Tareq Jaber
, Abbes Amira
and Peter Milligan
Faculty of Computing and Information Technology, King Abdulaziz University - North Jeddah Branch, K.S.A.
Nanotechnology and Integrated Bio-Engineering Centre (NIBEC), Faculty of Computing and Engineering
University of Ulster, Jordanstown campus, Antrim, BT37 0QB, U.K.
School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, BT7 1NN, U.K.
Latent semantic indexing, Information retrieval, Haar wavelet transform, Singular value decomposition.
Latent semantic indexing (LSI) is commonly used to match queries to documents in information retrieval
(IR) applications. It has been shown to improve the retrieval performance, as it can deal with synonymy and
polysemy problems. This paper proposes a hybrid approach which can improve result accuracy significantly.
Evaluation of the approach based on using the Haar wavelet transform (HWT) as a preprocessing step for the
singular value decomposition (SVD) in the LSI system is presented, using Donoho
s thresholding with the
transformation in HWT. Furthermore, the effect of different levels of decomposition in the HWT process is in-
vestigated. The experimental results presented in the paper confirm a significant improvement in performance
by applying the HWT as a preprocessing step using Donoho
s thresholding.
As the amount of information stored electronically in-
creases, so does the difficultly in searching it. The
field of information retrieval (IR) examines the pro-
cess of extracting relevant information from a dataset
based on a user’s query (Berry et al., 1995). Latent
semantic indexing (LSI) is a technique used for intel-
ligent IR. It can be used as an alternative to the tra-
ditional keyword matching IR and is attractive in this
respect due to its ability to overcome problems with
synonymy and polysemy (Berry et al., 1995). Tra-
ditionally LSI is implemented in several stages (Bell
and Degani, 2002). The first stage is to preprocess
the database of documents, by removing all punctua-
tion and ”stop words” such as the, as, and etc, those
without distinctive semantic meaning, from a docu-
ment. A term document matrix (TDM) is then gen-
erated which represents the relationship between the
documents in the database and the words that appear
in them. Then the TDM is decomposed. The original
decomposition algorithm proposed by Berry (Berry
et al., 1995) et al, and by far the most widely used, is
the singular value decomposition (SVD) (Fox, 1992).
The decomposition is used to remove noise (sparse-
ness) from the matrix and reduce the dimensionality
of the TDM, in order to ascertain the semantic relati-
onship among terms and documents in an attempt to
overcome the problems of polysemy and synonymy.
Finally, the document set is compared with the query
and the documents which are closest to the user’s
query are returned. In Unitary Operators on the
Document Space (Hoenkamp, 2003), Hoenkamp as-
serts the fundamental property of the SVD is its uni-
tary nature. And the use of Haar wavelet transform
(HWT), as an alternative that shares this unitary prop-
erty at much reduced computational cost, has been
suggested, and this research presents some promis-
ing initial results. Further the idea of the TDM as
a gray scale image has also been postulated, and the
equivalence of using the HWT to removelexical noise
and using the HWT to remove noise from an image
has been discussed (Hoenkamp, 2003). The aim of
the research presented in this paper, and continuing
on the research work in (Jaber et al., 2008), is to de-
velop a new approach to the LSI process based on the
possibility of using image processing techniques in
text document retrieval. In particular, the effect of us-
ing the HWT as a pre-processing step to the SVD is
studied. Moreover, attention is paid to the effect of
different levels of decomposition and threshold tech-
niques used in the HWT. A range of parameters and
performance metrics, including accuracy or precision
(number of relevant documents returned), computa-
Jaber T., Amira A. and Milligan P..
DOI: 10.5220/0003313203270332
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS-2011), pages
ISBN: 978-989-8425-48-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tion time, and threshold value or dimensions retained,
are used to evaluate the proposed LSI system. The
paper is organized as follows. The proposed hybrid
approach is presented in section 2. This gives an
overview of our proposed LSI system and the pro-
cesses involved. Section 3 presents the results of the
new method as a series of hypothesis which are evalu-
ated by comparing to standard baseline systems. Con-
cluding remarks are given in section 4.
In this section the proposed framework with its differ-
ent components are illustrated. To enable evaluation
of the modified approach, the method is applied to
four sample databases: Memos database (Berry et al.,
1995)(Bell and Degani, 2002), Cochrane database
(Cochrane, 2005), eBooks database (eBooks, 2005),
and Reuters database (Fox, 1992).
2.1 The HWT
The HWT is a series analogous to the Fourier expan-
sion that is often used in image processing (Amira and
Farrell, 2005). HWT decomposition works on an av-
eraging and differencing process (Amira and Farrell,
2005)(Berry et al., 1999). In image processing, the
transform can be used to remove noise from an image
(Delakis et al., 2007). An image is transformed using
HWT, and then a thresholding function, at a certain
threshold value, is applied to remove the noise from
the image; typically a cleaner image results when the
image is reconstructed after thresholding. Donoho
thresholding algorithm is used in this paper (Donoho,
1995). This algorithm generates the threshold value
by the given equations:
λ = γσ
where λ is a threshold value, n is a number of sam-
ple data, σ is a noise standard deviation and γ is a
constant. It can be seen that this threshold depends
simply on the value of sample data. Then the hard-
thresholding function, or the soft-thresholding func-
tion (Yoon and Vaidyanathan, 2004), is applied to
threshold the image. The paper will present the re-
sults of applying each thresholding model in the new
approach. For our present purposes, the TDM can
be considered as a gray scale image, usually a binary
image (sparse TDM with 0, 1 probabilities). By ap-
plying the HWT and a threshold to the TDM, we can
also remove ”noise” from our image, in this case we
argue that this represents the removal of lexical noise.
2.2 HWT/SVD based Hybrid Approach
A commonly used approach in image processing is
to combine different techniques in order to improve
noise reduction. The comparison of the TDM to a
gray scale image invites a similar technique. The sys-
tem allows SVD and HWT techniques to be com-
bined, as shown in Fig. 1, to investigate their com-
bined effect on the TDM and the quality of the results,
in terms of precision and recall.
Hard Soft Donoho
SVD Decomposition
K Approximation
Term Document
Matrix (TDM)
Figure 1: The hybrid method.
2.3 Lexical Noise Analysis
In the LSI process, once preprocessing is complete,
the TDM is constructed. Most values in the matrix
are zero, as only a subset of keywords appears in any
given document. It is interesting to see the relation-
ship of terms across documents; therefore words that
appear only in one document add no information to
this relationship. Similarly, words that appear in all
documents are considered meaningless due to their
ubiquity. Fig. 2 shows images generated by visual-
izing the TDMs after applying the HWT/SVD hybrid
method. It is worth noting that visualizing the TDM
as an image enables large datasets to be examined and
analyzed more easily (Jaber et al., 2006). If the im-
ages are examined, the white dots represent the data
or non-zero values. When dots are close to each other,
forming a cluster, it is possible, by looking at appro-
priate columns and rows, to say that there is a relation-
ship between these documents because they reference
about the same concepts.
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
Figure 2: Left: SVD Decomposition of Cochrane database
with K= 40 Right: HWT/SVD of Cochrane Database with
threshold = 0.04 and K=40. The SVD image is slightly
brighter, and has more dark pixels which represent zeros.
For HWT image, the great deal of sparseness (dark pixels)
has been reduced and values are redistributed more evenly.
This section compares the proposed hybrid tech-
niques with the standard LSI approach. The search
is applied to the different databases. There are sev-
eral differentmeasures for evaluatingthe performance
of information retrieval systems. The most common
properties that are widely accepted by the research
community are recall and precision (Singhal, 2001).
Precision is the fraction of the documents retrieved
that are relevant to the user’s query, and recall is
the fraction of the documents that are relevant to the
query and successfully retrieved (Jaber et al., 2008).
Both recall and precision are needed for measur-
ing issues in the IR. It is common to achieve recall of
100% by returning all relevant documents in response
to any query,therefore recall alone is not enough. One
needs to measure the number of irrelevant documents
to determine the precision or accuracy of the results
returned. On the other hand, precision of 100% can
also be achieved in many cases by returning only rel-
evant results, but again, one needs to count all the rel-
evant documents in the database to measure the recall.
In this section a number of searches are performed on
the sample databases to compare the basic LSI-SVD
approach with the proposed hybrid technique. (The
standard SVD when mentioned in the work indicates
the standard LSI-SVD system).
Cochrane Database. Searching for ”rheumatoid
arthritis” and ”smoking and heart disease”.
For the first query, as shown in Fig. 3, the stan-
dard SVD returns one more result than the hybrid ap-
proach. At the second query, the standard method has
a low precision value, by returning three results, two
Query 1 Query 2
k = (20 − 50), Threshold = 0.02
No. of Documents Returned
Cochrane Database
SVD Total
SVD Relevant
Donoho(hard)/HWT−SVD Total
Donoho(hard)/HWT−SVD Relevant
Donoho(soft)/HWT−SVD Total
Donoho(soft)/HWT−SVD Relevant
Figure 3: LSI search results for Cochrane database.
of which are irrelevant to the query. The HWT-SVD
method returns only related documents demonstrating
greater accuracy or precision in matching queries, and
hence outperforms the standard method.
eBooks Database. Searching for ”plastics
engineering”,xml transformations”,”health and
safety” and ”advanced java programming”.
Query 1 Query 2 Query 3 Query 4
k = (10 − 50), Threshold = 0.004
No. of Documents Returned
eBooks Database
SVD Total
SVD Relevant
Donoho(hard)/HWT−SVD Total
Donoho(hard)/HWT−SVD Relevant
Donoho(soft)/HWT−SVD Total
Donoho(soft)/HWT−SVD Relevant
Figure 4: LSI search results for eBooks database.
In Fig. 4, for the first query as shown before,
the standard SVD returns all the existing relevant re-
sults, and outperforms the HWT-SVD approach with
recall of 100% and 79% for the new novel approach
with both thresholding. However, and as shown in
the figure, the standard SVD produces seven irrel-
evant documents, while both thresholding schemes,
with the new approach, return 22 documents, all
of which are relevant with precision of 100% and
80% for the standard SVD. In the second query,
with precision of 100%, the Donoho(hard)/HWT-
SVD approach returns one less relevant result, and
the Donoho(soft)/HWT-SVD returns three less rele-
vant results than the standard SVD, while the stan-
dard SVD produces two extra unrelated documents.
For the third query, the standard method returns four
unrelated extra documents resulting in a precision of
71%, while the hybrid method with the hard function
obviously improves the accuracy level with precision
of 100%. A recall of 100% for the both methods is
achieved as they retrieve all the related results in the
database. The new method with the soft thresholding
performs not very well and returns three less related
documents with recall of 70%. For the last query,
Donoho(hard)/HWT-SVD again performs very well
by eliminating six additional unrelated documents re-
turned by the standard method, resulting in a consid-
erable improvement for the precision volume with re-
call and precision of 100%. The Donoho(soft)/HWT-
SVD returns four less relevant documents than the
hard function.
Reuters Database. Searching for
”japan”,”bank”,”money market” and ”sales
Query 1 Query 2 Query 3 Query 4
k = (10 − 50), Threshold = 0.004
No. of Documents Returned
Reuters Database
SVD Total
SVD Relevant
Donoho(hard)/HWT−SVD Total
Donoho(hard)/HWT−SVD Relevant
Donoho(soft)/HWT−SVD Total
Donoho(soft)/HWT−SVD Relevant
Figure 5: LSI search results for Reuters Database.
At the first query for the search in Fig. 5, the stan-
dard method as shown before performs inefficiently
in the precision action, with a large volume of irrel-
evant results returned, causing a low value of preci-
sion (67%). Reasonable results are returned by the
new hybrid approach with the hard function. The
new method returns only two less relevant results and
keeps only the relevant documents with recall of 91%
and precision of 100%. A less efficient performance
can be noticed in the new approach with the soft func-
tion. Although precision of 100% is achieved, this
method misses seven related documents, which de-
creases the recall to 68%. Excellent results are ob-
tained by the Donoho(hard)/HWT-SVD for the sec-
ond query, the method returns all the existing rele-
vant documents to the query without any irrelevant
results, with recall and precision of 100% obtained.
As shown in the previous section, a considerable vol-
ume of irrelevant documents are returned by the stan-
dard SVD with precision of 53%, and thus, shows
a poor accuracy level. As was the case in the pre-
vious query the Donoho(soft)/HWT-SVD again per-
forms less well than the hard one. All the documents
returned are relevant but it produces a lower volume
of relevant results, with a recall of 83% and a pre-
cision of 100% achieved. The standard SVD at the
third and fourth queries keeps showing a lower level
of accuracy for the results returned compared to the
hybrid novel approach, with both thresholding meth-
ods. A negligible lower number of relevant results is
returned by Donoho(hard)/HWT-SVD, resulting in a
slightly lower recall value. As noticed, in most of the
cases, the Soft/HWT-SVD misses more relevant re-
sults and as a consequence the recall value decreases.
Table 1: Decomposition Algorithms Computation Time
(seconds) and Accuracy.
Database SVD Donoho
Memos 0.11 0.245
Cochrane 0.562 0.977
eBooks 16.562 19.765
Reuters 27.125 33.314
Accuracy 66% 100%
Table 1 provides an overview of the computation
time in seconds and the accuracy action for the dif-
ferent decomposition algorithms. As the size of the
matrix grows, the amount of extra processing time re-
quired to implement HWT preprocessing into the LSI
system becomes negligible in comparison to the over-
all time required, especially with the improvement in
accuracy of the returned results.
3.2 Multilevel Decomposition Analysis
This section investigates the influence of the decom-
position level on the search results, by applying the
search at the best k (the dimension reduction in the
SVD algorithm for which the best results are ob-
tained) and threshold value at different levels of de-
composition. The results in the previous section show
that the Donoho(hard)/HWT-SVD in many cases per-
forms better than the Donoho(soft)/HWT-SVD. Con-
sequently the threshold function used in this investi-
gation is the hard function.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Decomposition Level At k−value=50 and Threshold=0.02
No. of Document returned
Cochrane Database. Query: "rheumatoid arthritis "
Donoho(hard)/HWT−SVD Total
Donoho(hard)/HWT−SVD Relevant
Figure 6: Multiresolution analysis for Cochrane database.
Fig. 6 shows that at range of decomposition levels
(4-8) the method keeps returning one relevant result,
while no results are returned at the levels less than
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Decomposition Level At k−value=30 and Threshold=0.004
No. of Document returned
eBooks Database. Query: "advanced java programming"
Donoho(hard)/HWT−SVD Total
Donoho(hard)/HWT−SVD Relevant
Figure 7: Multiresolution analysis for eBooks database.
In Fig. 7 the results show that at the decomposi-
tion level ten, which is the full decomposition level,
the maximum number of results is obtained. As the
level of decomposition decreases, the number of re-
sults returned decreases as well.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Decomposition Level At k−value=30 and Threshold=0.004
No. of Document returned
Reuters Database. Query: "japan"
Donoho(hard)/HWT−SVD Total
Donoho(hard)/HWT−SVD Relevant
Figure 8: Multiresolution analysis for Reuters database.
Fig. 8 presents similar results as shown before, no
documents are produced for level less than five, while
only one related document is returned at this level. A
far larger number of relevant results is obtained at the
higher levels (6-10).
3.3 Analysis
In this research we argue that low frequencies (0 val-
ues in a typical TDM) represent lexical noise (or un-
related documents) and, consequently, the deletion
of these values will not affect the structure of the
TDM. The elimination of this noise is effected by
the application of the wavelet transform which sep-
arates low and high frequencies and the subsequent
use of the threshold function which removes low val-
ues from the TDM. Finally, the use of the inverse
HWT generates a new TDM. For the hybrid HWT-
SVD, the results show that by adding the HWT as a
pre-processing step the precision is improved by ap-
proximately 34%. The HWT-SVD, in most cases,
does not produce any irrelevant documents, and re-
turns the same number of relevant documents that
are returned by the standard SVD approach. The
HWT-SVD uses Donoho
s thresolding to generate the
threshold value, and then thresholds the TDM using
two thresholding functions. The results show that
the Donoho(hard)/HWT-SVD performs clearly bet-
ter than the Donoho(soft)/HWT-SVD in terms of the
number of relevant results returned. In the investiga-
tion of different levels of decomposition, the results
show that at the level of full decomposition the best
results are obtained. It is beneficial to note that the
precise action of the pre-processing step depends on
the value of k used for the SVD and the threshold
value used in HWT, (that are chosen by testing the
methods at range of k and threshold values), but for
most optimal cases the results show that adding HWT
pre-processing can improve the precision of the doc-
uments returned.
A new hybrid modified approach to LSI for effective
use in IR has been presented in this paper. Investi-
gation of different approaches for LSI has confirmed
that the SVD is the most powerful decomposition al-
gorithm in the LSI process in terms of the number
of documents returned. The results of the investiga-
tion for the HWT as a preprocessing step, prior to the
SVD in the LSI process, shows good results, the pre-
processing step tends to remove irrelevant documents
from the documents returned, causing enhancement
of the accuracy of the results returned. The multires-
olution analysis shows that HWT performs better at
the full decomposition. It also offers the possibility of
other combined approaches.
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PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems