Kairit Tammets, Kai Pata and Mart Laanpere
Centre for Educational Technology, Institute of Informatics, Tallinn University, Narva road 25, Tallinn, Estonia
Keywords: Accreditation, Teacher development, e-Portfolio, Competence management, Learning path.
Abstract: This paper focuses on the process of accreditation of in-service teachers’ competences, which is used in
some countries as career advancement option within profession. The accreditation process of senior teachers
in Estonia is somewhat different compared with other countries, as the next career rank can be granted to an
applicant only if she/he meets a number of formal measurable indicators. The higher career rank is valid just
for five years, then it has to be re-applied or else teacher falls back to previous rank and salary level. We
argue that current accreditation process does not support teachers’ lifelong learning and knowledge building
activities and does not make use of new technology (e.g. e-portfolio). Empirical study was conducted using
participatory design method involving in-service teachers. The first iteration of design-based research
process resulted with an alternative scenario for competence-based accreditation process involving use of
digital portfolio. The paper also provides a conceptual model for learning and knowledge building with e-
portfolio to support the new scenario of teachers’ accreditation process.
According to (Hargreaves, 2000) we are at a
crossroad for teachers’ professionalism and
professional learning at the beginning of this
century. One possible future scenario leads to
diminished professionalism of teachers due to
regulations, another scenario calls to maintaining
and pursuing professionalism through teachers
participation. One option to promote teachers’
professional growth is to provide an innovative
learning and knowledge building model for teacher
accreditation processes. (Bereiter and Scardamalia ,
2003) define learning as an internal and practically
unobservable process that results in changes of
beliefs, attitudes, or skills. In contrast, knowledge
building is defined as individual and social
constructive process of creating new
public/shareable cognitive artifacts, which reflect the
formation of various forms of knowledge by
individuals, groups and organizations (Bereiter &
Scardamalia, 2003). In the context of this study, we
refer to Learning and Knowledge Building together,
using the acronym LKB. Such model serves not only
as the extrinsic motivator to advance their career, but
also contains intrinsic motivators for planning and
maintaining personal competence development.
Several terms are used for teacher evaluation,
such as teacher certification, accreditation and
attestation. Certification is usually referring at the
initial evaluation of teacher’s professional
competences in the beginning of professional career.
Teacher certification and licensing systems exist to
assure the public that practicing teachers have
achieved a minimum level of competency, thereby
ensuring that unqualified people are not practicing
the profession (Heine, 2006). Teacher accreditation
can be seen as a procedure for regulating career
advancement within profession (Helleve, 2009) and/
or for justifying the decision for experienced
teachers’ salary increase (Männamaa, 2005).
In this paper we focus mainly on accreditation
process for experienced teachers, which supports the
professional development and career opportunities
of educators. This type of accreditation enables to
periodically evaluate the efficiency of their work and
conformity to the requirements of their rank on the
basis of self- and external assessment. ‘The Common
European Principles for Teacher Competencies and
Qualifications’ (2005) outlines a vision of an
European teaching profession and according to this,
teachers are expected to be lifelong learners who
continue their professional development, learning
and knowledge-building (LKB), throughout their
Tammets K., Pata K. and Laanpere M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003344102800289
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 280-289
ISBN: 978-989-8425-50-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In this study we explore the in-service teachers in
Estonian context. The Estonian Teachers’
Qualification Standard’ emphasizes the importance
of facilitating teachers’ attitudes and understandings
to be reflective practitioners and lifelong learners.
The Estonian teacher is responsible for his or her
own professional development and for identifying
and planning personal learning needs (Eisenschmidt
& Löfström 2008).
This study focuses on three research questions:
What are the most critical gaps and
controversies in current in-service teacher
accreditation policy in Estonia?
How these gaps and controversies can be
addressed by switching to portfolio-based
accreditation of teachers’ competences?
Which additional functionalities should be
developed to the existing e-portfolio environment in
order to support teachers’ accreditation process in
accordance with developed LKB model?
Accreditation has been described as a public
statement that a certain threshold of quality has been
achieved or surpassed (Campell et al., 2000). In the
context of our study, teacher accreditation is defined
as a process of raising the career rank within the
profession and which is based on external and
internal evaluation. Accreditation can be based on
qualification- or competence standards. Yet, there
are critics, who find that standards are not the best
possible solutions to evaluate teachers’ performance.
Thomas and Schubert (2001) believe that
professional standards not only promote the
“bureaucratization of teaching” but also skew the
nation’s ability to distinguish a quality teacher. For
example Lee & Owens (2001) have pointed that
there is a strong need for including performance
tasks with licensure tests to measure teachers’
The research conducted in the area of
competences points out the wide diversity of the
available definitions. It appears that there is no
commonly agreed-upon definition of competence
concept in the existing literature (Sampson & Fytros
2008). Competences are proved to be a critical tool
in human resource management, vocational training
and performance management. Sampson & Fytros
(2008) define competences as personal
characteristics (e.g. skills, knowledge, attitudes) that
an individual possesses or needs to acquire, in order
to perform an activity within a specific context,
whereas performance may range from the basic level
of proficiency to the highest levels of excellence.
Although, there might be an argument that
accreditation is more about minimum standards (be
they academic, competence, service or
organizational (Harvey, 1999), than about the
quality of the process, still the accreditation
decisions are, or at least should be, based on
transparent agreed, pre-defined standards or criteria
(Sursock, 2000).
Different countries have different requirements
for teacher accreditation, and there is no common
approach to evaluate teachers’ achievements. Many
countries have established professional qualification
or competency standards for teachers. There are also
different approaches to accreditation procedures, -
body of responsibilities, and set of criteria. For
example in Australia, the responsible body and the
standards are on state level, whereas in United
Kingdom, an executive non-departmental public
body is responsible for accreditation, and teachers
must meet standards for Qualified Teacher Status
(QTS). QTS is organized in three sections
(Professional Values and Practices, Knowledge and
Understanding, and Teaching). The United States
accredits teaching profession using school-
independent professional standards developed and
assessed by The National Board for Professional
Teaching Standards (NBPTS) - a non-profit and
non-partisan organization, where the most members
are teachers. Also, The National Council for
Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), from
US, accredits teacher education. The process is
based on six standards, where two of them measure
teacher candidates’ performance. And the standards
for knowledge, skills, and dispositions, the
assessment system, and unit evaluation address the
expectations set for the learning process and its final
outcomes (Wise, 2005). The role of technology in
NCATE accreditation is increasingly prevalent, and
it is expected that technology will be more in use in
assessment, planning, and evaluation (NCATE,
2006). Described ways to support teacher quality are
complementary in the sense that performance
management systems in schools ensure teacher
quality in the workplace, and professional teaching
standards explicate what is expected of teachers in
terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes (van der
Schaaf, 2005).
In Estonia, the teachers’ qualification system is
regulated by the decree of Ministry of Education –
system of teachers’ accreditation, which prescribes
requirements for accreditation process (Männamaa,
2005). The aim of teacher accreditation process is to
support teachers’ professional development and
career possibilities, by periodical self-evaluation and
external evaluation exercises. After the successful
accreditation process, teacher will be granted one of
the four ranks: novice teacher (rank is granted by
national institution’s committee), teacher (rank
granted by school-committee), advanced teacher or
expert-teacher (ranks are granted by national
institution’s committee). Once a higher rank is
accredited to a teacher, all educational institutions in
Estonia have to acknowledge it (Krull, 2001). The
teacher’s base salary is in direct correlation with the
appointed rank.
The rank of an advanced teacher and expert
teacher is accredited for 5 years to a teacher, but the
rank of a teacher is certificated permanently to a
person after graduation and effective one-year work
experience at school. The project ‘National
development plan for teacher education 2006–2013’
compiled the description of the teachers’
competences into the ‘V’ Standard of Teacher's
Professional Competence. This standard has been
ratified by the Ministry of Education in Estonia, and
serves as the basis for planning the professional
development of teachers’ initial training, induction
year, and in-service training at school
(Eisenschmidt, 2006).
Current Estonian national system does not seem
to provide sufficient information for guidelines for
the development of teachers’ performance. By
focusing on formal criteria, the data does not give
much feedback either to teachers, schools or parents
on what spheres they need further development
(Männamaa, 2005).
Taking into consideration the national practices
of teachers’ accreditation process and Estonian
practice, we propose that the procedure would be
more efficient, if it would follow life-long learning
aspects, be more performance-based, and
technologically supported.
2.1 Theoretical Model for
Portfolio-based Accreditation
Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995) have developed the
cyclical knowledge management model, which
contains four phases of knowledge conversion
within an organization: socialization,
externalization, combination and internalization
(SECI phases). They described the SECI phases on
the basis of Japanese industrial organizations for
enhancing knowledge management. Some authors
have criticized the SECI model (Gourlay, 2003;
Poell & van der Krogt, 2003), mainly by focusing on
the validation issues of the model. However, we
argue that the SECI model could be used for
supporting learning and knowledge building (LKB)
in the context of teachers’ accreditation. For
example, Naeve, et al. (2008) have used SECI
phases for describing learning process at workplace,
focusing on reflective practices in networking and
collaboration. In this paper, based on original SECI
phases, we propose the LKB model for extended
organizations, developed by the IntelLEO project
(www.intelleo.eu), which also considers the self-
directed planning and reflection for competence
development in organizational context. An
Intelligent Learning Extended Organization
framework, developed in IntelLEO project,
represents a learning community that emerges as a
temporal integration of two or more industrial,
educational and/or research organizations with
different cultures (Stokic et al., 2008; Kieslinger, et
al., 2009). In teacher development context, Pata and
Laanpere (2008) have mapped the teacher
development activities using SECI phases:
Socialization - main aims of this phase are
related to participating in social networks across
various boundaries, talking about, sharing, shaping
and taking ownership of institutional standards and
community norms and visions. In this mode,
different organizational objectives, norms and
standards (National curriculum, teacher-competence
standard, school documentation, pedagogical
practice or accreditation requirements etc.) should be
accessible for individuals from different
organizations, and shareable between them in
electronic format to understand the work situations.
Externalization happens as part of accreditation
process when teachers are prompted to create and
articulate tacit concepts through abductive
reasoning, the use of metaphors for concept creation,
and the use of models, diagrams or prototypes. For
example, they could write down their plans and
reflect about the activities, but they need to consider
the organizational norms, and community
expectations as guidelines in their reflections. This
would make the individual tacit knowledge explicit,
documented and reusable as knowledge objects,
which can be shared with other persons (such as
one’s mentor from school, facilitators from
university, accreditation authorities etc).
Combination activities are primarily group-based
and can be supported by organizing community
discussions, presentations and meetings. For
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
example preparing new versions of National
Curriculum, teachers’ qualification standards, or
innovative teaching materials and methods.
Internalization phase is mainly an individual
planning and learning process. Two aspects are
important in internalization: a) it includes planning
and reflecting on what competencies and goals
teachers want to achieve, simultaneously
harmonizing their plans with organizational visions,
norms and expected competencies (e.g. nationally
accepted professional competence scales, accepted
learning theories, etc.); b) planning the professional
development suggests learning from other
professionals’ experiences and combining it with
academic knowledge.
Our study in the context of the IntelLEO project
focuses on implementing the introduced LKB model
in teacher development process – in pre-service
studies, induction year program and in-service
teacher training. In this paper, we narrow it down
and explore only the accreditation process in
teachers’ profession. Therefore, as the current
accreditation process is focusing only on individual
level, not all the aspects of the cross-organizational
LKB model are essential. The most important
components of the proposed LKB model in
accreditation context are internalization and
externalization phases. In this process, teacher is
mainly expected to plan and reflect about the
professional competence development. Teacher
should document the development throughout his
everyday working practice in order to turn the
implicit knowledge to explicit.
Initially Nonaka and Takeuchi (1995) did not
assume that SECI phases should be processed using
the technology. However, modern society presumes
more or less that teacher uses some technology for
professional development and life-long learning
(European Commission, 2007). Many studies have
demonstrated the advantages of e-portfolio in
supporting teachers’ professional development
(Zeichner & Wray, 2001; Helleve, 2009; Barrett,
2010). Barrett (2010) sees e-portfolio as an
electronic collection of evidence that shows person’s
learning journey over time, and may relate to
specific academic fields or to the lifelong learning.
Barrett adds that evidence may include writing
samples, photos, videos, research projects,
observations by mentors and peers, and/or reflective
thinking, and emphasizes the key aspect of an e-
portfolio – the reflection on the evidence, such as
why this pierce of evidence was chosen and what
one learned from the process of developing e-
portfolio. In competence-based teacher assessment it
is common to use portfolios with selected evidence
of performances and products in various contexts,
accompanied by teacher’s comments and reflections
(Wolf & Dietz, 1998). Portfolio assessment can be
used as the tool to ascertain whether teachers would
satisfy the required competences, and to formulate
guidelines for professional development. In the first
case, summative assessment is used to account for
the teacher’s quality, with possible consequences
such as merit pay and accreditation. In the second
case, assessment has a formative goal, and produces
information that can be used for planning activities
directed at further professional development (van
der Schaaf, 2005).
3.1 Research Design
This study was conducted in the context of EU IST
program project IntelLEO (2009 – 2012). Study was
conducted in three phases – first we developed LKB
model for teacher development based on theoretical
considerations, derived from Nonaka and Takeuchi
(1995) knowledge management model. In the next
phase, interviews with the stakeholders were
conducted, where the theoretical LKB model was
discussed with them to validate the model. Also
potential barriers were identified, but also current
LKB activities were mapped in the accreditation
context. From the feedback, given by the
stakeholders, the potential scenario using cross-
organizational LKB model with technological
support in accreditation process was collaboratively
developed and discussed with the stakeholders.
Scenario will be empirically validated in the
teachers’ accreditation context in the next phase of
IntelLEO project in 2011.
This study used participatory design approach for
finding out how the accreditation process should be
implemented with the portfolio-based learning
environment. The aim of implementing the
participatory design elements in the process of
developing the technical solution is to bring the end-
users closer to the development process, and to
stress the importance of collaboration between users
and developers (Muller, 2002). Participatory design
assumes that workers themselves are in the best
position to determine how to improve their work and
their work life and, therefore, it turns the traditional
designer-user relationship upside down, viewing the
user as the expert and the designer as technical
consultant (Schuler & Namioka, 1993). Participatory
design is the main approach for developing the
framework for the pedagogical and technological
solutions for this study (Kieslinger, et al., 2009).
The in-service teachers, representing Estonian
Professional Teachers Association, were involved in
the development process as stakeholders, co-
designers, and domain experts. First, they were
involved in mapping the state of the current
accreditation process, and further, they discussed
how it should be reorganized, including the
consideration of the individual and organizational
barriers. This activity was followed by the next
interview, where in-service teachers and researchers
collaboratively developed and designed an
alternative scenario for accreditation process
involving competency-based e-portfolio and the
LKB model. Participatory design elements have also
been used in the iterative, three-stage software
development process in the IntelLEO project,
resulting with paper prototypes, early prototypes and
eventually, full prototypes.
3.2 Sample
For the study, three in-service teachers from
Estonian Teachers’ Association were interviewed.
They were involved into mapping the current
accreditation process, testing the paper-prototypes of
services developed by the IntelLEO project, and
designing the expected accreditation scenario in
portfolio-based learning environment.
3.3 Data Collection and Analysis
For the study, we developed questions for an
unstructured interview, and the LKB model schema
that stakeholders edited during the interview
process. Questions were focusing on: a) artifacts and
documents to be presented to accreditation
committee (how documents are managed at the
moment, what activities are required from the point
of view of teacher or organization), b) processes
related with preparing and presenting the
accreditation portfolio, c) the role of technology, d)
stakeholders in the process of accreditation and e)
barriers related with accreditation process.
Data were collected with focus group interviews.
Each interview lasted about 1,5 hours and interviews
were taped. Interviews were divided into three
sections. Two iterations of interviews were
conducted in the study. The first interview focused
on validation of the theoretical LKB model in
accreditation context. We got the feedback to the
current LKB processes and about the barriers. The
next interview was conducted as the participatory
design session, where the stakeholders evaluated and
redesigned the scenario developed by the designers.
Stakeholders analyzed how realistic the scenario
would be, whether they could implement it in their
accreditation process, what challenges they might
meet from the individual aspect, and also from
organizational aspect if following this scenario.
In order to analyze the data received from the
first interview with stakeholders, a framework
analysis method was used. Framework analysis, as
described by Ritchie & Spencer (1994), is „an
analytical process which involves a number of
distinct though highly interconnected stages”. The
five key stages outlined are: familiarization;
identifying a thematic framework; indexing;
charting; mapping and interpretation. In the context
of this study, we conducted the following steps:
After data collection, we got familiar with the
recordings, and the taped information was typed.
The next step was writing the memos in the margins
of the text including questions, ideas, phrases, which
lead us to developing the categories. We focused on
two types of thematic context – the first was
predefined by the SECI model phases, and other
focused on themes related with the challenges that
might be faced in implementing this LKB model in
accreditation context. Categorization was based on
SECI phases (“socialization”, “externalization”,
“combination”, “internalization”) and was in turn
divided into “current situation” and “expected
situation”. In addition to those categories, there were
included technological tools (“blog”, “forum”,
“learning resources repositories”) and challenges
related with implementation of the model
(“facilitation”, “training”, “motivation”). In the next
stage, quotes were highlighted and sorted. In the
fourth stage, we lifted the quotes from the original
context and re-arranged them in the newly
developed appropriate thematic context.
First, we provide the description of the designed and
developed initial technological environment, which
may support accreditation process in teacher
development process. Then we discuss the gaps and
controversies of current in-service teacher
accreditation process in Estonia from the perspective
of teachers themselves. Finally, we present an
alternative accreditation scenario developed together
with teachers in which innovative IntelLEO services
will be used.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
4.1 Web Tools for Teachers
The main Web tools used in teacher development
context in Estonia consists of two Web portals:
Koolielu.ee - an Elgg-based social software
application, which is integrated with the central
learning resource repository and portfolio system for
teachers (Sillaots & Laanpere, 2009), and
LeMill.net - a collaborative authoring tool and
repository of Web-based learning resources
(Leinonen, et al., 2010).
Both, Koolielu and LeMill provide many
features for scaffolding professional development of
teachers: information management,
community/group formation, but also creating,
filtering, aggregating, finding, sharing and co-
editing various types of digital artifacts
(presentations, lesson plans, quizzes, interactive
worksheets etc). The interoperability of Koolielu
with LeMill and other social software tools enables a
teacher to compose a personalized online
environment for documenting the activities related
with his/her professional development. For example,
videos and images stored in Youtube and Flickr
could be embedded into the learning materials that
the teacher prepares in LeMill social repository and
shares with her students. Further, these artifacts
could be embedded as evidences of professional
practice into teacher’s personal portfolio in Koolielu,
where reflections and annotations can be added to
each object.
In addition to that, IntelLEO project has provided
a set of new semantic Web services that are based on
SECI model and can be integrated with the Koolielu
portal. Below we describe two of the Intelleo core
services (Learning Path Creator and Organizational
Policy Tool), which are the most relevant for
teachers in the context of accreditation.
Learning Path Creator (LPC) is a personal tool
for planning and documenting personal learning
paths, defined as sets of envisaged or completed
learning activities together with related knowledge
assets, events and competences. LPC provides users
with three main functionalities:
1. Users can manage and plan for their learning
goals (target competences). These learning
goals either stem from within an organization a
user belongs to, or originate from other parts of
Extended Organization. In either of these cases,
the LPC helps users to harmonize their learning
goal with organizational objectives.
2. Based on the contextual data representing
users’ tasks, learning goals, competences and
other relevant information, LPC recommends
appropriate learning paths for achieving a
certain competence to users or helps them to
create learning paths on their own.
3. It supports users in documenting and sharing
their learning experiences about how they have
achieved a certain competency via
accomplishing a set of activities, using
knowledge resources and communicating with
their colleagues.
Organizational Policy Tool (OPT) service used
to define needs and requirements at the
organizational and administrative levels: specifying
the organizational structure and job positions,
binding job positions to a set of competence
definitions, harmonizing the set of internal
competences with the one of other organization (e.g.
university), setting incentives for competence
management etc.
The third Intelleo core service (User Monitoring)
collects from Koolielu and LeMill the data on user’s
activities and artifacts, making it available for OPT
and LPC. OPT service has feedback functionality,
which allows the discovery of repeating activity
patterns. If several teachers have defined certain
personal competences frequently as their learning
goals, the accreditation commission members might
consider such personal goals to be relevant and/or
necessary to be integrated into the professional
standards of teachers. OPT enables to create and
suggest officially recommended learning paths for
supporting the accreditation process.
Learning Path Creator supports competence
management process of individuals. However, each
organization might have certain rules and policies in
terms of sharing organizational knowledge. In order
to address this issue, OPT assures that individuals
knowledge sharing process is compliant with the
organization’s culture, rules and norms. Combining
LPC and OPT with the e-portfolio, which supports
reflection on actions using blogging, uploading files
as evidences of one’s competences, creating learning
materials, networking, collecting Web links,
learning resources, might support the professional
development and accreditation process efficiently.
4.2 Current Accreditation Process
The accreditation process to get novice teacher
certification, or raise the rank from the initial teacher
to the expert-teacher rank is currently not conducted
electronically. These teachers who would like to get
the expert-teacher rank, have to send the
documentation about their competences
electronically to an e-mail address of the
accreditation commission. The rest of the procedure
includes the assessment of the following criteria and
The conformity of his/her qualification to the
position applied for;
Teacher’s self-evaluation about the professional
Has acquired a scientific degree (master’s
degree usually) in the field of education;
Has taken in-service teacher training (at least
160 hours of work) during the past five years;
Has supervised pre-service teachers during their
pedagogical practice or novice teachers;
Has participated in the development work of an
educational institution;
Has compiled or reviewed pedagogical research
Has been a lecturer of in-service teacher
Has organized contests, exhibitions of students;
Has supervised students participating in
contests and exhibitions;
Has compiled or reviewed published teaching
Has performed in educational events,
conferences or written articles on pedagogical issues
in newspapers / journals;
Has participated in or supervised the work of
educational associations and workgroups;
Has supervised youth organizations.
The candidate has worked efficiently (school
administrator’s evaluation)
Teacher who starts the accreditation process has
to fill in at least ten out of fourteen aspects and add
the documentation and evidences for each aspect.
After that, teacher has to forward this documentation
to the accreditation commission who formulates the
The interviewed teachers identified some of the
barriers in the current procedure of the accreditation
Lack of Reflection. Teachers have merely to list all
the evidences of passing the courses or about
guiding the youth organizations, but they are not
expected to reflect about their activities.
No Connection with the ‘Standard of Teacher’s
Professional Competence’. Although teachers are
expected to follow their qualification standard in
their professional activities, none of the evaluation
aspects involves the official comparison with the
normative competence document. Even the passed
training courses could be taken from any field of
subject, just as long as 160 hours of studies have
been passed.
No Feedback. The commission will let the teacher to
know if the next rank has been nominated, but no
feedback is given if any of the aspects was
performed especially well, and what should be
improved in the future.
Do Not Support Life-long Learning. The
accreditation portfolio will be presented to the
commission either paper-based or just sent as the
text-documents. It does not include reflections or
innovative web-based learning materials as
evidences of teacher’s professional performance.
Neither does it include plans for the next working
period. In the future, when teacher would like to
apply for the next rank, she/he has no systematic
recordings what was presented to the commission
during the last time of accreditation, or what new
plans were made for the upcoming period etc.
Missing Performance-based Assessment. As the
accreditation process assumes presenting the list of
documents and paper-based evidences, teachers have
few chances to present the evidence of their
professional development using the digital learning
resources composed by them, they can not show
their belonging to the professional online
communities, no weblog reflections could be
presented as evidences etc.
According to this feedback, collected from
teachers during participatory design sessions, it can
be assumed that current accreditation process of
teacher profession is too formal, bureaucratic and
does not support teachers’ intrinsically motivated
LKB activities.
4.3 Expected Accreditation Scenario
This chapter provides a scenario for conducting
accreditation for teacher’s profession using e-
portfolio and LPC and OPC services of the IntelLEO
project. Thereby, we illustrate the applicability of
the proposed LKB model. The scenario was
developed in the participatory design sessions
together with teachers who are also willing to test it
Jane has been working at school for 14 years.
She has participated in and successfully finished
several in-service training courses at the university,
been an active member of different associations, and
now she has decided to pass the accreditation
process in order to get the next rank in her teacher
career. Jane uses the portfolio-based environment
for accreditation process. Using her portfolio’s
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
learning path creator, she has access to the official
competence template, where 14 required activities
for accreditation are listed as a required learning
path. (Note, this template was prepared using the
organizational policy tool). From these pre-defined
fourteen activities in the normative learning path, at
least ten should be completed to get the next teacher
rank. The activities may be ordered differently,
however, Jane wants, to present her development
like a storyboard. To provide evidence for each
competence, Jane describes her learning activities
and uploads files or adds a Web links as evidences
of her competences. All described learning paths
should be explained and self-evaluated with
reflections. It is not possible to save the template
when there is no comment or input behind each
required activity. Even if the entry states that “I
have not supervised students’ scientific works
because in my school...” the reflection of this
activity should explain why this activity was not
accomplished and still connected with competence
that have been accomplished. In LPC all the
activities in the learning path of the accreditation
form have to be connected with one or many
competencies from the competence standard
accessed via OPT. Finally teacher should make
plans about the professional development for the
next professional period. After completing the
accreditation process, portfolio-based learning
environment will create the central page, where the
storyboard with competences, activities and
evidences can be easily accessed.
The created content may be visible only for the
owner (teacher), only for selected users
(accreditation commission members) or only for one
community (school teachers, school board, etc.).
From the organizational point of view, The
National Examinations and Qualifications Centre
develops the formative evaluation learning path
template using OPT tool. Additionally, the learning
path activities will be associated with appropriate
competences described in the V Standard of
Teacher's Professional Competence, using the same
tool. OPT has a feedback module, which enables to
search and retrieve novel competence descriptions
created by teachers with LPC. These emerging
competences, identified by the teachers in work
practice, could be integrated to the new versions of
accreditation learning paths and teacher
competence standards. This enables to dynamically
update the teacher competence standards. The
connection between OPC and LPC makes the
template visible for the teacher who starts portfolio-
based accreditation process. After the teacher has
completed the accreditation process and provided
the commission with the access to the portfolio, the
commission is expected to give feedback to the each
of the competence-based activity in the portfolio.
They must write a reflective evaluation and give
suggestions for the future. Other users (teachers,
school board) can provide feedback via comments as
well. The teacher will save the commented
accreditation in portfolio, and use the filled in
competence-based learning paths for identifying
her/his gaps and planning her/his future
development. This portfolio profile of competences
may also be used in the future planning process,
when the teacher has to go through the accreditation
process again.
During the design sessions the participants
identified also some challenges related of applying
the described scenario in school context:
Resistance of School Board. Schools might have
objections related with public portfolios, which also
contains information about school as an organization
(projects, development, issues that influence
teacher’s participation in training courses). In order
to diminish the resistance, the public portfolios
(specially accreditation of learning paths) could be
presented in impersonal voice, especially the
personal details. The portfolios should remain public
to some extent, becoming useful as learning
materials and examples for the other teachers, pre-
service teachers or university teachers. The owner of
the portfolio should have the right to decide, which
parts of his/her portfolio should be shared and with
whom (e.g. mentor, supervisor, closest colleagues).
Inclusion of Policymakers. Teachers may be ready to
start using portfolios in their professional
development activities (including accreditation,
training courses, induction year, supervising etc). If
none of the organizations responsible for these
activities use portfolios as part of their LKB
processes, the teachers’ motivation to follow the
portfolio-based competence-planning and reflection
procedures might be low. Inclusion of the
policymakers to making innovative changes in the
LKB processes, and using new technology services
to support LKB is rather difficult. The need for
innovative changes may be highlighted by referring
to the official statements that current situation is not
sufficient, also by attracting representatives of the
involved organizations with training sessions for
using innovative LKB in their professional learning
Honesty of Teachers' Reflections. On one hand,
interviewees asked, would the teacher be honest
towards the employer? Can one admit in the
reflection that she has not passed 160 hours of
training courses because of the school board who
does not support taking the course during the
working time. On the other hand, does teacher dare
to be honest to herself in the reflections and admit
that she has not passed 160 hours of training courses
because of being lazy. The interviewees pointed out
that the honesty of public reflections can be an issue
in every field of activities of teacher development
(documenting the school practice during initial
teacher education, supervised teaching during
induction year etc). Therefore, advancement of
critical self-analysis skills is important part of our
LKB model.
Described scenario is an example how to use
developed LKB model in the accreditation process
in teacher development context. Also this scenario
illustrates how e-portfolio, combined with Intelleo
services, which provide support for personal
learning (LPC) and organizational policy aspects
(OPT), can scaffold the implementation of the LKB
This study illustrated that the current teachers’
accreditation process in Estonia is too formal and
bureaucratic and does not support teachers’
intrinsically motivated performance-based
assessment and lifelong learning. Using
participatory design as the research method together
with teachers, we mapped the current accreditation
process and the barriers, and developed the
application scenario for the expected situation in the
field of accreditation. Addition to that, the
functionalities of the additional services (Learning
Path Creator and Organizational Policy Tool) for the
portfolio-based learning environment were designed
as paper-based prototypes and evaluated.
Participant satisfaction among teachers from
Estonian Teachers’ Association demonstrated that
the implementation of the developed LKB model
and illustrative scenario about teachers’
accreditation process could be efficient. But the
process should involve addition to teachers also
school boards and policymakers (e.g. National
Examinations and Qualifications Centre), which is
the main challenge of this study. Still, the next stage
of the research will focus on implementation of the
developed scenario, as the teachers’ willingness to
participate in further evaluation, was high.
This study was funded by ESF grant 7663 and MER
targeted research 0130159s08, but also by IntelLEO
project. IntelLEO “Intelligent Learning Extended
Organization” is a research project supported by the
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