The Perspectives of Justice and Technology
Ing-Long Wu
, Chi-Ying Huang
and Chu-Ying Fu
1, 2
Department of Information Management, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan
Department of Information Management, WuFeng University of Science and Technology, Chia-Yi, Taiwan
Keywords: Online shopping, Complaint intention, Justice theory, Expectation-confirmation model.
Abstract: Consumers’ complaint behaviors are critical in determining repurchase behaviors in online shopping. An
understanding of complaint behaviors can provide insight to the failed service experience with consumers
and in turn, effectively redress consumers’ problems. Therefore, it is important to comprehend the
antecedents of complaint intentions in online shopping. The major issue is two-fold: behavior and
technology. This study thus integrates justice theory and expectation-confirmation model to examine the
antecedents of complaint intentions in terms of these two issues. Moreover, customer satisfaction is an
important mediator in the relationship structure. Data are collected from online shoppers with dissatisfied
experience. Structural equation modeling is used to analyze this model. The results indicate that distributive
justice and interactional justice are important in influencing customer satisfaction and complaint intentions
while interactional justice is not. Technology-based antecedents, such as perceived usefulness, are all
important in determining customer satisfaction and complaint intentions. Implications for managers and
scholars are discussed.
Approximately half of the huge revenue is brought
by online shopping in B2C e-commerce. Although
online shopping market is relatively huge, however,
the growth rate has been decreasing recently. A
recent survey by market intelligent center in Taiwan
in 2009 has indicated the same situation in online
shopping market. Moreover, according to consumer
research report, acquiring a new customer is about
five to eight times more expensive than retaining an
existing one (Reichheld and Schefter, 2000, Chea and
Luo, 2008). As a result, research on online shopping
was previously focused on understanding consumers
acceptance/purchase behaviors, but more attention
has been paid recently to consumers post-adoption
behaviors (Chea and Luo, 2008; Kim and Son, 2009).
Consumers post-adoption/ repurchase behaviors are
the key to a firm’s survival in a highly competitive
e-marketplace (Chea and Luo, 2008, Kim and Son,
Research on post-adoption behaviors in online
shopping has been focused on customer satisfaction
and continuance intention to purchase (Gefen et al.,
2003, Finn et al., 2009). However, complaint
behaviors have often occurred to most buyers due to
dissatisfaction of online services (Voorhees and
Brady, 2005, Thogersen et al., 2009). Complaint
behaviors have been proven to play an important role
in consumers’ decision making of their purchase
(Breazeale, 2009). Little research on complaint
behaviors has been discussed in the online shopping
Many researchers pointed out that online
consumers are different from traditional offline
consumers (Shankar et al., 2003, Teo, 2006). Online
consumers are buyers and at the same time they are
users of information systems (Shankar et al., 2003).
Accordingly, two major concerns need to be
considered in this study, behavioral issue and
technological issue. For behavioral issue, many
studies has claimed the importance of justice
perception in linking to customer satisfaction and
complaint intentions/behaviors (Maxham and
Netemeyer, 2002, Martinez-Tur et al. 2006,
Thogersen et al., 2009). However, the literature has
been a lack of considering its influence on complaint
intentions or behaviors in the online shopping
For technological issue, expectation confirmation
Wu I., Huang C. and Fu C..
DOI: 10.5220/0003311904730479
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2011), pages 473-479
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
model of IS continuance (ECM) indicated the
relationships between technology acceptance model
(TAM) based features such as perceived usefulness
(Davis, et al., 1989), and customer satisfaction and
continuance intention to use (Bhattacherjee, 2001).
Furthermore, ECM-based features have been widely
used and extended to indicate two other
post-adoption behaviors: complaint and
recommendation intentions (Chea and Luo, 2008,
Finn et al., 2009). Grounding on justice theory and
extended ECM-based features, this study proposed a
novel research framework to understand the
antecedents of complaint intentions in the online
shopping context.
Based on the above discussion, Figure 1 provides a
pictorial depiction of this research framework. The
followings discuss the theoretical bases and
development of relevant hypotheses.
to complain
Justice Theory
Expectation Confirmation Model
Figure 1: Research model.
