Relevance and Usage of Semantic Technologies in the
Factory of Things
Matthias Loskyll
Innovative Factory Systems (IFS)
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)
Trippstadter Straße 122, D-67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Abstract. The Factory of Things (FoT) describes the extension of the Internet of
Things specific to the production domain. The semantic description of products,
processes and plants depicts a basic module of this approach, through which in-
formation can be filtered and services can be discovered and orchestrated on de-
mand. The usage of semantic technologies in the context of production can make
a valuable contribution towards managing the growing complexity and increas-
ing the flexibility and adaptability of production facilities. This position paper
discusses several use cases, which explain the potential advantages of using se-
mantic technologies in the field of production automation. These scenarios cover
the interpretation of heterogeneous context data using ontologies, the semantic
description of facilities including the respective components (e.g. sensors), and
the orchestration of semantically annotated web services to build complex pro-
duction processes. Based on the described use cases, several scientific issues are
discussed with a special focus on semantic interoperability.
1 Introduction
The Internet of Things describes the ubiquitous networking of intelligent everyday ob-
jects, which communicate autonomously, exchange information and provide services.
The extension of this concept specific to the production domain is referred to as the
Factory of Things (FoT) [1]. The FoT includes the extended usage of ubiquitous infor-
mation and communication technologies in order to reach the networking of entities in
the production domain. Based on this networking, all types of information in a produc-
tion environment can be collected. The resulting information explosion, however, can
only be mastered using a context- and knowledge-based provision and processing of
data. Furthermore, the different mechatronic capabilities of a production plant, which
are encapsulated and represented as services, need to be orchestrated in order to define
complex production processes. Therefore, a semantic description of products, processes
and production plants is needed.
Semantic technologies allow the formal description of data and support the semantic
processing of data by machines, i.e. the interpretation of electronically stored pieces of
information with regard to their content and meaning. The formal, explicit representa-
tion of knowledge forms the cornerstone of the Semantic Web [2] and includes both
the modeling of knowledge and the definition of formal logics, which provide rules to
Loskyll M..
Relevance and Usage of Semantic Technologies in the Factory of Things.
DOI: 10.5220/0003352200640072
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Semantic Interoperability (IWSI-2011), pages 64-72
ISBN: 978-989-8425-43-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
draw inferences over the modeled knowledge base. While several semantic modeling
approaches for the representation of knowledge with different expressional power exist
(e.g. taxonomies, thesauri, topic maps [3]), ontologies depict the most popular and the
most powerful approach of explicit knowledge representation. Ontologies, often defined
as ”‘an explicit specification of a conceptualization”’ [4], enable the modeling of infor-
mation as an independent knowledge base. Ontologies consist of three basic structures,
namely classes (or concepts), relations and instances. In addition, restrictions, rules and
axioms can be defined in order to model complex coherences.
Based on respective description languages like OWL [5] and RDF [6], ontologies faci-
litate the structured exchange of information among heterogeneous systems, resulting
in a semantic interoperability. Another major advantage of ontologies is the possibility
to draw inferences over the explicitly modeled knowledge, thereby deriving new know-
ledge that is contained implicitly in the knowledge base. To this end, a reasoning system
is needed, which depicts a piece of software that is able to interpret logically defined
facts and axioms and to infer logical consequences.
In the context of the FoT, semantic technologies are essential to ensure a knowledge-
based interpretation of information and to facilitate an efficient orchestration of ser-
vices. This affects the representation of knowledge about products and plants, but also
the semantic description of services (Semantic Web Services). The latter one is neces-
sary because the description of a service’s interfaces and functionalities via standards
like WSDL [7] is of a mere syntactic nature. Similarly, defining an orchestration of ser-
vices using languages like BPEL [8] happens in a syntactic manner. As a result, there
is a semantic gap between the syntactic description of web services and the underly-
ing meaning. On the basis of a semantic annotation, for example using technologies
like SAWSDL [9] or OWL-S [10], the meaning of a web service definition can be de-
scribed in a machine-understandablemanner. This additional semantic layer enables the
dynamic discovery of semantically described services and the (semi-)automatic orches-
tration of services to build higher-value services or even production processes.
