Martin Steinhauser, Andreas C. Sonnenbichler and Andreas Geyer-Schulz
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Kaiserstrasse 12, Karlsruhe, Germany
Safety, Security, Social Networks, Territorial Safety, Secure City, Neighborhood Watch, Informal Social
Today, crime and fear of crime are related to a loss of social control in large cities. In combination with the
bystander effect, help might not be provided in the case of an emergency. This paper suggests the framework
of a Community Watch Service. The conceptional architecture enables citizens to join virtual, territorial
communities. Citizens can create their own virtual territories. These territories are linked to software services
offering functionality like reporting damage to public property, receiving information from public authorities
or organizing help in the neighborhood. The framework aims to improve social control in a positive way and
increase public safety in large cities. We demonstrate the Community Watch Service as a prototype which is
available for standard web browsers and Android-based mobile phones.
Crime in public places unfortunately happens every-
where and often. A 17-year old girl was injured
by another girl in Karlsruhe. The incident was wit-
nessed by several bystanders (KAN06, 2006). In Mu-
nich business man Dominik Brunner was beaten to
death while defending young people against attackers
(Spi07, 2010). Also in Munich senior citizen Bruno
Hubertus was attacked by two young men because he
stared at them (Spi07, 2007). All three cases have in
common that the offenders are young people commit-
ting the crimes due to negligible causes. The attacks
have taken place in large cities with lots of bystanders
around. None of them provided help.
In the article (Ovelgoenne et al., 2010) an online
service is described how to use one’s personal so-
cial network to receive help in an emergency situa-
tion. This Emergency Alert Service (EAS) collects
data from the users own contacts and calculates a
friendship network. This network is used in case of an
emergency. By making use of geo-location data of the
victim, friends close enough to provide help and au-
thorities (e.g. police) are alerted through their mobile
phones. The EAS has been designed on a peer-to-peer
mechanism and is based on mobile applications. The
success of the EAS critically depends on the size of
one’s social network, the local proximity of one’s so-
cial groups, and the strength of the social norms lead-
ing to help (social control). Therefore, in this paper
we extend the Emergency Alert Service to a service
bundle of territory-based social services. The motiva-
tion for this is that territory-based social services lead
to an improvement in ‘real-life’ social groups build-
ing in one’s neighborhood and thus improve the social
relations and reinforce a positive social control.
Our service framework integrates territories in so-
cial networks: People register with their home loca-
tion to be able to join local territories. They can also
create territories on their own. These territories and
the services on top are used to pass on ‘territorial’ in-
formation. Different kinds of services are possible:
chat functionality,broken windows or damage to pub-
lic property can be reported to authorities and munic-
ipal administration can contact citizens, up to people
in need that can ask for help.
With our work we aim to integrate and enable cit-
izens to take over (more) responsibility for their place
of living. We hope to create more of a feeling of
ownership and commitment in the neighborhood. To
achieve this, we focus on the power of social net-
works, pervasive computers and internet technology.
In section 2 we motivate our service by giving ba-
sic information when and how people feel secure and
how safety in places, e.g. cities, can be achieved. Sec-
tion 3 reviews current scientific work and applications
in this field. In section 4 we describe our conceptional
architecture for a territorial safety service framework
Steinhauser M., Sonnenbichler A. and Geyer-Schulz A..
DOI: 10.5220/0003456800910099
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business (ICE-B-2011), pages 91-99
ISBN: 978-989-8425-70-6
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
and present it’s implementation as a prototype in sec-
tion 5. We round up this paper in section 6 by a con-
clusion and look out for future work.
In 2010 for the first time worldwide more people live
in cities than in the rural area (BPB10, 2010, p. 47).
The consequences of that trend have been analyzed by
Urban 21: the experts’ report on the future of cities
(Hall and Pfeiffer, 2000, p. 205). For mature cities
the report predicts, for example, the proceeding sepa-
ration of rich and poor people in urban areas and in-
creasing conflicts between them. Crimes as a conse-
quence of social tensions due to poverty are regarded
as the classical theory in criminology(Eisner, 1997, p.
39-41). Statistics prove a higher occurrence of crimi-
nality in cities than in rural areas (e.g. (BKA07, 2007,
p. 46)). For the reasons for having an urban-rural gap
in criminality we refer to Oberwittler and Koellisch
(Oberwittler and Koellisch, 2003, p. 135).
Not only is the criminality higher in big cities but
also the fear of crime. Surveys from 1999 (compare
(BKA99, 1999, p. 48) among others) show a remark-
able difference in the categories ‘felt insecurity’ and
‘going to be a victim soon’ depending on the size of
the population (Wurtzbacher, 2008, p. 59). Especially
street crimes like the ones mentioned in section 1 have
a considerable effect on the sense of security, due to a
high number of possibilities to commit a crime on the
one hand and the few chances to avoid such crimes
on the other hand (Koetzsche and Hamacher, 1990, p.
According to Boers, the reasons for a higher fear
of crime can be broken down in three categories
(Boers, 1991, p. 45ff): A person fears crime more
after being a victim (victimization perspective), the
fear of crime increases with the loss of informal so-
cial control (social-control perspective), and media,
politics, and official institutions influence the percep-
tion of the security (social-problem perspective). The
theory of the social control perspective is closely re-
lated to the Broken Windows Theory by Wilson and
Kelling (Luedemann and Ohlemacher, 2002, p.144).
Since informal social control plays a major role in
crime as well as in the fear of crime, it is worth to
be investigated more deeply. Fassmann (Fassmann,
2009) describes the differences between urban and ru-
ral areas, also focusing on social relationships. In a
big city it is not possible to know all people by their
names, characteristics and history. The traditional in-
teraction with neighbors through knowing and caring
for them is replaced by anonymous and often chang-
ing contacts to a big circle of acquaintances. Regard-
ing to Simmel (Simmel, 1903, p. 122), townspeo-
ple can’t face others with the same emotionality (par-
ticipating, understanding) and they build up a shield
against many of the stimuli in a city. Townspeople
do not only react differently to their environment, but
they also notice only parts of the reality around them
(e.g. people in need).
The characteristics of people living in a city also
affect the emergency process. Whether citizens are
willing to help people in need depends on a number
of criteria explained by Darley and Latane in the so-
cial help process (see figure 1). For a detailed anal-
ysis, especially focusing on the bystander effect, the
main reason for unhelpful crowds, we refer to (Geyer-
Schulz et al., 2010).
Studies also show that people help more often, if
they know the area. A person, who has fallen down,
gets less help in an airport than at a subway station
(Luedemann and Ohlemacher, 2002, p. 154). We ar-
gue that the criteria ‘known environment’ influences
One main point of our suggested territory-based
service framework is the aim to strengthen the infor-
mal social control of citizens since this reduces the
fear of crime as well as crime itself.
This section takes a look at the latest concepts dealing
with crime, participation of citizens and using infor-
mation and communication technologies.
The region of Brandenburg (Germany) offers a
portal offering persons, registered by email, the possi-
bility to report issues to the city administration. Mes-
sages are categorized (waste, vandalism...), contain
a description, a postal address, the possibility to add
pictures and a processing status. The issues can be
tracked by users and employees. Employees of the
city administration update the issues. This leads to
an increased transparency (Mae10, 2007). FixMyS-
treet ( follows a similar
To inform their citizens about crime, the Los An-
geles Police Department (LAPD) publishes a crime
map. The crime map is part of an E-Policing strategy
which applies the community policing ideas through
the internet. A police district includes several ‘Ba-
sic Car’-districts. Citizens have the possibility to en-
gage as Senior Lead Officer who is the contact per-
son for the local inhabitants. His task is to watch
local criminality and to inform the police and the
ICE-B 2011 - International Conference on e-Business
Figure 1: Social Help Process according to Darley and Latane ((Latane and Darley, 1970, p. 152-155) and (Brehm et al.,
2005, p. 367)).
citizens about news (
German newspapers have started to track the level of
crime on a map, too (see the ‘Blaulichtkurier’ under
Video surveillance has been used for years to pre-
vent crime on streets and public places. Many of
the cities in Great Britain are using the closed cir-
cuit television-technology. A critical point of video
surveillance is the monitoring of recorded videos
(Floeting, 2007, p. 6-7). A concept for an involve-
ment of citizens in monitoring is offered by the com-
pany Internet Eyes Ltd. People all overthe world have
the chance to watch randomly selected surveillance
cameras without knowing their actual location. By re-
porting an incident they gain points and receive prices
The company Innovative Support To Emer-
gencies Diseases and Disasters (InSTEDD)
( has published the concept
paper Watchfire’. It deals with emergencies (e.g.
storms, fire, earthquakes and epidemics) in which
inhabitants can’t expect fast help from official aid
organizations, but must rely on help from neighbors
(Beckman and Rasmussen, 2010). As potential
users InSTEDD especially addresses participants of
neighborhood watch organizations. After signing
up a user can see other users and their whereabouts
on a map. Users can chat with each other and can
send messages through mobile phones. Watchfire
can be connected to professional aid organizations,
but is primarily designed as local alert system for
In section 3 we described some ways of dealing with
crime and fear of crime. A recurring element is the
focus on social-control. Social-control is hard to pro-
mote especially in larger anonymous cities. Most of
the existing concepts have territorial aspects included:
Segregation, urban development of territories, neigh-
borhood watch organizations, the police who is re-
sponsible for a district, reporting issues to the local
city administration or a chat functionality to talk to
neighbors. But also concepts like Getting Help In A
Crowd (see (Geyer-Schulz et al., 2010)) which are in-
dependent of setting up a territory are possible. All of
them have in common that there needs to be a moti-
vation why persons participate in crime prevention or
the emergency response process.
The main idea of the concept, named ‘Commu-
nity Watch Service’ (CWS), is to create and improve
relationships between neighbors. We do this by offer-
ing territory-based services in which only residents
can participate. One consequence out of that is to
know and verify the residence of a user. Another is,
to map services to arbitrarily shaped territories. By
this, we aim to strengthen the identification of persons
with ‘their’ territories since only in-territory-people
(in-group) may join. Furthermore, services can be
offered in well-defined territories only, making sure
that only local users can participate. We have to en-
sure privacyof personal data, especially geo-locations
of users. We expect people do not want to see per-
sonal information like their address being public in-
formation. Therefore, we do not show geo-positions
of users but ensure only, that they can join territo-
ries only their place belongs to. Furthermore, we use
The creation of a relationship between people of-
ten starts with the fact that they live next to each other.
This closeness can result in the feeling of belonging
together as a group. Living next to each other cre-
ates common interests (e.g. talking about city top-
ics, shared problems with vandalism, traffic related
issues, fear of crime, ...) and opportunities to help
each other (e.g. borrowing milk, receiving parcels,
recommending a restaurant, taking care of children,
...) which could be channeled and supported by in-
formation and communication technology. The hy-
pothesis is: Shared interests, opportunities for mutual
help and the size of one’s social network strengthens
the motivation to engage locally even to the point that
help is provided in the case of an emergency.
We do not restrict territory-based services to
crime-related topics: Results of research on neighbor-
hood watch programs show that services only moti-
vated by crime related issues tend to get inactive over
Figure 2: Combination of different territories.
time (Garofalo and McLeod, 1989, p. 336). There-
fore, we offer a mixed bundle of services which can
be crime related but need not to. The question which
needs to be answered is, how to enable citizens to
make use of multiple services in an easy way. Right
now there are a lot of services available, offered by
police, city administration or others. The Community
Watch Service must offer its services in an easy, auto-
mated and structured way.
The living situation of a citizen can be very differ-
ent. There are mini-neighborhoods with one-family-
houses and block constructions. People in both
places may have different attitudes and possibilities
to engage in their neighborhood. Therefore, offered
territory-based services may differ as well. E.g. in
a highly anonymous environment, a local chat func-
tionality may be a good starting point. A rescue ser-
vice asking residents for help in the case of an emer-
gency may be futile at first. Nevertheless, an in-
creasing number of people using local services of-
fered through CWS may improve the relevancy (ac-
ceptance) of such an emergency service later: First,
people start with chats, then make use of something
like fixmystreet. Later a network with a Senior Lead
Officer can evolve and then the willingness to partic-
ipate in more demanding services like a local rescue
service may rise. In other words - to reach the aim
of ‘Supporting Safety Through Social Territorial Net-
works’ one must start with non-safety relevant ser-
vices first an can build upon that.
The shape of a territory is determined by the of-
fered service. A fixmystreet-like service territory
needs to be set up according to the administrative area
of the city administration. Reported issues in territo-
ries are forwarded to the responsible employee by the
service. The size and shape of territories may fol-
low ‘official’ boundaries like city limits, districts, 911
service areas, or can be defined freely by the users’
needs. For architectural reasons for territory shap-
ing, we refer also to the book of Christopher Alexan-
der (Alexander, 1979). In any case the owner of the
territory has the power to shape it. To simplify the
shaping of territories, the company Urban Mapping
Inc. offers official boundaries which may then be ap-
plied ( They can be
used as orientation for owners of territories in order
to shape them. Figure 2 shows an example from the
prototype described in section 5.
A resident (whose actual location is hidden for
data protection reasons) is the owner of the grey, in-
ner most small circle territory. It is linked to a emer-
gency response service wherein the user participates
as emergency helper (the latter information is not de-
picted in the figure). The same person is registered
in the territory ‘Neighbors and friends’ (brown, small
circle) and ‘fixmystreet’ (turquoise, large on the left).
There is another territory for which he is not regis-
tered (purple, large territory on the right). Detailed
information about territories, linked services, owner,
subscription state and so, on pops up when moving
the mouse over the territory marker (see figure 3).
Generally, a user can create his own territories and
link them to services. Furthermore, a user can sign up
to existing services covering his registered place of
ICE-B 2011 - International Conference on e-Business
Figure 3: Edit of territories.
living. The sign-up process may include the approval
of the territory owner. The CWS framework supports
general functions. These include among others the
registration of a new user with checking his residence,
creating and editing territories and linking them to
services, searching for them and editing user settings.
The service itself might be offered by third parties. A
territory is always linked to exactly one service. Oth-
erwise, users registered for a service would have to
sign-up for new services attached to the same terri-
tory again. Nevertheless, the shape of a territory can
be (technically) reused for another territory (with the
same shape) but linked to another service. The idea is
to have encapsulated services with a given set of func-
tionalities. Groenroos conceptional augmented ser-
vice models can be applied to differentiate core ser-
vices (Groenroos, 2007, p.163ff). ‘Small and simi-
lar’ functionalities can extend an existing core service
(attached to a territory) but (different) new core func-
tionalities would lead to a new service.
We expect CWS being successful only if valuable
services are provided for territories. Therefore, the
following paragraph is dedicated to give some exam-
ples of territorial services. The order of examples re-
flects the degree of commitment or participation level
of the citizens. Services with a lower requirement
level are listed first.
Information Service of the City.
The city informs selective territories about
planned construction sites, street festivals, cul-
tural events, ...
Information Service of the Police.
The police provide general information about
crime in the territory, crime prevention activities,
and specific information on crime prosecution.
Police publishes mug shots in the newspaper or
on the police’s homepage. Those mug shots can
be published promptly and selectively even on the
mobile if offered.
Chat Functionality.
People talk to people nearby about neighborhood
gossip (weather, found a cat), but can also talk
about security relevant stuff: an open car in front
of the house, persons loitering in front of the
Fixmystreet Similar Service.
Either the city administration offers this service
and deals with issues (CustomerToAdministra-
tion) or people in the neighborhood take care
themselves (CustomerToCustomer).
Local Emergency Helper.
In the field of medical emergencies there are al-
ready first responder concepts in place in which
people agree to do locally voluntary work. The
German red cross association has built up lo-
cal first responder teams to bridge the gap un-
til professional help of aid organizations arrives.
Those teams are integrated in the rescue chain and
get informed by the headquarter (Schoechlin and
Ayasse, 2004, p. 1). The local emergency helper
is a service where the helper is registered for a ter-
ritory and others using this service push a button
on their mobile which locates themselves and in-
forms helpers registered in the callers territory.
In addition to these more security related services
the CWS framework offers the freedom to be ex-
Figure 4: Architecture of the CWS prototype.
Figure 5: BPMN process of a CWS user registration.
tended with other applications. A lot of room for cre-
ativity: a territory for finding people to go out with,
organizing a street festival, offering mutual help, or
other services which improve social interactions in
the neighborhood are possible.
From these requirements it follows that peo-
ple may want to be informed about new territo-
ries/services in their environment. Nevertheless, to
much information would possibly be reflected as
spam. To deal with excessive generation of territories
the territory creation and user perspective must be an-
alyzed. One solution is to collect notifications of new
territories and send out personalized newsletters one’s
a month.
Our CWS prototype includes the basic functions of
the described concepts. This includes registering for
CWS, creating and editing territories, finding terri-
tories and joining them. The prototype is currently
available for standard personal computers through a
web browser and also for mobile phones based on An-
droid (
To make use of (backend) services already avail-
able, we used a web service technology for our im-
plementation. Pautasso et al. (Pautasso et al., 2008)
discuss the difference between big web service (WS-
*) and REST. Their result is, that REST needs less
architectural decisions to make but ‘lead[s] to signif-
icant development efforts and technical risk, for ex-
ample the design of the exact specification of the re-
sources and their URI addressing scheme’ (Pautasso
et al., 2008, p. 813). Since CWS wants to be an open
framework for services with territorial aspects, for an
encapsulated application the full complexity of WS-*
services can be used. Figure 4 shows the components
and their connections, the communication interfaces
and protocols of the chosen architecture. The main
intention of the figure is to give an overview of the
needed components. The components can be related
to the lanes of the process description in figure 5 - the
sub processes in the lane ‘User’ are implemented by
‘Mobile’ and ‘Portal of a city’.
A key issue in the CWS concept is the residence
of a user. This location is verified during the sign-
up process of a user. This can be done by trusted
third parties like the city administration who main-
tain the city register listing all residents. If trusted
third parties lack an API or the permission to access
these kind of data, a validation process as used e.g. by
credit card companies can be applied. The CWS pro-
totype integrates the services offered by ‘Postal Meth-
ods’ ( to send letters
to an address of a user. The letter contains an acti-
vation key which secures that the user really lives at
the specified address. Only after activation, the user
registration process for territories is finished success-
ICE-B 2011 - International Conference on e-Business
 
Figure 6: Entity Relation diagram of the CWS prototype.
To be able to do calculations with the address of a
user, the address is translated to spatial data for which
the geo-referencing service of Via Michelin service
is used ( Of course the
user data and especially the location must be stored
on a database level. Since later on there will be fre-
quently requests for users of a territory, spatial data
is directly saved in the OpenGIS format to be able to
perform this request on the database level.
Figure 5 shows the different steps that are exe-
cuted during user registration as a BPMN diagram
(SOAP messages are shown as a postal symbol). Af-
ter a successful activation, the user can create, edit
and delete own territories by using map functional-
ity. Google Maps ( offers the
Google Maps API. The API allows creating polygons
in all desired shapes. Such polygons consist of mul-
tiple geographic points which are transferred to the
CWS. The CWS saves the territory and the corre-
sponding user data in its database.
Furthermore, a user can search for territories and
is notified by email if new territories are created ‘on
top of’ him. The territory search makes use of the hi-
bernate criteria technology to efficiently execute com-
plex searches (combination of multiple search criteria
over many databases). By doing so, an user can ex-
plore different parts of the city and their social co-
hesion. Territories can be assigned properties like
‘isHidden’ to allow citizens to exclude their territory
and the linked service from public view. This feature
may be used e.g. in the service ‘senior citizen part-
nership’ which would otherwise give criminals easy
The search function supports owner-related,
location-related and service-related attributes. When
a new territory is created, users with their residence
inside this territory are identified. If these users
have activated email notification, they are informed
by email to explore the new territory. Figure 6 shows
how the underlyingER-diagram looks like to store the
necessary data. A user may also join existing territo-
ries. He can only join, if the territory related to the
service includes the user’s residence.
Public crime and fear of crime is common in larger
cities. In section 2 we have presented some funda-
mentals, how a low level of social control correlates
with the size of the population. Besides other aspects,
this is an important factor in crime and felt crime
level. Furthermore, the bystander effect may prevent
help in the case of emergencies.
To strengthen social control we suggest the Com-
munity Watch Service (CWS) Framework. The ser-
vice framework enables citizens to form territorial
communities. Every participant in the CWS can join
communities related to his place or create own terri-
tories. Such a community is linked with certain func-
tionality. For example, in one community, informa-
tion about planned construction sites is distributed to
the participants by the city administration. Another
community service deals with damage to public prop-
erty: Citizens report damage while employees of the
city administration track these issues and fix them. A
third possibility is local emergency helpers, who re-
spond to help requests.
In this article we described the conceptional archi-
tecture of the Community Watch Service and its real-
ization as a first prototype. A full implementation of
this service and a field test remain for future work.
Even without a full CWS system in the field, user
surveys can give a first indication of how a concrete
territorial service bundle should look like. First ac-
ceptance tests with residents could be conducted with
mockups of the user interface.
The mobile aspect of CWS hasn’t been discussed
in this paper that much but holds a significant poten-
tial. There are many appliances thinkable. A very
sophisticated way of integration CWS in a mobile ap-
plication (next to just locate yourself and show the
map on the Android-based mobile phone) is shown in
figure 7.
Figure 7: Augmented reality in combination with territorial services.
The user sees through a camera display the real
world with a digital overlay of territories above him
- he might feel safer since he is walking through the
supervised neighborhood NW-Block 17’.
With regard to existing social networks, like e.g.
Facebook, the CWS concentrates on real social rela-
tions: the identity and the residential address of per-
sons participating in the CWS are validated. Only lo-
cals are allowed to participate in territories. The as-
pects of belonging together present in local neighbor-
hoods, local commitment and informal social control
are strengthened.
From a technological point of view, CWS is an
open framework (available for standard web browsers
and Android based mobile phones) which is using dif-
ferent existing web-services. CWS and all the web-
services employed rely on flexible rights management
services which handle location and group-based ac-
cess requests. Today, none of the existing commercial
social networks provides this functionality. The in-
dependence of an existing commercialised social net-
work with given APIs leaves the freedom of devel-
opment completely new functionalities like searching
for new services/territories nearby. Yet, CWS could
be coupled with or added to the existing function-
ality of a social network - provided the rights man-
agement services of the social network are flexible
enough and extended with territorial functionality -
because in the end - the people that are assigned to
local territories, connected with each other indirectly,
are potential customers of a social network.
The research leading to these results has received
funding from the European Community’s 7th Frame-
work Program FP7/2007-2013 under grant agreement
215453 – WeKnowIt.
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