Mario Vega Barbas and Juan R. Velasco
Department of Autom´atica, University of Alcala, Edificio Polit´ecnico, CTRA N-II. Km 31,600
28871 Alcal´a de Henares, Madrid, Spain
Interfaces, Human-computer interaction, Internet of things, Smart spaces, Proactive computing.
Interfaces represent the point of interaction between users and systems, defining their adaptability level in
terms of usability and accessibility. These interfaces must advance in the same direction as the information
society, where all objects of the world around us are being introduced like services to create the Internet of
Things, and so, the Internet of The Future. Therefore, the new interfaces must guarantee that users have access
to all information and functionality that the new Internet can provide. Those advances require a new develop
interface concept where systems can create interfaces according to applications and users needs, always in a
proactive form. In this way, the work presented in this paper tries to define a new semantic and architectural
model to create intelligent and multi-device interface which may be adapted proactively according to the
context and each users requirements.
The continuous evolution of multimedia technology
and Internet has enabled the Web to evolve to a new
way of communication where users, not necessary ex-
pert, can create and use vast amounts of information
of different nature (Web 2.0). The next evolutionary
leap in the information society and communications
will consist of the inclusion of objects in the world
around us as direct members of this society, so that
users can not only generate or consume information,
but may shape the environment in which they live to
improve their quality of life (DiY-SE, 2008). These
new objects and servers network, Internet of the Fu-
ture (CERP, 2009), aims to create dynamic informa-
tion networks made up of millions of interconnected
elements so they can process ubiquitous and intelli-
gent information around them, helping to create smart
In this way, due mainly to the wide range of user
profiles that can interact with this new Internet, the
design and use of interfaces for human-system in-
teraction becomes vital. There are now many tools
and technologies that enable users to make and com-
bine devices and serves such as XUI (Organic User
Interface) and NUI (Natural User Interface) (Bux-
ton, 2007) (Saffer, 2008), but these techniques require
deep technical expertise very specific. There are also
tools to automatically create interfaces for specific ap-
plications (Krzystof and Daniel, 2004) (Krzystof and
Daniel, 2007) (Nichols, 2006) where the background
is not so important. In both cases, researchers based
their work on the concept of a single user and a single
device input/output.
This work intends to delve into this part of the
computing science and provide the basis of study
for the creation of user interfaces in environments
with a huge number of heterogeneous users and de-
vices, both in knowledge and needs and capabili-
ties. Therefore, the goal of this work is to de-
fine a model of human-system interaction,advanced
and multi-device. This model should adapt the en-
vironment information, both input and output, in a
proactive way (Tennenhouse, 2008). This adaptation
should be done in a context-oriented way, taking into
account user needs and their profiles.
The main feature of the environment on which this
work should work is the model of communication that
the Internet of the Future imposes, where the number
of devices and users is uncertain and variable. It is
impossible to know, in advance, the characteristics of
each of these elements. In this scenario is not easy to
determine a model of user-system interaction efficient
Vega Barbas M. and R. Velasco J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003399603090312
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS-2011), pages
ISBN: 978-989-8425-48-5
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
and correct for every moment.
Therefore, to carry out the work will be necessary
to meet a number of sub-targets to facilitate the at-
tainment of the main goal outlined in the introduc-
tion. These goals can be classified into the following
1. Definition of a general interaction model between
environment elements where the Internet of the
Future will deploy.
2. Study of different concepts, design features and
technologies for the development of multi-device
interfaces in order to obtain a semantic model to
tackle the problem consistently.
3. Analysis of the different techniques that enable
proactive systems to establish the relationship be-
tween people and systems, using the more suit-
able Input/Output device at all times. We have
studied the characteristics to be defined within the
context of this particular smart spaces type, being
very important to define how to create an inter-
face to ensure efficient interaction between users
and the environment.
To realize the scope of interaction in the Internet of
the Future is necessary explain two concepts: What
we understand for multi-device interfaces and how
systems can create those interfaces without users su-
3.1 Multi-device Interaction
Historically, the development of interfaces has fo-
cused on exploiting the concept of one device - one
user(A. H. Jørgensen, 2008), basically dealing with
environments where the user wants or needs to inter-
act with an application or device. In an environment
consisting of an indeterminate number of I/O devices
and several users with different knowledge levels and
heterogeneous needs, it becomes necessary to move
towards a multi-device interaction to obtain the best
In the figure 1 we can observe how the system
transforms a tactile interaction to a gestural interac-
tion by using environment elements such as a web
cam and public screen. For this, the system uses a de-
vice ontology. Each device has a properties list which
the system will use to create the new interface, by
finding the best I/O device combination.
Figure 1: Transformation from Tactile interaction to multi-
device gestural interaction.
Therefore, we can define the multi-device inter-
action as the concept where one or more users use
the interaction capabilities of the devices available in
the environment (simultaneous or consecutive) to im-
prove the user experience of offered services. The
idea behind this concept is to facilitate the creation
of similar interfaces using different elements of smart
space, enabling user-system communication in situa-
tions of loss of interaction points.
3.2 Proactive Modeling Techniques for
User Interface and Interaction
Due to that, the goal of this work is to establish
a model and a proactive methodology for the inter-
face creation for Input/Output, it is necessary to de-
termine the technique with which the system must
generate these interfaces. Originally, techniques for
user interface modeling and interaction were devel-
oped to assist software engineers in the implemen-
tation of visual and attractive applications. By us-
ing these techniques they were allowed to raise the
level of abstraction focusing the attention on interac-
tion problems rather than the implementation details
(Szekely, 2006), obtaining products with fewer errors
and higher usability and accessibility degree.
The techniques currently used for developing
user interfaces (XUL, Teresa (Paterno et al., 2008),
UIMLA (UIML, 2009), UsiXML (Limbourg et al.,
2005)) should provide the basis for the development
of new proactive techniques where the system decides
the best interface at any given time. In this way se-
mantics become very important for the description of
the available devices in a smartspace, and so, to deter-
minate the best possible interface combination to cre-
ate the desired interface. Through a proper semantic
description and using appropriate artificial intelligent
techniques it is possible to define a user interface that
facilitates user interaction with the system and other-
wise. This has to be done, at least, where the point of
interaction is lost due to communication problems or
PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems
When someone thinks on functional applications, fo-
cuses attention on the successful execution of an ap-
plication (Nielsen, 1999). Interface usability deter-
mines the quality degree in terms of ease of use, so
this term may be extended to the applications them-
selves. In this sense, the usability of an application
might be defined as the ease of use, i.e. how the ap-
plication can adapt it self to the user needs and the
context in which it is deployed. Therefore, to ensure
that any developed application is capable of being ex-
ecuted in any environment, even in the case you do
not have the interfaces used by default, is a step to-
ward functional usability.
The following points briefly identify the main re-
search areas that need to be improved to solve the
functional usability problems for applications in en-
vironments with a large number of users and devices:
Semantic Standardization. In order to define each
device and interface uniquely. It is imperative to
implement a standard that allows interoperability
within the Internet of the Future.
Proactive Development. Once the semantic basis is
defined, the system must be able to compose new
interfaces by using available I/O devices. For the
proper development of a new interface is also nec-
essary to automate the specification and verifica-
tion of these multi-device interfaces.
Natural Language Processing. Advances in this re-
search field should enable the system to perform
the proactive development from a formal descrip-
tion by the users. This should help to increase the
usability since it opens the door for less experi-
enced users.
As part of the ITEA-2 Do-it-Yourself Smart Experi-
ences, a first demonstrator of this work has been de-
veloped1. This demonstrator visualizes the power of
this work through a project of creating multi-device
interface for the treatment of public and private infor-
mation. The main idea of this demonstrator is to force
the behavior of a standard output interface to display
information in three different devices depending on
the location and the data privacy.
First, the user, by using a private device, an An-
droid mobile, sends a restaurant menu request to the
server. Then, the server processes the request and re-
trieves the asked information. This information may
be categorized in two types, private and public. Sec-
ond, the server creates two messages, one to return as
response to the mobile device, and another to be put
in a public screen. In this way, the system creates a
interface which is composed with two output devices,
the public screen and the mobile device. A user can
visualize private information in their hands, with the
Android mobile, while the public information is pre-
sented en the screen. The figure 2 show schematically
the demonstrators behavior.
Figure 2: Multi-device Public/Private Information Inter-
The technology used for the demonstrator devel-
opment is based on the choice of HTTP as a commu-
nication channel and HTML5 as programming lan-
guage for creating applications and REST services.
The information remains stored in a database and is
composed of a user ID and an XML document with
the following structure:
<info type="public"> [...] </info>
<info type="private"> [...] </info>
Thus, the output system can identify the sections
of public and private information for processing. This
partition is done by the server, attending a set of rules.
By using a PUSH server-based WebSocket it is possi-
ble to define two communication channels to send the
information published. Each channels is associated to
a location that is provided to the system in through a
REST request. The system processes information and
returns the private part directly to the device which
made the REST request. The format of this private in-
formation is XML, because to make processing easier
in the private device.
The development of the Internet of the Future and
the evolutionary leap of information technologies to-
wards a proactive and ubiquitous model (Tennen-
house, 2008) requires researchers to specify new
forms of interaction, where the user should play a less
intrusive but supervisor role. In addition, applications
need to adapt to new smart environments where they
must deploy and operate.
The work presented in this document aims to de-
fine the basis for the creation of a architectural and se-
mantic model that allows construction of multi-device
interfaces, to improve the interaction between peo-
ple and information systems within intelligent envi-
ronments. By using this model, it will be possible to
define adaptive applications, in terms of interface, de-
pending of the context where they are deployed and
of the user profile.
Nowadays, our research group, Telematic Ser-
vices Engineering research group (GIST), is working
on the implementation of an interfaces translator. This
research project should be able to create on the fly in-
terfaces from the interaction model which was defined
for a specific application. The new interface will use
different devices from the environment to obtain, in a
ubiquitous way, the expected functionality.
This work is framed in the project ITEA-2 Project No
2008005, Do-it-Yourself Smart Experiences, founded
by the Spanish MITC -Avanza- TSI-020400-2009-
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PECCS 2011 - International Conference on Pervasive and Embedded Computing and Communication Systems