Sumeth Lerthirunwong, Hitoshi Sato
Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Satoshi Matsuoka
Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1 Ookayama, Meguro-ku, Tokyo, Japan
National Institute of Informatics, 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Inter-Cloud, Federated Cloud, Overlay Network, Structured Network, Churn,
Consistency of Global Information.
Abstract: Although the Inter-Cloud environment enables new possibilities for several data-intensive e-Sciences
applications, some challenging issues such as dynamic change of computing resources and management
complexity of large-scale overlay network remain. The structured peer-to-peer overlay network approach is
hereby adapted onto the Inter-Cloud environment to manage the consistency of the global information
among clouds and enhance the churn resistance. We propose a multi-ring structured overlay network for the
Inter-Cloud environment, in which nodes are organized into one sub-ring and all sub-rings are then
composed to form a large single ring structured network. The global information is managed within the sub-
ring so that the cost and the complexity for managing the global information can be reduced significantly.
We evaluate the efficiency of our proposed methodology by using overlay network simulator and compare
the results with other existing overlay networks. Moreover, several scenarios are further analyzed to show
the effectiveness in real-world cases. The results indicate that, with our approach, the management cost for
global information is reduced while the stability of the overlay network under churn can be maintained. The
average reachability of network under churn is more than 89.2% which is better than other structured
networks and by considering locality of node, the number of the distant messages also decreases by 58.4%
with respect to the overall messages.
The Inter-Cloud environment, which is a federated
cloud environment where many clouds including
both public and private clouds are connected
together, is a possible platform for many e-Science
applications, since such environment can provide
much larger amounts of computational power and
storage resources. Such an environment brings
different cloud flavors and internal cloud resources
so that users are required to select computing
resources on demand in order to suite for particular
application workloads while considering budget,
urgency, and cost of computation, data movement
and consumption, etc. Therefore, computing
resources in this kind of environment may vary
dynamically, since users try to optimize the
computing resources according to the demands of
users and, as a result, the resources may join and
leave to the Inter-Cloud environment frequently. The
problem is that how can the environment maintain
the consistency of global information such as
availability of overall resources and running
applications in a highly dynamically changing cloud
environment, while keeping high availability of the
global information and minimizing resource
consumption. Furthermore, automatic resource
management is also a crucial research topic for these
large-scale and dynamic systems.
Our goal is to reduce cost and complexity for
managing the global information among clouds and
automate the system so that it can adjust itself
adaptively under churn situation when computing
nodes enter or leave to a federated cloud
Lerthirunwong S., Sato H. and Matsuoka S..
DOI: 10.5220/0003388400050014
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2011), pages 5-14
ISBN: 978-989-8425-52-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
environment at once. To that end, the structured
peer-to-peer overlay network approach is hereby
adapted onto the Inter-Cloud environment to manage
the consistency of the global information among
clouds and enhance the resistance to a large churn.
We propose a multi-ring structured overlay network
for the Inter-Cloud environment, in which nodes are
organized into one sub-ring and all sub-rings are
then composed to form a large single ring structured
network. The locality of nodes is considered when a
node decides to join into the sub-ring so that the
number of distant messages which are the messages
generated by the distant nodes can be decreased. The
global information is managed within the sub-ring so
that the cost and the complexity for managing the
global information can be reduced significantly.
Note that the cost for managing the global
information in our approach is a number of
messages used for requesting and updating data.
To evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed
technique, we analyze the stability of our network
and the efficiency of our technique in managing the
global information across the Inter-Cloud. We
implemented the overlay network simulator to
analyze reachability of the network, consistency and
availability of the global information. The results are
compared with other existing overlay networks such
as ring structured network, tree structured network
and unstructured network. We also applied several
scenarios to show the effectiveness of our algorithm
in real-world cases, for example, the scenario when
a large group of nodes decide to leave network at
once when they are not in-use. The results indicate
that, with our approach, the management cost for
global information is reduced while the stability of
the overlay network under churn can be maintained.
The reachability of network under churn is 8.2%
better than ring structured network and 23.1% better
than tree structured network by average. The number
of distant messages also decreases by 58.4% with
respect to the overall messages when considering
node locality.
Overlay network is a logical network that is built on
top of another network such as physical network or
IP network. Overlay network has been widely used
in distributed system especially the peer-to-peer
network. Overlay network can be categorized into
either unstructured network or structured network.
