Nguyen The Cuong, Abdellah Touhafi, Jelmer Tiete and Kris Steenhaut
ETRO, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, Belgium
IWT, Erasmushogeschool Brussel, Brussel, Belgium
Keywords: Noise monitoring, Web services, Joomla components, Noise level visualization, Web-based applications,
Sound measurement, Noise pollution.
Abstract: This paper presents a noise monitoring system based on web service technologies. By using microphones
placed in certain locations, the system investigates the level of noise pollution. Sensed data are collected,
processed and visualized. One of the advantages of the system is to provide monitoring modules that can be
added to user websites when necessary. The objective of these modules is to display noise levels at a
specific location in real time. The paper also shows the advantages and capabilities of web services in noise
monitoring systems. Web service interfaces are developed to support database access, by which many users
can query sound database system at the same time. It is believed that the availability of these modules
promotes the participation of urban citizens in the noise monitoring task.
Noise pollution is one of the main causes of health
complaints by the inhabitants of urban areas today.
Recent studies concluded that exposure to high
levels of environmental noise can significantly
increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart
failure, hearing disorders and insomnia. Because of
this, noise pollution is recognized as a cause of
decreased productivity and disturbed social behavior
(European Commission Green Paper). The European
Commission recognizes this problem and has made
noise avoidance, reduction and prevention their key
priorities in their current policy. For this purpose, a
directive has been proposed by the European
Commission for all the European Member States to
draw up "strategic noise maps" to assist in
monitoring this environmental problem. These noise
maps should provide a regular overview of detailed
noise levels in agglomerations with more than
250.000 inhabitants (Directive 2002/49/EC). Via a
web-interface, people would have the opportunity to
consult the noise pollution situation in their
neighborhood. We believe that the more users
participate in the noise monitoring tasks, the more
people will understand the issue of noise pollution.
The question is how urban citizens can monitor
noise levels when they are interested in this issue.
In this paper, we describe our approach that
allows citizens to participate in noise monitoring
tasks. The aim of the system is to provide internet
users the capability of monitoring noise pollution.
The work consists of two parts. First, we build a
noise monitoring system enabling to record sound
data level at some given locations. Second, easy-to-
integrate modules are developed based on web
service technology. Web service interfaces are used
for communicating between user applications and
the database system. Because almost all websites are
now powered by Content Management Systems
(CMSs) these modules are built following well-
defined structures that makes them easily integrable
into those systems.
There are different issues discussed in this paper.
Firstly, we analyze the health impact of noise
pollution and the role of web services in monitoring
systems. Secondly, we study the related works on
noise monitoring and web services. Next, we go
through the description of the system and some
components in detail. We then present the
implementations in the system. Finally, we conclude
and present plans for future works with regards to
both noise monitoring and web services.
The Cuong N., Touhafi A., Tiete J. and Steenhaut K..
DOI: 10.5220/0003382202950300
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2011), pages 295-300
ISBN: 978-989-8425-52-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Sound is essential in our daily life, but noise is not.
Environmental noise is unwanted sound from
different possible sources, including road and rail
traffic, construction works, aircraft noise, sport
events, leisure parks etc. Each source has different
characteristics and poses specific problems. For
example, noise can be irritating, disturb sleep and
affect the health of people of all different age groups
(Kanjo, 2010).
There is an increasing body of research linking
prolonged exposure to transport noise to negative
health impacts. A major impact of noise is sleep
disturbance – and disrupted sleep has been linked to
effects on cardiac health. A number of reports have
made direct links between transport noise and
cardiac health. Most work carried out has looked at
impacts of aviation noise. There are links between
children's concentration too. Much of this work has
been carried out in Europe (NOISE PROTECTION).
To show the role of web services in noise
monitoring systems, we first summarize the
capabilities of these services and then present their
Web services provide a method for distributed
applications to access resources that are located on
remote devices in a manner similar to local
resources. Typically, a functionality available on one
server is considered as a method call for an
application running on remote devices (Priyantha et
al., 2008).
In monitoring systems, web services offer some
significant advantages besides enabling a new
method for data exchange.
Multiple usage: the web service enables sensed
information to be shared across multiple
applications in a very flexible way. The fact
that one service can be consumed by many
users at the same time reduces cost for
duplicating copies of the application to each
Programmability: the uses of web services
improve the programmability of the system.
The WSDL (Web Service Definition
Language) description of the service can
automatically be parsed by high-level
development tools as Visual Studio and
NetBeans IDE.
Ease of integration: many network applications
nowadays support web services. It is easy to
integrate the new services into the existing
system. Web service based applications can
run on all kinds of machines from a desktop or
laptop to a mainframe.
The aforementioned advantages prove why web
services in distributed systems are so widespread.
Since the request of the European Union for more
detailed noise data and measurements, a significant
number of research has been conducted concerning
noise monitoring and related subjects.
Touhafi et al., 2001 developed a software
package named Euterpe to monitor noise levels in a
cost efficient way. By using this software package,
computer users can investigate noise pollution levels
at any location. The ease of installation and usage is
the significant advantage of the software. With
minimum computer experience, people can set up a
system that can monitor the noise level of their
Cerniglia and Amadasi, 2006 provide a real-time
noise monitoring solution. According to their work,
viewers can see the noise level at a fixed position
both in near real-time mode and offline mode. This
website (see www.citynoise.net) provides real time
video and audio streaming at a pre-determined
location. Automatic warning and report sending are
also considered in the system. Cerniglia proves that
it is possible to monitor noise pollution on a long-
term basis using a web-based application. Although
almost all the objectives of a monitoring system are
met by the system, an application re-using system is
not implemented. Users cannot use this work for
their own purposes.
When taking into account the participation of the
citizen in noise monitoring, Maisonneuve et al.,
2009 presents a new approach, in which urban
people play a significant role in collecting and
sending noise data. By using GPS-equipped mobile
phones, citizens are enabled to measure noise levels
in their daily environment. (Stevens and D’Hondt,
2010) provides a low cost solution for citizens to
measure their personal exposure to noise in their
everyday environment and participate in the creation
of collective noise maps by sharing their geo-
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
localized and annotated measurements with the
community. The involvement of citizens promotes
and reduces the cost of the noise-monitoring task.
NoiseSpy (Kanjo, 2010) is a noise monitoring
system, in which Kanjo turns mobile phones into a
low-cost data logger. It allows users to explore a city
area while collaboratively visualizing the noise level
in real time.
A noise monitoring system has been developed
around Brussels airport (www.brusselsairport.be).
This system controls, measures and analyses the
noise produced by the Brussels Airport and outputs a
noise map around the airport. The IDEA project (see
www.idea-project.be) in Belgium focuses in
particular on environmental stressors that have a
very local character such as (ultra) fine particulate
matter and noise. They are also running sound
measurement tests with a network of lower
performance (and thus much cheaper) sensors.
For research based on web services, (Fuyu and
Dogdu, 2006) proposed a new architecture for user
management in federated database system. This
approach is based on web service technologies when
building the components of the system. (Zhu et al.,
2004) states that web services also can be used in the
integration of dynamic data. A service-oriented data
integration architecture (SODIA) is developed to
provide a uniform view of data coming from
autonomous, heterogeneous and distributed data
sources. For the purpose of software sharing over the
Internet, (Yu and Daizhong, 2006) suggests an
approach based on web services. It allows members
of a team, who may work far away, to share their
software resources.
In order to promote the participation of urban
citizens in noise pollution monitoring, we propose a
noise monitoring system using web service
technologies. In this system web services are used to
provide access to a recorded sound database. It is
easy for users to query the sound database by calling
defined function calls of the web service. Figure 1
shows the architecture of the system.
5.1 Overview of the System
The system uses microphones, which are attached to
mini computers, to record noise levels at given
locations. Normally, these microphones are placed
in the vicinity of busy streets, dense residences or
airport fly routes. Selected sound data at the nodes
Figure 1: The architecture of the system.
will be sent to a base station (a server). In order to
make the data managing convenient, sensed
information is centralized in a database server where
it is processed and stored.
Internet users who want to add a noise-
monitoring module to their web sites can download
the packed modules from the central server. The
monitoring module provides a map-based interface
that visualizes the sound level at a given location.
These modules are developed based on the formatted
structure of Joomla modules, so it is easy for Joomla
users to install it on their websites. It is also possible
to build a module following the module’s format of
other CMSs (e.g. Drupal).
5.2 System Components
The main components of the system will be
described in the following sections.
5.2.1 Euterpe Software
Euterpe, a software packet developed by A. Touhafi
and his team from the Erasmushogeschool Brussel,
allows the implementation of a low cost sonometer
with of the shelf hardware. The program records
sound waves with a microphone and calculates the
equivalent sound levels in decibel and other
statistical parameters such as the SEL-value and
L05-value. Users can also perform task scheduling
of Euterpe as well as data calibration. Using a
personal computer or a laptop with sound-card, a
microphone and Euterpe, one can quickly monitor
and analyse environmental sound levels. For
professional purposes Euterpe integrates
functionalities such as logging sound levels in data-
sheets, monitoring and logging the value of a
weather-station, sending messages via GSM and
registering sound fragments.
Figure 2 shows an example output of noise levels
from the Euterpe software.
Figure 2: An example of Euterpe data file.
5.2.2 Data Parsing Component
The main tasks of the parsing program is getting
significant information from Euterpe files and
sending collected data to a server as quickly as
possible. In order to do these tasks, first, the
program must select which is the latest up-to-date
file. Second, the file must be parsed into data records
before being sent to the specific server. All parsed
data are sent to the central station via the selected
5.2.3 Data Pushing Component
After it is processed, the sound level information is
pushed to a base station by the data-pushing
component. Sound level information is represented
as XML-based messages for ease of use and
platform independence.
5.2.4 Data Collecting Component
Real-time noise monitoring applications require the
data to be retrieved periodically. Because of this the
sound level at the nodes must continuously be sent
to a server. The data-collecting component is used to
gather all the sound information which is recorded at
many different nodes. Sound data authentication is
checked to make sure that the data come from a
registered node. This component also updates the
database continuously during monitoring time. A
database system installed on the server keeps the
sound data for further purposes.
5.2.5 Database Managing Component
The noise-monitoring task produces a large amount
of data. To get this data efficiently processed, it is
necessary to have a good database design and a
strong database system. A MySQL database system
(see www.mysql.com) is a good choice that meets
the database management requirements. Because
MySQL is open and free for download and use, this
database system is suitable for developing the open
systems at a minimum cost and for the maximum
number of users. Combined with a Java-based
framework, MySQL becomes the first choice when
developers want to build internet-based applications.
The query-speed of this database system is high
enough to use it for a real time monitoring system.
5.2.6 Network Services
Web services are used when developing the data
displaying component. These services are deployed
on the server and are used to answer users’ queries
on demand. By using defined standard calls (Pierce
et al., 2008) users can access the database system.
Only a simple web services client is needed to
consume deployed web services. Remote access
clients are not necessary in this monitoring system.
The main tasks for implementation of the system
consist of developing a noise monitoring system and
building components that consume web services
deployed in the system. The development of the
modules undertaking that tasks is described below.
6.1 The Implementation of Data
Parsing and Data Sending Modules
The data files produced by Euterpe, contain relevant
information, but some of it may be redundant. To
reduce network traffic, only the necessary
information will be transferred through the Internet.
Therefore, these files must be parsed in order to
eliminate the redundancy. To do so, a small program
is developed and runs at the client-side computers.
The program accesses a directory (is set default
by the users) to find what the current working file is.
Making a comparison between the timestamp
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
information of the file-name and the current
timestamp of the system determines which file was
last created by Euterpe – this is also the current data
file. After the working file is selected, it is accessed
every 10 seconds to get new data. Each line of the
text file is divided into two fields, timestamp and
sound value. These data fields are formed to an
XML-based message that will be sent to the server
immediately via the internet.
Figure 3: An example of a data message.
6.2 The Implementation of Data
Collecting Module
On the node, sound data is represented as an XML-
message before being transferred. Each data
message contains information about the location of
the microphone where the noise is recorded. Based
on this clue, a program running on the server can
find the sensor node that the message belongs to.
When a message comes in, the server will check
if it is a data message according to the message
header. After that, the remaining part will be broken
into segments based on user-defined tags. From
these segments, all necessary information will be
collected and sent automatically to a database
management system.
6.3 The Implementation of Database
The database of the system has two tables, of which
one table is used to keep information related to
nodes. The other is used for storage of measured
data. The node table is updated whenever the
topology of the system changes. The measurement
table keeps all data sent by sensing nodes. Because
the noise level is continuously monitored, the
amount of noise data that is made by this process
becomes bigger and bigger day after day. It is
estimated that each node produces approximate the
number of 31.5 million records per year (one record
is created per second). Therefore, to increase the
performance of the database system in accessing and
querying, a good management mechanism must be
applied when implementing the database system.
MySQL database system provides a table partition
mechanism that is aimed to reduce amount of data
read for SQL operations so that the response time is
reduced as well.
There are two major types of partitioning:
horizontal partitioning which forms of partitioning
segments table rows and vertical partitioning based
on collections of certain columns of the table. The
database system is implemented based on a
horizontal partitioning method, by which the
measurement table is divided into partitions
corresponding to the year when the data was
6.4 The Implementation of Noise Level
Displaying Component
Joomla, a free and open source content management
system for publishing content to World Wide Web
and Intranets, is widespread, which motivates us to
build a Joomla component that can get noise
information from the database system and show it on
a web page. This component can easily be installed
on websites that are powered by Joomla.
To visualize node locations, a web-based map-
interface plug-in like Google maps is added to the
module. A marker is used to present a node with a
microphone on the map. Markers are placed on the
Google map corresponding to the location where the
real microphones are located.
Sound information is displayed by using graphic
form. On this graph, the y-axis (vertically) shows the
level of sound in decibels (dB), the x-axis
(horizontally) is used for presenting the timeline.
Sound information during monitoring duration is
represented by a zigzag line, which shows the
change of sound level at that location.
Figure 4: An example of real time data displaying.
<? xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<records> <idnode>IDEAErasmus</idnode>
In this paper, we presented a noise monitoring
system using web services. The contributions of this
work are two-fold. First, we proposed the
architecture and the system components and
described their functionality and their
implementation in detail. Second, we have defined a
web service approach for data sharing between the
server and remote clients and data visualizing. Web
service interfaces are used for controlling database
accessing. Web services technology offers many
advantages for autonomous and distributed systems
like a noise monitoring system.
In the near future, improving the participation of
citizens in noise monitoring is one objective for
developers. The main goals are not only providing
internet users interfaces to access the sound
database, but also enabling them to contribute with
their own sound data. This helps to reduce the cost
for the amount of deployed devices and allows
developers to widen the sensed area. Based on this
work, users will get a better and clearer overview on
noise pollution.
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CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science