Hanae Yamazoe, Takashi Kawai
Global Information and Telecommunication Studies, Waseda University
1011 Okuboyama, Nishi-Tomida, Honjo-shi, Saitama , 367-0035, Japan
Masutomo Miyao
National Center for Child Health and Development, 2-10-1 Okura, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 157-8535, Japan
Keywords: Developmental Dyslexia, Chinese character, Kanji, Visual Cognition, Web-based Learning.
Abstract: A visual training device (the visual training tool) has been developed to assist in the recognition and
understanding of Chinese characters (Kanji). The visual training tool presents that strokes of a Kanji
character are separated and reconstructed. The visual training tool method was more effective than the
traditional Japanese teaching methods for learning Kanji among Japanese children with developmental
dyslexia (Yamazoe et al., 2008). In the present study, we developed and evaluated the web-based visual
training tool for Japanese children with developmental dyslexia. The findings of the present study indicate
that the web-based visual training tool is effective for Japanese children with developmental dyslexia to
memorize and to write Kanji strokes.
Developmental dyslexia is a specific impairment of
the ability to read and write which is neurobiological
in origin (Lyon et al., 2003). In some English-
speaking countries, dyslexia affects about 5 to 10
percent of the population (Shaywitz, 1996). It is a
phonological deficit characterized by difficulty in
associating spoken sounds (phonemes) as
represented in written language. One of the deficits
in children with developmental dyslexia involves the
ability to analyze component phonemes of words,
sometimes referred to as phonemic awareness.
Japanese writing system is very different from that
of English. Japanese researchers generally attribute
these reading and writing impairments among
children to visual processing problems (Uno &
Kamibayashi, 1998) rather than phonological
processing problems.
The Japanese writing system consists of two
qualitatively different scripts: Kanji and Kana. Kanji
is both logographic and morphographic and is
derived from Chinese characters. Kana consists of
two syllabic forms, Hiragana and Katakana, which
are derived from Kanji (Sampson, 1985). These
three scripts are used to write different classes of
words. The commonly used method for teaching
Japanese children involves the teacher
demonstrating the stroke order of the characters, and
then the children repeatedly write the same exact
stroke order. Kanji contains the largest amount of
characters among the three scripts. During the six
years of primary school education in Japan, children
are introduced to 1,006 different Kanji characters.
Each character of Kanji contains specific stroke
orders. On average, there are about 12 strokes in the
Kanji characters designated for common use in
Japan. The stroke order for Kanji characters is
generally fixed; therefore, it is very important for
children to learn the proper stroke order. Japanese
children with developmental dyslexia face a
monumental challenge of learning a large number of
kanji characters. Individuals with developmental
dyslexia have difficulties with separating Kanji
characters into components, patterns, or strokes.
Japanese children with developmental dyslexia
struggle with understanding the aggregated structure
Yamazoe H., Kawai T. and Miyao M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003327803860389
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 386-389
ISBN: 978-989-8425-49-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
of Japanese characters. These factors are believed to
contribute to impeding the acquisition of literacy
skills. Traditional Japanese teaching methods may
not be suitable for Japanese children with
developmental dyslexia. Japanese children with
developmental dyslexia have more problems writing
Kanji rather than reading Kanji.
Recently, computers have been used to assist
students with developmental disabilities to improve
their languages skills (Johnson et al.,1987; Torgesen
& Young, 1983). The widespread use of computers
in Japanese primary school education now enables
computer-assisted training in Japanese language
writing for children with developmental dyslexia.
Through computer-based teaching and learning,
children be able to effectively acquire various
language skills. While many computer-assisted
Kanji-learning systems are available in Japan
(Komori & Zimmerman, 2001; Takesue et al.,
2005), the most commonly used systems include: the
model character being displayed with the stroke
order information; or the stroke order of the Kanji
characters is animated. These system present two
challenges. First, they require the users to physically
write the Kanji characters while looking at the
model. The users must repeatedly write the
characters until they learn them. Second, the speed
of the animated Kanji characters cannot be adjusted,
which presents difficulty to individuals with
developmental dyslexia who have been shown to be
less sensitive to motion stimuli and psychophysical
integration (Raymond, 1998).
Studies have shown that people with
developmental dyslexia possess impressive talents in
various fields (Shaywitz, 2005). The authors of the
present study focused on one of those talents, which
is phenomenal visuo-spatial recognition ability (von
Károlyi et al., 2003). Children with developmental
dyslexia are able to recognize the structures of
hiragana characters much easier in a literacy
learning using visuo-spatial recognition (Yamazoe et
al., 2009). The authors have developed a visual
training device (visual training tool) to present Kanji
characters on a computer (Yamazoe et al., 2008) that
uses neither animated Kanji characters, nor writing
repetition. The visual training tool separates the
Kanji character into individual strokes, and then the
strokes are reconstructed (see Figure 1). The results
suggested the possibility of subdividing a Kanji
character as a tool for Japanese children with
developmental dyslexia to learn to write Kanji
characters (Yamazoe et al., 2008). The aim of this
study is to test the efficacy of web-based visual
training tool in the literacy learning of Kanji
characters. In the present study, we propose the
advantage of using the visual training tool with web-
based learning to assist Japanese children with
developmental dyslexia in learning Kanji characters.
2.1 Visual Training Tool
The visual training tool made for learning through
web-based. The user of a web browser is able to
request for Kanji leraning of web pages by accessing
the visual training tool site. Figure 1 shows the
visual training tool. Two sessions were prepared.
The first session displays the target Kanji
information, and the second sessions presents the
visual training (see Figure 1). The subject uses the
mouse to operate the control buttons on the screen.
In the first session, the subject learns how the
character is read, how many strokes are used, and
the context in which the character is used. The
numbers indicate the stroke order, and the arrows
display the brushstroke direction. In the second
session, the subject uses the mouse to drag and drop
the strokes into a square frame one by one to
reconstruct the character(see Figure 1 No.2, 3). The
correct answer is appeared by clicking the answer
button (see Figure 1 No.4) The subject repeats this
sequence five times. This repetition is intended to
enhance the subject’s memorization of the stroke
forms and positions. Adobe Flash CS4 was used to
create the visual training tool.
1 2
3 4
Figure 1: Visual training tool.
The panels represent the visual training tool used in this
study. The panels show an example of in
the visual training session.
2.2 Participants
One girl and two boys (Boy 1, Boy 2) with
developmental dyslexia (mean age = 10 years)
participated in this study. The children and their
parents agreed to participate in the study after being
given a brief description of the experiment. These
children had encountered difficulty learning to write
kanji using traditional Kanji teaching methods.
These children have above average intelligence
(participant mean full scale WISC IQ of 124,
SD=15.9), but they had not yet acquired the Kanji
writing skill level comparable to children of their
same grade. They could not write the Kanji
characters that were used in this experiment.
2.3 Experimental Setup
The experimental setup included a computer at home
for each participant to provide the means of
delivering the visual training tool online access.
Eight different Kanji characters were selected for
each child in this experiment (see Table 1). Each
participant had not previously mastered these Kanji
characters. Participants of a web browser are able to
request for the target Kanji characters of web pages
by accessing the experimental visual training tool
Table 1: Target Kanji characters for each participant.
Target Kanji characters
2.4 Procedure
This study consisted of three main parts: pre-test,
Kanji learning with the visual training tool, and post-
tests. The pre-test and post-tests assessed the ability
to write the target Kanji characters for each
participant. During the pre-test, the target Kanji
characters were read aloud and then the participants
were asked to write the characters. The second step
involved each participant learning the target Kanji
characters using the visual training tool with the
participant’s home computer. Participants learned
one Kanji character each week during two weekly
sessions for a period of eight weeks with the visual
training tool. In the post-tests, once again the target
Kanji characters were read aloud and the participants
were asked to write characters. The post-tests were
conducted one month after the experiment, and
again two months after the experiment. After the
post-tests, the participants were interviewed and then
provided several comments about the visual training
Figure 2 shows the results. The horizontal axis
represents the measure of writing skill, and the
vertical axis indicates the percentage of correct
answers. The girl who had no correct answers in the
pre-test scored 75 percent in both post-test 1 and
post-test 2 (i.e., answering six out of eight characters
correctly). Boy 1 who had no correct answers in the
pre-test scored 88 percent in post-test 1 (i.e.,
answering seven out of eight characters correctly),
and 75 percent in post-test 2 (i.e., answering six out
of eight characters correctly). Boy 2 who had no
correct answers in the pre-test scored 88 percent in
both post-test 1 and post-test 2 (i.e., answering seven
out of eight characters correctly). The effectiveness
of the proposed visual training tool was evaluated by
One-way ANOVA. The post-test1 and 2 were
significantly different from the pre-test (p < 0.01).
There was no significant difference between post-
test 1 and post-test 2. As a results, under the
conditions of the visual training tool after the pre-
test, all three participants showed a significant
improvement of correct answers in both post-test 1
and post-test 2. In the interview conducted after the
post-tests, the participants had several comments
about the visual training tool. The comments
include: “It was easier to learn Kanji with the visual
training tool than with traditional methods,” “I could
learn the structure of Kanji with the visual training
tool,” “It was fun learning Kanji with the visual
training tool,” and “I was able to memorize the
Kanji with the visual training tool.”
Figure 2: Percentage of correct answers for each participant.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The purposes of the present study were to evaluate:
1) the advantage of using the visual training tool for
teaching Kanji characters; and 2) the effectiveness of
the visual training tool for retaining Kanji characters
in the long-term memory (eight weeks) of Japanese
children with developmental dyslexia. Figure 2
shows that the percentage of correct answers was a
significantly higher in both post-test 1 and post-test
2. The data suggest that subdividing the strokes of
the Kanji characters and then reconstructing the
strokes reinforce the memorization of Kanji
characters. The improvement of their long-term
memory (eight weeks) was attributed to the web-
based training method of retrieving and
reconstructing the stroke order. This method not
only improves acquisition of Kanji but also it is
more enjoyable for children with developmental
Stromer et al. (1996) studied the effectiveness of
a computer-based word construction procedure to
teach spelling to the individuals with mental
retardation and hearing impairments. In their study,
the subjects were first instructed to match sample
pictures with the correct printed words, and then
reconstructed the correct word by selected the letters
from a ten-letter anagram. Stromer et al. reported
that the subjects improved not only their anagram
spelling but also their writing performance as well.
The present visual training tool study confirmed the
results of the Stromer et al study; i.e., web-based
procedures are useful for teaching Kanji as well as
the alphabet.
The present study demonstrated the effectiveness
of the visual training tool to retain Kanji characters
in long-term memory (eight weeks). To further
improve the visual training tool, the authors are
currently planning to evaluate the potential of
longer-term memory (over eight weeks) of Kanji
characters for Japanese children with developmental
dyslexia. We also plan to investigate the
effectiveness of the visual training tool on Chinese
children with developmental dyslexia and foreign
students of Japanese as a second language.
This research was partially supported by the Japan
Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and the
Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows. The authors are
grateful to the participants for their involvement in
these experiments.
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