Modeling Storage System Performance for Data
Management in Cloud Environment using Ontology
Stanisław Polak
, Darin Nikolow
, Renata Słota
and Jacek Kitowski
AGH - University of Science and Technology, Institute of Computer Science,
Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Krak´ow, Poland
ACC Cyfronet AGH, Nawojki 11, 30-950 Krak´ow, Poland
Abstract. The progress made in the field of Cloud computing and the continu-
ously growing users demand for services with guaranteed storage performance
parameters bring new challenges. The storage system monitoring, resource sche-
duling and performance prediction are essential for successful operation of the
given distributed environment and for fulfillment of the Service Level Agree-
ment. Taking into account the heterogeneity of storage resources in distributed
environments it is essential to provide a transparency of monitored storage sys-
tem performance parameters. In this paper we present a common storage system
model regarding Quality of Service requirements and dynamics of performance
parameters. We also present the process of the storage ontology development
based on this model, and we show an use-case of the proposed ontology in a
storage monitoring service.
1 Introduction
As the Cloud computing paradigm gains popularity new challenges for the service
providers arise. Users have a set of requirements, described more or less formally in the
Service Level Agreement (SLA), regarding the service they demand. A subset of these
requirements may concern Quality of Service (QoS) of the storage systems where the
users keep their data, especially if the users are interested in running data oriented ap-
plications, for example, on the Grid. The storage system monitoring, resource schedul-
ing and performance prediction are essential for successful operation of the given dis-
tributed environment and for fulfillment of the SLA.
Modern data centers provide the infrastructure necessary for constructing the men-
tioned distributed environment [1]. Various services like SaaS, PaaS, etc. can be present
in this environment sharing the infrastructure. Since data sets are often replicated in
such environments for high availability or performance reasons, those services could
optimize their access to the data using storage performance prediction. Taking into ac-
count the heterogeneity of storage resources in distributed environments it is essential
to provide a transparency of the monitored storage system performance parameters nec-
essary for the prediction.
Using semantics for QoS description of available services allows for better service
selection [2]. Similarly, using ontologies to describe storage resources is expected to
Polak S., Nikolow D., Slota R. and Kitowski J..
Modeling Storage System Performance for Data Management in Cloud Environment using Ontology.
DOI: 10.5220/0003352100540063
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Semantic Interoperability (IWSI-2011), pages 54-63
ISBN: 978-989-8425-43-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
bring more efficient storage resource usage and better storage service interoperability
in distributed environment with QoS/SLA requirements.
In this paper we present the OntoStor ontology and its development method. The
OntoStor ontology describes Mass Storage Systems (MSS) like: Hierarchical Storage
Management (HSM) systems, disk arrays and local storage based MSS (local disks
attached to a server), and their QoS aspects. Our develepment method involves: 1) De-
signing the Common Mass Storage System Model (CMSSM), 2) Creating its standards-
based version called CIM based Common Mass Storage System Model (C2SM), 3)
Developing the ontology itself.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: first, state of the art on modeling of
storage systems is presented. In section 3 the CMSSM and the C2SM models are pre-
sented. Next, the proposed ontologies of storage resources are described. Application
of one of them is shown in section 5. The last section summarizes the paper.
2 State of the Art
There are a few popular models of information systems like: CIM, SMI-S, and GLUE.
All of them are shortly characterized below.
2.1 Common Information Model
Common Information Model (CIM) [3] is an open standard developed by the Dis-
tributed Management Task Force (DMTF). It is a hierarchical, object oriented model
of management elements in Information Technology (IT) environment. CIM as a gen-
eral model, is not bound to a particular implementation. It consists of two parts: an
Infrastructure Specification and a Schema.
CIM Infrastructure Specification contains a description of object oriented meta-
model based on Unified Modeling Language(UML), i.e., Meta Schema, details for inte-
gration with other models, and a grammar of Managed Object Format (MOF) language.
The basic elements of Meta Schema are: Schemas, Classes, Properties, and Methods.
Additional elements are: Indications, Associations, and References.
CIM Schema contains a set of predefined classes, their properties, methods, and
dependencies among these classes. CIM Schema consists of two separated layers: Core
Model and Common Models.