2.1 Justice Theory
Colquitt et al. (2001) comprehensively reviewed 183
justice-related studies from the literature and
integrated into three major justice constructs:
distributive, procedural and interactional justice.
Distributive justice refers to the perceived fairness
where individuals assess the fairness of an exchange
by comparing their inputs to outcomes to form an
equity score. Procedural justice refers to the
perceived fairness of policies, procedures and criteria
used by decision makers in reaching the outcome of a
dispute or negotiation (Thibaut and Walker, 1975,
Alexander and Ruderman, 1987).
Bies and Moag (1986) separated out the
interpersonal aspect of procedural justice that is
termed interactional justice. Interactional justice
refers to the perceived fairness of interpersonal
treatment that individuals receive in the decision
making process. Recently, one study on online
context defined interactional justice as the degree to
which online users perceive online companies as
honest and trustworthy in complying with their
promises related to information privacy (Son and
Kim, 2008). Accordingly, interactional justice is in a
position to reflect the perceived fairness of a
communication between system interface and
Justice perception can be used not only in exploring
service recovery process such as post-complaint
behaviors, but also in understanding entire failed
service experience in consumer purchase context
(Turel et al., 2008, Sangareddy et al., 2009). Online
shopping process can be considered as an exchange
of time, effort, and money for receiving products or
services. The consideration of justice should be the
major concern of online shoppers in the
post-purchase process. Therefore, this paper used
justice theory to investigate consumers complaint
intentions in the online shopping context. The
following discusses the development of relevant
hypotheses. Tax et al. (1998) argued that complaint is
the behavior after consumers have injustice
treatments in distribution, procedure and interaction
with retailers. Some studies reported that the three
justice components are all considered to be the
important drivers of complaint intentions in a failed
service experience (Maxham and Netemeyer, 2002).
Other studies unequivocally suggested that higher
levels of distributive, procedural, and interactional
justice will decrease the likelihood of complaint
intentions (Blodgett et al., 1993, Clemmer, 1993).
Hence, it is hypothesized that:
H1. Distributive justice has a negative effect on
complaint intention in online shopping.
H2. Procedural justice has a negative effect on
complaint intention in online shopping.
H3. Interactional justice has a negative effect on
complaint intention in online shopping.
Martinez-Tur et al. (2006) argued that justice
components, distributive, procdural, and interactional
justice, are all improtant predictors of customer
satisfaction in the study of hotel and restaurant
industries while distributive justice is more
influential than procedural and interactional justice.
Maxham and Netemeyer (2002) indicated the support
of an influence of three justice components on
customer satisfaction in the study of service
industries. They further found that procedural and
interactional justices are more influential in forming
satisfaction than distributive justice. Other studies
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
also concluded the importance of the three
components in impacting customer satisfaction in
service industries (Tax et al., 1998, Voorhees and
Brady, 2005). Hence, it is hypothesized that:
H4. Distributive justice has a positive effect on
consumer satisfaction in online shopping.
H5. Procedural justice has a positive effect on
consumer satisfaction in online shopping.
H6. Interactional justice has a positive effect on
consumer satisfaction in online shopping.
2.2 Expectation Confirmation Model
Bhattacherjee (2001) proposed expectation
confirmation model of IS continuance (ECM) by
integrating expectation confirmation theory (ECT)
(Oliver, 1980, 1981) and TAM-based studies, such as
perceived usefulness (Davis et al., 1989), to explore
user satisfaction continuance intention to use. ECT
was originally proposed by Oliver (1980) for
consumer behavior research to examine consumer
satisfaction and post-purchase behaviors.
Bhattacherjee (2001) argued that IS user’s
continuance decision, in general, is similar to
consumer’s repurchase decision in ECT. Furthermore,
a post-expectation of IS use is considered to be
included in ECM while ECT only examines the
effect of pre-expectation in the purchase decision.
Based on TAM-based studies, perceived usefulness is
considered as an appropriate post-expectation in the
IS continued use. Accordingly, this model is
indicated as a similarity to the lower part of Figure 1.
Moreover, ECM-based features have been widely
used were extended to include two other
post-adoption behaviors, complaint and
recommendation intentions, in e-commerce (Yen and
Lu, 2008, Finn et al., 2009). In this study, we only
considered complaint intentions for the extension of
Since online shopping context, in essence, is a
website-based technology, post-adoption behaviors,
are also the major concern of consumers repurchase
decision (Chea and Luo, 2008). The online complaint
behaviors may be explained by an extension of
ECM-based features in a technological perspective.
The following discusses the development of relevant
hypotheses. According to TAM, perceived ease of
use is positively related to perceived usefulness
(Davis et al., 1989). Previous studies indicated that
perceived ease of use and confirmation are similar
because they are cognitive constructs stemming from
a consumer’s post-consumption expectation after the
initial use of online shopping (Bhattacherjee, 2001).
Moreover, many studies also argued that
confirmation has a positive impact on perceived
usefulness in online environment (Chea and Luo,
2008; Kang et al., 2009). Hence, it is hypothesized
H7. Confirmation has a positive effect on perceived
usefulness in online shopping.
According to ECT, confirmation is determined by the
combination of pre-expectation and perceived
performance (Oliver, 1980). Positive confirmation
arises when the perceived performance of customers
exceeds their pre-expectation. Positive confirmation
indicates a positive effect on customer satisfaction.
Previous studies on ECM in online environment also
indicated empirical evidence in terms of the effect of
disconfirmation on customer satisfaction (Chea and
Luo, 2008, Finn et al., 2009). Hence, it is
hypothesized that:
H8. Confirmation has a positive effect on consumer
satisfaction in online shopping.
Consumers are more likely to form favorable feelings
of satisfaction when the online shopping website is
perceived to be useful (Bhattacherjee, 2001).
Perceived usefulness as drawn from TAM is
considered to be post-expectation in IS use (Thong et
al., 2006). According to ECT in consumer behavior
research, post-consumption expectation is a predictor
to consumer satisfaction (Bhattacherjee, 2001, Chea
and Luo, 2008). Furthermore, prior studies also
showed that perceived usefulness is an important
antecedent of consumer satisfaction (Chea and Luo,
2008, Chiu et al., 2009). Hence, it is hypothesized
H9. Perceived usefulness has a positive effect on
customer satisfaction in online shopping.
Prior research revealed that complaint intentions
arise when they encounter a dissatisfied circumstance
in online shopping (Velazquez et al., 2006,
Thogersen et al., 2009). Many studies also supported
a direct relationship between customer satisfaction
and complaint intentions in online environment
(Voorhees and Brady, 2005, Chea and Luo, 2008). In
other words, when consumers feel more dissatisfied,
the complaint intentions increase. Hence, it is
hypothesized that:
H10. Customer satisfaction has a negative effect on
complaint intention in online shopping.
3.1 Instrumentation
A survey method was conducted to collect empirical
Justice and Technology
data. The instrument contains a two-part
questionnaire, a nominal scale for basic information
and a seven-point Likert scale for research constructs.
Basic information collects the information about
consumer characteristics in online shopping,
including gender, education level, job, online
shopping experience, and failed service experience.
The measuring items for the three justice components
were adapted from the measurement developed by
Blodgett et al. (1997), Martinez-Tur et al. (2006), and
Turel et al. (2008). They contain 4 items, 4 items and
4 items respectively. The measuring items for
confirmation, perceived usefulness and satisfaction
were adapted from the measurement developed by
Bhattacherjee (2001), Olsen (2002), and Finn et al.
(2009). They contain 3 items, 3 items and 5 items
respectively. Complaint intention was measured with
items based on Singh (1988), Liu and McClure
(2001), Chea and Luo (2008). It comprises 5 items.
