Ricardo José dos Santos Barcelos and Liane Margarida Rokembach Tarouco
IFF - Instituo Federal Fluminense, UFRGS Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Campos, RJ, Brazil
Keywords: Algorithms, Mobile devices, Mobile education.
Abstract: Teaching Institutions are up against challenges of an advanced technology of learning with the objective of
improving the efficiency of the teaching-learning process. Joining the students’ learning style to the
technologies is important to improve the educational process. This work presents the advantages of using
mobile devices, associated with the students’ learning styles. The learning which is carried out with the use
of mobile devices makes it possible for users to learn at anytime and anywhere.
The use of ICTs in the teaching of algorithms was
made possible through the supervision of the
teaching-learning process of this subject at Instituto
Federal Fluminense, in Campos dos Goytacazes,
when it was able to verify the huge difficulty
experienced by the students. The creation of
environments which support this learning is of great
interest, since the knowledge construction process
necessary to the production of algorithms for
programming constitutes an arduous task to the
student, as (Bercht et al., 2005) emphasizes.
There is consensus, among the teachers of the
area, that it is not enough to present an algorithm in
an explanatory way on the board in order to be able
for the student to comprehend it completely, and to
create similar or derived algorithms from that,
neither to become capable of resolving problems
with these instruments (Barcelos and Tarouco,
2009). This work presents the use of mobile devices
to the teaching-learning process of algorithms.
The use of mobile devices as an educational
resource is not trivial because the features of the
pieces of equipment differ substantially from the
ones which are normally used at home and in labs at
schools, chiefly by the size of the presentation area
of the visual pieces of information. Another factor to
consider is the process of transference of the
educational content in a thriftier way, because the
cost of access to the Internet, via cell phone network,
is still very high in Brazil. In this work, it is related
an experience in which it was explored another way
to transfer learning material to students’ mobile
device, using the wireless technology called
Bluetooth and SMS.
(Caudill, 2007) states that mlearning can be
defined as learning through the use of devices and
the wireless technology. According to (Boyinbode et
al., 2008), this learning through mobile devices
(Mobile learning) is observed due to the fact it is
without the permanent physical presence within the
educational process.
To make explicit mobile learning is to define the
use and possibilities about the way how the mobile
technologies will be inserted into the educational
process. (Valentim, 2009) points to the potential that
these technologies enable in terms of learning
strategies such as constructivism, interaction,
curiosity, complexity, collaboration, challenge.
In a learning context for mobile learning, even if
the mobility is one of the pillars, various other
factors must be considered like: i) learning along the
time; ii) the informality and iii) the appropriation of
knowledge by the student.
The use of mobile devices within the learning
process has been performed as a support to the
presential learning, though, the purpose of this work
is to make observed the formal learning of the
school environment, that is, the students have got the
possibility to “download” the learning objects onto
mobile devices for, from then on, these to be
accessed for learning at the moment when the users
consider it to be more appropriate.
This work investigated the use of the Bluetooth
connection that is faster, of easy access for the
José dos Santos Barcelos R. and Margarida Rokembach Tarouco L..
DOI: 10.5220/0003483104980505
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education (UeL-2011), pages 498-505
ISBN: 978-989-8425-50-8
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
student to share data among the various mobile
devices, like: from cell phones to cell phones, laptop
to PDAs, laptop to cell phones, laptop to
smatphones. The SMS technology was also used,
which is the transmission of text messages –
maximum of 160 characters for the sending of
solution of problems, incentive messages, notices of
tasks already performed. The MMS technology
makes it possible the sending of educational objects
with formats besides texts and videos.
According to (Sharples, 2007), the future
educational applications and services will need
resources to make it easier its use, like: to download
materials in different types of format, text, voice and
video, to “run” without the use of adaptations, as
well as to make feasible the reduction of the cost of
access to the Internet because the characteristics of
the functionality of the devices differ from
Figure 1: The convergence Technology and Education.
Figure 1 shows the investigations of this work,
which embody the programming subjects, in
particular in the learning of algorithm, the learning
styles, in particular the students’ ways of learning, as
well as the mobile devices technology, besides the
insertion of the mobile technologies for the learning
refinement. The intersection of these areas is
investigated in the teaching of algorithm and
corresponds to the way how the students learn by
using technologies.
The learning of algorithm has been presenting at
IFF one of the largest indexes of failing. A survey
carried out by the author, at IFF-Campos-RJ, in the
technical course and higher education courses,
points out the presented results in Graphic 1,
encompassing the four late semesters between the
first semester of 2008-1 and the second semester of
Graphic 1 shows, in the semesters 2008-1 to
2009-2, the percentages of failing in the Computer
Science Technical Course, from 2008-1 to 2009-2,
the average of 34% of the failing of algorithm
students. This has become a motivation for an
investigation work aiming at the improvement in
students’ learning. This work investigated the use
Graphic 1: Failed ones in Algorithms.
of new technologies in groups of this universe for
the improvement of the teaching-learning process.
The reasons for this high level of lack of success
are not specific ones of the area. In general,
(Valentim, 2009) and (Jenkins, 2002) observe that
the students do not present self-assurance in the
organization of reasoning, elaboration of strategies
for solving problems, attention, concentration,
stimulus to the process of mental calculation.
Thereby, the skills involved in this process, such as
trying, observing, conjecturing, deducing, and that
constitute what we call logical reasoning, not being
appropriately developed, they interfere in the
learning of practically all cognitive areas, but,
especially, they affect this area of knowledge.
On the other hand, the students show a unique
self-assurance concerning the use of technological
resources. To nullify this difficulty, taking
advantage of the students’ motivation and vocation
for the use of technology, new strategies have been
investigated regarding the use of computer science
resources in education, in order to enhance skills
which aim at the development of the reasoning,
according to (Grabe et al., 2009).
The objective of this work is to make it available,
through the Bluetooth technology, the pedagogic
materials of algorithms to the mobile devices. In
parallel, the students are registered by their cell
phone number so that they receive short texts and
messages through the SMS. Texts are sent to absent
students from presential classes, informing them
about the topics taught in presential lesson and
assignments to be developed. Also it was used the
sending of educational objects by MMS.
The use of this learning way is considered, in this
work, as being a support to the classroom lesson.
According to Azubel (Azubel, 2002), this resource is
indicated to the improvement of learning in two
moments essentially different: (1) right after the
initial learning, when part of the forgetting of the
content can occur, in order to consolidate the content
learned in a more efficient way and, also, to
originate the learning of gradations and subtle
implications, not learned in the first presentation; (2)
after a certain time, when a considerable forgetting
can occur, making it possible for the student an
opportunity to take advantage of (to avoid posterior
presentations) his/her own awareness of negative
factors (such as ambiguity or confusion with similar
ideas) responsible for the possible forgetting.
Various peculiarities are important in the
learning process of algorithms as it follows: i)
coherence with the fundamental objectives of
algorithms and that the teacher must build in the
operationalization of this learning for the students:
i.1) to express in an objective way the ideas, the
concepts and the techniques to the students because
if the teacher presents the algorithms in a confusing
way (confusing ones) in the presential class or by
using transparencies, the students do not understand
the resolution of problems involving this learning
and the expected results of the proposed algorithms
are not clear in students’ responses; i.2) to highlight
the importance of the theoretical results and show
formal rigor in the situations, even in the simpler
ones; and i.3) to valorize the use of techniques in the
resolution of problems; ii) to highlight the critical
thinking, a care to be observed, because the students
own little experience in the resolution of problems
involving mathematics and tend to believe any
demonstration. This kind of behavior must not be
stimulated. It is essential that the students have
critical thinking on any resolution of problems and
are stimulated to obtain new solutions for the same
problem. It will be from healthful doubts and of a
new resolution and perception that the importance of
the theoretical work will be presented. Still in that
sense, a valuable resource is the set of exercises
which make it possible for the students to identify
argumentation failures, errors in algorithms or
algorithms that would be made better; iii) the theory
put into practice. The experience shows that the
students, in general, do not feel themselves
motivated as they consider the learning of
algorithms to be extremely abstract, then, it is
believed that it is important to use real examples as a
didactic resource.
That group of factors is the one that makes it
possible the improvement or the lack of success of
the learning. First of all, it is essential to
comprehend what an algorithm is. Its definition
becomes, thus, important to have a perfect
comprehension of these peculiarities, because the
algorithm is a sequence of instructions in order,
without ambiguities, presented in a logical way for
the resolution of a determined task or problem. The
algorithm is a mathematics formulation, a piece of
code, and finds itself located between the input and
output to transform the first into the second. It is the
way for the solution of a problem and, in general,
through these ways several solutions can be
Initially, it was investigated the students’ age of two
Computer Science Technical Course class groups
Level 1 – Morning and Level 2 – Afternoon at
Instituto Federal Fluminense. The students’ age,
according to Graphic 2, presents four eighteen-year-
old students, six students of the 16-17 age group and
three of the 28-29 age group. In this case, there is a
heterogeneity with regard to the group of students,
because whereas the 15-19 age group can be
regarded as being digital natives, the 45-50 age
group, according to (Prensky, 2001), is characterized
as digital immigrants.
Graphic 2: Algorithm students’ age Level 1 Daytime.
In Graphic 3, with the Level 2 students, this
discrepancy of age does not take place, because all
students can be characterized as digital natives since
the age is between sixteen and eighteen years old.
