Rasmus Paivarinta
Ixonos Plc, P.O. Box 284, FI-00811 Helsinki, Finland
Yrjo Raivio
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Aalto University, P.O. Box 15400, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland
Keywords: NoSQL, IaaS, Home location register, Performance, SLA.
Abstract: Although the cloud computing paradigm has emerged in several ICT areas, the telecommunication sector is
still mainly using dedicated computer units that are located in operators’ own premises. According to the
general understanding, cloud technologies still cannot guarantee carrier grade service level. However, the
situation is rapidly changing. First of all, the virtualization of computers eases the optimization of
computing resources. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offers a complete computation platform, where
instances can be hosted locally, remotely or in a hybrid fashion. Secondly, NoSQL (Not only SQL)
databases are widely used in the internet services, such as Amazon and Google, but they are not yet applied
to telecom applications. This paper evaluates, whether cloud technologies can meet the carrier grade
requirements. IaaS cloud computing platforms and HBase NoSQL database system are used for
benchmarking. The main focus is on the performance measurements utilizing a well known home location
register (HLR) benchmark tool. Initial measurements are made in private, public and hybrid clouds, while
the main measurements are carried out in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2). The discussion section
evaluates and compares the results with other similar research. Finally, the conclusions and proposals for the
next research steps are given.
Telecommunications operators are used to running
their embedded computer systems on proprietary
platforms. Typically operators have not shared
infrastructures either, but have purchased their own
networks. However, this situation is slowly
changing. The first step has been taken by the
Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO), who
have outsourced some part, or even the whole
network, to network vendors. MVNOs have also
utilized shared radio access networks (RAN) to
avoid high initial investment costs. Recently, due to
saturated revenues, cost pressures on operability and
introduction of flat network architectures, such as
Long Term Evolution (LTE), also dominant
operators have shown interest in network sharing
Cloud computing offers a new perspective on
mobile network optimization. Unlike the past,
mobile networks are based on commercial
computers equipped with the Linux operating
system. Parallel to this, CPU and data storage
performance are still developing almost
exponentially (Armbrust, et al., 2009). This
paradigm shift will open novel opportunities for
cloud technologies in the telecom sector
(Gabrielsson, et al., 2010).
It is probable that mobile networks will not
change from private and proprietary servers to
public, generic purpose computers in the short term,
but telecom networks definitely include areas where
cloud options can have a role. Especially mobile
application servers and backend support systems
might suit cloud computing well. The main drivers
for the successful introduction of cloud technologies
imply a large variation in traffic patterns or massive
data volumes. In addition, telecommunication
networks are normally designed based on the peak
load, meaning that during off-peak periods systems
Paivarinta R. and Raivio Y..
DOI: 10.5220/0003384703330342
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2011), pages 333-342
ISBN: 978-989-8425-52-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
have a lot of unused capacity. Cloud computing thus
offers a natural technology for resource sharing.
However, there are still concerns whether cloud
computing meets the carrier grade requirements
(Murphy, 2010). Service level agreements (SLA),
such as high availability (HA), latency and
transactions per second, are strict in several telecom
services. One of the most critical mobile network
functionalities is the home location register (HLR).
HLR is the core element of the mobile system, and
fore example, is responsible for subscriber
authentication and roaming functionalities. HLR
also incorporates a risk for single point of failure,
resulting in very high SLA requirements.
The paper evaluates, whether cloud technologies
can meet the strictest telecom SLA requirements.
HLR is used as a use case, although it is clear that
the HLR, being the crown jewel of the operator, will
not be the first functionality that operators would
outsource to the cloud. However, the HLR presents
exact SLA requirements, and also benchmark data
and tools are available from the existing systems.
HLR behavior in the cloud is studied by using two
cloud technologies. First of all, all computation is
placed into the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).
IaaS can be applied locally, remotely and in both
ways, referring to private, public and hybrid clouds,
respectively. Secondly, the HLR benchmark tool is
implemented in the HBase cloud database, which is
based on NoSQL technology.
