Designing a Distributed Student Collaboration
Selma Limam Mansar
Information Systems, Carnegie Mellon University, Doha, Qatar
Randy S. Weinberg
Information Systems, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Benjamin Gan Kok Siew
School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University, Singapore, Singapore
Keywords: Global project management, Global team, Collaboration tools, Mind map, Instructional activities, Learning
outcomes, Assessment, Reflection, Evaluation criteria, Cross culture, Conflict management, Team
assignment, Motivation, Grading rubrics.
Abstract: The authors have taught a course called 'Global Project Management' for four years, engaging students in
three international locations in hands-on distance projects. The distance projects are intended to provide
students with enriching, realistic global project experience. With experience, improved planning and better
coordination, each iteration of the distance projects has improved. In this paper, the authors present lessons
learned and a mind map demonstrating key aspects of design of global hands-on projects.
Working with distant colleagues on global projects
adds complexity, especially when they may be
culturally diverse, subject to varying technology
constraints, and demonstrating various work styles
and skills. Universities increasingly recognize the
importance of training a global work force. Students
in many university disciplines can benefit from
exposure to the cross-cultural, communications,
collaborative technologies and project management
considerations of a global project.
However, facilitating such learning in a global
project is neither a trivial nor easy venture for
collaborating instructors, who themselves are not co-
located. Having taught a course called 'Global
Project Management' for four years across three
universities – in the United States, Singapore and
Qatar – the authors, have gained valuable experience
in designing realistic and interesting collaborative
projects for students.
In this paper, we discuss lessons learned and
propose a mind map to represent key elements to
consider in design of collaborative, distance projects
in an academic setting.
Over the past decade, an increasing number of
academic 'global experience' courses have been
offered in the broad areas of information systems
(IS), information technology and computer science.
Published articles on these courses indicate a variety
of learning outcomes, design of projects and
operational details. Two emerging types of
contributions are particularly notable:
-Experiential papers that describe various projects,
their execution and lessons learned.
-Conceptual papers that use distance project
experiences to derive frameworks, attributes or
factors influencing outcomes.
Limam Mansar S., S. Weinberg R. and Gan Kok Siew B..
GETTING TO GLOBAL YES! - Designing a Distributed Student Collaboration.
DOI: 10.5220/0003490702290234
In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2011), pages 229-234
ISBN: 978-989-8425-55-3
2011 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 Experiential Papers
(Volkema and Rivers, 2008) describe an e-mail
based negotiation between graduate students located
in the USA (25 students) and Australia (18 students).
The authors emphasize the articulation of expected
and required tasks, availability of contact details
ahead of the assignment, planning the schedule and
length of the experience, designing appropriate
incentives and a follow-up debriefing.
(Chidanandan et al., 2010) describe a global
project course between undergraduates in USA and
in Turkey. The authors describe the course learning
outcomes, collaboration tools, client set up and the
structure of the project. Upon completion, focus
groups were assessed the global experience.
(Damian, Hadwin and Al-Ani, 2006) report an
experience between three universities, in Canada (12
graduate students), Italy (10 graduate students) and
Australia (8 undergraduate, 2 graduate students).
The authors describe the design, learning outcomes,
engagement with real-world project clients,
assessment and evaluation of the course.
(Purvis, Purvis and Cranefield, 2004) describe a
substantial software development project experience
between a German university (29 students) and a
New Zealand university (5 students). The authors
describe the project’s goal and structure, students’
roles, matching of skills, and note the importance of
sharing common course material and setting up a
suitable collaborative work environment.
(Gan, Limam Mansar and Weinberg, 2010)
describe early experience in teaching a global
project management course.
2.2 Conceptual Papers
(Swigger et. al., 2009) explore factors that affect
software development student team performance.
The authors observed global projects between the
USA and UK and between the USA, Turkey and
Panama. In both instances, ten teams of three
students each were formed mixing a total of 150
undergraduate and graduate students. The authors
demonstrate that differences in culture and attitudes
about groups, prior individual experiences and grade
point averages impact team performance.
