A Tool for BPMN to CSP+T Transformation
Aleksander González
, Luis E. Mendoza Morales
, Manuel I. Capel
, María A. Pérez
Edumilis Méndez
and Kenyer Domínguez
Processes and Systems Department, Simón Bolívar University, PO Box 89000, Caracas 1080-A, Venezuela
Software Engineering Department, University of Granada, Aynadamar Campus, 18071 Granada, Spain
Keywords: Business Process Modelling Language, Process Calculus, Model Transformation Languages,
Transformation Tool, Formal Software Specification.
Abstract: In any organisation, properties such as scope, structure, deployment, capability, structural consistency and
concurrency, supporting the critical factors for success in Business Process (BP) modelling, need to be
verified. And thus, relevant parts of a BP must be formally specified in an appropriate way. Process Calculi
(PC) such as CSP, ACP, CCS, which constitute a mathematical basis for programming reactive,
communication-bounded systems, can be used to model critical systems and to verify their correctness
properties. PC-based notations can be used to specify business processes (BPs) and reason about their
properties. Without a demanding training, to make use effectively of these languages is beyond the ability of
many business modellers. In order to cope with this drawback, we propose a set of rules to automatically
transform a semi-formal model expressed in terms of Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) into a
Communicating Sequential Processes + Time (CSP+T) formal system specification. In this paper, we
present BT
RANSFORMER tool that permits to automatically generate such a formal specification and has been
programmed with the ATLAS Transformation Language (ATL). As result, we obtain a plug-in for Eclipse
platform, which is capable of transforming BPMN models designed with Intalio into a text file with the
equivalent CSP+T formal specification of the business model.
Business Processes (BP) models are of use to
represent a set of properties of interest to
organizations, such as scope, capability planning,
process general structure, data dependency, safety
and concurrency (Weske, 2007; Aalst y Hee, 2004).
These properties can be derived from the analysis of
a BP model built using a semi-formal language, such
as BPMN (OMG, 2009) or UML. In order to verify
that a model of a BP satisfies the aforementioned
properties, it is possible to resort to formal
specification languages, capable to represent the
abstract execution of the model, and to verification
tools based on these notations. Communicating
Sequential Processes (CSP) (Hoare, 1985) is a
formal language based on a Process Calculus (PC)
of processes that communicate. Verification tools,
such as FDR (Formal Systems (Europe) Ltd., 2005)
based on CSP, allows modelling concurrent systems
in a structured way, as well as to represent some
model’s behaviours and abstract non-relevant data to
the business interaction level.
The application of model transformations can be
considered an interesting alternative to directly
specifying the initial business process model into a
specific formal language. To use integration
facilities, given by a Model Transformation
Language (MTL), has the main advantage of
permitting the analyst to continue working with a
tool based on a model representation language he is
familiar with, in order to build a semi-formal model
of a BP, whereas any necessary formal specification
of this model can be automatically generated. Thus,
we present here the development of the
RANSFORMER tool, which is based on MTL
ATLAS Transformation Language (ATL) (Jouault et
al., 2008), which allows the user to transform BPMN
models into CSP+T ones, in order to ease the
automatic verification of BPs that are considered
critical to a particular business (Hiles, 2004).
González A., E. Mendoza Morales L., I. Capel M., A. Pérez M., Méndez E. and Domínguez K..
BTRANSFORMER - A Tool for BPMN to CSP+T Transformation.
DOI: 10.5220/0003430003630366
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 363-366
ISBN: 978-989-8425-55-3
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 BPMN
BPMN has emerged as an important open standard
graphic notation for modelling and drawing BPs
(OMG, 2009). BPMN specifies a single diagram,
called Business Process Diagram (BPD) (OMG,
2009), which is a flowcharting technique similar to
UML activity diagrams. a BP flow is simply
modelled by the representation of events that occur
to start the BP, activities and tasks carried out, and
the outcome of the BP flow. Business decisions and
flow branching are modelled using gateways.
Furthermore, an activity in the flow can be a sub–
process, which can be graphically shown by another
BPD connected via a hyperlink to a process symbol.
If an activity is not structured into sub–processes, it
is considered a task. Tasks are the atomic parts of a
BP. A pool typically represents an organization or
business entity and a lane, a department or a
business worker within that organization or it may
be other things like functions, applications, and
systems. BPM activity is understood as a successive
refinement process, i.e., once the initial model is
obtained, pools can be further partitioned into lanes.
Both pools and lanes are to represent BP Participants
(OMG, 2009), from which process flows that
perform activities and tasks follow.
2.2 CSP+T
CSP+T (Žic, 1994) is a specification language,
which extends CSP (Roscoe, 2005) to allow the
description of complex event timing sinside single
sequential processes. CSP+T is of much use in the
behavioural specification of concurrent systems that
undergo temporal constrained discrete events.
CSP+T operators related with timing and enabling–
intervals are the following ones: (a) the special
process instantiation event denoted (star); (b) the
time capture operator (><) associated to the time
stamp function a
= s(e) that allows storing in a
variable a
(marker variable) the time at which event
e (marker event) occurs; and (c) the event–enabling
interval I(T,t
).a, which represents temporal
refinements of the untimed system behaviour and
facilitates the specification and proof of temporal
system properties (Žic, 1994).
2.3 BPMN to CSP+T Transformation
In a previous work (Mendoza et al., 2011), we have
extended the semantic proposed in (Wong and
Gibbons, 2009) through incorporating CSP+T
operators, which allows the definition of a timed
semantics for a subset of BPMN entities. This opens
up the possibility of using state-of-the-art Model-
Checking (MC) tools to check temporal constraints
between separate event occurrences. Therefore, the
time-capture operator and the event enabling interval
construct of CSP+T are used to give a syntactical
interpretation to tasks’ response times modelling.
Thereby, the temporal constraints required by
business participants in a BP can be formally
specified. Consequently, a more precise and
complete timed semantics of BPMN entities is
obtained than the one given by local and global
BPMN diagrams that represent business
We will cover the most relevant aspects of
3.1 Inception Phase
The stakeholders’ needs have been addressed with
the development of BT
RANSFORMER tool; i.e., a tool
that allows an analyst to generate a CSP+T formal
specification from a semi-formal BPMN model.
Special notations with regard to timing constraints
are also considered in the tool. The functional
requirements of BT
RANSFORMER tool can be
expressed as it follows: (FR 1) the tool should
generate a CSP+T specification from a BPMN
diagram, and (FR 2) the tool should allow the
representation of transformation rules of BPMN
constructs as defined in (Mendoza et al., 2011). As
non-functional requirements (i.e., the additional
characteristics of the tool) or (NFR 1), we can
mention: communication and integration facilities
with other tools, and (NFR 2) tool portability. In
Figure 1 is shown the Use Cases (UC) diagram
modelled to cover the previously defined FRs.
As it can be seen in Figure 1, the UC Generate
transformation is highlighted. This is because the
prioritization of UCs decided by BT
tool stakeholders UC is considered the most
architecturally significant for the tool can fulfil its
objectives. Thus, the version presented in this work
addresses the full development of this UC, and thus
covers the satisfaction of FR1. In future iterations of
the development the remaining UCs will be
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
uc BTransformer
transforma tion
Figure 1: UCs diagram for BT
3.2 Elaboration Phase
The architectural views suggested at this phase are
the following ones: UC view (Figure 1), Logical
view (Figures 2), Deployment view, Implementation
view and Data view. Due to space limitations, we
will only show the most relevant ones.
We present the Class diagram in Figure 2, which
shows the main abstractions of BT
tool’s design; most of them are suggested by the UC
“Generate Transformation” and FR 1. The classes
implemented during construction of the plug-ins of
the transformation tool are defined in Figure 2 and
programmed under Eclipse platform (http://, as the main development and
implementation environment. Thus, by doing so, we
meet the NFR 2 related to portability of the tool.
The class BPMN2CSPTAction represents the
actions in the menu that allows accessing the
functionality of the tool from Eclipse environment.
ApplyTransformationAction makes use of
the services of the environment and is based on the
values of one or more classes of
Configuration. In
the class Latex, a format is given to the CSP+T
syntactical process terms that result from the
transformation and temporal annotations are
included. The class
ReaderWriter allows managing
the persistence through the storage of the generated
instructions in a file.
The integration of the ATL component in the
Eclipse platform is achieved with the editor Intalio
( Figure 3 displays the
components diagram that constitutes the architecture
of Eclipse ( platform into
which the development of the plug-in for
RANSFORMER is based.
class BTransformer Class Diagram
+ generateCSPT() : void
+ run(IAction) : void
- ObjectiveModel: IReferenceModel
- pathObjectiveModel: List <String>
- pathSourceModel: List <String>
- SourceModel: List <IReferenceModel>
+ cleanFiles(IWorkspace) : void
+ generateTransformation(IReferenceModel) : void
+ transform(IAction) : void
- extensionFiles: List
- lib: List
- name: String
- urlObjetive: String
- urlSource: String
+ Format(Instructions) : String
+ process2Latex(File, File) : void
- processInstrucctions(File) : void
Ti me E v a l ua to r
+ evaluateTime(Instructions) : float
+ getContents(File) : String
+ writeContents(String, File) : File
T a ke t h e se rv i ce s o f
get the contents of
1 1..*
get time of
Figure 2: Class diagram of BT
Figure 3: BT
RANSFORMER tool components.
The feasibility of the project was increased due
to the decision made to use Eclipse platform for the
development of BT
RANSFORMER. Since processing
services of the BPMN editor are always available, it
is not necessary to perform the processing of the
BPMN model at once. Through the action provided
by the Eclipse platform that invokes the plug-in
UITransformationPlugin (see Figure 3), the access
to the functionality of the tool BT
implemented. The transformation process is
facilitated by the plug-in Intalio, which controls the
entire BPMN modelling process of the source
model, and to which the processing rules defined in
the plug-in
TransformationPlugin are applied to.
In its part, the plug-in
UtilsPlugin handles BPMN
modelling entities reading into the source model and
writing CSP+T processes to the object model. All
plug-ins are based on the platform, however Figure 3
BTRANSFORMER - A Tool for BPMN to CSP+T Transformation
includes, in addition to the plug-ins developed, these
that allow the implementation of its interface.
3.3 Construction Phase
All the components and the proposed UC are
implemented in this phase. In addition, test cases are
applied to each use case. The main deliverable of
these phases is the first version of BT
tool, including the source code of all implemented
classes. Figure 4 shows the screenshot that
corresponds to the invocation of BT
tool according to the sub-option Bpmn2CspT, which
activates the plug-in
UITransformationPlugin of
Transformations option. This option can be found in
the context menu (right button of the mouse) on the
XML file of the BPMN diagram generated by
Figure 4: Screenshot of BT
RANSFORMER tool invocation.
3.4 Transition Phase
The current installation of the tool represents
RANSFORMER’s implementation on the
Information Systems Research Lab department
server at Simón Bolívar University, Venezuela, i.e.,
its final certification/pre-production environment.
This paper introduced the development of
RANSFORMER tool that allows executing a
transformation from a BPMN model into a set of
CSP+T process terms. Thus, with our tool a BP
analyst is provided with a formal specification of a
diagram on which a set of properties are
automatically checked. Among the advantages of
using this tool, the following ones can be
mentioned, (1) it facilitates the generation of
specifications in CSP+T from a BPMN model in an
automatic way, and (2) does not require the use of
external elements to the BPMN standard, in order to
specify time management aspects. As future work in
the short term we plan to extend BT
and obtain the integration with FDR2. In the long
term our aim is to extend the application of the tool
to other BP modelling languages and some other
PC-based formal specification notations.
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ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems