Héla Ben Mallem
, Mickael Naud
, Paul Richard
, Jean-Louis Ferrier
and Abdelaziz Labib
Laboratoire Lumières et Modernité, Université Tunis El-Manar, Tunis, Tunisia
Laboratoire d’Ingénierie des Systèmes Automatisés (LISA), Université d’Angers, Angers, France
Keywords: Computer graphics, Virtual environments, 3D interaction techniques, Graphical artworks.
Abstract: Recent advances in computer graphics and 3D interaction devices raise new possibilities for artworks.
However, extended analyses of the underlying technology as well as usability experiments have to be
carried out. Moreover, 3D interaction techniques have to be proposed and evaluated. Another important
aspect concerns the way computer technology may assist or support artistic creation. The objective of the
work presented in this paper is to propose both a theoretical framework for the analysis of computer-aided
artistic creation and 3D interaction techniques allowing user-centered artworks. Two immersive
configurations along with 3D interaction techniques are proposed and analyzed. These interaction
techniques are based on infrared cameras and 3D interaction devices such as a data-glove or the Nintendo
Art has entered in a new phase of experimentation,
reinforced by the creation and the implementation of
complex models. The process of artistic creation has
evolved since its origins in terms of tools, forms,
styles and contents. This evolution is undergoing an
important step through the opportunities offered by
computing technology (Couchot et al., 1988), (Jaspart
et al., 2001), (Benayoun, 1998), (Chevalier, 2010)
(Bilda et al., 2005), (Bird et al., 2007), (De Gotzen et
al., 2008), (Candy et al., 2002), (Saunders et al.,
2002), (Costello et al., 2005). 3D interactive
environments and virtual reality (VR) technology
participate to this evolution in an original and
consistent manner.
With the continuous improvements in computer
technology, it is now possible to develop 3D artworks
with standard high-end personal computers and low-
cost interaction devices such as the Nintendo
. However, extended analyses of the
underlying technology as well as usability
experiments have to be carried out. Moreover, 3D
interaction techniques have to be proposed and
evaluated. Another important aspect concerns the
way computer technology may assist or support
artistic creation.
In this paper, we propose a framework for the
analysis of computer-aided artistic creation and new
3D interaction techniques allowing user-centered
artworks. Two immersive configurations along with
interaction techniques are proposed and analyzed.
They are based on projection displays and propose
3D interaction techniques based on infrared cameras
and 3D interaction devices such as a data-glove or the
Nintendo Wiimote
In the next section we present the proposed
theoretical framework for the description,
classification and analysis of computer-aided
graphical artwork. In section 3, we describe the
proposed configurations and interactions techniques.
The paper ends by a conclusion and proposes some
tracks for future works.
Our theoretical approach was guided by the AIP cube
(Autonomy-Interaction-Presence) proposed by
Zeltzer to describe and analyze VR systems (Zeltzer,
1991). We propose a framework to describe, classify
and analyze computer-aided environment for artistic
creation. This framework (the CIA cube) illustrated in
Fig. 1, has three independent components: creativity,
immersion, and autonomy.
In the proposed framework, the creativity axis is
related to the user’s creativity, i.e. what he/she could
imagine and create without the assistance of the
Ben Mallem H., Naud M., Richard P., Ferrier J. and Labib A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003377603470351
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP-2011), pages 347-351
ISBN: 978-989-8425-45-4
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: The CIA (Creativity, Immersion, Autonomy)
computer. Some examples of software are Paint,
Illustrator, or Photoshop. Autonomy is the related to
the automatic generation of 2D or 3D artworks based
on complex algorithms, iterated function systems,
etc... Immersion refers to the immersive aspect of the
working environment and the underlying possibility
for the user to be immersed and observe his/her own
creation from different viewpoints. Immersion could
be achieved through the use of a head-mounted
display (full immersion), or a single large back-
project stereoscopic display (partial immersion).
In order to study computer-aided artistic creativity,
we have developed 3D interaction techniques and
real-time applications in which the user may perform
some graphical artworks using dynamic gestures. We
therefore focus on the following point: C=1, I=0.5,
A=0 and C=1. In this case, the computer is only used
for basic features such as 3D gestures acquisition and
graphical rendering. The user is partially immersed in
the working environment.
3.1 Immersive Configuration using a
3.1.1 Interaction Technique
Sturman has shown that the hand can be used as a
sophisticated computer input device, and allows real-
time realization of complex tasks requiring several
degrees of freedom (Sturman, 1992). Thus, we
developed an immersive configuration allowing the
user to realize 3D graphical artwork using a 5DT
data-glove. User’s movements and dynamic gestures
are tracked in a large workspace using a motion
capture system based on two infrared cameras (Fig.
2). The data-glove has been therefore equipped with a
infrared reflector placed in the palm (Fig. 3).
Figure 2: Top view of the system: rear projected screen,
infrared (IR) cameras and workspace.
Knowing the specific parameters of the infrared
cameras (intrinsic parameters) and the relative
positioning of these cameras (extrinsic parameters) it
is possible to calculate the position of any 3D points
within the workspace.
The glove-based interaction technique allows the
user to perform graphical artwork such as 3D
drawing. Dynamic gestures are used to control the
color of the lines or curves during hand movement in
space, and for specific action such as erase the
drawing, stop and start to draw. A primary RGB color
has been assigned to each finger. Thus, the thumb
finger controls the red (R) component, the index
finger controls the green component (G), and the
middle finger controls the blue component (B).
Therefore, simultaneous bending of the three fingers
results in black color. Flexion of the ring finger
reduces the size of the drawn lines or curves, as
flexion of the little finger increases it. A flat hand is
used stop drawing. A fist gesture (all fingers fully
flexed) erases the whole drawing.
The immersive platform is equipped with a large
rear projection display (2 m x 2.5) that allows
stereoscopic viewing using passive (polarized
glasses). The platform is based on a single HP
Workstation WX6400 composed of a dual processor
GRAPP 2011 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
Figure 3: A user performing 3D graphical artworks using
the 5dt glove-based interaction technique.
Intel Xeon 5130 (2 GHz) and a MSI 8800 GTX
graphics card with 768 MB of memory. This
workstation is connected to two Barco IQ R300
projectors. Each projector is equipped with a
polarizing filter (circular).
3.1.2 Analysis and Limits
We measured the absolute error of mocap system
along the x (depth), y (width) and z (height) direction.
The results revealed that the system accuracy was
good and relatively consistent throughout the whole
workspace. However, the configuration requires a
calibration session (for both the IR mocap system and
the glove). Indeed, if one of the IR reflectors is not
visible, the drawing is interrupted, resulting in
unexpected straight lines as illustrated in Fig.3. Thus,
although very interesting and exciting, the overall
system was judged relatively difficult to use. Indeed,
the few users that performed 3D artworks using this
technique reported some difficulties concerning the
control of color. The mocap system was judged quite
efficient and accurate.
3.2 Immersive Configuration using the
3.2.1 Interaction Technique
In order to overcome the above cited drawbacks and
the overall cost of the system, we proposed a
bimanual interaction technique based on the Nintendo
. This technique has been developed on a
large-scale rear-projected stereoscopic display, but
can be used with any projected display or large LCD
or OLED TV screen. A single optitrack
camera is used to track the user’s movements
(dominant hand and the Wiimote
) in 3D space.
The movements of the user’s dominant hand (right
hand in fig. 4) are used to draw 3D continuous or
dashed lines. The user may also select other
primitives such as cubes, spheres (solid or wire), or
other predefined form or patterns using the
. This device is equipped with a IR
reflector and is moved by the users’ non-dominant
hand (left hand in fig. 4) within a colorimetric RGB
cube used to control the color or the drawing.
3.2.2 Analysis and Limits
As for the previous systems, we measured the
accuracy and also the available workspace of the
infrared Optitrack
camera. The selected
camera is the one with the wider field of
view (three possible lens are available for the same
product). As for the STT IR camera, we observed that
the accuracy is relatively good and does not vary
within the workspace. Results also showed that the
user have to be quite far from the camera if he/she
want to work in a large workspace and thus decrease
the system accuracy and reliability. The solution is to
increase the size of the reflective markers.
Figure 4: Illustration of the bimanual interaction technique.
In order to evaluate the usability of the proposed
bimanual interaction technique, we carried out a non-
formal experiment. Five students were asked to
perform artworks during 30 minutes and were
interviewed. Some best results are shown in Fig. 5, 6,
7, 8, 9. We observed that the students needed some
time to understand and use efficiently the interaction
techniques. They reported that it was quite difficult
and not very intuitive to select a color within the
RGB cube. Moreover, they reported that fixed
position of the cube in space constrained the
movements of their dominant hand.
Figure 5: Graphical artworks realized using the bimanual
interaction technique (line primitive).
Figure 6: Graphical artworks realized using the bimanual
interaction technique (sphere primitive).
Figure 7: Graphical artworks realized using the bimanual
interaction technique (solid cube primitive).
Figure 8: Graphical artworks realized using the bimanual
interaction technique (wire cube primitive).
Figure 9: Graphical artworks realized using the bimanual
interaction technique (multiple primitives).
In this paper, we proposed both a theoretical
framework for the description, classification and
analysis of computer-aided artistic creation. Two
immersive configurations along with new interaction
techniques have been proposed. They are based on
large back-projected displays, infrared cameras and
3D interaction devices such as the 5dt data-glove and
the Nintendo Wiimote
. Preliminary experiments
have been carried out using short number of subjects.
Results and observations revealed that the proposed
configuration and interaction techniques required
some training. However, after being acquainted with
the interaction techniques, the subjects were able to
perform and enjoy some interesting 3D graphical
artworks. In the future we will investigate other
possible 3D artwork applications defined by our
theoretical framework and will focus on the
GRAPP 2011 - International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications
integration of complex algorithms to assist the user.
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