Ethan Hadar
CA Technologies,16 Shenkar, Herzelia, Israel
Keywords: Access control, Agile architecture, Cloud computing, Cloud security.
Abstract: Cloud computing is currently focused on providing utility computing, such as storage and computing power,
and Software as a Service (SaaS.) However, use of these offerings in an enterprise environment requires
security compliance to be enforced on managed servers deployed in the cloud in order to prevent un-
authorized administration of deployed images. This requirement may apply to the initial deployment,
upgrades, or any physical roaming due to the virtualization of the cloud. This paper presents a conceptual
reference architecture, that defines a set of conceptual components that are responsible for intercepting calls,
managing administrative commands, controlling roaming and portability, and providing enterprise
compliance needs. It inherently supports delegation of the enforcing policies, and consequently it provides a
scalable solution.
Cloud computing is one of the latest paradigms in
computing technology, gaining considerable
popularity within the past year. Cloud computing
consists of next-generation datacenters providing
reliable “on-demand” and “pay-per-use” services
(Weiss, 2007; Wikipedia, 2009). This paradigm has
implications for application providers who usually
develop secured solutions for internal deployment
(local) or within enterprise datacenters (near), rather
than using remote web-services of third-party
datacenters (far).
An example of a complex deployment topology
in a cloud environment is a far deployment of web
servers, load balancers and front end interfaces in an
external public cloud, while the application database
remains local. A complex topology like this is often
mandated when regulations or contracts require that
data be stored on premises. Such cases require
secure communication between the local database
and the remote front end, as well as typical
enterprise security policies and credentials for the
remote front end.
An example is a transient workload system that
offloads some jobs that do not contain sensitive
information to a public cloud. However, these jobs
executed on a public Infrastructure as a Service
(IaaS) domain may participate in an overall business
transaction and are consequently part of a workflow
with business logic that must be protected within the
enterprise firewall. In a further complication, part of
the business transaction might involve a service
offered by a third party, such as identity validation,
that is utilized as Software as a Service (SaaS) and is
not part of the consumer infrastructure. In such a
case, the third-party service must be monitored as
well, and be part of a secured end-to-end transaction.
This highlights a third aspect of cloud security: the
way in which transactions must be secured may vary
as loads shift from cloud to cloud.
Virtualization technologies (Vouk, 2008)
introduce a new set of identity, access and auditing
problems that could hamper the adoption of cloud
computing. These technologies increase the risk of
security exposure in several ways, one of which is
the Protecting the physical boundaries of virtual
machines. Since A Virtual Host (VH) image can be
deployed and run on many possible physical
machines. In some cases (such as legal, governance
or privacy) there is a need to restrict geographical
locations of the deployed VH.
There is a gap between the cloud offerings and
the required secure solution. A compelling
characteristic of the cloud paradigm is the power of
abstraction, which frees consumers from concern
with the physical management of the underlying
infrastructure, but the absence of limitations on the
Hadar E..
DOI: 10.5220/0003358306650670
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2011), pages 665-670
ISBN: 978-989-8425-52-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure F-1: Access Control Reference Architecture for Cloud Computing.
physical server hosting the customer’s sensitive data,
in some cases, conflicts with privacy and other
regulations. In these cases, failover and backup of
data must occur within prescribed geographic limits,
and the data must be secured according to law within
restricted, typically national, boundaries. Even more
stringent regulations, such as those typical of
banking and other financial activities, can require
full transparency into the system structure to prove
that the sensitive data is secured with a known set of
technologies, and the location of the data is clearly
circumscribed to a limited zone. Healthcare privacy
regulations present similar requirements
An adaptation layer that wraps the cloud
offering, restricts roaming, and protects physical
boundaries is one means of providing transparency
and control while seamlessly connecting the cloud to
the common enterprise IT environment.
This paper proposes a conceptual solution for
Access Control in the form of a security
enforcement layer and architecture stack for cloud
computing. The solution is expressed as a reference
architecture that employs the C3A architecture
methodology (Hadar and Silberam, 2008) to
aggregate security needs into conceptual
components, as well as to define the dependency and
utilization of such abstract modules.
Section 2 of this paper details the conceptual
architecture components. Section 3 discusses and
concludes this study’s observations and provides
some future directions.
Figure F-1 details an architectural blueprint for
Access Control and Cloud computing adaptation
layer, using the C3A architecture methodology
(Hadar and Silberam, 2008). The responsibilities,
and thus the requirements for the solution, are
contained within separate components. In the
detailed description below, we present part of the
components that are relevant to the protecting the
physical boundaries of virtual machines problem
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
with brief indications on other components for
contextual framework purposes.
1. Strategic Federated CMDB (Configuration
Management Database), records the planned
and authorized configuration of the system and
tracks the updated and synchronized (with the
real infrastructure) servers that are discovered
and reconciled with existing information from
the federated repositories.
2. Hosts discovery is linked to Federated CMDB
web services and can extract a list of hosts
according to criteria. Hosts On-Demand
discovery sends requests to the comparable
Federated CMDB. Security managers can use it
to select specific IT sectors or groups.
Figure F-2: Topology Management component.
3. Topology Management (Figure F-2) triggers
request to detect a list of specific hosts as
Portability Manager transfers deployed images
across virtual domains or provisions new images on
the utility computing vendors sites (Figure F-3).
Figure F-3: Portability Manager.
3.1. Image Design and Modeling defines a
virtual configuration model of packaged
entities. It updates the Package Description
component with added definitions on
upgrades and changes.
3.2. Package Description generates specific
vendor packaging instructions and
configuration descriptions by using vendor
defined description files, such as the
Amazon Machine Image description file
(Amazon web, 2009) used by the Amazon
Elastic Cloud (EC2) service.
4. Image Provisioning and Deployment Manager
deploys and manages the integrity of the Access
Control Agents installed on a host image
deployed in the cloud
5. Cloud Security Management - Figure F-4
5.1. Cloud Security Sentry provides a managed
guarded-call pattern that intercepts calls
intended for the existing published
Management Services of the cloud vendor.
The guarded call prohibits the direct
activation of the cloud web services and
prevents a non-authorized access. Even
though in this context we refer to the
protection of accessing servers (and hosts),
intercepting web calls in a well-known
pattern, and the sentry can also wrap any
external call to Platform as a Service
(PaaS), or Software as a Service (SaaS).
Call protection that interrupts the natural
transaction, inevitably slows down system
performance, but security has its price, as
do regulatory requirements, high-
availability, redundancy, and any other non-
functional needs of a solution. The sentry
only intercepts administrative calls that
modify the system deployment, which may
be a insignificant relative to the overall
performance when deploying a full image,
or a major interuption if the payload is a
small policy file. The same rule applies to
PaaS and SaaS, where the payload size
transmission and the regular call overhead,
relative to the call interception. The cloud
environment is web-services based, over
WAN, and by definition, is considerably
slower than regular on-premise, LAN
solutions. In our Access Control
implementation, receiving the credentials
for an operation while intercepting kernel
calls does not exceed 5% of the CPU
consumption on the supported platforms.
However, in the case of WAN and web-
services, one must consider network latency
on the overall calls, which depends on the
network configuration. Still, only
administration calls are intercepted, which
are not frequent for privileged users. For
regular SaaS applications, a different
solution is employed, beyond the scope of
this paper, known as federated security.
Thus, the managed aspects of the cloud are
enforced, either from calls originating from
within the customer’s enterprise sites or
from any other external location. It provides
transient security entitlements to the
Provisioning and Benchmarking
components and enables these components
to access the cloud for changing images.
Moreover, it intercepts security policy
distribution that is activated directly from
the topology component.
5.2. Security SLA Requestor sets metrics and
mediates requests for delegating the need to
deploy Access Control policies within the
cloud. It can (1) forward and monitor
requests for access policy, (2) insert
restrictions on moving the physical location
of images, and (3) produce reports and
monitoring information. In order to provide
capabilities to limit and control the
Managed Services of the cloud, it uses the
Attributes Extractor component to extract
the data from the cloud and thus provides
limitations on the roaming capabilities. It
uses the Agent Data Collection component
for retrieving reports and monitoring data,
and the Distribution component for
propagating security enforcement requests
to the cloud vendor.
5.3. Wrapped Cloud Managed Services
component provides the same functions of
the managed services of the cloud.
However, they are wrapped with security
parameters for preventing un-authorized
administration calls; thus they serve as
interception guards.
Figure F-4: Cloud Access Security Manager.
5.4. Benchmarking Manager Contains the
Attributes Extractor that extracts and
displays all the non-functional
characteristics of the utility computing
offerings for furtherer evaluation. In the
case of Access Control, in order to provide
limitations on the roaming capabilities, the
information that is required is the virtual
host name, id: MAC addresses or other
strong identifiers and VM configuration
(network interfaces, external disks, and its
Input/Output ports).
6. Utility Computing (Figure F-5)
6.1. Delivery Gateway is deployed within the
cloud vendor’s site, and is able to accept
and delegate the need for enforcements of
policies on physical servers and virtual
hosts supporting the cloud. The Distribution
component is responsible for receiving and
delegating the Access Control policy. It
propagates them to internal enforcement
agents that monitor the operating systems
and applications that run the cloud
virtualization software. The Agent Data
Collection component is able to collect
internal reporting information about the
system’s status, and delegate this
information to the cloud consumers.
6.2. Managed Services is the vendor’s
proprietary services that provide
interactions with the utility computing
Figure F-5: Utility Computing.
7. Cloud Users are the regular administrators of
the IT enterprise infrastructure that interact with
the cloud using the supervised services. This
component includes Single-Sign-On
capabilities, as well as Identity and Access
Management (such as LDAP).
As presented in this conceptual paper, the collection
of the abstract components encapsulates the needs
and possible solution to overcome security gaps in
the cloud offerings.
The reference architecture defines the
components’ stack for handling security
interceptions (enforcement) of the managed web
services; limitations on image roaming and
portability; delegation of enforcement needs to the
underlying cloud core, and aggregated reports. This
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
set of requirements, when added to the cloud
offerings, enables to use the cloud as if it were
deployed within a local datacenter.
Consider the example in which an enterprise
implements a store front on a public cloud but keeps
the backend database for the store front in their
datacenter. In this simple example, the datacenter
administrator is faced with several security
problems. In the reference architecture these issues
are addressed. The architectural definition of the
solution is to deploy the front-end of the shop on a
public cloud, and the sensitive data as well as the
application financial processing servers on the local
enterprise datacenter. High-availability and transient
(on-demand) scalability requirements define a
minimum of a 3 front-end server cluster, 2
application servers, and 2 replicated database
servers. The maximum allowed provisioned servers
are 15 for the front-end, 5 for application logic, and
during known heavy usage periods (holidays), to add
another single replicated database.
According to this architecture definition, the
Strategic Federated CMDB will contain the planned
structure of 3 front-end servers mounted to be
deployed on Amazon EC2 cloud, 2 application and 2
database servers will be deployed as virtual guests
on a VMWare host within the internal datacenter.
All these images (VMWare guest and server, and
Amazon Image) are configured according to the
Package Description component, after being
designed in the Image Design and Modeling
Since scaling up and down is part of the cloud
promise (dynamic, on demand scaling), we can
define transient conditions of the applications based
on adaptation needs of the solution (number of
concurrent connections, averaged transactions
performance latency, shoppers peaks, etc.). These
are inherently part of the strategy definition,
containing the adaptation configuration parameters,
managed by the Deployment and Change
management tools, rather than CMDB. The
discovery tools that will detect the added servers,
can compare it to the stable minimum strategy and
the approved deviations, and will indicate the
difference as allowed, as long as they are within the
above boundaries. It can even show the differences
on the same view (planned vs. actual).
The security policy rules are:
1. Deployment administration policy:
1.1. The provisioning of this application can
only be conducted by the authorized Image
Provisioning and Deployment Manager
2. Cloud roaming policy:
2.1. The front-end servers cannot be deployed
in Europe due to privacy regulation
3. Datacenter co-existence policy:
3.1. The database servers cannot be deployed
on machines that contain the company
employees’ salary database server.
3.2. The application and the database must
reside on separate physical servers,
namely, each component of the solution
must be on another hardware.
4. Sizing and scaling policy:
4.1. The front-end provisioning is bounded
between 3 and 15 servers
4.2. The Application servers provisioning is
bounded between 2 and 5 servers
4.3. The Application servers provisioning is
bounded between 2 and 3 servers
according to dates attached to the policy.
5. Secured communication policy:
The application servers can only respond
to incoming requests from the front-end
The policies are defined and maintained in the
Virtual Host policy (3.1, 3.2, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1), and the
cloud Security Distributed Policy (1.1, 2.1, 4.1)
within the Topology Management component.
Accordingly, the Topology component dispatches
these separate policies to the Security Sentry and
Image Design components.
The Cloud Security Sentry intercepts any
management call to Utility computing that does not
originated from the Image Provisioning and
Deployment component.
The Managed Services component contains
accordingly specific application security
provisioning policy (1.1, 4.1) that enables the
provisioning and un-provisioning of images on the
public cloud, governed by the Security Sentry. Thus,
change function calls will be activated only if they
are within the policy boundary. The exact amount of
provisioned machines is maintained in the Topology
MDR, which receives the correct status of the
system from the federated reconciled CMDB.
The Image Provisioning and Deployment
component manages the internal datacenter as well,
where each of the deployed servers has an
enforcement access control agent installed. This
agent receives the co-existence (3.1, 3.2), sizing
(4.2, 4.3) and communication (5.1) policy, bundled
with other access control policies, hardening the
operating systems (out of scope for this paper).
In terms of Cloud Roaming (2.1) of the front-end
parts of the application, the cloud Security Sentry
component delegates the policy to the Security SLA
Requests component, which in turn, sends the policy
to the Distribution component. This triggers a
request for the cloud provider, which follows the
instructions, and report back to the adaptation layer
via the Agent Data Collection.
The modular structure enables additional
integrations, such as federated security management
over a grid. Delegating the security requests from
the services supplier is done in a “supply chain
management” approach. Consequently, This
delegation enables to structure a network of
managed access control units, in different areas of
the globe, over different datacenters.
This adaptation layer abstracts the understanding
of cloud security management from the IT users,
enabling them to pursue their regular working
practices as well as simplifying cloud management
security aspects.
The reference architecture presented here may be
replaced by any implementation components that
provide a technological solution to these design
specifications. It is aimed at structuring an
adaptation layer, extending the cloud offerings to a
secured one. Aggregating the needs into the
conceptual high-level components by means of
architecture design defines the future context for
specific implementations.
Future evolution of this conceptual layer will
involve its practical integration with enterprise IT
management tools, such as Access Control tools,
Identity Management, and CMDB as well as with
Cloud vendors such as Amazon, Google, or
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (2009), Web Site:, last accessed on March 5,
Hadar, E. and Silberman, G (2008): Agile architecture
methodology: Long term strategy interleaved with
short term tactics. In: Proceedings of the International
Conference on Object Oriented Programming,
Systems, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA),
Nashville, US.
Vouk, M.A.(2008): Cloud computing - issues, research
and implementations. In: Proceedings of the ITI 2008
30th International Conference on Information
Technology Interfaces, Cavtat, Croatia.
Weiss, A (2007), Computing in the clouds. netWorker
11(4) (2007) 16-25
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science