(Quinones el at. 2009) analyze teams' mental
models of work process in global collaborative
contexts - how tasks should be assigned, how often
and by what modality communication should occur,
how much effort each member should put forth, and
what constitutes team success. Civil engineering
students enrolled in construction management
courses in the USA (9 students) paired with students
in Israel (2), Brazil (3) and Turkey (2). Professors in
remote locations acted as project clients.
(Ocker and Rosson, 2009) explain the
importance of training students participating in
partially distributed teams to anticipate the issues
with team identification, trust, awareness,
coordination, competence, and conflict.
Research and experience demonstrate challenges for
successful global team projects within an academic
course. Some obvious questions: How diverse are
students culturally and in academic preparation?
What will be the impact of differences in calendars
and time zones? What are contractual/legal
constraints for the project? What are the criteria for
assessment? Are the deliverables meeting
expectations explicitly?
At collaborating universities in the United States,
Singapore and Qatar, IS faculty taught co-incident
undergraduate courses called 'Global Project
Management' for four years. To put theory into
practice, students have been assigned to work in
small distributed teams (4 to 5 students drawn across
locations) on a four to five week collaborative
project. Enrollments in the course have ranged from
22 (involving USA and Singapore) to 63 (involving
all three locations). No particular prerequisite in
systems development or project management was
assumed for participating students.
During the first course offering, student teams
were assigned to work with external stakeholders to
prepare project plans for a proposed joint venture
with one of the partner universities. It became
apparent that course logistics, communications, tight
time boxing and managing stakeholder dependencies
substantially reduced the possibility for a satisfying
project experience for the students.
In subsequent years, assigning teams to study
cases in global business ethics, online social
networking, and cross-cultural communications
reduced external dependencies. Ultimately, after
having experimented with a variety of project
parameters (complexity, ambiguity of expectations,
open-endedness, length of project, involvement of
external stakeholders), we settled on a negotiation
exercise as an, effectively bounded, intellectually
interesting, relevant and appealing team project.
(Upton and Staats 2008a), (Upton and Staats 2008b).
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
3.1 Collaborative Project Preparation
Students enrolled in the course have had little or no
experience in global collaboration. For these
students, appropriate preparation for project work
along with controlled project scope and manageable
risks have been essential. We have thus designed the
collaborative experience to begin well before the
students are introduced to their project assignment or
to their distant teammates. Common readings,
icebreaker exercises, preparatory background
readings, sample cases and local practice in
negotiations and cultural awareness lessons have
been coordinated across the three locations.
We quickly learned that contradictory (and not
necessarily compatible) assessment criteria and
grading weights resulted in an uneven level of
student commitment and imbalanced expectations
among distant teammates. We addressed this
through development of common grading rubrics
and like weighting of expected commitment. While
instructors in each location have been responsible
for assigning grades and providing clear feedback to
students, the instructors discussed and reconciled all
team grades to avoid deviations within the same
3.2 Instructional Design
Design and execution of a global team-based,
student project can be described through a basic
triple: a learning objective-activity-assessment
model, as consistent with (Ambrose et al. 2010),
1. Learning Objective: To learn the basic
skills and concepts of effective negotiation.
Activity: An in-class negotiating skills exercise
prepared the students for the negotiation project
(PWHC negotiation exercise 2010).
Assessment: Students prepared a negotiation
position based on an existing case study (with partial
information); negotiated with distant partners and
wrote reports detailing the outcomes and describing
the process; and submitted a statement of individual
reflection. The instructors jointly marked the reports
and reflections based on a common grading rubric.
2. Learning Objective: To appreciate the
importance of culture in a global team.
Activity: Students read and discussed articles and
case studies on cross cultural intelligence before the
negotiation project, students completed an
icebreaker exercise to meet global team members
and submitted a brief statement of reflection.
Assessment (Instructors): Credit was awarded for
participation and performing the icebreaker exercise;
the statement of reflection was graded and obvious
problems, communications issues, student absences,
and the like were noted.
3. Learning Objective: To experience the
practical issues when working in a global team.
Activity: Students viewed and discussed various
videos/papers involving tactical issues in global
team collaboration.
Assessment: Students were asked to meet global
milestones and to submit a final collaborative
reflection on the negotiation and the process. The
instructors marked the report on the quality of the
reflection and insights into lessons learned and
team's management of process, schedules, tools,
absentees and 'problem' people.