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
Graphic 3 - Algorithm students’ age Level 2 Daytime.
Using MLE, Bluetooth and SMS – In stage 1, the
construction of a quiz (questions) about algorithms
with images and sounds using the MLE (Mobile
Learning Engine) was the solution presented in this
work. This system is open source (code free font);
free of charge and with capacity of personalization,
and the access to MLE by cell phone is done through
Bluetooth technology. The MLE is available in two
languages, German and English and offers various
tools, as it is shown by following the items: i)
Didactic Material: It constitutes of a set of pages,
ending with a question with answer alternatives. ii)
Quiz: It is a multiple choice test, true or false, and
questions of short answers. Each attempt is
automatically checked and the teacher can choose by
which way the interaction with the student will
occur, i.e. the answers will be sent, or to present the
right responses to the immediate student’s
Through the MLE, a special learning object is
constructed called Mobile Learning Objects (MLOs)
that can be stored into the cell phone and
subsequently used, without any connection to the
Internet. This way is considered as off-line. The
learning through the MLOs implements all the MLE
functionalities, including: interactivity among
instantaneous questions with automatic correction,
answer to quizzes, simple and multiple choice
Learning objects – shaped like videos – were
sent and made available to the students with the
following topics and time duration: i) introduction,
time – a minute and six seconds; ii) types of data,
time – two minutes and thirty-six seconds; iii)
sequence, time – two minutes and fifty seconds; iv)
repetition, time – two minutes and sixteen seconds;
v) decision or selection, time – three minutes and six
seconds; vi) refinement, time – two minutes.
The use of SMS technology in this project was
used in various categories. Three categories of
themes to send SMS messages by cell phone were
1. Administrative Messages: They are content
messages specifically about the operational and
administrative part of the course. For instance,
messages informing the availability of the contents,
activity hand-in deadline, and the contents taught at
the presential lesson etc. Example of messages sent:
i) Two days left to hand in the assignment about
If…Then…Otherwise; ii) The content of the August
04th presential activity was the construction
If…Then...Otherwise; iii) Today, August 11th, we
are starting the If…Then…Otherwise.
2. Pedagogic Messages: Content messages
related to the subject of the course. For example, tip
about sites with related content, reading suggestions
etc. Example of messages: i) Send a message to a
classmate about which questions of the assignment
you have already done; ii) Ask another classmate
which questions of the assignment he/she has done;
iii) Do you have any difficulty about the problems to
be solved?
3. Motivational Messages: They are messages
that enable the motivation for the learning and the
resolution of proposed problems and the individual
objectives: i) messages which rouse students’
interest in the learning of algorithm. ii) messages
that are usually out of the context of the course like,
for instance, “have a good holiday” or “U had a
good performance in the activities grade 8,5” iii) Are
you going to solve problems this holiday?; iv) When
you are to solve problem 5, try If…Then; i) Have a
good weekend!; Enjoy the holiday!.
The work had as a return text messages sent by
SMS, by phone-call or by e-mail. Example of
messages of replies sent by students: i) Thanks for
the Information; ii) Nice holiday! 4U2.
The learning object constructed to be used on
mobile devices demanded a series of observations
like: size of characters, colors, sounds, among
others. The sequence of Figures 2, 3, 4, 5 presents
the contents on the mobile device.
Figure 2: Representation of data types.
Figure 3: Example of algorithm using logical expressions.
Figure 4: Example of sequencing algorithm.
Figure 5: Example of algorithm using priority.
Besides this technique of videos with contents of
algorithms, demonstrative videos of functioning
were produced using one of the techniques called
Table Test, presented by (Szwarcfiter and
Markenson, 1994) and (Medeiros and Dazzi, 2002),
that consists of following instructions of the
algorithm in a sequential and accurate way, storing
the possible values of the variables to verify the
procedures used in the designing of the algorithm.
Figure 6: Table test on the mobile device.
Figure 7: Table test on the mobile device.
Figures 6 and 7 show the construction sequence
of the table test. This test makes it possible to
compare the results to the objective of the algorithm
and the possible errors during the execution. The
teachers also use them in learning environments
through the web. It is a technique which prioritizes
the visual perception.
As soon as the students were informed about the cell
phone use as an educational device, the reaction was
CSEDU 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education
very reticent because they do not “believe” and also
do not understand how the cellular could be used in
educational activities. In so far as they acquired
knowledge about the methodology to be used, it was
observed that the learning with the use of
technological resources and the attitude changed.
The results appeared from individual interviews
with the students, taking into consideration punctual
questions like the use of the student’s cell phone
(access, didactic-pedagogical perspectives, interface,
cooperation, synchronous and asynchronous tools,
adequacy and usability. It was observed that only
one of the students did not have a cell phone with
the Bluetooth function. Initially, the students were
apprehensive with regard to learning by using the
mobile devices for the learning and also how the
pieces of information about this content, that is, how
to learn using these devices, not only with theory,
but also to resolve problems. Miscellaneous
students’ accounts were important in this work:
Student F1: “I did not have a hard time using my
cellular, but how are we going to learn?”. Student
M1: “The activity was very interesting, because the
classes are always the same”. Student M2: “I was
convicted of not having a flowchart of algorithm in
the cell phone”.
The results obtained showed that students own a
developed technological view, and the relations of
them with the videos were the best ones because
they manifested the desire to access and watch the
video related to the content to be taught in the
presential lesson of the day.
We can state that the students identified
themselves with the format of the objects, mainly
when they had entire knowledge of their learning
styles. Thus, they requested the materials that would
better provide them with learning; however they also
accessed other format of objects.
Under the aspect of the used technology, the
students presented difficulty in the transmission of
videos notebook/cell phone. In this methodology,
they pointed out the delay to “download” the files
into the devices. In the execution of the system,
problems appeared due to the low memory of the
cell phones regarding the size of the file to be sent.
Some of the difficulties in the construction of the
educational objects are related as it follows: i) the
diversity of cell phone models. In relation to the
materials to be consulted by the students, there was
the necessity of installing the software Java in two
cell phones – program required for the mobile
devices, as they did not contain the necessary
“plugins” to run the materials, that is, the devices
which do not ‘run” files with .doc, .pdf. format. The
solution found was to convert the files with .txt
extension (in text format), though, in a short way,
because in this format they do not contain the
illustrations of the original material, serving just as
fast consultation about the concepts over specific
Another difficulty reported by students was the
cost, in the case of the sending of SMS to other
students and teachers, impairing the interactivity.
Concerning the educational difficulties, the students
“would like to have more consultation material
during the learning out of the classroom”, more
didactic material, i.e. videos with other contents of
In a general way, the students understood that the
use of this technology for the learning was of great
importance and they expect that its use converts
itself into positive results in their performances in
the learning. The fifteen students answered the
questions on a Saturday and Sunday and on their
way work/school and, mainly, when they did not
have access to the computer.
With regard to the male students’ learning styles,
only one with visual and kinesthetic learning style as
well as male student with preference to the auditory
learning style did not obtain approval.
Concerning the female students’ learning styles,
only one with visual and kinesthetic learning style as
well as male student with preference to the auditory
learning style did not obtain any approval.
The failed students were interviewed and
reported that the experience regarding the
knowledge of their own learning styles was
beneficial to the learning and attributed the weak
performance to extra-class problems, because they
missed the examination. Though, they even reported
that would like to keep on in the process and be re-
evaluated based on the support with educational
Graphic 4 shows the result in the subject of
Algorithms of the students of the Computer Science
Course in the year 2010-1 that the performance was
satisfactory, because in the year 2009-2 the index of
failing was of (29%) and in the year 2010-1 this
index was of 13%.
Graphic 4: Performance and algorithms 2010-1.
Through accounts, the students attributed to the
satisfactory performance in this subject several
factors, as it follows: i) the use of mobile devices
making it available the access to the course content,
what enhances the motivation and learning
opportunity, as the performance shows. Practically
by just one click, contents are found which permits
students to learn wherever they are, despite the
limitations of the home responsibilities, work hours,
trips etc. Besides, since the students achieved the
success and progress through exercises, they state
that they have being motivated to learn more by the
use of pieces of technology; ii) Another factor was
the strategy of learning of algorithms in an
individual way made possible by the convergence of
information and communication technology with the
strategy used; iii) the learning of algorithms through
the opportunity of interaction among the students.
The availability of the learning objects must include
the opportunity for the students to interact with other
students and with the teacher in order to report the
difficulties and the solutions found in the resolution
of the proposed problems. The students understand
that the mobile devices are becoming integral part of
the teaching.
The use of mobile learning in the teaching of
algorithms led to a significant improvement on the
students’ performance, because it made possible the
collaboration, giving a good opportunity for the
support of multimedia such as videos, graphics. The
learning through the mobile devices in consonance
with the students’ learning styles, as well as their
motivation with the insertion of this technology
made the teaching of algorithms more attractive and,
consequently, made it possible to improve the
Regarding the fifteen level 1 students, fourteen
students participated actively of the assignments and
thirteen obtained approval without need of a third
exam to be retaken. It can be, therefore, stated that
the experience contributed to the development of the
logical thinking and made it easier the supervision of
the academic trajectory. It was verified in these
students the improvement of the abstraction, of the
logical reasoning and of their learning performance,
confirming a differential with regard to the ones who
did not take part into the project, even though,
evidently, other factors can also have interfered into
the learning.
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