Igor Santos, Carlos Laorden, Xabier Ugarte-Pedrero, Borja Sanz and Pablo G. Bringas
Lab, DeustoTech - Computing, Deusto Institute of Technology, University of Deusto
Avenida de las Universidades 24, 48007, Bilbao, Spain
Computer security, Spam filtering, Anomaly detection, Text classification.
Spam has become an important problem for computer security because it is a channel for the spreading of
threats such as computer viruses, worms and phishing. Currently, more than 85% of received e-mails are
spam. Historical approaches to combat these messages, including simple techniques such as sender blacklist-
ing or the use of e-mail signatures, are no longer completely reliable. Many solutions utilise machine-learning
approaches trained using statistical representations of the terms that usually appear in the e-mails. However,
these methods require a time-consuming training step with labelled data. Dealing with the situation where
the availability of labelled training instances is limited slows down the progress of filtering systems and offers
advantages to spammers. In this paper, we present the first spam filtering method based on anomaly detection
that reduces the necessity of labelling spam messages and only employs the representation of legitimate e-
mails. This approach represents legitimate e-mails as word frequency vectors. Thereby, an email is classified
as spam or legitimate by measuring its deviation to the representation of the legitimate e-mails. We show
that this method achieves high accuracy rates detecting spam while maintaining a low false positive rate and
reducing the effort produced by labelling spam.
Electronic mail (e-mail) is a useful communication
channel. However, as usually happens with all use-
ful media, it is prone to misuse. In the past decade,
spam, or unsolicited bulk e-mail, has become a sig-
nificant problem for e-mail users: a huge amount of
spam arrives in people’s mailboxes every day. When
this paper was written, 87.6% of all e-mail messages
were spam, according to the Spam-o-meter website.
Spam not only is very annoying to every-day e-mail
users, but also constitutes an important computer se-
curity problem that costs billions of dollars in produc-
tivity losses (Bratko et al., 2006). Moreover,spam can
be used as a medium for phishing (i.e., attacks that
seek to acquire sensitive information from end-users)
(Jagatic et al., 2007) or the spread of malicious soft-
ware (e.g., computer viruses, Trojan horses, spyware
and Internet worms) (Bratko et al., 2006).
Because of the magnitude of the spam problem,
several spam filtering systems have been proposed by
both the academia and the industry. The simplest
methods for junk message filtering are often based on
blacklisting or signatures (Carpinter and Hunt, 2006).
Blacklisting is a very simple technique that is
broadly used in most filtering products. More
specifically, these systems filter e-mails from certain
senders, whereas whitelisting (Heron, 2009) deliv-
ers e-mail from specific senders in order to reduce
the number of misclassified legitimate e-mails (also
known as ‘ham’ by the spam community). Another
popular approach for these so-called banishing meth-
ods is based on DNS blacklisting, in which the host
address is checked against a list of networks or servers
known to distribute spam (Jung and Sit, 2004; Ra-
machandran et al., 2006).
In contrast, signature-based systems create a
unique hash value (i.e., a message digest) for each
known spam message (Kołcz et al., 2004). The main
advantage of this type of methods is that they rarely
produce false positives and they are usually very fast
to compute. Examples of signature-based spam filter-
ing systems are: Cloudmark
, a commercial imple-
mentation of a signature-based filter that integrates
with the e-mail server, and Razor
, another filtering
system that uses a distributed and collaborative ap-
proach in order to deliver signatures (Carpinter and
Santos I., Laorden C., Ugarte-Pedrero X., Sanz B. and G. Bringas P..
DOI: 10.5220/0003444700050014
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT-2011), pages 5-14
ISBN: 978-989-8425-71-3
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Hunt, 2006).
However, these simple methods have several
shortcomings. First, blacklisting methods have a very
high rate of false positives, making them unreliable as
a standalone solution (Mishne et al., 2005). Second,
signature-based systems are unable to detect spam un-
til the junk message has been identified, properly reg-
istered and documented (Carpinter and Hunt, 2006).
In order to find a solution to this problem, the
research community has undertaken a huge amount
of work. Since machine-learning approaches have
succeeded in text categorisation problems (Sebas-
tiani, 2002) and spam filtering can be stated as a text
categorisation problem, these techniques have been
broadly adopted in spam filtering systems.
Consequently, substantial work has been dedi-
cated to the Na¨ıve Bayes classifier (Lewis, 1998),
with a high number of studies regarding anti-spam fil-
tering confirming it effective (Androutsopoulos et al.,
2000c; Schneider, 2003; Androutsopoulos et al.,
2000a; Androutsopoulos et al., 2000b; Seewald,
Another broadly embraced machine-learning
technique is Support Vector Machine (SVM) (Vap-
nik, 2000). The advantage of SVM is that its accuracy
does not degrade evenwhen many features are present
(Drucker et al., 1999). Therefore, such approaches
have been adopted to junk mail filtering (Blanzieri
and Bryl, 2007; Sculley and Wachman, 2007). Like-
wise, Decision Trees that classify by means of auto-
matically learned rule-sets (i.e., tests) (Quinlan, 1986)
have also been employed for spam filtering (Carreras
and M´arquez, 2001).
All of these machine-learning-based spam filter-
ing approaches have been termed as statistical ap-
proaches because they rely on an statistical rep-
resentation of terms within the messages (Zhang
et al., 2004). Machine-learning approaches model e-
mail messages using the Vector Space Model (VSM)
(Salton et al., 1975), an algebraic approach for In-
formation Filtering (IF), Information Retrieval (IR),
indexing and ranking. This model represents nat-
ural language documents in a mathematical manner
through vectors in a multidimensional space formed
by the words composing the message.
Machine-learning classifiers require a high num-
ber of labelled e-mails for each of the classes (i.e.,
spam and legitimate e-mails). However, it is quite
difficult to obtain this amount of labelled data for a
real-world problem such as spam filtering issue. To
generate these data, a time-consuming task of analy-
sis is mandatory, and in the process, some spam mes-
sages can avoid filtering.
In light of this background, we propose here the
first method that applies anomaly detection to spam
filtering. This approach is able to determine whether
an e-mail is spam or not by comparing word fre-
quency features with a dataset composed only of legit-
imate e-mails. If the e-mail under inspection presents
a considerable deviation to what it is considered as
usual (legitimate e-mails), it can be considered spam.
This method does not need updated data about spam
messages, and thus, it reduces the efforts of labelling
messages, working, for instance, only with a user’s
valid inbox folder.
Summarising, our main findings in this paper are:
We present an anomaly-based approach for spam
We propose different deviation measures to deter-
mine whether an e-mail is spam or not.
We show that labelling efforts can be reduced in
the industry, while still maintaining a high rate of
The remainder of this paper is organised as fol-
lows. Section 2 provides the background regarding
the representation of e-mails based on the VSM. Sec-
tion 3 details our anomaly-based method. Section 4
describes the experiments and presents results. Sec-
tion 5 discusses the implications of the obtained re-
sults and shows its limitations. Finally, Section 6 con-
cludes the paper and outlines avenues for future work.
Spam filtering software attempts to accurately clas-
sify email massages into 2 main categories: spam or
legitimate messages. To this end, we use the informa-
tion found within the body and subject of an e-mail
message and discard every other piece of informa-
tion (e.g., the sender or time-stamp of the e-mail). To
represent messages, we start by removing stop-words
(Wilbur and Sirotkin, 1992), which are words devoid
of content (e.g., ‘a’,‘the’,‘is’). These words do not
provide any semantic informationand add noise to the
model (Salton and McGill, 1983).
Afterwards, we represent the e-mails using an In-
formation Retrieval (IR) model. Formally, let an IR
model be defined as a 4-tuple [E ,Q , F ,R, (q
(Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto, 1999) where:
E , is a set of representations of e-mail;
Q , is a set of representations of user queries;
F , is a framework for modelling e-mails, queries
and their relationships;
SECRYPT 2011 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
) is a ranking function that associates a real
number with a query q
, (q
Q ) and an e-mail
representation e
, (e
E ). This function is also
called a similarity function.
Let E be a set of text e-mails e, {e : {t
each one comprising an n number of t terms. We con-
sider w
i, j
a weight for term t
in an e-mail e
, whereas
if w
i, j
is not present in e, then w
i, j
= 0. Therefore, an
e-mail can be represented as a vector, starting from its
origin, of index terms ~e
= (w
1, j
2, j
n, j
On the basis of this formalisation, we can apply
several IR models. Commonly,spam filtering systems
use Vector Space Model (VSM). The VSM represents
natural language documents in an algebraic fashion
by placing the vectors in a multidimensional space.
This space is formed by only positive axis intercepts.
In addition, documents are represented as a term-by-
document matrix, where the (i, j)
element illustrates
the association between the i
term and the j
ment. This association reflects the occurrence of the
term in document j. Terms can represent different
text units (e.g., a word or phrase) and can also be in-
dividually weighted allowing terms to become more
or less important within a document or the entire doc-
ument collection as a whole.
Specifically, we use ‘term frequency - inverse
document frequency’ (t f id f ) (McGill and Salton,
1983) to obtain the weight of each word, whereas the
weight of the i
word in the j
e-mail, denoted by
weight(i, j), is defined by:
weight(i, j) = t f
i, j
· id f
where the term frequency t f
i, j
(McGill and Salton,
1983) is defined as:
t f
i, j
i, j
k, j
where m
i, j
is the number of times the word t
i, j
in an e-mail e, and
k, j
is the total number of word
in the e-mail e.
On the other hand, the inverse document fre-
quency id f
is defined as:
id f
|E |
|E : t
where |E | is the total number of documents and |E :
e| is the number of documents containing the
word t
i, j
We apply relevance weights to each feature based
on Information Gain (IG) (Kent, 1983):
IG( j) =
) ·
) · P(C
where C
is the i-th class, v
is the value of the j-th
interpretation, P(v
) is the probability that the j-th
attribute has the value v
in the class C
, P(v
) is the
probability that the j-th interpretation has the value v
in the training data, and P(C
) is the probability of the
training dataset belonging to the class C
. IG provides
a ratio for each feature that measures its importance
to consider if a sample is spam or not.
These weights were calculated from two datasets:
the LingSpam corpus
) composed of 480 spam e-
mails and 2,412 legitimate messages and the SpamAs-
sassin corpus
composed of 1,896 spam e-mails and
4,150 legitimate spam. These weights are useful to
obtain a better distance rating among samples.
Anomaly detection models what it is a normal mes-
sage and every deviation to this model is considered
anomalous. Through the word frequency features
of the VSM described in the previous section, our
method represents legitimate e-mails as points in the
feature space. When an e-mail is being inspected our
method starts by computing the values of the point in
the feature space. This point is then compared with
the previously calculated points of the legitimate e-
To this end, distance measures are required. In this
study, we have used the following distance measures:
Manhattan Distance: This distance between two
points v and u is the sum of the lengths of the
projections of the line segment between the two
points onto the coordinate axes:
d(x,i) =
| (5)
where x is the first point; y is the second point;
and x
and y
are the i
component of the first and
second point, respectively.
Euclidean Distance: This distance is the length
of the line segment connecting two points. It is
calculated as:
d(x,y) =
where x is the first point; y is the second point;
and x
and y
are the i
component of the first and
second point, respectively.
Available at: and datasets/
lingspam public.tar.gz
Available at:
By means of these measures, we are able to com-
pute the deviations between e-mails and the legiti-
mate e-mails. Since we have to compute this mea-
sure with the points representing legitimate e-mails,
a combination metric is required in order to obtain
a final distance value which considers every measure
performed. To this end, our system employs 3 simple
The mean value calculated from every distance
value in the training dataset.
The lowest distance value from every distance
value in the training dataset.
The highest value of the computed distances from
every distance value in the training dataset.
In this way, when our method inspects an e-mail a
final distance value is acquired, which will depend on
both the distance measure and the combination met-
In order to validate our proposed method, we used
the SpamAssasin public corpus and the Ling Spam
Table 1: Comparison of the used dataset. The spam ratio
in both datasets does not follow the statistics of the number
of spam messages in the real world which is higher of the
85%. SpamAssasin dataset, however, has more real spam
and examples of obfuscated mails within it.
