Zhang Zenglian
School of Economics and Management, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, China
Keywords: Universities, Research, Allocation of indirect costs, Cooperative game.
Abstract: Universities engage in teaching and research activities, universities’ research funds now mainly offset direct
costs of research activities in China, indirect costs of research activities are mainly extracted about 5%
management fee, but this is far from research activities should be assessed to make up for the share. At
present, universities’ research indirect costs mainly measure through the traditional function cost and
advanced activity-based cost, but these methods have some shortcomings. This paper proposes a new
universities research indirect cost allocation method based on the cooperative game theory, and an example
is justified.
To ensure teaching and research activities continued,
efficient operation, universities require substantial
funding for construction, acquisition and maintenance
of buildings and equipment, also need to spend large
sums of money for the integrated management of
universities. Since these payments can not be directly
traced to specific teaching and research projects, as
opposed to retrospective obvious direct costs, this
part of cost is known as indirect costs of university.
Although indirect costs can not directly charged from
a specific project, but universities did not invest these
funds will lack of housing facilities and integrated
management services, they will be unable to carry out
any activities. Therefore, indirect costs must be
allocated to all the benefits of university projects, and
direct costs together constitute the full cost of the
project, and obtained from the project completely
compensate the client in order to ensure the normal
development of all the activities of universities.
Indirect costs funded policy of research projects is to
support research projects of university housing
facilities and management costs to compensate for the
science funding policy is directly related to scientific
research necessary for sustainable development and
scientific research infrastructure maintenance and
management system Increased. The teaching,
research and service activities are mutually different
and interrelated, making the indirect cost of
allocation methods of scientific research is full of
complexity and uncertainty, resulting in indirect
costs funding policy research university and
become a hot issue in dispute between principals.
Research of indirect costs and its contributions is
just beginning, and mainly based on traditional cost
methods, some scholars introduced ABC. Based on
the cooperative game theory to study for
universities’ indirect costs compute model, this
provides a theoretical basis for scientific computing
full-cost of research projects, and develop scientific
funding policy for the government.
Shi Jinghuan (2007) believed that the U.S.
federal government payed full cost of research
activities, including indirect costs incurred due to
university bear research projects. Kang Xiaoming
(2007) believed that perfection of government
research indirect cost recovery mechanism should
be increased efforts to support university research
system to ensure stable operation of scientific
system; Based on the quality of scientific research,
establish and improve a stable funding mechanism
for recurrent funding of scientific research; Based
on scientific research cost, establish scientific
proportion of indirect cost recovery of research
projects. Jiao Hanwei (2008) analysis of the current
status and problems of indirect costs of research
university, compared to university research indirect
costs compensation measures of european and
American countries, proposed policy
Zenglian Z..
DOI: 10.5220/0003412902350240
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 235-240
ISBN: 978-989-8425-54-6
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
recommendations for government to perfect research
indirect cost recovery mechanism. Yuan Liansheng
(2009) believed that the U.S. and British governments
to develop standard methods of scientific research
indirect costs, as government funding indirect
research projects based on cost estimates to ensure
that government indirect costs of university research
and reasonable compensation. But the U.S. scientific
research indirect cost rate established on the basis of
direct costs, indirect cost rates UK universities
established on the basis of the number of researchers.
Li Zhimin (2009) discussed explore the full cost and
ABC to university research projects cost management.
Ouyang Hua (2009) believed that indirect costs of
university research management is not mature, from
the subsidy policy, budget and accounting proposals
three aspects, and describes the operating cost in
university research the use of indirect cost allocation.
Zhan Yiqing (2010) believed that the indirect costs of
U.S. research funding policy based on a scientific
model of indirect cost rate basis. She believes that the
full costs of university research projects, including
research and artificial, including the direct costs and
indirect costs of research assessment form. Review of
scientific research at home and abroad through
indirect cost management literature, I believe that
indirect costs of university research management has
the following problems: on the indirect costs for
university research and the important role of lack of
knowledge; indirect costs of research funding policy
based on the lack of scientific theory; research
indirectly The proportion of the cost of compensation
far below the actual college; university research
indirect cost allocation methods should be improved.
According to the ownership of cost, the direct cost of
university research that can be clearly directly
attributable to, or higher accuracy directly assigned to
specific research projects and costs; the indirect cost
of university research that can not be clearly
attributed to specific research projects, but it is
essential for the normal cost maintain of university
research activities. "Emplementation of the scheme
on the subject of national research system
regulations" states: direct costs of research projects
typically include personnel costs, equipment
expenses and other research expenses. Indirect costs
typically include the subject of payment service
support unit staff costs and other administrative
expenses, the existing equipment and housing fees,
royalties or depreciation.
Higher education in the production of "products
(students)" is often mass production, each batch of
the product (the same subject in the same year) of
the production process (curriculum, etc.) is
indentical, consumption of resources, training costs
spent almost are indentical, product cost and
therefore can bulk of teaching accounting, and
calculate the unit product cost of each batch, that
the cost of a single object can reach the student
objects. For the purposes of university research
products, due to different nature of different
research projects, scientific research and the
production of different processes and resource
consumption is not the same, so the cost is not the
same in different research projects. Therefore, it is
difficult to share teaching and research indirect cost
allocation to individual research projects, and such
activities can only be allocated to scientific research,
scientific research and the cost of indirect cost
allocation can only be the object of scientific
research activities. Indirect costs of university
research purpose is to share teaching and research
activities in that part of the shared costs are divided
according to the principle of benefit, be allocated to
teaching, research and other activities.
Apportionment of indirect costs, the function cost
(FBC) and activity-based costing (ABC) represent
two different costing methodologies.
Cost function is a traditional way, only with the
unit level as the cost drivers, and as the common
costs allocated to each of the product. As early
production is not high degree of automation,
management is simple, the market less competitive,
companies mainly in large quantities, less variety of
modes of production, mainly in the indirect cost of
production labor hours or machine hours as a
benchmark to the average linear distribution The
cost of the product. The traditional method of
product cost in addition to the direct cost of the
product materials, direct labor, the rest are
classified as manufacturing costs, and operating
unit level cost drivers to allocate the common costs
of imputation. The units of activity driver is the
level of production changes, cost changes result in a
number of factors. Unit level activity drivers used
to allocate the costs of manufacturing products
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
imputation, assuming the product is actually
consumed in these common products, the production
cost and highly relevant. Traditional cost allocation
methods are often used to allocate fixed
manufacturing costs due to the standard unit of
product output, direct labor hours, direct labor rates,
machine hours, direct materials. As the basis of such
allocation is closely related with the production, the
traditional method known as the "number-based " cost
allocation method. In previous single product
structure, production equipment simple production
environment, such as the cost driver unit level only,
and accordingly the cost allocated to the linear
products to cost-sharing method, did not show
anything wrong place . But the knowledge economy,
the cost and management theory and practice has
been a huge challenge:
(1) high-tech development, especially in modern
manufacturing technology, increasing the
value of machinery and equipment, machinery
and equipment maintenance costs,
depreciation expenses increased significantly,
resulting in significant changes in the structure
of product cost, reduced direct costs, indirect
costs significantly Improve and continue to
use traditional assessment methods, likely to
cause distortion of product costs;
(2) use of non-causal factors of the single standard
indirect cost-sharing and prone to over-or
underestimate the cost, resulting in a
difference between products "cost shift "
The basic principle of ABC is set according to
different cost drivers, cost pools, respectively, and
were consumed by a variety of products, amount of
work in the corresponding cost-sharing the cost of the
library, and then were aggregated total cost of
operating a variety of products, calculated products of
the total cost and unit cost. The calculation of the
operation as the core, according to operations on the
resources consumed by the consumption of resources
will be allocated to the cost of operations, then the
operating cost of the product based on cost drivers to
trace the formation and accumulation, thus get the
final product cost. ABC is a more accurate cost
allocation method that can be reasonably stable
allocation of indirect costs to products, it is applied to
the calculation of indirect costs of university research
is feasible, not only for the government to the
university's research and provide the basis for indirect
cost allocation, Universities can also provide cost
control and financial decision-making to help
strengthen the effective use of university resources.
But operating costs of Applied Research indirect
cost method may encounter the following problems:
(1) On inadequate understanding of scientific
research indirect cost accounting.
(2) University College is not conducive to the
current accounting system, the implementation
of activity-based costing. The implementation of
ABC requires additional data, such as teachers
in various activities and time spent, the current
university accounting into the accounting
system is not in its.
(3) Activity-Based Costing there own limitations.
First, the implementation of activity-based
costing is a systematic project, the division of
work is a bottom-up or top-down process, its
implementation requires in addition the financial
sector with many sectors outside, especially the
support of school leaders need to Coordination
of various departments. Second, the job has a
different level, and the university is a function
of the operating process of the parallel-type
structure, operations center to determine the
division with the job inevitably have a certain
subjectivity. Select the appropriate cost drivers
in a distribution, and sometimes because of lack
of appropriate data and judgments based on the
subjective experiences and feelings. Again, the
accurate calculation of costs, the need for each
job to determine a cost driver, which requires
the implementation of the higher costs, not
cost-effective. Sometimes a job has multiple
cost drivers, how to determine the cost drivers
involved in one or more of product costing is
also a problem.
(4) high cost of implementation. First, the
implementation of activity-based costing
systems need to develop operating costs, the
development and operation and maintenance
more expensive. Secondly, the successful
implementation of ABC requires staff with
appropriate quality and ability, and the current
university accounting staff understanding of
costing not much. Again, the implementation of
activity-based costing in the first several years
after, need to be tracking the implementation
and evaluation, and implementation process,
some of the problems corrected. Therefore, the
successful implementation of activity-based
costing requires a longer time.
Game theory studies the behavior of making a direct
interaction between the main decision-making and
that decision when the balance. It has two branches:
cooperative game and non-cooperative game.
Non-cooperative game emphasizes individual rational,
individual optimal decision. Cooperative game
emphasizes group rationality, emphasis on efficiency,
impartiality and fairness. Allocation method from the
scientific perspective, cooperative game theory
omitted the co-operation in the formation of a rational
process, but the distribution of benefits of alliance or
cost sharing. In fact, so that all parties is the nature of
alliance cost sharing, but also the core of cooperative
games, applications cooperative game can be a
reasonable allocation of indirect costs to provide a
feasible and fair way. Cooperative game is given a
limited set of participants N, the characteristics of
cooperative game type is an ordered number on the
(N, C), where V is characteristic function
to the set R
of real numbers from the
mapping, and
0)( =
. Cooperative game has an
implicit assumption that all people are able to
participate in forming an alliance, but when a
coalition of participants may act in the interests of
other production externality, the alliance is not
necessarily formation, that cooperation does not
necessarily is stable. Cooperative game theory
allocation sets and defines the core set, the two sets of
cost-sharing technology to provide a theoretical basis.
(1) Distribution set. If for
, has x
cooperative game solution satisfies individual
rationality, which x
expressed the cooperative game
solution; if
=C(N) , the cooperative game
solution to meet the collective rationality. Distribution
of the game is also set to meet the individual
rationality and collective rationality of the solution set.
Participants in the evaluation of a rational distribution
of the program, will participate in co-operation will
be co-benefits in and out of the interests of individual
actions can be compared, if the former is large, the
participants will stay to continue cooperation; if the
latter is large, Participants will exit to go it alone. In
the co-benefits (cost) distribution, if the participants
continue to work to stay, then the allocation method
consistent with individual rationality. If the
cooperation of all participants assigned to return
(cost) is just equal to the sum of the income of all
participants (cost), after the formation of the
alliance will work from all participants (cost) is just
assigned to each participant and distribution
completed , The allocation method consistent with
collective rationality.
(2) Core set. Independence of the inspection
requirements in terms of every little alliance,
assigned to the minor leagues, the cost of all the
participants and may not be available to more than
the cost of a separate alliance. In the cost-sharing is
for the game,
=C(S), which S is the
minor leagues. Distribution through independent
test set is the core set. Distribution set from the
perspective of individual participants, but the
alliance, the number of participants leaving the
original form of mutual cooperation League minor
league, the benefits may be greater, which means
that the Alliance does not leave more than a few
participants Alliance to form a minor league better.
In the cooperative game, the rational allocation
is Assignment Set and the Core is stable at a
reasonable cost allocation method. For accuracy,
the distribution of cost allocation system provides
the results of cooperative game theory is defined by
a reasonably stable set, that have the same
characteristics as the real product cost, distribution
of results than those who do not belong to the cost
of reasonable and stable set of system accuracy.
One of the basic elements of cooperative game is
the game the main basis of party to join the alliance,
is to find a way to fair and reasonable and accurate
distribution of alliance costs (or gains), so that all
parties to cooperate to join the alliance. This
approach can be successful, must be made in each
of the players joined the league after the distribution
of costs (or gains) than his acting alone low cost
(high), or alliance will not set up. Many types of
cooperative game solution, almost all the specific
issues for each class of solutions specifically
defined. Satisfy the individual rationality and
collective rationality conditions, and through
cost-sharing programs test for independence and
stable cooperation for the rational allocation. Cost
allocation in cooperative game theory, assuming the
first i, X
alliance cost of personal gain, C(N) the
total cost incurred for the cooperation, C
participants alone for the costs incurred, the cost of
internal stability can be assessed more than
cooperation Game:
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
The first two conditions for the weak condition,
the definition of the distribution set, which is the core
set of necessary conditions to meet the first two
conditions at the same time meet the third condition
of the allocation method is the core allocation.
Cooperative game there is no single solution, it is
difficult to have a solution can meet all of the "fair"
understanding of the most challenging game so the
cooperation is to create a unified "solution ", that is,
from a variety of different Well-selected nature of the
solution in the only configuration or cost allocation
plan. Applications in economics, more than the
current Cost Allocation method for solving the
cooperative game model including Shapley value
method, the core method, quadratic programming and
cost-sharing gap method. Shapley LS Shapley value
is given an n person cooperative game solution, it can
not only solve the effective distribution of economic
activities issues, and social activities can be estimated
in the rights of groups or factions. Suppose (N, C) as
a cooperative game, for a given characteristic
function can be assessed to determine the specific
vector x={x
to satisfy anonymity,
availability, and virtual sex plus the unique solution
of the four properties:
Among them, x={x
known as the
Union's Shapley value;
that contained
members of the League of the number of S, C is
defined on all subsets of N, a cost function that
represents all the possible formation of N in the
replacement cost of the best groups, n Is the number
of the players, N is the set of all the players. Shapley
value that the member i of the coalition S i increase
the cost C(S)-C(S\i) of the weighted average of the
weights W(
) that the players in any
n-permutation, i is the probability of only part of the
Union S.
Suppose a university engaged in teaching, research
and the other three types of activities, operating in
accordance with the college faculty approach to
management, that is, all income and expenses
according to the three types of activities a separate
accounting for all costs occur within the university
are to be assessed Commitment to these three types
of activities. The university is divided into eight
large departments, where the costs incurred by
hospital administered an example in this research
and indirect costs are allocated between the
activities of three classes of problems.
Court administered the indirect costs incurred,
including labor costs, materials costs, depreciation
of fixed assets and office costs and other expenses.
The past, these costs mainly by teaching and other
activities to share, bear the indirect costs of research
activities are mainly extracted a small percentage of
faculty of management fees. But the House
leadership recognized that due to research activities
in the faculties of the spending account for a large
proportion of the cost of the current distribution of
this simple way does not really reflect the real
burden of each type of activity the cost of education
may lead to crowding out expenditure on research
spending. Thus, according to university in the past
financial data, and use cooperative game mode on
the possible costs of hospital administered by the
situation as described below.
Administered by the School teaching, research
and other activities of 1,2,3 collection for the three
types of N = [1,2,3], then S = ({1}, {2}, {3}, {1,2},
{1,3}, {2,3}, {1,2,3}) 3 types of activities on behalf
of all the alliances possible. When the three types of
activities independently, they should bear the
indirect costs, that their characteristic function is: v
({1}) = 8, v ({2}) = 6, v ({3}) = 4. When the two
two leagues, due to the presence of fixed costs,
making the alliance more expensive than the cost of
both separately and low, Union Square
characteristic function is: v ({1,2}) = 12, v ({1,3 })
= 10, v ({2,3}) = 8. When the three formed the
Alliance, the total value of the characteristic
function: v ({1,2,3}) = 15. According to Shapley
value formula, the three alliances, their respective
costs should be allocated x1, x2, x3 can be
calculated as: x1 = 7; x2 = 5; x3 = 3. The following
results on the Shapley value for authentication.
(1) Super additive. v ({1,2,3}) = 15 v ({1}) + v
({2}) + v ({3}) = 18.
(2) Groups is reasonable. x ({1}) + x ({2}) + x
({3}) = x ({1,2,3}) = 15.
(3) Individual rationality. v ({1}) = 8 x1 = 7; v
({2}) = 6 x2 = 5; v ({3}) = 4 x3 = 3.
Proven, Shapley value solution to meet the
characteristics of cooperative games to three types of
activities on the allocation of indirect costs result
should be acceptable.
With the continuous development of universities,
research activities, more and more important for
universities, research university indirect costs
accounted for the proportion of the total indirect costs
are also increasing, the simple, low percentage of
management fees have not effectively compensate for
the consumption of common resources research
activities . In the traditional system can not be
reasonably cost-effective distribution of indirect costs
will be allocated to the related activities, the operating
cost method is the first choice of indirect cost
allocation, allocation results when the operating cost
method are not satisfied, based on cooperative game
theory of indirect cost allocation method has been
widely Application. Despite the advanced nature of
ABC caused by early theorists and practitioners of the
attention, but has certain practical difficulties and
shortcomings, can not find the cost drivers or cost
driver is difficult to find, contrary to the principle of
cost-effectiveness. Cost allocation based on
cooperative game cost driver technology eliminates
the need to find the difficulties caused by direct of
indirect costs, and assigned to stakeholders. But these
three can not replace each other sharing technologies,
but the coexistence of the three technologies together
under the premise of the development of the practical
application of university and will not be limited in
some way, should be based on the actual situation and
determine which method to choose.
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ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems