Verena Stein, Robert Neßelrath, Jan Alexandersson and Johannes Tr¨oger
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence - DFKI GmbH, Saarbr¨ucken, Germany
User-centered design, e-Inclusion, Computer-assisted vocabulary learning, Visual impairment, Auditory feed-
back, Vocabulary acquisition, Orthography.
For visually impaired people it is both usable and effective to study foreign language vocabulary and spelling
with an auditory e-learning device. Amongst visually impaired computer users there is a growing preference
for the screen reader over the braille line. Unfortunately, this exposes them even less to the written word.
However, spelling is considered one of the biggest challenges for visually impaired people who study a foreign
language. Existing computer-assisted vocabulary learning software is often designed for sighted users and
information is lost when they are accessed with a screen reader. This paper discusses the successful evaluation
of a prototype of an auditory vocabulary and spelling trainer (AVoS) and explains how essential it is to involve
the target group in the development process. The paper presents the results of an online survey amongst 88
adults with visual impairments in Germany. The survey clearly indicates who would benefit from an auditory
vocabulary and spelling trainer and which features would make it usable.
Reading text on the screen is not the same as having
it read aloud by text-to-speech technology. While the
content is available in both cases, orthographic infor-
mation is lost when text is read by a screen reader.
This is disadvantageous to visually impaired people.
In the second language (L2) classroom, especially
spelling is often challenging for the visually impaired
(Couper, 1996), (Moodley, 2004), (Nater and Th¨ale,
1994). For sighted people it is easy to encounter writ-
ten words in a foreign language. A learner of En-
glish, for example, can choose from a great selection
of printed learning materials, they can read newspa-
pers and books, and have access to English websites.
For the visually impaired, however, this is a differ-
ent story. Materials in braille are expensive as they
need to be printed with special printers. Due to the
limited demand, not everything can be converted to
braille. When it comes to language learning, Bogus-
law speaks of a great shortage of materials suitable
for learners requiring non-visual methods” (Bogus-
law, 2000, p. 1). Computer technologies are hence
This work has been funded by Kohlpharma GmbH. The
opinions herein are those of the authors and not necessarily
those of the funding agency.
a true blessing for those with vision problems. With
assistive technologies such as a screen reader or a
braille line (device displaying embossed writing), vi-
sually impaired people can access a great deal of
internet content and software applications just like
sighted users. However, the screen reader is com-
monly perceived as more usable than the braille
line because it is faster and requires no extra hard-
ware (Moodley, 2004). This creates a dilemma:
visually impaired users have difficulties spelling in
a foreign language yet they often access foreign
language in a way that hides spelling. What is
more, computer-assisted vocabulary learning (CAVL)
software—as a way to specifically address ortho-
graphic shortcomings—is often designed for sighted
users. So whether CAVL programs are accessed with
a screen reader or a braille line, the user experience
for the visually impaired is altered. Shinohara has
analysed how blind persons interact with technology
and finds that “[...] functional equivalence might not
account for the meaning of the mode of interaction
for particular users of specific contexts. (Shinohara,
2009, p. 66).
This explains the need for a customised CAVL
software that focuses on two important aspects for
visually impaired language learners: (1) usable ac-
Stein V., Neßelrath R., Alexandersson J. and Tröger J..
DOI: 10.5220/0003480804620467
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (ATTeL-2011), pages 462-467
ISBN: 978-989-8425-50-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
cess mode, that is, have a primarily auditory output
and an optional braille output, and (2) efficient learn-
ing strategies, that is, focus on L2 vocabulary and or-
thography. Just how would a CAVL program teach
spelling via the auditory channel? Is this perceived
as usable by the target group? Following a user-
centered design approach, AVoS, an auditory vocabu-
lary and spelling trainer, has been developed, yielding
very promising results in a first prototype evalution
(Stein et al., 2010). It highlights orthographicalerrors
through means of prosodic enhancement. To ensure
usability for the target group, they have been involved
in the design process.
This paper motivates the development of AVoS by
providing a clear profile of the needs of the target
users. Section 2 describes the situation of visually
impaired CAVL users from a didactic and usability
point of view. Section 3 discusses the methodology
adopted in the development of AVoS in which the tar-
get users play a central role. Section 4 presents the
results from a first prototype evalutation and from an
online user survey conducted amongst 88 visually im-
paired adults. Section 5 concludes the paper by sum-
marising the main results and providing insights for
future research.
This section describes which features make a CAVL
program successful for language learners, especially
when they are visually impaired. It further discusses
didactic and usability aspects, hence justifying the
central importance of involving target users in design
process of an auditory CAVL tool.
2.1 Computer-assisted Vocabulary
Learning for the Visually Impaired
Explicit vocabulary study is an efficient way of in-
creasing proficiency in a foreign language (Laufer,
1997), (Nation and Newton, 1997). It allows to
study form and meaning of words simultaneously.
This method allows to define a clear learning goal
and measure progress—two features that keep the
learner’s motivation high, as demonstrated in various
studies (Bandura and Cervone, 1983), (Lord, 1982).
Moreover, explicit vocabulary study allows to repeat
words in spaced time intervals in order to ensure long
term retention (Ebbinghaus, 1885), (Pimsleur, 1967).
A model that allows for this type of explicit vocabu-
lary study is Leitner’s “hand-computer”, a comparted
box with flash cards. The target language is written on
one side of the card, the definition on the other side
(Leitner, 1972). This model works well for all lan-
guage learners and there are various CAVL programs
that make use of this system such as Phase 6 (Gorin,
2011) or Vokker (Vokker, 2010). There are even pro-
grams that are specifically designed to be used by vi-
sually impaired users such as the vocabulary trainer
recommended by the German braille line manufac-
turer Papenmeier (Papenmeier, 2011). However, all
programs that have been reviewed by Stein (Stein,
2010) have one of two shortcomings. (1) Contents
and learning strategies: spelling—as an integral part
of vocabulary study—is not addressed adequately. (2)
Navigation and usability: the program is not screen
reader friendly or not usable when the output mode
auditory. Subsections 2.2 and 2.3 discuss these issues
in more detail.
2.2 Didactic Aspects
Learning vocabulary requires mastering a word’s
meaning, form and use (Nation, 2001, p. 27). As
was discussed earlier, especially learning the ortho-
graphic form of a vocabulary item can be problem-
atic for visually impaired people. First, they are not
exposed to the written word as much as sighted lan-
guage learners. Second, CAVL tools do not ade-
quately address the issue of spelling. There is a ten-
dency to relate orthography to reading and approach
the spelling task from a visual point of view. This
is reflected in the visual nature of orthographic feed-
back in many CAVL applications. Specific errors are
usually pointed out visually (Stein, 2010). There is
evidence that this might not always be the best way.
Shuren found that “written and oral spelling share the
same central processes [...]” (Shuren et al., 1996, p.
52). This means that whether one reads a word or has
is spelled out orally, the same parts of the brain are
activated. Bosman et al. suggests that oral spelling
might be superior in the spelling acquisition process
(Bosman and Orden, 1997, p. 10). Arter et al., who
more specifically discuss the issue of spelling for chil-
dren who have visual impairments, come to a similar
conclusion, stating that “[f]or blind children and audi-
tory approach would be more appropriate” (Arter and
Mason, 1994, p. 20). Other studies discovered that
spelling and phonetical awareness are closely related
(Bosman and Orden, 1997), (Katz, 1989). This means
that spelling errors are usually phonetically plausi-
ble. Moreover, in order to spell correctly in a foreign
language, one needs to have phonetical awareness in
that language. A study by Thomas and Dieter reveals
that the best practice for acquiring good orthographic
knowledge is writing correct words (Thomas and Di-
eter, 1987). The interactive nature of a computer pro-
gram allows to practice writing words and can give
immediate feedback in terms of orthographic errors.
From what has been discussed above, it seems sensi-
ble for this feedback to be delivered via the auditory
channel, if visual is not an option.
2.3 Usability Aspects
E-learning devices can add to the learning task the
dimension of interactivity while the learner can still
proceed studying at their own speed. In order to truly
benefit from an e-learning program, it must be consid-
ered usable, that is, “useful, efficient, effective, learn-
able, satisfying, and accessible” (Rubin and Chisnell,
2008, p. 4ff.). The most important aspect is probably
usefulness since no one will engage with a program
that does not help them achieve a relevant goal. How-
ever, if any of the other aspects is not in place, the user
experience is not likely to be a good one. The pro-
gram must be both efcient and effective. That is, it
must keep its promise and help the user with their task
but must do so in a reasonable amount of time. All
the while, the program should be learnable and satis-
fying, i.e. focus on key elements in a simple and en-
gaging way. The aspect of accessibility is especially
important when designing software for users who are
visually impaired. They have three access modes to
the computer, namely, (1) screen magnifier, (2) braille
display, and (3) screen reader. A screen magnifier
can only be used by those who have some vision left,
a braille display only by those who are braille liter-
ate, and a screen reader can be used by all visually
impaired users. Many who know braille choose to
use braille and text-to-speech technology together,i.e.
they navigate with a screen reader and read words
words with a braille display. Thus, screen content is
available to the visually impaired with the help of as-
sistive technology. However, as Shinora (2009) notes
“[s]imply replacing one interaction mode, such as the
display of text on a screen with a functionally equiv-
alent mode as in speaking text aloud, is not necessar-
ily equivalent from the point of view of user experi-
ence. (Shinohara, 2009, p. 66). Hence, navigation
and contents of a CAVL application for the visually
impaired should ideally be designed for the intended
output mode. “[E]xcept for a very limited range of
products, ‘design for all’ is a very difficult, if not of-
ten impossible task (Newell and Gregor, 2000) as
cited in (Shinohara, 2009, p. 61). Since the screen
reader is experienced as usable by the majority of vi-
sually impaired people, it can then be concluded that
e-learning navigation and content should be adapted
primarily for auditory output.
2.4 Problem Formulation
For CAVL programs to be usable for visually im-
paired users, they should be fully accessible with a
screen reader and still focus on the orthographic form
of words. It is didactly plausible to deliver ortho-
graphic feedback via the auditory channel. To find
out which feedback works best and which additional
features render a CAVL application usable for the vi-
sually impaired, target users must be involved in the
development process. This is why a user-centered-
design approach has been adopted in the development
of AVoS.
In order to address the needs of the visually impaired
target group, the primary output mode of CAVL pro-
grams should be auditory but still be able to teach
orthography. It is important to involve the users in
the design process to make sure the solution is for
them. How can an orthographic error be corrected
via the auditory channel? Is this as efficient as the vi-
sual highlighting of errors is for sighted users? More
importantly, is this option usable? Who would bene-
fit from an auditory vocabulary and spelling trainer
and how? Answers to these questions can best be
found in collaboration with the target users. There are
two strands of research that require user involvement.
First, the target user must be adequately described.
Second, the program must be evaluated in terms of
its usability aspects. We have adapted a user-centered
design approach following the suggestions by Rubin
at al. (Rubin and Chisnell, 2008, p. 12ff.). One cy-
cle in the design process describes the following four
Step 1: define goal / concept.
Step 2: implement the idea.
Step 3: conduct user test.
Step 4: evaluate the results.
In the development of AVoS, the cycle has been
completed one and a half times already. The remain-
der of this paper reviews the findings from the first
cycle and describes the transition between steps 1 and
2 of the second cycle.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
The goal is to design a usable CAVL software for the
visually impaired. This means that the primary output
mode should be auditory. In terms of content, there
should be a good balance between addressing vocab-
ulary items with regard to their meaning and their or-
thographic form.
4.1 First Cycle (Completed)
The key objective of the first cycle in the develop-
ment of AVoS was to evaluate the basic concept of an
auditory CAVL application for the visually impaired.
Details of this study can be found in (Stein, 2010).
The evaluation of an AVoS prototype took place
under controlled testing conditions at the Carl-Strehl
Gymnasium in Marburg, Germany. 15 visually im-
paired pupils from levels 6 to 9 participated in the
study, aged 12 to 16. The evaluation was divided
into three parts. (1) The subjects were asked to com-
plete a questionnaire to enquire about their vocabu-
lary study and computer usage habits. (2) Test per-
sons worked with the AVoS prototype and completed
a pre-test and a post-test to measure their progress.
This served to measure both spelling and vocabulary
performance objectively. To this end, a randomised
and controlled [2 x 2] factorial between-groupsdesign
was adopted. The subjects were assigned randomly to
one of two orthographic feedback conditions: simple
auditory feedback (S-AF) and prosodically enhanced
auditory feedback (PE-AF). In the S-AF condition,
words were spelled aloud in the case of a spelling er-
ror. In the PE-AF condition, words were also spelled
aloud in the case of a spelling error but the errors were
located by prosodically enhancing their position. (3)
The students filled in a questionnaire to report their
user experience.
The following gives an overview of our findings
from the evaluation upon the completion of the first
cycle in the AVoS development.
(1) What are Typical Vocabulary Study and Com-
puter Usage Habits among Visually Impaired Lan-
guage Learners? The test subjects of this study
relied extensively on braille reading and list learn-
ing when studying foreign vocabulary and orthogra-
phy. They did not benefit from index cards in braille
script or from the auditory output of the PC. Further,
subjects singled out spelling as their biggest handi-
cap in the L2 classroom. In terms of mental ortho-
graphic representation, they indicated that they pic-
ture spelling both haptic and auditorily. When us-
ing the computer, the test subjects relied on both the
screen reader and the braille display but prefered the
screen reader. Spelling errors in computer documents
were commonly corrected using the spelling option of
the screen reader or the brailler display, again with a
preference for the screen reader.
(2) Do Test Subjects Improve their Vocabulary
and Spelling Performance when They Use AVoS?
Does the Prosodically Enhanced Feedback Have
any Effect on Performance? Working with AVoS
improvedboth vocabularyperformance(Pillai’s trace:
F(1;9)=129.452, p<0.001 (two-sided)) and spelling
performance(Pillai’s trace: F(1;9)=129.898, p<0.001
(two-sided)) significantly between the pre-test and
the post-test. The prosodically enhanced audi-
tory feedback (PE-AF) contributed to a significantly
larger learning gain for spelling performance than
the simple auditory feedback (S-AF) (Pillai’s trace:
F(1;9)=5.030, p=0.026 (one-sided)). For vocabulary
performance no difference between the two condi-
tions was found. Subjects who received the prosod-
ically enhanced feedback were able to correct their
mistakes faster. However, this result was not signifi-
(3) Which Features of AVoS Work Well and which
Could be Improved? The test subjects classified
the design of the feedback generally as usable, irrel-
evant of which testing condition they were assigned
to. 14 out 15 test subjects indicated that they would
like to work with such a tool to study vocabulary and
spelling. They pointed out that they found it helpful
that the entire word was spelled after a mistake, that
words were repeated until they were known, that they
had access to several control options, and that they
could only move on to the next word once the correct
word had been entered. In terms of the general sys-
tem design, most subjects commented positively on
the diversity of the feedback utterances, while some
found this feature somewhat annoying. The missing
braille line was not a problem, it was rather seen as
a benefit by some subjects. The speech synthesis that
was adopted received largely negative comments and
should ideally be replaced by better voices.
4.2 Second Cycle (Partially Complete)
The key objective of the second cycle in the devel-
opment of AVoS is to improve the protoype and al-
low for more sophisticated user interactions. Again,
before doing any implementation work, it is impor-
tant to re-assess the needs of the target group. From
the evaluation in cycle 1, there are indications as to
which improvements of AVoS are desirable. How-
ever, the evaluation has been conducted among only
15 school children. This explains the need to evalu-
ate a more global demand of an auditory vocabulary
and spelling trainer. To this end, an online survey has
been conducted, using the barrier-free tool soscisur- The survey has been completed by 88 vi-
sually impaired adults out from which 77 sets of data
could be evaluated. The youngest test participant was
10 years old, the oldest was 74 years old and the mean
age was 38.4 (SD=13.794). The majority of test sub-
jects had achieved a university degree (29.5 %) or
completed high school (16.7 %). Also, most partic-
ipants specified their braille literacy as “very good”
(67.9 %). Test subjects were asked to answer a total
of 18 questions concerning their vocabulary learning
and computer usage habits, and their usage of vocab-
ulary learning software. Further, in an open-ended
question, the subjects could indicate which features
were important to them in a CAVL application.
(1) What are Typical Vocabulary Study and Com-
puter Usage Habits among Visually Impaired Lan-
guage Learners? The results from the online sur-
vey show that language learners with visual im-
pairments struggle significantly more with acquiring
spelling of an L2 vocabulary item than with acquir-
ing its meaning. Consultation of the chi-square dis-
tribution χ
(df=1)=12.737 shows that the probability
of observing this difference is significant on a level
of p<0.01. In terms of finding spelling mistakes in
a text on the computer screen, more test participants
indicated that they find the mistake from the mispro-
nounciation of the text-to-speech synthesis rather than
finding it with the braille display. On a scale from
1 (never) to 7 (always) of how often they apply ei-
ther method, the mean for the screen reader was 4.59
(SD=1.814) and for the braille display it was 4.19
(SD=2.134). Tested against the middle value 4 (some-
times), the deviation was significant in the case of
the screen reader (t(67)=2.674, p<0.01 (two-sided)).
Further, there is a statistically significant correlation
between how well visually impaired people know the
braille script and how much they like to engage in for-
eign language study F(1;72) = 4.052, p<0.05 (two-
(2) Which Features are Desirable in an Auditory
Vocabulary and Spelling Trainer among Adult
Learners? 68 test subjects answered this question
and mentioned the following features as making a
CAVL application usable for them: pronounciation
help 48.5%, orthographic feedback 30.9%, screen-
reader friendly 25%, context of the vocabulary item
20.6%, flash card method 23.5%, simplicity of the
program 19.1%, braille line access 17.6%. Further,
some test participants noted grammar help, display of
progress, online dictionary, free of charge, and rich
contrast for the display.
(3) How can the Findings from the User Survey be
Implemented into the AVoS Prototype? Based on
the results from cycle 1 and the results from the on-
line survey, the following additional features should
be included in the next prototype of AVoS:
Pronounciation Help. Provide formant text-to-
speech synthesis in the according language to al-
low a more natural pronounciation.
Intermediate Pronounciation. Include a func-
tion to listen to the word ‘so far’. Visually im-
paired people can easily pick out spelling er-
rors from the misprounounciation of their screen
reader. This feature could help them to verify their
input easily before submitting their answer.
Braille Line Access. Usability for screen reader
and braille display. While the screen reader is of-
ten prefered, good accessibility via braille line is
also needed.
Context. Present vocabulary in the context of a
sample sentence. This could be achieved via ex-
ternal links to online dictionaries.
4.3 Next Steps
The results of the online survey give some great in-
sights about the vocabulary learning and computer us-
age habits of visually impaired adults. Moreover, it
provides some valuable information about what fea-
tures are needed within a CAVL application in order
to render it usable to the target group. This shows
how important the interaction between the developers
and the end users is. It is simply not enough to have
theoretical knowledge about the target group.
Following the survey among adult language learn-
ers with visual impairments, a survey among visually
impaired children and youth will be conducted. This
should identify whether their needs in terms of vo-
cabulary learning and computer usage differ. Once
the new features are implemented in the next AVoS
prototype, it will again be evaluated with visually im-
paired users. In order to reach a larger group of test
subjects, the evaluation would ideally be carried out
online. Moreover, it would beneficial to conduct a
longitudinal study and compare the effect of AVoS to
that of traditional CAVL software.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
It has been discussed that for visually impaired lan-
guage learners, it is both usable and effective to
learn vocabulary and spelling via the auditory chan-
nel within a computer-assisted vocabulary learning
(CAVL) application. Auditory is the prefered access
modality to the computer screen for manyvisually im-
paired people. Unfortunately, this makes spellings of
words invisible. Yet orthography is a major challenge
for many visually impaired people in the L2 class-
room. This explains the need for a CAVL tool which
is designed specifically for auditory output and can
still provide adequate orthographic feedback. In or-
der to design a program that truly reflects the needs of
the target users, they must be involved in the devel-
opment. A prototype of an auditory vocabulary and
spelling trainer (AVoS) has been evaluated with 15 vi-
sually impaired pupils yielding promising results in
terms of the usability of the program. Further, an on-
line survey amongst 88 visually impaired adults pro-
vided insights about the vocabulary study and com-
puter usage habits of the target group. It has been
found that many people find spelling errors in texts
on the computer screen due to mispronounciations of
the screen reader. Finding such as these can be used
in the further development of AVoS. The overall goal
is to provide a CAVL software for visually impaired
users that allows them the same benefits sighted users
receive from traditional software. This e-inclusion
technology could potentially bridge the gap the two
user groups in the realm of computer assisted vocab-
ulary and spelling learning in the L2 classroom.
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