Core Model defines common classes (the basic dictionary), which are used by ele-
ments of Common Models
Common Models have a set of predefined models. These models are independent of
any implementation or technology, and describe particular areas of management.
CIM is the main component of Web-Based Enterprise Management (WBEM) systems
used for a distributed management of computing environments [4].
CIM has many schemas relevant to MSS: Storage Devices, Storage Services, Stor-
age Capabilities and Settings, Storage Statistics, Physical Component. Because the
HSM systems as well as most of the performance related parameter of MSS are not
directly represented in CIM we decided to build our model - C2SM.
Existing CIM schemas can be extended, and new ones can be designed. In extending
schemas, CIM specification recommends using only classes defined in the Core model.
2.2 Storage Management Initiative - Specification
Storage Management Initiative - Specification (SMI-S) [5] is a CIM based standard
formulated by Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA), which defines an in-
terface to manage heterogeneous data storage environment consisting of: data storage
devices, data storage systems, and management applications. Nowadays more than 500
products are SMI-S compliant. In SMI-S, CIM classes are grouped in profiles (e.g. disk
array), and each of them can have subprofiles. To be SMI-S compliant, the product ven-
dor has to implement all the mandatory CIM classes specified in the profile. Subprofiles
describe a part of management domain, and represent optional functionality of product
(e.g. client can discover a remote management interface).
In SMI-S 1.1 which is ANSI standard, there are four groups of profiles: Storage,
Host, Fabric Topology, and Server. The first one has profiles, which directly regards to
data storage devices but they do not represent the needed performance parameters.
2.3 Grid Laboratory Uniform Environment
Grid Laboratory Uniform Environment (GLUE) [6] is a conceptual, object-oriented,
information model of Grid environments, and its main aim is to provide interoperability
among elements of the Grid infrastructure.
The basic elements of the model are main entities, which represent the core con-
cepts of the Grid environment: resource, service, location, etc. Conceptual models of
computing and storage services are defined based on the main entities. These entities
are described with UML Class Diagrams. GLUE does not allow adding new classes or
associations to the model. Two approaches are available for extending the information
associated with the existing classes: placing additional information in a special attribute,
which is present in each class or creation of key/value pairs and then linking them to
the class.
In GLUE the model of MSS is defined with the following classes: StorageService,
StorageServiceCapacity, StorageAccessProtocol, StorageEndpoint, StorageShare, Stor-
ageShareCapacity,StorageManager,DataStore, ComputingService.In order to have dy-
namics represented in the model it should be extended but GLUE is less extensible than
CIM, is Grid oriented, and GLUE developers plan to use CIM for the modeling of
GLUE 2 [7].
The models mentioned above do not fully address the performance aspects of MSS
which are needed for the proper management of storage in distributed environment with
QoS constraints. This fact motivated us to develop a CIM based model - C2SM.
3 Models of Data Storage Systems
In this section we present our two models describing MSS. The first one is the Common
Mass Storage System Model (CMSSM), and the second one, the CIM based Common
mass storage System Model (C2SM), is a modified version of CMSSM arisen as a result
of taking into account the CIM standard. Due to the use of the C2SM model as a base
for the OntoStor ontology, we describe it in more detail.
3.1 The CMSSM Model
The CMSSM model describes three kinds of MSS: the HSM systems, disk array sys-
tems, and local disk systems. This model consists of sets of parameters describing the
current state of a specific MSS, its configuration (e.g. total capacity of MSS, maximal
read transfer rate), and the parameters of physical devices and media (e.g. number of
tape tapes, tape block size). CMSSM uses our earlier work on modeling HSM systems
presented in [8]. The current version of CMSSM can be found in [9].
3.2 The C2SM Model
The CIM based version of CMSSM the C2SM model consists of a set of classes
(see Fig. 1) briefly described further. The AGH StorageSystem class is the main
class and it stores common information for all kinds of MSS. The AGH DiskArray-
System, AGH LocalDiskSystem and AGH HSMSystem classes represent, the
mentioned above, kinds of MSS.
The AGH DiskArraySystem contains information about disk array systems.
These systems consist of: a disk array (the CIM ComputerSystemclass) and a server
(the CIM ComputerSystem class).