Feature SpamAssasin Ling Spam
No. Spam Messages 1,896 480
No. of Ham Messages 4,150 2,412
Spam %. 31,36% 16,60%
SpamAssassin corpus contains a total of 6,046
messages, of which 1,896 are spam and 4,150 are
legitimate e-mails. To adequate the dataset, we per-
formed a stop word removal based on an external
stop-word list.
Next, we constructed a file with the
resultant vector representations of the e-mails in order
to validate our method. We extracted the top 1,000
words using Information Gain (Kent, 1983).
Ling Spam consists of a mixture of both spam
and legitimate messages retrieved from the Linguis-
tic list, an e-mail distribution list about linguistics.
The dataset was preprocessed by removing HTML
tags, separation tokens and duplicate e-mails: only
the data of the body and the subject were kept. Ling
Available at:
Spam comprises 2,892 different e-mails, of which
2,412 are legitimate e-mails obtained by download-
ing digests from the list and 480 are spam e-mails
retrieved from one of the authors of the corpus (for
a more detailed description of the corpus please re-
fer to (Androutsopoulos et al., 2000a; Sakkis et al.,
2003)). Junk messages represent approximately the
16% of the whole dataset, a rate close to the actual
rate (Cranor and LaMacchia, 1998; Sahami et al.,
1998; Sakkis et al., 2003). Stop Word Removal
(Wilbur and Sirotkin, 1992) and stemming (Lovins,
1968) were performed on the e-mails, creating 4 dif-
ferent datasets:
1. Bare: In this dataset, the e-mail messages were
pre-processed by the removal of HTML tags, sep-
aration tokens and duplicate e-mails.
2. Lemm: In addition to the removal pre-process
step, a stemming phase was performed. Stem-
ming reduces inflected or derived words to their
stem, base or root form.
3. Stop: For this dataset, a stop word removal task
was performed. This process removes all stop
words (e.g., common words like ‘a’ or ‘the’).
4. Lemm stop: This dataset uses the combination of
both stemming and stop-word removal processes.
We used the bare dataset and we performed a stop
word removal based on the same stop-word list as for
SpamAssasin corpus.
Specifically, we followed the next configuration
for the empirical validation:
1. Cross Validation. For the SpamAssasin dataset,
we performed a 5-fold cross-validation (Kohavi,
1995) to divide the dataset composed of legitimate
e-mails (the normal behaviour) into 5 different di-
visions of 3,320 e-mails for representing normal-
ity and 830 for measuring deviations within legit-
imate e-mails. In this way, each fold is composed
of 3,320 legitimate e-mails that will be used as
representation of normality and 2,726 testing e-
mails, from which 830 are legitimate e-mails and
1,896 are spam.
With regards to Ling Spam dataset, we also per-
formed a 5-fold cross-validation (Kohavi, 1995)
forming 3 different divisions of 1,930 e-mails and
two divisions of 1,929 e-mails for representing
normality and other 3 divisions of 482 e-mails and
2 of 483 for measuring deviations within legiti-
mate e-mail. In this way, each fold is composed of
1,930 or 1,929 legitimate e-mails that will be used
as representation of normality and 963 or 962 test-
ing e-mails, from which 483 or 482 were legit-
imate e-mails and 480 were spam. The number
SECRYPT 2011 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 2: Results for different combination rules and distance measures using Spam Assasin corpus. The abbreviation ‘Thres’.
stands for the chosen threshold. The results in bold are the best for each combination rule and distance measure. Our
method is able to detect more than the 90% of the spam messages while maintaining a high precision (a low number of
legitimate messages are misclassified). In particular, the best results were obtained with minimum distance combination rule,
the Manhattan distance and a 1.32493 of threshold: a 95.40% of precision, a 93.86% of recall and a 94.62% of f-Measure.
Manhattan Distance Euclidean Distance
Combination Thres. Prec. Rec. F-Meas. Thres. Prec. Rec. F-Meas.
1.15978 69.56% 100.0% 82.05% 1.70013 69.64% 100.00% 82.10%
1.58697 70.55% 99.86% 82.68% 1.91763 76.14% 97.77% 85.61%
2.01417 79.44% 98.91% 88.11% 2.13512 87.74% 81.04% 84.26%
2.44136 91.03% 92.85% 91.93% 2.35262 93.56% 56.53% 70.48%
2.86856 97.01% 76.18% 85.34% 2.57011 94.93% 30.63% 46.32%
3.29575 98.70% 50.44% 66.76% 2.78761 93.64% 12.57% 22.17%
3.72295 99.39% 27.62% 43.22% 3.00510 94.44% 6.81% 12.71%
4.15014 99.22% 14.84% 25.82% 3.22260 95.19% 3.13% 6.07%
4.57734 99.32% 7.71% 14.31% 3.44009 97.10% 1.41% 2.79%
5.00453 100.00% 4.55% 8.70% 3.65759 100.00% 0.93% 1.84%
3.39114 69.55% 100.00% 82.04% 3.41015 69.67% 100.00% 82.12%
3.81833 69.61% 99.89% 82.05% 3.55333 72.99% 97.66% 83.54%
4.24553 69.90% 98.50% 81.77% 3.69652 83.86% 82.23% 83.04%
4.67272 71.69% 91.74% 80.48% 3.83970 93.57% 55.42% 69.61%
5.09992 83.51% 67.62% 74.73% 3.98288 95.87% 29.86% 45.54%
5.52711 94.94% 35.43% 51.61% 4.26925 95.33% 6.46% 12.09%
5.95431 99.56% 14.48% 25.29% 4.12607 94.76% 12.01% 21.33%
6.38150 100.00% 5.84% 11.04% 4.41243 95.19% 2.92% 5.67%
6.80870 100.00% 0.96% 1.90% 4.55562 97.18% 1.46% 2.87%
6.25298 100.00% 7.49% 13.94% 4.69880 100.00% 1.01% 2.01%
0.04335 69.61% 100.00% 0.44679 0.44679 69.76% 100.00% 82.18%
0.47054 74.51% 99.85% 85.34% 0.76440 70.42% 99.92% 82.62%
0.89774 87.75% 98.89% 92.99% 1.08201 74.92% 99.78% 85.58%
1.32493 95.40% 93.86% 94.62% 1.39962 92.10% 94.00% 93.04%
1.75213 97.91% 79.88% 87.98% 1.71723 98.74% 68.61% 80.96%
2.17932 98.92% 54.14% 69.98% 2.03484 99.63% 28.54% 44.38%
2.60652 99.49% 26.88% 42.32% 2.35245 99.65% 6.02% 11.36%
3.03371 99.91% 11.43% 20.52% 2.67006 98.88% 1.86% 3.64%
3.46091 100.00% 3.18% 6.15% 2.98767 98.78% 0.85% 1.69%
3.04013 100.00% 11.31% 20.32% 3.30528 100.00% 0.36% 0.71%
of legitimate e-mails varied in the two last folds
because the number of legitimate e-mails was not
divisible by 5.
2. Calculating Distances and Combination Rules.
We extracted the aforementioned characteristics
and employed the 2 different measures and the 3
different combination rules described in Section
3 to obtain a final measure of deviation for each
testing evidence. More accurately, we applied the
following distances:
Manhattan Distance.
Euclidean Distance.
For the combination rules we have tested the fol-
The Mean Value.
The Lowest Distance.
The Highest Value.
3. Defining Thresholds. For each measure and
combination rule, we established 10 different
thresholds to determine whether an email is spam
or not. These thresholds were selected by first es-
tablishing the lowest one. This number was the
highest possible value with which no spam mes-
sages were misclassified. The highest one was se-
lected as the lowest possible value with which no
legitimate spam messages were misclassified.
In this way, the method is configurable in both
reducing false positives or false negatives. It is
important to define whether it is better to clas-
sify spam as legitimate or to classify legitimate
Table 3: Results for different combination rules and distance measures using LingSpam corpus. The abbreviation ‘Thres’.
means the chosen threshold. The results remarked in bold are the best for each combination rule and distance measure. Using
this dataset, our method also can detect more than the 90% of the spam messages whereas maintaining a high precision (a
low number of legitimate messages are misclassified). The best results were obtained with the Euclidean Distance, the mean
combination rule and 2.59319 as the threshold. In particular, a 92.82% of precision, a 91.58% of recall and a 92.20% of
f-measure. These results are a little lower than when using SpamAssasin.
Manhattan Distance Euclidean Distance
Combination Thres. Prec. Rec. F-Meas. Thres. Prec. Rec. F-Meas.
1.86313 49.87% 100.00% 66.56% 1.87061 49.91% 100.00% 66.58%
2.23637 50.04% 99.79% 66.65% 2.11147 0.50357 99.79% 66.94%
2.58960 51.02% 97.21% 66.92% 2.35233 68.39% 98.33% 80.67%
2.95284 56.07% 94.29% 70.32% 2.59319 92.82% 91.58% 92.20%
3.31608 65.86% 84.08% 73.87% 2.83405 97.31% 52.71% 68.38%
3.67931 79.18% 73.54% 76.26% 3.07490 98.54% 19.75% 32.91%
4.04255 92,40% 62.29% 74.42% 3.31576 98.33% 7.38% 13.72%
4.40579 97.89% 52.13% 68.03% 3.55662 98.84% 3.54% 6.84%
4.76902 99.68% 39.38% 56.45% 3.79748 96.15% 1.04% 2.06%
5.13226 100.00% 29.88% 46.01% 4.03834 100.00% 0.62% 1.24%
3.69053 49.89% 100.00% 66.56% 3.22709 49.93% 100.00% 66.60%
4.05377 50.08% 99.79% 66.69% 3.41297 50.80% 99.96% 67.37%
4.41700 51.01% 98.46% 67.21% 3.59886 53.35% 99.33% 69.41%
4.78024 54.65% 95.00% 69.39% 3.78474 54.89% 96.13% 69.88%
5.14348 63.06% 85.13% 72.45% 3.97063 59.97% 86.63% 70.87%
5.50671 76.23% 74.29% 75.25% 4.15651 85.95% 79.29% 82.49%
5.86995 89.49% 61.38% 72.81% 4.34240 97.23% 58.50% 73.05%
6.23319 99.03% 46.58% 63.36% 4.52828 97.76% 18.17% 30.64%
6.59642 100.00% 33.08% 49.72% 4.71417 98.08% 6.38% 11.97%
6.95966 100.00% 20.71% 34.31% 4.90005 100.00% 2.46% 4.80%
0.09919 50,29% 100.00% 66.93% 0.69584 50.68% 100.00% 67.26%
0.46243 51.02% 99.79% 67.52% 1.00615 50.98% 99.79% 67.48%
0.82566 52.04% 96.88% 67.71% 1.31645 51.95% 99.79% 68.33%
1.18890 55.16% 94.17% 69.57% 1.62676 59.70% 98.33% 74.30%
1.55214 58.31% 84.17% 68.89% 1.93707 87.51% 93.13% 90.23%
1.91537 65.82% 74.38% 69.84% 2.24737 97.54% 62.79% 76.40%
2.27861 74.10% 63.54% 68.42% 2.55768 99.00% 20.67% 34.20%
2.64185 85.06% 54.79% 66.65% 2.86799 99.42% 7.13% 13.30%
3.00508 94.66% 43.54% 59.65% 3.17829 96.97% 1.33% 2.63%
3.84820 100.00% 23.13% 37.56% 3.48860 100.00% 0.29% 0.58%
as spam. In particular, one may think that it is
more important to detect more spam messages
than to minimise false positives. However, for
commercial reasons, one may think just the op-
posite: a user can be bothered if their legitimate
messages are flagged as spam. To improve these
errors, we can apply two techniques: (i) whitelist-
ing and blacklisting or (ii) cost-sensitive learning.
White and black lists store a signature of an e-mail
in order to be flagged either as spam (blacklist-
ing) or legitimate messages (whitelisting). On the
other hand, cost-sensitive learning is a machine-
learning technique where one can specify the cost
of each error and the classifiers are trained taking
into account that consideration (Elkan, 2001). We
can adapt cost-sensitive learning for anomaly de-
tection by using cost matrices.
4. Testing the Method. To evaluate the results, we
measured the most frequently used for spam: pre-
cision (Prec.), recall (Rec.) and f-measure (F-
meas.). We measured the precision of the spam
identification as the number of correctly classified
spam e-mails divided by the number of correctly
classified spam e-mails and the number of legiti-
mate e-mails misclassified as spam:
Precision =
+ N
where N
is the number of correctly classified
spam and N
is the number of legitimate e-mails
SECRYPT 2011 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
misclassified as spam.
Additionally, we measured the recall of the spam
e-mail messages, which is the number of correctly
classified spam e-mails divided by the number of
correctly classified spam e-mails and the number
of spam e-mails misclassified as legitimate:
Recall =
+ N
We also computed the F-measure, which is the
harmonic mean of both the precision and recall,
simplified as follows:
measure =
+ N
+ N
Table 2 shows the obtained results for SpamAs-
sasin corpus for the different distances, combination
rules and thresholds. The best results were obtained
with the Manhattan Distance, the minimum combina-
tion rule and a 1.32493 threshold: a 95.40% of preci-
sion, a 93.86% of recall and a 94.62% of f-measure.
Table 3 shows the obtained results for LingSpam cor-
pus using different distances, combination rules and
thresholds. Using this dataset, the best configuration
was the one performed with the Euclidean Distance,
the mean combination rule and 2.59319 as the thresh-
old: the method achieved a 92.82% of precision, a
91.58% of recall and a 92.20% of f-measure.
The fact that the best results were obtained with
the minimum distance, which is obviously the most
conservative configuration for distance, highlights a
possible topic of discussion regarding what should be
called anomaly in e-mails. As we aforementioned,
currently more than the 85% of the e-mails are spam
and, therefore, in terms of normality, receiving a le-
gitimate e-mail is an anomalous.
The final results show that this method achieves high
levels of accuracy. In addition, it can minimise the
number of legitimate e-mails that are misclassified
and is also able to detect a high number of spam
messages. Nevertheless, several points of discussion
are important regarding the suitability of the proposed
The VSM assumes that every term is independent,
which is, at least from the linguistic point of view,
not completely true. Despite the fact that e-mails are
usually represented as a sequence of words, there are
relationships between words on a semantic level that
also affect e-mails (Cohen, 1974). Specifically, we
can find several linguistic phenomena in natural lan-
guages(Polyvyanyy, 2007):
Synonyms: Two or more words are interchange-
able because of their similar (or identical) mean-
ing (e.g., ‘buy’ and ‘purchase’) (Carnap, 1955).
Hyponyms: Specific instances of a more general
word (e.g., spicy’ and ‘salty’ are hyponyms of
‘flavour’)(Cruse, 1975).
Metonymy: The substitution of one word for
another with which it is associated (e.g., po-
lice’ instead of ‘law enforcement’) (Radden and
K¨ovecses, 1999).
Homography: Words with the same orthography
but different meaning (e.g., ‘bear’: ‘to support and
carry’ and ‘an animal’) (Ming-Tzu and Nation,
Word-groups: Clusters of words that have se-
mantic meaning when they are grouped (e.g.,
‘New York City’).
Thus, our representation cannot handle the ex-
isting linguistic phenomena in natural languages
(Becker and Kuropka, 2003). In fact, attacks exist
that evade spam filtering systems through the use of
synonyms (Karlberger et al., 2007), which our model
is not capable of defeating.
As a solution, the Topic-based Vector Space
Model (TVSM) (Becker and Kuropka, 2003) and the
enhanced Topic-based Vector Space Model (eTVSM)
(Kuropka, 2004) have been proposed in the last few
years. The TVSM represents documents using a
vector-representation where axes are topics rather
than terms and, therefore, terms are weighted based
upon how strongly related they are to a topic. In
contrast, the eTVSM uses an ontology to represent
the different relations between terms and, in this way,
provides a richer natural language retrieval model that
is able to accommodate synonyms, homonyms and
other linguistic phenomena (Awad et al., 2008).
There is also a problem derived from IR and Nat-
ural Language Processing (NLP) when dealing with
semantics: Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD). A
spammer may evade our method by explicitly ex-
changing the key words of the mail with other pol-
yseme terms and thus avoid detection. WSD is
considered necessary in order to accomplish most
natural language processing tasks (Ide and V´eronis,
1998). We propose the study of different WSD tech-
niques (a survey of different WSD techniques can
be found in (Navigli, 2009)) capable of providing a
more semantics-aware spam filtering system. Never-
theless, a semantic approach for spam filtering will
have to deal with the semantics of different languages
(Bates and Weischedel, 1993) and thus be language-
Besides, our method has several limitations due to
the representation of e-mails. In this way, because
most of the spam filtering techniques are based on
the frequencies with which terms appear within mes-
sages, spammers have started modifying their tech-
niques to evade filters.
For example, Good Word Attack is a method that
modifies the term statistics by appending a set of
words that are characteristic of legitimate e-mails,
thereby bypass spam filters. Nevertheless, we can
adopt some of the methods that have been proposed in
order to improve spam filtering, such as Multiple In-
stance Learning (MIL) (Dietterich et al., 1997). MIL
divides an instance or a vector in the traditional su-
pervised learning methods into several sub-instances
and classifies the original vector based on the sub-
instances (Maron and Lozano-P´erez, 1998). Zhou et
al. (Zhou et al., 2007) proposed the adoption of multi-
ple instance learning for spam filtering by dividing an
e-mail into a bag of multiple segments and classifying
it as spam if at least one instance in the corresponding
bag was spam.
Another attack, known as tokenisation, works
against the feature selection of the message by split-
ting or modifying key message features, which ren-
ders the term-representation as no longer feasible
(Wittel and Wu, 2004).
All of these attacks, which spammers have been
adopting, should be taken into account in the con-
struction of future spam-filtering-systems.
In our experiments, we used a dataset that is very
small in comparison to the real-world size. As the
dataset size grows, the issue of scalability becomes
a concern. This problem produces excessive storage
requirements, increases time complexity and impairs
the general accuracyof the models (Cano et al., 2006).
To reduce disproportionate storage and time costs, it
is necessary to reduce the size of the original training
set (Czarnowski and Jedrzejowicz, 2006).
To solve this issue, data reduction is normally
considered an appropriate preprocessing optimisation
technique (Pyle, 1999; Tsang et al., 2003). This type
of techniques have many potential advantages such as
reducing measurement, storage and transmission; de-
creasing training and testing times; confronting the
problem of dimensionality to improve prediction per-
formance in terms of speed, accuracy and simplicity;
and facilitating data visualisation and understanding
(Torkkola, 2003; Dash and Liu, 2003). Data reduc-
tion can be implemented in two ways. Instance se-
lection (IS) seeks to reduce the number of evidences
(i.e., number of rows) in the training set by select-
ing the most relevant instances or by re-sampling new
ones (Liu and Motoda, 2001). Feature selection (FS)
decreases the number of attributes or features (i.e.,
columns) in the training set (Liu and Motoda, 2008).
It is also important to consider efficiency and
processing time. Our system compares each e-mail
against a big dataset. Despite Euclidean and Man-
hattan distances are easy to compute, more time-
consuming distance measures like Mahalanobis dis-
tance will take too much time to process every e-mail
under analysis.
Spam is a serious computer security issue that is not
only annoying for end-users, but also financially dam-
aging and dangerous to computer security because of
the possible spread of other threats like malware or
phishing. The classic machine-learning-based spam
filtering methods, despite their ability to detect spam,
have a very time-consuming step of labelling e-mails.
In this paper, we presented a spam filtering system
that is inspired in anomaly detection systems. Us-
ing this method, we are able to reduce the number
of required labelled messages and, therefore, reduce
the efforts for the filtering industry. Our experiments
show that this approach provides high percentages of
spam detection whilst keeping the number of misclas-
sified legitimate messages low. Besides, this method
works only with legitimate e-mails and, therefore, it
can be trained using the inbox of a user.
Future versions of this spam filtering system will
move in five main directions:
1. We will focus on attacks against statistical spam
filtering systems such as tokenisation or good
word attacks.
2. We plan to include the semantics of this method
with more linguistic relationships.
3. We will improve the scalability of the anomaly
method in order to reduce the number of distance
computations required.
4. We will study the feasibility of applying Word
Sense Disambiguation techniques to this spam fil-
tering method.
5. We will deeply investigate in what has to be con-
sidered an anomaly in the e-mail filtering prob-
lem, comparing whether is better to consider spam
or legitimate as an anomalous e-mail.
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