Hoda Badesh, James Blustein and Anwar Alhenshiri
Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University, 6050 University Ave., Halifax, NS, Canada
Keywords: Web genre, Classification, Clustering, Retrieval.
Abstract: This paper investigates the feasibility and effectiveness of online clustering of Web search results by genre.
Although there are several research studies that have investigated the accuracy of classifying Web pages by
genres, research has focused only on off-line clustering and classification due to the large number of
documents on the Web. This research intends to investigate the feasibility of creating sets of Web pages to
represent main genres on the Web. Each genre, as identified in the work of Santini (2006), will be
represented by a set of Web pages. Web search results will be compared to those sets and classified
accordingly. Search results will be grouped according to their similarities to which set of genre
representatives. The resulting clusters of Web search results will be rendered to the user. A user study will
be conducted to examine the validity and accuracy of online clustering based on Web genres.
The Web is growing in size and variety of content
made available by almost everyone. According to
Teevan (2008), information mismatching and
overloading are two significant problems while
search engines gather and present information;
which may decrease the performance of a search
engine. Improving the effectiveness and
performance of Web search engines has been
investigated in several directions. Clustering is one
concept that has been investigated in the aim of
improving the performance and effectiveness in
Web retrieval (Alhenshiri et al., 2010).
In Web information retrieval, clustering is meant
for grouping similar documents (Manning et al.,
2008). Clustering is usually intended to provide
overviews of information categories (topics) in the
result set. Hence, efficient subtopic retrieval is
anticipated with the use of clustering in Web search
results presentations (Carpineto et al., 2009).
Clustering can also decrease the need for scrolling
over multiple pages of results and motivate users to
look beyond the first few hits, resulting in more
effective and efficient user performance. In Web
information retrieval, clustering has been
investigated in several prototypes (Alhenshiri et al.,
2010; Turetken and Sharda, 2005).
Clustering has also been implemented in
conventional search engines such as Clusty
(, Gceel (, and
Google (in their “see similar” feature and Google
Wonder Wheel). Although the performance of users
with row presentations of Web documents is
comparable to their performance with clustering-
based presentations, user preference usually comes
in favour of clustering-based methods (Carpineto et
al., 2009). In addition, there are indications that
clustering can even be more effective (Turetken and
Sharda, 2005). Even though topic-based clustering
might be favoured over row presentations of search
results, there has been little consideration of the
concept of genre-based clustering.
According to Marina Santini’s research
e/, Documents can be classified into topical and
non-topical text categories, that I call descriptors.
Examples of topical descriptors
are topic, content, subject matter or domain.
Examples of non-topical descriptors are genre,
register, style, sentiment/opinion, readability and
vulgarisation, or layout structure (e.g. tables or
lists)’. The online non-topical classification which
relies on using Web page genres as discriminators
among Web pages is the goal of this research. The
attempt is to show the possibility of performing
genre-based clustering during query time. In
addition, the research intends to investigate the
effectiveness of this approach compared to topical
Badesh H., Blustein J. and Alhenshiri A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003314202780281
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2011), pages 278-281
ISBN: 978-989-8425-51-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The remainder of the paper is divided as follows.
Section 2 illustrates the research rationale. Section 3
explains the process of creating the Web genre
representatives. Section 4 explains the intended
improvements and discusses the expected outcomes
of the research. Section 5 concludes the paper.
In the literature, there has not been a unified clear
definition of the concept of Web page genre. Genres
are perceived as groups or classes of documents that
have certain features in common such as content,
structure, and functionality. Research has shown that
high levels of accuracy in genre-based classification
have been achieved with small and static datasets
(Mason, 2009). Since the Web is evolutionary, it
becomes difficult to uniquely identify all kinds of
genre that the Web may contain. The growing
number of social sites and community content on the
Web yields the continuous emergence of new Web
genres (Santini, 2006).
Creating a fine-grained palette of Web page
genres is a challenging problem. Santini (2006) used
a set of 25 Web-sampled pages and 23 different
genre labels in an attempt to investigate the user
perception of Web genres and evaluate the
evolutionary nature of Web genres. The results of
the study showed that Web genres can be grouped
into three categories: easy, ambiguous, and difficult.
The outcome of the study indicates that Web genres
hold the properties of hyperidism and individualism.
Researchers have attempted to categorize Web
genres using different techniques among which are
textual features (n-gram, word-gram, bag of words,
part of speech, etc) and visual features of Web pages
(Levering et al., 2009). Machine learning techniques
have been heavily investigated in the role of genre-
based classification with constant and relatively
small data sets.
Web page genre clustering is grouping Web
pages similar in content and structure into clusters of
genres (Santini, 2006). Most of the clustering
approaches in the literature are topic-based, which
takes the content of Web pages as the sole factor for
measuring similarity. Genres
extend the idea of
content to include the structure and
functionality of the document. In addition to
text-based clustering of documents,
Levering et
al. (2008) used HTML level features such as tags
and hypertext components to improve the accuracy
of clustering in a sample of online e-commerce
documents. In addition, visual features have been
investigated including the distribution of
components on the Web page as a distinguishing
factor of page genres.
Machine learning techniques have been utilized
for clustering and classifying genres for small
datasets such as in the work of Mason et al. (2009).
In their research, an n-gram based technique was
shown to provide high accuracy in genre
classification. SVM-based and a rule-based
classifiers were compared by Stubbe et al. (2007) to
investigate the effect of implicit and explicit user
feedback on incremental genre classification.
Levering et al. (2008) used a binary SVM classifier
to evaluate the use of different features in genre
classification. Accordingly, research has reached a
satisfactory level of accuracy in off-line
classification and clustering of Web documents.
Investigating the possibility of classifying and
clustering Web search results online during query
time has yet to be examined.
This research is aimed at creating groups of Web
pages to which Web search results will be compared
online during query time. These sets of Web pages
are called Web genre representatives. Web search
results will be compared and classified according to
their similarities to the representative sets. The
resulting clusters of Web search results will be
rendered to the user. The classification will use the
content of the document as well as the structure
which will be represented by surface features
(mainly the type of tags and their distribution on the
The research already started by selecting the
work of Santini (2006) to identify the main genres
on the Web. Although, the number of 23 genres that
have been identified by Santini (2006) may not be
inclusive, these genres are enough for investigating
the possibility of identifying Web genres among
search results during query time. Hence, improving
the process of Web information retrieval is
anticipated. Due to high similarities among the
genres identified in the Work of Santini (2006), the
number of genres in the research presented in this
paper was reduced to 20. Those genres are shown in
Table 1.
Following the process of genre identification, the
research intends to create a set of representative
Web documents for each genre. This will take place
by downloading Web pages that belong to different
genres and which were used in Santini (2006). The
key concept in this research is, however, deciding on
the number of Web pages that permits: first, a
satisfactory level of accuracy, and second, a
satisfactory classification time during query
answering. To determine adequate numbers of Web
pages for each genre, a repetitive process is needed.
Table 1: Types of Genres on the Web (taken from the
work of Santini (2006)).
No. Genre Comments
1 e-shop
2 personal home page
3 front page
4 search page
corporate home page OR
organization home page
6 FAQs Web page
7 splash screen
8 net ad
9 email OR mailing list merged
10 sitemap
11 hotlist
12 academic personal home page
13 about page
14 blog OR clog merged
15 search by multiple fields
16 online form
17 newsletter
18 howto page
19 online tutorial
20 magazine cover
The process will start by giving each genre a
limited number of pages to represent the genre itself.
The pages will be selected from two different
sources. The first is the KI-04 and the SPIRIT
collections (
Santini/). The second source is fundamentally
different and will use the 25 pages used in Santini
(2006). For each page, pages of the same category
will be downloaded and a collection of Web pages
will be created for each genre. The size of the
collection in the second approach will be as close as
possible to that of the KI-04 and the SPIRIT
The next step in the research will take a subset
from each genre-related group of pages and use it in
online classification. Classification will happen by
assigning Web search results to the closest genre
represented by any of the subsets. The similarity will
be computed between each Web page in the search
results and the subset (cluster) of pages that
represent a particular genre. Testing will take into
account single-link, complete-link, and centroid
approaches in measuring the closeness of a Web
page to each cluster. The similarity will be based on
the content (cosine similarity) and the structure of
pages, i.e. surface features as in the work of Santini
and Sharoff (2009).
Each document will be assigned a genre label
based on how similar it is to the set of documents
that represent a genre. The surface features that will
be used in measuring the similarity of Web
documents will include the type, number, and
distribution of tags on the Web page. This approach
has been shown to be very effective in genre-based
classification (Santini and Sharoff, 2009).
The process of assigning Web pages to genres
will be examined after each classification during the
testing stage. The accuracy of the classification of
Web pages will be measured. Every time, the
number of pages that represent a genre will be
increased and the accuracy will be tested. When the
experiment reaches a number of pages in each
representative set that satisfies high accuracy and
high satisfaction with the resulting clusters of Web
pages, the process stops. This holds for every genre.
The result of this entire process (shown in Figure 1)
is sets of 20 main genre representatives for online
classification and clustering of Web search results.
Figure 1: Research Approach.
From Santini (2006), twenty genres have been
selected for the purpose of this research. These
genres will be used in categorizing Web search
WEBIST 2011 - 7th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies
results. The process of creating a set of Web pages
that represents each of the genres is the next step in
the research. The process will result in clusters (sets)
of Web pages that resemble the content, the
structure, and the functionality of the corresponding
genres. Each set will go through several refinements
before it will be considered as a genre
representative. These refinements will be aimed at
minimizing the time required for achieving the
classification and clustering processes during query
time. In addition, the refinements will aim at
providing satisfactory levels of accuracy in the
After selecting Web genre representatives, the
research will aim at conducting a user study in
which the accuracy of genre-based classification will
be further investigated. The user engagement with
genre-based clustering as well as the effectiveness of
this approach will be investigated in the study. The
study will show the extent to which users will be
satisfied with genre-based clustering compared to
topical clustering and row presentations of Web
search results. Further research may be aimed at
more profound analysis of Web page genres to
include other subgenres.
Taking into consideration that Web genres may yield
more effective classification of Web documents
(Rosso, 2005), this research aims at investigating the
feasibility of classifying Web search results by
genres. The ultimate goal is to provide more
effective search results to the user. The remaining
stages of the research will involve creating Web
genre representatives of Web pages for the purpose
of classification. In addition, the clustering of Web
search results by genres will be investigated in a user
study that compares genre-based clustering to
topical clustering.
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