase, we visualize, in an interactive
way, the trace for the different actors of learning
Sehaba K. and Mailles-Viard Metz S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003299602370242
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 237-242
ISBN: 978-989-8425-50-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Our work relates to the training device VCIel
( This is a Master (Bac + 5)
fully-online learning environment that aims to train
professionals in the field of multimedia production,
2D-3D computer graphics, and project management.
In this innovative framework, designers have few
examples to which they can refer. We assume that
the method might be improved by a scalable design
approach based on traces. Thus, in the context of this
work, we have traced and analyzed the activities of
different actors involved in VCIel training since
2006. The traces that we considered in this study are
both quantitative and qualitative. The data from this
study are related to the participation of 2 designers,
13 tutors and 68 students from four classes that have
been trained since 2006.
The article is organized as follows: Section 2
presents and discusses some methods of ergonomic
design and introduces the concept of trace theory
that form the theoretical framework of our research.
Section 3 presents the principle of our design
approach based on the interaction traces. Section 4
shows the change of design choices by observing the
practice in the context of VCIel. The last section
presents the conclusion and perspectives.
This section presents the theoretical basis of our
approach. These are user-centered design methods in
the ergonomics field and the concepts of traces on
which our work is based.
2.1 The Design Process in Ergonomics
Design can be defined as an individual and
collective activity, finalized by a project to develop a
physical and symbolic artefact (Visser, 1991). Its
peculiarity is that it always starts with not–well-
defined problems. Recommendations are proposed
to guide the actors in the process.
According to the French and international
standardization body (AFNOR & ISO), for
recommendations of ergonomic design, quality is
defined as "the ability of a product or service to
satisfy the needs of a user". This concept is used and
applied particularly in the industrial design process
to put the user at the center of the process of
building products that are intended to be used by the
user. It is the user-centered design considered by
Norman (Norman, 1999) and others (Eason, 1987).
The main idea is the participation of the end user of
the product in the design process: the user is
somehow incorporated into the design team.
Research has led to the introduction of ISO
standards (ISO, 1999) that define the stages of the
process: the planning process, understanding and
specifying context of use, the user and
organizational requirements, producing design
solutions, and finally, assessing solutions in terms of
pre-defined requirements.
For each step, methods are
recommended to define better the characteristics of
users. This brief description of work around the
design shows the complexity of both the work of
designers as to the effectiveness of the approach.
2.2 The Modelled Traces Concept
In order to identify and better understand the needs
and behaviours of different actors, we use the theory
of interaction traces developed by the SILEX team
( Indeed, the SILEX
(Supporting Interaction and Learning by Experience)
research team has been working on traces for several
years, building applications and studying various
usages (Clauzel, Sehaba & Prié, 2009) (Cram,
Jouvin & Mille, 2007) (Settouti, Prié, Marty & Mille
2009). By definition, a trace is composed of
observed elements representing the interaction
between the user and the system. We call an
observed element any structured information
generated from the observation of this interaction.
Formally, each observed element has a subject, the
user that was observed during the collect, and set of
attributes/values that is related to the temporal
extension of the trace (e.g. it can be related to an
instant or a temporal interval). Each trace is
associated with a trace model that defines the types
of observed elements (i.e the attributes that
characterize them) and the types of relationships
they can maintain them. The trace model also
specifies how it is possible to understand and use the
The SILEX team also has defined a Trace-Based
Management System (TBMS) (Settouti, Prié, Marty
& Mille 2009) (Clauzel, Sehaba & Prié, 2010) that
manages the modelled traces, in paticullar
transformation and visualisation of traces. Based on
the design process in ergonomics and the trace
theory, the idea of our approach is to use the concept
of modelled traces to generate knowledge about the
activities of different actors in order to improve the
process of designing. This approach is presented in
the next section.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
In this section, we present our evolutionary design
approach based on both quantitative and qualitative
traces. The quantitative traces represent the user
activity by low-level of observed elements which
they must be transformed in order to extract high-
level knowledge. The observed elements of a
quantitative trace can be for example: the learner
has opened such a file at t
, has clicked on such link
at t
, etc. The qualitative traces can give the point of
view of a user on his own activities. The collection
of such traces is usually based on questionnaires.
The nature of the questionnaires depends on the
application domain and the objectives of the
analysis. Section 4 presents an example of a
questionnaire intended for tutors of VCIel training.
In this section, we present our methodology for
collecting and using the quantitative traces.
3.1 The Quantitative Traces
We focus on a dynamic approach to study changes
in the activities of different actors in the device to
include in a process of evolutionary design. We rely
on the use of interaction traces as sources of
knowledge that actors can operate in different ways
to improve the quality of the device. Our approach
considers the following three phases: collection,
transformation and visualization.
3.1.1 Collection Phase
All interactions between the user and the tools of the
platform are stored in a first record. It is a raw trace
representing all user actions in observed elements.
The collection phase ensures the observation of the
use of platform tools from sources tracing. It
elaborates, in an automatic or semi-automatic way,
information generated by the interaction between
users and the tool into a raw trace. We call a source
tracing any structured information flow from which
it is possible to establish a process for traces
The raw trace is not always directly usable, and
one or more transformation(s) are needed to reach a
trace with a coherent level of activity (i.e. significant
in the context for the user).
3.1.2 Transformation Phase
The raw trace contains basic information that is
necessary to analyze and extract information from
the highest level. The extraction is complex for
several reasons:
The raw trace contains a wealth of data produced
by events generated by user actions;
Analysis of the raw trace must often be
supplemented by information from other sources
(surveys, tutor annotations, etc.) to be relevant;
Analysis of the raw trace requires expertise that
the actors do not know necessarily.
All these difficulties led to a formalization (Settouti,
Prié, Marty & Mille 2009) that facilitates the
treatment and processing of the raw trace to achieve
most relevant traces. A traces transformation is a
process that can transform one or more trace to
another trace high level. A transformation model is a
set of rules expressing selection conditions or
rewrite patterns. They include, for example,
production of indicators and patterns of use and
design. (Settouti Prié, Marty & Mille 2009) gives
more details on the transformations model.
3.1.3 Visualisation Phase
Broadly speaking, the visualization of traces is
considered the best way to provide feedback to re-
engineering environments (Cram, Jouvin & Mille,
2007). We apply this principle for a scalable through
a distance learning.
For the designer, the trace visualization allows to
detect the emergence of new uses made by the tutor
and learner and to assess the suitability of a resource
in a learning situation, e.g. the number of aid
applications and assistance. For the tutor, the trace
visualization allows monitoring of the learner, e.g.
the number and duration of consultations of the
course. It also allows the assessment of the level of
collaboration among learners, e.g. the number of
messages posted on a forum.
The information contained in the trace of
interaction is part of the use of the learner. By
visualising its own traces, the learner should be
better able to take its environment and therefore
adapt their work as demonstrated by the reexive
learning works (Soller, Martinez & Jermann, 2005)
(Schön, 1983). Indeed, the display traces will allow
learners to wonder about the experiences they lead,
the results they produce, and the knowledge they
conclude. Thus, by visualisation of traces, the
learner can ensure the relevance of his/her approach
or to readjust his/her actions (Cram, Jouvin & Mille,
Recall that our goal is to show that the activities of
actor change and allow the specification of new
design choices that may improve the quality of the
training device. The design process is dynamic: the
evolving needs of actors to put in place new tools for
supporting their activities, and these new tools lead
to the elaboration of new requirements.
The analysis focuses on the evolution of the use
of platform tools SPIRAL (Renaut et al., 2006) by
each actor over the past four years (4 classes) of
VCIel training. For each actor, we specify the task
that he/she must accomplish (prescription), the tools
at his/her disposal; and the way he/she actually uses
them. This analysis would show that these practices
are changing the requirement of the beginning task,
which re-starts the design process. Data were
collected from:
Direct observation on the use of the platform by
students (quantitative traces);
Indirect observation based on questionnaires to
authors and tutors (qualitative traces). The
questionnaire below is an example of a questionnaire
that has been destined to tutors of VCIel training.
4.1 Designers
The designer must ensure the coherence of the
pedagogical and technical device. His/her
responsibility is to develop a learning strategy taking
account of evolutionary changes in the use of tools
on the platform.
Thus, the role of the designer is not limited to
prescribing scenarios; he/she also anticipates the
changing needs by monitoring and analysis
purposes. For this, the designer is responsible for:
Identifying relevant observables. These are
elements that will be traced during the interaction.
Building indicators of use to change the device.
Working groups have made documents during the
early phase of design. They allow one to specify the
activities of actors: authors, tutors and learners. They
are regarded as contractual, and describe the
required task of each. The analysis of the device use
may allow one to adapt better these documents to the
context. This analysis is conducted through surveys
of various stakeholders and at meetings.
4.2 Authors
The author is responsible for designing and
preparing the course materials until they are posted
online. His/her role can be summarized as:
Designing of content/structure of supports;
Screenwriting teaching activities;
Updating content.
Thus, the evolution of each medium requires a
consideration of the use made by the tutor of the
content and required scenario. Design tools and
multimedia support scripts are available to authors
on the platform. Trace of activities conducted with
these tools is not registered. Therefore, it does not
allow a reflexive analysis by the author. However, it
is possible to extract traces of usage of the content of
tutors to perform a gap analysis between the made
scenario and the prescribed scenario.
We note that at the start of training, the majority
of authors also play the role of tutor. The author has
a return on the work he/she has advocated and can
adapt to the context. However, since the third class,
and for some courses, some authors are no more
tutors on the course they have designed. Therefore,
there is a new role that will lead to a reflexion on a
tool providing communication between authors and
tutors, to integrate a user-centered design in the
same design and content of their scenario.
4.3 Tutors
The tutor is responsible for the supervision and
monitoring of learners in different learning activities
until the final test. For this, he/she is supposed to
follow the teaching scenario advocated by the author
of course, document and manage learners, assist
them in their understanding of the course and
provide an hour of chat per week for 10 weeks to the
whole group.
Tutors have tools for synchronous and
asynchronous communication, an area of exchange
of documents and administration tools to manage
rights, view profiles and traces of learners.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Since the beginning of training, tutors platform
connections have decrease over the years. Hence, the
behaviour of tutors has changed. Several factors
justify this result:
Appropriateness of tools of the platform over
Design of course when the training starts;
Decrease of the number of tutors and students
(21 in 2006, 17 in 2007, 12 in 2007-2008 and 18 in
2008-2009 and for the current year).
In parallel, evidence suggests that some tutors
modified the initial pedagogical choices. One of
them, a tutor of the course on a tool for developing
animations, asked to cancel the chat sessions to
communicate with students via email on individual
productions. It is therefore very difficult to know,
through the export of data to the platform, if tutors
use the tools differently, if this difference is related
to a pedagogical or technical choice, if there are
patterns of use. Trace of connections is quantitative
and global. A formalization of individual traces from
pre-defined categories would be necessary to
implement on the platform.
Thus, the analysis of tutors trace connections
allows us to assume appropriateness of the device,
pedagogical and technical, on their part. However,
this type of trace does not inform on the process that
has allowed this appropriation process. To do this,
more qualitative and individual traces would be
required, through an export platform or through
interviews conducted to determine better what has
changed in how they work. The results could
provide elements for designers to improve the
contractual documents for tutors, setting out their
tasks, and offer new or different settings on the
4.4 Learners
During the training, learners use the tools at their
disposal on the platform to assimilate the content. As
authors and tutors, they sign a contractual document
that describes the activities, whether pedagogical or
technical, that may result in the training. They must
respect the planning for chat sessions. In case of
difficulty, they can contact the tutor by email. They
participate in collaborative meetings held by the
Figure 1 presents the development of learners'
connections to the platform, the number of mails
sent and forums consultation. In contrast to the
tutors, there is an increase in connections over the
years, suggesting that learners operate more tools
from the platform (forum, chat, exchange area,
documents...). The results also show that the
evolution of the use of each tool is different at any
given time. While connections to the platform are
important at the beginning of the semester, and then
decrease with time, the number of mails is relatively
stable during the first months, while access to the
forum is important in the middle of the semester.
Platform connections
Forum consultations
E-mail sendings
Figure 1: Use evolution of the tools of the platform by
The designer may use these results to rewrite the
learner and tutor contractual documents and think to
the organization of the platform. For example, to
increase the number of learners attending the chat
sessions, the strategy was to schedule these sessions
in two days of the week and not spread throughout
the week for working students. The important use of
the forum in the middle of the semester coincides
with the start of the course "Realization" that
requires teamwork, which suggests that learners
promote the forum as a means of communication.
Currently, all messages from all the teams are stored
in the same space, this is one problem. To facilitate
access to data, it would be best for each team to
create a space for exchange dedicated to it.
This article presents a design approach based on
traces of interaction. The aim is to evolve the design
process by observing and analyzing activities of
different actors. The advantage of this approach is
that it takes into account the use to re-examine the
design. Indeed, the trace to assist in understanding
the activity of each actor and identify new needs.
This is particularly interesting for the design of
complex projects such as VCIel. However, the trace
does not always identify the problem specifically for
use because it is often of a quantitative nature.
Indeed, most of our interpretations, even if they
come from questions about quantitative data, are
derived from qualitative data. The quantitative
aspect, as suggested by data from the platform, is
therefore not enough to interpret the reasons for the
observed behaviour. We propose therefore to bind
traces of a different nature, which would deepen the
analysis but also to identify specific profiles of use.
In addition to improve the overall design process,
the traces can be considered as sources of
knowledge on learning of the learners as individuals
(reflexivity) or as a group (collaboration, sharing,
coordination, etc). In this sense, the analysis of the
trace can improve the pedagogical scenario and
adapt to the situation. Eventually, the trail could also
be used for the sharing of experience between actors
and indirectly allow a return on the design.
The theory has enabled us to glimpse the
complexity of the design process in various ways:
poor definition of the problem, collaboration
between members of the team of designers, the
importance of integrating the end-user at various
levels of the process. VCIel experienced this
complexity, and this shows how the creation of
online training courses can be considered as the
design of products studied in ergonomics: industrial
products... With regard to the poor definition of the
problem, VCIel is actually poorly defined in the
sense that it is innovative with actors-designers
beginners to this type of work. The user-centered
design proposed by (Norman, 1999) seems to be
entirely appropriate to address these difficulties.
Indeed, during the process, it was found that if the
user has been interviewed, tested, and he/she is
integrated in the development of tools, it will allow a
certain quality tools at the end of the cycle.
The authors would like to thank all tutors of VCIel
training for their help.
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CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education