Erwing R. Sanchez, Bartolomeo Montrucchio and Maurizio Rebaudengo
Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24, Torino, Italy
Energy efficiency, Wireless sensor networks, Sustainable technologies.
Residential and commercial buildings constitute one of the largest energy consumption sectors in industrial-
ized countries. This paper introduces a flexible commissioning system for maximizing energy usage efficiency
in large and complex buildings. The system focuses on energy saving models to efficiently acquire and process
sensor network data, thus reducing energy consumption and costs through the whole process. Novel proto-
col mechanisms are included in the implementation of the network to reduce its energy expenditure while
maintaining a reliable communication. Special attention is placed in developing the performance monitoring
interface, specifically designed for increasing personal energy consciousness of end-users. The overall system
has been implemented at the Politecnico di Torino main site.
Nowadays sustainability and green policies have be-
come real drivers for industrial and economic projects
in every modern country. Financial crisis, effects of
pollution on human health and climate changes are
only some of the biggest threats related to energy pro-
duction, uses and wastes. For these reasons, the devel-
opment of innovative concepts and systems concern-
ing energy management has achieved increasing in-
terest during last years. Furthermore, since residential
and commercial buildings represent 20-40% of the to-
tal energy demand (Perez-Lombard et al., 2008), it be-
comes evident the importance of optimizing resources
in buildings and the significant possible savings.
The aim of this paper is to describe the creation of
an energy management system in large and complex
structures, which represents one of the most interest-
ing challenges concerning energy efficiency and ICT.
A non-intrusive, embedded technology was con-
sidered: Wireless Sensor Netowrks (WSN). WSNs
constitute a pervasive and ubiquitous technology
which may be deployed in the environment in or-
der to gather information about a physical phenom-
ena. Due to a combination of recent technological ad-
vances in electronics, nanotechnology, wireless com-
munications, computing and networking, it is possible
to design tiny, low-cost and low-power sensors.
The main contributions of this paper are described
in the following. Mainly, a commissioning system
based on WSN was implemented in a large building
structure. Particular concern was devoted to the effi-
cient design and implementation of the WSN archi-
tecture. The system includes novel mechanisms to
tackle down the energy expenditure problem of the
network; improvements to traditional Medium Ac-
cess Control (MAC) and routing protocols are intro-
duced which leads to an energy-efficient system with
a several-month lifespan. Furthermore, analysis of
captured environmental data is presented, and a model
is introduced based on cyclostationary processes.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 is
devoted to the description of the data management by
using wireless sensors networks and their optimized
schemes for acquisition and data transfer. Section 3
presents a data analysis framework providing energy
saving models for sensor networks, while Section 4 is
devoted to the description of the envisaged humans-
data interface, developed with the objective of creat-
ing awareness and a real perception of energy usage
to the user. Results obtained from a sensor network
deployed at Politecnico di Torino are presented and
discussed in Section 5 and Section 6 concludes the
R. Sanchez E., Montrucchio B. and Rebaudengo M. (2011).
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems, pages 283-287
DOI: 10.5220/0003372602830287
Wireless sensor networks are exploited in rather di-
verse applications to continuously monitor a given
environment. To this aim, the sensor network is
frequently queried, i.e., acquisition from all sensors
of measurements describing the state of the moni-
tored environment (Gehrke and Madden, 2004; Mad-
den et al., 2003; Yao and Gehrke, 2003) is per-
formed. However, this approach is characterized by
high energy consumption. Since main contributors to
sensor energy consumption are communication and
data acquisition (Deshpande et al., 2004), novel in-
telligent techniques for sensor network querying are
needed. Hence, devising power-efficient architectures
and models for energy saving during data collection is
Raw measurements from sensor nodes are trans-
ferred to a central processing unit via the base sta-
tions, which constitute intermediate entities in mesh
networking topology. This architecture increases net-
work reliability, avoiding information losses, shirink-
ing delays due to distances in communication and en-
abling fast response to events detected.
Raw data collected is stored in the DataBase Man-
agement System (DBMS), which in turn elaborates
information to provide energy indicators for different
networks areas. Moreover, information from different
base stations are processed simultaneously, increas-
ing the overall interoperability of the system. Results
from the commissioning system are reported com-
pletely to trained staff responsible for pursuing build-
ings energy policy. In addition, information provided
to non-technical users allows to increase their per-
sonal energy consciousness, possibly modifying some
of their bad habits.
The data acquisition stage relies in different mech-
anisms and protocols which performance affects the
overall operation of the network. The sensor architec-
ture establishes the foundations of a reliable acquisi-
tion regarding, mainly, energy efficient applications.
Energy-saving and reliable strategies are considered
for relevant layered protocols, e.g., MAC and routing.
A preamble sampling approach is adopted for MAC,
while an improved energy-aware collection tree algo-
rithm is implemented for the routing protocol.
2.1 WSN Architecture
WSNs are mainly deployed to monitor and report
physical measured data to a central device or base
station. Therefore, their main concern is to collect
this data from the environment, by means of sensor
nodes, and route it to the base station which perform
appropriate analysis of the collected information. In
a centralized architecture, there is only one base sta-
tion which handles all the incoming messages from
the nodes and take the decisions related to the analysis
to perform. Other alternative, based in this approach,
may be adopted such as multi-tree architectures.
In a multi-tree approach, networks are created ac-
cording with the area they cover. Hierarchical trees
are formed individually one from another. Every tree
is constituted by several sensors nodes and a base sta-
tion. Thus, each tree is a single network that inter-
acts with other networks in the building by means of
their mutual database. This approach presents many
advantages for large buildings for several reasons.
First, by having multiple base stations, sensor mea-
surements do not have to be propagated through large
paths, therefore overall energy is saved because just
a few nodes are involved in data propagation each
time. Another advantage of multiple base stations is
related to networks responsiveness to detected phe-
nomena; since sensor measurements converge faster
to the analysis maker entity, i.e., the base stations,
then, analyisis of data is performed earlier and, con-
sequently, reacting mechanisms such as alarms can be
triggered faster.
2.2 Collection Tree Protocol
The routing protocol designed is a tree-based collec-
tion protocol (CTP) where several number of nodes
are able to announce themselves as roots of the tree.
The routing protocol is address-free, which essen-
tially means that the data is not sent to a particular
root, instead the destination is, implicitly, chosen by
sending the message to the next hop in the upper level
of the tree. The main metric used by the protocol to
select next hops in the routing tree is the Expected
Transmissions (ETX), which produces a routing gra-
dient to allow generating the path towards one root.
While the initial conditions for a root establish its
ETX equals to zero, all other nodes have
) = ETX(n
) + ETX(L (n
, n
where node n
is the parent of node n
, and L is the
function to obtain the link between two nodes. As a
result, the routing protocol performs the selection of
the path with minimum ETX between the source node
and the root node.
To improve the behavior of tradicional CTP, a new
mechanism to compute the metric was developed. Re-
ducing the number of packets transmitted provides an
efficient manner to reduce energy expenditure due to
the high energy cost of the radio operation. Even if,
in CTP, the number of protocol packets decreases in
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
time, a large quantity of these flows in the network.
A solution to reduce the number of protocol pack-
ets consits on perform the metric calculation based
on the quantity of energy available to the node. Thus,
the node with larger energy available is responsible
for sending the packets to measure the metric. The
receiving node only sends one packet to update the
sending node. With this simple mechanism, nearly
half of the packets used for the routing protocol are
reduced and, in consequence, the overall energy us-
age of the network is reduced as well.
2.3 Preamble Sampling Protocol
Preamble sampling is a protocol designed to avoid
sharing sleep/wake up schedules among nodes, i.e.,
every node chooses independently a schedule without
synchronizing it with other nodes.
An optimization to the traditional preamble sam-
pling protocol was introduced in (Sanchez et al.,
2009) and was implemented in this deployment.
High-traffic nodes are normally closer to the sink due
to their behavior to forward others packets to their
destination in a network without aggregation mech-
anism. Most of the energy used to send is due to the
waiting period of sending nodes before the receiving
nodes wake up. This time can be reduced by follow-
ing an adaptive mechanism which reduces the sleep-
ing time according to the closeness of the nodes to the
sink. The base station is always listening i.e., sleeping
time equals to zero, thus, reducing to the minimum
the sending time of high-traffic nodes which are in
the first level of the routing tree. The sleeping time of
those nodes is less than the nominal value in order to
help second-level nodes to send their packets without
too much waiting. Second-level nodes’ sleeping time
is higher than first-level nodes’ sleeping time. This
mechanism goes on until the nominal sleeping time is
achieved by nodes that are far from the sink and do
not have to forward others packets.
The commissioning system described was imple-
mented at the Politecnico di Torino main site. WSNs
for data collection were developed by using Cross-
Bow’s Telos rev. B (Polastre et al., 2005) nodes
compliant with IEEE 802.15.4 and Zigbee standards
(Tsang et al., 2009). Telos nodes were provided with
sensors for environmental parameters (temperature,
relative humidity, light). In addition, customized no-
des were implemented in parallel for acquiring oc-
cupancy indicators (human presence and CO
els). Up to 67 nodes were deployed concurrently
within several measurements campaigns that were
performed through one year.
Due to the measurement campaigns deployed in
different buildings and the dimension of the covered
areas, mesh networking strategies were limited to less
than four hops by adopting the multi-tree network ar-
chitecture. The routing protocol was address-free and
represented an optimized version of CTP (Gnawali
et al., 2009) where only the nodes with higher energy
evaluated the link quality, as described in Section 2.2.
The optimal solution was therefore designed on a 15-
minutes sampling time and the improved Low Power
Listening (LPL) MAC protocol (Polastre et al., 2004),
presented in Section 2.3. This low-power, real-time
data acquisition enabled fast response to perturbing
situations with controlled network traffic and power
consumption, providing improvements on the average
lifetime of nodes.
The employed framework consider an end-user in
charge of defining the energy saving strategy based
upon consumption data and comfort of building users.
To facilitate decision making, the processing stage
performs statistical and comfort computations. By ex-
ploiting the presence sensors, the system is able to
statistically single out isolated or weakly-populated
areas. Additionally, the termo-hygrometric comfort
of the considered environment can be computed by
utilizing the PMV index (ISO 7730, 2005).
Fig. 1 presents an area of the deployments: the
Hydraulic and Transport Department. We deployed
sensor nodes throughout two floors in an area of
roughly 250 m
. We selected one corner of the area as
placement for the base station. Sensors were placed
in different environments of the department; several
were positioned in offices, while others were placed
inside facilities mainly used by students, such as a
small library and small laboratories. One sensor was
placed in the main hall as a reference for the other
measurements. Another department, the Energetic
Department facility was also chosen for deployment,
mainly, because it has a large laboratory area with dif-
ferent equipment that may affect temperature or hu-
midity, and may represent and interesting focusing
area for energy-saving strategies. The area covered
by sensors was about 250 m
, as well.
Figure 1: Sensor deployment at Hydraulic and Transport
The reliability of the WSN acquisition system was
more than 97% of delivery ratio, which is higher than
other approaches (Gnawali et al., 2009). The adaptive
preamble approach exploited for the MAC protocol
provides a fairer distribution of the energy expendi-
ture of the network by reducing the cost burden of
high-traffic nodes towards low-traffic nodes. The op-
timization of CTP allows for a reduction of almost
50% of the control traffic in the network, which leads
to a decrease in power consumption and an increment
in the average lifetime of nodes to approximately six
The PMV computations shows that high thermal
comfort level is guaranteed even in isolated areas,
where usually users do not benefit of that situation, re-
sulting in an inefficient energy usage. Fig. 2(a) shows
the temperature measurement of an isolated area of
the building on January 2010. By hypothesizing a re-
duction of heating power during working hours and
a subsequent modification of the internal temperature
by -1.5
C, a decrease of up to 270 DD (DegreeDay) is
obtainable during the whole heating period (180 days
per year).
The same reasoning may be applied to summer pe-
riod, when cooler are activated for air conditioning.
Decreasing the internal cooling of isolated areas al-
lows to obtain a further energy saving still guarantee-
ing an acceptable thermal comfort. The overall theo-
retical energy saving obtainable may be up to 15% of
total annual energy consumption.
From the obtained data, autocorrelations functions
(ACF) of temperature, humidity and illuminance are
presented in Fig. 2(a), 2(b) and 2(c), respectively.
lag (minutes)
1e+00 1e+01 1e+02 1e+03 1e+04
(a) Temperature.
lag (minutes)
1e+00 1e+01 1e+02 1e+03 1e+04
(b) Humidity.
lag (minutes)
1e+00 1e+01 1e+02 1e+03 1e+04
(c) Illuminance.
Figure 2: Autocorrelation functions.
The particular node chosen corresponds to S3 in the
Hydraulic and Transport Department which is consid-
ered as a representative sensor.
Temperature and humidity present specific time
trends in two particular periods: daily and weekly.
As part of an in-door office scenario, the daily perid-
iocity is consistent due to the clear drift of a day.
The weekly frequence behavior becomes clearer by
analysing the differences during the weekend, i.e., an
office generally behaves differently in the weekend
than in workdays in terms of temperature and humid-
ity because fewer individuals are present, thus, gen-
erating a weekly peridiocity that in other scenarios is
The autocorrelation is highly influenced by these
peridiocities. A more precise analysis of the energy
consumption and behavior of a particular area of a
building can be achieved by analysing the fluctuations
of the autocorrelation once these cyclic trends and the
seasonal trend are removed. To that end, a model of
the data based on the its descomposition is developed.
The descomposition is constituted by three compo-
nents: the yearly trend, a daily effect and a residual
short term fluctuation.
For every time series M(t), the addition of the
three modes produces the following model
M(t) = Y (t) +
D(t nT
) + R(t),
where T
represents the time period of one day, Y (t)
is the yearly trend, D(t) represents the daily behavior
and R(t) is the residual fluctuation. Y (t) is defined as
the smoothed average over one day of data, in order
to reduce the influence due to daily variations. D(t)
is estimated as the daily trend, after taking out Y (t).
To address the different behavior of the weekends and
workdays, the computation of D(t) considers merely
the workdays. D(t) is produced by substracting the
yearly mode and taking the cyclic mean over a period
of one day:
D(t) = mean(M(t) Y (t)); t {workday}.
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
(a) M(t).
M(t) - Y(t)
0 5 10 15 20 25
(b) Cyclic M(t) Y (t) and D(t).
0 100 200 300 400
(c) R(t).
Figure 3: Descomposition values for node S3.
For the node S3, the result of this decomposition is
depicted in Fig. 3(a), 3(b) and 3(c). Fig. 3(a) shows
the complete time series, M(t), for the temperature
sensor of the node. After substracting Y (t), the cyclic
daily values for working days are presented in Fig.
3(b). For convenience, the mean value D(t) is also
shown in bold. Finally, the resulting R(t) is shown in
Fig. 3(c).
When a day does not follow closely the usual
cyclic pattern, R(t) presents peaks. The analysis of
the different measures can be performed considering
only R(t) which isolates the differences of the sensor
from the usual trend. Energy managers may utilized
this information to single out problematic areas or un-
usual behaviors in the different areas of the building.
While Y (t) and D(t) tend to be similar among dif-
ferent nodes, R(t) represents small fluctuations which
can be used to compare against a reference measure-
Commissioning buildings represents usually a huge
investment for tenants; however significant savings
may be obtained by optimizing energy usage and re-
ducing wastes. Flexibility and interoperability can be
increased considerably by exploiting wireless sensors
networks which reduce also deployment time and cost
of the monitoring system. Optimized protocols play
an importatn role on the savings and sutainability of
the sensor network. A model for analyzing sensor net-
works data allows significant improvements and its
exploitment helps to minimize energy consumption
for data collection. The experimental results obtained
at the Politecnico di Torino case study demonstrated
the feasibility of the approach and may serve as a
preliminary reference model in developing the mon-
itoring/controlling framework of an On-going Com-
misioning system.
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