Dong-xiao Gu
, Chang-yong Liang
, Chun-rong Zuo
, Isabelle Bichindaritz
Jun Wang
and Wen-en Chen
School of Management at Hefei University of Technology, 193 Tunxi Road, Hefei, P.R. China
Institute of Technology at University of Washington, 1900 Commerce Street, Tacoma, U.S.A.
Department of Computer science at University of Illinois at Chicago, 851 S. Morgan Street, Chicago, U.S.A.
Department of Computer science at University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, 2200 E. Kenwood Blvd, Milwaukee, U.S.A.
Engineering Research Center of Intelligent Decision-making
and Information System Technology of Ministry of Education of China, 193 Tunxi Road, Hefei, P.R. China
Key Laboratory of Process Optimization and Intelligent Decision-making of Ministry of Education of China
193 Tunxi Road, Hefei, P.R. China
Keywords: Thermal Power Plants, Enterprise Information System, Case-based Reasoning, Decision Support System,
Grey System Theory, Information Management, Safety Evaluation.
Abstract: Security assessment of Thermal Power Plants (TPP) is one of the important means to guarantee the safety of
production in thermal power production enterprises. Modern information technology may play a more
important role in TPP safety assessment. Essentially, the evaluation of power plant systems relies to a large
extent on the knowledge and length of experience of the experts. Therefore in this domain Case-Based
Reasoning (CBR) is introduced for the security assessment of TPPs since this methodology models
expertise through experience management. This paper provides a case-based approach for the management
system security assessment decision making of TPPs (MSSATPP). A case matching method named CBR-
Grey is introduced in which Delphi approach and Grey System theory are integrated. Based on this method,
we implement a prototype of enterprise assessment information system (CBRSYS-TPP) for the panel of
Thermal Power Plants (TPPs) equip numerous
industrial departments and their productive process
is very complicated. In TPPs, the frequency of
accidents with serious consequences is extremely
high. When operating TPPs, the safety of people’s
lives and work conditions is a major concern. There
are numerous TPPs all over the world. Taking China
as an example, there are over 1200 coal-fired
thermal plants (Yang, Guo and Wang, 1999). As one
of the strongest nations in electric power generation,
due to various limitations and causes, China
produces its electric power mainly from coal
(Williams, 2001). In Turkey as well, 80% of the
total electricity is generated from thermal power
plants (Oktay, 2009). For the purpose of reducing
major and extraordinarily large accidents in TPPs
and ensuring the security of electric power
production, an increasing number of thermal power
enterprises in China pay more attention to the
security assessment issue.
Security assessment of TPPs mainly concerns
three different aspects: Production Equipment
Systems (PES), Working Circumstance Systems
(WCS), and Management Systems in production.
The latter is also referred to as the Management
System (MS) in current research. By the analysis
and evaluation of these three subsystems, the TPPs
establish the necessary corrective, remedial, and
preventive measure, and finally realize the aim of
controlling the accidents in advance. As one of
modern management ladders, safety assessment of
TPPs is one of powerful tools for automatically
diagnosing safety issues. However, numerous
evaluations for production safety are irregular,
unscientific, and capricious, as well as lacking
Gu D., Liang C., Zuo C., Bichindaritz I., Wang J. and Chen W..
DOI: 10.5220/0003434600320039
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 32-39
ISBN: 978-989-8425-54-6
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
powerful information and knowledge support. Accordingly, there is a sizable margin of error.
Along with the increasing perfection of security
assessment rules and the development of
information technologies, new techniques are being
applied to almost all aspects of power systems to
improve efficiency (Zhao, Wang, Nielsen, Li and
Hao, 2010). It is of both major significance and
profound social consequences for TPPs to make
their security assessment process progress toward
the quantification, scientization, and automatization.
MS security represents an important part of the
security issue in the production of TPPs. Numerous
facts show that a large part of safety accidents in
TPPs occurred due to the managerial inadequateness
and not for the equipment malfunctions.
First, common evaluation issues concerning the
power industry have been reported in the literature.
In view of the special importance of production
security for TPPs, it is important to study scientific
approaches that fit the characteristic features of the
production and management of TPPs for security
assessment. However, few research studies focus on
the safety assessment of TPPs in production - the
inside security itself. Most of the literature focuses
on the operational performance (Liu, Lin, Sue and
Lewis, 2010)energetic and exergetic performance
analyses (Erdem, Ali, Burhanettin, et al, 2009), the
selection of an optimum power plant (Garg, Agrawal
and Gupta, 2007), air quality impact (Kumar, Mahur,
Sengupta, Prasad, 2005; Petkovšek, Batič and
Lasnik, 2008), and ecological efficiency (Lora,
Salomon, 2005). Second, as far as content
assessment is concerned, few studies concern safety
evaluation of management work. In terms of
evaluation approaches, few approaches are actually
able to solve the problems of providing powerful
and helpful information support for experts’ decision
making and the reuse of domain knowledge. Until
now, rare contributions have been made to the
assessment approaches for management security of
thermal power plants. As an important technology in
artificial intelligence, CBR can provide an
information support for the whole process of
MSSATPP decision making. Part of its advantage
lies in that it can capture expert knowledge, provide
methods for knowledge management, and give
suggestions for fast problem-solving. Different from
ANNs and decision trees, CBR can address the
problem of over fitting.
In the area of evaluation research, there are also
many articles concerning CBR, such as the
applications of CBR to software cost estimation
(Zhuang, Churilov, Burstein and Sikaris, 2009),
software effort estimation (Mukhopadhyay,
Vicinanaza and Prieutula, 1992), risk assessment in
audit judgment (Chang, Lai and Robert, 2006)
risk analysis for electronic commerce (Jung, Han
and Shu, 1999), web break sensitivity evaluation in a
paper machine (Ahola and Leiviskä, 2005), safety
risk analysis in information security systems (Bang,
Kim and Hwang, 2008), safety evaluation of process
configuration (Gu, Liang, Li, et al, 2010), and so
forth. In this article, we apply CBR to MSSATPP,
and propose a whole evaluation approach integrating
weight derivation approaches and case retrieval
algorithms for MSSATPP. The research novelty of
our work lies in that by taking the management
system of whole power systems as an example, we
integrate Grey System Theory and Delphi method
into case-based reasoning, and then apply the
optimized CBR to enterprise information system for
Power plant safety evaluations are performed by
panels of experts through investigation, discussion,
and negotiation. This process is explained in this
section, as well as the motivations for building the
CBRSYS-TPP system.
2.1 TPP Safety Evaluation Process
Security assessment is one of the important
measures and safeguards for enforcing the electric
security basis in TPP production and for
guaranteeing safe, stable, and economical TPP
operation. As an important part of the whole security
assessment work of TPPs, MSSATPP is an all-
around examination and evaluation of the safety
management work in the production of TPPs. Two
different parts are involved in the security
assessment of TPPs: inside evaluation and outside
foreign expert evaluation, respectively. The former
is operated by a thermal power plant itself. Power
companies organize expert groups with relevant
personnel to evaluate their safety status, identify
issues, and then propose revision suggestions
according to the evaluation index, standard, or
criterion. The latter is generally organized by the
electric power company responsible for a group of
TPPs. To do so, the electric power companies
organize audits in which relevant experts complete
their evaluation work. To prepare for the actual
audits performed by the electric power companies,
most of the electric power incorporations currently
complete their internal thermal power plants safety
evaluation work through external experts’
evaluation. The complete evaluation steps are
approximately as follows:
Step1: organize an experts’ group to conduct
the assessment. The experts can come from a
technical layer, a management layer of the electric
power companies, the institutes of the electric
power, or universities or government departments
related to electric power.
Step2: determine the weights associated with
the evaluation index or the total score of each index
by DELPHI method (Kayacan, Ulutas and Kaynak,
Step3: organize the experts’ visit to the thermal
power plants and their scoring through the fact-
finding inspection;
Step4: gather the score, conduct group
discussions, and finally make decisions. Usually, the
evaluation can end in one of two ways: qualified
with minor correction and remedy or unqualified
with major correction and remedy.
One detail deserves to be paid attention to here:
the conclusion is not obtained simply by the direct
addition of the scores from the experts. The real
decision making process is that the experts’ group
draws the final conclusions through discussion and
consultation. The rule of “who gets a high score,
who passes” is not necessarily clear-cut. This
process is understandable because evaluating the
security on basis of the scores only is not reasonable.
Different thermal power plants are evaluated by
different experts’ groups, and the scoring measures
of experts may be different due to their diverse
characters, moods, and knowledge background.
Therefore, electric power enterprises come to
conclusions through comprehensive group
evaluation. In this practice, historical or antecedent
cases are very valuable for the decision making
process of these experts.
Several limitations of in the evaluation process
described above can be highlighted as follows. First,
the evaluation approach presents too much
subjectivity. It generally requires high costs, a long
time, and hard labour, but lacks efficiency. In
practice, most of this kind of evaluation work is too
time consuming with respect to the quality and
reliability of conclusions drawn. A second limitation
is the lack of knowledge and information available
to support the experts’ evaluation and decision
making process while historical data and
information could be resorted to. For the past ten
years or so, thermal power enterprises have
accumulated a decent number of SATPP evaluation
reports. An evaluation report can be regarded as a
case. The cases represent the intelligence gathering
activity of experts’ and permit to trace their wisdom
and knowledge. As an important information
resource, a large amount of cases is very valuable
for reference. Unfortunately, these MSSATPP cases
are left unused and not managed, analyzed, or
utilized. During the evaluation process of new
thermal power plants, the information resource is
hard to be utilized because these evaluation reports
have not been organized and analyzed. Some of
them have not been standardized nor made
electronically available yet. More than that, due to
the lack of support of information system in which
the cases are effectively organized and analyzed and
the knowledge extracted from the case data,
Enterprise information resource and the historical
knowledge of experts cannot be communicated to
the experts’ group during the decision making
process of MSSATPP. The third limitation is the
difficulty of self evaluation and day-to-day real-time
Therefore, it is vital for a group of experts to have
intelligent information and knowledge support
during decision making. Following, one important
purpose of our current research is to present a more
effective case matching method different from those
commonly used in case-based reasoning for the
safety assessment issue of thermal power plants.
Another aim of our current study is to develop a
case-based intelligent enterprise information system
based on historical knowledge to assist the panel of
experts in reaching a right decision making for
MSSATPP. In the next sections, a novel case
matching method combining Delphi method and
Grey System theory is presented.
2.2 Evaluation Indexes
On the basis of actual investigations of coal-fired
thermal power enterprises, currently, the safety
evaluation of thermal power plants mainly concerns
the following six aspects, which are generally
regarded as evaluation indexes.
In CBRSYS-TPP, the cases represent actual
historical evaluation reports which have been
structured. Not only the attributes (i.e. Goal,
ResponsSys, Supervision, BasicWork, SafeEdu, and
IntergratedM) are included as evaluation indexes,
but also other important attributes, such as the
Number of Items with Deducted Marks, the Number
of Major Problems, the Assessment Result, the
Suggested Amendment Opinions, are represented. In
Fig.1, the six indexes on the left are input variables,
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
and four extra attributes on the right are the output
variables. The values of input variables are acquired
by expert group scoring. Then, the similar cases
including ten rather than six attributes are able to be
acquired by case matching.
The four extra attributes on the right in Fig.1
are extremely important and valuable. The former
three items, i.e. Number of Items with Deducted
Marks (IDM), Number of Major Problems (MP),
and Assessment Result, are influential for the
decision results of the current evaluation problem.
The last one, i.e. Suggested Amendment Opinions, is
extremely helpful as reference for the expert group
to derive their suggested corrective and remedial
measures based on the specific conditions of the
thermal power plant. Accordingly, CBRSYS-TPP is
able to be used by all the expert group members to
effectively acquire their knowledge and decision
support. The entire safety evaluation procedure of
thermal power plants will be eventually completed
with the powerful aid and support of CBRSYS-TPP.
Figure 1: Evaluation indexes and four extra output
attributes in CBRSYS-TPP.
Our research methodology is presented in three
parts. Part one proposes the retrieval method based
on grey system theory and our improvement on it
combining Delphi approach. Part two describes two
statistics for performance evaluation of our proposed
method. Part three presents our implemented
enterprise information system and data set for as
3.1 Decision Information Acquiring
In our study, we use grey system theory combining
Delphi approach to complete the acquisition of
decision information. In CBR systems, the
information acquisition is also called case matching
or case retrieval. The most famous case matching
method is the traditional CBR retrieval algorithm
which is based on Euclidean distance. Besides, other
methods such as neural networks, genetic algorithms
and fuzzy logic are also studied in previous literature
(Aamodt and Plaza, 1994; Mántaras, McSherry,
Bridge, Leake, et al, 2005; Bichindaritz and Marling,
However, there still exists a gap between the
abilities of these techniques and the real requirement
to improve their accuracy and to provide more
detailed decision information. In this article, grey
system theory and Delphi method are integrated into
case-based reasoning technology and CBR-KNN is
introduced as a novel case matching method.
Grey System Theory was first built by Ju-Long
Deng in 1982 (Deng, 1982). All systems with
incomplete information can be regarded as grey
systems (Liu and Wang, 2008). The case retrieval
algorithm for knowledge acquisition of MSSATPP
has been based on grey relationship analysis. As one
of the system analysis techniques, grey relationship
analysis is an approach for analyzing the degree of
association among different factors. Here, we
integrated it into CBR for MSSATPP and proposed
CBR-Grey. The fundamental steps using grey
relationship analysis for case retrieval in MSSATPP
are as follows (Lu, He and Du, 2008).
Step1. Determine the evaluation index system
according to the evaluation purpose, and then collect
evaluation data.
Suppose there are m data series which form the
following matrix:
11 1
12 m
where n denotes the number of evaluation indexes,
and m is the number of historical MSSATPP cases
in the case base.
Step2. Use Delphi method and obtain all weight
values of the indexes. The Delphi method is a
systematic, interactive forecasting method which
relies on a panel of experts. This technique is based
on the principle that forecasts from a structured
group of experts are more accurate than those from
unstructured groups or individuals (Harman, 1992).
Step3. Determine the reference data series. The
reference data series should be an ideal contrast
standard. They can be composed of the optimal
value or worst-case value of the indexes as well as
other reference values that are selected according to
the evaluation purpose. In our current research, the
reference data series is the target case to be solved
and the attribute values are those of the objective
case to be solved. Let X
denote the reference data
000 0
(1), (2), , ( )Xxx xm=
Step4 Normalize the data.
Step5 Compute the absolute differences
between the corresponding elements of reference
data series and comparisons from the case base,
namely |x
- x
| , i=1, 2, …, mk=1, 2, …, n.,
where k denotes the number of attributes, and i
denotes the number of evaluation objects.
Step6 Derive the values of
0k k
min min
0k k
max max
Step7 Compute the correlation coefficient. By
Formula (1), respectively compute the correlation
coefficients between each comparative series and
reference series. In Formula (1),
denotes the
resolution ratio, and its values range from zero to
one. The smaller
is, the bigger the differences
among correlation coefficients are, and the stronger
the separating capacity is. Generally, the value of
is 0.5. i denotes the case number in the case base.
represents the correlation between the target
case and case i in the case base for index k.
0k 0k k
0k k 0k k
min min max max
max max
xx x x
xx xx
Step8. Compute correlative series. Respectively
compute the average value of the correlation
coefficients between the corresponding elements of
the reference series and every evaluation object
(comparative series). This average value, named
correlation series, can reflect the correlation
relationship between the reference series and the
comparative series denoted by i. We mark it as
(k=1, 2… n) (2)
Step9 When the indexes have different roles
and importance in comprehensive assessment, we
can compute weighted means which can be shown
as follows.
(i) w ( )
global k i
(k=1, 2 … n) (3)
where w
denotes the weight of index k.
Step10 Derive the comprehensive assessment result
on the basis of the correlation series of all the
objects of observation:
S , (2)
S , …
S .
In the above descriptions, the local similarity is
represented by the grey association degree of the
characteristic attributes. The global similarity is
derived by the weighted addition of all the local
similarities. For the different importance of the
evaluation indexes of thermal power plants, the
weight can be integrated into the computing process
of a comparative environment when the local
similarities are being computed. Therefore an
improved local grey association algorithm is derived
and further expressed as follows in equation (4).
min min X(i,k) max max *X(i, k)
( *X(i,k)) maxmax *X(i,k)
X(i,k) () ()
wxk xk=−. The local
grey similarity of the index k between the objective
case and historical evaluation case can be defined as
() 1
According to the definition of the Euclidean
distance, the global similarity between two cases can
be defined as follows.
global dist 2
Thereby, the global similarity of two cases can
be derived by the following formula. The case
chosen for reuse is the one maximizing the global
3.2 Performance Evaluation Statistics
In this research, to evaluate the performance more
fully, two statistics are used to evaluate the
performances of different case matching methods.
One is the accuracy, the most commonly used
index for the evaluation of performance.
Another is the F
. In the fields of statistics
and information retrieval, the sensitivity and
specificity are generally used for evaluating an
algorithm (Rowe and Wright, 2001). Sensitivity and
specificity are complementary of each other. The
simple improvement in sensitivity will lead to a
decreasing specificity, and vice versa. Thereby, a
good retrieval system should demonstrate both high
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
sensitivity and specificity, but in reality a retrieval
system performance tends to be a tradeoff between
them avoiding too low sensitivity or specificity. The
combined effect can be evaluated by the F–value.
3.3 Data Set
The data set for our experiments are mainly
collected from a mega electric power enterprise
group, GreatT Power Generation Group of China
(GreatT). As one of the largest power generation
corporations in Asia, she owns over one hundred
power plants, most of which are coal-fired thermal
power plants. The data set are mainly the historical
security assessment data of TPP of GreatT over the
years. Most of the data are the newest assessment
reports of SATPP occurring between 2007 and 2009.
Since these TPPs vary in their degree of
informatization and electronic data were not even
available in parts of them, the task of collecting the
data was hard. The current project team collected a
total of 120 MSSATPP records, and 106 complete
and valid cases were acquired after displaying and
analyzing. Among them, the number of positive
cases is 56, and the number of negative cases is 50.
The assessment reports from the same thermal plants
but occurring in different years will be regarded as
two different records. Taking LuoHo’ Power Plant
for example, its two reports in 2008 and 2009 are
two different records of the data set. In these data,
there are at most three data records occurring for the
same thermal plant. These three data records are for
three different years.
In this research, we conducted the experiments
by 10-fold-cross-validation. The test data are
extracted randomly. For each test, 96 cases will be
used as historical data in the case base, and the
remaining 10 cases represent the testing data (five
positive cases and five negative cases respectively).
For each experiment, the tests will be repeated ten
times. Although the data set is not very large, since
there are only six attributes in the cases, according to
the usual requirement: number of attributes / number
of data should equal 1:10~1:20, it can satisfy the
experimental requirements (6 / 106 = 0.057).
We implemented a prototype of CBRSYS-TPP and
used it to complete the following experiment
regarding the performance of information
acquisition. In this section, we completed two
different experiments. The first one is to test the
accuracy, sensitivity and specificity as well as
calculate the F
-Value of our proposed case
matching methods which combines Delphi method
and grey system theory. And the second one is to
test several common classification methods using
the same data set. 10-fold-cross-validation tests were
conducted. The performance of the methods is
evaluated by accuracy, F
-value and several
statistics. In each 10-fold-cross-validation, the data
set was divided into ten mutually exclusive subsets
with the same distribution using Matlab R2008a.
Each fold should be used only once to test the
performance of the retrieval algorithms. The most
similar cases were generated from the remaining
nine folds.
4.1 Comparison Tests with KNN
In the first experiment, tests compare different case
matching methods: the traditional case retrieval
method and our proposed approach. By the tests, the
accuracy of CBR-Grey is 94%. The average
sensitivity, average specificity, recall and F
value are 96%, 92%, 92.3%, 96%, and 94.11%
respectively. Meanwhile, the traditional KNN based
on Euclidean distance algorithms is used as the
second retrieval method to acquire similar cases. In
this experiment, the value of K selected is seven.
The accuracy of CBR-KNN is 90%. The average
sensitivity, average specificity, precision, recall and
-value are 91%, 90%, 91%, 91.07%, and
90.03% respectively. The results are still acceptable.
But by comparison,
CBR-Grey has significantly
higher accuracy and better comprehensive
4.2 Comparison with Other Methods
Neural networks (especially RBF Network),
decision trees and logistic regression are also
common methods for different assessment issues,
especially binary classification evaluations (Boyen
and Wehenkel, 1999; Kim and Singh, 2005; Amjady,
In the current study, comparative experiments
were conducted between CBR-Grey and the other
two methods: RBF Network and logistic regression.
The first tool for this experiment is Weka 3.6.2 in
which RBF Network is integrated. The second tool
is SPSS15 which is the platform for logistic
regression analysis. The data set used here are still
the GreatT TPP data set.
Table 1: The comparative experimental results of four different approaches (based on Great TPP dataset)
Method Accuracy Precision Recall F-value Exp. Tool
CBR-Grey 94.00% 92.30% 96.00% 94.11% CBRsys-TPP,
Matlab R2008a
91.50% 91.07% 92.73% 91.89% SPSS15
RBF Network 84.90 80.00% 89.30% 84.39% Weka3.6.2
#: the cut value is .500;
10-fold-cross-validation tests were conducted. The
experimental results are shown in Table1. Among
them, CBR-Grey has the best accuracy (94%) and F-
value (94.11%). Logistic regression has 91.50 % of
accuracy and 91.89% of F-value. Nevertheless,
Network only
has 84.90% of accuracy and 84.39%
of F-value. Accordingly, RBF Network is not
recommended for real applications in MSSATPP.
In our proposed approach, Delphi method is
also regarded as part of the case retrieval method.
Our experimental results highlight that, as far as
practical aspects of decision support for expert panel
members are concerned, in comparison with KNN
based on Euclidean distance algorithm, the most
popular retrieval algorithmour proposed approach
seems to present the advantage of combining the
strength of Delphi method and grey system theory to
complement the weaknesses of traditional case
matching approaches. Meanwhile, we completed the
comparative experiments among our proposed
approach and three other common methods for
binary classification evaluation issues. The
conclusion is that CBR-Grey is the best both in
accuracy and F
-value. This further illustrates the
validity and high performance of CBR applied to
MSSATPP. At the methodological level, the
potential advantage of CBR-Grey is in its ability to
acquire and reuse the historical knowledge whenever
the available information is complete or incomplete.
Our proposed method integrating grey system theory
and Delphi method into CBR methodologies and
intelligent enterprise information system may
provide intelligent decision support for MSSATPP,
and the evaluation cycles of experts may be reduced
with an improved efficiency. This paper provides a
novel and effective way for the security assessment
of thermal power plants as well as a new perspective
on the use of prototypes through case aggregation
which is one of the popular trends of CBR systems
in recent years (Nilsson and Sollenborn, 2004).
From a practical perspective, this approach can not
only provide the suggested conclusion but also a
whole set of evaluation and improvement
alternatives for both expert panel members and
By further trials in Luodian, one of high-power
stations in China, the practical results have verified
its availability and high performance again. The
computerized system works well in providing the
knowledge and decision making support for experts
during the process of MSSATPP. According to an
anonymous survey of 32 assessment experts, 29 of
them (90.6%) replied that they were mainly satisfied
with the effects of the CBRSYS-TPP system. All the
experts expressed that they got valuable information
support during the decision making and the
conclusions are more scientific and acceptable than
those without the support of CBRSYS-TPP. This
further inflects the application values of CBR in the
safety assessment of TPPs.
This research is partially supported by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant
No. 70771037, No. 90924021 and No. 70871032,
China National “863” Program (2006AA04A126),
the MOE Project of Key Research Institute of
Humanities and Social Science in University of
Anhui Province and Science Research
&Development Foundation of Hefei University of
Technology of China (2009HGXJ0039). Specially,
we are grateful to the anonymous reviewers whose
comments have improved this paper considerably.
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