Ozbal and Carlo Strapparava
FBK-Irst, Via Sommarive 18, 38050, Povo-Trento, Italy
Second language learning, Vocabulary acquisition, Keyword method, Latent semantic analysis, Levenshtein
distance, Text animation.
Vocabulary acquisition is a very important step for learning a new language. On the other hand, many learners
find this step difficult and time consuming. Several vocabulary teaching methods try to facilitate this step with
various verbal and visual tips. However, the preparation of these tips generally necessitates a huge amount
of time, money and human labor. In this paper, we propose to exploit Natural Language Processing driven
creativity to develop an automatic system for task of vocabulary teaching. This system can automatically
generate memorization tips for the words which users would like to memorize. The preliminary results are
promising and motivating for further investigation, since they show that our approach can be quite effective on
the related task.
Linguistic creativity is a characteristic property of a
natural language and it can be defined in many ways.
However, we can focus on the definition of (CALC-
09, 2009): “Creative language usage at different lev-
els from the lexicon to syntax, to discourse and text”.
Although only very little primary research was
conducted up to the beginning of 21st century (Za-
wada, 2005), linguistic creativity is recently a popu-
lar and challenging research topic for several Natu-
ral Language Processing (NLP) tasks including sen-
timent analysis, text summarization, information re-
trieval, machine translation, and question answering.
Creativity-aware systems are expected to enhance the
contribution of Computational Linguistics to several
practical areas such as education, engineering, and
entertainment (CALC-09, 2009). Throughout this pa-
per, we will focus on developing a system which auto-
matically applies linguistic creativity to the education
area, or more specifically, vocabulary acquisition in a
second language.
Many books, online courses and software pro-
grams provide a long vocabulary list to teach the vo-
cabulary of a language. Learners usually spend a lot
of time and effort to memorize these lists by heart, and
they find this process tedious and boring since learn-
ers find it difficult to fix all the words in memory one
by one. For these reasons, these kinds of vocabulary
lists are not very effective in many cases.
Various methods aim to facilitate the memoriza-
tion process to teach the vocabulary of a foreign lan-
guage. A very commonly used method is represent-
ing the meaning of the new word with related im-
ages and/or animations to help the learner to build
a connection between the visual and verbal mem-
ory. Another popular method called the keyword or
linkword method links the translation of the target
word to one or more keywords in the native language
which are phonologically or lexically similar to the
target word.(Sagarra and Alba, 2006) To illustrate, for
teaching the Italian word tenda which means curtain
in English, the learners are asked to imagine “rubbing
a TENDER part of their leg with a CURTAIN”.
These methods have been proven to be successful
in many cases and helpful for learners. Accordingly,
a considerable number of language books and soft-
ware systems use them. However, since all visual and
verbal tips are designed manually, a huge amount of
time, labor and creativity is required for their prepa-
In this paper, we will present a fully automatized
system which automatically produces memorization
tips for each target word the user wants to memorize.
These tips consist of keywords, sentences, colors, an-
imations and images.
Özbal G. and Strapparava C..
DOI: 10.5220/0003330300790087
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 79-87
ISBN: 978-989-8425-49-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. In
Section 2, we will provide an overview of the current
approaches using the keyword method to teach the
vocabulary of foreign languages. We will also sum-
marize state of the art in the research areas related to
our study. In Section 3, we will make a detailed de-
scription of our system. Finally, in Section 4, we will
outline the possible future work and draw our conclu-
In this section, we will focus on the non-automatic
methods used for vocabulary teaching, as well as state
of the art in research areas related to our study.
2.1 Non-automatic Vocabulary
Teaching Methods
The study introduced by (Sagarra and Alba, 2006)
compares the effectiveness of three learning methods
including the semantic mapping (i.e. creating a dia-
gram with words in the first language which are se-
mantically related to the new word in the second lan-
guage), rote memorization (i.e. memorizing the trans-
lation of the new word in the second language by re-
hearsal) and keyword method on beginner learners of
a second language. Their results show that using the
keyword method with phonological keywords and di-
rect links between the keyword and translation leads
to better learning of second language vocabulary for
(Sommer and Gruneberg, 2002) introduces a soft-
ware using the keyword method for teaching French
to 13-year-old students as a complementary learning
aid. The main finding of this study is that students
find this method easier and faster than conventional
Currently, the keyword method is still very com-
monly in use by many vocabulary teaching systems:
As an example, “The Italian for FROG
is RANA. Imagine you RAN A mile after
seeing a scary FROG. can be visualized on demos/
italian/it-example01.htm. Here, the two keywords
ran and a are used to represent the target word rana
whose translation is frog. To help the learner build a
semantic relationship between the keywords and the
translation, a sentence is also provided.
y-techniques-italian-vocabulary.html, it is asserted
that if a funny association is created between the
translation and the keywords, the target word will be
remembered forever. As an example, for the Italian
target word pollo of which English translation is
chicken, a funny association is built with polo such as
“Imagine a group of chickens playing polo together,
listen to them cackling (fare coccode’, we say in
Italian), imagine them moving forth and back in a
polo stadium.”.
On, the pro-
nunciation of the Italian word uccello, which means
bird in English, is divided into two smaller pieces:
you and cello. Then, the association between the key-
words is established with the sentence “Imagine the
conductor in an animal orchestra saying to a BIRD:
YOU CELLO, me conductor.“
Lastly, (Duyar, 2001) builds homogeneous as-
sociations from English to English and associates
words from Turkish and English by using the keyword
method. For instance, the sentence A sausage can
lessen my hunger” is created for the target word as-
suage where the visual link words are a and sausage.
In this paper, our main focus will be the task of
automatizing the generation of all these kinds of as-
2.2 Latent Semantic Analysis
While generating keywords, we should take into ac-
count the semantic similarity of words as well as the
lexical and pronunciation similarity. In addition, we
need to consider meanings of keywords to be able to
generate sentences containing them. Furthermore, we
should calculate affective meanings of words to build
colorful animations. Lastly, for the retrieval of an im-
age for a target word, we have to build semantic as-
sociations with this word and candidate images. For
all these reasons, we have the necessity to analyze se-
mantics of texts at different levels of granularity.
Measures of word and text similarity have been
used for a long time in NLP applications (Budanit-
sky and Hirst, 2006). Many knowledge-based and
corpus-based methodologies and metrics have been
developed. For our research, we exploit latent seman-
tic analysis (LSA) (Deerwester et al., 1990) which is
a corpus-based measure of semantic similarity. The
main idea behind LSA is that two concepts co-occur
in the same texts with high frequency when they are
associated in common sense knowledge.
LSA uses a sparse document-term matrix whose
rows correspond to documents and whose columns
correspond to terms. The value of each entry is typ-
ically a term frequency-inverse document frequency
(tf-idf), which is proportional to the number of times
the term appears in the matrix and offset by the fre-
quency of the term in the corpus, so that rare terms
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
are promoted to reflect their relative importance.
LSA applies the singular value decomposition
(SVD) technique on the original matrix to obtain a
low-rank approximation. At the end of this process,
each document and term are represented by a vector
with a much lower dimension than the total number
of words, so that documents and terms with simi-
lar meaning are close in the low-dimensional space.
Thus, LSA can be viewed as a way to overcome some
of the drawbacks of the standard vector space model
(sparseness and high dimensionality).
The similarity in the resulting vector space is mea-
sured with the standard cosine similarity. It can be
also noted that LSA yields a vector space model that
allows for a homogeneous representation (and hence
comparison) of words, word sets, and texts. For ex-
ample, in order to represent word sets and texts by
means of an LSA vector in the present work, we have
used a variation of the pseudo-document methodol-
ogy described in (Berry, 1992).
(Strapparava and Valitutti, 2004) proposes a vari-
ation of Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) to calcu-
late the similarities between terms and documents, in
which a term-frequency/inverse document frequency
(tf-idf) weighting schema is used. For the representa-
tion of a document, the normalized LSA vectors of all
the terms inside are summed up.
(Strapparava and Mihalcea, 2008) compares sev-
eral algorithms for the SEMEVAL 2007 task on affec-
tive learning. According to the proposed approach, it
is possible to represent an emotion at least in three
different ways. The first one is the vector of the word
that denotes the emotion itself (shortly named as LSA
single word). The other is achieved by representing
the synset of the emotion (shortly named as LSA emo-
tion synset). The last one also adds the words in all the
synsets which are labeled with the emotion in ques-
tion, in addition to the previous set (shortly named as
LSA all emotion words). Among these three ways,
LSA all emotion words model provides the highest re-
call and F-measure, in terms of coarse grained evalu-
(Strapparava et al., 2007b) automatically detects
the affective meaning of texts in order to animate the
words inside. WordNet-Affect is used for obtaining
direct affective words and synsets. An LSA mecha-
nism is used as a selection function, which provides
the semantic affinity between a concept and an emo-
tion. After obtaining the affective load of a sentence,
the words which are most similar to emotional con-
cepts are selected. The resulting affective meaning is
conveyed through an animation.
(Strapparava et al., 2007a) extends this study by
exploring its effectiveness in advertisement produc-
tion. The proposed system converts familiar textual
expressions to affective variations based on lexical se-
mantic techniques, and animates them according to
their affective contents.
(Valitutti et al., 2008) focuses on generating af-
fective advertising headlines. The proposed work is
mainly based on creative variations of familiar ex-
pressions with LSA.
2.3 Text based Image Retrieval
(Borman et al., 2005) underlines the fact that associa-
tions between meanings of words and their visual rep-
resentations can have a positive impact on language
learning especially for children and people with lan-
guage disorders. Accordingly, it focuses on adding
visual representations to machine readable dictionary
entries in order to build illustrated semantic networks
which encode word/image associations. To achieve
this, images collected from and validated by online
users are integrated with the use of automated im-
age extraction techniques through image meta-search.
Synset/image associations are based on user uploads,
user free association, system guesses, or initial auto-
mated seeding.
(Hayashi et al., 2009) proposes a cross-language
image search system which exploits Google image
search to collect images for translation candidates.
The main goal of this study is to improve the selection
of correct translations for a query term. Even though
the method proposed did not conduct any image sense
disambugiation, an improvement was obtained on the
task of query term selection.
(Mihalcea and Leong, 2008) underlines the ben-
efits of the usage of pictorial representations to con-
vey information for people who study a foreign lan-
guage especially for children. Accordingly, a system
is proposed to automatically produce pictorial rep-
resentations for simple sentences. This is achieved
by determining meanings of words with a sense tag-
ger and identifying pictorial representations for each
noun and verb with the system proposed in (Borman
et al., 2005).
(Fujii and Ishikawa, 2005) states that existing
search engines such as Google cannot handle poly-
semy for image retrieval. It proposes a method to as-
sociate images on the Web to encyclopedic term de-
scriptions for specific word senses. This method uses
text in HTML files as a pseudo-caption of the image
based on a term-weighting method.
(Fujita and Nagata, 2010) proposes a method to
provide appropriate images for each word sense. Can-
didate images are collected from the web and queries
for minor senses are expanded using synonyms and
The vocabulary teaching system we propose is called
MEANS, which stands for “Moving Effective As-
sonances for Novice Students”. The interface of
MEANS can be implemented in different ways. In
the simplest case, users can make a query through the
user interface to request memory tips for a word. Af-
ter the submission of this query, the system provides
several memorization tips including keywords, sen-
tences, colorful animations and images, together with
the translation and pronunciation of the target word.
As an alternative, it can also be implemented as an
add-on for a web explorer, so that users can right click
on any word on a web page for which they want to re-
trieve memory hints. In the current implementation,
the system supports teaching Italian to English speak-
ing students. However, it can easily be extended to
support other language pairs.
The system mainly consists of four modules:
i) Selecting keywords ii) Generating sentences iii)
Building and selecting colorful animations iv) Re-
trieving and selecting images. In this section, we will
give information about the current design and imple-
mentation of these modules.
When a user makes a word query through the user
interface, the system first selects the most appropriate
keywords from a corpus consisting of the most fre-
quent words in the language already known. Accord-
ingly, another query including these keywords and
the translation of the target word is made against the
web. Then, a selection mechanism is carried out to
select the best among the candidates. The keywords
and translation are animated with appropriate colors
mainly according to the emotion they convey. Lastly,
the most suitable image representing the target word
is retrieved from the web.
3.1 Selecting Keywords
The main role of this module is to automatically cre-
ate appropriate keywords for each target word the
learner is willing to memorize. In order to achieve
this, both the lexical and pronunciation similarity of
candidate words with the target word are taken into
account. After the list of candidate keywords are ob-
tained, a selection mechanism is applied on this list to
determine the most appropriate keyword(s).
For the task of building the list of keywords for a
target word, we preferred to restrict candidate key-
words to be as simple and frequent as possible in-
stead of using a whole dictionary. In fact, providing
much more difficult keywords than the target word
would not make much sense for the sake of facilitat-
ing the memorization process. Accordingly, we have
used a collection of 6000 most frequently used En-
glish words (Insightin, 2010). This collection basi-
cally uses search engine index databases and it was
created by calculating the ranks of word frequencies
by running the list of words in the WordNet dictio-
nary database against words frequently used in search
engine queries from 2002 to 2003.
3.1.1 Lexical Similarity
Lexical similarity can be defined as a measure of the
degree to which the word sets of two given languages
are lexically similar (Lewis, 2009). Among the dif-
ferent possible distance metrics which can be applied
for calculating the lexical similarity between the tar-
get word and the candidate words, we have chosen the
Levenshtein distance. Note that this notion is differ-
ent from the semantic similarity related to the LSA
methodology, which is a metric to measure the like-
ness of the meaning/semantic content of terms.
The Levenshtein distance is a metric for measur-
ing the amount of difference between two sequences,
and the Levenshtein distance between two strings is
defined as the minimum number of edits required for
the transformation of one string into the other. The al-
lowable edit operations for this transformation are in-
sertion, deletion, or substitution of a single character
(Levenshtein, 1966). For example, the Levenshtein
distance between “kitten” and “sitting” is 3, since the
following three edits change one into the other, and
there is no way to do it with fewer than three edits:
kitten sitten (substitution of ‘k’ with s’), sitten
sittin (substitution of ‘e’ with ‘i’), sittin sitting (in-
sertion of ‘g’ to the end).
The process of finding lexically similar keyword
candidates for a target word can be summarized as
the following:
First, a list of substring pairs are produced by split-
ting the target word at all possible positions. Thereby,
a total number of configurations equal to the length
of the target word are produced. Each configuration
contains either one or two substrings. (e.g. for the
target word libro, possible substrings would be: libro,
l and ibro, li and bro, lib and ro, and lastly libr and o.)
Afterwards, the set of words in the corpus which
minimize the Levenshtein distance is calculated for
each substring. Among this set, the system selects the
word which maximizes the total number of common
consecutive letters at the beginning if the calculation
is for the first part, at the end if the calculation is for
the second part, and both at the beginning and end if
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Table 1: Example keywords obtained using lexical similar-
Substrings Keywords
First Second First Second
- libro - liar
l ibro la into
li bro lip brown
lib ro lip rot
libr o liar of
the calculation is for the whole target word.
This last criterion regarding the number of com-
mon consecutive letters is based on the locomotive
factor defined by (Duyar, 2001) which states that the
beginning and ending sounds of a word behave like
locomotives, and the sounds in the middle are like
wagons following the locomotives. Therefore, the
storage of a foreign word in the memory is mostly
related to triggering the locomotive-like parts of that
At the end of all these processes, either a keyword
or a keyword pair is obtained for each configuration.
All these keywords have the common property that
they are lexically the most similar words either to the
substrings of the target word or to the target word as
a whole. Following the previous example, the key-
words obtained for the target word libro can be found
in Table 1.
3.1.2 Pronunciation Similarity
In addition to lexical similarity, the system also takes
into account pronunciation similarity for the selection
of keywords. In order to achieve this, two phonetic
recources consisting of one for English and one for
Italian are used.
As the English phonetic resource, the CMU Pro-
nouncing Dictionary (Lenzo, 2010) has been chosen.
This dictionary is a machine-readable pronunciation
dictionary for North American English which con-
tains over 125,000 words and their transcriptions. It
has mappings from words to their pronunciations in
the given phoneme set. The current phoneme set con-
tains 39 phonemes, for which the vowels may carry
lexical (primary and secondary) stress. From this dic-
tionary, we retrieved the pronunciation of the most
frequent English words as found in the aforemen-
tioned collection.
As for the Italian phonetic resource, we obtained
the phonetic transcription of Italian words through the
use of a morphological engine developed by our re-
search unit. This engine is able to decompose a given
word into sequences of morphemes: more than 100k
morphemes assure a good coverage of Italian texts.
Table 2: Example keywords obtained using pronunciation
Substrings Keywords
First Second First Second
- libro - lip
l ibro low hero
li bro lip broke
lib ro lip row
libr o lip oh
Each morpheme is associated to its meta-
transcription, which is an intermediate representation
that can evolve in different ways, depending on
the adjacent morphemes. Words which cannot
be decomposed are processed by a rule-based
grapheme-to-phoneme engine.
In order to calculate the distance between pronun-
ciations of words, Levenshtein distance is used in a
similar way to the calculation of the lexical similarity,
except with some relaxations. For the lexical similar-
ity, Levenshtein distance expects any two letters be-
ing compared to be exactly the same for a score of
0, whereas for pronunciation similarity a set of letter
pairs including b-p, d-t, v-f, g-k, s-z are also consid-
ered as a match. In addition, since the two dictionaries
use different standards for representing phonemes, we
had to apply several mappings between them. It must
be also noted that, the information regarding syllables
and stresses are ignored in the current version of the
At the end of the calculations, either a keyword or
a keyword pair is obtained for each configuration. To
illustrate, the keywords obtained for the target word
libro can be found in Table 2.
3.1.3 Selection Mechanism
After all candidate keywords are calculated by using
either lexical or pronunciation similarity, a prepara-
tion step takes place. During this step, a morphologi-
cal analysis is conducted to construct a list of all pos-
sible part of speech (POS) information for each key-
word. Afterwards, for each possible POS, a list of
possible domains are found. We exploit WORDNET-
DOMAINS as a resource to have a feasible list of se-
mantic domains (Magnini and Cavagli
a, 2000). In
particular, we use a subset of the domain labels. This
subset was selected empirically to allow a sensible
level of abstraction without losing much relevant in-
formation, overcoming data sparseness for less fre-
quent domains (Magnini et al., 2002). In the LSA
space we check the similarity among keywords and
domain names. After this step, a latent semantic anal-
ysis is performed to find the LSA similarity of the
keyword with the translation of the target word. In
the present work, we have used an LSA space built on
the full British National Corpus limiting the number
of dimensions to 400 for the dimensionality reduc-
tion. BNC is a very large (over 100 million words)
corpus of both spoken and written modern English,
(BNC-Consortium, 2000). Other more specific cor-
pora could also be considered to obtain a more do-
main oriented similarity.
After the LSA similarity between the keyword and
the translation is calculated, the following selection
mechanism is carried out among the candidates to
choose the most appropriate one(s) for each target
1. According to whether the candidate has been cre-
ated by considering lexical or pronunciation simi-
larity, the same type of similarity between the tar-
get word and the concatenation of the keywords
are calculated. Let us call this distance the overall
2. In order to select keywords with better quality
among the ones having the same overall distance,
a higher priority is given to the ones whose dis-
tances to the related target substrings are more ho-
mogeneous. To this end, each keyword distance is
normalized dividing it by the length of the corre-
sponding substring. Then, the standard deviation
of the sequence of normalized distances is mea-
3. To differentiate the keywords which are seman-
tically very similar to the translation of the target
word, a threshold distance value (0.75), which has
been determined empirically, is used. As a future
work, we plan to use a more systematic approach
for setting this parameter by employing a labeled
set of data. If one of the keywords has an LSA
distance larger than this threshold, a flag called
big lsa is set to true.
4. The number of common domains between the
keyword(s) and the translation of the target word
is found. Let us call this number the number of
common domains.
5. In accordance with the previous calculations,
the order of priorities used while analyzing
each configuration is the following: less overall
distancepronunciation similarityless stan-
dard deviationbig lsanumber of common
At the end of this process, the most appropriate key-
word(s) for representing the target word is (are) ob-
3.2 Generating Sentences
This module is responsible for providing the learner
with a sentence containing both the set of keywords
and the translation of the target word. The main goal
here is helping the user to build a semantic relation-
ship between the keywords and the translation.
Following that intention, two types of queries are
executed against Google by using Google API. The
first aims to retrieve the sentences containing the key-
words and the translation whose positions in the sen-
tence are all next to each other by trying every pos-
sible permutation. If no results are retrieved after the
first attempt, a more relaxed query without the posi-
tion restriction is executed.
The system uses another selection mechanism to
provide the most appropriate sentence among all can-
didates. As a preparation process, all sentences are
cleaned and POS-tagged, and then the LSA similarity
of the translation word with the candidates are calcu-
lated. The highest priority is given to the sentences
retrieved by the first query type. In case of an equiv-
alence, the one in which the keywords and the trans-
lation are less distant from each other in total is pre-
ferred. If another equivalence occurs, the shorter sen-
tence is selected.
Below, we list examples of system decisions for a
sample of target words: porta, cane, tirare, occupato.
Target Word: Porta
Translation: Door
Keywords: port - a
Sentence: To establish a connection (to get into your
house) intruders need to find A PORT (DOOR) that
is open.
Target Word: Cane
Translation: Dog
Keywords: can - a
Sentence: CAN A DOG smile?
Target Word: Occupato
Translation: Busy
Keywords: occupy - to
Sentence: She has returned to work and I encourage
her to keep herself BUSY TO OCCUPY her time.
Our current approach has a low recall since it is
not always possible to retrieve a sentence matching
all the constraints. We discuss the possible solutions
to overcome this limitation in Section 4.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Figure 1: An example text animation representing anger.
3.3 Building and Selecting Colorful
For the sake of attracting attention and helping learn-
ers to build a connection between words and their af-
fective meanings, we use text animation. This mod-
ule is generally inspired by the study represented in
(Strapparava et al., 2007b). However, the design of
the animations and the package used to build these
animations differ from this study. In addition, while
(Strapparava et al., 2007b) can be considered as a
proof of concept which underlines the fact that words
can be vitalized automatically, to our knowledge, we
are the first to explore this idea from a more applica-
tive point of view.
During the design, we have created five different
animations in total: four for representing affective
texts and one for neutral (non-affective) texts. The
emotional categories which we have focused on are
anger, sadness, joy and fear. The design of the anima-
tions has been inspired by animated emoticons repre-
senting these emotions on the web.
Accordingly, anger is built on jittering and scal-
ing up both in the x and y coordinates, whereas fear
only consists of a continuous jittering in the x coor-
dinate. Joy is a combination of a hop in the y coordi-
nate, a scale up both in the x and the y coordinates and
an oscillation accompanied by a rotation. Sadness is
based on a slow negative change in the y coordinate in
addition to a scaling up. Lastly for animating a neu-
tral text, a continuous scaling up and down is used.
Although the whole effect of an animation cannot be
conveyed by a static image, Figure 1 shows an exam-
ple of a text animated with anger.
In order to represent emotions of texts with ap-
propriate colors, we rely on the results of the psy-
cholinguistic experiments reported in (Kaya, 2004).
This study investigates and discusses the associa-
tions between colors and emotions by conducting ex-
periments where college students are asked to indi-
cate their emotional responses to principal, interme-
diate and achromatic colors, and the reasons for their
choices. We have analyzed the frequencies of emo-
tional reactions given to each color and picked the
most frequent one for each color. Accordingly, we
have chosen the color red for representing anger,
black for fear, yellow for joy, gray for sadness, and
dark gray for the neutral text.
After a sentence is selected for a specific target
word, the lexical affective semantic similarity met-
ric is used to find out which emotional categories the
translation of the target word and the keywords be-
long to. Affective similarity is measured using the
‘LSA Emotion synset’ method proposed in (Strappa-
rava and Mihalcea, 2008). In this method, the LSA
vector representing an emotion is simply the sum of
the vectors which correspond to the words in the same
WordNet synset.
Among the possible emotional categories, the
most dominant one (i.e. the one with the highest
score) is selected. Then, the animation and color de-
signed for the dominant emotion is used to animate
the translation and keywords. Thereby, we try to trig-
ger both the verbal and visual memory of the learner,
thus increasing the chance that the target word and its
translation will be learned more easily and in a shorter
3.4 Retrieving and Selecting Images
Other than providing a set of keywords and a sentence
with animated text, the system also displays an image
representing the target word. This image is retrieved
from the web automatically by using Google API to
query the image service of Google with the translation
of the target word.
With the execution of each query, 24 results are
obtained. The most suitable one among them is cho-
sen with the help of a selection mechanism based on
text-based image retrieval. First the content informa-
tion of the image is POS tagged. Then, in order to
select the most similar image semantically, the LSA
similarity of each image with the translation is calcu-
lated. Accordingly, the image with the highest score
is presented to the learner.
In this paper, we have described a vocabulary teach-
ing system which automatically produces memoriza-
tion tips using state of the art NLP and IR techniques.
Since all visual and verbal aids used to teach a vocab-
ulary are designed manually with current approaches,
building the necessary memorization tips for each
new word requires many resources such as time, la-
bor and creativity. Our main goal is to develop a real-
world application available as a web-service to make
the preparation of such resources much easier.
In its current design and implementation, given a
target word, our system is able to produce keywords,
retrieve related sentences and images from the web
and generate colorful animations.
The preliminary results show that our approach
can be quite effective on the related task. This study
can be considered as a proof of concept for the idea
and we are encouraged to further explore several is-
sues for future work.
As technical improvements, we would like to
exploit resources using the same standard for the
phoneme representation, so that we do not have to
apply a mapping mechanism for the calculation of
pronunciation similarity. As an other improvement,
we want to take into consideration phonemes instead
of letters, and the information regarding syllables and
stresses, and investigate whether the performance can
be improved in this way. In addition, we can inves-
tigate the effect of using interval values for relaxed
matches during the calculation of pronunciation simi-
larity. We are aware that sentences retrieved from the
web with our current technique are not reliable all the
time. For instance, they might contain inappropriate
content for students. However, we are assured that
reliability is a crucial issue in an e-learning environ-
ment especially for children. As a possible solution,
we would like to explore the impact of conducting a
domain control with LSA.
Next, for handling the cases in which no sentences
containing the keywords and the translation are re-
trieved, we plan to explore the effect of applying lexi-
cal substitution on sentences containing one or two of
the query words. However, this is a challenging prob-
lem since we have to make sure that the new sentence
conforms to the grammar rules.
Regarding images, we would like to improve our
method to discriminate images with different senses
for the same query word. Since LSA uses a low-
dimensional representation for terms, terms with sim-
ilar meanings are close in the low-dimensional space,
and the representation of meaning is with better qual-
ity in comparison to a traditional vector space method.
Accordingly, we can handle polysemy by using the
synset information in the query to disambiguate the
text information of images in the low-dimensional
space. Second, we plan to conduct experiments on
the effect of using different texts related to the image
such as the title, content or other pieces of text occur-
ring in the page containing the image.
To evaluate the performance of the overall system,
we are going to convert our prototype to an online
service and collect user feedback for further improve-
ments. More specifically, we will ask users whether
the memory tips have been useful for the memoriza-
tion so that we can find out which modules have a
bigger impact on the learning process. Additionally,
users will be able to rate the tips. For instance, they
will be able to state whether the selected keywords
are appropriate, or the sentence is meaningful and/or
humorous, or the displayed image conveys the mean-
ing of the target word. In addition to the online feed-
back, we are also considering to conduct more spe-
cific experiments in which we will host subjects in a
closed environment. We will provide a subset of these
subjects with memorization tips for a set of words in
a language which they were not exposed to before,
while traditional methods will be used to teach the
same vocabulary to the rest. At the end of this pro-
cess, we will make a vocabulary test to investigate the
impact of our method and make a comparison with
traditional methods.
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