Based on our experience designing and teaching
global projects, we propose a mind map to reflect
key elements in project design. It includes the three
essential nodes ‘Learning outcomes’, ‘Instructional
activities’ and ‘Assessment’, plus a fourth node
‘Evaluation / Reflection’ to represent the additional
instructors' debriefing and reflection that takes place
away from students.
4.1 Learning Outcomes
Common Learning outcomes (compatible across
locations), take into consideration the context of the
course as offered at participating universities, which
includes students' experience, prerequisites and
preparation, similar positioning of the course in the
overall curriculum and its relative weight in terms of
credit units, anticipated workload and convenience
for basic logistics.
In our experience, students' motivation across
the institutions generally varies in proportion to the
effort and commitment each student expects to put
forth in relation to the perceived value of the project,
the grade and the overall course.
4.2 Instructional Activities
Preparing students for global projects accounts for a
large part of the outcome and the quality of the
experience. Effective team introductions, cross
cultural awareness, and domain specific background
(negotiation readings/practice) are important.
Common background readings and classroom
activities across locations help set common
GETTING TO GLOBAL YES! - Designing a Distributed Student Collaboration
Figure 1: Global Project Design Mind Map.
expectations and a common base of knowledge.
Designing the project to anticipate problems is
important. Things can, and do, go wrong - students
go missing, lose momentum or procrastinate,
misunderstand requirements, and misplace shared
documents in progress. Explicit and clear project
instructions assessment criteria and notices of
individual accountability are important. Reducing
conflicting advice and instructions from the
instructor team reduces potential misunderstandings.
Small details matter including when, where and how
requirements for submitting team and individual
Finally, working with distant partners requires a
careful choice of useful collaborative tools, plus
appropriate demonstrations and training, if needed.
4.3 Assessment
An assessment strategy must be defined. We have
found in-class debriefing sessions useful to identify
and discuss common misunderstandings and
common issues. We assess team deliverables with a
common rubric and use individual statements of
reflection and peer assessment surveys to gauge
team members' relative contributions..
4.4 Evaluation/Reflection
Mistakes, misunderstandings, contradictory and
unclear communications among instructors and with
students complicate course flow. It is thus important
for instructors to evaluate the effectiveness of the
course, projects, student interactions, results and
methods. The evaluation of such an experience
requires a prior discussion of what should be
evaluated (evaluation criteria) and how it should be
conducted (evaluation strategies). With an eye
toward improvement in the future, attention to
increased efficiency, tightened coordination, better
assessment and reduction of anticipated pitfalls is
In 2010, students were surveyed before and after the
negotiation project. Students were undergraduates in
their second to fourth year of study. 87% of the
students were majoring in IS. Other students were
enrolled in a business, humanities or social sciences
Both surveys included questions about the
experience, including quantitative questions (for
example, "Rank the skills needed for a successful
global project.") and qualitative questions (in the
pre-survey: "What skills do you think you can bring
to the global negotiation project?” "What is
motivating you to take this course?”; in the post-
survey "What was the most rewarding aspect of the
global project?” "What do you think you did well on
your team or on your project", "What would you do
differently next time?", "What did your distant
counterparts do well?"). These questions are
variations on the survey questions described in (Topi
et al., 2010) and (Volkema and Rivers, 2008) and
the skill set listed in (Govindarajan and Gupta, 2001)
and (Gotel, Kulkarni and Phal, 2009).
Students indicated that teamwork skills, project
management skills and cultural intelligence were
expected to be the most important skills for a
successful global negotiation project. Despite
variations in majors and backgrounds, we note that
all three cohorts agreed on the same three skills (1 =
highest rank; 8 = lowest rank). See Table 2.
ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Table 1: Essential Skills for Global Project Management
Experience (pre-survey).
Skill Factors U.S. Singapore Middle East All
Rank Rank Rank Rank
Cultural Intelligence 3 3 3 3
Teamwork Skill 1 1 2 1
Project Management Skills 2 2 1 2
Mastery of English 5 6 7 7
Domain Skill 7 7 5 6
Global Project Experience 5 4 6 5
Collaboration Tools 4 4 3 4
Other 8 8 8 8
Surveys indicated that students were
intrinsically motivated to enroll in the global project
management course (as opposed to fulfilling
distribution requirement or upon recommendations
of friends) and that was consistent across the three
locations. This was a useful predictor for the success
of the experience as research shows that intrinsic
value is a better motivator than the expectation of
some reward or grade (Ambrose et al., 2010).
5.1 Students’ Reflections
Students related a general feeling that the experience
was rewarding and that the course was, despite the
challenges, useful and interesting.
In their written reflections, students commented on
their preparation for the project. We noted that
students seemed to find more challenges in the
planning of the experience (planning meetings,
paying attention to time zones, motivation) and
fewer challenges in classic project management
issues such as the collaboration, planning and
delivery of work products, and the differences in
work ethics. This is a different result from the
survey of senior managers in (Govindarajan and
Gupta, 2001).
While students generally appreciated the ice
breaker negotiation exercise ("I believe getting a
chance to know all teammates through the Ice
Breaker case is a very important first step, which
helped us a lot"), some indicated they would have
preferred an ice breaker that would help them to
know each other more ("I think a more personal ice
breaker would be cool - like learning about team
member interests").
Although all three sites shared common material
and online references, these were not made available
on one common course content management
platform. As one student commented, "having a
common communication media i.e. wiki or vista for
all three schools" would enhance the experience and
reinforce consistent global expectations.
Students noted that understanding partners
culture impacts the team’s collaboration ("...I’ve
also had personal Skype conversations with our
Singaporean counterparts, and they are very fun and
hardworking people. I think what will stick with me
from this global encounter is their work ethic, which
is extremely amazing. "; “Through the ice-breaker
exercise I discovered certain traits, such as openness
in expressing themselves in a conversation: joking
about almost everything, it was decided that we
might have more success if we remain slightly
informal in our discussion…")
Students ranked collaborative tools expected and
used. Students expected to use primarily Skype,
videoconferencing and email. They actually made
little use of videoconferencing, replacing it by
instant messaging. Students noted the usefulness of a
collaborative writing tool such as Google Docs.
Other collaboration tools used include discussion
boards, online file sharing, and wikis.
Students also realized the value of meeting
structure and some facilitation ("Sometimes during
the negotiation, we can encounter a standstill where
everyone keeps silent and not knowing what to
comment on"; "We adopted a role-based style during
the negotiation process, I was in charge of carrying
out the conversation with the other party, my
teammate would input the main details into Google
docs"; "The problem we faced is the lack of ability
to ensure all members are focusing and actively
participating in the conference").
Overall, students reported a high level of
satisfaction with the project ("This experience of
working with students in SE Asia was the best thing
I had ever done in my life. I learned a lot about the
global team project and how to manage working
with people from different parts of the world. I
really hope to have such an experience in the
following years. Moreover, I'm hoping to keep in
touch with my team…"; "Being able to actually
work with students on the other side of the globe and
coming to agreements was very rewarding"; "This
course gave me a chance to experience collaborating
with a person who I might never meet with. This
literally made me feel the effect of
The authors recommend paying attention to three
main instructional challenges: 1) the time effort
GETTING TO GLOBAL YES! - Designing a Distributed Student Collaboration
needed to coordinate and teach a global project is
substantially more than for a local project.
Coordinating calendars, assignments, readings, due
dates, team rosters; grading student work in a timely
and consistent way; providing IT support for video
calls and software tools complicates all aspects of
course preparation and delivery. Intervening when
students find their distance relationships not working
increases complexity. 2) Motivating students to keep
up the global communication through a fast moving
project schedule is a real challenge. Procrastination
and uncoordinated work add to pressure to meet
hard deadlines. Intermediate project deliverables to
demonstrate progress on the project can alleviate; 3)
Managing student problems, such as "global free
riders" are exacerbated. Distribution of work and
responsibility within each team should be carefully
In the future, the authors will continue to
explore how different choices for project design
would influence the global team experience and
The first author would like to acknowledge that the
work for this paper was partly funded by the Qatar
Foundation for Education, Science and Community
Development. The statements made herein are solely
the responsibility of the authors and do not reflect
any official position by the Qatar Foundation or
Carnegie Mellon University.
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ICEIS 2011 - 13th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems