Stephen Bodnar, Catia Cucchiarini and Helmer Strik
Department of Linguistics, Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Computer-assisted language learning, Corrective feedback, Grammar instruction, Oral proficiency.
Gaining the ability to speak proficiently is an important goal in second language learning, and grammatical
correctness is an important dimension of oral proficiency. To acquire the ability to produce grammatically
correct speech in everyday conversational situations, learners must practice producing speech until they can
do so with little to no conscious effort. For maximum pedagogical effectiveness, practice exercises should
challenge learners to produce spoken output and provide corrective feedback (CF) on their productions so that
learners may notice and correct their mistakes. In this paper, we survey the field of Intelligent Computer-
assisted Language Learning (ICALL) to examine the extent to which current offerings meet the pedagogical
requirements for training grammatical accuracy in oral communication. Our analysis shows that few grammar-
focused systems support oral practice, and that systems which do offer oral practice tend to train conversational
fluency. In response to these findings, we present our position that grammar accuracy should be addressed in
ICALL systems and that, in spite of technological limitations, it is possible to deploy speech technology in
ICALL systems to support spoken interaction and allow individualized oral grammar practice and feedback.
Gaining the ability to speak proficiently is an impor-
tant goal in second language (L2) learning, and gram-
matical correctness is an important dimension of L2
proficiency (Housen and Kuiken, 2009). (Brumfit,
1984) distinguished between accuracy-oriented ac-
tivities, those aimed at promoting the production of
grammatically correct language, and fluency-oriented
activities, those aimed at stimulating spontaneous L2
production. Exposure to the target language and
usage-based learning are viewed as essential elements
in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) (Ellis and
Bogart, 2007). However, a considerable body of
SLA research has also shown that language input and
usage-based learning are not enough and that focus
on linguistic form and accuracy is often required to
help L2 learners achieve target-like levels of profi-
ciency. Through instruction, output, intensive prac-
tice and corrective feedback L2 learners can acquire
the ability to produce grammatically correct speech in
everyday conversational situations. In general, learn-
ers do not have many opportunities to engage in the
kind of practice they need, namely spoken interac-
tions where feedback is provided. In language class-
rooms the emphasis is typically on meaning instead
of form, the difficulty level and the curriculum are not
tailored to the needs and interests of each learner, and
large class sizes limit the amount of practice available.
Recent developments in Intelligent Computer-
Assisted Language Learning (ICALL) may provide
new opportunities for offering intensive practice in
speaking the target language and personalized cor-
rective feedback. However, an analysis shows that
the majority of systems that train grammar skills
do not support spoken interaction, and that speech-
interactive systems typically do not individualize lan-
guage instruction and tend to focus on other aspects
of oral proficiency such as pronunciation or conversa-
tion skills.
It is our opinion a) that grammar accuracy, as
an important dimension of oral proficiency, should
be addressed in ICALL systems and b) that in spite
of technological limitations, it is possible to deploy
speech technology in ICALL systems to support spo-
ken interaction and allow individualized oral gram-
mar practice and feedback.
This paper is organized as follows. In section 2,
we draw on literature from Second Language Acqui-
sition (SLA) research to explore the pedagogical re-
quirements for providing sound and effective gram-
mar practice. Section 3 employs the features pre-
Bodnar S., Cucchiarini C. and Strik H..
DOI: 10.5220/0003402503550361
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2011), pages 355-361
ISBN: 978-989-8425-49-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
sented in the previous section as desiderata for oral
grammar practice to review recent advanced computer
applications from ICALL. In Section 4, we present
our position that pedagogically sound ICALL systems
for oral grammar practice can be developed by using
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR).
2.1 Literature Overview
In the field of SLA there has been considerable de-
bate on the role of input, output, practice and cor-
rective feedback as factors in promoting the acqui-
sition of a second language. Proposers of the In-
put Hypothesis and the Natural Approach (Krashen,
1982) (Krashen and Terrell, 1983) maintain that lan-
guage acquisition is driven by exposure to compre-
hensible language input, and that “speech (and writ-
ing) production emerges as the acquisition process
progresses” (Krashen and Terrell, 1983, p. 53). In
line with this reasoning, language learners should not
be stimulated to produce language output because this
only plays a marginal role in the acquisition process.
However, immersion studies in which language
learners were exposed to huge amounts of language
input have revealed that this is not enough to achieve
target-like performance in productive skills (Swain
and Lapkin, 1982) (Ranta and Lyster, 2007). This
resulted in a renewed emphasis on the importance of
output in language learning and the possible functions
it may serve (Swain, 1985) (DeBot, 1996).
Relevant in this respect is the connection to skill
acquisition theory in cognitive psychology (Ander-
son, 1982) and in particular the distinction between
declarative and procedural knowledge. In this view
people acquire skills first through explicit information
or rules (declarative knowledge) which are then grad-
ually transformed into internalized routines (proce-
dural knowledge) which eventually are automatized.
Output and practice play an important role in con-
verting declarative knowledge into procedural knowl-
edge thus promoting fluency and automaticity (De-
Bot, 1996) (Gass, 1997). An important distinction
between declarative and procedural knowledge is that
while declarative knowledge is generalizable, pro-
cedural knowledge is skill-specific, and in spite of
claims that it is input practice that leads to acquisi-
tion (VanPatten and Cadierno, 1993), various studies
have indicated a lack of transfer from receptive to pro-
ductive skills, thus underlining the importance of lan-
guage output and practice (DeKeyser and Sokalski,
1996) (Izumi, 2002) when it comes to learning to
speak and write a second language.
Another debated issue in SLA research is the func-
tion of corrective feedback in general and the spe-
cific features, effectiveness and timing of different
feedback moves (Nicholas et al., 2001). Some re-
searchers claim that the evidence in favour of correc-
tive feedback is insufficient, but various studies and
meta-analyses (Russell and Spada, 2006) tend to in-
dicate that, in general, corrective feedback has a pos-
itive effect on language learning. In addition, there
are indications that, to be effective, corrective feed-
back should be unambiguous, consistent, intensive,
should provide opportunities for self-repair and mod-
ified output (Tatawy, 2002), should not be too asyn-
chronous as it is important to give feedback while the
procedural “knowledge” that led to the error is still ac-
tive in memory (DeKeyser, 2007) and should prefer-
ably take account of specific learner characteristics.
2.2 Results
The brief literature overview presented above has pro-
duced interesting results with respect to the desirable
features of ICALL systems intended to help L2 learn-
ers acquire the ability to produce grammatically cor-
rect L2 speech. First, these systems should provide
comprehensible input. Second, they should stimu-
late skill-specific output and practice. Third, they
should produce accurate corrective feedback that is
clear, consistent, intensive, timely, individualized and
that provides opportunities for self-repair and modi-
fied output. In the following section we proceed to
analyzing a number of available systems to determine
to what extent they satisfy the criteria outlined above.
To investigate how computer applications might be
able to help language learners improve the gram-
matical accuracy of their speech, we searched the
ICALL literature (e.g., Computer Assisted Language
Learning, ReCALL, Speech Communication, Sys-
tem, Language Learning and Technology, CALICO
Journal, and others) for reports of ASR-enabled sys-
tems that train grammar accuracy. Finding relevant
systems proved more difficult than expected (an early
search yielded just one system), and as a result we
relaxed search criteria to include two categories of
systems: a) those that offer grammar training regard-
less of whether they utilize ASR (we refer to these
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
as “accuracy-focused” systems) and b) ASR-enabled
systems which implement exercises that do not fo-
cus on grammar training but which involve use of L2
grammar knowledge (we refer to these as “fluency-
focused” systems). Relaxing these criteria increased
the number of relevant systems, and from these candi-
dates we selected those that come closest to meeting
the pedagogical requirements presented above.
This section provides an overview of the sys-
tems with respect to practice exercises offered, types
of feedback provided, and ability to accommodate
learner differences for the two categories of systems.
In the accuracy-focused category, we have the Ger-
man Tutor (Heift, 2001), CALLJ (Wang et al., 2009),
Te Kaitito (Vlugter et al., 2009), and a collection
of web-based language games from the CSAIL MIT
lab (Seneff, 2007); and for fluency-focused systems,
we review the TLCTS (Johnson and Valente, 2009),
SPELL (Morton and Jack, 2005), CandleTalk (Chiu
et al., 2007), a prototype version of Let’s Go adapted
for language learners (Raux and Eskenazi, 2004),
and an unnamed prototype from the University of
oteborg (Bergenholtz, 2004).
3.1 Practice Activities
We first present accuracy-focused systems before ex-
amining the potential for grammar training in systems
oriented towards fluency.
Practice in the accuracy-focused systems is char-
acterised by narrow, skill-focused exercises that de-
velop the learner’s ability to produce grammatically
accurate utterances. Systems such as the German
Tutor and CALLJ are good examples of accuracy-
focused systems: learning is structured into dif-
ferent lessons that cover vocabulary and grammar
items found in language learning materials (e.g. the
Japanese Language Proficiency Test). Each lesson
contains activities that challenge the learner to apply
target language grammar rules to produce an error-
free phrase or sentence; when the learner arrives at
an answer they can submit it to the program for
evaluation. Activities typically resemble activities
found in traditional classroom materials, such as cloze
tests, and sentence-building and translation exercises.
A different approach in accuracy-focused instruction
has been to provide more realistic contexts (in the
sense that the exercises more closely resemble the ev-
eryday situations where the learners will be expected
to use the target language to communicate). An exam-
ple of this approach can be found in Te Kaitito, which
implements an accuracy-focused exercise that takes
the form of text-based dialogues between the learner
and a virtual tutor character. The dialogues are speci-
ally designed to elicit language that requires use of
target L2 forms known to be difficult.
Practice in fluency-focused systems stands in con-
trast to the previous group. These systems focus on
helping learners to become functional in the target
language, so as to be able to satisfy their everyday
communicative needs, such as describing one’s likes
and dislikes or asking for directions. Exercises are
task-based and allow the learner to converse with vir-
tual characters in a target language. Systems differ in
the richness of the simulation: in the Let’s Go system,
learners telephone an automated spoken dialogue sys-
tem for bus information; CandleTalk and the Bergen-
holtz system provide virtual two-dimensional charac-
ters with whom to interact; SPELL and TLCTS place
learners in a three-dimensional virtual world (naviga-
ble via a player-controlled avatar) populated with vir-
tual characters.
With respect to training for oral communica-
tion, one aspect that differentiates some applications
from others is the modality supported by the pro-
gram. Many accuracy-focused systems require that
the learner produce written output by using the key-
board, or through selection exercises that rely on use
of the mouse. CALLJ and the collection of web-based
games are notable exceptions, as they are the only
accuracy-focused systems we are aware of that em-
ploy ASR to implement grammar training exercises
that allow the learner to speak to the system with a
In the process of completing exercises like those
presented above, learners will inevitably produce lan-
guage that contains errors. Next, we examine how
ICALL systems respond to errors with corrective
3.2 Corrective Feedback
ICALL systems can help learners to reduce the fre-
quency of errors in their speech by drawing attention
to, explaining and supplying corrections for errors
through the provision of automatic corrective feed-
back. In the context of a practice exercise, an appli-
cation provides feedback by utilizing specialized lan-
guage or speech technology to monitor learner output
for errors. When errors are discovered, the system
processes the error to prepare a feedback response,
which can be described as a message or behaviour that
communicates that one or more errors were detected
and provides information to guide the learner to cor-
rect the error(s). Naturally, the details of the feedback
message vary from system to system, and may be in-
fluenced by pedagogical and technical considerations.
One factor that influences feedback is the pedago-
gical focus of the system. In accuracy-focused sys-
tems, emphasis on the reduction of grammar errors
seems to motivate system designers to use unam-
biguous, explicit feedback. The German Tutor and
CALLJ systems use metalinguistic descriptions to
provide error-specific feedback that includes explana-
tions, such as in the example “Watch out! The verb
WOHNEN and the subject ICH do not agree. ICH is
singular” from the German Tutor. Other options are
explicit recasts or clarification requests which omit
detailed metalinguistic language and instead supply
corrected versions of an utterance. An example of
this kind of feedback from the Te Kaitito system is
“There’s a mistake in that sentence. Maybe you mean
-suggested-correction-? Let’s try again”.
For fluency-focused systems, we observed that
there is a tendency towards implicit feedback, feed-
back that is less recognizably corrective and more eas-
ily integrated into the simulation. Perhaps the most
simple example can be found in TLCTS, in which
characters respond to errors with simple (and perhaps
realistic) requests for clarification such as “Sorry, I
don’t understand”. A second example, this time of an
implicit recast from the Bergenholtz system, can be
seen in the following interaction: “Student: How old
years is Dirk? System: How old is Dirk? Dirk is 30
years (old)”. An explanation for the tendency towards
implicit feedback is that fluency-focused practice ex-
ercises are designed to be authentic and that frequent
error correction with overly explicit feedback such as
metalinguistic descriptions may detract from the real-
ism of the simulation.
A second factor that influences feedback in
ICALL systems is technical feasibility. Reliable per-
formance of the language and speech processing mod-
ules that detect and classify errors is important, as
poor performance may result in errors going unno-
ticed or the potentially worse case of errors being re-
ported for well-formed utterances. For this reason,
system developers must take the limits of ASR com-
ponents into consideration when designing feedback
properties of a system. The current shortage of stud-
ies investigating the reliability of corrective feedback
for grammar in ASR-enabled systems prevents strong
conclusions, but existing studies suggest that correc-
tive feedback is more reliable in constrained practice
of the type seen in accuracy-focused systems. Perfor-
mance results for CALLJ suggest adequate reliabil-
ity, while data for the SPELL and Let’s Go systems
suggest otherwise, leading the authors of the first sys-
tem to state that performance is “not high enough to
support precise analysis of learner errors” (Anderson
et al., 2008, p.616).
In some systems, feedback properties may also be
affected by the proficiency level of the learner. In the
next section, we look at how feedback and other as-
pects of the system can be adapted to meet individual
learner needs.
3.3 Individualized Instruction
Computer systems have excellent logging capabili-
ties which can be used to make detailed recordings
of the interaction between the system and the learner.
ICALL systems employ student models to organize
the information they collect into data structures that
can capture different information about the learner.
The type of information captured in a student model
varies between systems, but some of the more com-
mon types concern study activity, including lessons
completed and time on task, and performance on ex-
ercises and quizzes (for examples, see TLCTS and
the German Tutor). Additionally, some systems la-
bel practice exercises with metadata related to peda-
gogical objectives, with the benefit being that results
of completed exercises can then be taken as an indi-
cation of the degree of mastery with respect to the
objectives. Examples of metadata types are linguistic
items, such as particular classes of words or gram-
matical constructions (Heift and Nicholson, 2001), or
task-oriented skills the learner is expected to acquire
(Johnson and Valente, 2009). More advanced student
models, in addition to the above, also capture type
and frequency information about errors the learner
produces, such as spelling, word order, and specific
grammar errors (Heift and Nicholson, 2001).
On its own, the information captured by a student
model is valuable to the student and educators as a
form of summative feedback which can serve as an
indicator of progress towards the goals of the system.
However, the most advanced systems go one step fur-
ther and use this information to adapt different aspects
of the system with the aim of optimizing the instruc-
tion to a learner’s specific needs. For example, the
German Tutor uses a student model to adjust proper-
ties of the feedback by varying the amount of detail
that is included in the error message according to the
learner’s skill level. Other uses of the student model
in this system include guiding decisions about what
errors to provide feedback on when multiple errors
are detected in learner input and generation of reme-
dial exercises based on observed student difficulties.
Summarising our observations, we find that prac-
tice in the systems surveyed can be grouped into
accuracy- and fluency-focused systems. Practice in
both groups provides opportunities for written and
spoken output. Feedback types differ, with grammar-
focused systems use explicit feedback to point out er-
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
rors to learners, while fluency-focused systems use
implicit feedback forms likely to integrate well with
simulated spoken exchanges. Elements of individu-
alised instruction can be found in both groups, includ-
ing adaptation of course content, selection of errors
for feedback treatment and type of feedback provided,
and suggestion of remedial exercises.
The purpose of the work so far has been to evalu-
ate the suitability of current ICALL systems to pro-
vide grammar practice for oral communication. In
the next section we discuss the results of this analysis
and present recommendations that support our posi-
tion that developing an ICALL system that provides
grammar practice for oral communication is indeed
In section 3 we have reviewed a number of ICALL
systems. This analysis has revealed that each of the
systems reviewed falls short of fulfilling the require-
ments for optimal computer-based grammar practice
for oral proficiency.
With respect to type of practice and interaction,
we have observed that few systems allow the learner
to speak their output and are capable of processing the
learners speech to detect errors and provide detailed
corrective feedback on grammatical errors, while it
seems that it is exactly the combination of spoken
interaction and form-focused activities with detailed
corrective feedback that is particularly required to im-
prove grammatical accuracy in L2 speaking. Find-
ings that support the skill-based character of procedu-
ral knowledge underline the importance of speaking
practice to learn to speak an L2 (DeKeyser, 2007).
The attested failure of immersion students to achieve
target-like grammatical accuracy in speaking empha-
sizes the importance of form-focused activities and
feedback to draw attention to less salient linguistic
In spite of these findings, we are convinced that it
is possible to develop ICALL systems that exhibit the
desirable properties presented above. In the remain-
der of this section we explain how.
First of all, it is important to take account of tech-
nical limitations. ASR performs less-reliably on non-
native speech, and at the moment, best practices rec-
ommend limiting the ASR task to discriminating be-
tween a small number of candidate utterances. While
this may seem a considerable limitation, it is sufficient
to allow the type of focused grammar practice seen
in the German Tutor and CALLJ. Previous research
from our lab on ASR-based corrective feedback on
L2 pronunciation has indicated that it is possible to
develop systems that supply accurate feedback (Cuc-
chiarini et al., 2009), provided that constrained and
pedagogically sound exercises are developed. In this
connection it is important to point out that provid-
ing accurate corrective feedback on pronunciation is
more challenging than providing feedback on gram-
mar (Morton and Jack, 2005). In more recent research
we are developing technology for providing feedback
on grammar (Strik et al., 2010).
As to the precise form of feedback to be used,
our analysis has indicated that ICALL systems em-
ploy a variety of different techniques to draw atten-
tion to learner errors, including simple clarification
requests, implicit and explicit recasts and explicit cor-
rection, with varying degrees of error-specific met-
alinguistic information. Studies that have examined
human-provided feedback do not provide definitive
answers as to which form of feedback is most effec-
tive (see section 2). Research on feedback provided
by ICALL systems seems to indicate that feedback
that is explicit, error-specific and indicates the loca-
tion of errors result in larger learning gains than less
specific types of feedback (see (Hanson, 2007) for a
review; see also (Heift, 2004)). Complicating the is-
sue is the fact that these studies refer to practice done
in the typed medium. To the best of our knowledge
no research exists which has looked into the effective-
ness of different feedback types in oral practice with
an ICALL system.
Because of the lack of conclusive findings regard-
ing feedback effectiveness, we recommend an ap-
proach that involves developing a library of feedback
techniques. This library would be useful for at least
two reasons: first, it would allow researchers to con-
duct their own experiments to investigate the effect of
different feedback types in spoken grammar practice.
Second, the library could be used later as a resource
for individualising instruction, as different feedback
types may be more effective for different learners or
Concerning individualised instruction, we make
the observation that the German Tutor, an accuracy-
focused system which does not include ASR, pos-
sesses superior adaptability compared to other sys-
tems reviewed. The student model influences the
amount of detail included in feedback messages,
guides error selection when input contains multiple
errors, and informs the module that generates reme-
dial exercises, all functions that greatly enhance the
adaptability of the system to individual learners and
which we endorse for ASR-enabled grammar prac-
tice systems. To achieve this functionality, a sys-
tem should implement a student model and supporting
framework capable of capturing information regard-
ing study activity, performance on practice exercises,
and detailed error-related data, in addition to attach-
ing metadata to practice exercises to label them with
the grammar feature(s) they target.
To summarize, on the basis of our reviews of SLA
literature on the one hand and of existing ICALL sys-
tems for oral grammar training on the other, we would
like to stress the importance of employing ASR tech-
nology to allow spoken interaction in relatively con-
strained exercises in which plausible, realistic com-
municative contexts are created, but where the learn-
ers output is predictable and for this reason can be an-
alyzed automatically in detail with acceptable levels
of accuracy. In turn, accurate error detection through
ASR constitutes the essential basis for providing skill-
specific individualized instruction, practice and feed-
back, thus meeting SLA requirements as much as pos-
At the moment, we are in the process of develop-
ing an ICALL system in line with the recommenda-
tions above (see Figure 1). The system uses ASR in
meaning-oriented question-and-answer exercises de-
signed to elicit forms known to be problematic for
Dutch L2 learners. A pilot experiment planned for the
spring of 2011 will investigate the effect of computer-
provided corrective feedback on grammar accuracy,
as well as the reliability and accuracy of the underly-
ing technology.
Figure 1: A screenshot of the ICALL system under devel-
opment. Learners speak into a microphone to answer ques-
tions posed by a virtual tutor about a film clip. In this ex-
ample, the tutor is asking ‘How did Tom actually come to
the store?’, and the learner responds using the prompt and
phrases located in the bottom half of the screen.
This work is part of the research program Corrective
Feedback and the Acquisition of Syntax in Oral Profi-
ciency (FASOP), which is funded by the Netherlands
Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).
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