The unstructured network has minimal constraints
on the network topology and content distribution, so
it is suitable in highly dynamic and often ad-hoc
peer-to-peer environments. Most of popular peer-to-
peer applications nowadays operate on unstructured
networks, e.g., Gnutella (
and Freenet (http://free In these
networks, peers connect to other peers in an ad-hoc
fashion. The location of the resources is not
controlled by a single centralized entity in the
system and there are no guarantees of query
solution. CLON (Matos et al, 2009) is the example
of the unstructured overlay network for cloud
environment. The authors aim to approximate the
structure of the physical network, while ensuring the
connectivity properties desirable to ensure reliable
dissemination of the gossip-based protocol. The
algorithm is based on SCAMP (Ganesh et al, 2003)
but also considered the locality of joining node so
that the number of messages traversing the long-
distant links can be significantly reduced.
On the other hand, the structured network has a
strict control on an underlying network structure, a
content publication strategy and query routing.
While the structured network is suitable for fast, low
cost resource lookup mechanism, it has a high
management cost for maintaining the topology of the
network. The examples of these networks are Chord
(Stoica et al, 2001), CAN (Ratnasamy et al, 2001),
and Tapesty (Zhao et al, 2001). All these networks
utilize the distributed hash table (DHT) for fast and
accurate resource lookup but have different network
topologies. In the case of cloud environment, the
network tends to be more reliable than peer-to-peer
network because nodes in the cloud environment are
usually part of the large data-center which has rich
network utility, so churn is unlikely to occur
frequently. For that reason, the structured network is
more suitable for cloud environment
Other interesting overlay network that related to
our proposed technique is ChordSPSA (Merz et al,
2009). ChordSPSA is a Chord-enhanced self-
organizing super-peer overlay which is designed to
suit the communication requirements of a peer-to-
peer desktop grid system. This overlay network
combines favourable properties of Chord rings and
fully meshed super-peer networks. The result from
the simulation shows that the algorithm can reduce
average message hop count in half compared to pure
Chord. Unfortunately, this algorithm is not designed
for cloud environment, so applied this algorithm
onto cloud may reduce the efficiency of algorithm.
There are also several works which focus on the
federated cloud. Aneka-Federation (Ranjan et al,
2009) is a decentralized and distributed system that
combines enterprise Clouds, overlay networking,
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
and structured peer-to-peer techniques to create
scalable wide-area networking of compute nodes for
high-throughput computing. The system components
are self-organized based on a structured peer-to-peer
routing methodology and thus make the system more
flexible, efficient, and scalable. However, the
authors do not focus on overlay algorithm but rather
explain the detail of each component in the system
3.1 Motivation behind Inter-Cloud
Although the cloud computing already has provide a
lot of capability for flexible, by demand computing
resources, it limited by some drawback which leads
to an emerging of the Inter-Cloud. First, one set of
cloud services is not going to be able to serve all the
needs of a customer and the geographical location of
cloud may limit ability of service to meet user QoS
because of high data transfer cost. Moreover, user
may want to use multiple clouds for different
applications to match business needs and allocate
different elements of an application to different
environments, whether internal or external and may
also want to move an application to meet
requirements at different stages in its life-cycle,
whether move between public clouds or move back
to the data-center.
To overcome such limitation of cloud, the Inter-
Cloud environment is developed to bring different
cloud flavours and internal cloud resources so that
users are required to select computing resources on
demand in order to suite for particular application
workloads while considering budget, urgency, and
cost of data movement and consumption, etc. Such
environment is a possible platform for many e-
Science applications. Nowadays, there are several
projects which already implemented the Inter-Cloud
such as CloudSwitch (http://www.cloudswitch.
com/), and Cisco/EMC Inter-Cloud project
(http://cloudven Examples of
projects which built for the Inter-Cloud environment
are IETF’s Locator/ID Separation Protocol
(http://tool, DMTF's Open
Virtualization Format (http://
standards/ovf/) and Google Code (http://code.
3.2 Challenges
Despite the potential of the Inter-Cloud environment
mentioned earlier, we also summarize some
challenging issues which it is still remained.
z How to manage the large-scale highly
dynamically changing environment which
may consists of millions nodes.
z How can the environment maintain the
consistency of global information such as
availability of overall resources and running
applications in this environment, while
keeping high availability of the global
information and minimizing resource
Figure 1: Inter-Cloud Environment.
For example, in a data-intensive distributed software
framework like Hadoop (White, 2009), the job can
be effectively scheduled and allocated to the most
suitable node. As the result, the traffic cost to move
the job data can be reduced efficiently. In Hadoop
system, a JobTracker knows which node contains
the desired resources and a location of nearly
machines by using heartbeat mechanism to monitor
TaskTracker and using a distributed filesystem such
as HDFS (Borthakur, 2007) to share the job files. In
case of the Inter-Cloud environment where multiple,
different clouds are connected together, some clouds
may not provide the data of node in the distributed
filesystem and TaskTracker may be located in a
different cloud. Thus, due to lagging the sufficient
information, it is impossible for Job Tracker to
effectively schedule the jobs across the dynamically
changing clouds.
3.3 Requirement
To cope with the mentioned challenges, the system
should be able to meet these requirements.
z The system should be automated, de-
centralized, load-balanced, self-organized and
should also have a low maintenance cost to be
able to deal with dynamic changing of
resources and for scalability
z Node locality should be concerned because of
high cost of distant messages in wide-area
z The system should be able to maintain
consistency of the global information, so
sending or broadcasting messages should have
minimal cost
Moreover, there is the difference that needs to be
considered when designing the overlay for the Inter-
Cloud. The Inter-Cloud environments have more
reliable network connection than normal large-scale
peer-to-peer network. Churn in this environment
occurs when computing nodes has not been utilized
and leave the network. In contrast, in peer-to-peer
network, churn might occurs because network
failures or user shutdown the system. So the
structured overlay network approach is more
suitable for the Inter-Cloud environment.
4.1 Overview
When considering all the requirements mentioned
earlier, the structured peer-to-peer overlay network
approach is hereby adapted onto the Inter-Cloud
environment to manage the consistency of the global
information among clouds and enhance the churn
resistance. Moreover, structured peer-to-peer
overlay network approach is known for its de-
centralized and self-organized manner which will
benefit the scalability of our network. We proposed
a new multi-ring structured overlay network.
Basically, our network is a composition of ring
structured network as can be recognized as the group
of ring network, called sub-ring, connected together
to form a large single ring structured network as
depicted in Figure 2. The blue circle represents a
peer and the pink circle represents a super-peer. The
function of peer and super-peer will be described in
later section. Note that the reason for adopting the
ring geometry is because of its simplicity, flexibility
and resilience, especially when compared to other
structured networks likes Pastry, CAN, Tapestry
(Gunmadi et al, 2004). The main features of our
network are:
z The load of the global information
management is divided among sub-ring and
managed within the sub-ring which leads to
less management cost and complexity
z User can choose area size when gathering the
resource information, and thus eliminate
dispensable messages
z By considering node locality when new node
joins the system, the number of the distant
messages can be decreased
z The ring structured overlay requires relatively
low cost to maintain the topology (Gunmadi et
al, 2004) which make it more scalable and
more resistance to churn
Figure 2: The multi-ring structured network.
To make our approach easier to understand, let take
a look back to the Hadoop example mentioned in
previous section. In case of our approach, super-peer
can function as a Job Tracker and keep track of all
the TaskTracker in the sub-ring. Super-peer can also
contact and ask information from JobTracker in
other sub-rings to schedule most suitable resources
for specific jobs. In this way, not only the global
information, such as resources location, can be
managed efficiently across the clouds, the work load
of the JobTracker can also be lighten and shared
between sub-rings. Note that our sub-ring does not
necessary represent one cloud, the sub-ring rather
represents group of nodes that is located within the
same geographical area. One cloud can be a subset
of a sub-ring or can be divided into multiple sub-
rings depending on the size of cloud.
4.2 Building the Overlay
The overlay network starts from a single node, other
nodes will join the system later to form the overlay
network. When a node wants to join the system, it
has to contact one of member of the system. That
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
member forwards the request to a super-peer which
locates within the same sub-ring. Sequentially, the
super-peer forwards this request to another super-
peer in a sub-ring which a geographically location is
closest to the joining node. The details of node’s
locality will be discussed later. Finally, the node
joins in that sub-ring. The sub-ring will be divided
into two sub-rings if member of that sub-ring
exceeds a threshold. The node which already
established itself in the sub-ring will get a local view
from peer in the same sub-ring. A local view
consists of a joining point and super-peers location.
It also has to deal with a replica which will be
explained later.
If node wants to leave the system, it has to
inform super-peers and adjacent peers in sub-ring
before leaving the system. The node is given two
choices of leaving pattern which are:
z If node temporary leaves the system,
temporary link between leaving node’s
neighbours is created to bypass the node. In
this case, links and replicas are kept in
unavailable state so that when the node rejoins
the system, the node can join at the point
where it leaves and get its replicas back from
its neighbours.
z If node permanently leaves the system, links
and replications will be erased. Sub-ring is
merged if number of node in sub-ring is less
than threshold. Node has to do the join
process all over again if it wants to rejoin the
system. When considering all the
requirements mentioned earlier, the structured
peer-to-peer overlay network approach is
hereby adapted onto the Inter-Cloud
environment to manage the consistency of the
global information among clouds and enhance
the churn resistance. Moreover, structured
Node in the Inter-Cloud environment may locate in
different cloud which may be as far as different
continent. The cost for sending message between
these two nodes is very high considering delay. The
communication between these two nodes is likely to
occur frequently if these nodes are neighbours or are
within the same sub-ring. In our approach, we
consider node’s locality before let the node joins
into the sub-ring and thus, the distant message can
be reduced. There are many approaches to compare
the locality of node (Matos et al, 2009), (Balbosa et
al, 2004). In case of our network, we use message’s
delay time between nodes to measure their locality.
If the delay is less than threshold, we assume that
these two nodes located within the same locality.
4.3 Choosing Super-peers
We adopt the super-peer approach in our overlay
network to manage the global information. In our
multi-ring network, each sub-ring consists of
multiple peers and super-peers. Normal peer can
only contact with peers within same sub-ring,
whereas super-peer can contact with super-peers in
adjacent sub-rings.
Super-peer manages all shared-information
within the sub-ring by providing or gathering data
when needed. More details on how super-peer
managing the global information will be discuss
later in next section. Super-peer also functions as a
hub for peers to connect to adjacent sub-ring.
Number of super-peer in sub-ring is a portion of
number of all peers in sub-ring (Mers et al, 2008)
In our algorithm, super-peer is randomly chosen
and so it can be any node in the system, a computing
node or a front-end node. But in the nature of the
Inter-Cloud, super-peer’s duty should be assigned to
front-end node of the cloud because super-peer has
to function as a hub to connect the sub-ring with
other sub-rings. Before leaving the system, super-
peer has to promote one peer to act as super-peer
and send all the sub-ring information to that
promoted peer.
4.4 Managing Global Information
In the Inter-Cloud environment where there is a
wide variety of accessible computing resources and
services for user, the available of global information
is very essential for the system to efficiently utilize
all the resources. Maintaining the consistency of
global information such as availability of overall
resources and running applications in a highly
dynamically changing cloud environment, while
keeping high availability of the global information
and minimizing resource consumption is very
challenging task.
The simplest way to make global information
available to all nodes in the system is to have every
node maintain information of all the system but the
cost for managing the information will be
unacceptable. In the Inter-Cloud scenario, nodes
tend to be aggregated in sub-nets inside a data-center
or in multiple data-centers, which are connected by
costlier, long-distant links. We take advantage from
this nature of the Inter-Cloud and divide our systems
into multiple sub-rings. Each sub-ring represents a
group of nodes which aggregated in sub-nets inside
a data-center or within the same local area. In our
approach, the cost of managing the information is
distributed to each sub-ring and the information is
managed within the sub-ring. As the result of this,
the cost and the complexity for managing the global
information can be reduced significantly.
Furthermore, to enhance the availability of the
global information, we apply the replica strategy to
our overlay network. Each peer has to make a
replica of its resource information and send the
replica to adjacent peers and also every super-peer in
the sub-ring. Replica is proactively updated from
replica’s owner for data consistency which means
that each peer has to inform adjacent peers and
super-peers if there is any update in the resource
Whenever a peer needs the information, the peer
sends request to super-peer within the same sub-
ring. If aggregated global information is needed,
super-peer will broadcast the request to super-peers
located in another sub-rings. Generally user likely to
requests the global information to obtain resource
information of overall system. But in some
scenarios, a job may limit by geographically location
of the data and thus the resource locate faraway may
not be able to meet user’s QoS because of costlier,
long-distant links. For example, user in Japan may
want to use only resources which located within
Japan or Southeast Asia because of a high data
transfer cost. In this case, user can choose to get the
information within the sub-ring or adjacent sub-rings
only since our sub-ring already represents the
approximation of the geographical location of node.
4.5 Dealing with Fault Tolerant
Our overlay network adopts heartbeat mechanism to
detect node failure. Each node in the sub-ring sends
heartbeat message to its neighbour periodically to
monitor the existence of its neighbour. Recovery
process is initiated when any failure is detected.
First, a failed node is treated as a temporary leaved
node and a time out counter is set. If the time out is
reached, the failed node will be treated as a
permanent leaved node and all of its temporary data
will be deleted from the system. This algorithm
provides a possibility for a node to re-join the
system smoothly with less cost if the node fails
To evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed
technique, we evaluate the reachability of the
network, the consistency and the availability of the
global information. We implemented the overlay
network simulator using C# which the details is
listed in Table 1. Note that in our simulation, a
number of super-peers per sub-ring are fixed. We
compared the results with other existing overlay
networks such as ring structured network, tree
structured network and unstructured network. The
reason that we also compare the results with the
unstructured network is to analyze the pros and cons
of our decision to choose the structured overlay. In
the first part, we investigate the stability of network
by observing a percentage of reachable nodes when
the network facing churn. Next we investigate the
consistency and the availability of the global
information when the churn rate is varied and the
information is updated frequently.
To analyze data manage cost, we evaluate the
cost of updating the information and requesting the
information. Finally, we investigate the percentage
of distant message which node received during a
period of time to see how our technique can utilize
the locality of nodes.
Table 1: Simulation Details.
Type of Overlay Multi-ring, Ring
Tree, Unstructured
System Size 1000 node
Churn Rate 10-80% per hour
Sub-ring Size 100, 200, 400 node
Number of super-peer
per sub-ring
1,3,5,10 node per sub-ring
5.1 Stability of Network
The stability of overlay network is very important
especially the large scale dynamically changing
network likes the Inter-Cloud environment. The
overlay should be able to repair itself when facing
churn to maintain the topology and the reachability
of the network. We investigate the stability of
network by observing a percentage of reachable
nodes when the network facing churn. In this
simulation, we set churn rate at 10% per hour which
means only half a day, all the nodes will be almost
replaced with new nodes. Although in the real cloud
environment, normally the churn rate may not be as
high as our simulation, we want to simulate the
worst case scenario to evaluate effectiveness of our
Figure 3 shows the result from our simulation.
We compared our multi-ring structured network
with ring structured network, tree structured network
and unstructured network. The graph indicated that
our network can maintain the reachability as good as
the unstructured network but far better than ring and
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
tree structured network. The reachability is 8.2%
better than ring structured network and 23.1% better
than tree structured network by average. Note that
the unstructured network does not have any
constraint on network topology so it has more
resistance to churn and better reachablity than those
structured networks. However, when considering a
cost for broadcasting messages which is essential for
managing the global information, the unstructured
network is not suitable approach since the messages
will be flooded over the network.
Figure 3: Reachability of Network.
Figure 4: Availability of replicas.
5.2 Availability of Global Information
In this section, we investigate the effective of our
approach on the availability of the global
information. According to our approach mentioned
earlier in Section 4, the information of each node
such as available resources or running tasks is
replicated to neighbour nodes and to super-peers.
Therefore, the number of super-peer is a key factor
of the availability of global information since the
number of neighbour node is fixed at two.
In our first experiment, we set a number of peers
to 1000, a number of super -peer per sub-ring to 3
and also set the same total number of replica to other
overlay networks for the fair comparison. Note that
for other overlay networks, we randomly choose the
nodes which are responsible for keeping the replicas.
The result from Figure 4 is matched with the result
from the previous section which indicates that our
technique can maintain the availability of replicas
better than other structured network.
Next, we vary the number of super-peer in our
approach to further analyze the effect of replicas on
both the availability and consistency of the data
under churn.
Figure 5: Effect of super-peer on availability of replicas.
Figure 6: Effect of super-peer on consistency of replicas.
Figure 5 shows that as number of super peer
increases, the availability of global resources can be
properly maintained at higher churn rate. However,
as in Figure 6, the consistency of global resources is
reduced when number of super peer increases since
it requires higher cost to keep the information
updated. The availability of global information is
likely to be a trade-off with a consistency.
5.3 Data Management Cost
Data management cost is a cost for requesting or
updating the information. In case of requesting the
data, the request message is forwarded to super-peer
and then to another sub-rings. We measure hop-
count that is needed for the node to get the request
information, while in case of updating the data, node
needs to send the update of its information to entire
information replica. We also measure hop-count
which is needed for the all replica to be updated. We
set the number of super-peers per sub-ring to 3 and
the sub-ring size to 100. Note that for other overlay
networks, we randomly choose the nodes which are
responsible for keeping the replicas as done in the
previous experiment.
Figure 7: Request cost.
Figure 8: Update cost.
Figure 7 and Figure 8 shows that our sub-ring
approach can reduce number of message’s hop-
count significantly in both request and update case
compared to other overlay network, especially the
unstructured network which cost is very high
because the messages are flooded over the entire
network. These results also show that by dividing
the network into multiple sub-rings, the entire global
management can also be distributed into each sub-
ring effectively.
5.4 Effect of Locality
This section, we evaluate the effect of using node
locality by measuring the percentage of distant
message which node received during a period of
time to see how efficient our technique can utilize
the locality of nodes. The distant message is defined
as a message which a delay time is more than our
threshold. If the percentage of distant messages
decreases, the average message delay also decreases.
We set a number of super-peers per sub-ring to 3, a
number of peers to 1000 and a sub-ring size to 100.
Figure 9: Percentage of Distant messages.
The result from Figure 9 shows that our approach
can reduced the percentage of distant message by
47.2% compared to the ring structured network and
by 58.4% compared to the multi-ring structured
network without considering node locality. This
result indicates that both node locality and sub-ring
approach contribute to the reduction of a number of
distant messages.
5.5 Summary
The results from our simulation experiments
indicated that, with our approach, the management
cost for global information is reduced while the
stability of the overlay network under different
churns can be maintained significantly compared to
other structured networks. In case of the
unstructured network, although the stability of
network and availability of replica is better than our
approach, the managing cost for the global
information is unacceptable since the messages are
flooded over the entire network.
CLOSER 2011 - International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science
In this section, we simulate the scenario which could
happen in the real Inter-Cloud environment
situation. Since the Inter-Cloud environment
provides lots of computing resources on demand.
User tends to optimize the computing resources
according to their demands; as a result, the resources
may join and leave to the Inter-Cloud environment
frequently. However, the scenario is not as same as a
normal churn in the peer-to-peer network where
resources randomly and uniformly leave the
network. In case of the Inter-Cloud network, a group
of resources in the same area such as within the
same data-center tends to leaves the network
together when they are not in-use. The churn in this
scenario is still large as in the peer-to-peer but not
uniform. We call this type of churn, an area churn.
The simulation is set as a group of adjacent
nodes periodically leave of system together. We also
vary the group size to further investigate its effect
when the group size exceeds the sub-ring size. We
evaluate the reachability of the network and the
availability of the information to show a capability
of our technique facing these scenarios. We set a
number of peers to 1000, a number of super-peers
per sub-ring to 3, the sub-ring size to 100. Note that
for other overlay networks, we randomly choose the
nodes which are responsible for keeping the replicas
as done in the previous experiment.
Figure 10: Reachability of network under area churn.
The result from Figure 10 shows that our
approach can effectively maintain reachability of the
network compared to other structured overlay
networks. While the result from Figure 11 shows
that our approach can also maintain the availability
of the replicas even when facing area churn situation.
More than 79% of replicas are available when area
churn size is 160 nodes, which is larger than the size
of the sub-ring.
Figure 11: Availability of replica under area churn.
In this paper, we presented the multi-ring structured
overlay network for the Inter-Cloud computing
environment. The structured peer-to-peer overlay
network approach is hereby adapted onto the Inter-
Cloud environment to manage the consistency of the
global information among clouds and enhance the
churn resistance. We evaluated the efficiency of our
proposed methodology by using overlay network
simulator with several scenarios are further analyzed
to show the effectiveness in real-world cases. The
results indicated that, with our approach, the
management cost for global information is reduced
while the stability of the overlay network under
different churns can be maintained. The average
reachability of network under churn is more than
89.2% which is better than other structured networks
and by considering locality of node, the number of
the distant messages also decreases by 58.4% with
respect to the overall messages.
We plan to do more detailed simulations, with more
comparisons and scenarios. In the next step, we
intend to implement our technique onto real cloud
environments such as Windows Azure and Amazon
EC2. We’re also interested in exploring the
possibility to collaborate our system with the super-
computer system. The different nature of the cloud
environment and the super-computer will bring more
challenges to our approach.
This research is supported in part by the MEXT
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority
Areas 18049028.
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