The paper is organized as follows. Firstly, the
background data for the applied cloud technologies,
namely IaaS and NoSQL, and also the benchmark
tool, are presented. This is followed by the
measurement system description. The results are
shown using various setups, but the main emphasis
is on the public cloud environment. The main
criteria are latency and transactions per second.
Next, the results are discussed, critically reviewed,
and also a short business comparison is given.
Finally, the conclusions and the future research
proposals are made.
2.1 IaaS
An IaaS provides the most natural approach for the
research. The existing telecom network elements,
using the Linux operating system, can be easily
ported as such into the IaaS platforms. Compared to
the Platform as a Service (PaaS) or Software as a
Service (SaaS) alternatives, IaaS offers the best
flexibility for its users. Unlike IaaS, PaaS service
providers, such as Google App Engine or Microsoft
Azure, require that the software is tailored for the
associated platform. On the other hand, SaaS
provides a complete service that does not allow
running your own code. In addition, IaaS supports a
large selection of open source software solutions that
are compatible with the commercial IaaS market
leader, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
(Amazon, 2011). By selecting the IaaS approach,
the users can avoid the vendor or system lock-in, a
feature that is much appreciated by the operators.
From commercial, public IaaS cloud vendors
EC2, being a market leader, was a natural choice.
On the private cloud side, the selection process was
a lot more difficult. There are several alternatives in
open source software IaaS platforms. The most well
known, EC2 compatible, projects are called
Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus, 2011), OpenNebula
(OpenNebula, 2011) and OpenStack (OpenStack,
2011). As one of the more mature projects,
Eucalyptus was selected for the private cloud
platform, but for future research, OpenNebula and
OpenStack are worth closer consideration.
Interoperability and backward compatibility of
the software are essential features. Amazon EC2 and
Eucalyptus provide an attractive duopoly, where
software can be ported with minor efforts from one
entity to another. The good interoperability basically
enables two different scenarios. First of all,
companies may develop their product using their
own cloud, and at once a stable phase has been
achieved, the software can be commercialized using
a public cloud. The second possibility is to utilize a
hybrid model, where private and public clouds
complement each other, enabling load balancing
functionalities. This is a valid scenario also in
telecom applications, where the traffic peaks are a
common challenge.
2.1.1 Amazon EC2
Amazon EC2 also provides several features that are
important for the research carried out. First of all,
EC2 offers a large variation of Linux distributions
and instance types from small instances up to high
performance computing (HPC) clusters. Secondly,
the basic SLA guarantee, 99.95 percent, can be
increased by using several, parallel, availability
zones. The use of parallel zones is complemented by
elastic IP addresses and monitoring services that
support the implementation of HA targets. Thirdly,
the hybrid clouds are backed by Virtual Private
Clouds (VPC), securing the connections from local
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
clouds to remote public clouds. Finally, EC2 pricing
structure is very flexible and enables various
business models. For research purposes, EC2 is an
affordable choice, because the pricing is based on
the active computing hours.
2.1.2 Eucalyptus
Eucalyptus uses a set of services running on various
terminals on different or same networks to manage
and coordinate the whole system. A Cloud
Controller (CLC) acts as a command terminal,
which defines the cloud identity and resources
available to it. It is the main service, which needs to
be running prior to all other services of the cloud to
function. A Cluster Controller (CC) provides
management services for a set of clusters, controlled
by a Node Controller (NC). It manages a set of end
nodes where Eucalyptus Machine Images (EMIs)
can run and support any user application. A Walrus
storage service is a near clone of the EC2 Simple
Storage System (S3). It provides a similar interface
for storage and can use the same tools as are
available for EC2 to manage the storage. Figure 1
illustrates the Eucalyptus architecture. (Nurmi,
Wolski and Grzegorczyk, 2009)
Figure 1: Eucalyptus architecture.
The architecture for setting up Eucalyptus can
vary according to user needs. In a basic testing
environment all four services can even reside on one
machine and work together as a proper cloud
deployment. However, there can be resource
limitations depending on the hardware available. A
better idea is to allocate one machine for CLC, CC
and Walrus, and deploy NCs and EMIs on different
2.1.3 Hybrid Cloud
Usually cloud services are implemented using public
or private IaaS concepts. However, companies can
also choose a third deployment strategy, called a
hybrid model. The basic idea is to utilize in parallel
both public and private models. The selection can be
done dynamically to match the current needs and to
minimize the costs. The hybrid model sets a difficult
selection challenge in the table. The technology
should dynamically be able to provide load
balancing between private and public clouds.
The hybrid model is not feasible for all
applications and functions, but it looks attractive for
services where the traffic load varies and the
variations can be predicted well in advance. For
example, a ticket sales service fulfils these criteria.
Telecom networks also suffer from high traffic
variations. Voice and text messaging services can
become congested during exceptional events and on
special dates. Figure 2 shows the text messaging
volume trace on New Year’s Eve (Zerfos, Meng,
Wong and Samanta, 2006, p. 267). The data shows
that during the midnight the peak load volume is ten-
fold compared to the average load. In a situation like
this, hybrid clouds can offer an economic alternative
for improving the end user experience during traffic
peaks. Although the latency times can increase, a
delayed service is a better option than no service at
Figure 2: Text messaging traffic pattern at New Year
(Zerfos, Meng, Wong and Samanta, 2006, p. 267).
2.2 NoSQL
Distributed databases have been at the forefront of
cloud computing since the beginning, although the
term NoSQL was invented much later. It is an
umbrella term for a family of databases that
typically do not implement the SQL interface, but
are designed scale horizontally to support massive
data. Originally the need to create a new kind of
database stemmed from the data storage
requirements of the first globally scale internet
services. Soon, in addition to internal use at social
media sites and internet companies, NoSQL
solutions became available as services for all deve-
Node Controller (NC)
The main differences between a NoSQL and a
SQL, i.e. a Relational Database Management System
(RDBMS), in a data model are provided interfaces,
transaction guarantees and scalability. NoSQL
differs fundamentally from the SQL databases that
form the basis of telecom database systems.
Generally RDBMS is optimal for online transaction
processing (OLTP), and NoSQL for online analytics
processing (OLAP) (Abadi, 2009). While a SQL
database confirms ACID (atomicity, consistency,
isolation, durability) requirements, NoSQL
databases typically support BASE (Basically
Available, Soft state, Eventually consistent)
principles (Pritchett, 2008).
The modern history of the NoSQL movement as
an effort to store web scale data can be seen to have
begun in 2003 when Google published details on its
Google File System (GFS) (Ghemawat, Gobioff and
Leung, 2003). Later in 2006, the company published
an article describing Bigtable (Chang, et al., 2006), a
distributed storage system built on top of GFS.
Imitating Google's efforts, the Apache Software
Foundation (ASF) has developed open source
clones, called the HBase (Apache, 2011) and
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) (Shvachko,
Kuang, Radia and Chansler, 2010).
HBase and HDFS were chosen for a closer
examination due to three reasons. First of all, HBase
supports consistent transactions when updating a
single row at a time. Secondly, it has a modular
design and proven basis, thanks to underlying HDFS
and ZooKeeper layers. Thirdly, HBase has active
community and support from strong internet
companies such as Yahoo. Yahoo has also
developed a benchmark tool for cloud storages,
including HBase (Cooper, et al., 2010).
2.3 TATP
The Telecommunication Application Transaction
Processing (TATP) benchmark aims to measure the
performance of a database under load which is
typical in telecommunication applications. In
particular, it is modelled after the type of queries
that are processed in HLR on a GSM network. The
benchmark tool is described in detail in the literature
(Strandell, 2003; TATP, 2011). TATP encompasses
seven different transactions of which three are reads
and four are writes. The description gives
probabilities at which each of the transactions is
executed in the client. Broadly, 80 percent are reads
and 20 percent are writes.
The database industry has been dominated by
RDBMSs for several decades, and it still is.
Accordingly, TATP benchmark is heavily dependent
on SQL, and does not provide functionality to test
other kinds of database systems. However, we have
taken action and implemented a comparable
benchmark for HBase. The schema in TATP
consists of four inter-relational tables. When
modelling the schema for HBase, the tables were
denormalised and finished off with just one table.
Denormalisation is a popular approach when
designing data models for NoSQL databases.
3.1 Environment
The test environment simulates a real mobile
network, where one HLR was loaded by one or
several Mobile Switching Centers (MSC). The
TATP benchmarking tool emulates the real
signalling traffic between the MSCs and HLR. See
Figure 3 for the model. The focus in the
measurements was on the SLA, latency and
transactions per second. HA measurements were
beyond the scope of the research. All measurements
were repeated a few times and the diagrams shown
are based on average results.
It is noteworthy that the telecom level HA
requirement, 99.999 percent, can be achieved by
using independent IaaS clusters. For example,
utilization of two different Amazon EC2 zones, both
with an HA value 99.95 percent, yields together an
HA value 99.9999 percent. Similar results can be
achieved by using hybrid models.
Figure 3: HLR test environment.
3.2 TATP Transactions
The TATP benchmark database representing HLR
includes four different tables called Subscriber,
Access Info, Special Facility and Call Forwarding.
Client N
Client 2
Client 1
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
Subscriber table includes the basic customer data,
while Access Info table describes the access type.
Special Facility table defines the services
subscribers are entitled to, and finally Call
Forwarding table reveals forwarding rules. MSC
Clients use seven different transactions that either
read or write data. The transaction distribution is
known from real networks. Table 1 summarizes the
transactions, their types, distribution and effected
tables (Strandell, 2003).
Table 1: TATP transactions (Strandell, 2003).
Transaction name Type % Tables
Read 35 Subscriber
Read 10
Special Facility
Call Forwarding
Get-Access-Data Read 35 Access Info
Write 2
Special Facility
Update-Location Write 14 Subscriber
Write 2 Call Forwarding
Write 2 Call Forwarding
3.3 Initial Setup
The rewritten version of TATP was tested in several
small HBase clusters. The focus was in transactions
per second capability. Running the benchmark is
interesting, especially because the results can be
compared to existing reports on SQL database
performance. One such article (Gupta, 2006) reports
a throughput of approximately 5500 transactions per
second. The performance level was achieved for 200
000 subscribers using carrier-grade hardware from
the year 2006 and an in-memory database.
However, comparing measurement results
obtained from different benchmarks testing different
databases running on top of different infrastructures
head-to-head, is not particularly meaningful.
Therefore we use the results in the white papers only
to set up a base line so that we know, whether the
first results of running HBase in a HLR setting are
on the same scale with recent commercial HLR
In the initial measurements the environment was
the following. The HBase version 0.20.6 and
Hadoop 0.20.2 were run on a multitude of test
setups, which all were considerably smaller than
what HBase is designed for. Amazon Small EC2 had
1.7 GB memory on a Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 32 bit
server. Eucalyptus had also 1.7 GB memory on top
of a Ubuntu Lucid 64 bit desktop. Local
communication was based on a 100 Mbit/s LAN,
and the PCs were equipped with Intel Core 2 Duo
processors and 8 GB memory.
All setups consisted of a four virtual machine
(VM) instance cluster. One instance was a dedicated
master running the Hadoop Master Server and
HDFS NameNode, two instances were running the
HBase Region Server and HDFS DataNode
processes, and the fourth machine was running a
single HLR benchmark process and collecting the
results. Instance deployment on Eucalyptus is
presented in Figure 4. EC2 setup is similar.
Figure 4: Test environment with Eucalyptus.
In the hybrid setup the HBase Region Servers
and HDFS DataNodes were split into both EC2 and
Eucalyptus, while the HBase Master, HDFS
NameNode and benchmark client were running on a
local Dell Optiplex 960 desktop. A noteworthy
result itself is that we were able to run HBase and
HDFS with default settings on Amazon Small EC2
instances without problems. Figure 5 presents the
hybrid cloud setup.
Figure 5: Hybrid cloud setup.
3.4 Final Setup
The final measurement setup was decided to be
based on Amazon EC2 only. It was already
beforehand clear that a hybrid IaaS architecture is
Small VM
HBase Master
HDFS NameNode
Small VM
HBase Region Srv
HDFS DataNode
Small VM
HBase Region Srv
HDFS DataNode
Small VM
Benchmark Client
Small VM
HBase Region Srv
HDFS DataNode
Dell Optiplex 960
HBase Master
HDFS NameNode
Benchmark Client
Small EC2 VM
HBase Region Srv
HDFS DataNode
not optimal for a centralized database system.
Furthermore, during the research process it was
found that Eucalyptus is not the best platform for a
hybrid cloud. The main reason is the lack of
necessary management tools for remote instances. In
contrast, OpenNebula and OpenStack support these
functionalities, and for that reason those IaaS
alternatives should be researched more in the hybrid
context. On the other hand, private cloud
measurement results were mainly limited only by the
local hardware applied, having a small difference to
the usual HLR environment.
In the later experiments, we investigated the
effect of load, replication, database size and node
failure on performance by running HBase on a
cluster of six Large EC2 instances as shown in
Figure 6. As the characteristics of EC2 instance
types are sometimes modified, it is purposeful to
specify here that the large instances used in the
experimentation were virtual machines with 7.5 GB
of memory and two virtual cores with two EC2
compute units, each running a 64-bit Ubuntu Server
version 10.04. In addition to one master and four
slave nodes, one large instance was hosting the
benchmark clients.
Figure 6: Final setup with Amazon Large EC2s.
4.1 Initial Measurements
The initial test results are shown in Figure 7. All
transactions per second measurements were made
with a database size of 200 000 subscribers. As
described above, the comparison of different IaaS
platforms with each other is not useful, but on the
other hand, the results can be used for getting the big
picture of the system. Compared to the four year old
carrier grade numbers, the results were encouraging.
The Amazon Large EC2 cluster achieved roughly 15
percent performance of the carrier grade system.
Even the local, Eucalyptus based IaaS cluster
managed to produce reasonable results. Plain
workstation and legacy cluster measurements were
made to gather experiences of running the bench-
mark setup in different environments.
The performance of a hybrid setup, consisting of
Small Eucalyptus and EC2 instances, was better than
with a Small EC2. The results prove that a hybrid
IaaS can be made, and that the throughput is roughly
the average of the building blocks. The first
experiments also revealed that the bottleneck in the
measurements was the single benchmark client. In
the main measurements this bottleneck was removed
by using several parallel clients. In the real networks
one HLR is connected to several MSCs, too.
Figure 7: Throughput with various systems.
4.2 Main Measurements
The experiments analyzed here and presented in
Figures 8 and 9 illustrate a load curve typical for I/O
heavy systems. The throughput improves to a certain
limit when client processes, i.e. load increases, are
added, but after the limit latency grows dramatically.
The point of maximal curvature is known as the
knee. Our benchmark collects the latency
distribution for each of the seven transaction types
of TATP separately. Therefore, the response time
values shown in the figures are the 95th percentile
values perceived by the worst performing client
process from the heaviest transaction type.
Replication is a standard way of achieving
durability of data in NoSQL databases. Figure 8
shows the results of the experiment where the goal
was to assess the effect of replication on
performance. The table was populated with 200 000
subscribers. First of all, the throughput results show
that 16 client processes are close to the knee, e.g. a
point where the results turn worse. Secondly, we
notice that the replication factor does not have a
major impact on the throughput. Also the response
time holds almost steady independent of the
replication factor. We assume that the performance
penalty of replication is virtually nonexistent,
because even if writes become heavier, reads are
Large EC2 VM
HBase Region Srv
HDFS DataNode
Large EC2 VM
Benchmark Clients
Large EC2 VM
HBase Master
HDFS NameNode
Large EC2 VM
HBase Region Srv
HDFS DataNode
Large EC2 VM
HBase Region Srv
HDFS DataNode
Large EC2 VM
HBase Region Srv
HDFS DataNode
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
scaled across the replicas, which balances the results
in a read heavy benchmark.
Figure 8: Impact of replication factor and number of
clients to throughput and latency.
Figure 9 presents the effect of the amount of
subscribers in the database on performance. The
results were gathered when the replication factor
was set to three. As expected, the performance
gradually decreases as the table size grows. Looking
at the results from 16 concurrent client processes,
increasing the table size from one to five million
subscribers decreases the throughput 32 percent and
lengthens the response time 36 percent.
Figure 9: Impact of database size and number of clients to
throughput and latency.
To verify that the HDFS replication gives
protection from node failures, we studied the effect
of killing one slave node in the middle of a
benchmark run. The measurement was done with a
database size of 1 million subscribers and replication
factor two. Figure 10 shows the effect of one failing
node 10 seconds after the launch of the run as
perceived by four client processes. The throughput
values are gathered once a second for each client and
the results are stacked in the presentation. In this
sample the distributed database quickly recovers
from the failure and continues serving clients within
two seconds. The perceived recovery time in the
experiment would be too much for real-time
telecommunications applications, but it could be
improved by tuning the parameters related to
timeout mechanisms.
Figure 10: Recovery time from a node failure.
4.3 Measurements vs. Requirements
In order to give an idea of the load generated by the
modified version of TATP, the performance testing
tool bundled with HBase was also run on the test
setup of six large EC2 instances. We run the
performance test on the master node using 16 client
threads and disabled MapReduce for it. By default,
the test populates a table with one million rows of 1
kB each. In our experiment the random Read test
took 1492 seconds, which leads to a throughput of
5.36 Mbit/s per client thread, and an aggregated
throughput of 85.8 Mbit/s.
The 3GPP has defined the HLR performance
requirements in their general specification (3GPP,
2009). According to that each subscriber produces
on average 1.8 mobility related and 0.4 call handling
related transactions per hour. Together this yields
2.2 transactions per hour per subscriber. With this
information and the total number of subscribers, a
requirement curve for transactions per second can be
defined. Pulling together the requirements for HLR
performance and the measurements from the HBase
benchmark leads us to the conclusion that up to 4
million subscribers could in theory be supported by
six large EC2 instances. Measurement results and
comparable requirements are shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11: Number of subscribers and throughput vs.
In the experiment each subscriber added 3.7 kB
to the database size leading to a total of 18.5 GB for
5 million subscribers. This is still in the area that can
be handled in main memory, and therefore existing
HLR solutions can support such deployments using
an in-memory database. Similarly to most NoSQL
databases, HBase does not support transactions,
which span multiple rows, but on the other hand
HBase guarantees that a single row remains
consistent at all times. In an HLR all transactions
read or update a single subscriber, and therefore the
database was modelled so that all data related to a
single subscriber is on one row.
Although the HLR is not a primary candidate for the
cloud, the results give evidence that some other
mobile network elements could be placed there.
Application servers, such as SMS Center (SMSC),
IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) and Service
Delivery Platform (SDP), are examples of those.
Backend processes can provide an even better
solution area (Hajjat, et al., 2010). Billing, customer
care and maintenance systems create a lot of data
that could be computed by cloud infrastructures. A
general purpose cloud can also be provided by
mobile network vendors, who might use their large
customer base to benefit from the statistical
multiplexing. The same approach can work with
operators, who operate in several countries and
continentals. It can be expected that in future mobile
networks, such as Long Term Evolution (LTE),
operators will compete and cooperate at the same
time, leading to network sharing initiatives.
The HLR benchmarking measurements produced
a lot of information about the cloud computing
opportunities in the telecom sector. The main lesson
is that even the strict telecom SLA requirements can
be achieved with both public and private clouds. The
initial measurements also revealed that to match the
existing RDBMS solutions, NoSQL databases have
to fully utilize horizontal scalability. In addition,
configuration parameters must be properly tuned,
enterprise class infrastructure must be used and
several client processes must be deployed.
IaaS, both private and public versions, operated
according to expectations in the measurements. Due
to the short history of private clouds, they are still
developing. Amazon EC2, on the other hand, is
already a mature product. The hybrid cloud was a
side track in this research. It became evident that the
hybrid cloud does not suit well to a centralized
database system. In addition, the hybrid setup must
be carefully designed to overcome configuration,
management and load balancing challenges.
For certain applications a hybrid cloud can be an
interesting option to optimize the dimensioning for
peak loads (Moreno-Vozmediano, Montero and
Llorente, 2009). However, the database solutions
should be centrally located backed by 2N or N+1
redundancy algorithms. Database distribution will
increase latency times and create unnecessary
functional complications as well. For example,
security and regulation challenges would become
The financial comparison of Amazon EC2, a
private commodity server cluster and a carrier grade
server would be interesting, but is not within the
scope of this paper. The EC2 pricing structure is the
most versatile, including also spot prices (Mattess,
Vecchiola and Buyya, 2010). In a nutshell, EC2
prices are competitive with private clusters,
especially if three-year term fixed prices and lower
hour prices are utilized. The price scale of carrier
grade services is large, which makes a reliable
comparison almost impossible. It is also worth
mentioning that, unlike in clouds (Greenberg,
Hamilton, Maltz and Patel, 2009; Walker, Brisken
and Romney, 2010), the weight of computing power
and storage is marginal in the HLR price formula.
However, in the application servers computing costs
are becoming ever more dominant.
We have introduced research on how cloud
computing performance meets the SLA requirements
of mobile networks. The home location register
(HLR) was chosen as an example for benchmarking
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
measurements. The HLR benchmark tool, originally
developed for the SQL databases, was ported into
the NoSQL, HBase specific environment. The
software instances were deployed on private, public
and hybrid Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
platforms. The measurement results indicate that
cloud technologies can achieve the mobile network
latency and transactions per second requirements.
Also telecom high availability (HA) targets can be
met by using parallel computing zones. It is
recommended that future studies should evaluate
whether cloud technologies can be applied to mobile
application servers and backend processes. Also the
Long Term Evolution (LTE) will provide interesting
research opportunities on network sharing between
operators. Finally, the hybrid clouds deserve
attention in managing traffic peaks.
The work is supported by Tekes (the Finnish
Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation, as a part of the Cloud Software
Program ( of Tivit
(Strategic Centre for Science, Technology and
Innovation in the Field of ICT,
3GPP, 2009. TS 43.005, version 9.0.0 release 9 -
Technical performance objectives.
Abadi, D. J., 2009. Data management in the cloud:
limitations and opportunities. IEEE Data Engineering
Bulletin, 32(1), March 2009.
Amazon, 2011. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2).
(online) Available at: <>
(Accessed: 24 February 2011).
Apache, 2011. The Apache Software Foundation – Hbase.
(online), Available at: <>
(Accessed: 24 February 2011).
Armbrust, M., Fox, A., Griffith, R., Joseph, A. D., Katz,
R. H., Konwinski, A., Lee, G., Patterson, D. A.,
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CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science