This position paper presents our opinion about the importance of deploying semantic
technologies in smart factory environments and in a future Factory of Things. After a
discussion of related work in Section 2, this opinion is supported by several illustrating
usage scenarios, some of which have been implemented already in several experimental
setups (Section 3). Subsequent to the description of these scenarios, the most important
scientific issues that arise from the future usage of semantic technologies in the do-
main of industrial production are discussed (Section 4). In Section 5, we present our
conclusions and discuss opportunities for future work.
2 Related Work
While in several fields of application a central role is assigned to semantic technologies,
their usage has not gained acceptance in the field of industrial production yet. The main
reasons for that might be the lack of illustrating application examples as well as the
complexity of the technical implementation in production environments.
Nevertheless, within the last years more and more research is carried out on the appli-
cation of semantic technologies to the production domain. Ontologies are frequently
used to build a common interaction model for agents operating the production process
[11] [12]. Several approaches have been made to define semantic plant and component
models in order to support a condition based maintenance of production plants [13] [14]
or flexible reconfiguration of assembly systems [15].
With the evolving usage of service oriented architectures in production systems, the se-
mantic description of services becomes more important. Particularly, within the scope
of the SOCRADES project, several concepts for the usage of ontologies in the pro-
duction domain [16] and for the semantic discovery and orchestration of services to
production processes [17] [18] have been developed.
These approaches are closely related to the ideas described in this position paper. How-
ever, we describe an industry-related usage scenario, which covers several issues that
arise from the special demands resulting from the usage of semantic technologies in the
production domain. This scenario will be implemented in a real-world research facility,
which is comparable with real manufacturing plants. Furthermore, we integrate several
forms of using semantic technologies in production, namely the semantic description
of products, processes and plants (overall structure, components, sensors), the semantic
interpretation of contextual information (e.g. location, sensor values, state of the plant)
and the dynamic discovery and orchestration of semantically described services. Be-
cause of the incorporation of these different semantically enriched subsystems based
on the formal representation of a vast amount of heterogeneous knowledge sources, our
approach is especially interesting for the research aiming at a semantic interoperability.
3 Area of Application and Use Cases
The benefits of applying semantic technologies to the field of production automation
are going to be demonstrated by means of different use cases in the SmartFactory
[21]. The SmartFactory
is the first vendor-independent research and demonstration
facility for the application and evaluation of smart production technologies and includes
both research institutes and several partners from industry. It operates a hybrid, mod-
ular demonstration plant, which produces colored liquid soap, in a 200 square meters
industrial facility. Figure 1 shows a part of the modular soap production plant. In the
continuous flow process, the transparent raw soap is heated and mixed with colorant
pigments depending on the customer order. The colored soap is filled into bottles, which
are then mounted with a dispenser, labeled and commissioned in the discrete produc-
tion part subsequently. Thereby, all relevant information about the product’s production
lifecycle is stored on an RFDI tag, which is located directly on the bottle.
One of the central research topics investigated in the scope of the SmartFactory
how a transition from function-oriented to service-oriented architectures (SoA) in pro-
duction can be achieved. To this end, a part of the plant has been converted to a service-
oriented control architecture based on WSDL and BPEL. However, as described in
Section 1, an additional semantic layer is needed in order to allow a dynamic discovery
and efficient (semi-)automatic orchestration of services. Such a service discovery and
orchestration based on semantic technologies is planned to be implemented within the
scope of the production plant of the SmartFactory
. The semantic description of the
production process, the production plant and the corresponding components and de-
vices serves as the basis for this approach. A hierarchical service model is needed to
connect the different semantic representations: a production process needs several ser-
vices to perform certain tasks within the different process steps, while the components
and devices of the plant provide their functionality via services. The services them-
selves must be described semantically as well in order to make a dynamic discovery
and (semi-)automatic orchestration possible. Furthermore, the semantic description of
the process, the services and the plant, for instance by means of common ontologies,
facilitate a semantic interoperability and therefore the improved interaction among het-
erogeneous subsystems.
Fig.1. Part of the SmartFactory
production test bed.