3.2 Sample Design
Empirical data was collected via consumers who had
a failed or dissatisfied service experience when they
shopped online for products or services. This online
survey was placed on online communities for their
users as the potential respondents. Public notice of
the survey questionnaire was published in a number
of bulletin board systems and forums. There is also a
reward system offered for the respondents. Initially,
pretest was conducted for the scale. The scale was
carefully examined by selected practitioners and
academicians in this area, including translation,
wording, structure, and content. After the
questionnaire was finalized, the online survey was
carried out in terms of the above procedure. A total of
1072 questionnaires were received and 699 are valid
with a failed service experience (65%). Of the
respondents, 453 are female (65%) and 246 are male
(35%), 607 are between 20 and 39 years old (87%),
and 600 are at least college degree (86%). The
number of respondents whose online shopping
experience was more than three years is 472 (68%).
3.3 Measurement Model
This study used a structural equation modeling (SEM)
technique with AMOS 7.0 software to test the
proposed model. There are 699 valid questionnaires
and it is enough to execute SEM with a sample size
of 10 times of the total measuring items (Hair et al.,
2006). The testing results report a goodness of model
fit with the indices of χ2/df (884.39/391=2.26), TLI
(0.90), CFI (0.91), and RMSE (0.08). Next, item
loadings range from 0.72 to 0.90, composite
reliabilities range from 0.81 to 0.91, and AVEs range
from 0.54 to 0.82. This indicates reliability and
convergent validity in a highly acceptable level. The
correlation matrix for discriminant validity indicates
that each construct’s square root of AVE is above its
correlations with other constructs. This indicates
divergent validity in a highly acceptable level.
The structural model was used to examine path
significance of the hypothesized relationships and
variance explained for the endogenous variables
). The testing results of the structural mode are
shown in Figure 2.
C onfirm ation
Sa tisfactio n
to com p lain
justic e
justic e
justic e
E xpectatio n C onfirm ation M odel
= 0.41
= 0.69
= 0.29
Justice Theory
Figure 2: Results of the structural model. Value on path:
Standardized coefficients,
: Coefficient of
determination, *: p<0.01.
For justice components, distributive justice and
interactional justice are two important predictors of
complaint intentions (β=-0.24 and -0.22) while
procedural justice is not significant in its influence
(β=0.04). Therefore, Hypotheses 1 and 3 are
supported, but Hypothesis 2 is not supported. Next,
distributive justice and interactional justice are two
important antecedents in determining customer
satisfaction (β=0.26 and 0.17) and procedural justice
indicates no significance in its influence (β=0.03).
Therefore, Hypotheses 4 and 6 are supported and in
contrast, Hypothesis 5 is not supported. For
ECM-based components, confirmation of
expectations plays an important role in determining
perceived usefulness and customer satisfaction
(β=0.47 and 0.36). Therefore, Hypotheses 7 and 8 are
supported. Moreover, confirmation of expectation
explains 29% variance of perceived usefulness
=0.29). Perceived usefulness is a significant
influencer of customer satisfaction (β=0.19).
Therefore, Hypotheses 9 is supported. Moreover, the
three justice components and two ECM-based
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
components jointly explain 69% variance of
customer satisfaction (
=0.69). Finally, customer
satisfaction is an important predictor of complaint
intention (β=0.28). Therefore, Hypotheses 10 is
supported. Moreover, the three justice components
and customer satisfaction jointly explain 41%
variance of complaint intention (
In the justice components, distributive and
interactional justices remain to be important
predictors of complaint intentions, as in many prior
studies with physical stores. These results are quite
interesting to online vendors. First, while the
Internet-based mechanisms is highly penetrable for
their users to share beliefs, thoughts and behaviors,
such as virtual communities, blogs, and facebook,
online consumers are often in an easy way to
compare the products or services offered by online
stores, such as the quality of products and prices,
with other buyers for the fairness of their exchange
or purchase. If the outcome of their exchange is
unfair, that is, the failure of distributive justice,
consumers will definitely tend to complain it to
online vendors. Next, interactional justice for the
online stores indicates the importance of the design
of system interface. The design of system interface
should be presented both in an honest and
trustworthy manner and in a user-friendly mode for a
good communication to online consumers. More
specifically, it can be trusted by online consumers in
terms of the features of privacy, security, and
accuracy in the interaction with online stores.
Besides, procedural justice has no significant
impact on complaint intentions and customer
satisfaction, which is not consistent with prior studies
(Clemmer, 1993; Blodgett et al., 1997). The reasons
behind this may be explained as below. The history
of e-commerce has been for a long time in a mature
form since the advent of the Internet and
communication technologies in a decade ago. The
procedures or policies for dealing with online
shopping, such as trading rules, payment, return,
delivery, and so on, have been defined clearly for
most online firms. They are embedded into system
architecture and are operated without any
interference from human being. It is convenient for
experienced and inexperienced shoppers to follow
these rules in a straight forward manner. Online
shoppers do not regularly feel inconsistent in the
purchase procedures applied to them and are treated
in a relatively fair form. While most shoppers are
well known with these rules defined in the online
system, there is less possibility to give rise to
unfairness in the purchase process. In contrast, there
is more possibility to introduce unfairness in a
human-handling purchase process while these rules
intend to be amended by service representatives from
time to time. Next, procedural justice also is not
correlated with customer satisfaction. As above
discussion, it can be considered as a regular norm in
the online shopping and consumers feel procedural
justice as not important to their online shopping. As
result, their correlation would not be built
significantly in the online shopping.
In the ECM-based components, confirmation of
expectations, perceived usefulness, and customer
satisfaction reveal positive relationships between
them. Overall, this study indicates the importance of
a technological perspective with ECM-based features
in the online shopping. Specifically, confirmation of
expectations has positive impact on perceived
usefulness and further, both of them significantly
influence customer satisfaction. This may explain the
importance of confirmation of expectations in
initially driving the activities of online shopping.
Before consumers can be ready for doing their online
shopping, they need to first confirm what they
originally expect from the online shopping as a
convenient and efficient way to get their products or
services. In that, the better way to find and search
purchase items in online stores can be termed
perceived usefulness. Finally, complaint intentions
are well demonstrated with its explained ability. This
may indicate a fact that an integration of both just
theory and ECM-based features is in a position to
effectively explain the complaint intentions of online
shopping while this idea is rooted in a consideration
of both behavioral and technological aspects.
The results indicated that distribution and
interactional justices are more influencing in
determining complaint intentions and customer
satisfaction than procedural justice. The findings
with justice perception are unique and important in
the particular online shopping context. This is a
major contribution of this research. Next,
ECM-based components were also applied
successfully to examine complaint intentions in this
context. The results showed the significant
relationships among these technology-based
components. Overall, the proposed model provides
Justice and Technology
insights into explaining and predicting complaint
behaviors in the online shopping.
Several important practical implications arise
from our findings. The survey result reported a high
proportion of online shoppers (over 65%) that has the
experience of a service or produce failure in online
shopping. Consumers not only want to express
negative feelings and to seek for redress, but also
want to give advices for improving the process of
products and services offered in online stores.
Therefore, online stores should take account of
consumers complaints, and pay attention on the
communication channel between online stores and
consumers. Specifically, distributive and interactional
justices and ECM-based components have indicated
well as the underlying drivers in determining
complaint intentions. The communication channel
should be considered from both marketing and
technological aspects and can be effectively
improved accordingly.
For marketing aspect, the products and treatments
of online stores play an important role in consumers
perceived justice. Online stores should maintain and
improve the quality of products and treat consumers
fairly with the implementation of customer
relationship management. For technological aspect,
online stores need to improve front-end and back-end
mechanisms simultaneously. In the front-end part,
online stores should implement new and useful
information and communication technologies, design
user-friendly system interface, build effective
searching engines, and develop easy understanding
form of layout. In the back-end part, online stores
can provide useful customized information to fulfill
consumer requirements and let consumers manage
their orders, payments, and deliveries in a more
efficient way.
Finally, a limitation of this study showed that
approximately 65% and 35% of the respondents are
female and male respectively. The result may not
reflect properly the regular population distribution of
gender and cause a potential bias against the current
findings. However, in fact, women are more likely to
do online shopping than man and this would, in
essence, reflect the actual situation.
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