The Use of Data Profiling Techniques for an Efficient Network Planning
Igor Ruiz-Agundez, Yoseba K. Penya and Pablo G. Bringas
DeustoTech, Deusto Institute of Technology, University of Deusto, Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain
Clustering algorithms, Network planning, VoIP services.
Network planning presents a number of difficulties and risks but performed in an optimal way may turn
beneficial. In this work we address a new way of achieving optimal network planning for Voice over IP
(VoIP) services by using historical data to profile service usage. We show how to obtain a sound set of service
use clusters based on calling behaviours by applying a Simple Expectation Maximisation (EM) algorithm.
We successfully evaluate this methodology with real data and extract useful knowledge that can result in an
improved network planning. Finally, we discuss the application of this method to other network services.
Network planning aims at ensuring that a new net-
work or service meets the needs of both the subscriber
and the operator. These needs are sometimes in oppo-
sition, so that achieving a fair balance is not a trivial
task. Traditionally, network administrators have used
different methodologiesto cope with this problem, in-
cluding three steps: topological design, network syn-
thesis, and network realisation. Each step must con-
sider the dimensionality of user requirements to ad-
dress problems such as peak-hour traffic and network
resources consumption. In addition, the requirements
of users change, and so decisions related to network
planning must be approached iteratively.
In addition, every user within a company or an or-
ganisation presents unique needs. If there is a large
number of users, it is hardly feasible to meet each of
their individual requirements. Given this drawback,
network administrators have traditionally used data
profiles to group user requirements as well as pos-
sible. More specifically, a user is characterised in
terms of one or more data profiles that describe her
behaviour from different perspectives. This grouping
process is traditionally performed by means of expert
knowledge using a specialised method (Snasel et al.,
Data profiling has been used to assign categories
to data, develop quality metrics, assess risks, and vi-
sualise data, among other uses. Specifically, we use
data profiling to extract knowledge that will facilitate
decision-making in efficient network planning.
Among the services of the emerging convergence
networks, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) tech-
nology enables the transmission of audio data over an
all-IP network. Still, as with more traditional tech-
nologies, VoIP also requires a network planning pro-
cess. This process aims at guaranteeing that the sub-
scribers, end-users, and operators of VoIP meet cer-
tain communication requirements.
In this study, we put forward the use of cluster-
ing algorithms to profile the behaviours of VoIP users.
Since we do not know the number of clusters a partic-
ular algorithm may require, we use the Simple Expec-
tation Maximisation (EM) algorithm because it pro-
vides different numbers of profiles.
Against this background, the contribution of this
paper is three-fold. First, we introduce the use of the
EM algorithm to profile users’ Call Detail Records
(CDRs). Second, we evaluate this methodology for
efficient network planning in the context of VoIP ser-
vices within an organisational context. Finally, we
discuss the proposed methodology and the possibility
to apply it to other network services.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 introduces the use EM algorithm.
Section 3 illustrates empirical experiments and their
results. Section 4 concludes the study and proposes
avenues for future work.
Ruiz-Agundez I., K. Penya Y. and G. Bringas P..
NETWORK PLANNING OF A VOIP-CABLE PBX - The Use of Data Profiling Techniques for an Efficient Network Planning.
DOI: 10.5220/0003451400850088
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Communication Networking and Optical Communication System (DCNET-2011), pages 85-88
ISBN: 978-989-8425-69-0
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
One of the main problems in data clustering algo-
rithms lays on determining the number of clusters in a
data set. This quantity is labelled as k, and its value is
often ambiguous and depends on the application do-
main and the expert consulted. This optimal value
k should strike a fair balance between the maximum
compression of the data, which implies the use of a
single cluster, and maximum accuracy, which is ob-
tained by assigning a cluster to every data point (Kim,
There are several ways of determining the optimal
number of clusters (Sugar and James, 2003). We can
determine k manually by trying different values and
analysing the results of the clustering algorithm un-
til it is considered valid. This method, however, is
normally used when an expert has an initial approxi-
mation of the existing number of clusters.
As we do not know the number of clusters into
which our data set is divided, we employ the second
method. Further, we use the EM algorithm, as it sup-
ports nominal, binary, empty nominal, and numeric
attributes as well as allows us to manage missing data
or unary attributes. This attribute types support that
our data will be correctly processed (Keim and Hin-
neburg, 1999). Additionally, we decided to use this
algorithm because, to our knowledge, it best fits our
dataset as the results give a better knowledge repre-
sentation, which is presented in Section 3.1. EM sup-
ports all of the attribute types we are working with,
and it also identifies the number of clusters into which
the dataset set must be divided. We also consid-
ered the proximity measure (i.e., how similar two data
points are) and the clustering criterion (i.e., the cost
function) of this algorithm for calculations.