Combining these semantic descriptions of subsystems in an intelligent factory environ-
ment with the acquisition and interpretation of context information, it is possible to
reach a cognitive plant behavior. It is important to clarify that by cognitive plant be-
havior we do not mean that the plant becomes an autonomous intelligent system which
makes decisions by itself. The plant should always be aware of its own state and should
be able to make suggestions how to solve a problem instead, thereby supporting the
engineer or maintenance worker. This means that the human plays an essential role in
our vision of a Factory of Things.
In the soap production scenario, we plan to develop the recognition of defective de-
vices and errors in the production process by interpreting the information provided by
an OPC UA [22] server, which collects the data from several programmable logic con-
trollers (PLC) in our system. Having recognized such an incidence, the plant should
be able to decide by performing a reasoning over the modeled knowledge whether the
product can still be manufactured. This includes the dynamic discovery of field devices
(e.g. pumps) that provide a similar service as the defective device.
In times of ever shorter product lifecycles and an increasing demand for customized
product variants, the flexible adaption of the production process becomes essential.
Within the scope of the SmartFactory
, we investigate how such a flexible reconfig-
uration of the production process can be achieved with the help of semantic services.
Therefore,we plan to implement an experimental setup demonstrating a semi-automatic
orchestration, in which appropriate services are discovered by means of their semantic
description and the semantic specification of the new product variant. An engineer can
then select the matching services for each production step. The definition of a new pro-
duction process can be improved significantly by filtering the contemplable services
using semantic templates instead of performing a pure syntactic search.
In order to gain further experience in the usage of semantic technologies in the field
of production automation, we implemented several use cases, which cover different as-
pects of the complex scenario of soap production described above.
One demonstrative use case, for instance, deals with the topic of mobile maintenance
of production plants and of the corresponding field devices. Thereby, a maintenance
worker is supported by a seamless navigation application (Figure 2) running on a mo-
bile device that guides the worker to the faulty field device. To this end, the data of
several context sources (e.g. indoor positioning systems) is collected and interpreted.
By querying an ontology using this contextual information, explicit knowledge about
the present situation can be inferred. This information is then provided to the mobile
navigation device, which is able to adapt its user interface depending on the derived sit-
uation. In the scope of this usage scenario, we implemented a function library, based on
the OWL API 3.0 [19], which can be used to make queries against the respective ontol-
ogy and to draw inferences independent from the used ontology or reasoner. By the use
of this technology, the knowledge about the meaning of different context sources is not
hard coded in the source code of the application anymore, but it is explicitly modeled
in an extensible knowledge base. As a result, only the ontology needs to be altered if
the usage scenario or the environmental conditions (e.g. sensor setup) change.
Fig.2. Ontology-based location-aware maintenance application.
A second use case, which has been implemented in the form of an industry-related ex-
perimental setup as depicted in Figure 3, deals with the dynamic discovery of services
provided by field devices using semantic annotations. In the process of this demonstra-
tor, pills are filled into bins according to the information stored on the RFID tag located
at the bin, i.e. the product itself carries the information about its production order. Af-
ter the filling process, a camera performs a quality control by counting the number of
pills filled to the bin using image recognition. The difference to the approach described
by Stephan et al. [20] is that the different field devices included in the production pro-
cess (e.g. RFID reader devices, inductive and ultrasonic sensors, pneumatic stoppers,
camera) are not controlled by a programmable logic controller (PLC) anymore, but
they provide services based on WSDL. The orchestration of the services happens via
a BPEL engine running on a central server, which controls the production process. In
order to facilitate an efficient discovery and binding of the services provided by the dif-
ferent field devices, we annotated the corresponding WSDL files using SAWSDL. The
concepts that are referenced by the semantic annotations (e.g. device categories, ser-
vices, basic operations) are modeled in an OWL ontology. The field devices subscribe
automatically using DPWS, which causes their SAWSDL files to be parsed using the
SAWSDL4J API and the resulting information about the provided services and oper-
ations to be stored as instances in the ontology. These instances are deleted from the
ontology as soon as the respective devices unsubscribe again.
Fig.3. Experimental setup: semantic services provided by field devices.
4 Scientific Issues
Several scientific issues concerning the usage of semantic technologies in the produc-
tion domain arise from the conceptualization and implementation of the usage scenarios
presented in Section 3. The complexity of future intelligent factory environments goes
beyond the scope of previous fields of application of semantic technologies in most
cases. As a result, it is necessary to investigate which forms of semantic technologies
are qualified for the description of products, processes, services and plants. Is the ex-
pressiveness of today’s ontology languages like OWL sufficient to model the complex,
heterogeneous knowledge or should we include additional techniques like rule systems?
How can semantically described services be orchestrated to complex production pro-
cesses in a dynamic manner? The application of semantic technologies to this domain
offers a great possibility to identify special requirements for the future improvement of
these technologies.
Closely linked to the topic of knowledge representation, the issue of knowledge acqui-
sition is commonly known to be one of the major constraints in the development of
knowledge based systems [23]. Thereby, the great challenge lies in identifying appro-
priate knowledge sources and in developing suitable methods to extract the contained
knowledge. Several approachesexist to break this ”‘knowledge acquisition bottleneck”’
[24] [25] [26]. However, in the domain of industrial production, the issues of knowledge
acquisition and knowledge update become even more difficult because of the variety of
heterogeneous knowledge sources such as industrial standards, manuals, specifications,
stocklists or CAD models.
When discussing the usage scenarios described in Section 3, especially the complex
soap production process, it becomes apparent that a uniform interaction among the dif-
ferent subsystems like the service orchestration and the control of the facility is impor-
tant. To this end, common interoperability models are needed, which make the meaning
of data understandable for each subsystem. The usage of common semantic models
(e.g. an ontology describing the plant and the contained components like field devices
or sensors, the semantic description of services, semantic device models) can help to
facilitate a semantic interoperability among heterogeneous systems. The central issue is
the specification of a common vocabulary for the semantic description of different in-
dustrial systems in a vendor-independent manner. For that, commonly agreed standards
would have to be defined. As long as such standards do not exist, advanced methodolo-
gies for ontology mapping [27] are needed.
In order to make the developed concepts, which deal with the usage of semantic tech-
nologies in smart factory environments, applicable to existing industrial systems, it is
necessary to examine how such systems can be migrated to new implementations and
architectures and how much resources it would take to build new factory systems that
incorporate semantic technologies. The discussion of these issues is essential for the
success of future research on the usage of semantic technologies in industrial produc-
5 Conclusions and Future Work
In this position paper we discussed the relevance of semantic technologies in the vision
of a future Factory of Things on the basis of several use cases. We identified the most
important scientific issues that arise from the usage of semantic technologies in the
domain of industrial production. Apart from the semantic description of products, pro-
cesses, services and plants, the knowledge acquisition problem depicts a cornerstone of
our approach. Furthermore, the usage of semantic technologies for the creation of a se-
mantic interoperability among heterogeneous systems in the production domain offers
a highly interesting area for future research. In this context, we are going to investigate
different mapping algorithms, but also possibilities to automatically extract synonyms
and similarity relations from thesauri like WordNet [28].
Further scientific issues will be addressed in our future research and in the implemen-
tation of an industry-related usage scenario within the scope of the SmartFactory
. In
the near future, we are going to evaluate the expressiveness requirements of our pro-
cesses based on the workflow patterns approach [29] because it is necessary to assess
whether standard modeling approaches like BPEL, BPML or OWL-S are qualified to
describe complex industrial production processes. Another important topic of future
work deals with uncertainty and fuzziness of information, especially sensor values, in
intelligent factory environments. To address this issue adequately, we have to consider
methods such as probabilistic ontologies [30] [31], ontologies extended by fuzzy de-
scription logics [32] or combination with Bayesian networks [33].
In order to make the implemented use cases applicable to industrial production, how-
ever, further important issues like practicability, security or real-time capability must be
examined. We believe that the usage of semantic technologies in the context of produc-
tion can make a valuable contribution towards managing the growing complexity and
increasing the flexibility and adaptability of production facilities.
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