The AGH LocalDiskSystem class stores information about local disk systems.
These systems comprise a server (the CIM ComputerSystem class) having hard
The AGH HSMSystem contains information common for the HSM systems. These
systems include: a server (the CIM ComputerSystem class), media libraries (the
AGH MediaLibrary class), and disks (the CIM DiskPartition class). Media
libraries contain: slots (the AGH Slot class), changer devices (the AGH Changer-
Device class), and drives (the AGH MediaAccessDevice class). The AGH HSM-
Media, AGH HSMDriveState, AGH HSMFile, and CIM LogicalFile classes
describe the states of media, drives, and files stored in HSM respectively.
4 The OntoStor Ontology
OntoStor [10] is a research project with the purpose of developing an ontology-based
methodology concerning the organization of data access in Grid environments. Differ-
ent kinds of MSS and services for monitoring and estimation of data access are semanti-
cally described. The semantic description allows for efficient use of MSS and for easier
creating and integration of new Grid-enabled, data access applications.
Based on the C2SM model described above, the OntoStor ontology has been cre-
ated (See Fig. 2). At the beginning, this model was written in Managed Object For-
mat (MOF), and then converted into Web Ontology Language (OWL) format using
the ’cim2owl’ tool [11]. Next the result file was modified by a human, e.g.: redundant
Fig.1. The C2SM model.
components (individuals, properties, classes) were removed, closure axioms for some
classes were added, new properties, and individuals representing existing MSS systems
were created. As a result we received an ontology in which the classes of the C2SM
model were represented by OWL classes, and the class properties by datatype proper-
ties in OWL. For example, the BlockSize’ property of the AGH HSMMedia class is
represented in OWL as follows:
<owl:DatatypeProperty rdf:ID="AGH_HSMMedia__BlockSize">
<rdfs:range rdf:resource="
<rdfs:domain rdf:resource="#AGH_HSMMedia"/>
The three kinds of MSS mentioned in section 1 are represented by the following classes:
AGH HSMSystem, AGH DiskArraySystem and AGH LocalDiskSystem.
Fig.2. The OntoStor ontology.
Their components are represented by the following classes: CIM ComputerSystem,
AGH MediaLibrary, AGH HSMMedia, and CIM DiskPartition. Components
of media libraries of the HSM system are represented by the AGH ChangerDevice
class, the AGH MediaAccessDevice class, and the AGH Slot class. The AGH-
HSMMedia, AGH HSMDriveState, AGH HSMFile, and CIM LogicalFile
classes represents information about states of media, drives, and files stored in HSM.
Using this ontology we described the resources in our testing environment, i.e., the
HP 660ex magneto-optical library and the ATL 7100 tape library, and their compo-
nents. Below we present a fragment of an OWL file containing the description of the
mentioned above, magneto-optical library.
<owl:Thing rdf:about="#Magneto_Optical_library_HP_660ex">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="#AGH_MediaLibrary"/>
<hasPart rdf:resource="#Drive_HP_5200"/>
<hasPart rdf:resource="#Slot_1_HP"/>
<hasPart rdf:resource="#Slot_2_HP"/>
As we can see this ontology, contains semantically described information about a
concrete value of a concrete parameter of MSS. Thanks to this ontology we are able to
find a kind of MSS and their components, base on values like numbers or strings, e.g.,
”find media libraries which have four or less drives”.
4.1 The OntoStor-ATN Ontology
The ontology described above does not cover all applications areas, e.g., it can not be
used to identify a kind of MSS based on the names of the attributes. Since this kind of
functionality was needed in a another project, an alternative version of the ontology —
the OntoStor-ATN (Attribute Name) ontology was created (see Fig. 3). This ontology
defines two main concepts:
AGH LocalDiskParameters
AGH Parameters
AGH DriveParameters
AGH DiskArrayAttributes
AGH PoolAttributes
AGH LibraryAttributes
AGH LibraryParameters
AGH DriveAttributes
AGH TapeParameters
AGH LocalDiskAttributes
AGH TapeAttributes
AGH Attributes
AGH HSMParameters
AGH HSMAttributes
AGH DiskArrayParameters
AGH ServerAttributes
AGH ServerParameters
AGH PoolParameters
Fig.3. The OntoStor-ATN ontology.
AGH Parameters basic class for concepts representing resources. i.e. MSS and
their components
AGH Attributes — basic class for concepts representing attributes of resources
Subclasses of AGH Parameters, like e.g.: the AGH ServerParameters class,
describe concepts, which can be identified with concrete resources, e.g., server. This
ontology does not contain individuals of these concepts. Subclasses of the second main
class, i.e., AGH Attributes, define concepts of resource attributes of individual re-
sources, e.g., the AGH DiskArrayAttributesconcept represents attributes of disk
arrays. In this case, individuals of the AGH
Attributes classes are defined in the
ontology, e.g., mentioned above the ’BlockSize’ property of the AGH HSMMedia class
is represent as the ’BlockSize’ individual of the OWL AGH TapeAttributesclass.
All individuals are associated with concepts of resources by the ’hasValue’ restric-
tion below we show how the mentioned ’BlockSize’ individual is assigned to the
AGH TapeParametersclass representing tapes.
<owl:Class rdf:about="AGH_TapeParameters">
<rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="AGH_Parameters"/>
<owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#hasAttribute"/>
<owl:hasValue rdf:resource="BlockSize"/>
In the same way we assign other individuals, in result this ontology contains complete
set of concepts related with MSS and individuals representing their attributes.
5 Application of the OntoStor-ATN Ontology
The OntoStor-ATN ontology is used in the PL-Grid project [12]. The objective of this
project is to provide Polish scientists a Grid-based high performance computing envi-
ronment enabling doing e-science research.
One of the studies undertaken on PL-Grid is data management for Virtual Organiza-
tion (VO). In Grid environments, resource providing on the basis of VO is particularly
justified, because Grid applications have often high requirements in relation to hard-
ware resources. These requirements can refer to computational power and data storage
resources. For Data Oriented Applications, which are executed on Grid, the computa-
tional power is not the only requirement providing storage resources guaranteeing
the Quality of Service (QoS) is also necessary. In heterogeneous environments, like
Grid, prediction of the performance of shared resources is a hard task. In order to meet
the QoS requirements two kinds of information are needed: information about the cur-
rent storage resource performance utilization and information about the scheduled data
transfer. To obtain this information a monitoring system taking into account the het-
erogeneity of MSS should be used. This system has to be configured automatically and
independent of the MSS being monitored and should provide a unified monitoring layer
for the QoS related parameters.
In [13] a system using the CMSSM model and the OntoStor-ATN ontology is de-
scribed. General QoS aspects of storage resources are described by different metrics.
For different kinds of resources, these metrics have different meaning, e.g., total ca-
pacity of a local disk can be received directly from their parameters, while the total
capacity of the HSM system has to be calculated as the sum of the disk cache capacity
and capacity of each medium.
The OntoStor-ATN ontology is used to describe storage resources and their at-
tributes; QoS capabilities of these resources are described by enriched version of the
QoSOnt ontology [14]. Because the resources are semantically described, it is possible
to identify the current kind of resources, based on the name of the attributes, and as a
result, the calculation of a concrete metric is also possible.
Within the PLGrid project a semantic-oriented monitoring system called the FiVO
SLAM (Service Level Agreement) monitoring system [15] has been implemented. It
is a part of the FiVO framework [16] a system for deployment and negotiation of
dynamic VO.
6 Summary
In this paper we described the process of developing the OntoStor ontology, allowing
to describe more precisely MSS and providing performance related properties. Since
this ontology does not cover all application areas, the OntoStor-ATN ontology has been
created. This ontology was used in a semantic-oriented monitoring system. The lesson
learned is that the internal ontology structure is essential in the case of representing
QoS/SLA parameters. It is important for the monitoring applications to have the pa-
rameter names represented as classes.
The ontologies presented in the paper are based on the proposed CIM based model -
C2SM, which describes storage resources and their performance parameters. By using
our model and ontologies we achieved transparency of monitored storage system per-
formance parameters and therefore the interoperability of monitoring and estimation
services is possible.
In the future we plan to extend our model and ontologies by adding a new kind of
MSS based on disk pools.
This research is partially supported by the MNiSW grant nr N N516 405535 and AGH-
UST grant nr
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