Oliver Heuermann
, Wolfgang Fengler
and Reinhard Langmann
Computer Architecture Group, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Ilmenau, Germany
Dept. of Electrical Engineering, FH-D University of Applied Sciences, Duesseldorf, Germany
Keywords: MLDesigner, Discrete event simulation, Analytical modeling, Reliability, Lifetime extension, High power
tubes, Klystron, Magnetron, Thyratron, Accelerator, x-ray tubes.
Abstract: This position paper describes research activities in the scope of targeted lifetime extension of components
which are used in medical devices and systems as well as in high energy physics. The considered medical
areas are mainly in the therapy field as well as kV-imaging diagnostics. The focus of the analysis of medical
machines and systems with high-power tubes is on the x-ray-radiation or rf-power performance. On this
occasion, the operational behaviour of such tubes is of special interest. In this paper a methodology will be
presented to examine the specific influence of service life-determining parameters. For the implementation
of the methodology a discrete event simulation is constructed using the realtime design tool MLDesigner
from MLDesign Technologies, Inc. Studies can be carried out with regard to the tube service life in different
components. The simulation shows that the targeted specific influence on the service life-determining
parameters can prolong useful service life of a high power tube.
1.1 Motivation
As part of research work at the Computer
Architecture Group of the Technical University
Ilmenau (Technische-Universität-Ilmenau) the
default behavior of high-power tubes used in
medical equipment is investigated. The focus of this
research work aims on the development of new
business and application models for service life
extension of equipment in medical technology. To
develop appropriate additional sensors and condition
monitoring concepts, it is especially necessary to
provide a detailed look at the life-defining
parameters. With the help of modeling a realtime
discrete event simulation, the theoretical
assumptions of the research work, meaning, that by
means of a targeted control of service life-
determining the parameters, the whole useful service
life of high power tubes can be extended essentially,
will be investigated. The expected outcome of this
investigation is the consolidation of the theoretical
assumptions by means of an appropriate physical
experiment. The implementation of all required
information about the tube specific life-defining
parameters will improve the uptime of high power
medical systems.
1.2 Context
Functions in a medical system (eg radiotherapy
equipment, particle therapy, computed tomography,
mammography and angiography equipment) use, for
diagnosis or treatment, high-power tubes such as
klystrons, magnetrons, thyratrons, x-ray tubes, and
linear accelerators. The flow of diagnostic and
therapeutic applications is to be modeled and
investigated by means of a simulation. An
investigation of the relationship between the
loadprofile of a system and the service life of a tube
used in that system is possible.
Partial models for hardware and software of the
control system as well as of the electronic and
electromechanical components are necessary.
Exemplary models of high tubes are established and
inserted into the simulation system (Figure 1).
Partial models are to be interchangeable (see also
Section 2.1, Figure 6) for use in simulations for
different application fields. In Figure 1 a typical
structure of a high-power tube-driven medical
system is shown.
Heuermann O., Fengler W. and Langmann R..
DOI: 10.5220/0003458503950400
In Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH-2011), pages
ISBN: 978-989-8425-78-2
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: MLDesigner simulation structure overview.
It is necessary to establish a basic tube model for the
simulation tool MLDesigner (MLDesign Technologies,
Inc. 2007), as well as the implementation of
predefined algorithms and methods for evaluation of
the tube-data (Heuermann, 2006). The tube data
used for the simulation model consist of a tube-
specific set of transfer characteristic curves like
heater curve (filament voltage and current), uP
(relation between filament power and cathode
current at a given tension), efficiency, gain, electron
beam focussing currents, current density with a
given emitter material and -dimension at a certain
tension as well as specific cathode activation
schedules to convert carbonates to oxide and
evaporation rates (see for example Figure 5 and
corresponding equation (1)). The required tube data
set has to be measured for each tube, digitized,
approximated and can then be used to build a tube
simulation model.
The structure of the system model is done in
several phases. The first priority is the development
of a basic tube (realized in the block “Tube”, Figure
1 and the equal to the block
“Roehrenumgebung_AX#1” in Figure 6), complying
with a typical x-ray tube, just the way it is used in
most cases in practice. Based on these results of the
modeled tube, an optimized design is created, in
which the predetermined factors affecting service
life-determining parameters are changed selectively.
By a direct comparison of the two models, with and
without optimization, a very accurate statement on
the expected life of such a tube for a certain
loadprofile is possible (Wippler, 2007, Krestel,
The life of vacuum tubes, used to produce radiation
(reception, screening, treatment and therapy) in the
medical technology, is determined to a large extent
by the emission of the cathode. During the period of
usability, in all type of tubes, directly as well as
indirectly, heated cathodes, and “cold” emitting
cathodes, a reduction of the electron emitting
material can be noticed (eg filament evaporation rate
and barium evaporation rate). Some of the service
life-determining parameters for the vacuum tubes
used in medical technology are as follows:
X-ray/Carbon nano tubes:
anode roughening, anode heat capacity,
filament evaporation rate, scan-seconds
load (load profile), temperature, timing,
They have a finite, but not in all applications
reliable, predictable service life and must be
replaced by the facility to ensure availability.
High Power Tubes:
cathode roughening, barium evaporation
rate, beam-seconds load (load profile),
temperature, gascomposition/vacuum
quality, ion back-bombardement, timing,
They have a finite, but unpredictable service life and
must be replaced at short notice by the facility to
ensure availability (Heuermann, 2010).
In the field of x-ray tubes, there are procedures
for lifetime prediction known, e.g. used in high
resolution CT-systems (Figure 2). The analysis of
input vectors, taking into account disturbance
vectors, generates output vectors. These output
vectors do reliably produce predictable lifetime
calculations with high confidence. In prior art
solutions mostly the condition monitoring is
restricted to the view from the “outside” on the
physical behaviour of the tube (Heuermann, 2006,
Figure 2: TubeGuard@CT structure overview.
In the field of high power tubes, usually the
resistance of the heater coil is measured. With the
SIMULTECH 2011 - 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and
knowledge of the used materials and the dimensions,
a thermal model can be created and the cathode
surface temperature of the direct heated tungsten
filament can be calculated. The emitter deterioration
(Figure 3) is based on sensor data of tube current
and filament current (Siemens Guardian Programm,
Figure 3: Measurement of emitter deterioration.
This procedure is used for the calculation of the
cathode surface temperature, from which the
tungsten evaporation rate is dependent. The results
are limitedly usable for the cathode but not
sufficiently accurate for calculating the anode
surface temperature.
Many disturbance vectors, such as tube-stray
distribution, time dependant varying parameters of
the tube itself, and different ambient temperatures of
the object to be considered, alter the thermal balance
of the system, which is used for the calculation. As a
result, a heating scheme materializes that does not
match the actual existing surface temperature. As an
example (Figure 4) a thermal investigation done on
an e-gun is presented. The simulation was performed
by the manufacturer of the e-gun with a
COSMOS/M model. Cathode is 40°C, other points
20°C higher in the specific tube model. This results
in a shorter predicted service life. On the other hand,
if the model does not reflect the real thermal balance
the cathode temperature could be much higher. As
an example for the given dimensions of the used e-
gun, back-heating as a cause of ion-back-
bombardement (beam but no RF: 50°C, beam and
RF: 110°C) adds 60°C to the cathode surface.
As an example of the importance of accurate
surface temperature estimation, the effects in a
klystron will be explained as follows:
For a nominal surface temperature given with
890° C, production of only 50° C more temperature
on the surface results in twice as high barium
evaporation (Figure 5 and corresponding equation
(1)). The same is true for all types of high-power
tubes (klystron, magnetron, thyratron, accelerator),
which use barium enriched materials as an electron
Figure 4: Mismatch between simulated and measured
temperatures in an e-gun assembly.
emitter in the gun because of the low work function.
This released barium is deposited on the cold
spots in the tube and provides gradually a reduction
of dielectric strength in the tube. The result is a high
voltage low impedance breakthrough (so called
arcing) (Heuermann, 2007, 2010).
f(x) = 2 E-08 x
– 8 E-05 x
+ 0,116 x
84,73 x
+ 30547 x – 4 E+06
Figure 5: Example of evaporation rate vs. temperature.
Researchers working on that topic, also
published solutions like continuously measuring the
µP (micro perveance) and keeping the cathode
current to 98% of the nominal value (Wright,
Oiessen, 2000). Another solution is to implement
thermo-couples in the cathode surface structure
(Noguchi, 1996).
These solutions represent the state of the art in
the field of condition monitoring for electron tubes.
The usual practice today is that tubes, depending on
the type (x-ray, klystron, magnetron, linac,
thyratron), are assigned to according maintenance
contracts, which stipulate an exchange at a certain
time. It is the top priority of the equipment
manufacturers, to avoid tube-failures of this manner
from the very beginning. However, there is no
possibility to ensure a complete avoidance of
incidents. This is why, in so called unavoidable
circumstances, one would like to have at least a big
enough lead time, to ensure the exchange can be
made before there is a downtime of a system.
The hospital-specific diagnostic and treatment
requirements are implemented into the simulation
environment. The daily routine of a clinic is
considered in the simulation, as well as a statistically
spread patient number, the load profile given by
logging files recorded over months will give all
necessary operating points. In a first step, manually
selected load profiles are used, the interface for on-
site recorded load profiles (.tua files = tube history
records) is in work.
Particularly interesting is the implementation of
the "optimization". The calculation of residual life is
based on the fact that all calculated life-critical
values are afflicted with an error reflected from
practise of about + -15%. This is due to
manufacturing tolerances of the tube and its
environmental factors. The thermal balance
calculated with the knowledge of the geometries and
materials does not show the correct value for the
surface temperature of the anode plate or the cathode
surface. The "optimization" deals with the
simulation exactly as before, but with a smaller
error: + -2%. This error is the assumed total residual
error of the measurement chain (pyrometer,
operational amplifiers, AD-converter) to measure
the surface temperature (Heuermann, 2010).
Creating a discrete event simulation, which is
extended and detailed as well as driven by real load
profiles from customer sites, enables reliable
investigations. The work has shown that
MLDesigner (MLDesign Technologies, Inc. 2007) is
the right tool for the reconstruction of the technically
physical processes within a medical system.
MLDesigner offers the possibility to use Markov-
Chains for the network theorem based system
(queuing networks with parallel and serial service
units) and probability tools like Poisson-distribution
as well as random generators for the patient arrivals.
During observation, it soon becomes clear that
the topic is a classic optimization problem. It is a
balancing act between maximized service life (carry
out the exchange as late as possible), and realizing
the avoidance of potential downtime. A statement of
this quality on the life of a high-performance tube
can not be given to this day in a satisfactory manner.
The existing studies and investigations are only
estimates and approaches. The complex relation-
ships and calculations within such a tube are seen
analyzed and evaluated from the outside of the tube
(Wippler, 2009, Heuermann, 2006).
The underlying research work pursues a
fundamentally new approach. This means a direct
view on the processes within the tube, instead of just
estimating. This allows examining the condition of
the tube much more in detail, with the result that the
statements on the processes are significantly more
related to reality.
A simple example is the surface temperature of
the cathode. So far, the temperature is calculated
according to complex procedures. Despite all
precision and complexity of observation, the result is
still estimation. The idea of the research works
however is just to measure the surface temperature
of the cathode. Thus, it is possible to respond to
changes almost immediately. The model to be
developed will shed light on whether it is precisely
this optimization, that will be prove decisive for the
substantial extension of the economic life of a high
power tube.
The realization of this comparison is carried out
by two simulation models. The basic model
corresponds to the current usage of high power
tubes, ie without any optimizations. Based on that
first developed basic model, a model extension is
designed. This serves a direct comparison between
the basic and extended model. These extensions
include the optimizations as discussed. Thereafter,
the data of the two simulation runs can be compared.
With the optimization, a service life extension
should be observed under normal circumstances. In
the simulation a very flexible block structure was
realized: An adaptive application environment (rep.-
rates, cathode/anode current, filament power,
patients/h etc.), a flexible exchangeable tube model
block and a load block which reflects the required
energy (e.g. 23MV, 21MeV, 160keV ect.) within an
individual diagnostic- or treatmentplan was
developed (Heuermann, 2007, 2010).
Figure 6: Encapsulated simulation environment for
SIMULTECH 2011 - 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and
The simulation run for a klystron (Figure 7) and a x-
ray tube (Figure 8) shows patient count per hour,
statistically spread over one day, machine load
profile, actual condition of the gun and the anode.
The optimization option was off. Within the
optimization option two specific calculations will be
used. Once the exact cathode surface temperature
and second the gas pressure inside of the tube. Both
parameters will give the control system the most
significant service life-determining parameters. The
rate of change of µP and ion-back-bombardement
will indicate how fast the cathode is loosing
emission (Heuermann, 2007, 2009, 2010).
Figure 7: Simulation run example for a klystron.
Simulation result for 21MeV treatments (7,5MW
peak pulse power within 7µs beam-on-time) with 12
working hours, 260 working days, 4 patients per
hour, 13 minutes patient changing time:
Real beam on time: 807 hours
Useful service life: 3455 days in total results in
13,29 years
Reason for failure: end of life condition µP <= 1,56
Figure 8: Simulation run example for a x-ray tube.
Simulation result for angiography diagnostic,
(15kW peak beam power within 10 sec. scantime)
with 12 working hours, 260 working days, 8 patients
per hour, 5 minutes patient changing time:
Real beam on time: 1 hour
Useful service life: 46 days in total
Reason for failure: heater overcurrent caused broken
In the field of high-power tubes there is a large
development potential regarding service life
management and condition monitoring services to be
A targeted control of the service life-determining
parameters extends the life of high-power tubes. As
proof of a life extension, a simulation model is used,
which provides information about the behavior of
service life-critical parameters. Results produced by
the simulation model are transferable to reality and
can be used in a practical implementation. The
simulation shows that a targeted control of service
life-determining parameters influences the overall
lifetime of a tube. In a next step, real load profiles
recorded at customer sites will drive the tube model.
These load profiles reflect the daily routine in a
hospital with the individual patient distribution and
their diagnostic and therapy schedules and, as a
result, the real tube load. This novel approach will
improve the uptime of medical systems. First results
from single x-ray-tube systems (CT, Angiography,
Fluoroscopy and Mammography) show that in case
of direct heated cathodes the predictive maintenance
works well. In case of multiple tube systems like
radiation therapy machines, at least three high power
tubes are used in one system, the proposed specific
methods for life extension of equipment and systems
in medical devices will increase the uptime
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SIMULTECH 2011 - 1st International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and