3.1 VoIP Data
We obtained our experiment data from the Asterisk
PBX database records in a corporation. The data cor-
responds to all of the CDRs recorded in 2008, which
comprise more than 700,000 entries.
These records are produced when two or more
participants communicate over a partial or complete
Internet-based voice connection. The call is normally
initiated by one of the participants (i.e., the call ini-
tiator) and is received by one or more participants
(i.e., call recipients). The call can be IP to IP, Pub-
lic Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) to IP, IP to
PSTN, mobile to IP or any other possible combina-
tion. In each case, the resulting CDR reflects the na-
ture of the call and provides all the details on it.
For the sake of simplicity and due to our limited
computational capabilities, we reduced the dataset to
one month (October) with 48,849. To address data
privacy concerns, all confidential information was
made anonymous, guaranteeing the rights of users un-
der compliance with the existing laws.
3.2 Interpretation of the Results
The amount of clusters is defined by the results of the
used clustering algorithm; the result was 10 different
clusters. This amount of clusters is, in itself, highly
representative, as it groups the CDRs and tells us how
many different behaviours or requirements appear in
the population of users. In other words, this number
specifies the number of data profiles we are dealing
with. With this information, we can already extract
some useful conclusions.
If we are the service provider, we can modify the
network infrastructure depending on the requirements
of each profile. We can also predict network and
infrastructure consumption. If we are the network
administrator of the end-user’s PBX corporation, we
can negotiate service-level agreements (SLA) with the
provider that best fit the requirements of each pro-
file. The end-users should benefit from the quality im-
provements obtained by such measures taken by both
the provider and the corporations network adminis-
We can also perform a deeper analysis of the final
results of the clustering. As previously mentioned,
the output of these algorithms must be interpreted to
extract added-value information for the current do-
main area. The first step in this interpretation con-
sists of bringing the clustering algorithm results into a
comprehensible format for analysis. We prefer visual
data representation because it is a valuable method
for intuitively analysing large amounts of data (Nocke
et al., 2004). There are many clustering analysis visu-
alisation methods, such as the rectangular view, the
ThemeRiver technique and the Scatter Plot Matrix,
among others (Chi, 2000). The second step is to inter-
pret this representation with an expert in the domain
area of the VoIP. This step should provide new infor-
mation about the dataset and help us to infer conclu-
sions regarding efficient network planning.
For representation, we chose the Scatter Plot Ma-
trix because it is a visualisation method (Nocke et al.,
2004) that has been proven to be reliable, and it can
DCNET 2011 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking
be applied to our dataset domain area. The dots in the
Plot Matrix represent the centroid values of a certain
cluster, and the axis and the dot colours represent the
attributes that are plotted. In this visualisation tech-
nique, we selected one attribute for axis(x), one at-
tribute for axis(y) and one attribute for class(colour).
It is worth mentioning that attributes can be pre-
sented using more than one of these variables to ob-
tain clearer information.
Among all the possible attribute visualisation
combinations, we decided to focus on the hour that
a call is established. We chose this attribute for four
reasons. First, the hour indicates when calls are made,
which helps us to detect peak demands so that better
network planning can be performed. Second, some
pricing schemes apply different price functions de-
pending on when the service is used (e.g., morning
or afternoon); with this information, we can negoti-
ate better service level agreements with our providers
(Chang and Petr, 2001). Third, the network adminis-
trator can see when a possible bottleneck may appear;
this information can help improve the quality of ser-
vice (QoS). Fourth, both the provider and the end-user
network administrator can balance their network and
infrastructure loads depending on hourly demand.
Figure 1: Clustering results. Axis(x) = Cluster. Axis(y) =
Hour. Class(colour) = Cluster.
Figure 1 shows the clustering results. The
cluster attribute appears both in terms of axis(x)
and class(colour) to improve the readability of the
graphic. The hour attribute corresponds to the mo-
ment a call starts. We can handle the call time in terms
of hour for each data profile. All clusters have entries
ranging from 07.00 to 22.00. This time range corre-
sponds to the university’s opening times. However,
cluster #7 presents entries all day, corresponding to
special types of terminals, such as servers, modems
and alarm systems. The calls related to the CDRs of
this cluster may require special supervision to prevent
call abuse. This information is also useful for mod-
elling the normal behaviour of users and to anticipate
the time of calls. We consider cluster #7 to be excep-
tionally different from the rest.
Table 1: Most relevant cluster instance percentages.
Cluster(s) Number of instances Percentage
Cluster #7 1846 3.78%
Remaining clusters 47003 96.22%
Total 48849 100%
Almost all of the data profiles show that users
made their calls during working hours, and only one
data profile had calls throughout the day. Table 1
shows the percentage of instances of the most rele-
vant cluster in terms of instance number.
This information could also be operated by the
VoIP provider to improve the support systems. Infor-
mation to prevent congestion may be inferred, mar-
keting strategies shall be planned to offer special of-
fers to the customers or infrastructure could be reor-
ganised to improve efficiency.
In this case, we were thus able to propose an im-
provement for network planning. Currently, the cor-
poration owns thirty channels in a primary trunk line
with a time-based pricing scheme in which the calls
are charged according to the time of call. The cor-
poration should negotiate a call pricing scheme based
on workday call times for 96.22% (or all but one) of
their channels and a flat-rate pricing scheme for the
remaining outgoing line. With this measure, the costs
of PSTN calls should decrease for the end-user cor-
poration. Table 2 presents best-case results following
this network planning improvement. This maximum
saving supposes that all calls of cluster #7 are redi-
rected through the flat-rate channel. As the cost per
instance may vary, we simulated savings with X = 10
and Y = 9, obtaining a final savings of 35,074 mone-
tary units, as shown in Table 2.
In this work, we have proposed a data profiling
methodology for VoIP data for network planning.
This methodology uses a clustering algorithm to pro-
cess VoIP data records. The experiment shows that
the proposed methodology is able to present knowl-
edge in a highly comprehensible format. The possi-
bility to accurately replicate this knowledge extrac-
tion methodology makes the proposed approach quite
promising. We have used the EM algorithm to pro-
cess our data records. This clustering algorithm deter-
mines the number of clusters into which the dataset is
to be divided, and it splits the samples among them.
The results of the experiment demonstrate that it is
possible to conduct data profiling using clustering al-
gorithms. Indeed, the used clustering algorithm is one
NETWORK PLANNING OF A VOIP-CABLE PBX - The Use of Data Profiling Techniques for an Efficient Network
Table 2: Maximum possible savings through network planning improvements.
Current situation With our network planning improvement
Channels with a time-based pricing scheme 30 29
Channels with a flat-rate pricing scheme - 1
Cost per instance for a time-based pricing scheme X X
Cost with a time-based pricing scheme per instance - Y
× 30X
× 29X + 1846 ×Y
× 30X
× 29X + 1846 ×Y
Saving for X = 10 and Y = 9 monetary units 35074
of the most widely applied algorithms. We could have
used other clustering algorithms and compared the re-
sults. The incremental clustering method is, however,
the only one that with our data generates an explicit
knowledge representation model that describes clus-
tering in such a way that it can be easily visualised
and understood (Witten and Frank, 2005).
We could have also incremented the granularity
of the data, splitting the date attribute by year, month
and day. Nevertheless, since the dataset in the exper-
iment corresponded to one month, this criterion did
not affect the results. We did not study whether or not
the attributes are interdependent. Thus, for this ex-
periment, all of the attributes were treated as covari-
ant; additionally, Bayesian-network-based algorithms
(Ruiz-Agundez et al., 2010b) may assist in the study
of such dependencies.
We have proposed an improvement in network
planning that could result in savings regarding tele-
phone calls. The change consisted of adopting a flat-
rate pricing scheme for one of the telephone channels
(i.e., trunk lines) for a set of calls that would be more
expensive with a time-based pricing scheme. We have
contributed to improving the resource management
and the service tariffing of the experiment corpora-
tion, further, this methodology could be generalised
to any size corporation as the service usage data can
always be clustered.
Finally, it is worth highlighting that the most ex-
citing result of the proposed methodology is, in our
opinion, the ability to produce highly representative
results that could generate a high level of knowl-
edge. The benefits and possible applications of such a
methodology include: (i) user behaviour modelling,
(ii) fraud detection through anomalous behaviour
analysis (Ruiz-Agundez et al., 2010a), (iii) technical
and economical implications (e.g. network planning),
and (iv) pricing scheme modelling (Falkner et al.,
Future work includes analysis of clustered data
for use as training data for classification algorithms.
These algorithms should allow us to predict the val-
ues of certain attributes. For example, we should be
able to predict within a given probability a call’s du-
ration or the channel used to route the call given its
source and destination.
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DCNET 2011 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking