Hsin-Ke Lu and Chia-Hui Lo
Graduate Institute of Information Management, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan
Keywords: Continuing Education, Comprehensive Quality Assurance Framework, Lifelong Learning, TTQS.
Abstract: From the global popularity of lifelong learning, people are looking for opportunities to improve their
competence that triggers a booming market demand for continuing education. Developing a new strategy for
this new challenge becomes the critical mission for universities to pursue the excellence in continuing
education. To implement quality assurance mechanisms into administrative and operating systems, many
universities were seeking international accreditations, for example, ISO 9000 family, and were implementing
an organization-wide quality management system. However, in recent years, most universities started to
consider the appropriateness of quality management system and shift to educational quality assurance systems,
such as IWA 2:2003, ISO 10015, or Taiwan Training Quality System (TTQS), that guarantee a quality of
education. In this research, we conducted an analysis of related literature to track and compare different quality
assurance frameworks. Based on the analysis, practices and experiences in the selected case were considered to
modify and improve original models.
In 2002, Taiwan became the 144th member of
World Trade Organization (WTO). Participation in
the global trade collaboration inevitably forces
Taiwan to face unprecedented challenges. Therefore,
the government must adjust relevant trade policies to
integrate local and global markets. In the signed
General Agreement on Trade in Service (GATS),
Taiwan was committed to widening the service
market progressively, including higher education
services. The critical items of education services in
the agreement include:
Allowance for foreigners to establish senior
high schools, vocational senior high schools,
and higher schools or educational institutions.
Regarding distance learning, foreign schools
can provide cross-border educational services
to post-secondary students in Taiwan.
Foreigners can establish short-term cram
schools according to Taiwan’s
“Supplementary and Continuing Education
Foreigners can establish study-abroad service
companies according to Taiwan’s “Company
These commitments are the beginning of
Taiwan’s education industry to move toward the
global market. Under these changes, we can expect
market-oriented strategies to lead higher education
in Taiwan to a new horizon and force it to ward off
threats and fight for upcoming challenges and
Gumport (2000) stated that two distinct
perspectives on the nature of higher education exist:
treating higher education as an industry or as a social
institute. In fact, under the influences of global
knowledge economy, market forces have gradually
dominated the resources allocation in higher
education institutions. Modern universities are
facing the equilibrium problem between academic
principles and market demands, as these two values
cause structural conflicts between academic dignity
and business survival. Although numerous
universities still have the problem of incompatibility
between the two perspectives, Gumport (2000)
observed that the integration of the two values was
Lu H. and Lo C..
DOI: 10.5220/0003312702130220
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 213-220
ISBN: 978-989-8425-50-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In brief, these developments facilitate the growth
of the continuing education industry, which serves
mainly the demands of a lifelong learning market.
Therefore, numerous universities are aggressively
directing themselves to the balance between
academic programs and market-driven continuing
education, and adapting themselves to the new era
(Chen, 2002). To integrate the two perspectives,
some universities have begun developing a
comprehensive model that forms the basis for the
positioning and administration of schooling.
As universities are paying much more attention
on the internal and market effectiveness under the
global trend of marketization in education (Dai,
2000), the educational quality management system
has become an important mechanism for universities
to reach for excellence (Cheng, 2005).
While many advanced countries have built their
own evaluation mechanisms for higher education,
more than ten universities in Taiwan are attempting
to improve their educational qualities by introducing
international accreditations, for example, ISO9000
family, to perform self-evaluation and continuous
improvement. However, the quality accreditation
structure of ISO 9001:2000 cannot fully conform to
the specific demands of the higher education
institutes. An adjustment is necessary for the
applicability of these standards to be a quality
assurance framework that continually improves
educational qualities.
From the global popularity of lifelong learning,
higher education institutions have paid increasingly
more attention to continuing education and have
begun to promote continuing education units to a
higher administrative level in a university. In this
manner, the education provision model and scope
can be strategically defined and executed. In the
United States, the School of Continuing and
Professional Studies at New York University (NYU)
is one of the benchmarks in contemporary
continuing education. For adult learners studying for
career advancement or intellectual enhancement,
courses and programs range widely in subjects and
variety. Except for various non-degree courses, the
continuing education program at NYU offers 14
masters programs, 26 undergraduate programs,
various diploma programs, and professional
certificates (NYU, 2010). Meanwhile, Columbia
University established the Division of Special
Programs under the School of General Studies in
1995. After realizing the trend in lifelong learning,
Columbia University’s Board of Trustees
reorganized the department to The School of
Continuing Education in 2002, and granted its
authority to offer the Master degrees.
In Asia, the development of continuing
education in Hong Kong has gone through different
phases, which are the continuing education phase,
professional education phase, diploma education
phase, and lifelong learning phase. By consecutive
integration and expansion, continuing education in
Hong Kong has formed a new model of international
continuing education that is well conformed to a
knowledge-based economic society (Yang, 2007).
Under the influence of educational systems and the
openness of education regulations in the U.K., the
promotion of continuing education at the University
of Hong Kong is very active and aggressive. The
Department of Extra Mural Studies (DEMS) was
established in 1956, and was renamed the School of
Professional and Continuing Education
(HKUSPACE) in 1992. The school is the largest
institution for continuing education in Hong Kong
and has 12 teaching centers with an enrollment of
over 100 thousands students per year. Except for
HKUSPACE, the School of Continuing Education in
Hong Kong Baptist University was established in
1975. More than 5,000 students are enrolled in
undergraduate or postgraduate programs, while
approximately 40,000 students study part-time
programs annually. Since 1985, the school has even
provided various degree programs collaboratively
with different overseas educational institutions.
In Taiwan, the Ministry of Education (MOE)
announced related statements for higher education to
provide continuing education in 1989, and
regulations for establishing night school in 1991.
The most important event for the government to
promote lifelong learning was to design a set of
regulations for continuing education in higher
education, which were derived from Item 2 of
Article 26 in the “University Act.” The regulations
proclaim in writing that “Continuing education,
according to the educational vision of universities, is
meant to provide the educational activities that help
the public to gain intellectual skills and social
civilization.” Conversely, the regulations also
specify that “Continuing education in universities is
categorized into degree and non-degree programs;
the courses belonging to the former must conform to
the University Act; continuing education can be
given outside the school or in the form of distance
learning, or cross-border leaning.” These regulations
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
and laws clearly delineate the business scopes and
operation models of continuing education, and form
the jural basis for universities to participate in
supplementing the mechanism of a lifelong learning
The business scope of continuing education in
universities is profoundly influenced by the
aforementioned regulations and acts. However, the
primary trigger for universities to integrate degree
and non-degree programs was the amendment of the
University Act in 1994, which officially trimmed the
units and business of night school in higher
education. This policy indirectly contributed to a
new business model for continuing education in
universities to transform from professional-oriented
programs to the hybrid of education and professional
This study proposes an integration model
derived from the practices of continuing education in
Taiwan’s universities (see Fig. 1). There are two
core concepts in the new framework. The first is the
integration of resources from degree and non-degree
programs. From considerations of the process, the
systems and real operations of degree and non-
degree education are interwoven and complement
each other. The second concept in the framework
emphasizes the process to establish a continual
learning chain. By effectively allocating and
managing resources, higher education institutions
are more affordable to improve continually the
quality of education. To form a lifelong learning
cycle, universities have transformed their business
models into market-driven educational institutions.
Figure 1: Integrated strategy for educational and
professional oriented programs.
The new business scopes and strategies in
universities generate the need to modify quality
management systems. In this paper, we explore a
new quality assurance framework for higher
education in the face of above mentioned
This research was conducted twofold: by literature
review and case study. Using literature review,
different considerations in quality assurance
frameworks were incorporated into the proposed
framework and comparisons among models were
tracked and presented. This analysis paved the way
for further modifications of TTQS model after
introducing practical experience into the conceptual
The second method used in this research was a
case study. The selected case, School of Continuing
Education in Chinese Culture University (CCU-
SCE), was one of benchmark universities in
continuing education and lifelong learning field in
Taiwan. The main programs in CCU-SCE include
degree and non-degree programs. In 2006, Taiwan’s
Council of Labor Affairs (CLA) launched a pilot
project that introduced TTQS to educational
institutions that executed programs under
governmental sponsorship. CCU-SCE was selected
to join the project and rebuild its educational quality
assurance framework. CCU-SCE was the first
university granted a TTQS certificate, and at the
same time, won the first National HRD (Human
Resources Development) InnoPrize, which is the
highest honour in Taiwan’s HRD field.
The primary advantage for selecting CCU-SCE
as the research site was its extensive design for
versatile courses and training. CCU-SCE was a
typical and comprehensive institution for lifelong
learning and professional education. The multi-
faceted nature of CCU-SCE’s businesses caused the
integration of quality assurance frameworks to be
significantly more difficult. Therefore, CCU-SCE
was not only selected as a representative
organization of higher education institutions in the
continuing education, but also for its hybrid
orientation in programs and schooling design.
During the project, the pilot team had to adjust
continually and integrate existing quality assurance
framework of ISO 9001 with TTQS. In this manner,
the new quality assurance framework, which more
effectively conformed to organizational operations,
was necessarily generated.
The project could be divided into four phases:
commencement and training, framework re-forming,
rules and regulations adjustment, and system
introduction and pre-usage training. Data were
collected in every phase concerning the questions,
doubts or difficulties the project team confronted.
After one year of observations, the deficiency of the
original TTQS model emerged as a serious problem
and caught the attention of this study.
As CCU-SCE is leading the way to extend
current continuing education scope in universities,
this study expects the experience in CCU-SCE in
implementing TTQS and the thus the derived
modified model could be a representative reference
to other educational institutions.
The challenges and impacts of a global knowledge
economy accelerate higher education toward
marketization. In the WTO, education is categorized
at the fifth of 12 types of service industries, and the
third industry in United Nations (UN) policies and
regulations. The forms of education service include
border-crossing courses, consumption abroad,
commercial presence, and presence of natural
persons. According to the Verbik & Lasanowski
(2007)’s report of the patterns and trends of mobility
of international students, there were nearly 2.7
million international students. Students in the United
States, Britain, and Australia accounted for
approximately 45 %, that is, 1.2 million. Nearly 550
thousand foreign students reside in the United States.
This has resulted in an increase of 11 billion U.S.
dollars in U.S.’s exchange annually. Meanwhile,
revenues from international students have accounted
for more than 7 billion U.S. dollars in the United
Kingdom and approximately 5 billion U.S. dollars in
Australia every year. The output value of higher
education in these advanced countries is rising
dramatically, that education service is gradually
becoming a critical trade item (Verbik &
Lasanowski, 2007).
Under the new paradigm that redefines the
business model of higher education, every university
must surely contend with the issues of resource
integration, management efficiency, and educational
performance. Therefore, higher education
institutions pay increasingly more attention to the
implementation of quality assurance systems, which
focus both on internal and market effectiveness for
governance and management. Quality assurance is
becoming a core strategy to enhance the competence
of higher education institutions and increase
competitive advantages (Cheng, 2005). Following
the global evolution of higher education, Taiwan’s
universities have implemented systematic evaluation
mechanisms to ensure educational quality and
continuous improvement in operations and
management. ISO 9001:2000, ISO/IWA 2:2003 and
TTQS are introduced and summarized in the
following sections, and are used as the conceptual
basis of our proposed framework.
4.1 ISO 9001:2000
ISO 9001 quality management family was released
by the ISO Technical Committee (ISO/TC 176) in
1987, and was revised in 1994. The provisions and
core schema of these versions serve mainly the
operating processes of the manufacturing industry.
However, in response to the growth of the global
service industry, the revision of ISO 9001 and ISO
9001:2000 was deliberately generated to be used in
the service industry (Huang, 2001). As such, a new
set of more generalized specifications were formed
by integrating ISO 9001, ISO 9002, and ISO 9003.
The main differences between ISO 9001:2000
and ISO 9001:1994 are shown in the dimensions of
process-oriented, customer satisfaction, and in
continuous improvement (Cheng & Guan, 2002).
ISO 9001:2000 is a process-oriented quality
assurance framework, which systematically focuses
on the interrelationship between a sequence of
processes (Input-Process-Output). Starting from the
input of customer demands, through the operation of
the system, and ending at the output of customer
satisfaction, ISO 9001:2000 places emphasis on
continuous improvement in the whole process.
Referencing total quality management (TQM), this
framework is primarily based on the following eight
dimensions: customer focused organization,
leadership, involvement of people, process approach,
system approach to management, continuous
improvement, factual approach to decision-making,
and mutual beneficial supplier relationship.
In recent years, Taiwan’s higher education
system has aggressively introduced the ISO 9001
quality management system, including its processes
for continuous improvement of systems and the
assurance of conformity to both stakeholders and
applicable regulatory requirements. Several
universities, such as NCHU, NCTU, NSYSU, NCU,
have been accrediated. Earlier on, the certification of
ISO 9001 was mainly based on the 1994 version.
However, all certified universities have upgraded
progressively to ISO 9001: 2000.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
4.2 ISO/IWA 2:2003
The quality assurance framework of ISO 9001:1994
and its prior versions were mainly designed for the
manufacturing industry; therefore, ISO revised its
version to ISO 9001:2000 to response specific needs
of the service industry that considered characteristics
and terminology of the service industry. Furthermore,
regarding the specialties and uniqueness of the
education industry, the ISO committee held an
experts workshop in Mexico to develop a new
international standard, ISO/IWA 2:2003, for the
appropriateness and applicability of ISO in the
global education institutes. The workshop gathered
standard Office (DGN), Latin American quality
Agency (INLAC), Mexican joint quality groups, and
convened global education quality experts, scholars,
and professionals in the Technical Committee. The
new agreements from this international workshop
considered the characteristics, nature, practical needs,
and changing environment of the education industry.
After refocusing and customizing adjustments,
ISO/IWA 2:2003 evolved into the new recognized
educational quality assurance framework of the
global education industry.
ISO/IWA 2:2003, derived from ISO 9001:2000,
is a student-oriented quality assurance framework.
Therefore, in actual applications in Taiwan’s higher
education, numerous universities that adopted ISO
9001 also integrated the specifications of ISO/IWA
2:2003 to improve educational quality management.
By this hybrid strategy, the I-P-O model and the
review mechanism were integrated for continuous
improvement. For example, customer feedback is
presented in statistics for quality management
departments to ensure the continuous improvement
of educational quality and performance.
The higher education institutions can
systematically explore and organize crucial
organizational knowledge and concepts by
implementing ISO/IWA 2:2003. All knowledge and
the core processes of knowledge extraction can be
explored, clarified, categorized, organized, and
consolidated by standardized documentation, and
can become the institutions’ essential information
assets. Accumulated knowledge and experience will
cause the quality of educational operation to be
increasingly stable through continuous
improvements. Currently, ISO 9001:2000 still
dominates the quality management certification
market in Taiwan’s higher education. However,
ISO/IWA 2:2003 are receiving increasingly more
attention. Most ISO 9001 certified universities have
strong intentions to integrate ISO/IWA 2:2003 for
improving the effectiveness of educational quality
assurance systems.
4.3 ISO 10015 and TTQS
ISO 10015, a training quality management system, is
derived from section 6.2.2 of ISO 9001:2000 and
human capital management specifications. This
comprehensive framework of human resource
development in an organization is regarded as a
critical reference model for members of WTO to
guide their national human capital policies. In brief,
the purposes of ISO 10015 are helping organizations
achieve their goals, complete their missions,
improve the quality of products and services, and
enhance operational performance through personnel
training. The focus on training in ISO 10015 is a
perfect supplement to ISO 9001. Moreover, because
of this focus, ISO 10015 is increasingly
implemented as an independent quality management
system to assure the performance of the
development of human capital.
Based on the Plan-Do-Check-Action (PDCA)
model proposed by the quality management
literature, the process of ISO 10015 involves four
steps: 1. the definition of training needs; 2. the
planning and design of training; 3. Training; and 4.
evaluation of the performance of the training.
During this process, every step must be monitored
and continuously improved.
Because of quality assurance requirements from
training institutes, Taiwan’s Council of Labor
Affairs (CLA) initiated many projects to transplant
international quality certification schema to Taiwan.
To ensure quality and performance of training and to
enhance competitiveness of labor, the CLA proposed
the Taiwan Training Quality System (TTQS)
framework, which emphasized compliance with
managerial needs from industries. The Taiwan
Training Quality System (TTQS) also aimed to
assure quality improvement of training, and
strengthen productivity and competitiveness of
human capital. Generally, TTQS synthesized ISO
10015, the European vocational training policy, UK
Investors in People program (IIP), Australian
vocational training policies, and the characteristics
of domestic industry, and then, incorporated them
into a comprehensive framework. To maintain its
practical effectiveness, the TTQS project invited
internationally related authorities and experts to join
the committee for the considerations of the industrial
The Taiwan Training Quality System (TTQS)
consists of three main modules: the standard
measurement of training, strategy and policy of
training, and organizational communication tools.
Originating from ISO 10015, TTQS modifies the
four-stage model of PDCA into a five-function
model (Figure 2). The process of the framework
involves five steps: P (planning), D (design), D
(delivery), R (review), and O (outcome); therefore, it
is called the PDDRO model. The framework is used
to confirm training quality in enterprises that receive
consultation services, and to ensure the liability and
accuracy of the training processes. The framework
entails 16 quality indicators and weight scales, and
reviews of these indicators for continuous
improvement of quality.
Figure 2: The five dimensions of PDDRO of TTQS.
In recent years, professional training has been
held not only by vocational training centers, but also
by other co-signed organizations and continuing
education institutions in higher education. Higher
education, especially, has become a main training
partner of the government, which offers plans for
upgrading corporate human resources. To evaluate
the quality of training institutions and the resulting
performances of professional training, Taiwan’s
CLA introduced TTQS model to training institutions
as the quality assurance framework. Therefore,
many universities, which joined the government
projects, are required to obtain the TTQS
The Taiwan Training Quality System (TTQS) is
developed for accessing the quality in trainings;
therefore, it can be used to assist the management
and continuous improvement of educational quality
in higher education. However, in practical
operations of continuing education institutes, the
business scope and processes are much broader. For
example, the business scope extends to lifelong
learning courses, and the business processes are
influenced by market demands. Therefore, the
planning, marketing and enrolments of students for
both educational and professional courses have to be
considered in quality assurance framework of higher
The phenomena can be analyzed by two
dimensions: operation process and business focus,
acquired from observations in the research field.
According to the observations in CCU-SCE, the
operation processes can be divided into business
cycle and learning cycle. The former focuses on
market-oriented businesses, which guides courses
planning to fulfil market demands. After enrolments
of students, the process flows into learning cycle,
which focuses on the teaching and learning qualities.
By continuingly inspecting learning activities, the
in-learning and after-learning improvements can be
The other dimension for discussing practical
operations in higher education is the business focus.
CCU-SCE is a typical case that demonstrates the
transition in Taiwan’s continuing education. The
business covers from degree to non-degree programs,
or educational to professional ones.
Figure 3: Business Scope and Types of Continuing
Education of CCU-SCE.
By the two dimensions, the business types of
continuing education in CCU-SCE were classified
into four:
PB-PL: From pre-training planning to learning
quality management for professional programs.
EB-EL: From pre-training planning to
learning quality management for educational
PB-PL-EL: Same as PB-PL, plus guiding
students enrolled in professional programs to
attend educational courses.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
EB-EL-PL: Same as EB-EL, plus guiding
students enrolled in educational programs to
attend professional courses.
Since the original design for TTQS framework
was used for assessing courses that were actually
delivered, when CCU-SCE extended their programs
to non-degree programs, many courses were planned
but not delivered, due to unexpected demand
changes on the market. The concerns for these
planned-undelivered courses were omitted from the
original TTQS. Consequently, when CCU-SCE
executed CLA’s TTQS pilot project, the project
team could not find proper assessment rules
covering all the programs and processes. To close
the gap between existing models and the practical
needs, the modified framework is proposed.
5.1 Learning Cycle and Business Cycle
In surveys of TTQS certificated universities in
Taiwan, reports have insightfully shown that TTQS
has focused mainly on the quality assurance of
learning. Little attention has been paid on the
processes of pre-training, such as planning, design,
and marketing processes. Conversely, TTQS was
designed and customized for HRD programs in
organizations or governmental projects, of which all
students were enrolled from authorities instead of
the open market. Nevertheless, in the continuing
education institutes of universities, business scope
covers trainings not only from government
sponsored projects and company delegated programs,
but from degree programs, credited programs, and
professional programs. Continuing education in
universities unquestionably requires a new quality
assurance framework that incorporates business
developments, recruitment, market feedback, and
quality control. As such, all processes in a business
cycle and learning cycle can be assessed and
improved by implementing quality assurance
frameworks. Currently, TTQS certificated
universities are diligently attempting to consolidate
the whole operational processes into a
comprehensive quality assurance framework.
The strong demand for modified quality
assurance frameworks from CCU-SCE induced this
study to propose a new model that balances sponsor-
oriented and business-oriented programs. The
proposed TTQS PDDRO model (see Fig. 4), named
modified TTQS business and quality integration
model, separated the quality management activities
into two main cycles: business assurance and
learning quality assurance.
The business cycle stresses market orientation
processes, including planning, design, and marketing,
and forms a sub-framework of quality assurance to
guide and review all processes in pre-training.
Practically, if the result that derived from business
cycle cannot fulfil market demands, continuous
adjustments will be necessary. Therefore, the results
of business cycle decide the initiation of learning
Figure 4: The Modified TTQS Model of integration of
business and learning cycles.
The learning quality assurance cycle stressed the
quality assurance process, which contained planning,
delivery, and outcome. The three core steps were
reviewed and improved according to the learning
quality framework, which is the other sub-
framework of the integrated quality assurance
5.2 A Comprehensive Model
of Quality Assurance
Apparently, the continuing education institutes in
universities have extended their business scope by
integrating educational and professional programs.
Thus, they have become a cornerstone of a society
based on the knowledge-economy.
Accordingly, CCU-SCE, the selected research
case, synthesizes the educational and professional-
oriented courses by convergence of planning,
development, and evaluation processes. In response
to new rules of operations, CCU-SCE aggressively
explores a new quality assurance framework to
ensure the integration of core processes, and
implements the continuous improvement of
educational quality.
By integrating two focuses and the two cycles, a
comprehensive model of quality assurance
framework was proposed (see Fig. 5). Both focuses
of educational and professional programs were
considered, and the pre-training business assurance
process and learning quality assurance processes
were integrated into the new framework, assuring
that extended market-driven programs are involved
in the assessment process.
Figure 5: A Comprehensive Model of Quality Assurance
While the whole schooling cycle, including the
pre-training and leaning cycles, are covered in the
quality assurance framework, this comprehensive
model diminished the gap between the existing
TTQS framework and the practical needs.
Following the trend of education marketization,
continuing education in universities is playing an
active role when facing the radical growth in market
and industry demands. For this reason, the
management of continuing education increasingly
emphasize both internal efficiency and market
effectiveness by quality assurance mechanisms.
The implementation of a quality assurance
framework in the educational field depends on every
university’s operating practices and resources. To
accumulate a comprehensive and continuous quality
assurance framework, two principles should be
First, developing the framework of one’s own
university is necessary. Regardless of the processes
of ISO 10015, ISO/IWA 2:2003 or TTQS, that is,
the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Action) or PDDRO
cycles, they cannot satisfyingly conform to demands
of a university without modification. Therefore, this
paper proposes the modified model for reference.
Second, quality assurance framework should
cover both the pre-training business cycle and
learning cycle. Furthermore, continuing education
programs in universities should include education
courses that are market-driven and training courses
that are project-driven. The core dimensions,
procedures, and quality checking indices of the
different types of programs should be integrated into
a unified training quality assurance framework. In
this way, not only can the synergy in maintenance of
quality systems be assured, but also the continuous
improvement of quality for all training programs and
The authors would like to thank Taiwan’s Council of
Labor Affairs (CLA) and School of Continuing
Education, Chinese Culture University (CCU-SCE)
for their support for this research.
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CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education