Jennifer D. E. Thomas
Pace University, Ivan Seidenberg School of CSIS, 1Pace Plaza, New York, NY 10038, U.S.A.
Danielle Morin, Marylène Gagné
Concordia University, John Molson School of Business, 1455 de Maisonneuve West, Qc. H3G 1M8, Montreal, Canada
Keywords: Higher-order learning, Critical thinking, Deep learning, Technology and learning, Clickers.
Abstract: The idea that clicker technology, a type of electronic polling technology, could have any relationship to
students’ acquisition of higher-order learning skills is seen by many as highly unlikely, especially in large
classes. Nonetheless, that is precisely what the results of this study seem to indicate. In a study of a large
undergraduate Management course in Organizational Behaviour (OB) which blended clicker technology
use, classroom lecture, and online course management content, students’ perceptions of the acquisition of
higher-order thinking skills and team-building skills from the integration of these various resources in the
course were solicited. Clicker technology, the aspect of the course reported in this paper, was favourably
rated for the acquisition of critical thinking skills and problem-solving skills; it was somewhat less so for
acquisition of research skills and creative idea generation, and the team-building skills. They also reported a
preference for learning with clickers than without and felt its use increased student engagement.
Clickers, also known as Audience Response Systems
(ARS), have been used in many settings, courses and
levels (King and Robinson, 2009; Watkins and
Sabella, 2008; Mayer, et al., 2009; Berry, 2009;
Morgan, 2008; Trees and Jackson, 2007; Herreid,
2006; Barnett, 2006; Len 2006), but are largely
viewed as more useful for acquiring and testing
shallow knowledge than higher-order learning
(Dangel and Wang, 2008; Radosevich, et al., 2008;
Morgan, 2008). The concept of clicker technology
takes advantage of an electronic polling system
integrated with presentation software, to analyze and
display the distribution of results of responses
obtained from the input of those responding to
multiple-choice or yes/no dichotomous type
questions. This would seem to belie any possibility
of application to more robust acquisition of
knowledge, and of breaking the isolation so often
felt by students in large classes.
The study presented in this paper, sought to
examine these issues by soliciting students’
perceptions of their acquisition of higher-order
learning skills, defined as higher-order thinking
skills and team-building skills, as a consequence of
the integration of clicker technology in a large
undergraduate Organizational Behaviour (OB)
Management course. The results indicate that
students do favourably view the integration of
clickers into their course, and perceive that they
contribute to their engagement and acquisition of
some of the higher-order thinking skills, namely
critical thinking skills and problem-solving skills,
but less so for research skills and creative idea
generation, and for the team-building skills.
Deep learning can be defined as “the intention to
extract meaning produces active learning processes
that involve relating ideas and looking for patterns
and principles on the one hand (a holist strategy -
Pask, 1976, 1988), and using evidence and
examining the logic of the argument on the other
(serialist). The approach also involves monitoring
the development of one’s own understanding
D. E. Thomas J., Morin D. and Gagné M..
DOI: 10.5220/0003354601230127
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 123-127
ISBN: 978-989-8425-50-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(Entwistle, McCune & Walker, 2000)”. (Entwistle,
2000, p.2). These are the skills that students are
expected to acquire through their tenure in
university, and ultimately to take with them into
their careers. The issue of how to provide
opportunities for this learning in large university
classes is quite vexing, as a consequence,
universities are looking at if, and how, various
technologies might be able to overcome the
obstacles posed to this type of learning, and to
student engagement, by large classes. (Mayer, et al.,
2009; King and Robinson, 2009; Caldwell, 2007;
Trees and Jackson, 2007; Barnett, 2006; Herreid,
2006; Hoffman and Goodwin, 2006). Clickers, are
one such technology that has been adopted but, as
noted previously, are deemed more appropriate for
superficial learning. (Czekanski and Roux, 2008;
Dangel and Wang, 2008; Radosevich, et al., 2008;
Morgan, 2008; Knight and Wood, 2005). The notion
of using clickers in a large undergraduate course to
encourage deep learning therefore, on the surface,
seems ill-advised, or is it?
An investigation of the research literature
produces mixed results. Mayer, et al. (2009) found
significant improvements in students’ exam scores
with the use of clickers in responding to discussion
questions in large psychology classes over those
without use of clickers, and over those without use
of either clickers or discussion questions. Watkins
and Sabella (2008) on their side found that
understanding of questions exhibited in the
classroom using the clickers, did not transfer to
similar questions posed on the actual exam, whereas
Carnaghan & Webb, 2007 and Radosevich, et al.
(2008) found better retention scores at the end of the
semester. Berry’s (2009) study, albeit exploratory,
found that their second exam and final course grades
were significantly higher with the use of clickers,
and that students’ satisfaction feedback supported
their use. Beckes, 2007 found the technology
increased participation and class discussion and was
viewed by students as a favourable way to promote
active learning. These are just a few of the range of
results that research with clickers tends to produce.
For succinct summaries outlining the pros and cons
from the perspective of students and instructors, as
well as best practices recommendations gleaned
from their own studies, and that of other researchers,
see Medina, et al., 2008 and Nelson and Hauck,
As the field is still wide open, the study in this
paper has focused on students’ perceptions of the
deep learning and engagement they were acquiring
and experiencing with the integration of clicker
technology into their undergraduate Organizational
Behaviour (OB) course. The possibility of
measuring deep learning in any objective way is
open to debate (Entwistle, 2000). Additionally,
instruments to measure deep learning, often because
of their length, are difficult to administer and also to
interpret (see Follman, Lavely and Berger, 1997, for
a comprehensive inventory of instruments). For
these reasons, in this study, the perception of
students was used as a surrogate measure. The main
instrument used was developed by Thomas, 2001
and has been used in several prior studies on clickers
(Morin, et al., 2009; Thomas et al., 2009) and other
technologies (Thomas and Morin, 2006; Thomas,
2005 and Thomas 2001).
Deep learning here was defined as higher-order
thinking skills such as: critical thinking, problem-
solving, research, and creative idea generation, and
student engagement was measured by team-building
skills fostered, such as: communication skills, work
coordination, and team cooperation (Thomas, 2001).
These concepts of higher learning are consistent
with those advocated by Chickering and Gamson,
1987 in Dangel and Wang, 2008, Facione, 2004,
Bloom & Krathwohl, 1956, Anderson & Krathwohl,
2001. These were consistent with the learning
objectives set by the instructor for the course, which
was for students to be able to: 1) discuss the major
concepts relating to human behavior in organizations
and the interrelationships between these concepts; 2)
evaluate these concepts critically in terms of their
utility, applications, and limitations; 3) diagnose and
solve organizational problems by applying material
learned in the course; 4) communicate ideas related
to organizational behavior, both orally and in
writing; 5) effectively collaborate on team projects.
The motivation for this study stems from a need,
at the university in question, as with many other
institutions, to seek cost-cutting measures through
larger classes, without jeopardizing the student
experience. One teacher will teach a larger group of
students with the support of a few teaching assistants
offering tutorials which is more economical than
multi-sections of the same course to be taught by
several instructors. It was hoped that technology,
such as clickers, could provide this bridge. Based on
the nature of the clicker technology, research skills
and coordinating work skills are not expected to be
developed with this tool, as no tasks related to these
skills is performed with the technology. On the other
hand, based on our prior research, it is expected to
affect communication skills and collaboration and,
especially, problem-solving and critical thinking,
while the contribution to collaboration and creative
idea generation is expected to be moderate (Morin et
al., 2009 and Thomas et al. 2009).
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The course was presented in lecture format during
which the professor gave all information necessary
concerning theories of organizational behavior,
using PowerPoint presentations, which sometimes
included videos and other visuals. The professor also
used the i>clicker
system to increase student
participation. i>clickers
allow students to try out
some questions given by the professor and give
feedback to the professor about their understanding
of the material which was then used to stimulate
class discussion in teams, and as a class. It
represents a tool to increase student participation and
also provides a way to take attendance, as each
clicker has a unique bar code matched with student
names. The professor was also available to meet
with students by appointment and made good use of
the FirstClass
course management system to send
announcements to students. All class materials
(PowerPoint notes, syllabus, project instructions,
etc.) were available on FirstClass
. Lectures were
supported by tutorials outside of class-time, given by
graduate students who were supervised by the
instructor. These tutorials included review of
discussion questions.
Students’ perceptions of the higher-order
thinking skills being developed such as: critical
thinking, problem-solving, research, and creative
idea generation, and student engagement in team-
building skills, such as: communication skills, work
coordination, and team cooperation, were solicited
via a questionnaire. The instrument was composed
of sixteen learning objective questions on a three-
point scale - a lot, moderate and not at all, and eight
questions on general clicker use on a 4-point scale -
agree, strongly agree, disagree, strongly disagree
(Thomas 2001). Six relevant questions from the
official university course evaluation instrument on
satisfaction with the instructional method used in the
course were also collected. Five were based on a 5-
point scale – strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor
disagree, disagree, strongly disagree, and one
question on how students rate the course overall was
based on - excellent, very good, good, fair, poor.
4.1 Demographics
There were 149 respondents from a possible 218
students. Males outnumbered females, 54% to 46%,
and the majority were 20-29 years old (72%), with
moderate computer experience (64%).
4.2 Students’ Perceptions of General
Clicker Use
With respect to the distributions of general
perceptions of clicker use, on a 4-point scale - agree,
strongly agree, disagree, strongly disagree, most
students agreed, or strongly agreed, that the use of
clickers in the course contributed positively to their
learning experience. The first four questions were
given this rating by 77%, 86%, 71%, and 77% of the
students, respectively. Eighty (80) percent thought
there was the right amount of use of the technology
in the course, 88% had a positive view of its
contribution to their learning, and 94% felt it was
used to give immediate feedback to students. The
majority, 76% preferred learning with clickers.
4.3 Students’ Perceptions of Deep
Learning and Engagement
The distribution of the learning objective questions
were given on a three-point scale - a lot, moderate
and not at all, and the means column and standard
deviations were calculated by assigning a score 1 to
‘A lot’, a score of 2 to ‘Moderate’ and a score of 3 to
‘Not at all’ and taking the average. By combining
the frequencies corresponding to ‘A lot’ and to
‘Moderate’, the percentage of students who thought
the clickers had a positive impact were calculated.
Most of the students had a positive perception of
the contribution of clickers to their development of
critical thinking and problem-solving skills, 72%
and 65%, respectively. They were approximately
evenly split in their perception of the contributions
to creative idea generation, 50%, and to the team-
building skills – communication skills, 46%,
coordinating work, 47%, cooperation among
students, 45%. They were not at all convinced of its
contribution to developing research skills. Only 32%
felt there was a contribution.
Students had positive perceptions of the class
discussions that ensued following the question and
answer sessions with the clickers, only research
skills was still somewhat lower at 52%. Critical
thinking skills and problem-solving skills was again
the highest at 85% and 79%, respectively. Creative
idea generation was positively perceived by 67%.
The team-building skills were in the 58- 64% range.
4.4 Student Perceptions from Course
Responses from questions posed to students on the
university course evaluations were also analysed.
There were 111 complete course evaluations from a
possible 218 students. Students felt they learned a
great deal in the course and that the instructional
method, which included the clicker technology, was
effective and encouraged student engagement. Mean
scores closer to 1 indicate more favourable
perceptions. They also indicate, with means of 2.11,
that learning in a large lecture format, augmented
with tutorials and clickers, was as effective as
courses with smaller class sizes, and would
recommend this format over smaller classes to
fellow students. From a range of 1, being Excellent
to 5, being Poor, the perception of the overall course
produced a mean of 2.37.
The results of this study are in line with those
observed in similar previous studies (Morin et al.,
2009; Thomas et al., 2009; Berry, 2009; Beckes,
2007). Clickers are, once again, shown to be
favourably viewed by students as supporting the
aspects of deep learning associated with critical
thinking and problem-solving skills, with less
support seen for research skills and creative idea
generation, and student engagement in team-
building skills in general. This favourable view is
enhanced, across all the learning objectives, with the
classroom discussions with peers, and as a class,
which stemmed from the post-polling results
displayed from the use of the clickers. This increase
was by as much as 13-20 percentage points, the most
marked increase being in the perception of research
skills support, 20%, which is interesting. Further,
most students perceived benefits to learning in
general, and to student engagement, from the use of
clickers, and preferred learning with them. They
would also encourage students to take the course in
this large class-size format, with tutorials and
clickers, over smaller classes without them. Overall
then, clickers are viewed as a positive contribution
to the learning experience.
It is clear from the results of this study that clickers
have a role to play in large classes, and in fostering
deep learning and active student engagement,
especially when combined with subsequent
discussions with peers, and the class. Evidently, the
learner-centered approach to integration of
technology per Mayer (2001) is the distinguishing
factor. Success depends on the ability of the
technology to support students’ cognitive processes,
and by the instructional method employed to take
advantage of these, and not by any inherit merit of
the technology, in and of itself. Further research
continues to be needed in this area. The marked
improvement to the perceptions of support for
research skills acquisition when clicker polling is
coupled with subsequent class discussion is
particularly intriguing. It also would be interesting in
future research to link students’ performance in the
course to their perceptions, along with the
instructors’ perceptions.
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